I Am A Ruby Network Holiday Edition 2019 Newsletter

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November 2019

I Am A Ruby Network will be having our annual Thanksgiving Family Holiday Baskets giveaway November 26, 2019, we are accepting all donations starting Nov 1st until Nov 25. We will start to accept donations for our families Christmas Holiday Baskets on Nov 29-to- Dec 20. If you or your family are in need for a holiday basket notify Prophetess Lapresha. Thank you From I Am A Ruby Network Family www.iamaruby.com

Aim high. Shoot for the stars. Ruby Home Services Our Mission:

Youth Encouraging Words

Hello World, we just want to share with you that God loves Is to provide the best quality service that we know the youth, he wants to see the best for us. He desires us to how to serve. We are trained and skilled to make our clients desire come true. We are known to be walk in our full potential in him. positive and friendly services, we do everything PICTURE CAPTION: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vel laoreet orci. with a smile. Because we are blessing others. We In eget auctor mi. are here to serve our clients with perfection, we are known for the best services. Our Vision:

Home Of The Fivefold Network

Ruby vision is to make our clients feel happy and loving the service that we provide. Love is the key to happiness. LeaderShifters we will bring positive I Am A Ruby Ministries have voluminous of energy. Our visions is also to make it a Global Online Seminars, Live Teleconferences, Services. To help so many people in need. workshops, teachings, and training and more, and five Empowerment Conferences a year. Our Values: I am a Ruby, is about men and women pursuing their destiny. Embracing their We have Five Values we stand for: purpose, and walking in their ministry, careers, Good Services goals, visions, dreams, and desires. Positive Vibes Best Teamwork I am a Ruby is not just a ministry, we are Loving Care family, and we walk as one whole body. We Happiness & Fun teach, equip, and empower men, and women in personal development being committed to excellence and success. Building structure in ministry, and obtain prosperity, and abundance in ministry and business. The Youth Explosion Conference: speakers, badges, folders, lunch, gifts, and surprises.

By: Apostle Bishop Boatwright

` I Am A Ruby Network new quarter started November 2019. All schools are in session: Platinum Ruby University School Of the Prophets Wealthlistic University Platinum Ruby High School



November 2019 Article By: Pastor Patricia Johnson

The Cross

Wisdom speaks from the lips of a person who

“Not Easily Broken”

has a limitless understandin We can posse what we are professing. Prophesy to youvery willmechanism store up that all the of an the will abundance launch us into knowledge, dimension you can to help you unthinkable in which will excel changeand us, our

Treasures gained ever profit Leading up to thedishonestly crucifixion will of our Savior; you(Read 10:1) and put on trial by the Betrayal,Prov Arrested

{Ex. 4:5} “That they may believe that the Lord

God will not allow his children or go Sanhedrin; the denial of one to ofstarve His very

God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath

without( Read Math 6:25 and Prov own disciples, passed over to10:2) Pontius

appeared unto thee”. Jesus has an unbreakable,

Pilate; Judas hangs himself; Jesus faces Being lazy brings poverty, and lack. However,

an undeniable faith in our God, that what He

wealthy, rich, and fluent individual is a W.O.S.V. Pastor Patricia Johnson powerful strong city. They are secure and

Pilate; and taking the bring placeriches( of Barabbas, working grinding Read Prov

said to do Jesus preformed it all, said it all, and

comfortable with life. An individual who has a

mocked by the soldiers; Now at last He’s 10:4)

released it all. Thanking Our God of the Love

poverty mindset, will stay stuck and be ruined

hanging on a Cross (The King on a Cross). When you grind, sow/give, and plant, in the With every detail of the event approaching hottest moments of your life you are wise. His death, dying on the Cross; gives us an When you sleep, be lazy, and do not move amazing example that we as His children’s, forward in the harvest you miss out on the servants, followers, and friends we must fruits, that is being distributed( Read Prov determine that we are “Not Easily Broken”. 10:5) The Lord of Host: We (Host) as Jesus Blessings cover the heads of God's children, it Designated Survivors we too, faces various is your birthright and, in your DNA, (Read distressing, unbearable situations and Prov 10:6) impossible occurrence. We (Host) have If you do well, and good in the earth you will read/studied the precondition events that remain blessed all the days of your life. materialize from our Savior Jesus Christ, all Because giving is the key to receive and obtain the intolerable, agonizing, insufferable from God, the Kingdom, the universe, and the and/or excruciating occurrences that He Heavens(Read Prov 10: 7, and Math 10:8) bared; we can truly say He was “Not Easily

