Wellness Products Asia Ltd.
291 The Chatrium Residence Sathorn Naradhiwas soi 24, Naradhiwas Road, Yanawa, Bangkok 10120 Tel/fax: 0 2672 0424 E-mail : contact@wellnessproductsasia.com www.wellnessproductsasia.com
Thai Spa#July_p1-21_iMac2.indd 3
7/10/12 1:51 AM
Message from the President As I am sure you are all aware by now the Thai Spa Association is organizing the World Spa & Well-being Convention 2012, in conjunction with Pool & Spa Tech Asia at IMPACT Exhibition Centre, Bangkok from 19th to 21st September. The Convention includes the World Spa & Well-being Exhibition 2012 of 5,000sqm, the World Spa & Well-being Congress 2012 with speakers from, and the Thailand Spa & Well-being Awards 2012 and this has been our primary focus in the past few weeks. Our international marketing exploits for the event have included trips to Singapore and China, with trips to Malaysia and Hong Kong in the coming weeks. Our convention manager Impact Exhibition Management Co., Ltd. have appointed agents in India, China and Vietnam to help handle the enquiries that are flooding in. The event now has the support of 11 local and international spa and tourism organizations, 7 local and 3 national, 1 regional and 1 global media partner, as well as premier research partner Intelligent Spas, and is supported by the Tourism Authority of Thailand, the Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau and the Department of Tourism and a growing list of sponsors. Sponsorship opportunities are still available those that wish to make the most of this marketing opportunity – on a local or world level. In the meantime, we continue to work with the Department of Tourism on the next steps in the development of the ASEAN Spa standard, and have launched the Thailand Spa & Wellbeing Awards website www.thailandspaawards.com, and will shortly be launching the Thai Spa Well-being magazine website www.thaispawellbeing.com For all the latest news from the Thai Spa Association, visit one of our websites, face book pages or via linked in or twitter, or just call into our new office if you prefer the face-to-face approach. Till next issue, happy spa-ing
Andrew Jacka President
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Thai Spa#July_p1-21_iMac2.indd 4
¤³Ð¡ÃÃÁ¡ÒÃÊÁÒ¤ÁÊ»Òä·Â »ÃШӻ‚ 2554-2555 Thai Spa Association Board 2011-2012
Executive Board
¹Ò¡ÊÁÒ¤Á : á͹´Ã٠ᨤ¡ŒÒ President : Andrew Jacka president@thaispaassociation.com
ÍØ»¹Ò¡ÊÁÒ¤Á : ÀÑ··ÔÃҾà à¢ÕÂÇʹÑè¹ Vice President : Phattiraporn Khiewsanun VP1@thaispaassociation.com
ÍØ»¹Ò¡ÊÁÒ¤Á : ¡Ã´ âè¹àʶÕÂà Vice President : Krod Rojanastien krod.r@chivasom.com
àÅ¢Ò¸Ô¡ÒÃÊÁÒ¤Á : ÊؾÃÃ³Õ à·Õ¹·Í§·Ô¾Â Secretary : Supanee Tientongtip tsupanee@hotmail.com
àËÃÑÞÞÔ¡ÊÁÒ¤Á : ªÅ¸ÔªÒ »˜¡ÉÕ Treasurer : Chonticha Paksri education@tigereyes.co.th
Directors / Committee Chairs
»Ãиҹ¤³Ð͹ءÃÃÁ¡Òý†Ò¡ÒÃÈÖ¡ÉÒ : ¹ÑªªÒ ‹Íà·Õ¹ªÑ Education Committee Chair : Natcha Torthienchai natcha.torthienchai@gmail.com
»Ãиҹ¤³Ð͹ءÃÃÁ¡Òý†ÒÂÃÑ°¡Ô¨ÊÑÁ¾Ñ¹¸ : ÍØâ¦É ÍÔèÁÍÒÃÁ³ Government Liaison Committee Chair : Ukos Imaromna ukos@progressive-intl.com
»Ãиҹ¤³Ð͹ءÃÃÁ¡Òý†Ò¤ÇÒÁÊÑÁ¾Ñ¹¸ ‹Ò§»ÃÐà·È : à¤ÇÔè¹ ÁÒÊ International Trade Relations Committee Chair : Kevin Maes int.trade@thaispaassociation.com
»Ãиҹ¤³Ð͹ءÃÃÁ¡Òý†Ò¡Òà ÅÒ´Ï : ÇÃÒÅѡɳ ÇҳԪ¡ØÅ Marketing & PR Committee Chair : Varaluk Vanichkul varaluk@zenseofjoy.com
»Ãиҹ¤³Ð͹ءÃÃÁ¡Òý†ÒÂÊÁÒªÔ¡ : ¹Ó¾Ã à¡ÕÂà Ը¹Ò¡Ã Membership Committee Chair : Namporn Kietthanakorn member@thaispaassociation.com
»Ãиҹ¤³Ð͹ءÃÃÁ¡Òý†Ò¡ÒÃá ‹§ Ñé§ : ·Ã§ÇØ²Ô ÃÕà·¾¨ØÅÂÒ¡ÙÅ Nominating Committee Chair : Songwut Trithepchulyakul songwut@BEAUTYdepartmentstore.com
»Ãиҹ¤³Ð͹ءÃÃÁ¡Òý†Ò¨ѴÃÒ¡Òà : ÃØ‹§ÃÑ ¹ ÇÍÃÃÔ§ ѹ Programme Committee Chair : Rungrat Warrington rung@massiraspa.com
»Ãиҹ¤³Ð͹ءÃÃÁ¡Òý†ÒÂÁÒ Ã°Ò¹ : ÊعÑ ǪÔÃÇÃÒ¡Òà Standards & Practices Committee Chair : Sunai Wachirawarakarn sunai@spanovator.com
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¼ÙŒ¨Ñ´¡ÒÃÊÁÒ¤Á : ÈÈԸà ÈÔÃÔÍÑÈÇ¡ØÅ Association Manager : Sasithorn Siriussawakul info@thaispaassociation.com
7/10/12 7:48 PM
Thai Spa#July_p1-21_iMac2.indd 5
7/10/12 2:04 AM
Editor’s Desk
Editor in Chief Songwut Trithepchulyakul Executive Editor Andrew Jacka Varaluk Vanichkul Managing Director Pichit Bunprasert Editor Kochaporn Poolsri Writer Andrew Jacka Napalai H. Cain Thanissorn Lakchai Arujit Lertkitcha Translator Rassarin Sirichawarojkul
World Spa & Wellbeing Congress 2012
Advertising & Marketing Sasithorn Siriussawakul Krisana Thapornpasee Pheeraya Srithong
(the official magazine of the Thai Spa Association) is published 6 times per year by Faith Covey Co.,Ltd. for the Thai Spa Association.
Spa Well-being facebook.com/thaispawellbeingmag Android B2S Bookstore, www.ookbee.com
Graphic Designer Faith Covey Team
http://www. Like iPad AIS Bookstore, Thai Spa Well-
Faith Covey (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. Unit No. C-0705 547/75 Lumpini Ville Lasalle-Barring Bangna Bangkok 10260 Tel & Fax : +66 (0) 2 173 6270 E-mail : faiththailand@hotmail.com
The views and opinions expressed or implied in this magazine are those of the authors or contributors, and do not necessarily reflect those of Thai Spa Association and Faith Covey Company Limited, its directors or editorial staff. Unsolicited transparencies and articles sent in are at owners’ own risk, and Faith Covey accepts no liability for loss or damage. Printed at S.P.N. Printing Co., Ltd. Colour Separations at PP. Plate&Film Co., Ltd. Distribution by World of Distribution Co., Ltd.
Thai Spa#July_p1-21_iMac2.indd 6
Thai Spa Association 10/1067 The Trendy Office, 20A Floor Unit 20A02A, Sukhumvit Soi 13, Klongtoey-Nua, Wattana 10110 Tel : +66 (0) 2 168 7095
7/10/12 7:48 PM
Thai Spa#July_p1-21_iMac2.indd 7
7/10/12 2:03 AM
12 | Well-being
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“One of the Thailand’s ten best innovations selected in 2011” A new innovation of Chiida Spa is a knowledge domain of therapeutic healing specialty designed and built on the intellect and wisdom of Lanna and Tai Yai, the cultural heritage of Thai northern region, which have been handed down for over 1,000 years. This innovation was created through a combination of Tai Yai therapeutic massage and traditional Lanna uses of herbs, derived from ‘Yam Khang’ technique.
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The spa selected and adopted this knowledge domain so as to improve therapeutic healing method perfectly suitable for modern lifestyles, thus introducing the “ChiiShan Therapy” program, part of highly valuable intellect and wisdom you can experience. Tai Yai-styled body massage is a form of gentle therapeutic healing, similar to Chiropractics, which does not cause much muscle strain or pain. At the spa, we apply a series of yoga-like stretches which is consistent with the
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principles of Anatomy. This program is, thus, suitable for travelers and those whose work requires the same and repetitive position like walking, standing, sitting, or even sleeping, including rhythmic movement disorder, all of ZKLFK FDQ EH D FDXVH RI D PXVFOH ORFN LQÁH[LEOH WHQGRQ and a pressure sore.
The Chii-Shan Treatment comprised with Tai-Yai Body Massage and Yam Khan “Thai Lanna Fire Therapy Technique” which can explain as following; 1) Tai Yai body massage Before settling down in the Lanna Kingdom, Tai Yai tribe, also called Shan people, has been known to have lived in the majestic northwest corner of Thailand’s border adjacent to Myanmar and China. With a thousand years of history, the unique identity of its cultures, wisdom and valuable heritages can be seen through its tradition, architecture, the way of living and traditional medicine, such as Tai Yai-styled massage and uses of herbs, collected from a deep forest, for therapeutic treatment.
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20 | Inner-Retreat
Inner-Retreat |21 ¥² Ï ´ ©³ ¯ Â¥´ ³ ³Ë ¯´¥£ Î Â ¶ § Ê ´ È Â Ê ©´£ §³ © ©´£Ä ¥ ©´£Ä ¥n´¤ ©´£¯ ©´£ ³ ©§ ©´£Äª ª¥n´ ©´£¥»¬n ¸ §m´ · Ë ¯m Ån ¶ ¯´¥£ q ¶ § ç²Â | ³© · Ê ² ¯¤ m¯ µ §´¤ ¬º ¢´ ¯ Â¥´  p´Â¥·¤ ¥»n ¥² © ´¥ ·Ê ² ³ ´¥ ³ ¯´¥£ q ©´£¥»n¬¸ n©¤ ´¥Å n§³ ´¥ u ©´£ §´ ´ ¯´¥£ qv ¬¥¶£ §³ §£ ¥´ Å ¥m´ ´¤ ´¥Å n u,QQHU 6PLOHv ç² u6L[ +HDOLQJ 6RXQGVv ² m©¤Å ´¥ ¥³  §·Ê¤ ¯´¥£ q ¶ § Ån |  ¶ © ¸Ê  |  ¶ ´¥¬¯ ¯ m´ ¯´ ´¥¤q 0DQWDN &KLD  p´Æ nÂ¥·¤ ¥»n ¸ ©´£¬³£ ³ q¥²©m´ §³ ´ ´ ¯´¥£ q ³ ¥² ¯©³ ¤©²¢´¤Å £´ ©m ´§´¤ª ©¥¥« n ©¤ ´¥ª¸ «´Ã§² ´¥
14-17 Spa Standard
‘Spa Standard’ Myths debunked !
