When Linda and I dreamed up the first full physical copy of TXDM neither of us truly knew what we were in for. The TXDM staff, our creativity and our love of animals has made our first year in publication even more successful than we could've anticipated."
-Nealie Sanchez, Founder and fur mom to Maokai, Ruekah and Traeger.
Nealie Sanchez and Ruekah.
Photo by Nealie Sanchez.
I can't believe it 's already been a year since we started this furry journey. Despite being a cat mom, I'm so proud of what we've accomplished and the growth and change we've experienced. I can't wait to see what comes next!"
-Linda Kessler, designer and copy editor, and fur mom to Angel and Oscar
Linda Kessler, Angel (left) and Oscar (right).
Photo by Alana Holt.
This year has flown by. Writing for TXDM had been an experience of a lifetime and really helped push me towards realizing my dream of working with animals. I love all the staff that work hard to make this magazine come alive every quarter, and I can't wait to see what next year holds."
-Tiffany Ditto, staff writer and fur mom to Riley
Tiffany Ditto and Riley.
Photo by Nealie Sanchez.
I have never been covered in so much dog fur or needed a lint roller so bad than I have since working with TXDM, but it's a wonderful complaint to have. I have worked with and met some wonderful pet owners and dogs t his past year. It has been fulfilling to try to create images with these dogs and nothing ever goes right, but I mean that in the best way. I feel that I, such as the magazine, am growing stronger as a writer, photographer and artist . And I can't wait for the next assignment."