I Am A Ruby Newspaper August 2019 Edition

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July, August, 2019

Platinum Eagles Quarterly Broadcast

Aim high. Shoot for the stars. I Am A Ruby’s Mission Mission Statement: Our “online network community, is a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization” that is designed, online Ministry, and social media network community, with a unique hemisphere that provides a high-quality that reaches a broad and appropriate mentoring, nurturing and coaching abilities to ensure academic, spiritual growth, personal growth, spiritual success, and personal success. Our Mission is to Educate, Empower, Enhance, and to Equip, Men and Women; which will awaken their gifts, goals, plans, dreams, and talents, into embracing their walk-in Success, Excellence, and Prosperity. We are equipped, with an online magazine, online radio station, online movies/videos, online clothing eBeta shop, online blogs, online book publishing, online university, online high-school, online workshops, online hair store, online businesses, online webinars, and much more, to enhance men and women to walk in success, wealth, healing, and prosperity.

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Home Of The Fivefold Network I Am A Ruby Ministries have voluminous of Online Seminars, Live Teleconferences, workshops, teachings, and training and more, and five Empowerment Conferences a year. I am a Ruby, is about men and women pursuing their destiny. Embracing their purpose, and walking in their ministry, careers, goals, visions, dreams, and desires. I am a Ruby is not just a ministry, we are family, and we walk as one whole body. We teach, equip, and empower men, and women in personal development being committed to excellence and success. Building structure in ministry, and obtain prosperity, and abundance in ministry and business. The Youth Explosion Conference: speakers, badges, folders, lunch, gifts, and surprises.

Weekly Sunday Services

July 2019 Special Services July 25: I Am A Ruby FL Biblical Expressions Bible Study 7PM EST July 29: Strength Voices Monday Morning Intercessors Prayer Warriors at 6:30AM EST July 28: I Am A Ruby FL 10AM EST Sonday Worship Service August 1: Activation/Impartation service 7PM EST



July, August, 2019


“LET US DECREE A THING” “You will also decide and decree a thing, and it will be established for you; And the light [of God’s favor] will shine upon your ways. Job 22:28 (AMP)

First what is a Decree? Decrees are formal and authoritative orders, especially one having the force of law: Law, a judicial decision or order, an order or judgment of a court made after hearing a suit, i.e. in matrimonial proceedings. A presidential decree. To command, ordain, or decide by decree, an edict, made by someone in authority.

The free Acts of Human Beings God has decreed that humans can act either good or evil. Eph 2:10

The Circumstances of Nations God has decreed the circumstances of the nation’s Acts 17:26

What Are the decrees of God? "to decree, decide, pronounce a decision,"

The length of human life

One of the eternal purposes of God, by which events are foreordained.

God has decreed the length of a person’s life – Job 14:5

The decrees of God are declarations or pronouncements that He has made in working out His plan in the various ages. According to the eternal purpose which he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord; Eph 3:11.

Keeping the Passover unto the Lord God of Israel

The decrees of God extend to His creation of the universe. His plan of salvation for humankind and His providence over all things.

The Stability of Universe God has decreed that the universe will remain stable; Psalms119:89-91

Within the Word of God are decrees” made of men to control the populations. Daniel 3 (10 focus verse) Thou, O king, hast made a decree, that every man that shall hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, and dulcimer, and all kinds of music, shall fall down and worship the golden image:

After the miraculous move of God (29 focus verse) Therefore, I make a decree, That every people, nation, and language, which speak anything amiss against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, shall be cut in pieces, and their houses shall be made a dunghill: because there is no other God that can deliver after this sort.

Job 22:28 “You will also decide and decree a thing, and it will be established for you; And the light [of God’s favor] will shine upon your ways.

2 Chronicles 30:1-5 (5 focus verse) So, they established a decree to make proclamation throughout all Israel, from Beersheba even to Dan, that they should come to keep the Passover unto the Lord God of Israel at Jerusalem: for they had not done it of a long time in such sort as it was written.

Exceptional Us from the Incredible HIM

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We decree within our Spirit, speaking through a place of freedom; being free indeed, arising to the occasion of life and spring forth with greatness. Activating the impossibilities from the Possible God, Acknowledging God as our hiding place, opening our alabaster box of our mission at His feet. We show our Faith by what we do; trusting in Him like never before, accepting the necessary growth; igniting supernatural within Us. Trusting In God of Love as he fills us constantly with love, peace, walking in elevation, transitioning UP (Unlimited Power), fulfilling spectacular events. Awakening of Our Holy Spirit realizing there is a Kingdom Sound; Responding to Gods commandments, no, it’s not hard, it’s not in the heavens, neither by the side of the sea, but recognizing that it’s near us, it’s in our mouth and in our hearts and we shall quantum leap with demonstrable action from faith and obedience. Rejoining consistency, which will bring forth growth with out-of-the-world productivity of powerful change. “not one word will fall”.

