我們是誰? WHO ARE WE?
間築社為一個香港註冊慈善團體,我們由一群熱心發展慈善和志願服務的建築系青年和專 業人士成立,註冊慈善團體編號 91/12387。
PROJECT SPACE is a Hong Kong Registered Charitable Institution with registration number 91/12387, we were founded by a group of passionate architecture students and professionals who dedicated efforts in charity and voluntary services.
社會上無數的貧困兒童及家庭,能享有最基本的生活空間及衛生環境。與此同時,我們希望透 過教育,將社區藝術及環境保育伸延﹔亦會組織志願服務團隊,用行動重新將貧困兒童及其家 庭與社區連繫。建立和諧關係,促進社會共融,一起實踐可持續發展的社會。
Home, is a magical space giving essential resource and environment for children to grow
up. We integrate architecture and interior design toward complete home improvement solution. To underprivileged children and family, fundamentally bringing them hygienic and appropriate living environment. Moreover, we actively extend community art and environmental conservation through education, as well as organizing volunteer service teams to link up underprivileged children and their families with the community. We challenge to create a harmonious community and sustainable living. 1
In , PROJECT SPACE we were founded by a group of passionate architecture students and professionals who dedicated efforts in charity and voluntary services.
In , PROJECT SPACE coordinated with a Nepalese NGO, called VAN, to provide a refurbishment and extension rural school building project, located in the mountainous region of Lahachok at Kaski. With over 400 volunteer hours, the brand new school building can serve 120 students in that rural area per annum.
年,間築社由一群熱心發展慈善和志願服務 的建築系青年和專業人士成立。
In , PROJECT SPACE officially became a Hong Kong Registered Charitable Institution, providing Home Improvement Project to the local underprivileged families. We are ready to expand our charitable projects, so the expansion of fundraisings is a must.
年,本社協助尼泊爾的非牟利組織 ”VAN” ,為坐落於偏遠山區 "Lahachok" 中的一間貧困農村學 校,提供維修舊有校舍服務及擴建一棟新校舍,經過義 工們400多個小時的翻新及興建工程,現該棟新校舍每 年為120名農村小孩提供教學服務。
In , PROJECT SPACE' spilot service of “Home Improvement Project” collaborated with “Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Long Love Integrated Family Service Centre”, and the total volunteer hours reached 230 hours in six months.
年,間築社正式成為香港註冊慈善團體,為 本地弱勢社群提供小型家居改善計劃。另外,我們亦積 極籌款,準備拓展不同範疇的慈善項目。
,“Squatter Kids Home Improvement Project” service was sponsored by In “Operation Santa Claus” under “SCMP” & “RTHK”. The major beneficiaries are children and their family who living in a local subdivided unit, a container flat and another adverse living environment. An average of 60 to 120 families is able to improve their quality of life under this service each year.
年,本社與「東華三院朗情綜合家庭服務中 心」合作試辦「小型家居改善計劃」,該服務為期6個 月,義工服務時間長達230小時。
In , “Home Improvement Project” service was well-developed regarding continuously supported & sponsored by “Operation Santa Claus”. We sustained attention on a local subdivided unit, a container flat and another adverse living environment, with all-inclusive services of home improvement such as contribution, installation & repairing. As this year, more than 139 families have accumulated benefit.
年,本社由「南華早報」與「香港電台」之 「愛心聖誕大行動」贊助,開展一項名為「鐵皮小孩小 型家居改善計劃」服務,為本地劏房戶、鐵皮屋及其他 居住環境惡劣之家庭提供服務。該服務平均每年為60至 120戶基層家庭改善家居生活質素。
In , “Home Improvement Volunteer Training” organized by PROJECT SPACE and the “Hong Kong Children & Youth Services” with the total 202 volunteer hours. Besides, we cooperated with various organizations to conduct a few teaching workshops of home improvement like as “Carpentry” and “Wall Painting”. At the year end, we planned to have an exhibition of "Community Portrait Contest" with the local cafe "Congteakafe" for the purpose of the harmonious community.
年,本社承「愛心聖誕大行動」的支持及贊 助,使「小型家居改善計劃」服務付諸實行,為本地劏 房戶、鐵皮屋及其他居住環境惡劣之家庭,提供小型家 居維修和改善服務,送贈必須的家具用品。截至本年, 已累積超過139戶家庭受惠。
青少年綜合服務中心」聯合舉辦「家居維修義工訓練」 ,義工總服務時數達 202小時;此外,與不同機構合作 進行「木工工作坊」及「油漆教學」等。隨後,本社更 與本地咖啡廳「茶咖廳」籌備「社區人像畫繪畫比賽」 及展覽。
2018年,本社加入了 「 香港社會服務聯會 」,
並積極開展了年青人的項目,如青年活出計劃、參觀電 競學院、飛行總會等,更舉辦不同的社區活動,如土瓜 灣社區攝影,筲箕灣社區藝術地圖創作、海洋公園家庭 樂、回收塑膠等等。
In , PROJECT SPACE joined "The Hong Kong Council of Social Service", and carrying out young people’s projects actively, for example, Teenage Life Project, visiting E-Sports Competitions and Hong Kong Aviation Club. Furthermore, PROJECT SPACE also organized different community activities, for example, Community Creative Arts Map and Photography in Shau Kei Wan & To Kwa Wan, Ocean Park Family Fun Day and Plastic Recycle and so on.
過 去,在本社接觸的個案中,擠迫問題、家 庭經濟問題或家人關係問題等種種原因,導致 很多家庭長期居住於劏房和衛生安全欠佳的居 所裡,這會嚴重影響小朋友的身心健康成長。 我們讓孩子們擁有一個健康的成長環境,令他 們能完善地發展潛能。直至2018年,已累積超 過300戶家庭向本社求助,而曾協助受惠家庭 的義工團體有學生及專業人士,包括社工、維 修技工及室內設計師等。
我們的工作 OUR WORK
包括: -義工教學 -購置及安裝家具 -維修及更換家電 -清潔及除害蟲 -重整空間 -油漆 -物資轉贈
Under our projects, we found a lot of families
Home Improvement Team
Community Art and Education
Architectural Design and Analysis
文化及環境保育 Cultural and environmental conservation
愛心聖誕大行動 Operation Santa Claus (SCMP & RTHK)
living in inhumane accommodations, such as a subdivided unit and container flat. Overcrowding, financial and family issues are the key factor leading to this phenonmenon. These substandard accommodations, however, are not mostly secured and sanitary, which are affecting children physically and mentally. Our goal in to bring a healthy growth environment for children, to improve and develop their potential. In 2018, our service has accumulated to more than 300 beneficiary families with our volunteer team includes students and professionals such as social workers, maintenance technicians and interior designers, etc.
