1 minute read


Are you single?

Arc you looking for that special someone?


Let your friendly m1denl newspaper help you out.

The Cascade's first unnual Blind Date contt:sl is here to deliver the goods. The cuscnoe will set up two lucky members of the UCFV com• munity and they will set out 011that magical thing we call a blind dntc.

You may have the night of your life, but be prepared for n couple of on looking writers who will chart your course dnwn that river of love, however. if you want 10be alone for ,l bil. we can arrange that too.

Simply answer the questions bt:low, nnd drop yuur rt:sponse off at bt1 i Iding A room 226 on the Abhotsford cnmpus, or fnx it to (60,i\ 859-5 I 87 llr e-mail thcm to thcc;~~caJe@hotmuil.co111.Twolut:ky people will be chosen und get thl! opportunity to go out on Soturday February 9'th. Paid for by The Cnscallc. Your dute will be featured in the post-Valentines <lay issue ol' thc Cascade.

Please answer the following questions on a 1.cp.1rntcpit:cc of paper, und drop it off by Frir.luy Ft:bruury I 'st. Don't miss out on the ho11e~1 conlt:st nf the year.

Name Gender Age, year, progrum



Why you wunt to participate in The Cascade's blind dalt: contest?

How would you ocscribe your personality?

What do you look for in a date'?

Whcrt: would yuu go for the perl'ecl first dnte'!

What is your sexual preference?

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