Texas VFW Post 5871, Huntsville Members visit the HEARTS Veterans Museum in Huntsville, Texas, to welcome the permanent installation of Texas’ only Vietnam Wall. Visit the museum when you’re in the area! HEARTS Veterans Museum, 463 State Highway 75 N., Huntsville, Texas 77320. Hours: 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Monday-Saturday.
! g n i d n a t Outs
Texas VFW Post 2676, Windthorst Post Commander Bert Hoff and Auxiliary President John Luig present the VFW Golden Apple award to Coach Scott Belcher, Windthorst ISD, in recognition of his selection as District 15’s Citizenship Education Teacher of the Year in the Jr. High Division. Outside his classroom Coach Belcher was a member of the coaching staff for this year’s Texas Class 2A Division II State Football Champions, the Windthorst Trojans.
Texas VFW Post 8788 McAllen The Post receives the Congressional Record from Congressman Gonzalez on February 13, 2021. What an honor for the Post!
Texas VFW Post 8555, Poth Texas VFW District 20 Officers participate in a Post 8555 Fundraiser held March 21, 2021. Fried Chicken Dinner Plates and Boxes were sold for $10. Raffle items were available.
S p r i n g 2 0 2 1 Te x a s V F W M a g a z i n e