「Local Home Improvement Project 」
are as follows:
-Volunteer Training -Purchasing and Installation of Home Furnitures -Repairing & Replacement of Home Appliances -Reorganizing Home Space -Wall Painting -Materials Transferring
今年九月,受颱風山竹吹襲之下,很多地區的住宅 都變得滿目瘡痍,新界更是重災區。在上水蕉徑獨居 的彭女士就是「山竹」受害者的其中一員。 強風過後,彭女士回家,發現由鐵皮和木頭製成的房 間,受到強風和洪水的嚴重破壞。家裡的傢俱全都濕 透,而且她種植的菜也全都浸得毀壞,她表示她執拾 時眼淚直流。 「打完風之後回來,就這樣便沒了?那邊更嚴重,我 房間的屋頂都沒有。這條電線一直著火,嘭嘭嘭!」 彭女士的家園損毀嚴重。她是以種菜維生的,平日在 家門外的田裡耕作,並把種植出來的菜拿到菜市場 賣,而賣菜所得的錢就是她每月的收入來源,收入由 數百元至數千元不等。因此為了生活,她希望可以早 些搬回來,但是又束手無策。當收到社工轉介後,本 社透過其下的「愛心聖誕大行動」基金支持,提供及 時的義工服務,幫助如彭女士這類有需要的家庭進行 家居改善服務。在彭女士尋求幫助的幾天後,我們的 義工師傅便來到她的家園。 「她房間里的水損壞的天線構成了直接的危險。我們 必須盡快替換它!」 我們的義工師傅到場視察後,發現彭女士的家園有潛 在的危險和衛生問題,因此我們為她重新建造屋頂、 維修電線和清理雜物,讓她的家園能盡早恢復舒適和 安全。 間築社的「愛心聖誕大行動」項目自2011年開始運 作,透過南華早報和政府廣播公司香港電台聯合舉 辦的年度慈善活動資助此項愛心聖誕大行動。項目已 經於今年為300多個低收入家庭提供義工及家庭上門 服務。
The typhoon destroyed their home In September, under the Typhoon Mangkhut, many residential areas have become devastated, and the New Territories is the most serious area. Ms. Pang, who lives alone in Sheung Shui, is one of the victims of Mangkhut.
When Ms. Pang returned home after the strong wind, she found that her flat was severely damaged by strong winds and floods. The furniture in the house was all soaked, and all the vegetables she planted were soaked and destroyed. She said that she was crying when tidying up her home. "I came back after the wind. The situation was serious. The roof was gone and the wire was on fire with the sound "Pang Pang Pang!" Ms. Pang's home was seriously damaged, as well as her farmland. She was a plant lover and regularly delivered her harvest to the food market for sell. Her income relied on selling vegetables, which ranges from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars per month. The typhoon greatly impacted her earning so she hoped to restore her home as soon as possible in order to sustain her life. However, she was totally helpless and found it impossible to do it by her own. Referral was done by Project Space from the from the "Operation Santa Claus HK" foundation, which provides prompt volunteer services to help the families in need. A few days after Ms. Pang sought help, our volunteers arrived to provide support. “The water damaged antenna in her room poses a direct danger. We must replace it as soon as possible!” After the inspection of our volunteers, they found that Ms. Pang's home had potential dangers and hygienic problems. We rebuilt the roof, repaired the wires and cleaned up the debris for her, hoping that her home environment would be as comfortable and safe as possible! This "Operation Santa Claus HK" project has been in operation since 2011 and has been funded by the Love Christmas Campaign. This is an annual charity event organized by the South China Morning Post and the government broadcaster Radio Television Hong Kong. The project helped more than 120 underprivileged families to provide funding and assistance this year.
彭女士在now新聞中的受訪片段 Mrs. Pang was interveiwed by nowTV 6
本社接受南華早報采訪 We were interveiwed by the South China Morning Post
Youtube video:
繁華背後的故事 The story behind the bustling Mr Yu living in an old-fashioned building pointed to us at
the crack in the stone in the bathroom. "My house is very old! It's awesome! I almost won the first prize!"
一位居住於舊式大廈的余伯伯指着浴室中的石屎裂縫對我們 說﹕「我間屋好舊了! 呢度呀! 差點中頭獎呀! 」
已經八十多歲的余伯伯與太太及受情緒問題困擾的兒子居住在大 廈單位內多年。余伯伯與太太以往在製衣廠工作,一直工作忙碌 沒有時間執拾,加上他有收集物品的習慣,他的房間除了睡覺的 位置外,其餘地方都堆滿了雜物。 余伯的家庭有一家規,即使家人有多忙碌,也會堅持每天煮飯, 然後一家人圍在飯桌邊一起享用一頓晚餐。因此,伯伯家中的廚 房被長年累月煮食釋出的油煙熏得黑漆漆,油漬已經很難處理 了。但伯伯非但不介意,還教導兩位已結婚的女兒,每天都要煮 豐富的晚餐給丈夫吃,感情才會越來越好。伯伯對家人的愛由一 頓晚餐就能看出來了。 8
我們的義工為伯伯執拾好一間堆滿雜物的房間,因為他想更換 一張更舒適的床給同住的兒子。另外,我們的義工師傅為伯伯 修理好壞了的電線及插頭,消除家中有漏電危險的可能性,同 時為他們更換上新的插座及門口的光管,捨棄已經殘舊的家具 設備。現在伯伯與太太已退休多年,他們對家居環境的要求不 高,所在意的是住家裡的人一份簡單的快樂。而他們的家居在 義工的幫助下,已經有了很大的改善,他們亦非常滿足。
Mr Yu is over eighty years old, lived with his wife and son, have lived in the building for many years. Mr Yu and his wife used to work in the garment factory. They have been busy with work and have no time to pick up. In addition, Mr Yu has the habit of collecting items. His room is full of Sundries except for the sleeping place in his bed. Mr Yu's family has a rule that even if the family is busy, they will insist on cooking every day, and then the family will have dinner together at the dinner table. Therefore, the kitchen in Mr Yu's home was smoked black paint by the cooking fumes since the family have been cooked for many years, and the oil stains are already difficult to handle.
But Mr Yu still doesn't mind. He also teaches two married daughters to cook a rich dinner every day for their husbands to eat to sustain the good relationship in the marriage. Mr Yu's love for his family can be seen by dinner. Our volunteers picked up Mr Yu's room full of debris because he wanted to replace a more comfortable bed with his son. In addition, our volunteers repaired the broken wires and plugs in Mr Yu's home, so there was no danger of leakage in the home. They also replaced the old electric shovel with new ones and replaced the broken light pipes at home with new ones, so that they have enough lighting. Now Mr Yu and his wife have been retiring for many years, but their requirements for the home environment are not high. After our volunteers have improved their homes, they are very satisfied. They care about the simple happiness of those living at home.
