copy edit or, and fur -Linda kessler, designer and mom t o Angel and Oscar
ing for TXDM had This year has flown by. Writ t ime and really life been an experience of a my dream of ing aliz re s ard helped push me t ow e all t he st aff t hat working wit h animals. I lov magazine come alive work hard t o make t his wait t o see what t can? every quart er, and I next year holds. er and fur mom t o -t iffany dit t o, st aff writ Riley
in so much dog fur or I have never been covered ad t han I have since b needed a lint roller so s a wonderful complaint ? it ut b , M D X T h working wit and met some wonderful h it w t o have. I have worked past year. I t has been pet owners and dogs t his images wit h t hese dogs e at cre o t fulfilling t o t ry ut I mean t hat in t he b and not hing ever goes right , as t he magazine, am uch s , I at h t l e fe best way. I phot ographer and r, e rit w a growing st ronger as ne e for t h xt assignment . art ist . And I can?t wait and writ er -alana holt , st aff phot og
Photo by Alana Holt.
been a year since we I can't believe it 's already Despit e being a cat st art ed t his furry journey. we've accomplished mom, I 'm so proud of what we've experienced. I and t he growt h and change es next ! can't wait t o see what com
z. Photo by Nealie Sanche
-Nealie Sanchez, Founder and fur mom t o Maokai, Ruekah and Traeger.
a. Photo by Katalina Auror
When Linda and I dreamed up t he first full physical copy of TXDM neit her of us t ruly knew what we were in for. The TXDM st aff, our creat ivit y and our love of animals has made our first year in publicat ion even more successful t han we could've ant icipat ed."
z. Photo by Nealie Sanche