I Am A Ruby Network Magazine Summer and Fall Edition 2020

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• The Spirit of Giving • Business Structure • Don’t Settle for less • The Timothy Generation • Mission • Perfect-vs-Permissive Will’s



Bishop Apostle Claudia B.

Apostle Trina D.

Prophetess Lapresha A.

Prophetess Domonique S.

Chief Apostle Teyshana Wiley

Pastor Patricia J.


Weekly Sunday Services • 1st Sonday – Apostolic Flow • 2nd Sonday – Timothy Generation • 3rd Sonday – Women of Strength Voices • 4th Sonday – Royal Rose Warriors


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Product details Paperback: 28 pages Publisher: Independently published (September 16, 2019) Language: English ISBN-10: 1693693178 ISBN-13: 978-1693693175 Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.1 x 11 inches Amazon


I Am A Ruby Network Global Ministry annually provides supplemental support to families who are in need from time to time with gift cards, clothing, food, counseling. Especially during the Holiday Seasons. We give way Christmas baskets to families who are in need. You can also, sow a love offering into our Holiday Family Feud Fundraiser that will make an impact in each family’s life. I Am A Ruby Network is a Non-Profit 501(c)3 Organization, show your true colors and encourage a giving spirit by sowing a seed today, you will inspire greatness into each family’s life. We want to make sure every family have gas cards to go back and forward to work and be able to purchase their holiday items.


I Am A Ruby Network


I Am A Ruby Network

By: Bishop Apostle C. Boatwright Begin to recapture the mindset in your daily activities that will not permit you to settle for less in any area of my life. Simply because I am a joint heir with Christ – all of my needs are already met. I therefore don’t have to lower nor compromise my standards nor my expectations, nor my desires, nor goals nor my vision. Develop the mindset that I don’t have to settle for anything less and I won’t settle for less in any area of my life! The greater one lives on the inside of me…. Therefore, I can no longer be comfortable settling for the “less”. I also cannot become ignorant to the fact that iron does sharpen iron. So those who are content and relaxed in their “state of less”…. Don’t exhibit the qualities of iron and will dull instead of sharpen my being! As of today – I will begin to rid my mind, and my physical environment of everything that resembles the state of being “less” and permit true greatness to be my daily portion. I will revamp my “bucket list”. I’ll no longer “wish” but I will decree, declare, affirm, and announce that because the greater one truly does live on the inside of ME (I John 4:4)… I WILL NEVER, NEVER, NEVER. EVER again SETTLE FOR LESS! “Wealth and riches shall be in his house: and his righteousness endureth forever. ”Psalm 112:3


Sole Proprietorship Sole Proprietorship

Limited Liability Limited Liability

Partnership Partnership

Corporation Corporation


A Sole Proprietorship is an unincorporated business owned by one individual, making it the easiest form of business to start and operate. The owner is personally responsible for its debts. A sole proprietorship can operate under the name of its owner or it can do business under a fictitious name.

Sole Proprietors pay taxes on business income on their personal tax returns. A sole proprietor must report all business income or losses on personal income tax return; the business itself is not taxed separately. Sole proprietors file a Schedule C with the owner’s form 1040 tax return. This will provide the IRS detailed information on whether their business made a profit or loss for the year.

: •

It costs nothing to set up unless you register a fictitious name, and then it’s about $50 to $100 every few years.

You have complete autonomy in business operations and decisions.

You aren’t required to keep balanced set of books—but do it anyway.

You aren’t required to have a separate bank account— but you should. :

Your profits are subject to self-employment taxes.

Your business gets no tax benefit for medical expenses and insurance, without the complication and expense of a special plan and hiring your spouse.

Without any structure, owners often get mentally lazy and don’t think of their operation as a real business—so they rarely make long term plans or grow the way they should.

You are personally liable for everything that happens and all the business debts. All of your assets, including your home and your savings, are at risk if you’re sued. 13

A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a corporate structure in America; the owners are not personally liable for the company's debts or liabilities. Limited liability companies are hybrid entities that combine the characteristics of a corporation with those of a partnership or sole proprietorship; the primary characteristic it shares with a partnership is the availability of pass-through tax entity.

One-person LLCs may report either as an S or C corporation or on a personal Schedule C.

LLCs may have multiple classes of ownership this allows companies to share in profits but not dismissions. Sharing profits with employees is a good way to attract workers without losing voting control.

LLCs are permitted to issue shares that may not be sold. Again, this is perfect for consultants and employees. If they leave, you may buy them out at a prearranged price or formula, whether they like it or not.

Limited liability companies (LLCs) don’t pay taxes. The revenue from the business is instead passed down to the owners, who are called members in LLCs. They claim the profits or losses on their personal tax forms. Single-owner LLCs pay taxes on Form1040 with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Partnership LLCs, in which there is more than one owner, must file partnership returns using Form 1065.