作品曾展出於 「屈室求存」住屋多感官展覽 The work has been exhibited at "Stuck And Squeezed" multisensory housing exhibition
少數族裔租樓的挫敗經驗 The frustration of minority tenants
新移民-曼妮 New arrival-Mandy
通常少數族裔家庭人數較多,因為他們的傳統文化認為生得愈多愈好, 愈有福氣,但他們因租住單位面積較細,家長通常會叫小朋友出外玩耍 及多走動,卻因而被鄰居及保安認定他們很曳很嘈吵,常常被人投訴。
有次街坊不被續約需要盡快找另一單位容身,在傍偟之中很感恩能經中介 找到同幢大廈的單位,但最後在睇樓時保安游說中介不要租單位給予街 坊,表示他們有很多小朋友會嘈到其他鄰居,認為他們很煩,最後中介拒 絕出租給街坊,而且因未能在短時間內找到單位,街坊只能暫住在朋友的 家裡。
「我說廣東話不純正,試過向地產問有否租盤時,有經紀連資料都不查就 說沒有合適的單位,不斷膚衍和拒絕我;但換轉成是我丈夫問同一位經 紀,就能介紹到單位和得到更多實際資料。」——Mandy,現居住於觀 塘區劏房。
Mandy 是中國四川人,多年前到深圳謀生時認識了一位來自香港的丈 夫。二人交往幾年後結婚,有段時間夫婦分隔中港兩地,直至2012年他 們的兒子出生,Mandy與兒子翌年以單程證回到港,一家終於團聚。
因不太了解租約條款,他們以為租樓只是不能自行改變間格或增加房間, 因此有些南亞裔家庭喜歡南亞設計的裝修,會把牆身油至綠色,這在他們 的國家是十分普遍,但最後業主會認為他們有意破壞,會對他們有微言及 向經紀作出投訴,有些街坊在不被續約時會因而此被扣除按金。
Mandy一家最初與老爺奶奶同住,但礙於相處多爭執,他們決定在外另 覓住處。「我抱著孩子去找屋。2013年尾,我們在九龍灣租了一個一房 一廳舊單位,約200多呎,月租9000元。租樓前,業主是蠻好相處,又說 會清晰簽好文件。租住後,當家電設備出問題了要找他,卻總不接電話。 我們自行出錢換冷氣機、窗鉸,連更換熱水爐也是和業主各出資一半。」 到租約期屆滿,業主才告知加租至12000,他們難以負擔只好再找新居。
「我們有小朋友,有時劏房未必喜歡租給有孩子的人,怕會嘈,令租戶間 容易起紛爭。而我們決定租現在這間劏房時,業主亦要我們交上工作證 明。」現時劏房的舊約已完,但Mandy仍未跟業主簽新約。「我們的業 主是不錯的,也負責任,但我們到現在仍未簽新合約...我們有準時交租, 一出糧就會交租金,但我們不敢主動提租約的事,怕一開口問就會加租 呢!」
有次陪南亞裔街坊搵單位,還未行到地產中介的商鋪,還有一個轉彎位才 到,已經聽到站在門外的中介說:「無屋租啊!唔洗行過嚟啦!」令街坊 感到被人岐視及感覺難受。
Mandy一家自2013年申請公屋,已收到獲安排分配的通知信,正等待主任 審查資格。「我當然聽過有人說新移民來港爭公屋、爭資源,我也受過不少 白眼。」最深刻一次,有對港人夫婦的孩子對Mandy的兒子無禮,Mandy 當場要求男孩道歉。「但那對夫婦則罵我連廣東話都說不準,就回大陸去 吧!最初聽到這些閒言閒語當然不開心。我是因為愛情而嫁到香港,有幸老 公愛錫我;到有了孩子就更加要專心照顧他,都沒時間在意那些指罵和批 評了。」
「我老公說不應分大家是本地人、內地新移民或巴基斯坦人等,評定一個 人是看他內心和行事為人。有人可能真貪圖一自私利而來這裡,但至少我不 是;而我認識有不少新移民家庭,都是為了家人而捱著生活、住在劏房,大家 總不能『一竹篙打一船人』。新移民都是合法地按照法例而來到香港,至於 資源不足是人口太多,這應該由政策處理的。」
很多時候街坊在租樓時都不太清楚租約條款,經紀通常只會與他們清楚 交代交租時間及價錢,大部分以中文講解,但不會問及他們是否聽得明 白或遷就他們說英文。
少數族裔租樓的困難:一是沒有人租單位給他們,二是把沒有人租的單 位租給他們。曾經有街坊一家四口在半年內搬遷三次,丈夫長期工作, 只有正在懷孕的媽媽帶著兩個孩子找屋,第一次中介介紹的單位是位於 性工作者的工作地點樓上,他們接受不了,最後棄訂離開;第二間是窗 口對著天井,經常有老鼠爬進屋內,衛生情況惡劣,他們再次嚇得棄訂 搬出。
維修及更換家電 Repairing and Replacement of Home Appliances
個案分享Case Sharing 購買及安裝傢俱 Purchasing and Installing Furnitures 土瓜灣區
To Kwa Wan District 一家三口基層家庭居住於土瓜灣劏房,以往任 職點心師傅的父親因工受傷,腳部做了手術後 仍然未能工作,而母親為家庭主婦。自從父親 受傷後,家庭失去經濟支柱,需要申請綜援以 應付家庭經濟需要。 他們家中的水龍頭長期漏水,不但浪費食水, 而且水費昂貴,對他們造成嚴重的困擾,卻苦 於無人懂得修理。而師傅評估後認為要更換整 個水龍頭,隨即為他們購買及安裝新的水龍 頭。安裝完成後,水流比以往更順暢,沒有水 花四濺,也不再漏水。除了更換水龍頭外,本 社職員亦與服務使用者交談,傾談、關心他們 生活所需。
A family of three grassroots families lived in the subdivided unit of To Kwa Wan. The father of the pastry chef had not been able to work after the operation of the injured foot. The mother was a housewife. Since the father's injury, the family has lost the breadwinner and needs to apply for the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance(CSSA) to meet the family's economic needs. The faucet in the family has water leaked for a long time, causing a waste of water and expensive water charges. As no one knows how to repair it, it is troublesome for them. After the evaluation, the volunteer master thought that the entire faucet should be replaced. The volunteer master immediately purchased and installed new faucets for them. The water is flowing better than before, there is no splash, and there is no water leak after it is closed. In addition to replacing the faucet, the staff member talks with the service users and cares about the other needs of them. The service users thanks to volunteer master and the staffs for their help and concern. 12
Kwun Tong District
單親母親黃女士與兒子同住於觀塘劏房 兩年多,租金每月大約$4000,已佔了家庭大部分 支出,對經濟造成很大的壓力。黃女士的兒子被醫 生評估為患有專注力不足及過度活躍症,因此在照 顧上需要更多耐性。兒子的行為令黃女士情緒起伏 較大,她間中也需要服食安眠藥才能入睡。 單位內天花及牆身出現石屎剥落現象,使 日常生活受到影響:比如剛煮好的飯菜都被掉落的 石屎及牆灰沾污。因此本社職員為他們髹上油漆, 鋪上磚紋牆紙,以防止日後石屎剥落的現象。 Ms. Wong, a single mother, live in the Kwun Tong subdivided unit with her son for more than two years. The rent was about $4000 per month, which accounted for most of the family's expenses. Ms. Wong felt pressure on the economy. Ms. Wong’s son was diagnosed by a doctor as having Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD), so she needed more patience to take care of him. The behavior of her son made Ms. Wong feel ups and downs, and she also needed to take sleeping pills to fall asleep. The loose concrete of the ceiling and wall fall off in her flat which affects their daily life. Hence, our staff members provide wall painting service and apply the waterproof brick wallpaper to prevent concrete spalling.
