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Foundation Learning
The Foundation Programme provides a range of courses for students wishing to improve their basic skills bridging the gap between school and a Level 2 college course, Apprenticeship or supported internship.
This course has been designed to develop personal and employability skills and covers a wide range of units in areas such as setting goals, working with others and knowledge of living in the wider community.
This is an accessible and inclusive course for students with learning difficulties and/or disabilities. Entry 2 can be a progression route for students who have been on our Pathways course, or an entry course for students coming to us straight from school, and has been designed to build confidence, motivation and independence skills.
This is a type of study programme specifically aimed at young people aged 16-24 who have an EHC Plan, who want to move into employment and need extra support to do so. The programme has one primary aim which is to: wherever possible support young people to move into paid employment.
If you have learning difficulties or disabilities and are looking to continue your education after special school, our Pathways area offers a selection of courses designed to suit your individual stage of learning. Pathways is a small friendly department that caters for students up to the age of 25.
Qualifications offered
● English > Entry 1 to Level 1 ● Mathematics > Entry 1 to Level 1 ● Employability > Entry 2 to Level 1 ● ICT > Entry 1 to Level 1 ● GCSE > Resits
Get the details
For full course details and how to apply, please visit www.henleycol.ac.uk
Student Profile
“I enjoyed coming to College, and I made lots of new friends, and on Fridays I would go to D2 for work experience. I am on a 3 year residential course at Foxes Academy, in Minehead, Somerset, and I’m working towards my City and Guilds NVQ Level 1 Certificate in Hospitality Services and the Food Safety Award. I am also studying Foxes’ Pathway to Life – Independent Living Skills course.”
Rachel came to The Henley College from Thornton Grammar School.