He has for us, He sent His Son to replace

by one's own mind(Read Prov 10:15)

God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the






elevate the to nations. the nextBecause dimensional realm youEasily family, We Are “Not desire in your life(Read ProvGOD!!! 10:13-14). Broken”. THANKS BE TO


assignment, but sin was found within.

A good positive person’s reward is LIFE(Live in Favor Everywhere). A negative person’s

We (HOST) present to you some encouraging

harvest is negativity(Read Prov 10:16) When

expressions of “Thanksgiving”. Thanking our

you practice daily self-discipline, you are on

Savior, our Lord of Host for His miraculously

your way to a new LIFE(Live in Freedom

confidence in our God. Thanking God, we can

Every-day). Read(Prov 10:17) God's blessings

confess all to begin a life of authenticity, walk

make you rich, wealthy, prosperous, healthy,

uprightly forever before our King, knowing that

secure, and abundant in every area of your

we can dwell under the shadow of the

LIFE(Live Financial Empowerment Every-

Almighty, sing praises and true worship.

day) and he does not add worry, doubt, sorrow,

Thanking God,

stress, pain, and unbelief to you.

Do not

believe that lie, because anything that ever came from God is good? have not seen


We“Woman decree within our Spirit, speaking of Strength Voices, shethrough lives a place of freedom; being free indeed, arising life on of PURPOSE. Woman to theher occasion life and spring forthof with greatness. Activating the impossibilities from is setAcknowledging in DimensionsGod for the the Strength Possible God, as our hiding place, opening our alabaster box of our Master Use, for the Kingdom. mission at His feet. We show our Faith by what we do; trusting in Him likethat never before, Woman of Strength knows what she accepting the necessary growth; igniting does in the Kingdom of God isInHUGE. supernatural within Us. Trusting God of Love as he fills us constantly with love, peace, Woman Strength Comes into the UP walking in ofelevation, transitioning (Unlimited fulfilling spectacular KingdomPower), to take Possession of her events. Awakening of Our Holy Spirit realizing there is a Kingdom Sound; Responding to INHERITANCE. Gods commandments, no, it’s not hard, it’s not of Strength invests in the herself inWoman the heavens, neitherthat by the side of sea, but recognizing that it’s near us, it’s in our knows that her NET WORTH is beyond mouth and in our hearts and we shall quantum leap with her demonstrable action from faith and UNDERSTANDING”. obedience. Rejoining consistency, which will bring forth growth with out-of-the-world productivity of powerful change. “not one PAGE 2


November 2019

Article By: Prophetess Lapresha

Timothy Generation Mission Mission Statement: Hello everyone, out there all over the world my I have learned without trust you have We are here to helpPrecious our youth to get to know God.nothing. To buildAnd our youth withway a positive that's the it was with me name is Evangelist Moss I am 27 years mindset. We are here to help our youth get out of that poverty Mindset. We are old, a mother of 5 beautiful Angel's from God and and God. God told me (Precious) that I that can the way our youth I LeaderShifters am a new member of I change am a ruby ministry. Just thinks and eliminate the negative things of needed to trust him and know that he is God this world. wanted to let you know a little bit about myself and and that there's nothing too hard for him. I want to start you off with a little quote... We are chosen by God himself to help our youth to become who they truly are. We are in And so that's what I decided to do was trust control our Destiny. We have the (Testimony) power to change the World. We are trendsetters, and we "To reallyofknow God is to trust God" God no matter what, no matter what canone do all things through that works in us. We willI do with andmy problems mayeverything face in life, no love matter At point In our lives the wepower all needed to trust care for people's someone in order souls. to really have a real complete current situation, Speak Up For The relationship with thatTG!!! person.