物資轉贈 Materials Transferring 基督教筲箕灣潮人生命堂
Shaukiwan Swatow Christian Church
位於筲箕灣的潮人生命堂教會因搬遷而留下大量物資, 在得悉這個消息後,本社職員便到該教會收集合用的物 品,以便轉贈給有需要的人士。 由於物品數量繁多,不便於處理,因此便聯絡義工們一起 把二手物品先行運到柴灣辦公室。而許多長者見到這些物 品便主動詢問是否作轉贈之用,我們隨即為長者們登記, 儘快把物資安頓在長者家中。 雖然二手物品轉贈是一個很好的環保工作,但是香港缺乏 暫存的地方,導致實行時困難重重。是次的活動是希望能 夠快速地轉贈,從而減少存放的地方和時間,在未來的日 子裏,我們希望能夠有機會與其他地方團體合作,把物資 轉贈的工作做得更好。
We received news from a church in Shau Kei Wan that it had left a lot of supplies due to the relocation. On 1st March, we went to the church to collect the shared items for transfer to those in need. We saw lots of items, so contacted the volunteers to put the second-hand items back to Chai Wan first. At this time, many elders saw these items and asked if they were for the transfer function. We registered the elders immediately and delivered the materials to the elders' homes for the first time and placed them in the home. Although transfer second-hand items is good environmental work, Hong Kong is lacking temporary storage and it is difficult to implement. This event hoped to transfer fast and then reduced the save area and time. We hoped we can cooperate with other groups, did well for the second-items transfer.
Kwun Tong-The Nine-storey High Rooftop Metal Shack 與關注劏房平台的幹事一同到觀塘區的天台鐵皮屋,探訪了一個四人 家庭並作物資轉贈,冼女士為家庭主婦,丈夫任兼職工作,家庭經濟拮 据。 他們選擇租住天台原因是價格相較其他的便宜,而且最重要是地方較 大,有足夠空間讓兩名年幼的子女活動。然而,天台鐵皮屋其中數塊的 天花板損壞,導致下雨時有漏水的情況,因此本社為他們送上天花板, 並教授他們使用防水物料來改善天花漏水的問題。
Visiting the rooftop metal shack four members family in Kwun Tong with secretaries of Platform Concerning Subdivided Flats in Hong Kong. The reason they chose to rent the rooftop is that the place is larger.They have two young children who need space for the children. Renting this place at the same price is larger than anywhere else. Ms. Sin is a housewife, her husband works part-time, and the family is financially strapped. The ceiling damage of several of their rooftop tin houses caused water leakage during the rain. We sent them to the ceiling, and the ceiling we hoped could help them. We provide a new ceiling and teach the to use waterproof material to them for resource redistribution, hope the ceiling can help them.
The Harbour View Place Materials Transferring
一間位於九龍柯士甸道西的酒店送出二手水煲40個、熨斗10個、多士爐42個,讓我們轉贈予有需要的單親或低收入家 庭,藉以改善他們的生活質素。感謝酒店對弱勢社群關顧。
A hotel in Austin Road West, Kowloon, donate 40 second-hand otters, 10 irons and 42 toasters to our organization. We will transfer them to single or low-income families in need to improve their quality of life. Thanks to the hotel for the care of the disadvantaged group in the community. 14
大埔那打素醫院壁畫項目 Mural project of Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital 合作單位:
10 16
青年活出計劃 Teenage Life Project
此計劃由蘋果日報基金會贊助 Sponsored by Apple Daily foundation
青少年面對朋輩、家庭、學業或事業問 題時,往往因缺乏幫助或輔導下,導致沉 迷網絡世界,甚少訂立人生方向及目標。 當他們在迷失的時候,很多時因主觀思 想、核心信念而導致出現思考偏差,從而 影響他們升學及就業的機會。
社工帶領青少年從遊戲中互動,透過遊戲互相認識、簡單了解生涯規劃的概念和 內容 Social worker leading young people to interact with the game, young people can know each other through the game, to understand the concept of life planningand content.
本計劃提供生涯規劃小組,協助青少年尋 找自我及增加自信,瞭解自己的個性及特 質,發掘自身潛能,從而能為自己定立短 期及長期的人生目標 。
Faced with peers, family, academic or career problems and difficulties, young people often become addicted to the online world due to lack of help and counseling, and they rarely set their life direction and goals. When they are lost, their subjective thinking, core beliefs and intermediary beliefs may lead to biased thinking, which affects their chances of progression and employment.
社區攝影 Community Photography 由於土瓜灣區正面臨重建與清拆,而透過活 動青少年除了能學習攝影的技巧,亦可以透 過攝影去觀察社區的建築物和居民的生活, 從中認識人文與文化之間的關係,並且培養 出熱心助人的精神去連繫社會,關心身邊有 需要的人。
As To Kwa District is facing the issue of urban renewal, The group of young people study photography skills in To Kwa Wan District, through observing the buildings and architectures in the community and the living of people, to understand how local culture and people are connected, as a goal of cultivating their passion and caring others who is in needs.
This program provides a Life Planning group to help young people find themselves and build up self-confidence, let young people find themselves and discover their own personality and traits, so that they can set shortterm and long-term life goals.
社區藝術地圖及寫生 Community Art Map & Urban Sketching 筲箕灣是早期香港原居民的漁民集中地,更是他們的避風良 港。時至今日,筲箕灣一帶仍有很多廟宇林立及定期舉行傳統 特色節慶,是香港島一個很有特色的地方。 我們帶領青少年遊走社區,以畫筆描繪筲箕灣的廟宇、舊商 店、舊街市及漁船碼頭等面貌,在這些特色風貌消失前紀錄下 來,並把作品拼貼成一幅社區地圖,加深青少年對此地區的印 象,吸引青少年認識筲箕灣的本土文化特色。過程還會與小店 老闆交流,讓青少年感受香港獨有的人情味。
參觀香港飛行總會 Visit Hong Kong Aviation Club 成為機師、飛行員可能是不少人兒時的夢想,不少年青人對飛行充滿興趣。香港飛行總會是香港現時唯一一個提供飛行訓練、飛行教 官訓練及簽發駕駛執照的組織,所以我們參觀了飛行總會的活動,讓年青人可以一 睹直升機,小型飛機的風采,同時增加對相關行業 的了解。另外有導賞員向我們講解總會的歷史,以及飛行的知識,而且我們有機會嘗試操作模擬飛行器,親身到會駕駛飛機的樂趣。
Being a pilot may be a dream of many people. And some teenagers are interested in flying. Hong Kong Aviation Club is the only organization in Hong Kong that provides flight training, flight instructor training and issuance of driving licences. Therefore, we visited the Hong Kong Aviation Club to let young people see the helicopter. In addition, the docent explained the history of the Hong Kong Aviation Club and the knowledge of flying. Also, we had the opportunity to try to operate the simulated aircraft. We experienced the fun of flying. simulated aircraft. We experienced the fun of flying.
