I Am A Ruby Network Summer Edition 2019 Newspaper

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Monday, Jun 03, 2019

NEWSPAPER Platinum Eagles Quarterly Broadcast

I Am A Ruby’s Mission Mission Statement: Our “online network community, is a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization” that is designed, online Ministry, and social media network community, with a unique hemisphere that provides a high-quality that reaches a broad and appropriate mentoring, nurturing and coaching abilities to ensure academic, spiritual growth, personal growth, spiritual success, and personal success. Our Mission is to Educate, Empower, Enhance, and to Equip, Men and Women; which will awaken their gifts, goals, plans, dreams, and talents, into embracing their walk-in Success, Excellence, and Prosperity. We are equipped, with an online magazine, online radio station, online movies/videos, online clothing eBeta shop, online blogs, online book publishing, online university, online high-school, online workshops, online hair store, online businesses, online webinars, and much more, to enhance men and women to walk in success, wealth, healing, and prosperity.

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Home Of The Fivefold Network I Am A Ruby Ministries have voluminous of Online Seminars, Live Teleconferences, workshops, teachings, and training and more, and five Empowerment Conferences a year. I am a Ruby, is about men and women pursuing their destiny. Embracing their purpose, and walking in their ministry, careers, goals, visions, dreams, and desires. I am a Ruby is not just a ministry, we are family, and we walk as one whole body. We teach, equip, and empower men, and women in personal development being committed to excellence and success. Building structure in ministry, and obtain prosperity, and abundance in ministry and business. The Youth Explosion Conference: speakers, badges, folders, lunch, gifts, and surprises.

King Platinum Eagles Session I am a Ruby Platinum Eagles Award and Fashion show Marriage Chambers Platinum Eagle Writers Realm workshop Platinum Eagle book tour Let’s get together and Soar picnic and retreat Mount up with Platinum Wings Pantry Hospitality committee: sending Birthday cards, phone calls, and whatever God drop in their spirit. Wealth, Health, and Prosperity workshop All these visions, dreams, goals and blessings shall manifest now in our lifetime. Chief Apostle Teyshana Wiley (Founder, Senior Pastor), and Executive Director. 269-363-4019-or-269-861-6839



Monday, Jun 03, 2019

Business Ad

Real Estate Base

FOUR DIFFERENT LEVELS OF MANAGERS Organizations---particularly large organizations---have many levels. Top-level manager. Middle-level manager. Frontline manager. Team leader.

Purchase, Refinance, Cash out, New Construction, Investment Properties. We Specialize In Hard to Place Loans and Bank Turn Downs.

Top Managers Strategize and Lead Top-level managers are the organization’s senior executives and are responsible for its overall management. Top-level managers, often referred to as strategic managers, focus on the survival, growth, and overall effectiveness of the organizations. Top managers are concerned not only with the organization as a whole but also with the interaction between the organization and its external environment. This interaction often requires managers to work extensively with outside individuals and organizations. The chief executive officer (CEO) is one type of top-level manager found in large corporations. This individual is the primary strategic manager of the firm and has authority over everyone else. Others include the chief operating officer (COO), Company presidents, vice presidents, and members of the top management team. As companies have increasingly leveraged technology and knowledge management to help them achieve and maintain a competitive advantage, they created the position of chief information officer (CIO). A relatively new tip manager position, chief ethics officer, has emerged in recent years.

Minister Reginald Metts

Nationwide Lending - No Upfront Fees Purchase, Refinance, Cash Out, New Constructions We acknowledge the potential in every borrower and have a program for just about every situation.

Real Estate Base

Traditionally, the role of the top-level managers has been to set overall direction by formulating strategy and controlling resources. But now, more top managers are called on to be not only strategic architects, but also true organizational leaders that create and articulate a broader corporate purpose with which people can identify and one to which people will enthusiastically commit. (Top-Level Managers Senior executives responsible for the overall management and effectiveness of the organization)

Nationwide Lending Stated Income and No Income Verification Programs. We have short term and long-term programs for borrowers who do not meet bank underwriting guidelines for 1-4 Unit Investment, multifamily properties, and all types of commercial real estate, business loans. Programs with no minimum fico score requirements. We have stated income programs and “no income verification” programs. Programs that do not require tax returns.