20-21 Inner-retreat
The Inner Smile and Six Healing Sounds
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The Inner Smile and Six Healing Sounds
v¦°¥¥·Ê¤ µ £µ¥Ä w ¨³ v ¡¨´ Á¸¥ ®n µ¦¦´ ¬µw By Tao Garden
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In the Taoist tradition, Positive and Negative emotions are associated with the internal organs. One of the keys to good health is to become aware of the emotional energies that reside in the organs, and then to transform the negative emotional energies into positive virtues.Taoists believe that we are all born with the virtues of love, gentleness, kindness, respect, honesty, fairness, justice and righteousness. Unfortunately, as we mature and encounter more stress in our daily lives, negative emotions such as fear, anger, cruelty, impatience, worry, sadness and grief often predominate. The negative emotions have deleterious effects on the internal organs and glands, draining our life-force and undermining our health. In the Tao “emotional intelligence” is a process of recognizing emotions by their effects on the body and employing exercises that transform the negative emotions into positive life force, or Chi. Two important exercises are the “Inner Smile” and the “Six Healing Sounds” techniques, as taught by Master Mantak Chia.
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For more information visit www.tao-garden.com
22-23 Spa Design
Earth Tone, Relax Sense for Spa Guests
24-28 Destination
One Day Trip To Ayutthaya
30-32 Feature
World Spa & Well-being Congress 2012
Spa Design |23
Taoists learned the relationships between emotional energies and organ systems over many centuries of study and meditation. They developed methods to transform negative to positive emotions from their practical and intuitive understanding of the human body. Many of the Taoist insights are supported by observations and evidence from modern psychology and PHGLFLQH 7KH ´,QQHU 6PLOHµ DQG ´6L[ +HDOLQJ 6RXQGVµ H[HUFLVHV IRFXV RQ À YH organs or organ systems: the heart, the lungs, the kidneys, the liver/gall bladder, and the stomach/spleen. These exercises direct our attentions to the body’s organs and associated qualities. We successively visualize each organ, cleansing the organ and transforming negative emotional energies into positive virtues.
22 | Spa Design By Arujit Lertkitcha
With the knowledge applied, herbs with different active properties are mixed in a right proportion to facilitate body balancing. According to Thai traditional medicine, HYHU\RQH KDV VSHFLÀF HOHPHQWV H[LVWLQJ LQ WKH ERG\ When such elements become imbalanced, the body will experience pain, strain, stress, or circulatory problems. Herbal compresses used at Chiida Spa comprise of rare botanical plants which contain superb body balancing and rejuvenating properties.
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‘Spa Standard’ Myths debunked!
2) Fire or Heat Therapy with Herbal ball : A Compress herbal ball Massage for four individual elements
Spa Standard |15
by Andrew Jacka
Chiida Spa’s Applicatin of Holistic Knowledge “One of Thailand’s ten best innovations selected in 2011”
“98% of tested people experienced immediate result of EDFN SDLQ UHOLHI DIWHU WKH ÀUVW WUHDWPHQWµ
14 | Spa Standard
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12-13 Well-being
Chiida Spa’s application of this holistic knowledge
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Earth Tone
Earth Tone, Relax Sense for Spa Guests Recently, spas are opened widespread in Thailand. They need to make customers impressionably their services. Their interior design also becomes the fundamental part likewise the therapists’ treatment. In eyes of decorator, the idea for spa designers would be recommended by the concept of “Relax and Impress Our Guests”. All area would be followed the function plan. The front area should be set as the reception with exclusive functions for customers such as cozy furniture and coffee tables. And also the lights would be adjusted softly for relaxing customers. The shoes area is secondly prepared into shape. The lobby would then be designed as hallway reducing area use; decorate by Earth Tone colors (e.g. light brown, beige) whereas illume by Indirect Lighting. That can lead softer atmosphere and more dramatic. 6SD URRPV DUH VSHFLÀF DUHD WR SD\ PRUH DWWHQWLRQ The guests need to be completely relaxed and LPSUHVVHG ZLWK IXOO IXQFWLRQV RI WKLV DUHD H J ÀWWLQJ rooms where can be designed as small wardrobes or small clothes racks. This zone would have full length mirror for customers and have bigger space and washbowl for the therapists’ cozy treatment providing. Down light would be avoided inside spa
rooms due to its annoying. Spas would use wall ODPS RU KLGH WKH OLJKWV RQ VRIÀW PDNLQJ UHOD[ DWPRVphere and measurement. Relaxation lounge is last area that providing customers exclusive experiences such as soft sofas, coffee tables, and hot & cold healthy drinks. The spa interior prefers to use natural materials as woods or stones which can be replaced by Laminate or Engineering woods with the control of the humidity. The walls would be colored with Earth Tone or Texture painting by the professionals. The most popular of Texture is orange or beige cement. Wallpaper is additionally hit due to its several designs and natural copying such as old cement and bamboo design etc. The above is only the recommended idea for spa decoration and mainly functions. The concept of spa, however, should be specifying by spa owners before decoration or discussion with the decorator for the best result.
By Ms. Arujit Lertkitcha Freelance interior designer contact: 081-3020220, email: alcalice@gmail.com
Destination |25
ª´ Á ¸¥ªÁ ¸¥É ª ¦» Á nµ Story/Photo by Thanissorn Lakchai
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Thai Spa#July_p1-21_iMac2.indd 8
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7/10/12 7:48 PM
Thai Sp
Thai Spa#July_p1-21_iMac2.indd Spa_AD Giffarine_Pro1.indd 9 1
7/10/12 7/9/12 11:50 2:05 AM PM
36 | Cuisine
Cuisine |37
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Good Taste & Good Health
@Ariya Organic Café
Ariya Organic Café was established under the concept of “treat your body by yourself” – to encourage people through education and adaption of their thinking towards a strong healthy body.
34 Spa Guide
Content The Hotspring Beach Resort & Spa
36-38 Cuisine
Good Taste & Good Health @Ariya Organic Café
40-41 How To
How to Find the RIGHT SPA?
42-45 Recommended
Wanathara Health Resort and Spa
The dishes served are raw and vegan, and contain all the necessary enzymes, vitamins, minerals, calcium and protein that you do not get from eating meat. The raw food dishes are made from healthy organic foods that growing naturally such as fresh vegetables, nuts, bean sprouts and seaweed and which have not contaminated by toxins and chemicals, and processed to a maximum temperature of 42ºC, to preserve KHDOWK\ HQ]\PHV 1R SURFHVVHG ZKLWH VXJDU RU Á RXU LV used either. The Vegan dishes are free of meat and meat products, including eggs, milk and honey. The recipes of Ariya Organic Café are designed to promote a healthy immune system, improve brain and H\H IXQFWLRQ ZKLOH DOVR VXSSRUWLQJ GHWR[LÀ FDWLRQ DQG healthy weight loss. Ariya Organic Café, Life Center Building, Bangkok
40 | How To
How To |41
by Staff Reporter
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How to Find the RIGHT SPA? With so many businesses calling themselves spas, and knowing that some are good and some are not so good, KRZ DUH \RX VXSSRVHG WR ÀQG RQH WKDW VXLWV \RX"
How to Find the RIGHT SPA?
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Firstly, you have to be honest with yourself. Why are you going to the spa? For relaxation, for rejuvenation, for beauty application, for de-stressing, for weight-loss, to take some ‘time out from shopping’ to get away from your spouse, or one of a myriad of other reasons? Whatever the reason – be honest with yourself. You do not have to tell anyone the real reason, but you have to at least be truthful to yourself. So now you can start looking. Time: is it an issue? Does it need to be a spa that is nearby, because you have limited time, or is time not an option and you can afford to travel further if necessary?
their customers expectations, but you have to manage your own expectations also. Do not go to a ‘no frills’ spa H[SHFWLQJ D FDYLDU IDFLDO HTXDOO\ GR QRW JR WR D ÀYH star hotel spa, with expansive ‘wet areas’, expecting a THB300 massage.
Cost: it is an issue? Prices of spas treatments varies according to the ‘little extras’ that are provided. Are you looking for a ‘no frills’ experience, or ‘one of total indulgence’ – which obviously will cost considerably more, or something in between?
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Solutions: Log onto and of the social media platforms and search for spas in your area, or for comprehensive listings of spas, with descriptions and helpful location details, visit www.thaispainmind.com www.discoverspas. com/thailand or www.tourismthailand.org. Then there is www.thailandbestspas.com, and www.thaispaassociation .com which offer comprehensive no frills listings, or even new comer, www.bangkokeventscalendar.com which has a small but growing list of spas. Other sites include ZZZ VSDÀQGHU FRP RU HYHQ ZZZ WKDLODQGVSDLQGH[ com are also worth taking a look.
0RRG DUH \RX KLJKO\ VWUHVVHG MXVW KDG D ÀJKW ZLWK VRPHRQH calm and relaxed without a care in the world, spa-ing alone or spaing with friends? It is important to realize that the right spa for you today, may not be the right spa tomorrow. Friends: are you spa-ing alone or spa-ing with friends? Has a spa been recommended to you by a friend or FROOHDJXH" 7KLV LV RQH RI WKH HDVLHVW ZD\V RI ÀQGLQJ WKH right spa for you.
At the end of the day, be TRUE and be REALISITC about how you feel and what you expect TODAY and you will EH DEOH ÀQG WKH ULJKW VSD HDVLO\
Expectations: A successful spa operator is one that manages
.. 42 |
Recommended |43 Ån ©´£¥»¬n µ ¥³ ´¥ »Ã§¬º ¢´ Ä ¤£·© ¶ ¤´ ¥ ·£Ê · ©´£Â ·¤Ê © ´ ´ Ä¥ ¤´ ´§ ¶« ºÂ© £´¥m©£ ¥¥¤´¤ ç² §´ Æ£mÆ n§¤ ³ ¥¶ ´¥ © Æ ¤ m´£ §´ ã Æ£n Æ£m©m´Â | ©  n´¥¹¯ © ³© É ² µ Ån º ¥»n¬¸ m¯ §´¤Æ ³ ©´£ ´£Ã§²Â¬·¤ Ƨ ¯ ´¥ ˵ Â É ¯· n©¤
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46-47 Interviewed
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“Supanee Tientongtip” Positive Thinking : The Way to Live a Happy Life
46 | Interviewed
Interviewed |47
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48-51 Society
 §É Æ£m §³ ¬º ¢´ · ´¥ ·ÆÊ n µ ´ Å ¬´¤ ´ ¬ ´ µ ÅnÂ¥´¥³ ´¥ ¶ ´£ m´©¬´¥ n´ ¬º ¢´ Æ£m ´ ¤´ n´Æ£m µ  |  ¥´²¥»©n ´m £³ ²£· § m¯ ³ ¯ Â¥´ Æ£m ¹£Ê ´Ã¡ ˵ ¯³ §£ ¹£Ê à m µË  §m´ · Ê ¥¯ ´ ¥² UHYHUVH RVPRVLV ç² ¹ Ê ¸ Ë £´ ¥n¯£ ¯ º ¥²Â n´ ·ÂÊ ¥´£· ©· ¶ · Ê ¯· · ¸ Ê ©³ :H DUH ©³ §²Æ£m µÊ ©m´ §¶ ¥  ¹¯Ê µ ©´£¬²¯´ ¥² ¢´¤Å ¯ §³ Ån¬ ¶ ZKDW ZH HDW DQG ZH DUH ZKDW ZH WKLQN
54 | Guru Talk
52 Calendar
Guru Talk |55
By Napalai H. Cain
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54-55 Guru Talk
Mechanical movement of the body (Body Mechanics or Bio Mechanics) o Lower Back
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Caused by trying to bend and twisting your lower back, standing incorrectly or bad balance (such as standing too far away from the massage bed), resulting in the need to push the rest of the body to help or lean against the massage bed and use the upper body movement to create the pressure and movement. The massage bed is too high or too low. To improve the movement of the body and avoid injury to your lower back, take note of the following recommendations. &KHFN LI WKH KHLJKW RI WKH PDVVDJH EHG LV WRR KLJK RU too low. An easy way to check the height, is to stand EHVLGH WKH EHG XVH \RXU ÀVW WR WRXFK WKH WRS VXUIDFH RI the bed and adjust the height accordingly. This method is suitable for clients who are physically small. For larger clients who require acupressure movements, then use WKH WLSV RI \RXU ÀQJHUV WR WRXFK WKH EHG DQG DGMXVW WKH height accordingly.
is suitable for massage movement which involve long strokes, such as from the lower back to the upper back and from the ankle up to the upper thigh.