Shau Kei Wan was home to a large number of fishermen from the early Hong Kong original population. Today, there are many temples and traditional festivals held regularly. It is a very special place on Hong Kong island. We led the young people to walk around the community, painted the temples, old shops, old markets and fishing piers in Shau Kei Wan, painted them before they became history. We then cooperate together and collaged the work into a community map to enhance young people’s impression of the area, and to attract them to understand the local cultural characteristics of Shau Kei Wan. During the process, we also communicate with the store owner to let young people feel the unique human touch
參觀電競學院 Visit The E-Sports Academy
近年香港的電競行業發展迅速,有不少年青人都喜愛玩遊戲,甚至希望投身於電競 行業中,讓愛好成為自己的職業。但是有不少年青人並不知道投身此行業的方法, 所以我們便舉辦了參觀電競學院的活動,讓專業人士向年青人分享有關電競行業的 資訊,例如:投身電競行業的方法、電競行業的前景。同時讓年青人了解到電競不 只是打玩遊戲,當中亦涉及到團隊管理、項目策劃等各個界別的知識和能力。 In recent years, the E-sports industry in Hong Kong has developed rapidly. Some teenagers like to play games, and even hope to devote themselves to the E-sports industry, to make this hobby a profession. However, some teenagers do not know how to join the industry. Therefore, we visited the E-sports Academy to allow professionals to share information about E-sports with young people, such as how to engage in of E-sports industry and the prospect of E-sports industry. At the same time, we hope the teenagers understand the E-sports is not just about playing games, but about the knowledge and abilities of various sectors such as team management and project planning.
青出同行生涯規劃小組 Teenage together Life Planning Group 生涯規劃中有四大支柱﹕啟發參與、認識自我、探索多元出路、生涯規劃及管 理。根據薩柏的職業生涯發展階段理論,青少年由15歲開始能從學校中綜合認 識和考慮自己的興趣、能力與職業社會價值、就業機會,開始進行擇業嘗試。 我們透過舉辦小組,與青少年一起經歷認識自我及發展的階段。 透過心理測驗及小組遊戲,青少年能發掘個人能力長處,建立正面的自我形 象,對發展個人興趣持積極的態度。在桌上遊戲中,青少年能發掘自我的工作 價值觀。社工的介入引導青少年確立自己的目標及夢想。
Life planning is about four main caterigories, "inspiring participation", "understanding self", "exploring the way" and "life planning and managing". Refer to Donald E. Super's theory of life development, teenagers would learn themselves and build up their interests from 15 years old. we hope to bring them to discuss their career paths and attempt in different ways.
Through playing board game with young people, they can discover their own values of work. The intervention of social worker guides young people to establish their goals and dreams.
一個領袖永遠由 犧牲開始
不愉快的事總會發生 要學會忍耐和等待
A leader must give up to go up
There must be unhappy things in lives. Learn to be patient and keep going with persistence and determination.
Katherine Chan
-凱悅琴行創辦人及音樂總監 -香港教育大學樂理導師 -Founder and music director of the Holly Musical Center -Music theory teacher of The Education University of Hong Kong
-香港文化影像工作室創辦人 -建築文物保育師 -香港知專設計學院校友名譽會主席 -Founder of HK Cultural Imaging Workshop -Architectural Conservationists -President of HKDI Alumni Association
Hung A
總會有人叫你不要做, 浪費時間, 但你要問自 己有什麼是你很想做, 就放膽去做
一邊工作一邊進修對於自 己有益處
It is good for us to pursue further education and equip ourselves in our free time while working
-新咪咪麵工房創辦人 -我愛起"義"義工團總幹事 -Founder of the Newmimi Noodle Store -Founder of “I Like Volunteering” Volunteer Group
黃禮賢 LY Wong
鄺 俊 宇
You will surely encounter someone making disparaging comments, looking down on your dream, telling you to give up. But you have to ask yourself what you really want to accomplish, you have to do it.
-立法會議員 -註冊社工 -作家 -Member of Legislative Council -Registered Social Worker -Novelist
Jacky Fong
電競行業不單只是打機, 還有宣傳, 銷售, 市場
The e-sport industry is more than just playing video games, there are publicity, sales and marketing as well.
-電子競技學創辦人 -香港知名直播主 -Founder of The ESport Academy -Famous youtuber in Hong Kong
只要肯行出第一步, 自自然然會有人幫 你 If you are willing to take the first step, someone will lend you a helping hand.
-格藝創社創辦人 -香港大學建築系碩士 -Founder of Kompass Creative Services Ltd -HKU Master of Architecture
Kaiser Chow
成功的路在乎你面 對困難時能否迎刃 而解,再堅持下去
The road to success depends on whether you can deal with difficulties easily and stick to it. -傲洋游泳會創辦人 -兩屆全港運動會代表泳員 -Founder of the Ocean Swimming Club -Representative swimmer for two years of the Hong Kong Games
Ocean Chan
Roy Kwong Chun Yu
當你找到自己興趣,很努力去 做, 就會見到成績 When you find your passion and work hard at it, you will see results.
-中環星級髮廊創意高級髮型師 -酷思集團有限公司創辦人之ㄧ -我愛起"義"義工團幹事 -Senior hair stylist of top class hair salon in Central -One of the founders of Strive Company Ltd. -Officer of “I Like Volunteering” Volunteer Group
Jack Lau
當遇到困難時, 換個角 度想, 可能是另一個機 會的開始
When things get tough, it may be another opportunity if you put it in another perspective. -PNL樂歷培訓有限公司創辦人 -國際躲避盤協會創會會長 -翔青體育會發展總監 -Founder of the PNL Company Ltd. -Founder of the HK Dodgebee Association -Development Director of the Flyers Sports Association
Osman Wong 23
廢校大改造 - 過渡性房屋民間規劃工作坊 Waste School Renovation - Transitional Housing Folk Planning Workshop
秋季豐盛節活動 KFBG Autumn Festival 本社與一眾義工和街坊參加了嘉道理農場舉辨的「秋季
豐盛節」。當中有很多活動,如:盆栽種植、養蜂陳列 室、大自然圖書館、回收木藝工作坊、大自然版畫,還 有來自英國的藝術家Merlyn Chesterman以嘉道理農場 為畫室,大自然為本,雕刻刀為筆,創作木刻版畫,一 進到藝舍就看到她在畫畫,作品十分生動細緻!
