I. MOTIVATION AND CONCEPT 1. Motivation What are your principal motivation and objectives for hosting the Olympic Games? Principal Motivations -
The sports and games of today were played more than 2500 years ago in Ancient Egypt. The underlying philosophy of these sports was similar to those of the current Olympic philosophy. Egypt was the first African country to join the IOC in 1910, and has participated in every Olympic event since 1912. The Olympic flag was designed by an Egyptian of Greek origin, Mr Bolonaki. The flag was raised in 1914, simultaneously in Alexandria and Paris. Egypt’s prominent role in originating the Mediterranean Games in Alexandria in 1951 (Taher Pasha. A member of the IOC), and the African Games in 1929 (Alsayed Touni, a member of the IOC) The city of Cairo, with a population of 12 million, already has 65% of the requirements for holding the 2008 Games. Egypt’s unique geographic position, at the crossroads of three continents; Africa, Europe and Asia. The rapid development of Cairo in housing, communications, transportation and comprehensive sports facilities. This, in addition to the Egyptian Satellite and a large database for various activities based on GIS, affords the appropriate and necessary technology for holding and managing the Olympic Games.
The goals and implications of holding the 2008 Games in Cairo: -
Consolidating Egypt’s peace efforts regionally and globally. Acknowledging the “Black” circle of the Olympic circles and the fulfilment of “Olympic justice”. This will also realize the concept of “globalizing” the organization not only “globalizing” the participation. The aspirations of youth sportsmen in the region, that the world’s most important sporting event will be within reach, whether as participants or spectators. Realizing a quantum jump in Egyptian sports in all Sporting Associations and under the umbrella of the E.O.C and IOC, whether this is in the facilities or the preparation to reap Olympic medals.
2. Concept a- How do you envisage the organizing of the Olympic Games in your City? We realize that hosting the Games implies: -
Hosting some 218000 persons representing; participants, coaches, managers, members of the IOC and their guests – IFS NOC – official delegations, heads of state, media, sponsors, volunteer youth, as well as all the necessary security services.
The providing of 76000 hotel room nights and serving more than 9 million meals throughout the Games in a healthy clean environment that will involve the Cairo Governorate in removing 10000 tons of refuse daily.
Cairo also offers more than 3000 hours of TV broadcasting that is fully coordinated with international media.
The transportation facilities will cater to the rapid and efficient movement of enormous number of guests in a limited space of time, ensuring no bottlenecks in either receiving or transporting large numbers.
Furthermore, the opening and closing ceremonies will commemorate the world’s cultures in a splendid setting, all this in an environment of absolute security and comfort.
We must benefit from the experience of others in the organizing and management of the Games and make the concept, “spectacular” our objective.
We plan to make the 2008 Games memorable, and also provide a shining example to the youth, not only in Egypt, but in Africa, the Middle East, the Gulf States, Asia and all the developing countries; and that this will bear witness to the fact that Olympic fairness has been achieved…
b- Please provide a map illustrating your project (Map A) Annex I
II. POLITICAL AND PUBLIC SUPPORT 3. Future Candidature Committee: Should you be accepted as a candidate city to host the 2008 Olympic Games, how would your candidature committee be structured and composed?
4. Government Support What is the status of support to your project by the national, regional, local government and city authorities?? The Egyptian government has offered the following: -
Allocated a budget to complete all the necessary installations for the Games to be ready before the end of December 2006. This is taking place irrespective of hosting the Games and is in line with requirements of the various sport organizations within the Olympic program.
Allocated 100 feddans (420000sq.m.) in Al Shorouk al Gadidah city, 12 km. from the Olympic Village. The area will be used as training grounds for many sports.
A budget to complete the road network between the airport and the Olympic Village and playgrounds.
Free entry visas for all participants, athletes, mission members and members of the Olympic family.
Free medical treatment for all participants.
No additional taxes will be imposed on citizens to finance the Games.
