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Table 4-7 – Project 1 Basic Analysis and Timeline
Table 4-7 – Project 1 Basic Analysis and Timeline
Challenges Data gaps Time frame, key dependencies
Masterplan to be developed for the wider site before progressing
Land acquisition Pre-feasibility study
Site surveys and technical studies
Market study Short, medium and long-term
In the short-term land for the site should be acquired and a detailed plan for the site should be created. Thereafter, the necessary infrastructure to facilitate the industrial and VC activities should be implemented. Further expansion of the industrial site should occur in the medium to long-term
Source: Atkins
SUED Principles
Climate change interactions and approaches
The key risks to this project from climate change are changes in temperature and precipitation (drought and flood events) which can impact on-site water demand, and flooding can inundate critical infrastructure such as roads and power supplies. Including green-blue infrastructure features, such as swales (SuDS), increases the industrial park's resilience to flooding. Future drainage networks associated with the development should make an allowance for increases in acute rainfall events and the potential for flooding. Flood risk assessments should be carried out to ensure the proposed development plots are resilient to flooding. The wooded areas will provide shade and some cooling which will reduce the urban heat island effect on the site, however, increased temperatures pose a risk to the health and productivity of workers. This should be accounted for in designs of future development plans of each industrial unit, for example through heat stress awareness and education programmes, although this is outside of this project's scope.
Social inclusion interactions and approaches
The new green industrial park will provide an opportunity to support the local economy by creating new jobs and businesses opportunities. To be an inclusive green industrial park, it should:
> Communicate in a timely manner with local residents and adjacent businesses about the implementation schedule of the project to mitigate the disruption of traffic and transport services, everyday life, and economic activities. This communication should be in a format and language accessible for all; > Provide social infrastructure e.g. accessible toilets and infrastructure, childcare services and mothers’ rooms, and follow social performance standards in relation to social inclusion, gender equality, labour conditions, and community dialogue;59 > Ensure a good relationship with the community.
Develop programmes to improve social aspects within the local community and provide accessible communication platforms; > Ensure adequate working conditions in line with national and local laws and standards. Guarantee equal working opportunities for all people, e.g. respect the 5% quota for PWDs’ inclusion; > Ensure that workplaces are accessible for PWD and provide accessible working infrastructure and equipment; > Maintain health and safety in work spaces and implement regular training and audits, including on gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH); > Provide opportunities for skills development, particularly for women, youth and PWD i.e. technical and vocational training (TVET) and apprenticeships; and > Develop users’ satisfaction and complaints forms as feedback mechanisms for staff and stakeholders within the park and for the local community, such as complaint boxes or hotlines.
59 The World Bank, An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks (2017). Available at: https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/29110/122179-
International%20Framework%20for%20Eco-Industrial%20Parks%20will%20 guide,establishing%20economically%2C%20socially%20and%20environmentally%20 sustainable%20eco-industrial%20parks. (Accessed: 17/02/2022).
Case Study
Hawassa Industrial Park
Hawassa Industrial Park in Ethiopia was designed, constructed and operated as a Green Industrial Zone60. Hawassa is a large industrial park (1.3 million sq ft) developed 200 miles south of the Addis Ababa with a specialism in textile and apparel. The park has been designed to be environmentally-friendly and limit its impact on the local ecosystem.
Textile activities tend to be water-intensive and generate large amounts of wastewater that is polluted with chemicals and is too often unsafely released into the environment. At Hawassa, 85% of sewerage disposal water will be recycled through its zero liquid discharge programme.
Environmental safeguards are planned and incorporated directly into the design of the park and its infrastructure.
60 Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, London, UK,
Hawassa Industrial Park goes fully operational as Ethiopia pushed to become manufacturing hub, (2017). Available at: https://www.ethioembassy. org.uk/hawassa-industrial-park-goes-fully-operational-as-ethiopiapushes-to-become-manufacturing-hub/, (Accessed: 18/02/2022). Project 2: Water, wastewater and drainage for Industrial Zone Project Overview
There is currently no public water and wastewater service provision at the proposed Webuye Industrial Zone. This project covers the provision of water and wastewater services on site to enable the operation of future industrial activity on the site. An initial estimate of water and wastewater for the industrial units is provided based on the current estimate of the footprint of the industrial units.
For Phase 1, the footprint of the site occupied by industrial units is estimated at 29,500 m2, which is equivalent to 2.25 hectares (nett). It is estimated that an industrial unit of 1 ha uses approximately 20,000 litres per hectare per day61. Therefore, the industrial units located on site will require approximately 45,000 litres of water per day. This is equivalent to 45m3 of water per day.
Despite the proximity of the River Nzoia to the Industrial Zone, its flows are variable, and the water can often be polluted. Therefore, it is proposed that water is abstracted from an on-site borehole. A storage facility of a day’s water demand is also recommended in order to build resilience into the system. Furthermore, energy from renewable sources, such as solar PV, should be used to power the borehole pumps. It is suggested that groundwater investigations are undertaken to determine a suitable location for, and depth of, the borehole.
61 Kenyan Ministry of Water and Agriculture. (2005).
Practice Manual for Water Supply Services. As part of investigations, the quality of the groundwater should be tested to identify the required treatment system to ensure it meets drinking water standards (simple chlorination is likely to be sufficient). A drilling permit must be obtained from the Water Resources Management Authority offices under the Ministry of Water and Irrigation. The borehole will also be subjected to an EIA study and NEMA approval. If quality and quantities from boreholes are not sufficient to meet the demands from the subsequent phase of the green industrial park, then water could be abstracted from the Nzoia River and stored in a small earth dam with appropriate shading (or floating solar panels) to prevent evaporation provided on site.
It is assumed that a maximum of 85% of water used (approximately 38.25 m3/day) will be discharged as wastewater. Where possible grey water should be reused before treatment (for example for flushing toilets). It is proposed that the current treatment works, found to the southeast of the Industrial Zone and currently owned by the Webuye Paper Mills, is acquired and rehabilitated to provide the necessary treatment for wastewater from the industrial site. Alternatively, a package plant and a reedbed system for wastewater treatment could be located in the Industrial Zone. The system is a combination of primary treatment and reedbeds/natural wetland62. Reedbed technology features low construction costs and minimal day-to-day operation and maintenance costs63. The system reduces wastewater contaminants, minimises solids, and provides sufficient storage time for stabilisation of bio-solids prior to disposal64 .
62 Afifi, S., Bazazew, N., Arakelyan, K., Nassar, A., & Wise, T. (2013). Using Reed-Bed
System for Wastewater Treatment and Reuse in Urban Semi/Urban Community in
Gaza-Palestine. 36th WEDC International Conference, Nakuru, Kenya. Delivering
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Services in an Uncertain Environment. 63 Keefer K. S. (2000). Treating Biosolids in Reed Beds Could Short-Sheet Your
Budget. Water Environment and Technology, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp 61-65. 64 Afifi, S., Bazazew, N., Arakelyan, K., Nassar, A., & Wise, T. (2013). Using Reed-Bed
System for Wastewater Treatment and Reuse in Urban Semi/Urban Community in
Gaza-Palestine. 36th WEDC International Conference, Nakuru, Kenya. Delivering
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Services in an Uncertain Environment.