By Apostle Trina Davis

*Permanent Loan Programs *Business Loans *Term Loans and Lines of Credit.

Minister Reginald Metts Nationwide Commercial Loan Programs

We also offer the following Nationwide Commercial Loan Programs: • Bridge Loans, *SBA Business Loans, *Church Loans, *Hard Money Loans *Commercial Second Mortgage Financing, *Construction Loans, *Commercial Equipment Financing, International Loans. Financing for all types of commercial properties and all types of industries.

PICTURE CAPTION: Lorem ipsum dolor sit

Nationwide Commercial Loan Programs amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vel laoreet orci. In eget auctor mi.

Loan amount from $50K-500M. NO CREDIT SCORE MINIMUM, 100% Financing Option available. Do yourself a favor, contact me with your loan scenario to get the financing you need for your commercial real estate project. Let us get you funded! Reginald Metts Everlasting Real-estate Solutions (470) 248-1373 Email: regmetts@everlastingrealestatesolutions.com Website: www.everlastingrealestatesolutions.com



Monday, Jun 03, 2019

Psalm 82:4

Human Trafficking Initiative Novelist: Senior Pastor Syanika Porter

They are waiting on us to set them free from

We are issuing a call to action for human We as God’s children have the same power to

human trafficking. The only way we can do this

trafficking. God is calling us to address this cast, loose, order and command all evil spirits,

is too fast, pray without ceasing, consecrate

ancient demon sent from the pits of hell to steal, ancient demons, devils and anything else

ourselves and to listen to our children when they

kill and destroy the lives of our youth. We have demonic in Jesus, Ne’Eman. St. Matthew 10:8

tell us someone is trying to groom or recruit

been equipped by God to win this fight. The Holy stated, “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the

them into human trafficking-

Bible stated in St. Matthew 10:1,“ And when he dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received,

Stay focused, pay attention in the spiritual

had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave freely give.” (KJV). We must go out and save our

realms and remember God has chosen, equipped

them power against unclean spirits, to cast them children. It’s time to stand up, take action and

and given you power, dominion and authority

out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all save our children. Our children are a Blessing

over this ancient demon to permanently expel

manner of disease.” (KJV).

him once and forever.

from God.

Psalm 91

Godly Advice Everyone of us will at one point or another interact with our youth. This is some Godly advice on how to deal with youth: Always watch your tone, tongue and body language when speaking

to adolescence.

Remember, they are still developing spiritually, physically and emotionally. Your verbal and nonverbal communication can have a lasting affect either good or bad. Stay involved in the lives of youths. Senior Pastor Syanika Porter

By staying involved, you are better equipped to war against the no name

Indeed, for the sake of His great name the LORD will not abandon His people, because He was pleased to make you His own. As for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the LORD by ceasing to pray for you. And I will continue to teach you the good and right way. Above all, fear the LORD and serve Him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things He has done for you. 1 Samuel 12: 22-24

(devil) when he sets out to attack them. Please remember, they might not be fully equipped for battle against the no name, so it's vital to keep a close eye on them.

Hello, My Royal Magazine Family Author Prophetess Domonique Smith I am Prophetess Domonique giving a little insight on how running businesses can be. For starters, I have a ministry and two businesses selling clothes and little of everything and selling hair also. Now trying to juggle everything you have to learn to multi-task. Because if not you will not be able to handle all the responsibilities. For me starting off was a task in itself trust if it wasn't for me having kids learning how to multitask wouldn't have been a walk in the park. But I still went through some things when it came to multitask a business. I felt overwhelmed and exhausted.

I felt like quitting actually seen myself giving up at one point. It was like an on and off switch with me. What helped me tame it all. Was the Help of God. Allowing him to be my partner and help me learn to do everything another way and better. Me trying to run it without him became harder and harder for me I felt I was hitting a wall. To even come up with an idea. I'm just grateful now is more in tune my mind is coming up with more and more ideas. Because of me involving God. So, my advice to business owners with thoughts of running a ministry out there Just Know it was God that brought you to have your own business and ministry and it will be God to get you through it running it effectively. Ne'eman God Bless you Children and Men and Women Of God. Agape!!

