Nature's Weave - October 2021

Page 34



HURDLES AND ROADMAPS FOR THE MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY Textile Value Chain Editorial Team Manufacturers today have access to a perceive the skills gap as becoming an • supply chain and inventory manwide range of technical solutions that obstacle to implementation. Collabora- agement. help them enhance operational pro- tion with reputable colleges to generate Every manufacturing company has to ductivity and create exceptional busi- skilled employees for the factory floor manage their supply chain and invenness possibilities. Nonetheless, several might be a great strategy to overcome tories. Businesses require better, more manufacturers don’t fully utilise these the skills gap. flexible manufacturing techniques as technologies, owing to a lack of apthey try to increase output. propriate information, an inflexible Key Points In the manufacturing sector, invenorganisational structure, ineffective • Automation, cyber-physical systems, and tory management is a prevalent congrowth strategies, or safety issues. data interchange are all components of Incern. Keeping insufficient stock can Hence, manufacturers are missing dustry 4.0. (also known as manufacturing be detrimental to revenues as well as out on some of the most lucrative comdigitization). client relations. Maintaining an exmercial prospects. • Businesses required better, more flexible cessive number of goods can be expenAutomation, cyber-physical systems, manufacturing techniques which helps to in- sive to keep and sell. As a result, manand data interchange are all part of ufacturers can save time and money crease business output. Industry 4.0 (also known as manuby investing in the correct software facturing digitization). It is no longer • Online platforms and E-commerce help and procedures for inventory tracking a prime focus, and production com- every businessmen and management. panies all over the world are using • A digital unit should be designed to encourFollowing the COVID-19 pandemic, it to get the advantages of enhanced age creative approaches the impact of supply chain issues has performance, decreased inefficienbeen a hot topic. Several manufacturcies, and cheaper costs while increasers depend on China for parts, particuing flexibility. The adoption of Industry • Language Barrier larly computer and electronic parts. 4.0 enabling technologies, on the other Manufacturers are used to complicated The supply chain disruption is already hand, is a demanding process that beconcepts and technical terms, but they having an impact on these businesses. comes considerably more complex withsometimes struggle with unknown out a consistent methodology. Absence words when it comes to much more dig- • Safety Concerns of information, incapability of properly ital lingo. Among the most challenging Regardless of the fact that many of measuring the ROI, and unavailability barriers to digital engagement and imus use net banking and are gradually of a competent workforce are just a few plementation is the absence of a comshifting business online, there seems to of the obstacles. mon language. be a widespread misconception in manLet’s have a look at the hurdles faced by ufacturing that a cluster of on-premises • Expenses and ROI the manufacturing industry— servers is safer than a cloud-based apThe leading companies in Industry plication. In reality, most on-premises • The Skills Gap in the Manufacturing 4.0 are similar to the major players systems lack the level of security ofIndustry in financial advisory when it comes to fered by the finest cloud service providThe increasing skills gap is among the expenses and returns on investment. ers. most significant manufacturing issues. They discuss how technology can have Younger people are urgently needed in a “revolutionary” and “game-changing” A Digital Transformation Roadmap for the industrial industry. Many younger, effect on production and people, but the Manufacturing Industry tech-savvy factory floor operators and compared to the expenses, the effect Picturing the roadmap and determinengineers have a good understanding takes time to manifest. At this point, ing the path wherein the company is of technology and can assist in trans- calculating an exact and expected ROI heading will help to determine further lating the “jargon” for all those who are is extremely challenging. That only steps for digital transformation. Beunfamiliar with it. As a result, compa- feeds into the idea that Industry 4.0 is cause digitization affects all aspects of nies with an ageing labour force may costly.


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Articles inside

Conference On Export And Market Opportunities For Ichalkaranji Cluster

pages 53-58

Asian Textile Fibre Prices Move Higher In October

page 59

ITAMMA Accepts New Normal Digitalized World to overcome COVID

pages 48-52

Predictions 2021: How Vcom Can Change Shoppers Behaviour

page 47

Mexico’s Sustainable Fashion

pages 45-46

Digital Fashion Trends and Avatars: The New Era of Fashion

pages 43-44

10 Essential Skills to Become a Successful Entrepreneur

pages 39-40

Indian Stock Market Entering a New Era with Start-ups Listing in Domestic Market

pages 37-38

How Spinning And Recycling Go Together At BB Engineering

pages 30-31

Caustic Circularity-A Game Changer for The Textile Industry - Mr. Vinay Patil

pages 32-33

Hurdles and Roadmaps for the Manufacturing Industry

pages 34-35

Why Exclusive Emphasis On Manufacturing Firms In MSME Sector Is Imperative To Trans form Indian Economy - Mr. Ronak Chiripal

page 36

PIVOTAL:Innovative Strategic Relook at Multiple Fibres - Mr. Suresh Kotak

pages 11-13

Branding: The Main Component Of Textile Industry - Dr. Sudha Anand

pages 23-25

Sustainable Fabrics to Transform the Fashion Industry for Good

pages 21-22

Organic Cotton: A Sustainable Solution for the Fashion Industry - Ms. Somasree Roy

pages 14-15

Sustainability Via Innovation Is Huntsman’s Major Focus

pages 28-29

Signs Of Demand For Textile Industry Picking Up: Rathi Laxmikant

pages 26-27

Orange Fiber: The Fabric From Fruit- Ms. Annu Jain

pages 16-17

Clothing from Vegan Wool Fibres - Dr. N.N. Mahapatra

pages 18-20
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