於2018年11月11日下午在中學校舍舉行過渡性房屋民間規劃工作坊,讓過 渡性房屋真正用家 - 劏房家庭透過活動化身成為規劃師,打造理想的居住 環境,目的為推動閒置學校作為過渡性房屋,促請政府盡快推出改建資助 計劃及公開所有空校名單,善用土地資源紓緩基層住屋問題。 當日有60位來自觀塘、荃灣、葵涌、土瓜灣及深水埗的劏房街坊帶著小朋 友參與活動。參加者反應熱烈,一家大小落手落腳在真實的校舍設計了5個 過渡性房屋方案,共同打造一個個理想的「家」。并很榮幸邀請到立法會 議員尹兆堅先生、邵家臻先生及「非常香港」創辦人資深建築師羅健中先 生擔任活動嘉賓到場聆聽街坊想法。 街坊與建築師、規劃師一起探討居住環境與生活 Neighbors, architects and planners are discussing the relationship between living environment and life
這個活動是以連繫人與自然、生態保育及低碳生活為特 色。我們除了可認識本地野生動物、欣賞植物展覽外, 亦可參與不同體驗活動,提升身體、精神及心靈的健 康。另外,亦展現了大眾如何與環境和諧並存。例如: 嚮應環保,減少使用外賣餐具和實行環保回收。 我們與參加者在園內過了很有意義的一天,令我們明白 到人類是與環境聯繫的,萬物共融,須尊重大自然,並 希望人人能夠奉行永續生活。
Our company and a group of volunteers and neighborhoods participated in the "KFBG Autumn Festival". There are many activities, such as pot planting, beekeeping display, natures Library, recycled wood workshop, nature's paint-board. When we enter the Art house, we can see the artist from the UK, Merlyn Chesterman, create a wood print inspired by the natural landscape of the farm. The work is indeed meticulous!
學習將大自然與藝術融入生活裡 Learning to let a nature and arts assimilated into life
The characteristics of this event include the connection between people and nature, ecological conservation and low-carbon life. Apart from getting to know the local wildlife and enjoying the botanical exhibits, we can also participate in various experiential activities to improve our physical, mental and spiritual health. In addition, it shows how the public can coexist harmoniously with the environment. For example, to respond to environmental protection, reduce the use of disposable dishware and implement environmentally friendly recycling.
Project Space, Hong Kong Subdivided Flats Concerning Platform, The Hong Kong Institute of Planners and groups of people concerning about the subdivided unit problems held a Transitional Housing Folk Planning Workshop in a secondary school at November 2018. This activity allows families living in the subdivided units to become planners of the transitional housing and design their ideal living environment. It aims at promoting the use of vacant school premises as transitional housing,urging the government to launch the alteration funding scheme and publish the list of vacant school premises so as to alleviate the housing problem of the grassroots while to make the best use of land resources. There were 60 participants that live in subdivided units from Kwun Tong, Kwai Chung, To Kwa Wan and Sham Shui Po who joined the workshop that day.Participants’ response had been very positive, they had designed 5 transitional housing plans in a real school building to create an ideal home together. And we were honored to have invited Legislative Councillors Mr.Wan Siu Kin, Mr.Shiu Ka Chun and the founder of Very Hong Kong Mr.Christopher Law who is also a senior architect to be the guest to listen to the view of the community.
We had a very meaningful day with the participants in this event, which made us understand that human beings are connected to the environment. We hope that everyone can pursue a sustainable life and respect nature.
ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION 海洋公園家庭樂 Family Day in Ocean Park
街坊將二手物品捐贈 Neighbors are donating the second-hand goods for the give away event
物資轉贈 柴灣快閃資源回收站 香港人每日都使用塑膠產品,但是大家有沒有回收的習 慣?現時,香港的塑膠污染問題甚為嚴重,環境保護署 所發佈的《香港固體廢物監察報告二○一七》指出2017 年塑膠回收率只有百分之十三。我們看見其回收率低, 所以我們便與地區組織舉辦「回收塑膠快閃活動」。在 回收塑膠的時候,我們會將1-7號塑膠物資進行分類,當 中3號塑膠是無法回收。我們舉辦塑膠回收活動,除了是 為保護環境出一分力,同時也希望令市民明白到塑膠回 收的重要性,以及學習到塑膠的分類方法。 除了塑膠回收活動外,我們還協辦了「二手品轉贈活 動」,因為有時候大家家中沒有地方放置用品,或者已 經不需要其用品,但是又不想只是丟棄,所以我們便舉 辦此活動,讓街坊把自己無需要的物品捐贈出來,進行 物資轉贈,將這些物品轉贈給有需要的人,讓那些物品 可以延續的生命。
街坊將家中廢膠分類及回收 Neighbors are recycling their home plastic waste with classification
Materials Transferring Chai Wan Recycling and Second Hand Station Most of the Hong Kong people use plastic everyday, however, how many of us have the practice of recycling? As nowadays, waste pollution is a serious problem. Refer to the《Monitoring of Solid Waste in Hong Kong 2017 》, announced by Environmental Protection Department, the recycling rate of plastic is only 30%. That is why are we connect with other local organisation, to cooperate the plastic recycling station. When we collect plastic waste, we would classify and divide them into 1-7 number (number 3 is non-recyclable). The aim of this event is to help the environment, while spreading our message to the public, get everyone to know the importance of recycling, and learn how to classify the plastic. Besides plastic recycling, we organise the second hand station as well. We know that everyone must have some useless things or products in their home, but it could be very useful for other people. So we encourage people to take those things out for exchange and donation. It extends the "life" of those products.