Free local public ground transportation (with appropriate ID cards)
The Cairo Governorate has offered the following: -
An area of 1.6sq.m. for the Olympic Village and one for media representatives, as well as an Olympic Park.
A fleet of air-conditioned buses to serve the participants.
Establishing a “Green Belt� around the city to increase the green areas and ameliorate the environment.
Establishing numerous Information Centers and publishing pamphlets for the various touristic sites‌ Also a comprehensive system of electronic and other signs to facilitate movement.
Offering the private sector incentives to invest in projects that will serve the participants and guests.
5. Legal aspects a- Are there any legal obstacles to the organization of the Olympic Games in your country? There are no legal obstacles to hosting the Games in any city within the Arab Republic of Egypt.
b- Do you envision the implementation of any new laws to facilitate the organization of the Olympic Games? -
The present laws are sufficient for the organizing of the Games. Should the need arise for any additional legislation, this can be obtained form the Parliament, since MP’s are in full agreement as to hoisting the Games
c-Are there any laws in your country in relation to sport and against doping in sport? -
Article 10 of the constitution stipulates the State must support and enhance the wellbeing of its youth. President Decree No.1330 for 1973 states: It is incumbent on the state organs to develop the integrated character of its citizens in all aspects, sports, health, psychological and social. The EOC has its own independent legal existence and amongst its most important aims is to nurture the Olympic movement in Egypt, and respect the Olympic principles, ethics and directives, which prohibit doping. The same can be said for the different sporting Federations in Egypt. The Egyptian Ministry of Youth respects and implements the directives of the IOC and International Sports Organizations. The Minister of Youth issued a ministerial decree in early 2000, prohibiting the use of drugs as stipulated by the IOC and other international sport organizations.
d-Are there any laws in your country or other means, in order to combat doping in sports? -
The Egyptian Government has established a laboratory near the Olympic stadium. Within less than 2 years the laboratory will be fully staffed and functional and steps taken for recognition by the IOC. The EOC analyses random samples from Athletes in different games to ensure no doping occurs, according to IOC rules, not only during events but also during training. The Egyptian Sports Federations also analyse random samples for athletes according to IOC rules and rules of International Sports Federations.
6. Public Opinion What is the general public opinion towards your project of hosting the Olympic Games? -
The majority of the public supports the hosting of the 2008 Games in Cairo. Public opinion considers it a great achievement for Egypt and Africa.
Egypt has 14 political parties all expressing their support for hosting the Olympics of 2008. No political party or other body have rejected this idea.
The Committee of Youth and Sport in the People Assembly (Parliament) has issued a statement of support.
The Syndicate of Sports Professions has also issued a statement supporting the hosting of 2008 Olympics in Cairo.
The sentiment of many citizens in Radio and TV programs was enthusiastic and supportive.
b-What opposition is there to your project? Please detail. - There are a few cautious and reserved voices who have expressed some concern as follows:-
Organizing the Olympic Games is a big challenge and must be undertaken by specialists and experts.
Co-ordination amongst governmental and non-governmental authorities is another big challenge.
Some commentators raised the question about the expected benefits of hosting the Olympics in Cairo and suggested to allocate the Olympics budget for developing projects.
Others inquired as to what extent are Egyptian athletes capable of winning medals.
III. GENERAL INFRASTRUCTURE (Non sporting facilities) 7. Existing general infrastructure: a- Provide a map indicating your existing general infrastructure: airport system, motorway and major urban arterial network, suburban rail, subway and light rail public transport systems. (Map B) Annex (2).
b- Which is the main international airport you intend to use for the Olympic Games? State your reasons. - Cairo International Airport. Main airport in Egypt. It is 12km distant from the Olympic Stadium, 18km from the Olympic and Media Villages, and 22kms from downtown Cairo. -
Proximity to the Olympic Stadium, the press center and the planned Olympic and Media Villages. Availability of transportation in Cairo (buses, limos, taxis) and the planned extension of the subway, and in the case of us hosting the games, opening a new road between the airport, Olympic Stadium and Village. EgyptAir serves all 5 continents. Planning extensions of EgyptAir Services by 2008 to terminals 1 and 2 as well as the satellite buildings and facilities. Speed and ease of arrivals and departures. Terminal 1 – 2 departure halls, 2 arrival halls, 1 transit hall, 2 runways of 3150-400 metres. Accommodates 5.3 million passengers annually. Terminal 2 – 1 arrival hall, 1 departure hall, 1 transit hall. Accommodates 3.5 million passengers annually. Adding 7 more “telescopes” to Terminal 2 arrival/departure pools.
