Present Perfect Tense THANATCHA TONGMIT
การกระทําที่เพงเกิดขึ้น เพิ่งเสร็จ หรือเรียบรอยไป แลว
yet, just, already
- Have you finished your homework yet? - I have just finished my homework. - I have already finished my homework.
เหตุการณทเ่ี กิดขึน้ ในอดีต ดําเนินเรือ่ ยมาจนถึงปจจุบนั for, since, ever since, since then, so far, up to now, up to the present time We have studied here for four years. We have studied here since 1998. We have studied here since I was 10 years old. He has worked in this office for twenty years so far. Up to now, he has worked as a clerk
ever, never
Have you ever been to New York City? I have never seen a ghost. He has ever eaten a snake. Susan has never married . You and I have ever been student here.
Form วิธีใช
Present Perfect Continuous Tense has, have + been + V. ing
การใชเหมือน Present Perfect tense แต Present Perfect Continuous Tense เนนการตอเนื่อง Bill has lived in Bangkok since 1975. Bill has been living in Bangkok since 1975. ขอสําคัญ จะตองใชกับ Verb continuity of action เชน stay, wait, sit, live, work etc. The clock has been stopping (wrong) The clock has stopped. (right)