大家知道香港每年超過800萬公噸的塑膠流入海洋 嗎?有研究指出,現時約有700種海洋生物受5.25萬 億件塑膠垃圾威脅。海洋生物因遭膠袋纏繞而被勒 死,或因誤吃塑膠垃圾而堵塞消化系統。海洋生物是 地球的居民,亦是人類的好朋友。我們應該好好保 護牠們。 為了喚醒人們的環保意識和保育心態,我們舉辦了海 洋公園家庭樂。不少家長帶同他們的小朋友來參與是 次活動。他們不但認識了不同的海洋生物,如海豚、 鯨魚、鯊魚、珊瑚、八爪魚等,同時從中也提高了他 們對環境保育的關注。另外,我們亦希望是次活動能 喚起港人對瀕危鯊魚的關注。香港是全球最大的魚 翅貿易中心,每年處理全球約四成的魚翅貿易。不同 品種鯊魚的數量正急劇下降,這嚴重影響我們的海洋 生態系統。因此,希望大家在海洋公園觀看鯊魚的同 時,也希望大家好好愛護牠。減少食用魚翅,保育不 同種類的鯊魚,為維持生態平衡作出努力。
Do you know that more than 8 million metric tons of plastics in Hong Kong flow into the ocean each year? Some studies have pointed out that there are currently about 700 species of marine life threatened by 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic waste. Marine animals can be strangled by plastic bags, or block the digestive system by accidentally eating plastic waste. Marine animals are the resident of the earth and a good friend of humanity. We should protect them well. In order to awaken people's environmental awareness and conservation mentality, we have identified the "Ocean Park Family Fun Day". Many parents took their children to participate in the event. They not only met different marine animals, such as dolphins, whales, sharks, corals, and octopus, but also raised their concern for environmental conservation. In addition, we also hope that this event will arouse the attention of Hong Kong people to endangered sharks. Hong Kong is the world's largest shark fin trading center, handling about 40% of the world's shark fin trade every year. The number of different species of sharks is falling sharply, which seriously affects our marine ecosystem. Therefore, we hope that everyone can not only watch the sharks in the Ocean Park. In the meantime we hope that everyone will take good care of them. Reduce the consumption of shark fins and conserve different types of sharks!
過 去一年,有超過50名義工參加本會舉辦的服務,他們均 來自各大專院校學生、求助家庭的該區居民、本社受惠對象及 綜合青少年服務中心等,其主要負責義工探訪、搬運雜物、油 漆、購置基本傢俱、清潔、除害蟲及重置空間等。井應邀出席 多個團體或單位的活動並進行協作,以擴展及優化本會之慈善 服務,培養義工團體。服務時數超過1000小時。
本社不斷透過不同渠道的媒體,討 論有關劏房﹑城市發展 ﹑以及人 文和社會狀況的議題,希望引起各 界人士的關注。 Project Space keeps on raising the topic of subdivided unit, urban development and social phenomenon, through different media. Aims at drawing the attention from different stakeholders in our community.
In the last year, we have more than 50 volunteers participated in our projects. The major of volunteers were college students, residents, beneficiary families and the youths of "Hong Kong Children & Youth Services”...etc. The main responsibilities of volunteers were for home visiting, removal collection, wall painting, purchasing basic home furniture, janitorial and pests control, reorganizing home space...etc. We were invited to attend different events and collaborate with various organizations, to expand and optimize our charitable projects and as well as developing our volunteer service teams. The service hours exceeded 300 hours.
包糉暖萬心 Making Zongzi, A warming heart event
本社經常協助及參與地區組織舉辦的活動,其中煤氣公司在 「包糉暖萬心」 中提供了端午節的包糉食材和工作坊。以致 我們的義工和街坊,能夠老幼同心地一起製作和派發糉子,除 了分享節日氣氛之餘,為社區增添一份人情味。
Making Zongzi, A warming heart event We regularly assist and participate in activities organized by the local organizations.The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited provides the rice dumpling ingredients of the Dragon Boat Festival and workshops in the "Making Zongzi, Warming hearts event". So that our volunteers and neighborhoods can make and distribute rice dumpling together. In Addition to sharing the festive atmosphere, add a human touch to the community.
資源及發展 RESOURCES AND DEVELOPMENT 未來,本會將會開辦不同的計劃及服務,當中包括﹕ We will launch a few different projects and services in near future as follows:
師徒同心小型家居改善計劃 Mentor and Apprentice Concentric Home Improvement Project 教授基層家庭青年製作傳統手藝木工 To teach traditional carpentry skills to volunteers and give the hand-made product to families in need.
二手書回收轉贈計劃 Second-hand Book Transferring 令書本能夠再次找到喜愛它的主人 To look for book-lovers.
此計劃將由凱瑟克基金贊助 The project will be funded by The Keswick Foundation
劏房學童小型家居改善計劃 Subdivided Unit Student Home Improvement Project 為居住在劏房的學童增設學習書枱與設備 To Help students and children who lived in subdivided unit to design a learning desk and other equipment.
香港房屋問題相展 Hong Kong Housing Issues Exhibition 不同類型房屋的真實狀況及居住於其中的生活現況 To show the actual & living conditions of different types of houses in HK through photography.
過渡性房屋研究方案 Transitional Housing Research Program 研究改建閒置建築物作過渡性房屋 To study a redevelopment of vacant government buildings being a transitional housing
聖誕節活動 Christmas Party 與基層小孩一起製作聖誕飾物、繪畫、遊戲、送贈小禮 物及食物分享。 Have a big fun Christmas party with children and their family, such as making Christmas decorations, painting, playing games, food & gift sharing.
此計劃將由楊蔡慧嫻基金會贊助 The project will be funded by YCWH Trust.
學校與藝團伙伴計劃 Arts-in-School Partnership Scheme 將藝術與創意思維引入校園生活 Bringing arts and creative ideas into the school environment 30
舊區導賞寫生團 Old Districts Guided Tour 了解舊區的樓宇及文化特色,以寫生記錄舊城 To understand & record the building & cultural characteristics of the old district through sketching.
