Texas VFW Post 6074, Bloomington Members gather to discuss the Korean Armistice at their Post. Sr. Vice Cmdr. Constantino Martin spoke to the group about his experience in Korea and showed some of his photos.
Texas VFW Post 8315, Schertz Members honor the Korean Armistice by placing flags on Schertz Main Street.
Texas VFW Post 2195, Allen Commander Pete Hersom gives a presentation on the history of the Korean Peninsula up to and including the Korean Armistice Agreement to Post members, Auxiliary members and guests at the Allen Veteran’s Memorial.
! g n i d n a t O uts
Texas VFW Post 1514, Village Mills
Members along with Boy Scout Troop 9 honor a Korean veteran.
F a l l 2 0 2 0 Te x a s V F W M a g a z i n e