By: Pastor Patricia Johnson



July, August, 2019

Psalm 82:4

“Changing In God ” Novelist: Senior Pastor Syanika Porter Changing in God is something we must all do as his chosen leadershifters. As Leadershifters, we have come a long way in God, but we still have work to do. We still have growth and maturing to do. We must always embrace change in God. The Holy Bible stated in Isaiah 43:19 stated, “ I am going to do something new. It is already happening. Don’t you recognize it? I will clear a way in the desert. I will make rivers on dry land.” (NOG). Oftentimes, God is trying to change us, but we are spiritually blind and cannot see what God is trying to do for us, his children.

There are various reasons why God is changing us. We as his children must remember, that when God decides to change us, it is to eliminate anything stale, old, stagnant, hindrance or the past! Change in God is what is best. As Leadershifters, God is continuously changing us, so that we can shift, transform and go deeper in God. Remember to pray, to journal what God is saying to you and celebrate the new you in God.

Stay focused, stay on the wall and know that God is doing a new thing in you unlike you have never seen before. Embrace the new you in God. Remember what 2 Corinthians 5:17 stated, ““Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”” (KJV). Enjoy this Heavenly and Divined transformation in God. Embrace the new you, celebrate the new you and walk in the new you. God has changed you into the Leadershifters he has called you to be in order to do what he has called you to do. We love you all to life.

1. Teach them how to pray the Lord's Prayer according to Saint Matthews 6:9-13(KJV) 2. Teach them not to worry according to Saint Matthew 6:25-34 (KJV) 3. Teachofthem how to Saintwith Matthew 6:14-15 Everyone us will at to oneforgive point oraccording another interact our youth. This (KJV) is some Godly advice on how to deal with youth: Always watch your 4. Teach them how to fast according to Saint Matthew 6:16-18 (KJV) tone, tongue and body language when speaking to adolescence. 5. Teach them to ask for wisdom according to James 1:5 (KJV) Remember, they are still developing spiritually, physically and

Senior Pastor Syanika Porter As our children return to school or preparing to return to school, please let us do the following for our children. This is our children's year to be prosperous along with stepping out on faith, while trusting GOD to do what they need for GOD to do in their lives:

I pray God gives you the same smile he gives me. I pray he meets your every desire. God is the best Father in the world. For those that are fatherless the best Mother to those that are Motherless. The best sibling you never had to those who don’t have a sibling. Trust me when I say God is real God is loving, He Is powerful. He is the right one to call on in times of need. God is truly a way maker your since of peace. He is the game changer the creator of all things.

"But withoutYour faith verbal it is impossible to please him: for he that emotionally. and nonverbal communication cancometh have a to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that lasting affect either good or bad. Stay involved in the lives of youths. diligently seek him." (KJV) By staying involved, you are better equipped to war against the no name These are very important to teach your children. I will be posting up (devil) when he sets out way to attack them. Please remember, they might every magazine edition to help our children to have a successful school year.equipped Remember to do what Proverbs 22:6 stated, a not be fully for battle against the no name, so it's "Train vital toup keep child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart afrom closeit." eye(KJV) on them. By: Senior Pastor Syanika Porter

Blessings Readers, today focus on you, strive and began to learn about yourself and the love you have for yourself. Are you where you need to be within yourself? Is your relationship with God strong enough that it shows on your face? Have you been spending time with him? Have you truly been doing one on one with God to learn more about how to love God and yourself so you can give that love to your babies or any of your love ones. On today just think about it. If you need to do better start today just know its never too late to start loving you. Love you all to life Agape. And that's the best kind of Love Agape Love

By: Prophetess Domonique Smith



July, August, 2019

Proverbs 8:18

Kingdom Wealth Enterprise Declaration Chief Apostle Teyshana Wiley, CEO Founder of I Am A Ruby Network