未來-家的想像畫展 Future Home Exhibition
讓孩子想像未來 Let children imagine their future through painting. 31
Service Provided
重整空間 Reorganizing Home Space 物資轉贈 Material transfer 維修及更換家電 Repairing & Replacement of Home Appliances
23% 38%
油漆 Wall Painting
其他 Others
購置及安裝家具 Purchasing and Installation of Home Furnitures 33% 九龍城區 13% 觀塘區 10% 其他地區
其他 Others
公屋 (社工轉介個案) Public Housing (referred by Social Worker)
39% 劏房 Subdivided unit
9% 深水埗區 35% 東區
Sham Shui Po Eastern District
53% 48%
Kowloon City Kwun Tong Other Districts
綜援家庭 CSSA
非綜援家庭 Non CSSA
+300 服務家庭
CSSA = Comprehensive Social Security Assistance 由2016年起累計服務家庭
2017-2018年服務個案支出統計 2017-2018 Case Service Expenditure Statistics
Funding Sources
General Donations
Other Incomes $26
Total Income
: around
行政費用 Administrative Expense
Case Expenditure Profile
~~ $1000 =
~~ $3000 =
碌架床 Bunk bed
基本油漆 Painting Service
~~ $10000 =
支出 Expenditure
洗衣機Laundry Machine
安裝膠地板 Plastic Floor installation
基本間隔 Interior Partition installation
慈善活動及義工服務 Charitableand Volunteer Expense
水喉維修 Drainage Service
電飯煲 Rice Cooker X3
滅蟲劑 Pesticides x3
安裝組合傢俬 Furniture installation
慈善活動及義工服務 Charitable and Volunteer Expenses
Administrative Expenses
Bank Charges
Total Expenditure
小型家居改善服務流程 Home Improvement Project Service Procedures
我們的團隊 Our Team 委員會及團隊成員 Commitee & Team Members Mr Chow Chi Chung
Ms Yvonne Leung
Mr Sze Ngo Lam
Mr Seto Wai Lun
Mr Kaiser Chow
Mr Chan Yiu Hung
Mr William Ho
Ms Mandy Wong
Applying Services 轉介機構/社工於網上填寫服 務申請評估之後,本社會回 覆轉介機構機可提供之服務 After the referral social worker fills in the web Assessment Form, our team will reply the services that we could provide
Assessment 本社社工進行家訪,在了解個案 狀況及評估, 并向上級匯報其需要 Social worker makes home visit to understand the case's situation, then reports to the supervisor
Editing and production Cheung Yan Ming Chiu Yuk Ki Chiu Kin Kwan Lam Pui Yee
顧問 Consultants Pott Company Limited
Kompass Creative Services Limited
Hong Kong Cultural Imaging Workshop
Burrows Limited (Professional Pest Control Services)
Wong Lai Yi, CPA (Practicing)
Shun Keung Electrical Works
(Registered Minor Works Contractors)
Wang Tung Air Conditioning Engineering Company
The Council
Mr Yau Ka Lok
Mr Ho Yu Shun
Lam Hiu Yan Lau Chak Fung Lee Siu Sin Wong Pui Wa
我們的架構 Our Organizational Strcuture
社工拍攝相片及文字服務記錄, 並把有需要的個案轉介至其他服 務機構
經評估後, 職員聯絡 師傅上門進行家居改善
Follow-up & Support
Social worker takes photos and word recording for the improvement service, and provides the referral service to the case if it is needed 服務對象﹕ 1. 單親、領取綜援的低收入家庭、缺乏照顧和有需要的長 者、殘疾人士優先 2. 居住環境有特殊需要之家庭(如劏房、臨時房屋、鐵皮屋等) 聯絡我們﹕ 歡迎致電或電郵至本機構查詢,或填妥網上服務申請評估, 本機構一般會在5個工作天內回覆有關安排及細則 36
Subsidizing/ On site services
After evaluation, officer contacts Technician/Skilled worker and process home improvement service together
Target Groups: 1. Single parent and Low income families, Lack of care and need for help elderly and the disabled 2. Any other families who suffered, from poor living environment (Eg: subdivided flat and container flats) Contact us: Welcome any inquiries through telephone or email, or please fill in the online assesment form. We can often reply any details in 5 working days
鳴謝 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (排名不分先後 in no particular order)
鳴謝 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (排名不分先後 in no particular order)
愛心聖誕大行動 Operation Santa Claus (SCMP & RTHK)
聖雅各福群會市區重建社區服務隊 St James Settlement Urban Renewal Social Service Team 全港關注劏房平台
瑞士信貸集團 Credit Suisse
Platform Concerning Subdivided Flats in Hong Kong 香港基督教服務處家情綜合服務中心 Hong Kong Christian Service Family Ties Integrated Family Service)
蘋果日報慈善基金 Apple Daily Charitable Foundation
葵涌醫院九龍西醫院聯網 Kwai Chung Hospital Kowloon West Cluster 聖公會屯門精神健康綜合社區中心 Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Limited
香港青少年服務處賽馬會大埔綜合青少年服務中心 Hong Kong Children & Youth Service The Jockey Club Tai Po Integrated Children and Youth Service Centre 東華三院
Tung Wah Group
Thanks to the Organisations and persons for their assistance and support in the past. 循道衛理觀塘社會服務處 Kwun Tong Methodist Social Service
Ms. Nicole Chan Hoi Kiu
T-shirt.com.hk Limited
Mr. Osman Wong
點子生活慈善基金會 Design Alife Charity Foundation
Stratasys AP Limited
Mr. Ocean Chan
Ms. Mok Yuen Man Ritta
Ms. Katherine Chan
Mr. Cheung Tsang Dai Philip
Mr. LY Wong
Ms. Rose Morant
Mr. Jacky Fong
Ms. Yeung Yeuk Chung Claudia
Mr. Roy Kwong Chun Yu
Mr. Roderick Leung
Mr. Jack Lau
筲箕灣潮人生命堂 Shaukiwan Swatow Christian Churc 香港中華煤氣有限公司 The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited (Towngas) 港景匯 The HarbourView Place 灣仔扶輪社 Rotary Club of Wanchai
社會福利署秀寶綜合家庭服務中心 The Hong Kong Council of Social Service San Sau Po Integrated Family Service Centre 義務工作統籌課 Volunteer Service Social Welfare Department 雅麗氏何妙齡那打素醫院 Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital 明愛蘇沙伉儷綜合家庭服務中心 Caritas Dr & Mrs Olinto de Sousa Integrated Family Service Centre 非常香港 Very Hong Kong 香港安安國際自閉症教育基金會 AnAn International Education Foundation Hong Kong
月高陞烘焙有限公司 Luna15 Workshop 38
捐款回條 DONATION RECEIPT 姓名 (個人/學校/公司/機構/組織) NAME (INDIVIDUAL/SCHOOL/COMPANY/AGNECY/ORGANISATION): ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 地址 ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 聯絡人CONTACT PERSON:_______________________ 職銜 TITLE:_______________________ 電話 TEL:_______________________________________ 傳真 FAX:________________________ 電郵 EMAIL:___________________________________________________________________________ 本人/學校/公司/機構/組織 樂意支持PROJECT SPACE 之服務籌募善款,捐助港幣: □ $100,000 □ $10,000 □ $1,000 □ $100 □ 其他$___________________ 捐款方式 □ 劃線支票 (抬頭請填PROJECT SPACE LIMITED,並將支票連同此回條寄回本會) □ 直接存入香港恆生銀行賬戶號碼 774-304-182-883 (請連同入數紙及此回條寄回本會) *收據 《捐款一百元或以上可憑收據申請扣稅》 請給本人寄回收據,捐款人/學校/公司/機構/組織名稱 (收據抬頭):_________________ 感謝您的支持! 40
間築有限公司 Project Space Limited 香港註冊慈善團體編號 91/12387 Hong Kong Registered Charitable institution Number 91/12387 W: http://www.projectspace.org.hk E: info@projectspace.org.hk Add: Unit A8, 14/F., Block A Kailey Industrial Centre, 12 Fung Yip Street, Chai Wan, H.K. 通訊地址: 香港柴灣豐業街 12 號 啟力工業中心 A 座 14 樓 A8 室 T: (852) 3569 1526 / 5545 5159 F: (852) 3013 9834 間築社為一個香港註冊慈善團體,旨在為貧窮的兒童及家庭提供協助,建立美好、安全、衛生的居住及生活空間。 PROJECT SPACE is a Hong Kong Registered Charitable Institution. It aims to provide a humane living environment to underprivileged children and families, we hope they have a safe, hygienic & wonderful home. 印製數量 : 200 出版日期 : 2019年3月1日 版權所有 不得翻印