Mechanical movement of the body (Body Mechanics or Bio Mechanics)
o The force and movement required to perform massage, must come from the big, strong muscles such as those in the legs. You must avoid using the muscles of the lower back. The lower back has fewer and smaller muscles than the legs. It is easy to cause you lower back pain, if you use the incorrect technique on a regular basis. Please read the next issue for more hints and advice.
The stance -there are 2 ways of standing; Horse stance and Archer Stance. o For the Horse Stance, you must stand parallel to the bed. The distance between the feet depends on the technique and the massage movement. This stand is suitable for massaging small areas of the body but it is not suitable where long strokes are required. o For the Archer Stance, you must stand beside the bed, using one foot in front of the other. The distance between the legs depends on the movement of massage stroke. If the client is on the right side, use the left foot at the front and the right foot at the back. The distance between the feet depends on the body movement and the massage strokes required and involves transferring the body weight from one foot to the other. This stance
58 Book Review
Thai Spa#July_p1-21_iMac2.indd 10
7/10/12 7:48 PM
Thai Spa#July_p1-21_iMac2.indd 11
7/10/12 7:49 PM
12 | Well-being
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Thai Spa#July_p1-21_iMac2.indd 12
7/10/12 1:02 AM
Well-being |13 ä·ÂãËÞ‹ áÅÐÂÒ¢‹Ò§ “à·¤¹Ô¤¡ÒúӺѴẺä·ÂŌҹ¹Ò” «Öè§ÊÒÁÒö ͸ԺÒÂä´Œ´Ñ§¹Õé 1. ¡ÒùǴ ÑÇẺä·ÂãËÞ‹ ¡‹Í¹·Õè¨ÐÁÕ¡Òà Ñé§ÃÒªÍҳҨѡÃŌҹ¹Ò¹Ñé¹ ªÒÇä·ÂãËÞ‹¶Ù¡ àÃÕÂ¡Ç‹Ò “Shan” «Öè§à»š¹·Õè·ÃÒº¡Ñ¹Ç‹Ò ÍÒÈÑÂÍÂÙ‹ã¹ Ðà¢çºªÒÂá´¹ÀÒ¤ ÐÇѹÍÍ¡à©Õ§à˹×Í·Õ¡è njҧãËÞ‹¢Í§ä·Â´ŒÒ¹·Õè ´Ô ¡Ñº»ÃÐà·È¾Á‹ÒáÅШչ ¨Ò¡ËÅÑ¡°Ò¹·Ò§»ÃÐÇÑ ÈÔ ÒÊ Ã¡Ç‹Ò¾Ñ¹»‚ ÇѲ¹¸ÃÃÁÍѹ໚¹àÍ¡Åѡɳ ੾ÒÐáÅÐÁô¡ÀÙÁÔ»˜ÞÞҢͧªÒÇä·ÂãËÞ‹ ÊÒÁÒö¾ºàËç¹ä´Œ¨Ò¡ ¢¹º¸ÃÃÁà¹ÕÂÁ»ÃÐླÕ, ʶһ˜ ¡ÃÃÁ, ÇÔ¶ÕªÕÇÔ áÅÐÂÒá¼¹âºÃÒ³ ઋ¹ ¡ÒùǴáÅСÒÃ㪌ÊÁعä¾ÃẺªÒÇä·ÂãËÞ‹«§Öè ¨Ðà¡çºÁÒ¨Ò¡»†ÒÅÖ¡ ÊÒËÃѺ¡Ò÷ҷÃÕ·àÁŒ¹·ºÓºÑ´
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Chiida Spa’s Applicatin of Holistic Knowledge “One of Thailand’s ten best innovations selected in 2011” A new innovation of Chiida Spa is a knowledge domain of therapeutic healing specialty designed and built on the intellect and wisdom of Lanna and Tai Yai, the cultural heritage of Thai northern region, which have been handed down for over 1,000 years. This innovation was created through a combination of Tai Yai therapeutic massage and traditional Lanna uses of herbs, derived from ‘Yam Khang’ technique. The spa selected and adopted this knowledge domain so as to improve therapeutic healing method perfectly suitable for modern lifestyles, thus introducing the “Chii-Shan Therapy” program, part of highly valuable intellect and wisdom you can experience. Tai Yai-styled body massage is a form of gentle therapeutic healing, similar to Chiropractics, which does not cause much muscle strain or pain. At the spa, we apply a series of yoga-like stretches which is consistent
with the principles of Anatomy. This program is, thus, suitable for travelers and those whose work requires the same and repetitive position like walking, standing, sitting, or even sleeping, including rhythmic movement disorder, all of which can be a cause of a muscle lock, inflexible tendon, and a pressure sore. “98% of tested people experienced immediate result of back pain relief after the first treatment” The Chii-Shan Treatment comprised with Tai-Yai Body Massage and Yam Khan “Thai Lanna Fire Therapy Technique” which can explain as following; 1) Tai Yai body massage Before settling down in the Lanna Kingdom, Tai Yai tribe, also called Shan people, has been known to have lived in the majestic northwest corner of Thailand’s border adjacent to Myanmar and China. With a thousand years of history, the unique identity of its cultures, wisdom and valuable heritages can be seen through its tradition, architecture, the way of living and traditional medicine, such as Tai Yai-styled massage and uses of herbs, collected from a deep forest, for therapeutic treatment. 2) Fire or Heat Therapy with Herbal ball : A Compress herbal ball Massage for four individual elements With the knowledge applied, herbs with different active properties are mixed in a right proportion to facilitate body balancing. According to Thai traditional medicine, everyone has specific elements existing in the body. When such elements become imbalanced, the body will experience pain, strain, stress, or circulatory problems. Herbal compresses used at Chiida Spa comprise of rare botanical plants which contain superb body balancing and rejuvenating properties. For more information visit www.chiidaspa.com
Thai Spa#July_p1-21_iMac2.indd 13
7/10/12 7:49 PM
14 | Spa Standard by Andrew Jacka
‘Spa Standard’ Myths debunked !
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‘Spa Standard’ Myths debunked! The development and implementation of standards to all industries is a means of growth and development. They are means of education, not only for the industry but also the consumer, so that everyone has an understanding of what to expect – after all a successful business is one that manages the expectations of their consumers the best, so the higher the standards, the higher the expectations, and potentially the higher the rewards (not only financially!) There are two key types of standards – those that are compulsory – required by law, and there are those that are voluntary, implemented by individuals, groups or an industry as a whole, but are not legally binding. For the spa industry there is only one standard that spa operators are required to abide by legally. All the others spa industry standards that are available are voluntary standards, implemented by industry, private sector or governments, and while they may be the “preferred standard” there is no legal requirement to comply with them, unless of course you choose to implement one or more of them, and after payment of any fees, you will be audited, and if you pass the audit, in return for saying you are “certified by...” or “comply with…” a specific standard, in which case you are then ethically and morally obligated to confirm accordingly. Legal standards by nature are set at the lowest common denominator, and therefore are only a minimum requirement. Voluntary spa standards effectively raise the operating standards of a spa, and are effective Marketing Tools if the appropriate standard is applied correctly. e.g. A Spa in Bangkok is targeting Singaporean customers, would be more attractive to Singaporeans if it had an ASEAN Spa Standard as compared to a Spa that only had the minimum legal requirement. However if the Spa is targeted to a European customer, then the ASEAN Spa Standard may
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mean nothing, and it would be more appropriate to implement the Thai Spa Quality Excellence StandardTM or the ISO Wellness Spa Services Standard as these are more likely be known to a European customer. Marketing is the ultimately benefit of any standard. Using the Thai Spa Association as an example, while membership and use of the logo does not require an audit, why is it that there is such a demand internationally for membership of the Thai Spa Association? Simply it is the desire of those ethical spa business operators that have a REAL Thai Spa wishing to be seen as professional above the ‘happy ending’ Thai Spas that are scattered around the globe. This is possible for two reasons – firstly the TSPA logo is iconic, being both locally and internationally recognized, but it is also because we as a global spa industry have been unable to agree on what a spa is, and there is confusion in the market place – enabling everyone from Day Spas to Car-wash’s, Hotel Spas to Jacuzzi manufacturers to call themselves spas, and there is no one to blame but ourselves. Thailand is one of the few countries in the world that has a legal definition of what a spa is, yet the issue of enforcement (by the industry or the authorities) allows ‘non spas’ to still call themselves spas. So, to try and get around some of this confusion, together with the genuine desire to grow and development the industry, the development and adoption of standards is key. If implemented and marketed correctly, it is a strong marketing tool that will raise the spa that has implemented the standard or standards, above their competitors. Spa Standards in Thailand : Ministry of Public Health Standard (Service Place Act) a legal requirement whose compliance is compulsory under Thai law for all spa operators. Unfortunately many spa operators are apathetic about the marketing potential of
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Spa Standard |17 this standard, and fail to promote to their consumers that they are registered as professional spa operators, causing continued marketing problems especially for tour operators and travel agents that would perhaps otherwise work with the spas to further promote the spa industry. Ministry of Public Health - World Class Spa Standard a voluntary standard by the MOPH that was introduced with much fanfare in 2009, but due to continued apathy by the industry and poor marketing by the government the standard has been implemented by few spas, with even fewer consumers understanding what it is all about. Thai Spa Excellence Quality StandardTM – a voluntary standard introduced in October 2011 to members of the Thai Spa Association, consisting of a five step approach to improve the service quality of spa operations, including monitoring and improvement support. International marketing of spas with the standard will be via that global SGS network, and also on the TSPA website. Additional educational and marketing support is under development to further benefit the business operations of Thai Spa operators.
Thai Spa Standard - a voluntary standard to be implemented under the EU-SCRIPT project. Reasonably expected to be based on or incorporate elements of the World Class Spa Standard, it Is expected to include some kind of geographical indicators and to be completed by July 2013 when the EU-SCRIPT under the Thai Franco Chamber of Commerce concludes. ASEAN Spa Standard a voluntary spa standard which focuses on the development of human resources will be implemented by 2015. Working Group is currently chaired by Thailand under the Department of Tourism, Ministry of Tourism & Sports. The ASEAN Standard has been ratified by the ASEAN Secretary General and the auditing process is under development. ISO Wellness Spa Services Standard : a voluntary wellness spa standard which focuses on service and management systems will be implemented at some stage in the future. Implementation will only occur when enough countries agree with the standard. So where is the Thai Spa Association in all of this? After all, the objects of the Thai SPA Association include: • To be the voice of the Thai Spa industry, • To promote the quality of the products and services of those engaged in the businesses, • To cooperate with the government in the promotion of trade, So members of the Thai Spa Association can rest easy, as the board has been and is continuing to be involved in the development of these standards and many more besides: • Thai Spa Excellence Quality StandardTM - developed by TSPA with SGS Thailand • Thai Spa Standard – TSPA is an Associate (or advisor) in this project • ASEAN Spa Standard – TSPA drafted the Standard at the request of the Department of Tourism and has been appointed to assist in the development of the auditing process • ISO Wellness Spa Services Standard – TSPA is an advisor to the Department of Tourism and has been involved in numerous meetings since early 2008. So regardless of which standard/s spa operators adopt – the legal standard only, or the legal standard and one or more of the voluntary standards, it is up to their marketing plan as to which is the most appropriate, and will bring greatest benefit to their businesses, but if a spa adopts a standard – any standard – and does not tell the market about it, they have wasted their money!
