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Urban Planning & Design Prac0ces Methodology & Approaches – Case Studies Lan Anh Thai

Jan 04th 2014


14:15 – 15:00: Urban Design Approaches Lan Anh

15:00 – 15:45: Transit Oriented Development Quynh Hoa

15:45 – 16:30: Case Studies Hoang Hung

16:30 – 17:00: Discussion

About the presenter!

Lan Anh Thai Architect l Urban Designer l LEED AP Master in Community Planning, 2008 University of Cincinna0, Ohio, USA

Bachelor of Architecture, 2005 University of Civil Engineering, Hanoi, Vietnam

Design Team Leader Hyder Consul0ng Vietnam

Head of Landscape Design Department Vingroup JSC Email: lananhthai.1411@gmail.com Phone: 0904 752 669

About the Course!

Methodology & Approach for Urban Design & Urban Planning Projects Sustainable Site Design Principles Tourism Projects Residen0al Projects How to present a Master Planning project Case Studies: Bien Hoa Industrial Zone I Transforma0on Tien Xuan Ecological Tourism & Residen0al Park Thanh Hoa New CBD Ocean Valley Tourism Complex Bac Giang General City Master Plan

Course Documents!

Warm up! With a few discussions‌!

City vs. City!

New York vs. Paris!

City vs. City!

City vs. City!

City vs. City!

City vs. City!

City vs. City!

Efficient block size

City vs. City!





Portland USA

Adelaide, Australia


Mixed use neighbourhoods should contain a range of block sizes to promote ordered variety


Edinburgh, UK



Perimeter blocks are not always rectangular Chicago, USA

Density is a key indicator of efficiency small is beau0ful flexibility over 0me keep a fine ‘grain’

Human Scale Livable communi0es Walkability Mixed use development

American Dream vs. European Dream!

American Dream vs. European Dream!

American Dream vs. European Dream!

American Dream vs. European Dream!

American Dream vs. European Dream!

American Dream vs. European Dream!

American Dream vs. European Dream!

American Dream vs. European Dream!

American Dream vs. European Dream!

American Dream vs. European Dream!

American Dream vs. European Dream!

American Dream vs. European Dream!

Area: 1553 km2

Area: 105 km2

Popula0on: 2.1 mil (2010)

Popula0on: 2.5 mil (2010)

Human Scale Livable communi0es Urban Sprawl Smart Growth TOD

Sidewalk vs. Sidewalk!

Sidewalk vs. Sidewalk!

Sidewalk vs. Sidewalk!

Sidewalk vs. Sidewalk!

Sidewalk vs. Sidewalk!

Sidewalk vs. Sidewalk!

Important public spaces Walkability Setback Landuses Landuse types Human friendly

Public Space vs. Public Space!

Public Space vs. Public Space!

Public Space vs. Public Space!

Public Space vs. Public Space!

• Permeability • Variety of use accommodated • Wildlife support

An emerging city!

An emerging city!

An emerging city!

An emerging city!

City Management Investment Urban Form Beau0ful City vs. Successful City Place Making vs. Place Marke0ng

Warm up! With a few discussions‌!

Various Offerings Uniqueness Maximize Poten0als of the Site Landmarks and Aorac0ons User Friendly

Case Study 2: Tien Xuan Ecological Tourism & Residential Park!

Tourism Project! Winning Strategies! I. Mang lại các sản phẩm phát triển độc đáo V. Phát triển di sản Thiên nhiên và Văn hóa

II. Quản lý dự án và Tiếp thị Chiến lược thành công

IV. Chiến lược xác định thương Hiệu và thu hút đầu tư

Winning strategies 1.  Provide unique development products 2.  Project coordina0on and marke0ng 3.  Sustainable Valida0on 4.  Unique branding and investment aorac0ng strategies 5.  Op0mize natural and cultural assets

III. Tính bền vững

Urban Planning & Urban Design is…! More than physical design Deal with social, environmental, economical issues Realize Development opportuni0es Maximize Client’s interest while preserve communi0es’ values …challenging,

interesting, and fun !!!!

How to start ! a Master Planning Project ?!

Methodology & Approach !

Methodology & Approach !

Vision Site Analysis SWOT + Development Opportunity Plan Development Objec0ves Design Principles Op0on Development Design Development Urban Design Guidelines


A World-­‐class Tourism Complex

To become an integrated tourism, leisure and second-­‐home complex of which products range from ecological and tranquil golf communi0es to ac0ve and dynamic entertainment complex, which enhances the natural and cultural assets of the site, and brings interna0onal investment opportuni0es and prosperity to the Developer and its business partners.

Making Van Truc Lake Tourism Complex ... Vision

… a Glamorous Hideaway.

Site Analysis!

Urban Form & Architecture Environment Movement Society & Culture

Site Analysis!

Design Principles!

Design Principles!

