2020 Texas VFW Fall News

Page 16


September 11

! g n i d n a O u tst Texas VFW Post 4011, Greenville Members and Auxiliary bring food baskets as a thank you to their local fire and police departments as part of their Patriot Day activities.

Texas VFW Post 5872, Fairfield Members gathered at the War Memorial in Anderson County to remember Patriot Day and the sacrifices made by many.

Texas VFW Post 10454, Grapevine Members and extended friends and family showed their Patriot Day spirit by proudly exhibiting American flags in their community.

Texas VFW Post 7843, Duncanville Members gathered at their Post to remember Patriot Day and the almost 3,000 people who perished that day.


F a l l 2 0 2 0 Te x a s V F W M a g a z i n e

Texas VFW Post 8788, McAllen Members gather for a Patriot Day ceremony and to remember 9/11.

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