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Aromatic Bliss for Mind, Body and Soul Utilizing the healing essences of pure botanicals for aromatherapy and aromatherapy massage We live our modern life surrounded by countless natural treasures hidden in plain sight amongst our trees, plants and flowers. But it is the hectic pace of the urban metropolis beating through our hearts that has also been instrumental in forging a change of perspective and a return to the methods of our forebears in our search for serenity and balance. It is this renewed awareness about the value of the rich heritage and knowledge of healing plants and rituals our ancestors carried with them that the wellness and spa industry seeks to further articulate. Now, treatments are developed that organically combine the wisdom of the past with the scientific advances of today to present holistic experiences that involve all our senses to promote total well-being. Aromatherapy and aromatherapy massage are two of the most well-known types of such treatments that come to mind. As one of Thailand’s leading creators of professional, premium-grade natural spa products, Puri Alchemy has long recognized the many benefits of capturing the purest essences of healing botanicals in their essential oils. “Our sense of smell is one of the key ways we perceive the world around us; it is irrevocably tied together with our memory, and our awareness of self and imagination,” says Vasu Surattiantra, Account and Global Spa Director of Puri Alchemy. “A well-placed scent can transport us on a journey through nostalgic memories, or when used accurately in aromatherapy and aromatherapy massage provide comfort, energy and even tangible physical benefits.” Finding the perfect complement for your individual needs and every mood can be as easy as picking the right scent. Be inspired by some of the following scents derived from well-known Asian blooms and plants that might just surprise you with their hidden depths:
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JASMINE- As delicate and pure as the blossoms it’s derived from, Jasmine’s exquisitely sweet floral aroma soothes both mind and soul. Jasmine balances the mind and boosts feelings of optimism and confidence. Applied to the skin, it reduces the appearance of scars, markedly improving skin elasticity. LEMONGRASS- With its refreshing, citrus-y and slightly sweet smell, Lemongrass can be seen as a tropical all-star that has showcased its versatility in skincare remedies and cuisines throughout Southeast Asia. Lemongrass revitalizes, returning vivacity to body and mind by fighting off headaches and signs of fatigue. It is also helpful in reducing cellulite when applied to the body and is a natural insect repellent. FRANGIPANI- A flower available in a dazzling spectrum of colors set against lush green leaves, Frangipani immediately calls to mind images of tropical paradise. Also popular in traditional medicine, Frangipani’s delightfully intoxicating fragrance returns tranquility to your senses, heightening awareness and restoring balance to your soul. YLANG YLANG- Known as the “Flower of Flowers”, the furling yellow tendrils of the Ylang Ylang blossoms are renowned for their rich fragrance, an exotic smell with hints of warm pepper. Ylang Ylang’s aroma is a balm upon the soul, alleviating anxiety and boosting mental and physical energy. When applied to the body, Ylang Ylang balances and stimulates the skin, normalizing sebum production. For more information on Puri Alchemy and our extensive range of premium natural spa products, visit our website at www.purialchemy.com or contact us at info@purialchemy.com.
7/10/12 1:05 AM
20 | Inner-Retreat
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By Tao Garden
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7/10/12 7:50 PM
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The Inner Smile and Six Healing Sounds In the Taoist tradition, Positive and Negative emotions are associated with the internal organs. One of the keys to good health is to become aware of the emotional energies that reside in the organs, and then to transform the negative emotional energies into positive virtues.Taoists believe that we are all born with the virtues of love, gentleness, kindness, respect, honesty, fairness, justice and righteousness. Unfortunately, as we mature and encounter more stress in our daily lives, negative emotions such as fear, anger, cruelty, impatience, worry, sadness and grief often predominate. The negative emotions have deleterious effects on the internal organs and glands, draining our life-force and undermining our health. In the Tao “emotional intelligence” is a process of recognizing emotions by their effects on the body and employing exercises that transform the negative emotions into positive life force, or Chi. Two important exercises are the “Inner Smile” and the “Six Healing Sounds” techniques, as taught by Master Mantak Chia.
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Taoists learned the relationships between emotional energies and organ systems over many centuries of study and meditation. They developed methods to transform negative to positive emotions from their practical and intuitive understanding of the human body. Many of the Taoist insights are supported by observations and evidence from modern psychology and medicine. The “Inner Smile” and “Six Healing Sounds” exercises focus on five organs or organ systems: the heart, the lungs, the kidneys, the liver/gall bladder, and the stomach/spleen. These exercises direct our attentions to the body’s organs and associated qualities. We successively visualize each organ, cleansing the organ and transforming negative emotional energies into positive virtues. For more information visit www.tao-garden.com
7/10/12 7:50 PM
22 | Spa Design By Arujit Lertkitcha
Earth Tone ã¹âÅ¡áË‹§¡ÒáÒÃᢋ§¢Ñ¹·Ò§¸ØáԨ«Öè§à çÁä»´ŒÇ ¤ÇÒÁ Ö§à¤ÃÕ´¹Ñé¹ äÁ‹¹‹Òá»Å¡ã¨àÅ·Õè¸ØáԨʻҨÐä´ŒÃѺ ¤ÇÒÁ¹ÔÂÁÍ‹ҧ¡ÇŒÒ§¢ÇÒ§ â´Âã¹»ÃÐà·Èä·ÂàÃÒ¹Ñé¹ä´ŒÁÕ ¸ØáԨʻÒà»´ºÃÔ¡ÒÃÍ‹ҧÁÒ¡ÁÒ àÁ×èÍ¡ÒÃᢋ§¢Ñ¹ÊÙ§¢Öé¹ à¨ŒÒ¢Í§¡Ô¨¡Òà ‹Ò§ ŒÍ§ËÒÇÔ¸Õ¡Òô֧´Ù´ áÅÐÊÌҧ¨Ø´à´‹¹ à¾×èÍàÃÕ¡ÅÙ¡¤ŒÒãËŒÁÒ㪌ºÃÔ¡ÒÃà¡Ô´¤ÇÒÁ»ÃзѺã¨áÅÐŒ͹ ¡ÅѺÁÒ㪌ºÃÔ¡ÒÃÍÕ¡ ¹Ñè¹à»š¹àË ØãËŒ§Ò¹Í͡Ẻ ¡á ‹§ ʻҡŒÒÇࢌÒÁÒÁÕʋǹÊÓ¤ÑÞäÁ‹ÂÔè§Ë‹͹仡NjÒà·¤¹Ô¤áÅÐ »ÃÐÊÔ·¸ÔÀÒ¾¡ÒúӺѴ¢Í§ Therapists 㹺·¤ÇÒÁ¹Õ´é ©Ô ¹Ñ ã¹°Ò¹ÐÁѳ±¹Ò¡Ã ÁÕäÍà´ÕÂÁÒá¹Ð¹ÓãËŒ¼·ÙŒ ÊÕè ¹ã¨¡ÒÃÍ͡Ẻ ʶҹ»ÃСͺ¡ÒÃÊ»Ò ä´ŒÅͧ¹Óä»ãªŒà¾×èÍà¾ÔèÁ¤ÇÒÁÊǧÒÁáÅй‹Ò»ÃзѺã¨á¡‹¼ÙŒÁÒ㪌 ºÃÔ¡Òà «Öè§ÁÕ¢ŒÍ¤Çäӹ֧¶Ö§ã¹¡ÒÃÍ͡ẺʻÒÁÕÍÂÙ‹ËÅÒ»ÃСÒôŒÇ¡ѹ «Ö觷ء¢ŒÍ ‹Ò§à¾×èÍÁØ‹§à¹Œ¹ÊÙ‹¨Ø´»ÃÐʧ¤ËÅÑ¡à¾Õ§¨Ø´à´ÕÂǡѹ¤×Í “¡ÒÃÊÌҧ¤ÇÒÁ¼‹Í¹¤ÅÒ áÅлÃзѺã¨á¡‹¼ŒãÙ ªŒºÃÔ¡ÒÔ àÃÔèÁ¨Ò¡¡ÒèѴá»Å¹¾×é¹·ÕèãËŒàËÁÒÐÊÁáÅÐä´Œ»ÃÐ⪹㪌ÊÍÂÊÙ§ÊØ´ àÃÒ¤ÇèѴ ¾×é¹·Õè ÒÁ Function ¡ÒÃ㪌§Ò¹â¶§Ê‹Ç¹Ë¹ŒÒÊØ´¢Í§ÃŒÒ¹¤ÇèѴ໚¹â¶§ ŒÍ¹ÃѺà¾×èÍ ÍŒ ¹ÃѺÅÙ¡¤ŒÒ 㹺ÃÔàdz¹Õ¤é ÇÃÍ͡ẺãËŒÊǧÒÁ㪌à¿ÍùÔà¨ÍÃ·Õ¹è §Ñè ʺÒ ÁÕâ ÐÊÓËÃѺ ¾Ñ¡à¤Ã×èͧ´×èÁ ËÒ¡ÁÕ¾×é¹·Õè¾Í¤ÇèѴãËŒÁÕÁØÁâ«¿ÒÊÓËÃѺÅÙ¡¤ŒÒ¹Ñè§ÃÍ ¤ÇûÃѺáʧä¿
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7/10/12 7:52 PM
Spa Design |23 (Full length mirror) à¾×èÍÅÙ¡¤ŒÒÊÒÁÒöÊÓÃǨ¤ÇÒÁàÃÕºÌÍÂËÅѧ ¡ÒúÃÔ¡Òà ‹ÍÁÒ໚¹Ê‹Ç¹ºÃÔ¡ÒäÇÃÁÕ¾×é¹·Õè¡ÇŒÒ§¾Í·Õè Therapists ÊÒÁÒöà¤Å×è͹äËÇà¾×èÍãËŒºÃÔ¡ÒÃ䴌͋ҧÊдǡ ¤ÇÃÁÕ͋ҧŌҧÁ×ÍÍÂÙ‹ äÁ‹ä¡Åà¾×èÍÊдǡ ‹Í¡ÒÃ㪌§Ò¹ ¡ÒÃãËŒáʧÊÇ‹Ò§ã¹ËŒÍ§¶×Í໚¹Ê‹Ç¹ÊÓ¤ÑÞÍ‹ҧÁÒ¡ â´ÂºÃÔàdz à˹×Íà Õ§ËÃ×ͨشãËŒºÃÔ¡Òà ¤ÇÃËÅÕ¡àÅÕ觡ÒÃ㪌ä¿áºº Down light à¹×èͧ¨Ò¡áʧ¨Ðú¡Ç¹ÅÙ¡¤ŒÒ ¤ÇÃàÅÕè§ä»ãªŒâ¤Á俼¹Ñ§ËÃ×Í«‹Í¹ä¿º¹ ½‡ÒËÃ×ͼ¹Ñ§á·¹ ª‹ÇÂãˌˌͧ´ÙÁÕÁÔ ÔáÅÐÁÕºÃÃÂÒ¡Òȼ‹Í¹¤ÅÒÂÍÕ¡´ŒÇ ʋǹËÅѧÊØ´¤×Í Relaxation lounge ËÁÒ¶֧¾×é¹·Õè ·Õè¨Ñ´äÇŒãËŒÅÙ¡¤ŒÒ ¾Ñ¡¼‹Í¹ËÅѧ¡ÒúÃÔ¡Òà ¤ÇèѴãËŒÁÕ·Õè¹Ñè§ÊºÒÂæ ÁÕâ ÐÇÒ§¢Í§ ¨Ñ´ ºÃÔ¡ÒÃà¤Ã×èͧ´×èÁà¾×èÍÊØ¢ÀÒ¾·Ñé§ÃŒÍ¹áÅÐàÂç¹ ÏÅÏ Ê‹Ç¹ÇÑÊ´Ø·Õè¹ÔÂÁ㪌㹡Òà ¡á ‹§Ê»Ò¹Ñé¹Ë¹ÕäÁ‹¾Œ¹ÇÑÊ´Ø·Õè´Ù໚¹ ¸ÃÃÁªÒ Ô àª‹¹ ¾×é¹äÁŒËÃ×ÍËÔ¹ «Öè§àÃÒÊÒÁÒöàÅÕè§ÁÒ㪌¾×é¹äÁŒÅÒÁÔà¹
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Earth Tone - Relax Sense for Spa Guests In the world of business there is much tension, so not surprisingly, spas are immensely popular. In Thailand, we have many spas, and as competition increases each spa needs a feature to encourage customers to feel welcomed and want to return. This is way the spa’s interior design is no less important than the treatment techniques employed by the therapists. As an interior designer, I seek encourage the design of the spa facility, to enhance the beauty and presence of the space for service users. There are many things to consider in the design, but the main focus is “to create a relaxing and memorable customer experience”. The entire spa area should have a functional flow – for both guests and staff. The reception area should be welcoming, designed with comfortable seating, and side tables for refreshments. If there is sufficient space, a sofa should also be included. The lighting should be soft mood lighting appropriate to the services about to be provided. The next is the shoe space (Editor: In Thailand shoes are traditionally removed before entering the home), and it is important there is enough space for them to be removed or put back on. The flow then continues via a corridor to the treatment rooms. It is a ‘through space’, so should simply decorated with a relaxed earth tones (i.e. cream, brown etc.). The lighting should be indirect, to avoid forcing you to look at the light, it should soft lighting like candles or lamps to create an atmosphere. The treatment rooms have a special significance as customers will usually spend most of their time in
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this space, so it must be visually satisfying and encourage relaxation. The room must be functional however, with a small wardrobe to hang clothes, a mirror (preferably a full length mirror for customers to check before they leave the room), and with sufficient space for the therapist to move freely around the room, and a sink that is easy to use. The lighting in the room is extremely important. Down lighting should be avoided, as this can be uncomfortable for customers, but lighting must be bright enough for the therapist to work. Lights are better placed on the walls or recessed into the ceiling. Post treatment, there should be a relaxing area – a lounge with comfortable seating and side tables for service of beverages. A transition space from total relaxation before entering back into the work The modern spa inevitably will use natural materials such as wood or stone, but you can also use laminates or engineering woods which are much cheaper. Humidity must also be considered before the final selection of materials. Walls can be simply painted in earth tones, or you can have textured wall finishes done by a skilled artisan. Wall paper is another option. The above design ideas are suggestions only as ultimately it is the function of the space that will define many of the design elements. For best results, the concept of the spa should be clearly defined by the spa owner before the interior design begins. By Arujit Lertkitcha Freelance interior designer email: alcalice@gmail.com
7/10/12 7:52 PM
Story/Photo by Thanissorn Lakchai
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Thai Spa#July_p22-41_iMac2.indd 24