- In case of Cairo being selected as the venue for the 2008 Games a complete new terminal to serve the Games will be constructed.
8. Planned general infrastructure: a- Provide a map indicating all general infrastructure developments planned irrespective of your bid application but having a possible impact on Olympic site accessibility. (Map C) Annex (3) b- For each general infrastructure on Map C, specify how and by whom it will be financed, and provide construction timelines.
Mil = Million (LE) US Dollars = 3.4 LE B.O.T = Build – Operate – Transfer
Private Sector = P.S. Government = Gov.
9. Additional general infrastructure: List the additional infrastructure you feel will be necessary for the Olympic Games and illustrate these on Map A. Annex (1).
Private Sector = P.S. B.O.T = Build – Operate – Transfer
Government = Gov.
IV. SPORTS INFRASTRUCTURE 10. Dates of the Olympic Games: The Games of the XXIX Olympiad will be held in the last week of July and the first week of August 2008. Should you be unable to organise the Games during this period provide your reasons. -
We have no objection to the timing if it is guided by the provisions of the Olympic Charter. However please note that during this period temperatures range from 24-34 degrees Celsius and relative humidity is 62%.
We suggest that the Games be held from 13 Sept. to 1 Oct. 2008 as in Seoul 17 Sept. 1988 and Sydney 15 Sept. 2000. This will ensure very suitable and pleasant climatic conditions for all. Since temperatures then range between 19-20 degrees and humidity is at 60%
In both alternative timings school holidays are in progress and we can call upon volunteers from Egypt as well as abroad.
11. Existing sports infrastructure: Provide a map indicating the existing sports infrastructure that you expect will be used for the Olympic Games. (Map B) Annex (2)
Current existing sport facilities in Cairo represent 65% of the required facilities for the Games.
12. Planned sports infrastructure: a- Provide a map indicating the sports infrastructure already planned irrespective of your bid application for the Olympic Games. (Map C) Annex (3)
b- For each sport site on Map C, specify how and by whom it will be financed, and provide construction timelines.
13. Additional sports infrastructure: List the additional sports infrastructure you feel will be necessary for the Olympic Games and illustrate these on Map A. Annex (1)
14. Olympic and Media Villages: a- Describe your concept for the athletes & media villages, as well as plans for their post-Olympic use? -
Cairo Governorate has allocated 1.6m sq. metres for the Olympic Village, the Media Village and the Olympic Park all within a radius of 17-19km. from the stadiums and airport linked by highways.
Olympic Village with a capacity of 20000 in high class modern buildings, air-conditioned and affording some 40sq.m for each participant.
The Olympic Village also includes in additional to housing, schools, hospitals, banks, postal and telecommunication services as well as full range of shopping and sports facilities.
The Media Village will accommodate 8000 and has similar resources as the Olympic Village.
The housing units will be advertised before the Games and will be handed over to the citizens immediately after the Games.
The government has allocated 420000 sq.m in Shorouk City for setting up training grounds for all sports and games.
b- On Map A, indicate the location of the athletes and media villages? Annex (1) c- Specify how and by whom the athletes & media villages will be financed? -
The housing units in the Villages (Olympic and Media) will be offered to citizens, shops and other facilities will be offered for sale to companies, banks and persons.
As for the Olympic Park, this will be offered on a B.O.T basis to International, Regional and Local companies.
