Services overview & rates
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TETRA-Applications.com Dear Customer, The aspiration of TETRA-Applications.com, which is the world’s leading Internet portal for the TETRA communications technology industry, is to offer the visitors and members of our TETRA Web portal an up-todate and clear overview of the available TETRA applications, solutions, products and services. In addition we also provide daily updated TETRA industry news, an overview of job vacancies, TETRA events, interesting links, relevant business cases, a range of videos/ podcasts and a search engine for written publications on TETRA. Our services enable you to uniquely position and promote your company, its applications, solutions, products and services that are available today and in the future. Wether you offer one single product, a service or a complete TETRA portfolio of infrastructure and terminals, we will make sure you will be seen! We know from experience that it is extremely important to keep the visitors of our portal, as well as our valued members, up-to-date about your TETRA developments, activities, successes, news messages, etc. That is why we offer you a unique way to profile your company and products/solutions with maximum impact and result.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cillum. Tia non ob ea soluad We know what is going on within the TETRA consectetur adipiscing elit, set incommod quae egen ium im communications industry as we directly Officia to many end mo eiusmod tempor incidunt et labore etlink fugiend. deserunt
usersmagna organizations, manufacturers asest well as the Lorem TCCAipsum dolore aliquam. Ut enim ad id laborum. (TETRA and Critical Communications Association). minim veniam, quis nostrud exerc. amet, consecteturWe adipiscin aredolor an active member of the TCCA as we actively Irure in reprehend incididunt ut eiusmod tempor incidunt et labore et dolore aliqua. Ut dolore magna participate in magna the TCCA marketing working group.aliquam. Et ha FACTORenim TUM POEN ad minim veniam, quis nostrud dereud facilis. Ut enim ad m
exercitation laboris nisi ut us asveniam, quis nostrud Therefore,ullamco you might consider the extension of exerc. aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. dolor in reprehend incididun your marketing force by joining one of our membership labore et dolore magna aliqu modules or to choose on of our additional Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit expedit distinct. Nam liber te services. incommunications voluptate velit esse molestaie conscient to factor tum poe
Gert Jan R. Wolf Founder
TETRA-Applications.com Our TETRA Web Portal
Maximum visibility through our supporting websites
Description of our services Since the launch of our TETRA Web portal in July 2010 our website has become the major source for the TETRA communications industry for finding TETRA related news, companies, products, services & applications. We are pleased that we contract the major companies within the TETRA communications industry and our web portal is visited by many thousands of TETRA professionals each week.
Visibility of your company, products and services through TETRA-applications.com immediately means that all your communications messages and advertisements will be displayed at our supporting websites as well. • • • • •
tetra-news.com tetra-manufacturers.com tetra-accessories.com tetra-consultants.com tetra-radios.com
We offer you extra visibility for one price!
Our additional services
As we have received many requests from companies within the Mission Critical Communications Industry to offer them extra services, we happy to offer you extra services such as the publication of your press release and our marketing consultancy services. All these services are focussed on the Mission Critical Communications Industry.
Our TETRA LinkedIn Group
At LinkedIn Groups we support a large group of followers that participate actively in discussions about the TETRA Technology. This group is continuously expanding and has become one of the largest Social media groups for TETRA at LinkedIn. In addition, we work closely with other Groups promoting the TETRA Technology.