LLCs filing as a partnership don’t pay federal taxes.

They provide complete liability protection for all members from the LLC’s debts.

They are expensive to set up properly.

They are rarely set up correctly wit elections not being make a out the business structure in a timely fashion. This ends up causing complications with the IRS.

Some states charge minimum annual taxes.

Revenue tax—what is due even if the LLC ends up with a net loss.

Profits are subject to self-employment taxes if the LLC 14 files a Schedule C or a partnership return.

A Partnership is the relationship existing between two or more persons who join to carry on a trade or business. Each person contributes money, property, labor or skill, and expects to share in the profits and losses of the business. A Partnership must file an annual information return to report the income, deductions, gains, losses, etc., from its operations, but it does not pay income tax. Instead, it "passes through" any profits or losses to its partners. Each partner includes his or her share of the partnership's income or loss on his or her tax return. Partners are not employees and should not be issued a Form W-2. The partnership must furnish copies of Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) to the partners by the date Form 1065 is required to be filed, including extensions

• Partnerships are inexpensive to setup. If two or more people are working together, your automatically a partnership in the eyes of the IRS. • General Partnership pay no taxes. • Losses are fully deductible on personal returns, unless they are real estates losses.

• All the Partners must be consulted for decision making. • If loans are required, all partners must provide their tax returns and financial statements. Many refuse because they don’t really want their partners to know how rich or poor they are. • All Partners are personally liable for everything that happens. All their assets, including their home and savings are at risk if sued. 15

A Corporation is a legal entity that is separate and distinct from its owners. Corporations enjoy most of the rights and responsibilities that an individual possesses: enter contracts, loan and borrow money, sue and be sued, hire employees, own assets and pay. A Corporation generally takes the same deductions as a sole proprietorship to figure its taxable income. A corporation can also take special deductions. For federal income tax purposes, a C corporation is recognized as a separate taxpaying entity. Shareholders cannot deduct any loss of the corporation. A corporation pays income taxes by filing a corporate tax return on Form 1120 and paying the taxes as indicated by this return.

: All shareholders, including officers, protection from corporate debt.



Corps many have multiple classes of stockholders. Generally, preferred shareholders get a rate of return, but they have no voting power. This allows companies to give preferred shares to consultants and employees.

Corporations receiving dividends from other corporations they own may be able to exclude 70 to 80 percent of those dividends.

Corporations are expensive to setup properly.

some states, such as California $800, charge minimum annual taxes, even when you have a loss.

Profits are subject to double taxation.

The IRS may impose taxes for constructive dividends if you draw too much money.




Timothy Generations NEWSLETTER

By: Prophetess Lapresha A.

You first must forgive yourself and then you began to speak it out loud, about forgiving the people or person who have ever hurt you. When the time comes you see the person or the people who had hurt you talk to them let them know that it’s okay to forgive others. Let them know that forgiveness is to your true freedom. If they play it off and act like nothing happened say I forgive you for hurting me. Trust me you will be free. Praise God for your freedom and be happy and live your life. The way God intends for you to live it. Knowing the truth to your freedom. God has a plan for us to move forward in him and in general. 18

By The Holy Spirit within Pastor Patricia Part 1

Lately we’ve been in a place of “complete”. Completing various task from start to finish. Completing class assignments, completing business plans, ventures, completing budget, a financial plan, to-do-list, even completing writings for daily posts, rough draft for next book, and what God has spoken and design for us. Then we came to this; do we completely understand the “Will of God” for our lives. We hear others speak on perfect, permissive will of God, there are other “will’s” i.e. the predestined/sovereign/decreed; but for this time let’s discuss two of them. Perfect-Permissive Will’s Definitions: The “perfect” will of God is God’s divine plan for your life. This is what He has divinely arranged – the kind of man or woman to marry, career, spiritual gifts, ministry, and so on. The ‘permissive’ will of God is what He permits. A point to note is that the fact that He permits something does not mean it is His will. 19

Part 2

First, God has given, created a plan, a purpose for all of us; whether we acknowledge it or not, however, it’s in His Perfect Will, in His divinely plan. Catch this in the Spirit. After reading serval articles concerning this topic, it brings up a question; did God put His name on “permissive”? Because it’s His perfect will or no other Will; right? Revelation 3:16 (NKJV) So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. Could it be that someone chose that to justify their sin? Deuteronomy 11:26-28 (NKJV) “Behold, I set before you today a blessing and a curse: the blessing, if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you today; and the curse, if you do not obey the commandments of the Lord your God, but turn aside from the way which I command you today, to go after other gods which you have not known. In addition, it simply identifies that if we are not obedient to what God has willed for our lives, if we are hearing God; then choose not to listen (obey) Him and we decide to do the opposite, we are walking, operating in disobedient. To us, people try their very best to “dress-up” sin when we don’t do, it’s merely solely noncompliant, rebellious to His perfect will. There is no-if ’s-and’s-but’s about it; “in my opinion”. Deuteronomy 28:15[ Curses on Disobedience ] “But it shall come to pass, if you do not obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments and His statutes which I command you today, that all these curses will come upon you and overtake you: 20

Part 3

We (Patricia) can attest to this so call permissive will, we were simply walking in disobedient, not doing what God has called us to do. No matter what the reasons were, nothing to do with what we thought we should be doing. We were solely in defiance with God’s perfect will for us.