15. Environment: What environmental impacts do you foresee by staging the Olympic Games in your city? Through more than 14600 NGO’s and the Ministry for Environment, established in 1997, the Government is exerting high level supervision and implementation of laws to safeguard and enhance the environmental quality to reach international levels by 2006. Also the efforts of the IOC and UNEP, and attending the Lausanne meeting in 1995 and the second in Kuwait in 1997 as well as the seminar on Sports and environment in Nairobi in 1997, all are part of the sustained levels of awareness and endeavour in the field of environmental quality enhancement. The positive outcomes expected as a result of the 2008 Cairo Games are: -
More than 1.68m sq.m of green areas will be added to Cairo as a result of the new sports fields, parks and villages. - Using the 420000 sq.m in al Shorouk city for sporting events. - The facilities will become permanent additions to environmentally sound areas. The facilities will be built mostly in the desert areas and will halt the encroaching sand dunes and prevent the dust laden winds from blowing towards the city. The suggested transportation facilities are environmentally friendly such as: - Extending the subway to Cairo airport. - A new circle metro line to serve the communities on the ring road and the Olympic Village. - Using natural gas to power the buses and other vehicles. - Increasing the number of petrol stations selling unleaded fuel and prohibiting the licensing of vehicles using leaded fuel. The fact that the vast majority indeed if not all the athletes are non-smokers will act as role models for the youth in combating smoking and protecting the environment.
Please complete attached Chart I Annex (4)
17. Transport:
Please complete attached Chart II Annex (5)
b- Illustrate Chart II with a map (Map D) indicating the distances in Km between the venues mentioned. Annex (6)
18. Security: a– Who will have ultimate responsibility for security during the Olympic Games? The Ministry of Interior is in full charge of all security matters.
b- What security resources do you plan to provide for the Olympic Games? Security resources are pivotal in security matters. At the forefront of these resources are the Egyptian and international security services… the Embassies of participating countries… the Games Organizing Committee… the technical committees as well as the intelligence resources of the host country. -
Needless to say that the most modern state of the art technology will be fully utilized.
The Egyptian track record in maintaining security in large events is excellent such as:
Third Millennium Celebrations (115000 visitors)
Opera Aida (4500 visitors daily – over 15 days)
The African/European Summit (47 Heads of State)
The Commessa Summit (20 States)
The visit of Pope John Paul
The UN Population and Development Conference (150 States)
19. Experience: What experience have you had in hosting sports events and multisports events? Please list a maximum of ten events over the last ten years indicating dates.
VI. FINANCING 20 Candidature budget:
Should you be accepted as a candidate city to host the 2008 Olympic Games, describe how and by whom your candidature will be financed? From the positive response from our people, the financing will be provided by: -
Government grants
Private sector
Public Fund Raising
21. Government contributions: What financial commitment have you obtained from your national, regional or local government and city authorities? The Egyptian Government and the Cairo Governorate have guaranteed to cover all necessary expenditure for the facilities 24 months prior to the games and will cover any deficit when and whenever it arises.
Please note that in the candidature phase it will be essential for you to obtain “inter alia� the following commitments from your public authorities as they are vital to the successful staging of the Olympic Games: - A commitment to provide all security, medical, customs and other government related services at no cost to the Organising Committee (OCOG). The Egyptian Government guarantees this. - A commitment to make available all sport and non-sport Competition venues owned by the public authorities to OCOG either at no cost or at a rental cost to be pre-approved by the IOC. The Ministry of youth and the EOC guarantee this. - A commitment to undertake and finance the necessary infrastructural developments. The guarantees of the Egyptian Government and Cairo Governorate.
22 National revenue generating potential: In addition to TV revenues and TOP revenues you will receive from the IOC, what other revenues do you expect to be able to generate? Please indicate source and estimated amount. Expected revenues Expected revenues from: Tickets (15-20 m)
Use of Logo and Mascot
Returns from the Olympic and Media villages $150m Return from the Olympic Park
This is in addition to the increase in National Income as a result of increased tourism, since most of the visitors will also visit touristic sites, not only in Cairo, but also all over Egypt.