7/10/12 1:09 AM
Destination |25
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28 | Destination
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One Day Trip To Ayuttaya This day trip is a reminder of our childhood memories about Ayutthaya, and what we have seen through books and films. “Ayutthaya” is the dream place for everyone – though damage from last year’s flood is still visible in some areas. Bang Pa-In Summer Palace is calm and peaceful. Popular with foreigners, the Summer Palace offers visitors several architectural styles, with beautiful designs both inside and out. A visit to the Palace as beautiful as it is, does require a degree of dedication with long walks required, but there are Golf Carts available at a small fee. From Bang Pa-In Summer Palace, we continue to cross Chao Phraya River by cable car, reaching Nivesthammaprawat Temple, which is located opposite the Palace. This is a new experience for us. This temple has a unique western style design, similar to a ‘church’, with Gothic style roof, and walls decorated in coloured glass. We left Bang Pa-in and moved to Koh Mueang through Bang Pa-in – Ayutthaya highway no.3477. On the way to Ayutthaya, there are many attractive places. One of them is an ancient market “Kong Khong Market”, where you can be a myriad of tasty foods including organic fruits and desserts. Nearby the market, we visit Phanan Choeng Temple, which is located at the meet point of Chao Phraya River and Pa Sak River. Build in 1324 A.D, 26 years before the extablishment of Ayutthaya, the Viharn or Sermon
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Hall, has a great image of Buddha. Originally named “Phanan Choeng Buddha”, King Rama IX restored this image conferred a new name, “Phra Phuttha Trairattanayok”. This image of Buddha, however, is well known to Thais as “Luang Pho To” and to Chinese as the marine protector “Samporkong”. The most famous foods of Ayutthaya are Boat noodles. We tasted the boat noodles of “Pa Lek” near the Telephone Organization as recommended by a friend. “Roti Saimai”, another well-known Thai-style dessert, can be found at U-Thong Road in front of Ayutthaya Hospital on “Saimai Road”. There are many historical places in Koh Muang, Ayutthaya. The landmark here is the head of a sandstone Buddha covered by roots inside Mahathat temple. The Mahathat temple also has an image of Buddha name “Phra Mongkhon Bophit” with 9.55 meters of lap width and 12.45 meters of height. The other great Buddha is the 29 meter long reclining Buddha at Lokaya Sutharam temple Next, we moved to “Ayothaya Floating Market” near Mahaeyong temple. This market is a reproduction of the ancient markets, where we can find many kinds of foods or gifts. At the end of our trip, we relaxed at the Chao Phraya riverside, on the west side of Koh Mueang, Chai Watthanaram temple. This is such an enjoyable trip with many precious memories.Transportation
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7/10/12 2:20 AM
30 | Feature
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32 | Feature
World Spa & Well-being Congress 2012 As I am sure by now you are all aware, the Thai Spa Association is organizing the World Spa & Well-being Convention 2012. This is a tri part event, consisting of World Spa & Well-being Exhibition, the World Spa & Wellbeing Convention and the Thailand Spa & Well-being Awards 2012. Previous issues of this magazine have detailed the Exhbition and the Awards elements, while we have hard at work putting together a congress that will not be your average spa seminar or conference. The congress is two days, each specifically targeted to a different industry segment, and each with a clear purpose in mind. The first day (Wednesday 19th September) is INSPIRATION. We have been hoping for speakers such as Barak Obama, Sir Richard Branson, or Oprah Winfrey, but even we have to tailor our expectations sometimes. Targeted to Visionaries, Spa Directors, Entrepreneurs and Hotel Managers, presentations will cover Inspired Vision, Inspired Passion, Inspired Potential, Inspired Promise & Inspired Direction. The second day (Thursday 20th September) will be a day of DEDICATION – one that honours the professional development of younger industry players, and our future industry leaders. Topics include: Dedicated Vision, Dedicated Potential, Dedicated Passion - Preserving a Healing Art, Dedicated Promise - Delivering on the Promise, Dedicated Future - ASEAN Spa Standards, and Dedicated Professionalism – The Challenges Ahead The Thailand Spa Consumer Report, by Premier Research Partner, Intelligent Spas and supported by the Thai Spa Association with report sponsors, the Tourism Authority of Thailand, Voya, Ramburi, Beauty Department Store and Kamalaya Koh Samui, will also be released during DEDICATION
The final agenda is expected to be an eclectic mix and to include a Master Therapist, an International Artist, a Screenwriter, at least two Doctors, an Eco-Designer, a Political Journalist, several Authors, an Industry Researcher, a Government Official as well as a number of leading Spa Industry Educators. In recognition of the global nature of our event, speakers are expected from America, England, Hong Kong, Italy, Kenya, New Zealand.
leverage the network that we have built over the years into a truly world class event. The industry is continuing to evolve and develop; AEC is “just around the corner”; and the with Europe “seeming falling apart at the seams” this is an opportune time to build on a strong base of traditional healthcare, outstanding hospitality, and growing affluence across the region and firmly cement the spa and well-being industry as a force to be reckoned with. The final agenda, including speaker profiles, pricing, confirmation of discounts for advanced or multiple booking are available at www.worldspawellbeing.com, and www.thaispaassociation.com, but one thing is sure – this is an event not to be missed, so make sure that 19th & 20th September are in your diary, and Bangkok is in your mind. Support from Around the World for World Spa & Well-being Convention 2012 The World Spa Well-being Convention 2012 managed by Impact Exhibition Services, enjoys the support of local, national, regional and global media partners including Leisure Media UK (the world’s leading spa industry media company), the AsiaSpa magazine (the region’s leading spa lifestyle magazine), with other key industry publications and portals including AsiaSpa India magazine, SpaMantra magazine (India), StyleSpeak magazine (India) and Wellness Today portal (Korea), so expectations of the organisers and the industry are high. supporting media
The Thai Spa Association would also like to thank the local and international associations that are supporting the World Spa & Well-being Convention 2012, including the Tourism Technology Association (TTA); Asia Pacific Spa & Wellness Coalition (APSWC); Association of Malaysian Spas (AMSPA); Bali Spa & Wellness Association (BSWA); Cosmetic & Perfumery Association of Hong Kong (CPAHK); Indian Spa & Wellness Association (ISWA); Malaysian Association of Wellness & Spas (MawSPA); Nippon Spa Association (NSPA); Philippine Wellness & Spa Association (PhilWell); Spa Association Singapore (SAS); and the Federation of Thai Tourism Associations (FETTA) supporting association
The Thai Spa Association had the foresight to build the Associations bi-annual Thai Spa Day for consumers and
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34 | Spa Guide
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The Hotspring Beach Resort & Spa Phang Nga The Hotspring Beach Resort & Spa is the ultimate destination for people whom seeking to relax and de-stress. Our spectacular resort provides 5-star accommodation with 75 guestrooms in total which separated into 8 room types. Each room type has different special features to suite our guests’ needs. All rooms are decorated in luxury Thai style with silk and cotton. The hotspring source was found in this piece of land about 40 years ago. Our natural hotspring mineral water has many health benefits, such as: • eases and soothes tired or aching muscles and joints • eases tension and de-stress with the comfortable water temperature (approx. 45 °C) Besides soaking in our natural Hot Spring Pool, The Hot Spring Beach Resort & Spa offers many other services for your complete relaxation such as Thai Massage, Foot Massage, Aromatherapy and Facial Treatments. All our SPA products contain our pure natural mineral hotspring water as ingredient. For more information visit www.thehotspringbeach.com
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MassageCubeTM MassageCube Ltd. has joined in several national and international anti-piratism networks to ensure active monitoring of markets and counterfeit products. Our products will be available through certified distributors starting in April. In case you are interested in working with us as a distributor please contact us.
www.massagecube.com MassageCube Ltd. Miss Ghunlakarn Prasert, Marketing Executive Manager Mobile: + 66 (0)81 587 88 36 Email: info@massagecube.com Office: Level 32,33 Interchange 21, 399 Sukhumvit Rd., North Klongtoey, Wattana, Bangkok 10110, Thailand
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36 | Cuisine
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Good Taste & Good Health
@Ariya Organic Café
Ariya Organic Café was established under the concept of “treat your body by yourself” – to encourage people through education and adaption of their thinking towards a strong healthy body. The dishes served are raw and vegan, and contain all the necessary enzymes, vitamins, minerals, calcium and protein that you do not get from eating meat. The raw food dishes are made from healthy organic foods that growing naturally such as fresh vegetables, nuts, bean sprouts and seaweed and which have not contaminated by toxins and chemicals, and processed to a maximum temperature of 42ºC, to preserve healthy enzymes. No processed white sugar or flour is used either. The Vegan dishes are free of meat and meat products, including eggs, milk and honey. The recipes of Ariya Organic Café are designed to promote a healthy immune system, improve brain and eye function, while also supporting detoxification and healthy weight loss. Ariya Organic Café, Life Center Building, Bangkok
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38 | Spa Products Nail Tek Transition Kit www.diva-supply.com
Set Oriental Secret for Rejuvenation www.drorawan.com
Thai Cocos Spa Collection www.naturalshop.com
Sauna Heater “SAWO” www.spaequipment.gammaco.com
3 Zone Blanket - FREESLIM www.tiger-eyes.com
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Sukhita Rice&Jasmine Collection www.sukhita.com
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7/10/12 7:56 PM
40 | How To by Staff Reporter
How to Find the RIGHT SPA?