To say there is a “permissive will of God” is the same as saying that we have the power to change God's divine plan for us. We decide to do our own thing so then God has to scramble and make a Plan B to accommodate us”. NO! In our research we found this “Actually, it makes me think of two things: says the writer: free will and does God make mistakes?” Do He, does God make mistakes?” This is really something to ponder over, we have been walking around with our eyes wide shut, taking what someone else has said and running with it, not researching, studying “what do it all really mean”. could this be the case? My God! “When we disobey God, the path we choose is ours. God doesn’t strike us dead or throw a lightning bolt at us when we disobey. He simply lets us live the path we’ve chosen. God allows us to live in disobedience and the consequences it brings”. But it is not His Will, He wants no part of it. The Holy Spirit is gentle, and He will not force anyone against his or her will.


Part 4

The permissible will does not have God full blessings. In 1 Samuel 8 God wanted to be the king of the Israelites but the people saw how other nations had a king and desired one for themselves. They cried and complained to Samuel who went to God in prayer. In other words, God moved out the way; gave them space to have a king but then problems started; they experienced war after war. When God moves out the way, we aren’t fully covered, and it will always has consequences because God will have given you what you want because you were crying day and night over the issue and you could not be patient enough to wait for His timing. In Conclusion: It’s time to rethink our values, our thought process, does it truly really line up with “God’s Perfect Will? God wants to give us His FULL blessings, not part of them or none at all. For us, we don’t want a piece of the pie, we want the whole pie, so with that, we desire to live, walk, function, and/or maneuver in the Fullness of God’s Way, Word, and His Will. But if we are disobedient to Him, we won’t be receiving them. Instead, we’ll reap what we’ve sown when we do things our own way. Few scriptures to review: Genesis 2 Deuteronomy 8, 11 Isaiah 55 Revelation 3:16-17 “Our choice is to obey Him the next time”. We desire To Be Where He Is; His Presence!



Hello Warriors I pray you all are doing well and Blessed...May the Lord God be with you all always..

Wanted to encourage you all and let you know you are LOVED by the Best. God Love is everlasting and its Real. God Agape Love is can transform your life when you let Him in and fill that opening you feel is missing. To Accept it you need to first forgive those who hurt you and forgive yourself and grow from there.. Open up more and more to God He will show you your value and what's blocking you from truly fully stepping closer to Him He will show you what's hindering you He will show you for your to see if you really forgiven. He will test you to see if you really love Him as you say or are they just empty words being spilled. Remember Faith without Love is dead and God is always Faithful to His children day in and day out. Lets Show how much we love Him with Action. Because He is worth to be praise and He Worthy of the Love we say we have for Him I can hear Him now telling me remember the song check my resume I'm qualified it was me who gave you life. Yes Lord we hear You another song saying Something Has to Break...Because God can Lead you to it. He so Amazing how He works. My God you all enjoy your evening but remember He is the Lover of our soul our darling so Lets make sure He Knows He is Loved by our Actions God Bless everyone thank you so much for reading. Agape All...Ne'eman. HalleluYah.


Part 1. Homemaking is the highest calling for a woman there is. It requires us to be many different things.

The home is a physical place where you can come

1. Be a wife, and Be an educator

home and kick your shoes and relax. It is not a

2. Be a mother and Be a storyteller

showplace. It is a place where the kids can bring

3. Be a friend and Be an actress

their friends, have a place to play, feel secure

4. Be a cook and Be a psychologist

and experience the warmth of your love.

5. Be a seamstress and Be a sportsman

It is a place where a particular atmosphere is

6. Be artistic and Be a referee

created. For instance, Wives how does your

7. Be a bookkeeper and Be a nurse

husband leave home in the morning? Is he

8. Be a decorator and Be a lawyer

downcast, burdened or does he leave smiling?

Spiritual Women say , " I'm bored " , or I'm not productive , or

Mothers, How do the kids leave home in the

" I'm not using my talents " . When we feel like that, we need

morning? Are they happy, healthy, full, clean and

to take another look at the challenge we have been given by

groomed, prepared for tests, or are they sad, feel

the Lord. You don’t need to force yourself int a particular

insecure because they just got scolded (probably

mold that you don’t fit into, as you will be able to do certain

deservingly) but it just didn’t get quite resolved

things better than others, because we are all made differently.

before they left home?