Our Vision: Our vision is to save souls, heal the sick, cast out generational curses, and assist those who need assistance(Read and Meditate on Mathew 10:8). We are here to restore healing and love to our youth. Saving souls is what our vision is to bring the youth to Christ Jesus. The vision is to bring out the light of God to our youth. Our vision is to assist a soul a day. We will always WIN!

Teamwork Love Everyone of us will at one point or another interact with our youth. This Saving souls is some Godly advice on how to deal with youth: Always watch your Helping tone, tongue and body language when speaking to adolescence. Remember, they are still developing spiritually, physically and Healing emotionally. Your verbal and nonverbal communication can have a Positive Speaking lasting affect either good or bad. Stay involved in the lives of youths. By staying involved, you are better equipped to war against the no name Love (devil) when he sets out to attack them. Please remember, they might notYouth be fully equipped for battle against the no name, so it's vital to keep a close eye on them.

By: Prophetess Lapresha

I'm Prophetess Domonique and on today I would like to share about my thoughts on Thanksgiving. Grateful we should be and how happy should be because once again God lead us to make it another year to see Thanksgiving. yes, we are. me. I I Blessed pray God beyond gives youmeasures the same smile he gives definitely consider myself bless as well and so I pray he meets your every desire. God is the best shouldinyou Father theNe’eman. world. For those that are fatherless the best Mother to those that are Motherless. The Thanksgiving is here this is the time to share best yoube never hadtotocome thosetogether who don’t have andsibling give and happy again a for sibling. Trust when I sayLet’s God is realthanks God is another dayme with family. give loving, Is powerful. He of is the call to GodHewho is the head ourright Lifeone andtothe of of ourneed. Life.God Theiswhole for our oncenter in times truly a reason way maker your existence. Let’s stay strong in him lets be more since of peace. He is the game changer the creator of what we say and pray more for ofmindful all things. knowledge and wisdom.

Lord we thank you nowtoday for the families that’s looking Blessings Readers, focus on you, like and whatbegan will we have about this time for thanksgiving i strive to learn yourself and the pray they get what they desire, and I pray they get love you have for yourself. Are you where you whattocan filling for themIsand there’s in their home. need be be within yourself? your relationship Ne'eman Lets all be grateful we made it to seeonanother with God strong enough that it shows Thanksgiving Godyou is been definitely in thetime Blessing your face? Have spending business and keeping his promise. Praise God for with him? Have you truly been doing one on one things coming to more past Ne'eman. with God to learn about how to love God and yourself so you can give that love to your Lord bless on today. Bless them to babies or anyeveryone of your reading love ones. On today just the fullest. may they be better a blessing to someone think about it.And If you need to do start today else as well. Passing blessings around we’re grateful just know its never too late to start loving you. for life are grateful for the Love youonalltoday, to lifeweAgape. And that's thebreathe best you put in us. We are grateful for taking time to think kind of Love Agape Love about us. We are happy you chose us to get it right another day. Ne'eman. God bless everyone and have a bless fantastic Thanksgiving Day! Agape

Article By: Prophetess Domonique Smith PAGE 3

Editor Apostle Trina Davis for I Am A Ruby Network Newsletter November 2019 edition

November 2019


“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” Luke 2:14 Isaiah 9:6 By: Apostle Trina Davis


Isaiah 26: 3-4 Those of steadfast mind you keep in peace— because they trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for in the Lord God you have an everlasting rock.

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace Isaiah 9:6

Decree out of your mouth that this month is mine and Faith, Favor, Finances, Healing, Overflow, Being made Whole, Double Portion, Financial Breakthroughs, Supernatural Miracles, it belongs to me and it will Manifest in my life this month in Jesus Name.(Now Celebrate what God has just done for you).

Are You Ready For Your Super Abundant Harvest ? You Are Obtaining A Double Portion Harvest Time has come walk by faith You will produce God’s favor & Reap A Harvest.

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