TETRA news via Since July 2011 we actively started to communicate messages and press our members via cillum. Twitter.Tia Thenon result of soluad ipsumreleases dolor sitofamet, ob ea Twitter Lorem this is that we now have a significant group of followers. consectetur elit, set incommod quae egen ium im Meanwhile,adipiscing it has become clear that communication of your eiusmod tempor via incidunt et immediately labore et fugiend. Officia deserunt mo news releases Twitter, increases the visits at our website. Since the introduction of our Twitter services, the dolore magna aliquam. Ut enim ad id est laborum. Lorem ipsum amount of visitors visiting our website has almost doubled. minim veniam, quis nostrud exerc. amet, consectetur adipiscin Irure dolor in reprehend incididunt ut eiusmod tempor incidunt et labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut dolore magna aliquam. Et ha CONSCIENTTETRA TO Videos FACTOR TUM POEN minim operate veniam,our quisown nostrud dereud Ut The enim ad m and enim We ad currently Video channel at facilis. Youtube. advantage ullamco of this islaboris that wenisi willutbe able veniam, to uploadquis yournostrud videos exerc. Podcast interviews exercitation and podcasts onto our channel. By adding your video to our aliquip ex ea commodo dolor in reprehend incididun channel, your video willconsequat. instantly and automatically be displayed our the Home page of TETRA-Applications.com as well as on aliqu labore et dolore magna TETRAFlash quarterly our aute otherirure TETRA related websites. Duis dolor in reprehenderit expedit distinct. Nam liber te newsletter in voluptate velit esse molestaie conscient to factor tum poe TETRAFlash newsletter
TETRAFlash is our quarterly news publication that is published online. The newsletter is sent to more than 3000 contacts and also visible through the website of the TETRA and Critical Communications Association. After every publication, we found out that visits of our website increase significantly. This makes it even more interesting for you to advertise with us. TETRAFlash is an ideal way to communicate your messages/news directly to our database contacts and to position your company as one of the serious players within the TETRA Communications Industry.
TETRA-Applications.com Membership pricing
Pricing Our various membership modules offer you the flexibility to position your company in the best possible way and within the best available budget. Your membership includes many advantages, From communicating your news messages, product releases, job vacancies to online positioning of your company, products, solutions and services and ...much more. A comprehensive overview of our membership modules can be found on page 4. Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
€9 € 29 € 49 € 79
Membership rates are per month
Logo Advertisement pricing * One month free advertising in Platinum membership
At our Home page we offer you the possibility to advertise with your company logo or product picture. Your advertisement will also be displayed at our supporting websites, as mentioned above (section: more visibility through supporting websites) as well as on a number of sub-pages of our portal. The visitor of our website will constantly be confronted with your logo and your message on our home page(s). 1st line advertising 2nd line advertising 3rd line advertising
Press Release service
1 month € 290 € 260 € 230
3 months € 260 € 230 € 200
6 months € 230 € 200 € 170
For many companies within the Critical Communications Industry, the publication of a press release does not belong to their core business. As we understand the industry, your company/products, your business relationships and competitive environment, we are uniquely positioned to write and publish your press release. 1 Professional Press release 3 Professional Press releases 5 Professional Press releases
€ 129 € 297 € 397
Inclusive: Publication, SEO optimized, Approved by you, UK english, quick turnaround time.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cillum. Tia non ob ea soluad TETRAFlash consectetur 1/1 Page article including picture € 500 adipiscing elit, set incommod quae egen ium im 1/2 Page article including picture € 275 advertisement or eiusmod tempor incidunt et labore et fugiend. Officia deserunt 1/4 Page article including picture € 200 mo publication Included in Gold & Platinum membership dolore magna aliquam. Ut enim ad id est laborum. Lorem ipsum minim veniam, quis nostrud exerc. amet, consectetur adipiscin Irure dolor in reprehend incididunt ut eiusmod tempor incidunt et labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut dolore magna aliquam. Video upload at our Video upload at our home page(s) € 500Et ha CONSCIENT TO FACTORenim TUM POEN minim veniam, facilis. as Ut well enimasad m home page Onead month visibility of quis yournostrud video in our dereud video section * included in Platinum membership exercitation at our Home page and supporting ullamco laboris nisi ut websites. veniam, quis nostrud exerc. aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
dolor in reprehend incididun labore et dolore magna aliqu Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit expedit distinct. Nam liber te Our RSS newsfeed on RSS newsfeed subscription (per month) € 75 in voluptate velit esse molestaie conscient to factor tum poe your website Decide what news you would like to have visible on your website and implement our newsfeed in your website. Contract for 6 months minimum Pricing is excluded from implementation costs.
E-mail shoot to database
E-mail shoot
€ 750
We offer you a direct way to communicate your special articles to our database of more than 3000 TETRA Industry Professionals.
Delivery specifications advertisements & website data
Articles & pictures for TETRAFlash
All articles can be delivered in Pdf, Word, Text Editor or Pages. Pictures for publication in TETRAFlash need to be delivered in high resolution, preferably more than 2mb.
News messages and press releases
For online publication, we accept news messages and press releases in Pdf, Word, Text Editor or Pages via e-mail. Please, note that we only accept pictures in Jpg and TIFF format.
