2021 Texas VFW Spring News

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Members and community participate in a morning ruck to honor women in the military.

from Texas VFW Post 12178, Weslaco, Texas

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The Post hosts a 26.5 ruck march to honor and remember those lost in the Bataan Death March during WWll. Team RWB McAllen/Edinburg and Edinburg JROTC and many students and community joined.

The Post participates in a Half Marathon to honor hometown heroes. Local fallen Hero Noe Hernandez, who perished in June 2017 on the USS Fitzgerald, was honored by the Post by inviting his wife and young son to participate in the run.


S p r i n g 2 0 2 1 Te x a s V F W M a g a z i n e

The Post holds its monthly Suicide Awareness Ruck at Mayor Pablo Pena Park in Weslaco, Texas, along with Edinburg and McAllen Area RWB. The Post continues to honor the 22 veterans per day who lose their fight with PTSD MST and other military related injuries and encourages everyone to “Know the 5 signs!”

Texas VFW Posts 2410 and 12178 from District 18 help a veteran’s family move their motorhome from South Texas to Vincent, Alabama, after the veteran’s sudden passing. They cleaned the motorhome and raised almost $1,000 dollars for fuel to be able to drive it 1,020 miles from the Rio Grande Valley to Vincent, Alabama, early March 2021.

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