Focusing On Foods That Boost Testosterone Did you know that the foods that men consume can have a dramatic effect on reversing illnesses, diseases and other health and medical conditions that come from the decreased production of testosterone? In fact, according to recent research studies, men can actually eat to boost their testosterone levels naturally.
Because of the major role that testosterone levels play in bone and muscle health, hair growth, male mood changes, sperm production and a host of other effects, it is not uncommon for today’s physicians to recommend these 12 foods that boost testosterone levels in men.
1. Fortified Cereals 2. Beans 3. Beef 4. Cruciferous Vegetables 5. Tuna 6. Egg Yolks 7. Oysters 8. Shellfish 9. Low Fat Milk with Vitamin D 10. Mushrooms 11. Spinach 12. Garlic
1. Fortified Cereals If you are eating for higher T, one of the first things that you need to know is that not all cereals are the same. Cold and hot breakfast cereals can be vastly different in nutrition. So, if you are looking for healthy and friendly testosterone boosting foods to eat in the morning for your breakfast, you may start by having a cold bowl of corn flakes. In particular, a cornflake brand that has already been fortified with vitamin D and at least 11 other vitamins and minerals.
2. Beans
Eating a plate of white beans, black beans or kidney beans are also considered to be excellent for lowering T levels. These plant-based, highly nutritious sources of zinc and Vitamin D will not only protect the heart but are also ideal foods for hormone health. In some situations, men may also like to eat baked beans on a regular basis. However, if this is the case, additional sources of added vitamin D along with other essential vitamins and minerals will be needed to have a well-rounded diet that helps to boost testosterone in the male body.
3. Beef
Many men like to eat beef because it tastes good and a very filling source of protein for the body. While some beef has a bad rep due to the possibility of red meat overconsumption, beef is still an excellent option for eating for higher T levels. Therefore, if you do not want to consume too much or the wrong type of beef source, it is important that certain cuts of beef have the source of nutrients and Vitamin D needed to lower this hormone naturally.
4. Cruciferous Vegetables
Some vegetables are better to eat than others, particularly if these vegetables are considered to be in the class of anti-estrogenic foods. With estrogenic foods like cabbage, broccoli, sprouts, and cauliflower, men can easily get the nutrition that is needed to convert estrogen in the body to a healthier form of testosterone. Therefore, if you are eating for low T health, you should pick and choose the vegetables that are classed as cruciferous vegetables.
5. Tuna
If you enjoy eating tuna, you may be pleased to know that you are already on the right track. Fresh or canned tuna, it really does not matter since both are rich in Vitamin D, protein and its also low in calories. Tuna has been linked to a number of different great benefits including the production of testosterone and longer life in men. Just one serving of tuna is all that is needed to meet the recommended daily requirements of Vitamin D.
6. Egg Yolks
Many studies have encouraged people to ditch the yellow of the eggs and only eat the whites, specifically if they wanted to reduce their cholesterol levels and protect their heart health. Even though this long standing medical advice is good for some, it may not be best for others. This is especially true for those men who do not have a pre-existing health condition that is related to high cholesterol. With that being said, it is important to note that the yolks of the eggs are very beneficial to boosting testosterone levels.
7. Oysters Many people already know about oysters and the reputation that this food has in the hormone world. This is why some men have already added oysters to their food list. Though many people may know about oysters and its relationship to the libido, they may not know the reason why. Having said that, the main reasons for eating oysters is it is a very high source of the mineral zinc. Zinc is an essential mineral that is required in male body, particularly during puberty and as staple throughout adulthood.
8. Shellfish
If you enjoy eating tuna, you may also like shellfish if you are a seafood person. Usually, the seafood connoisseurs like kinds of seafood dishes including crabs and lobster. These foods are perfect for men how want to eat for higher T because they are packed nutrients like zinc so they can meet the daily requirements without having to eat huge servings. For instance, one 3 ounce serving of Alaskan crab can supply 43% of their recommended daily value of zinc.
9. Low Fat Milk with Vitamin D
Vitamin D is an essential key nutrient for many health and medical conditions today. Americans have been encouraged to drink milk on a regular basis in order to make sure that everyone in the family has strong bones and healthy teeth.
In addition to drinking milk for its high vitamin D content, it is also an excellent source of calcium and protein. Therefore, its benefits are considered to be far-reaching, including being a great source of Vitamin D that will help to keep the male testosterone levels in check.
10. Mushrooms
Some people like to eat mushrooms in their spaghetti, on top of a large pizza or they may simply eat mushrooms alone. For those men who can eat mushrooms in all types of different ways, they may be very pleased to know that they are already eating to boost their T levels. Also, take note of the fact that mushrooms are highly recommended for achieving a surge in T levels because it prevents the production of aromatase, which is an enzyme that coverts male hormones to estrogen.
11. Spinach
Spinach is green leafy vegetables that can be found on tables all over the U.S. and abroad. Presently, known for being a vegetable that is naturally filled with magnesium. Magnesium’s role is critical to the reproduction process and in the development of strong muscles in the male body.
12. Garlic
The smell of garlic is often very offensive, specifically in large quantities and closed in spaces. Though it is a spice that may not be pleasant to breathe in, it has added a lot of flavor to many dishes. Garlic is also seen as a solution to many health conditions including lowering blood pressure. For optimum results, garlic should be eaten with high protein sources. Once eaten correctly as recommended, garlic will provided a quick boost in testosterone levels naturally.
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