World Congress News The 9 th TETRA World Congress
25 per cent bigger … With over 2000 registered visitors and over 80 stands, this year’s TETRA World Congress is the biggest yet – a 25 per cent increase on the 2005 Frankfurt event. Tom Davies, Event Director, said: “Madrid is proving to be the most successful TETRA World Congress to date, and the level of interest from public safety and industry from all parts of the world proves that this technology continues to go from strength to strength.” “We are delighted by the attendance, not only because of the numbers but because of the countries represented,” said Phil Kidner, TETRA Association CEO. “This cements TETRA as a truly global standard.”
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
EADS first with high speed data transmission EADS Secure Networks has transmitted high-speed data over its TETRA network – the first company in the world to do so. EADS has developed its high speed data capability based on the TETRA enhanced data service (TEDS). It can be introduced by a software upgrade. The product concept proves that a two-way video transmission, for example, will be possible using a single TEDS carrier of 50-kHz channel bandwidth. EADS will support both 25-kHz and 50-kHz channel bandwidths. EADS’ TEDS radio works in existing EADS TETRA network infrastructure – no hard-
ware has been upgraded in the TB3 base station. “In 2004, we introduced the world’s first TEDSready TETRA base station. We promised to develop highspeed capability for existing EADS networks as a software upgrade.
We are delivering on that promise now,” said Jean-Marc Nasr, Head of EADS Secure Networks. 1 First from EADS. Find out more on Stand I
Driving TETRA forward 3
Europe takes second place as TETRA goes global Figures released today by the TETRA Association show that the technology is now present in 94 countries – 56 of which are outside Europe. It’s a solid success story for the standard so long regarded as ‘European’. The Asia Pacific and Middle East regions show the fastest growth, with contract numbers increasing by 57 per cent and 43 per cent respectively since September 2006. With the spread of the technology comes the di-
versity, and while public safety remains the largest market, growth is most marked in the Commerce & Industry and Oil & Gas sectors, both of which have increased by almost 50 per cent. Phil Godfrey, chairman of the TETRA Association, said: “TETRA’s consolidated success in Europe has provided a firm foundation for the technology to make its mark around the world. With knowledge shared and expertise exchanged, the market is gener-
Inside this issue: • Specialist solutions • Danish decision • First ISI certification
ating its own momentum. From just over 200 contracts in 2002, today we are reporting over 1400*. “Whilst we now expect to see TETRA technology safely in charge of national public safety, the private networks are proving increasingly popular as industry and utilities realise the benefits of secure, interoperable and proven systems.” Recognising the importance the Asian market, the TETRA Associa-
tion’s Technical Forum met for the first time outside Europe this year, in Shenzhen, and in September will hold simultaneous meetings in Europe and China linked via video conference. Next year’s TETRA World Congress will be in Hong Kong. Celebrating its tenth anniversary, this is the first time the TETRA World Congress will be held outside Europe. *Figures compiled from information provided by TETRA Association members
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