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with, and ownership by the Student Union Society, it has become increasingly obvious in recent semesters that the bureaucracy between the Cascode staff and the Studcfll Union Society restricting both bodies from most cffcctivc:ly interacting with and representing students.
While Autonomy has been a dream und goal of the Cascade since its formution in 1993, its necessityis becoming undeniable. Being autonomous, the newspaper would directly, rather than indirectly through student coun• cil, represent students.
Autonomy would bem:l'it UCFV students in that students would play a significantly greater role in Cascade administration. Rather than the students owning the Coscade through their membership with SUS. students would effectively own a stu dent newspaper busine s thm employs VCFV students und be able tn elect u bourd of governors.
Autonomy would benefit the SUS by freeing up $13,000, annually (the current SUS portion of the Cascade budget) fur essential services sud1 as subsidized child care, emergency bursaries, and grnnts. It would also free the SUS of l .ibel / legal responsi- bility for the Cascade. placing this responsibility in the larger hands of Canadian University Press (CUP) of which the Cascade is already a member. Thirdly, making the Cascade a separme legal entity from SUS, would effeetively eliminate countless hours of time spent between the two bodies negotiating an working through bureaucracy together.
Cascade Autonomy would benefit the Cuscade. Having been in operation for over eight years. the Cascade has co1ainually grown in size and in editorial content. Autonomy would allow this obvious progression Ill flourish and is a logical step in Cas<.:adeGrowth.
The Cascade and Student Union Society would like to take he issue or Cascade Autonomy to refcrendum in Mnr<.:h, but we'd like your input first. Do you hove uny comments or questions on the subject'! LET US KNOW!!!
Do you huve an opinion 011 Cu~cade /\utonomy? We'd like to hear it! Please take a 11101nen1and fill 0111 this que~tion• nnire anll return it Lo A-226. Each returned survey (one per person, accompanied by you student#) will enter you in ;i draw for 2 movie passes.
Student #
Phone# __________ _ E-mail __________ _
Do you support. in principle. that an independent student newspaper is important tu the development ol' the University College of the Fraser Ynllcy'!
Given the above reasnn. do you support, in principle, Cascade Independence?
Would you suppun II small foe levy, in order for the Cascade autonomy LU happen?
If so, how mud1 money i:-, appropriate for this small fee levy'!
$2/year $3/year $4/year use your 10% off coupon in your SUS handbook