2021 Texas VFW Spring News

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THE DEPARTMENT OF TEXAS VFW is the premier Veterans Service Organization in Texas and we are making great strides with our short-term and long-term advocacy efforts in the 87th Legislative Session. Senate Bill (SB) 989 (Buckingham) and (SB) 1493 (Springer) — our bills that ensure our Posts are not subject to closure due to future Emergency Orders — were heard in a hearing of the Senate Business and Commerce Committee on April 20th. This hearing was conducted on the floor of the Texas Senate. State Commander Dick Shawver and I provided oral and written testimony on both bills and more than 40 Comrades from across Texas attended the hearing and sat in the Senate gallery. During the Legislative Session, several Comrades have visited offices with me in the Capitol on multiple occasions. This highly visible presence is paying dividends. We have testified and/or registered our support for about 30 bills (will be a few more) that benefit Veterans and military families with workforce development credentialing, property tax exemptions and encourage patriotism. We have been invited or asked to testify on five bills, including SB 4 (Buckingham), which requires the National Anthem to be played at any professional sports event if that professionals team receives any public money from any level of government. SB 4 is one of the top priorities of the Lt. Governor and the Texas Senate. I was honored to be invited to testify on our behalf at the Senate State Affairs Committee hearing on March 26.


By Mitch Fuller, Director of Governmental and Public Affairs

Our constant presence at the State Capitol is a catalyst for building and cementing relationships with key legislators and state agency leaders, including the Chairmen of the Senate Veterans and House Veterans Committees and the Texas Veterans Commission. The future is bright for the Texas VFW in our legislative and public affairs endeavors. I’m proud to serve our great organization!

Mitch Fuller

S p r i n g 2 0 2 1 Te x a s V F W M a g a z i n e


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