But we can all do a pretty good job of homemaking if we will

Our face is a keynote to the day for your family. 25

just try!

Part 2. The home is a place that brings happiness, love, joy, peace, comfort and other fruits so that the work of God can be carried out. It is a place where we all DEVELOP, our husbands, our children and ourselves; in order to become mature Queens with Riches, who can bring more glory to God. If we all have our acts together in the home, we can be better witnesses for the glory of God outside the home, and also have something to share that has been proved and tried and tested. The Bible tells us to do “whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do all to the glory of God.” Or “as unto the Lord”. (1 Cor 10:31 and Eccl 9:10). Not begrudgingly, not complaining but like,

WOW! This is REALLY important! This REALLY does have PURPOSE! We as Women we are God's Glory, and he told men that we are their Glory as well. Queens, Chocolate Diamonds, and Rubies, love, embrace and celebrate the Glory of God within. By Chief Apostle Teyshana Wiley 26

By: Prophetess Domonique Smith Part 1.

Our Values:

We are here to help build the Kingdom of God and his people and to assist the youth as well. Changing the mindsets of unbeliever. And to assist the already saved people of God. We are

Teamwork Love Saving souls

here to speak wisdom and life into God children and let them know and remember they are strong Kings and Queens. And that they are. Free indeed. And remind them they

Helping Healing Positive Speaking

not alone God has they back always. Remember the battle is not yours it’s the Lords. Also have an opening ear to hear him when he speaks remember to move when he says move. Speak when he says to speak. God is with us all always. Obedience is better than sacrifice. Agape!!

Encouraging Motivate Our Vision: Is to save souls, heal the sick, cast out generational curses, and Encourage those that need life spoken back into them and refresh their belief. 27

By: Prophetess Domonique Smith Part 2. You can find me Prophetess Domonique on I Am Ruby web page as well as Facebook under the Royal Rose Warriors! Remember to not give up or give in, God is still in control he is still recruiting the people he know will Roar for him and shout out the goodness of thee Lord and who will take the time to study and preach the Truth of his work. Know that God is not a man that he shall lie so know when he say, you shall have all these things, he has promise you have them, but you have to do the work trusting in him following his commandments and working in the field for God. Ne'eman I know for experience God has been on a journey with me and I’m happy he still with me a promise so it’s only right we keep our promise to treat our body as a temple because it is. It’s always a great thing knowing you our Loved by the King. Ne'eman God Bless.



Heavenly Dimensional Shift By Chief Apostle Teyshana W

Heavenly Dimensional Shift(God is Holy, Righteous, forgiving, slow to anger, and full of Agape love, releases good gifts to his children). This is the dimensional realm of God Shalom benefit package, his blessings, his goodness, righteousness, anointing, dominion, and most of all his REST(Restoring Everything Starting Today). This is when you begin to see God’s Holistic Glory just like Moses and King Solomon. Exodus 33:14-23 Names of God Bible (NOG) 14

Yahweh answered, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you peace.”15 Then

Moses said to him, “If your presence is not going with us, don’t make us leave this place. 16 How will anyone ever know you’re pleased with your people and me unless you go with us? Then we will be different from all other people on the face of the earth.” 17 Yahweh answered Moses, “I will do what you have asked, because I am pleased with you, and I know you by name.”18 Then Moses said, “Please let me see your glory.”19 Yahweh said, “I will let all my goodness pass in front of you, and there I will call out my name ‘Yahweh.’ I will be kind to anyone I want to. I will be merciful to anyone I want to. 20 But you can’t see my face, because no one may see me and live.”


Heavenly Dimensional Shift Exodus 33:14-23 Names of God Bible (NOG) Then Yahweh said, “Look, there’s a place near me. Stand by this rocky cliff.


When my

glory passes by, I will put you in a crevice in the cliff and cover you with my hand until I have passed by. 23 Then I will take my hand away, and you’ll see my back, but my face must not be seen.” This is when God allows us to walk in universal faith and power, that everything comes subject to the word of God, out of your mouth. This is the dimension that

God allows us to walk in mental healing, spiritual healing, physical healing, emotional healing, intellectual healing, and environmental healing in the exosphere. This is when the storehouses begin to give us anything we desire because this allows us to delight ourselves in the Lord, then he will give us the desires of our heart(subconscious mind). When Jesus stated in Math 11:28-30, he was talking about walking in the dimension of Heavenly Dimensional Shift. Right where you are, begin to thank God and tell him Lord I am embracing my Heavenly Dimensional Shift. Now watch him transform your life from the inside out. 31


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