LEED -­‐ Sustainable Sites Credits SS Credit 1: Site Selec0on SS Credit 2: Development Density & Community Connec0vity SS Credit 3: Brownfield Redevelopment SS Credit 4: Alterna0ve Transporta0on SS Credit 5.1: Site Development: Protect or Restore Habitat SS Credit 5.2: Site Development: Maximize Open Space SS Credit 6.1: Stormwater Design SS Credit 7.1: Heat Island Effect SS Credit 8: Light Pollu0on Reduc0on

Design Solutions deal with!

Green / Open Space Urban Form & Architecture Environment

Ac0vi0es ( Landuse)



Society & Culture

Building form

A new approach - landscape!

Landscape, development block, and movement framework are the three main design elements of an urban project of any scale Treat everything as landscape; buildings define the edge of space; landscape occupies the space, whether it is a park, a street, a fence or a pavement Work with and value what is already there Provide a variety of open space types Link with elements of open space hierarchy Create habitats and park life

IdenLfy areas of ecological importance to be preserved

Take account of topography and watercourses

Add proposed greenbelt

Consider potenLal water features

This provides the potenLal development area

IdenLfy hedgerows, woodland and recreaLonal areas

Allow for reality and construc0ve change over 0me Landscape frameworks should provide for both abio0c and bio0c support using indigenous species and enabling natural systems to con0nue func0oning.

Establish a planLng framework

The result is a landscape structure that sLtches together all these elements (source: Cramlington South West Development Plan, Llewelyn-­‐Davies, 1991)

•  •  •  •

Public access to open space - parks within walking distance Open space networks - connect spaces Wildlife and ecology - balance human access and wildlife shelter All sites are habitats - consider all sites, both natural and man-made, as part of a district-wide web of habitats

Larger open spaces are linked to form a Network of greenways

A few examples‌!

Case Study 1: Bien Hoa IZ1 Transformation! Transforma0on of an exis0ng industrial park into a sustainable urban area. CriLcal Success Factors •  Op0mize Site Poten0al and Maximize Carrying Capacity and Connec0vity •  Maximize Investors’ Excitement •  Appreciate and Exhibit Culture and History •  Bring Public Gain and Benefits •  Realis0c solu0ons for Long-­‐Term Sustainability

Case Study 1: Bien Hoa IZ1 Transformation!

Case Study 1: Bien Hoa IZ1 Transformation!

Case Study 1: Bien Hoa IZ1 Transformation!

Case Study 1: Bien Hoa IZ1 Transformation!

Case Study 1: Bien Hoa IZ1 Transformation!

Case Study 1: Bien Hoa IZ1 Transformation!

Case Study 1: Bien Hoa IZ1 Transformation!

Case Study 2: Tien Xuan Ecological Tourism & Residential Park! A world class ecological tourism and residen0al park. CriLcal Success Factors • Environmental and landscape sensi0vity • Public gain for exis0ng residen0al popula0on • Long term flexibility in development opportuni0es • Diversified product development and offerings • Maximize development opportuni0es, crea0ng a high quality living and entertainment environment

Case Study 2: Tien Xuan Ecological Tourism & Residential Park!

Case Study 2: Tien Xuan Ecological Tourism & Residential Park!

Case Study 3: Thanh Hoa New CBD! Vision •  A centre for governance that brings key decision-­‐makers together •  A regional centre for commerce and employment •  A city in the park Winning Strategies Generate Investors Excitement + Public Gain + Sustainable Design Solu0on

Case Study 3: Thanh Hoa New CBD!

High intensity Phát triển mức độ cao

Green links to Ma River Kết nối với sông Mã bằng không gian xanh

Medium intensity Phát triển mức độ vừa Low intensity with infrastructure requirement Phát triển mức độ thấp, yêu cầu kỹ thuật Low intensity Phát triển mức độ thấp Existing settlements Dân cư hiện trạng

Development Opportunity Plan Quy hoạch cơ hộI phát triển

Create Landmark for the City Tạo ra điểm nhấn cho thành phố

Design Objec0ves – Investor’s Excitement Case Study Hoa Mục 0êu thiết k3: ế -­‐ SThanh ự hứng thú cho nNew hà đầu CBD! tư Maximize Development Potential Tối đa hoá tiềm năng phát triển •  views / các hướng nhìn đẹp •  road frontage / lợI thế mặt đường •  land use symbiosis / sử dụng đất tương tác Diversified product offerings Mang lại sản phẩm thiết kế đa dạng

Design Objec0ves – Investor’s Excitement Case Study Hoa Mục 0êu thiết k3: ế -­‐ SThanh ự hứng thú cho nNew hà đầu CBD! tư ConnecLvity and RelaLonships •  Value adding through symbio0c land use rela0onships


• Regional and internal connec0vity • Green Linkages and Pedestrian orienta0on




residential CBD residential

Case Study 3: Thanh Hoa New CBD!

Thank you !!!!

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