Blessings my Royal Platinum Eagle's Family, this upcoming year, of Blessings and year. GA PlatNEWminnionaires is walk, Fabulousity, Faith, 2019 is your This is the year where today you will talk, breath, Fully Favorable, Fuego(Fire) Funds being and in being healthy,Financial, wealthy, wise, humbled, loved, andUnleashed, excited about Released on Purpose.right This now is the(today) day youand canall expect money life. WeFriday are millionaire's the days of being our long productive come riches, connected that will manifest fromis provided for you, life. yourKingdom family, and everyone to you. God your own self-confidence, and having faith in God(Math 6:10). sending sponsors, donors, contributors, investors, government grants/wealth, an action of practice, people providing money for a You are valuable in the universe and is a powerful instrument in the particular purpose. Right now, the universe is disbursing financial Kingdom of God. Decree over yourself right now: I am unforgettable, sufficient income intoI am our investing lives, back pay, retro underwriters, I remember able, and in myself like I pay, have ever before. supporters, endowments. The Heavens are descending angels I am goingand to know God thoughts in a financial kingdomdown economic, describe as human individuals, to prosperous foot the billway. for you, pick up the tab, and holistic healthy healing and My imagination is greater than my knowledge. I have the keys to the Kingdom, I have lay unexplainable money in your path, depositing bankrolls, and state of Authority, understanding ability, and I am the agency ofnew the Wisdom, dimensionLimitless of the heavens. important to God, myself, my family, and others.

I am FLYING (Forever Learning Me, Increasing New Greatness). I The Kingdom is releasing, in Unexplainable Favor, uncommon favor, it am Success consciousness every fragment of my mind, because favor that you never evenand heard of, the kingdom is supplying is being renewed, restored, replenished(Rom 12:1-2). God in me, everything that how you toneed today. is giving us new is showing me, be a for shifting and God Rejuvenated entrepreneur, that will obtain and abundance all the daysonly) of my ballistic(that is wealth, moving prosperity, at God-speed, under God's gravity life. My Success depends on my mouth, and all the productive, mercy, grace, anointing, gifts, establishments, bequeaths, limitless positive words that come from it.and Because my tongue a pen of a amounts, guaranteed investments, a Kingdom WealthisEnterprise. ready, skilled, and expert writer(Ps 45:1). It is Written: Proverbs 21:20 PKDB-Wise Individuals, have unlimited riches,and an desires abundance of wealthcompletion and kingdom luxury My small plans will Manifest because I am guaranteed. However, the know-it-all’s and brainless will spend delighting myself in the Lord(Ps 37:4). I am believing in myself, and I am becoming unstoppable. every single dime they collect.I am walking in a Psychological mental Impartation Shifting from Heaven. I am a powerful Millionaire May you never thirst again. magnet, with #PropelKingdomDimensionBible the secrets to money(Deut 8:18) #IAmARuby

PROPEL(PROSPERITY-RELEASES- ON –POWERFUL- EFFECTIVELEADERS) I Decree and Declare for all Leaders, their families, and Marriages. I Prophesy Unity, Apostolic Breakthroughs in the Body of Christ to be ignited with FIRE. The prophetic increase in the land, and instant healing of sickness, diseases, naturally, spiritually in the name of Jesus. I Prophesy that leaders will arise and walk in Increase with Apostolic miracles. Kingdom Manifestations. Marriages will be restored, renewed, refresh, and revived. They will feel the Electricity from Heaven, as newlyweds. As Christ loves his bride. I Prophesy fresh Rhema/Logos like the MANNA from Heaven every day. I Command that Lands and property are to be released in the Earth Hemisphere now in the name of Jesus. Oh God, call forth the men to come into the kingdom, and take their rightful place in the Earth realm, to be the King, Prophet, Priest, Provider, Visionary, and protector in the name of Jesus. Lord,

By: Chief Apostle Teyshana Wiley

I Decree and Declare, the Holy Spirit to be poured out all over the earth realm, as it is done in Heaven. I pray that on today you begin to visit whoever is reading this and give them Wisdominion, knowledge, insight, intelligence, brilliance, and understanding just like you have done King Solomon. I Decree and Declare, that Abba Father, you withhold no good thing from your people. Lord, send an Angelic Visitation that the portals, hatchways, and landscapes of Heaven are open NOW, that the Angels Ascend and Descend from Heaven with, wealth, riches, spoils, and goods in their hands just like they did for Israel/Jacob in Jesus name. Allow your GLORY to fall upon anyone who is an agreement with me on today, and who is connected and reading this prayer. It is written: burnt offering When Solomon finished Worshiping, praying, and communicating with God(ELOHIM) FIRE came down from heaven and burnt-offering and the sacrifices, and the GLORY and Presence of the Lord(Yahweh) filled the sanctuary. The priests could not enter the temple of the Lord because the glory of the Lord filled the whole sanctuary up(2 Chron 7:1-2 PKDB) These words will not fall to the ground, because It is Written, and the Lord(Yahweh-Yireh) approves this message in Jesus name Amen, it is DONE~ P®OPEL Kingdom Dimension Bible(PKDB) on Pg. 33 of the PKDB inbox me for your free eBook copy. #IAmARuby#PropelKingdomDimensionBible


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