L'Alta Qualita' Italiana per GIM Italy 2014

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er la prima volta approda in Italia il progetto GIM – Global Initiatives in Management, un programma di gestione risorse e management della prestigiosa Kellogg Business School in Pennsylvania che, grazie alla collaborazione con la Sasin Business School di Bangkok, è operativo nel Sud-Est asiatico dal 1982. Quest’anno, un gruppo di studenti del Sasin Graduate Intitute of Business Administration, con la collaborazione della Chulalongkorn University, della Camera di C o m m e rc i o I t a l o - T h a i l a n d e s e ( T I C C – www.thaitch.org) e delle Istituzioni italiane presenti in Thailandia (Ambasciata d’Italia a Bangkok, Istituto del Commercio Estero e Società Dante Alighieri), ha dato il via alla realizzazione del Progetto “GIM Italy”. L’idea nasce a seguito di un incontro organizzato a fine Ottobre 2013 da Alfonso Pellegrino, studente italiano presso la Sasin Business School e Project Manager del GIM Italy 2014, tra il Segretario Generale e il Trade Manager della TICC, Giovanni Quaratesi e Michele Tomea, e l’università. La Camera ha quindi organizzato per gli studenti una serie di incontri formativi con le aziende italiane nei settori food & beverage, meccanica per il manifatturiero, automotive, arredamento e moda. Tra i principali speaker delle dieci conferenze realizzate prima della visita in Italia, si annoveravano: Francesco Milicia, Managing Director di Ducati in Thailandia, unica fabbrica del marchio al di fuori del territorio italiano; il Presidente della TICC, Giacomo Mauri; il Primo Segretario dell’Ambasciata Italiana, Andrea Speronello; il Direttore uscente dell’Istituto per il Commercio Estero, Vincenzo Calì; il Presidente della Dante Alighieri, Alessandro Ursic. Gli studenti sono stati inoltre invitati presso l’Ambasciata d’Italia a Bangkok, e accolti dall’Ambasciatore Francesco Saverio Nisio. A seguire, la delegazione formata da venti studenti, provenienti da famiglie che rappresentano l’elite imprenditoriale del Paese, ha visitato l’Italia dal 18 febbraio al 1° marzo scorso, con tappa a Milano, Monza, Venezia, Bologna, Firenze ed Orvieto. Obiettivo: acquisire conoscenze e know-how da veicolare presso la Business Community thailandese, in modo da rafforzare le relazioni economico-commerciali tra Italia e Thailandia. Tra le visite che sono state particolarmente gradite dagli studenti, spiccano la tappa monzese, organizzata dalla Camera di Commercio di Monza (con incontri a grandi aziende come Molteni e G r u p p o M e re g a l l i ) e a M i l a n o ( p re s s o Asterisco Lab); ma anche le visite presso la fabbrica Ducati di Borgo Panigale (dove gli studenti hanno potuto osservare la catena di montaggio di diversi modelli), all’Accademia Italiana a Firenze (dove hanno potuto assistere ad un’interessante dissertazione sullo stile italiano e osservare materialmente il lavoro nei laboratori dell’alta moda), e alle cantine Barberani e Bottega Conticelli a Orvieto.




Italian Quality for GIM Italy 2014 The project promoted by the Sasin Business School in Bangkok, with the collaboration of the Thai-Italian Chamber of Commerce, is a success he GIM (Global Initiatives in Management) Project has come to Italy for the first time, a resource management and business program from Pennsylvania’s prestigious Kellogg Business School which, thanks to a collaboration with the Sasin Business School in Bangkok, has been operative in South East Asia since 1982. This year a group of students form the Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration, in collaboration with Chulalongkorn University, the Thai-Italian Chamber of Commerce (TICC – www.thaitch.org), and the Italian institutions present in Thailand (the Italian Embassy in Bangkok, the Institute for Foreign Trade, and the Dante Alighieri Society), launched the ‘GIM Italy’ Project. The idea came about after a meeting organized at the end of October 2013 by Alfonso Pellegrino (an Italian student at the Sasin Business School and the Project Manager for GIM Italy 2014), between Giovanni Quaratesi and Michele Tomea, Secretary General and Trade Manager of the TICC, and the university. Subsequently, the chamber of commerce organized a series of training sessions for the students with companies form the Italian food and beverage, manufacturing machinery, automotive, home furnishings, and fashion sectors. The main speakers of the ten conferences organized for this first visit to Italy included: Francesco Milicia, Managing Director of Ducati in Thailand, the


brand’s only factory outside of Italy; Giacomo Mauri, President of TICC; Andrea Speronello, First Secretary of the Italian Embassy; Vincenzo Calì, outgoing Commissioner of the Italian Institute for Foreign Trade; and Alessandro Ursic, President of the Dante Alighieri Society. The students were also invited to the Italian Embassy in Bangkok and were greeted by Ambassador Francesco Saverio Nisio. Afterwards, the delegation, made up of twenty students from families which represent the country’s entrepreneurial elite, visited Italy from February 18th through March 1st of this year, with stops in Milan, Monza, Venice, Bologna, Florence, and Orvieto. The objective was to acquire knowledge and knowhow to be disseminated among the Thai business community, thus strengthening the economic and commercial relationship between Italy and Thailand. The students particularly enjoyed the stops in Monza (with meetings at large companies like Molteni and Gruppo Meregalli) and Milan (at Asterisco lab); as well as the visits to Ducati’s factory in Borgo Panigale (where they had the opportunity to observe the assembly lines of various models), to the Accademia Italiana in Florence (where they attended an interesting dissertation on Italian fashion and had the chance to observe, first hand, activities in some high fashion studios), and to the Barberani and Bottega Conticelli wineries in Orvieto.

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