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7/10/12 7:56 PM
How To |41 ÁҾÌÍÁà¾×Íè ¹ ËÃ×Íà»Å‹Ò? ÁѹÊÓ¤ÑÞ㹡Òà ÃÐË¹Ñ¡Ç‹Ò Ê»Ò·Õãè ª‹ÊÓËÃѺ ¤Ø³ã¹Çѹ¹Õé ÍÒ¨¨ÐäÁ‹ãª‹ÊÓËÃѺ¤Ø³ã¹Çѹ¾ÃØ‹§¹Õé à¾×è͹ : ¤Ø³ÁÒʻҤ¹à´ÕÂÇËÃ×ÍÁҡѺà¾×è͹? ¤Ø³ä´ŒÃѺ¡Òà á¹Ð¹Ó¨Ò¡à¾×Íè ¹ ËÃ×Í à¾×Íè ¹Ã‹ÇÁ§Ò¹? ¹Õàè »š¹Ë¹Ö§è ã¹ÇÔ¸·Õ §Õè Ò‹ ·ÕÊè ´Ø ã¹¡Òà ¤Œ¹ËÒʻҷÕèàËÁÒÐÊÁ¡Ñº¤Ø³ ¤ÇÒÁ¤Ò´ËÇѧ : ˹Öè§ã¹¤ÇÒÁÊÓàÃ稢ͧ¼ÙŒ»ÃСͺ¡ÒøØáԨ Ê»Ò ¤×Í ¡ÒèѴ¡ÒäÇÒÁ¤Ò´ËÇѧ¢Í§ÅÙ¡¤ŒÒ ¤Ø³àͧ¡ç ŒÍ§¨Ñ´¡Òà ¤ÇÒÁ¤Ò´ËÇѧ¢Í§ ¹´ŒÇÂઋ¹¡Ñ¹ Í‹Òä»Ê»Ò·ÕèàÃÕº§‹ÒÂáŌǤҴËÇѧ ¨Ðä´ŒÃѺ¡ÒùǴ˹ŒÒ´ŒÇÂ䢋»ÅÒ¤ÒÃàÇÕ Í‹Òä»Ê»Ò¢Í§âçáÃÁˌҴÒÇ ·ÕÁè ¾Õ ¹×é ·Õãè ËŒºÃÔ¡Òánjҧ¢ÇÒ§áŌǤҴËÇѧNjҤ‹Ò¹Ç´¨ÐÃÒ¤Ò 300 ºÒ· ÇÔ¸Õ¤Œ¹ËÒ : ࢌÒä»ã¹â«àªÕÂÅÁÕà´ÕÂáÅФŒ¹ËÒÊ»Òã¹¾×é¹·Õè¢Í§¤Ø³ ËÃ× Í ÃÒª×è Í Ê»Ò¾Ãé Í ÁÃÒÂÅÐàÍÕ Â ´áÅзí Ò àÅ·Õè Ñé § áÇÐÁÒ·Õè à Çç º ä«
www.thaispainmind.com, www.discoverspas.com/thailand ËÃ× Í www.tourismthailand.org áÅŒ Ç áÇЪÁàÇç º ä« www.thailandbestspas.com, áÅÐ www.thaispaassociation. com «Ö觹Óàʹ͢ŒÍÁÙÅÃÒª×èÍʻҷÕ褌¹ËÒ§‹Ò ÁÕáÁŒ¡ÃзÑè§ÃÒª×èÍÊ»Ò ·Õèà»´ãËÁ‹, áÅÐàÇçºä« www.bangkokeventscalendar.com «Öè§ ÁÕÃÒª×èÍʻҨӹǹäÁ‹ÁÒ¡á ‹¡ÓÅѧà¾ÔèÁ¢Öé¹àÃ×èÍÂæ ʋǹàÇçºä« Í×è¹æ ÁÕ www.spafinder.com ËÃ×Í www.thailandspaindex.com «Öè§ ÅŒÇ¹¤ØŒÁ¤‹Ò㹡Ò䌹ËÒ ·ŒÒÂÊØ´¹Õé ¨§«×Íè ÊÑ ÂáÅÐÁÕ¤ÇÒÁÊÁàË ÊØ Á¼Å·ÕÇè Ò‹ “¤Ø³ ÍŒ §¡Òà áÅФҴËÇѧÍÐäà áŌǤس¨Ð»ÃÐʺ¤ÇÒÁÊÓàÃç¨ã¹¡Ò䌹ËÒÊ»Òã¹½˜¹ ¢Í§¤Ø³äÁ‹ÂÒ¡àÅ”
How to Find the RIGHT SPA? With so many businesses calling themselves spas, and knowing that some are good and some are not so good, how are you supposed to find one that suits you? Firstly, you have to be honest with yourself. Why are you going to the spa? For relaxation, for rejuvenation, for beauty application, for de-stressing, for weight-loss, to take some ‘time out from shopping’ to get away from your spouse, or one of a myriad of other reasons? Whatever the reason – be honest with yourself. You do not have to tell anyone the real reason, but you have to at least be truthful to yourself. So now you can start looking. Time: is it an issue? Does it need to be a spa that is nearby, because you have limited time, or is time not an option and you can afford to travel further if necessary? Cost: it is an issue? Prices of spas treatments varies according to the ‘little extras’ that are provided. Are you looking for a ‘no frills’ experience, or ‘one of total indulgence’ – which obviously will cost considerably more, or something in between? Mood: are you highly stressed, just had a fight with someone, calm and relaxed without a care in the world, spa-ing alone or spaing with friends? It is important to realize that the right spa for you today, may not be the right spa tomorrow. Friends: are you spa-ing alone or spa-ing with friends? Has a spa been recommended to you by a friend or colleague? This is one of the easiest ways of finding the right spa for you. Expectations: A successful spa operator is one that manages
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their customers expectations, but you have to manage your own expectations also. Do not go to a ‘no frills’ spa expecting a caviar facial, equally, do not go to a five star hotel spa, with expansive ‘wet areas’, expecting a THB300 massage. Solutions: Log onto and of the social media platforms and search for spas in your area, or for comprehensive listings of spas, with descriptions and helpful location details, visit www.thaispainmind.com, www.discoverspas.com/ thailand or www.tourismthailand.org. Then there is www. thailandbestspas.com, and www.thaispaassociation .com which offer comprehensive no frills listings, or even new comer, www.bangkokeventscalendar.com which has a small but growing list of spas. Other sites include www. spafinder.com or even www.thailandspaindex.com are also worth taking a look. At the end of the day, be TRUE and be REALISITC about how you feel and what you expect TODAY and you will be able find the right spa easily.
7/10/12 8:42 PM
42 |
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7/10/12 7:58 PM
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7/10/12 7:59 PM
44 | Recommended
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Thai Spa#July_p42-60_iMac2.indd 44
7/10/12 7:59 PM
Recommended |45 ½†Òà·ŒÒ ¾ÃŒÍÁ´ŒÇÂ਌Ò˹ŒÒ·Õ¼è àÙŒ ªÕÂè ǪÒÞ ¡ÑººÃÃÂÒ¡ÒȹǴ¼‹Í¹¤ÅÒ ÀÒÂã Œ º ÃÃÂÒ¡ÒȸÃÃÁªÒ Ô ·Õè â ͺŌ Í Á¤Ø ³ ´Œ Ç Â»† Ò äÁŒ á ÅÐ¢Ø ¹ à¢Ò ºÃÃÂÒ¡ÒÈ·Õ¤è ³ Ø ÂÒ¡¨ÐÊÑÁ¼ÑÊ䴌㹻˜¨¨Øº¹Ñ ¡ÑºÊÑÁ¼Ñʷѧé ÁÇÅ ·Ñ§é ÃÙ» ÃÊ ¡ÅÔè¹ àÊÕ§ áÅÐÊÑÁ¼ÑÊÊÁ¡ÑºÊâÅ᡹·ÕèÇ‹Ò “¤×¹¤ÇÒÁÊ´ãÊã¹ÍŒÍÁ¡Í´ ¢Í§¸ÃÃÁªÒ Ô”
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Wanathara Health Resort and Spa
Wanathara Health Resort and Spa, the health resort by Pitsanuvej Hospital group, is located along a crystal clear stream in a beautiful valley of the lower northern region of Thailand. Wanathara Health Resort and Spa is situated on the 46 th kilometer of Phitsanulok – Lomsak road, surrounded by plenty of tourist attractions. With blooming flower garden, great green yard, peacock preservation area, health park, traditional Thai massage, foot massage & spa, playground and swimming pool, Wanathara Health Resort and Spa suits for genuine refreshment and family fun holiday. Apart from those, there are many recreation activities everyone can enjoy such as walk rally, star watching, fire camp and karaoke lounge. Wanathara Health Resort and Spa also offers the well-equipped conference rooms with 30 – 120 seats. Outdoor places are perfect for arranging parties amid pleasant nature. And all above is available for you without exceeding your budget
Thai Spa#July_p42-60_iMac2.indd 45
With close collaboration between Pitsanuvej Hospital and it’s subsidiary, Wanathara Health Resort and Spa, we’re proud to offer our brand new service -Hospatreat. Hospatreat will be an ultimate answer to your quest for health and beauty. The program offer the following services; - Health check up and individual counseling section by a team of nurses - Healthy cuisine ,Cooking classes - Exercise activities: Morning aerobic, aqua fitness, jogging, nature walk, trekking along the river - Other relaxing activities: Thai massage, Spa treatment, Herbal treatment - Several recreation activities such as bicycling, walk rally, etc. - Seminar on anti aging, weight control or weight management, herbal medicine and other alternative medicines
7/10/12 7:59 PM
46 | Interviewed 46
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Thai Spa#July_p42-60_iMac2.indd 46
7/10/12 7:59 PM