Prophetess Domonique Smith



Monday, Jun 03, 2019

Proverbs 8:18

Kingdom Wealth Enterprise Chief Apostle Teyshana Wiley, CEO Founder of I Am A Ruby Network

Blessings and GA PlatNEWminnionaires today is Fabulousity, Faith, Fully Favorable, Financial, Fuego(Fire) Funds being Unleashed, and Released Friday on Purpose. This is the day you can expect money being provided for you, your family, and everyone connected to you. God is sending sponsors, donors, contributors, investors, government grants/wealth, an action of practice, people providing money for a particular purpose. Right now, the universe is disbursing financial sufficient income into our lives, back pay, retro pay, underwriters, supporters, and endowments. The Heavens are descending down angels describe as human individuals, to foot the bill for you, pick up the tab, lay unexplainable money in your path, depositing bankrolls, and state of the agency of the dimension of the heavens.

The Kingdom is releasing, Unexplainable Favor, uncommon favor, favor that you never even heard of, the kingdom is supplying everything that you need for today. God is giving us new ballistic(that is moving at God-speed, under God's gravity only) mercy, grace, anointing, gifts, establishments, bequeaths, limitless amounts, guaranteed investments, and a Kingdom Wealth Enterprise. It is Written: Proverbs 21:20 PKDB-Wise Individuals, have unlimited riches, an abundance of wealth and kingdom luxury guaranteed. However, the know-it-all’s and brainless will spend every single dime they collect. May you never thirst again. #IAmARuby #PropelKingdomDimensionBible

Because I Am Positioned For Wealth Author Bishop Apostle Claudia Boatwright I Must Create An Atmosphere of Excellence “Then this Daniel became distinguished above all the other presidents and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him. And the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom.” Daniel 6:3 As we proceed daily to accomplish all that the Lord has assigned our hands to do; we must always remain cognizant of the fact that God expects us to be a living example of “excellence” by creating this type of atmosphere wherever we are. This character quality appears not to be as important to some as it should. One of the causes for the failure to build an atmosphere of excellence is that many are still being held captive in a mindset that has been produced by a spirit of poverty and lack. Therefore, although they are productive in the realm of the spirit; although they love the Lord; and are living a lifestyle that is well pleasing to the Lord…they lack the ability to create an atmosphere of excellence. The Spirit of excellence; prior to its demonstration; must have the ability to engulf our minds to the extent they we can first detect anything that is in disarray within us. Excellence begins inwardly and flows from within. Excellence is a mindset that commands and demands that we bring into a state of order….. everything – on every level and in every situation. Therefore, when we have permitted this Spirit of excellence to begin a work WITHIN us …. we will then possess the ability to permit that Spirit to be released FROM us and to infiltrate atmosphere AROUND us. One of the main culprits of the Spirit of Excellence is an undisciplined or non-conscientious mindset. My ability to identify and uproot any degree of “slackness” that may be within my mind… is to first be able to… “Recognize its fruit - then uproot”! So because excellence refers more to mental condition; I can be a millionaire and still not have a disciplined mindset…. And lack the ability to create an atmosphere of excellence. My ability to create an atmosphere of excellence is not contingent upon my material gain or assets. My ability to create an atmosphere of excellence is dependent upon my true weightiness in the realm of the Spirit; which will permit me to detect every diabolical plot, plan and ploy that has been established for my demise. To create an atmosphere of excellence I must daily refuse to permit others to clutter my mind. I must maintain a sense freedom. To create an atmosphere of excellence I must eradicate, eliminate, and totally remove all debris which has previously been advantageous – but is now producing a blockage or hindrance to my current status. To create an atmosphere of excellence I must be determined to bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. Lastly, I must always remain cognitive of the fact that I have already received my wealthy status in the realm of the Spirit. The elevation of my MINDSET, which will permit it to create an atmosphere of excellence, just might be the missing link that is preventing the manifestation of the same. So, because excellence is first and foremost a mindset, I must renew my mind to live according to Philippians 4:8 which states…. “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, THINK on these things


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