2021 Texas VFW Spring News

Page 22

Texas VFW Post 430, Canyon The Post hosts their Annual Epic Easter Hunt with Summit Church in Canyon. The Post contributed 4,000 eggs, toys and games to the event. Children showed up with empty baskets and a lot of energy ready for games, food, toys and to swoop up thousands of Easter eggs!

Texas VFW Post 4746, Weatherford Texas VFW Post 4746, Weatherford, participate in placing over 675 Wreaths at Memory Gardens Cemetery for Wreaths Across America Day. Over 15 Posts with Auxiliary members and their families participated in the event.

Texas VFW Post 9170, Beeville Members, along with the Bee County Sheriff’s Department, gather together to put a lot smiles on the faces of the Beeville Community. After serving over 500 kids with hot dogs, chips and drinks, they got to enjoy an Easter Egg Hunt, Live Music, Easter Egg Basket Contest and even a Dance Contest!


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