Interviewed |47 ÇѹʺÒÂæ ·Ø¡Çѹ¹Õ·é Ó§Ò¹·Õè The Spa by Mspa at Four Seasons Hotel Bangkok ã¹à¤Ã×ͧ͢ MSpa International Ltd. ´Ùáŷѧé ÅÙ¡¤ŒÒáÅÐÅÙ¡¹ŒÍ§ ã¹ÇѹËÂØ´·ÕÁè ÍÕ Â‹Ò§ááàŨÐä»ÍÂÙà‹ »š¹à¾×Íè ¹¤Ø³áÁ‹·ºèÕ ÒŒ ¹ ¤ÅͧÊÒÁÇÒ ¾ÒÅÙ¡ä»´ŒÇ¹ФР໚¹¡Ô¨¡ÃÃÁ¸ÃÃÁ´Òæ á ‹ä´Œ¼Å ËÅÒÂÍ‹ҧÁÒ¡ à¾ÃÒзÑé§ÍÒ·Ô ÂàÃÒÍÂÙ‹á ‹ã¹àÁ×ͧã¹ËŒÍ§»ÃѺÍÒ¡ÒÈ ¢Ò´¡ÒÃàª×Íè Á Í‹ ¡Ñº¸ÃÃÁªÒ Ô ºŒÒ¹¤Ø³áÁ‹ÍÂÙ‹ ´Ô ʹÒÁ¡ÍÅ¿áÅзÐàÅÊÒº ÁÕ ¹Œ äÁŒÊàÕ ¢ÕÂÇ Ã‹ÁÃ×¹è ä´ŒÍÒ¡ÒȺÃÔÊ·Ø ¸ÔÁì ÒŌҧ»Í´ ¹Í¡¨Ò¡¹Ñ¹é ¡ÒþÒÅÙ¡ ä»´ŒÇ à¢Ò¨Ðä´Œ¼¡Ù ¾Ñ¹¡Ñº¤Ø³ÂÒÂáÅЫÖÁ«ÑºÇѲ¹¸ÃÃÁ¡ÒôÙáżÙÊŒ §Ù ÍÒÂØ ã¹¤Ãͺ¤ÃÑÇ ¡Ò÷ÕÁè ÅÕ ¡Ù æ ËÅÒ¹ä»àÂÕÂè Á ªÇ¹¾Ù´¤Ø¾Òä»·Ò¹¢ŒÒÇà»ÅÕÂè ¹ ºÃÃÂÒ¡ÒÈ¢ŒÒ§¹Í¡ºŒÒ¹¡ç·ÓãËŒà¢ÒäÁ‹Ãʌ٠¡Ö Ç‹Ò¶Ù¡·Í´·Ô§é à¤Åçº(äÁ‹)ÅѺ ÊØ¢ÀÒ¾´Õ ¡Ò÷Õäè ´Œ·Ó§Ò¹ã¹ÊÒÂ§Ò¹Ê»Ò ·ÓãËŒàÃÒÃÑ¡¡Òà ´Ô ÒÁ¢‹ÒÇÊÒà ´ŒÒ¹ÊØ¢ÀÒ¾ äÁ‹·Ò¹ÂÒ¶ŒÒäÁ‹¨Ó໚¹à¾ÃÒÐÃÙÇŒ Ò‹ Áѹ¨ÐÁռŠ͋ ºÑ ¢Í§àÃÒ äÁ‹ ´×Áè ¡Òá¿ ¹éÓÍÑ´ÅÁ ´×Áè á ¹‹ Óé à»Å‹Ò·Õ¡è Ãͧ¨Ò¡Ãкº reverse osmosis ÇѹÅÐäÁ‹ Óè ¡Ç‹Ò 2 ÅÔ Ã à¾×Íè ·Ó¤ÇÒÁÊÐÍÒ´ÃкºÀÒÂã¹ ¹Í¹ËÅѺãˌʹԷ
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“Supanee Tientongtip” Positive Thinking : The Way to Live a Happy Life Having good health is definitely a man’s best gift. This issue of “Thai Spa Well – Being” presents Khun Supanee Tientongtip, the spa manager of The Spa by Mspa at Four Seasons Hotel Bangkok. A veteran of the Thai spa industry, she will share with us her views on building up healthy body and mind. The definition of “Happiness” For some people, happiness may means acquisition of superfluous wealth and high social status, with people hailing you all around. Real happiness for me is simply to be contented with what you have and think positively as a daily routine. It helps me to be in touch with the “inner calm and happiness” Positive thinking keep us peaceful. The fact of life is that our world is not always strewn with sweet rosepetals but learning to live with the obstacles will help us to develop into a stronger and more mature being. Stop complaining and start thanking people all around for making our day. Throw Stress Away By Detachment Stress is a real killer. Detach your inner self from the stress and you will live years longer. I used to go through that hell of a moment because of craving for absolute possession. As with all high expectation, the fall naturally
Thai Spa#July_p42-60_iMac2.indd 47
inflicted great sufferings. I am no master of meditation nor am I a religious soul. Simply let it go and you will feel yourself free from the strings of stress. Relaxation On my day off, my kids and I always head straight for my mom’s home at Khlong Sam Wa. After a whole week in the city and air conditioned room, the weekend there was really a healthy break. My mom’s home is beside a golf course and natural lake, sunny, full of green trees and clean air. Bringing my kids along help to nurture bonding between the three generations. It also brightens up old grandma who always look forward to our weekend visit. The Key to Good Health Having worked for over ten years in the spa industry cultivates in me the habit of following up healthy news. Medication is taken with care as we are aware of its effect on our liver. Coffee and soft drink is a no-no, and always opt for drinking at least 2 liter per day of reverse osmosis water to clean our system. Sleep soundly and wake up to thank the Lord that we have another great day. After all, we are what we eat and we are what we think.
7/10/12 1:35 AM
48 | Society
Ê»Òä·Â ÃѺÃÒ§ÇÑÅÃдѺâÅ¡ “World Luxury Spa Awards 2012” Ê»Ò «Ö§è ä´ŒÃºÑ ¡ÒÃÂÍÁÃѺã¹ÃдѺÊÒ¡Å ·Ø¡ÃÒ§ÇÑÅä´ŒÃºÑ ¡ÒäѴàÅ×Í¡â´Â ŧ¤Ðá¹¹àÊÕ§¨Ò¡¼ÙŒà¢ŒÒ㪌ºÃÔ¡ÒÃʻҨҡ·ÑèÇâÅ¡â´Â¡ÒÃÍÍ¡àÊÕ§ŧ ¤Ðá¹¹Í͹äŹ «Öè§Ê»Ò¢Í§»ÃÐà·Èä·Â¡çä´ŒÃѺÃÒ§ÇÑÅ໚¹¨Ó¹Ç¹ÁÒ¡ ã¹ËÅÒ»ÃÐàÀ·
Thai Spas rewarded at “World Luxury Spa Awards 2012” àÁ×èÍàÃçÇæ ¹ÕéÁÕ»ÃСÒȼÅÃÒ§ÇÑÅ The World Luxury Spa Awards 㹧ҹ World Luxury Spa Awards 2012 ໚¹ÃÒ§ÇÑÅ ·ÕÁè ͺãËŒàà¡‹¼»ŒÙ ÃСͺ¡ÒøØáԨʻҨҡ·ÑÇè âÅ¡ â´Âẋ§à»š¹ 12 »ÃÐàÀ· Banyan Tree Spa
In May, the “2012 World Luxury Spa Awards™” www.luxuryhotelawaards.com were announced. Open to spa operators worldwide, in 12 categories on a country and global basis. All awards are chosen through online voting of global spa consumers. Below are the Best Luxury Spas and Finalist Best Luxury Spas in Thailand.
2012 WORLD LUXURY SPA AWARDS COUNTRY WINNERS Pathways Spa by The Sarojin Best Luxury Hotel Spa Spa Cenvaree, Centara Grand Beach Resort Phuket Best Luxury Emerging Spa RarinJinda Wellness Spa Best Luxury Destination Spa Devarana Spas Best Luxury Spa Group St. Carlos Medical Spa Best Luxury Medical/Wellness Spa Coqoon Spa Best Luxury Resort Spa 2012 WORLD LUXURY SPA AWARDS FINALISTS Ayurvana Spa at Santhiya Resort & Spa Best Luxury Hotel Spa eforea Spa at Hilton Pattaya Best Luxury Emerging Spa Anumba Spa Best Luxury Destination Spa The Peninsula Spa by ESPA, Bangkok Best Luxury Medical/Wellness Spa Pimalai Spa Best Luxury Resort Spa
Natural Products Expo Asia ͺ᷹¤×¹á¡‹Êѧ¤Áã¹âÍ¡ÒʤúÃͺ 10 »‚ ¡ÒúÃÔ¨Ò¤¡‹ÍãËŒà¡Ô´ÁÙŹԸâÔ Ã¤ÁÐàÃç§ã¹ à´ç¡ÊÓËÃѺ͹Ҥ ´ŒÒ¹ÊØ¢ÀÒ¾¢Í§àÃÒ Ñé§á ‹ ¡Ò÷ӾԸàÕ »´ã¹»‚ 2002 Natural Products Expo Asia (www.naturalproductsasia .com) ä´ŒÃѺ¡ÒÃÂÍÁÃѺNjÒ໚¹¼ÙŒ¹Ó´ŒÒ¹¡Òà ¨Ñ´¹Ô·ÃÃÈ¡ÒôŒÒ¹¸ÃÃÁªÒ Ô ¼ÅÔ Àѳ±à¾×Íè ÊØ¢ÀÒ¾áÅлÅÍ´ÊÒþÔÉ ã¹àÍàªÕ à¹×èͧã¹âÍ¡ÒʤúÃͺ 10 »‚ ·Ò§¼ÙŒ¨Ñ´§Ò¹ä´Œ¾ÂÒÂÒÁäÁ‹ à¾ÕÂ§á ‹ã¹´ŒÒ¹¡ÒèѴ¡ÒâͧÈÒÅÒ¹Ò¹ÒªÒ Ô áÅÐËÑÇ¢ŒÍÊÓ¤ÑÞ – “Healthy Aging” à·‹Ò¹Ñé¹ á ‹ÃÇÁ¶Ö§¡ÒþԨÒóÒã¹´ŒÒ¹¢Í§¡Òà ¾Ñ²¹Ò·Ò§´ŒÒ¹¡ÒÂÀÒ¾áÅÐ¨Ô ã¨ÊÓËÃѺ¼Ù㌠ªŒ¼ÅÔ Àѳ±¨Ò¡¸ÃÃÁªÒ Ô Expo Asia ä´ŒÇÒ§ÃÒ¡°Ò¹ã¹»ÃÐà·È΋ͧ¡§ÁÒ໚¹àÇÅÒ 10 »‚áÅŒÇ áÅм٨Œ ´Ñ §Ò¹ä´Œ ´Ñ ÊԹ㨠ͺ᷹¤×¹ãËŒá¡‹Ê§Ñ ¤Áâ´Â¡ÒúÃÔ¨Ò¤¼Å¡Óäà ºÒ§Ê‹Ç¹ãËŒ¡ºÑ ͧ¤¡Ã¡ÒáØÈÅ, ÁÙŹԸâÔ Ã¤ÁÐàÃç§ã¹à´ç¡ ¡Å‹Í§ÃѺºÃÔ¨Ò¤ ¨ÐÇÒ§äÇŒÃÐËÇ‹Ò§¡ÒÃáÊ´§âªÇà¾×èÍʹѺʹع¡ÒÃÁÕʋǹËÇÁ¢Í§·Ñé§ ¼ÙŒ¨Ñ´§Ò¹ áÅмٌËÇÁ§Ò¹¨Ò¡»ÃÐà·È΋ͧ¡§áÅзÑèÇâÅ¡
Thai Spa#July_p42-60_iMac2.indd 48
Natural Products Expo Asia Giving back to the Community in its 10th anniversary Donation Made to Children’s Cancer Foundation for the Health of Our Future Since its inauguration in 2002, Natural Products Expo Asia www.naturalproductsasia.com has been acknowledged as a leading exhibition for natural, organic & health products in Asia. Approaching its 10th anniversary, the organizers are making efforts not only in execution of international pavilions as well as a highlighted theme – “Healthy Aging”, but also in consideration of the physical and mental development of natural products’ users. Expo Asia has taken root in Hong Kong for 10 years and the organizers have decided to give back to the community by donating part of its revenue to a charity organization, the Children’s Cancer Foundation. Donation boxes will also be set up during the show period to encourage the participation of both exhibitors and visitors from HK & all over the world.