Please note! Delivery
We do not accept Quark Xpress documents. Without any problem we can accept files smaller than 15MB. If you wold like to sent us files larger than 15MB, CD-Rom’s can be sent to our postal address.
Website information Who visits our website and reads our publications? Returning visitors
Average time on website
The visitors of our our TETRA web portal, our social media sites and our TETRAFlash newsletter are in general International Communications Professionals from all levels who are interested in the TETRA communications Technology. Approximately 39% of our visitors re-visit our Web portal in order to browse our database and to read our news section. On average, our visitors stay more than 3,5 minutes at our Website.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cillum. Tia non ob ea soluad consectetur adipiscing elit, set incommod Website Many thousands of TETRA professionals from morequae thanegen 160 ium im eiusmod tempor incidunt et labore et fugiend. Officia deserunt mo countries have visited our web portal. The majority of our geographics visitors originating from Western Europe, Northern Europe, dolore aliquam. UtEastern enim adEurope,idAsia. est laborum. Lorem ipsum USA,magna Southern Europe, minim veniam, quis nostrud exerc. amet, consectetur adipiscin Irure dolor in reprehend incididunt ut eiusmod tempor incidunt et labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut dolore magna aliquam. Et ha TO Circulation FACTORenim TUM The TETRAFlash POEN publication will be distributed to more than adcontacts. minim veniam, quis nostrud dereud Utvisible enim ad m 3000 Each edition of TETRAFlash willfacilis. also be TETRAFlash at our website and laboris it will benisi published on the website of the exerc. exercitation ullamco ut veniam, quis nostrud TETRA + Critical Communications Association. aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. dolor in reprehend incididun labore et dolore magna aliqu Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit expedit distinct. Nam liber te in voluptate velit esse molestaie conscient to factor tum poe
Contact Membership & Advertising
TETRA-Applications.com Dragonweg 57 2215 BN Voorhout The Netherlands Gert Jan Wolf Tel: +31642108561 E-mail: gertjanwolf@tetra-applications.com Skype: gertjanwolf
Membership Pricing TETRA-Applications.com
Company contact details
visibility of your company logo, name, address, city, country, telephone number & website address in our search engine
Basic company profile
short description of your company in 300 characters
Visibility on all our TETRA Web portals
visibility of your company and solutions (if applicable) on all of our web portals (tetra-news.com; tetra-manufacturers.com; tetraradios.com; tetra-consultants.com; tetra-accessories.com, etc)
Your company to be found via our search engine
visitors of our portal can instantly find your company via our search engine, by selecting the right labels and/or keywords
Sales lead generator
request for information about your company or/and solutions will directed to you, via our online e-mail form.
Communicate your press releases and messages via Social Media
via Twitter and LinkedIn Groups we communicate your press releases and messages
Your products/solutions to be found via our search engine
visitors of our portal can instantly find your solutions by selecting the right labels and/or keywords
Support desk
online help-desk available on weekdays between 9AM - 17PM
Extended company profile
extended description of your company in 1500 characters
Upload company solutions
amount of uploads of your TETRA solutions, applications etc, you wish to have displayed at your portal
Basic products/solutions description
short description about your solutions with a maximum of 300 characters
Extended products/solutions description
extended description about your solutions with a maximum of 1500 characters
Upload supporting documents
upload the following documents; PDF, Word, Excel, Power Point, etc. to enhance your company and/or solutions profile (maximum 2Mb/document)
Upload your TETRA case studies
upload your available case studies in pdf (maximum 2Mb/ document). NOTE: this feature is expected to be available in Q3 2011 for gold and platinum members
Promotion article in TETRAFlash newsletter
TETRAFlash will be distributed to more than 1000 members globally and will be promoted via our own website and third party websites.
10% Advertising discount
discount on logo banner-advertisements that are shown on the home page and below the news messages of all our web portals
Publication of your company home page and our special video page One month Free Advertising
your logo advertisement visible on the home page of all our web portals and some of our sub pages
Upload additional pictures
upload of additional pictures in order to enhance your company or products/solutions profile
Job vacancy posts
profile your jobs vacancies related to the TETRA communications Industry at our job portal.
Price per month