7/10/12 1:36 AM
Society |49
ÊÁÒ¤ÁÊ»Òä·Â ¨Ñ´§Ò¹ÊÑÁÁ¹Ò “TSPA June Networking Luncheon” ¤Ø³«ÒÁÕ «ÒâÇäÅ๹ ¨Ò¡ºÃÔÉÑ· ÁÒÊ«Ò¨¤ÔǺ ¨Ó¡Ñ´ Âѧ䴌¹ÓàÊ¹Í ¼ÅÔ Àѳ±¹ÇÑ ¡ÃÃÁãËÁ‹¢Í§ ºÃÔÉÑ· »´·ŒÒ´ŒÇÂÃÒÂÅÐàÍÕ´¢Í§§Ò¹ ÊÑÁÁ¹Ò “¡ÒÃà ÃÕÂÁ¾ÃŒÍÁÊ»ÒÊÙ‹ AEC 2015” ·Õè¨ÐÁÕ¢Öé¹ã¹à´×͹ ¡Ñ¹ÂÒ¹ 㹧ҹ Food&Hotel Thailand
Thai Spa Association Networking Luncheon
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The Thai Spa Association held our monthly networking luncheon in 19th June @Sofitel Sukhumvit Hotel, generously sponsored by MassageCube Co., Ltd. Latest details of the “World Spa & Wellbeing Convention”, “World Spa & Well-being Congress”, the “Thailand Spa & Well-being Awards 2012” and the “Thailand Spa Consumer Survey 2012” being conducted by our Premier Research Partner, Intelligent Spas were presented. Mr. Sami Savolainen, from MassageCube Co., Ltd. also presented his innovative new MassageCube to attendees. Details of a seminar that is being organsied by TSPA in September in conjuction with Food & Hotel Thailand “Preparing your Spa for 2015” were also released.
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The Masterpiece of the Incredible and Innovation Thai Herbal Product 2011
Perfect Beauty Serum by Dr Orawan ä´ŒÃѺ¡ÒäѴàÅ×Í¡¨Ò¡¡ÃзÃǧ ÍØ ÊÒË¡ÃÃÁãˌ໚¹¼ÅÔ Àѳ±¨Ò¡¸ÃÃÁªÒ Ô ªÔ¹é àÍ¡·Õâè ´´à´‹¹´ŒÇ¹ÇÑ ¡ÃÃÁ¢Í§»ÃÐà·Èä·Â »ÃШӻ‚ 2554-2555 DR ORAWAN Perfect Beauty Serum has been selected as the Masterpiece of the Incredible and Innovative Thai Herbsl Products 2011 from the Ministry of Industry, Thailand. www.drorawan. com/products
Thai Spa#July_p42-60_iMac2.indd 49
à¨ÊÊÔ¡Ò àªÕ 䴌ÃѺàªÔÞãËŒÃѺ Óá˹‹§¼ÙŒÍӹǡÒÃ¢Í§Ê»Ò “i.sawan Residential Spa & Club” ·ÕèâçáÃÁá¡Ã¹´ äÎáÍ· àÍÃÒÇѳ ¡ÃØ§à·¾Ï áÅÐ “THE BARAI” ·ÕèâçáÃÁäÎáÍ· ÃÕਹ«Õè ËÑÇËÔ¹ à¨ÊÊÔ¡Ò໚¹ªÒǺÍÊ ¹Ñ ¨Ò¡ÁÅÃÑ°áÁÊ«ÒªÙà«Êâ´Â¡Óà¹Ô´ à¸Í ໚¹¼ÙŒ¹ÓʻҷÕèà çÁä»´ŒÇ¾ÅѧáÅÐÁÕªÕÇÔ ªÕÇÒ «Ö觨ФÍ ÃǨ ÃÒ ÁÒ Ã°Ò¹¡ÒôÓà¹Ô¹§Ò¹áÅСÒúÃÔ¡Ò÷Ñé§ËÁ´ ÃÇÁ¶Ö§¡ÒþѲ¹Ò â»Ãá¡ÃÁÊ»ÒáÅмÅÔ ÀÑ ³ ± áÅСÒÃͺÃÁ¾¹Ñ ¡ §Ò¹¢Í§·Ñé § “i.sawan Residential Spa & Club” áÅÐ “THE BARAI” «Öè§à»š¹Ê»Ò·ÕèÁÕÅѡɳРⴴഋ¹ã¹ºÃôÒʻҢͧâçáÃÁäÎáÍ· ÊÓËÃѺ Óá˹‹§¡‹Í¹Ë¹ŒÒ¹Õ¢é ͧà¨ÊÊÔ¡Ò ¤×Í ¼ÙÍŒ ӹǡÒÃʻҢͧ “the Elemis Spa” ·ÕèâçáÃÁૹ ÃÕ¨ÔÊ ã¹¡ÃØ§à·¾Ï www.bangkok. grand.hyatt.com / www.huahin.regency.hyatt.com
New ‘Director of Spas’ for Hyatt in Thailand Jessica Shea has been appointed to the position of Director of Spas for i. sawan Residential Spa & Club at Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok and THE BARAI at Hyatt Regency Hua Hin. A native of Boston, Massachusetts, Jessica is a dynamic spa leader who will oversee all operations and service standards including product and spa programme development and staff training for both i.sawan Residential Spa & Club and THE BARAI which are distinctive residential spas in the Hyatt Spa family. Prior to her recent appointment, Jessica was opening Spa Director for the Elemis Spa at the St. Regis Hotel in Bangkok. www.bangkok.grand.hyatt.com / www.huahin.regency.hyatt.com
7/10/12 7:59 PM
50 | Society
Workshop gelcolor by BEAUTY departmentstore
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Thai Spa#July_p42-60_iMac2.indd 50
Associate Professor, Tassanee Trithepchulyakul, Manager of BEAUTY Department Store, opened the workshop on gelcolor by Joey Brown, an O.P.I expert from the USA. Topics included recommending gel coloring, technique and specific properties of gel color for improved customer service.
Spanovator Launches arom:D Academic Spa Spanovator Managing Director, Sunai Wachirawarakarn, and Founder of arom:D is a world class wellness business consultant and whose “sense invention is unlimited” has just launched arom:D Academic Spa, in the business heart of Bangkok. It is believed to be the world’s first academic spa. With a contemporary emotional design style, the new spa is located in Bandara Suites Silom, Bangkok, and has been designed to not only be a place for relaxation but also where to learning about spa science and spa business management. The recent arom:D launch party had friends and industry insiders attending, to congratulate the Spanovator team. www.sensestory.net
7/10/12 8:00 PM
Thai Spa#July_p42-60_iMac2.indd 51
7/10/12 8:01 PM
52 | Calendar
§Ò¹ Health & Wellness 2012 ÊØ¢ÀÒÇÐ´Õ ÇÔ¶Õä·Â
Çѹ·Õè 26 - 29 ¡Ã¡®Ò¤Á 2555 ʶҹ·Õè ÍÒ¤Òà 5-6 ÍÔÁá¾ç¤ àÁ×ͧ·Í§¸Ò¹Õ www.thailandhealthandwellness.com
Food & Hotel Thailand 2012 Çѹ·Õè 5-8 ¡Ñ¹ÂÒ¹ 2555 ʶҹ·Õè äºà·¤ ºÒ§¹Ò www.foodhotelthailand.com
Natural Products Expo Asia Date :
23rd – 25th August 2012
Venue : Wan Chai, Hong Kong www.naturalproductsasia.com
World Spa & Well-Being Convention 2012 Çѹ·Õè 19-21 ¡Ñ¹ÂÒ¹ 2555 ʶҹ·Õè ÍÒ¤Òà 4 ÍÔÁá¾ç¤ àÁ×ͧ·Í§¸Ò¹Õ www.worldspawellbeing.com
Internation Wellness Summit India 2012
Pool & SpaTech Asia 2012
Çѹ·Õè 19-21 ¡Ñ¹ÂÒ¹ 2555 ʶҹ·Õè ÍÒ¤Òà 5 ÍÔÁá¾ç¤ àÁ×ͧ·Í§¸Ò¹Õ www.poolspaasia.com/
Thai Spa#July_p42-60_iMac2.indd 52
Date : 25th -27th September 2012 Venue : Park Hyatt Goa Resort & Spa, Goa, India www.sellingworldtravel.com/swt/
7/10/12 1:39 AM
Thai Spa#July_p42-60_iMac2.indd 53
7/10/12 3:23 AM
54 | Guru Talk By Napalai H. Cain
(Body Mechanics • ºÃÔàdzËÅѧʋǹŋҧ à¡Ô´¨Ò¡¡ÒþÂÒÂÒÁÍÍ¡áç¹Ç´â´Â㪌¡ÒÃà¤Å×è͹äËǢͧ ÅÓ ÇÑ à»š¹Ê‹Ç¹·ÓãËŒà¡Ô´áç¡´áÅСÒÃà¤Å×Íè ¹äËÇઋ¹¡ÒáŒÁ ÇÑ áÅТ‹ÁÑÇ ¡ÒÃáÍ‹¹ËÅѧ áÅÐÁÕ¡ÒÃÂ×¹à¾×èÍ¡ÒùǴ·Õè äÁ‹¶Ù¡ ŒÍ§ ઋ¹Â×¹ªÔ´à·ŒÒ à¡Ô¹ä»·ÓãËŒäÁ‹Á¤Õ ÇÒÁÊÁ´ØŢͧ¡ÒÃà¤Å×Íè ¹äËÇ Â×¹ä¡Å¨Ò¡à ÂÕ §¹Ç´ÁÒ¡ à¡Ô¹ä» ·ÓãËŒ ŒÍ§¼ÅÑ¡´Ñ¹Ê‹Ç¹Í×è¹æ ¢Í§Ã‹Ò§¡ÒÂࢌÒÁÒª‹Ç ËÃ×ÍÂ×¹¾Ô§ à ÂÕ §¹Ç´ ÅÍ´àÇÅÒà¾×Íè ¡Òà à¤Å×Íè ¹äËÇËҧ¡ÒÂʋǹº¹ä´Œ§Ò‹ ¢ֹé ÃÇÁ ·Ñ駡ÒùǴ¡Ñºà Õ§¹Ç´·ÕèäÁ‹ä´ŒÊѴʋǹ¡Ñºà¸ÍÃÒ¾ÕÊ àª‹¹à Õ§¹Ç´ÊÙ§ à¡Ô¹ä» ËÃ×Í èÓà¡Ô¹ä»
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Thai Spa#July_p42-60_iMac2.indd 54
7/10/12 8:01 PM
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Mechanical movement of the body (Body Mechanics or Bio Mechanics) o Lower Back Caused by trying to bend and twisting your lower back, standing incorrectly or bad balance (such as standing too far away from the massage bed), resulting in the need to push the rest of the body to help or lean against the massage bed and use the upper body movement to create the pressure and movement. The massage bed is too high or too low. To improve the movement of the body and avoid injury to your lower back, take note of the following recommendations. • Check if the height of the massage bed is too high or too low. An easy way to check the height, is to stand beside the bed, use your fist to touch the top surface of the bed and adjust the height accordingly. This method is suitable for clients who are physically small. For larger clients who require acupressure movements, then use the tips of your fingers to touch the bed and adjust the height accordingly.
is suitable for massage movement which involve long strokes, such as from the lower back to the upper back and from the ankle up to the upper thigh. o The force and movement required to perform massage, must come from the big, strong muscles such as those in the legs. You must avoid using the muscles of the lower back. The lower back has fewer and smaller muscles than the legs. It is easy to cause you lower back pain, if you use the incorrect technique on a regular basis. Please read the next issue for more hints and advice.
The stance -there are 2 ways of standing; Horse stance and Archer Stance. o For the Horse Stance, you must stand parallel to the bed. The distance between the feet depends on the technique and the massage movement. This stand is suitable for massaging small areas of the body but it is not suitable where long strokes are required. o For the Archer Stance, you must stand beside the bed, using one foot in front of the other. The distance between the legs depends on the movement of massage stroke. If the client is on the right side, use the left foot at the front and the right foot at the back. The distance between the feet depends on the body movement and the massage strokes required and involves transferring the body weight from one foot to the other. This stance
Thai Spa#July_p42-60_iMac2.indd 55
7/10/12 8:01 PM
56 | Subscription
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7/10/12 1:42 AM
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7/10/12 3:19 AM
58 | Book Review
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ISO 9001:2008