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Illustration inspired by, Substitute Me, found on Page 11.
Volu m e 1 5
| Nu mber 19 | S eptember 15 -29, 2021
Contributor Board
Tom Wills, Chair Cathy Jennings, Bruce Doeg, Demetria Kalodimos, Ann Bourland, Kerry Graham, Peter Macdonald, Amber DuVentre, Jerome Moore, Annette McDermott,Drew Morris
2021 Año 19 - No. 337
L a N ticia
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Nashville, Tennessee
10 pasos para emprender un negocio por primera vez
Los hispanos en los Estados Unidos, somos famosos por nuestro espíritu empresarial, estrategia de sobrevivencia muchas veces ya que enfrentamos la adversidad y limitaciones de empleo que compartimos con otros inmigrantes. Mi mejor consejo es el de PorYuri Cunza informarse antes de Editor in Chief dar el primer paso @LaNoticiaNews que lo llevará a ser dueno de su negocio, para evitar en lo posible decepciones y perdida innecesaria de sus recursos económicos. Para empezar, utilice los recursos de las agencias federales de Gobierno para averiguar sobre oportunidades de capacitación, financiamiento, beneficios tributarios y cómo evitar fraudes, entre otros. El primer paso para comenzar a averiguar sobre estos recursos de ayuda es utilizar los recursos de la Agencia Federal de Pequeños Negocios de Estados Unidos (SBA, sigla en inglés). La SBA lo puede ayudar con la planificación de su negocio, y programas de préstamos para pequeñas empresas: Aprenda cómo hacer un plan de negocio La SBA le brinda diversos recursos para elaborar un plan de negocio que se adapte a sus necesidades. Entre estos, puede encontrar: Herramienta de asesoría. Este recurso cuenta con un cuestionario para determinar su nivel de capacitación, necesidades y estrategia empresarial. Cursos de negocios gratuitos. En conjunto con organizaciones sin fines de lucro, la SBA ofrece cursos gratuitos por internet que cubren temas relevantes para los nuevos empresarios; por ejemplo, planes de negocio y marketing, organización del negocio, contabilidad, impuestos y mucho más. Centros de desarrollo. El Programa de los Centros de Desarrollo Empresarial (SBDC) de SBA ofrece ayuda en todas las etapas de la planificación de un negocio. Hay centros en cada estado del país que se enfocan en los mercados locales y las necesidades de cada cliente.
Vendor Spotlight
Moving Pictures
"All of my family is in heaven waiting for me. They’re all looking down on me. I want to make them proud."
It's not too late to see Steve McQueen’s Widows at The Belcourt Theatre during its 'Heist!' series.
María Mercedes Suárez: Empresarios hispanos industriosos en Nashville están marcando la diferencia (fuente: The Tennessean)
Consejos para emprender un negocio por primera vez Lo primero que debe hacer cuando está trabajando en un proyecto para formar una empresa, es elaborar un plan de negocios. Algunas herramientas que ofrece el Gobierno, le pueden ser de gran utilidad. Estos diez pasos pueden servirle de guía para empezar a prepararse: 1. Haga una investigación de mercado Mediante la investigación de mercado podrá saber si hay oportunidad de convertir su idea en un negocio exitoso. Es una forma de reunir información sobre posibles clientes y empresas que ya funcionan en su zona. Utilice esa información para encontrarle una ventaja competitiva de su empresa. 2. Redacte su plan de negocios Su plan de negocios es la fundación de su empresa. Es un mapa de ruta de cómo estructurar, operar y hacer crecer su nueva empresa. Le servirá para convencer a la gente de que trabajar con usted (o invertir en su compañía) es una opción inteligente. 3. Financie su empresa Su plan de negocios le ayudará a calcular cuánto dinero necesitará para iniciar su empresa. Si no cuenta ahora con esa can-
tidad, tendrá que recaudar fondos o pedir prestado el capital. Afortunadamente, hoy hay más formas que nunca de encontrar el capital que necesita. 4. Escoja la ubicación de su empresa Una de las decisiones más importantes que tomará es la ubicación de su empresa. Sea que vaya a establecer una empresa con presencia física o a lanzar una tienda en línea, las decisiones que tome podrían influir en sus impuestos, sus obligaciones legales y sus ganancias. 5. Escoja una estructura empresarial La estructura legal que escoja para su negocio influirá en los requisitos de registro de su empresa, la cantidad de impuestos que pague y su responsabilidad personal (empresa unipersonal, sociedades, etc). 6. Elija el nombre de su empresa No es fácil escoger el nombre perfecto. Desearía uno que refleje su marca y que capte su espíritu. También querrá verificar que el nombre por el que se decidió no lo esté usando ya alguien. 7. Registre su empresa Una vez que haya escogido el nombre ideal para la empresa, será momento de legalizarlo y proteger su marca. Si está haciendo negocios con un nombre diferente de su nombre personal,
deberá registrarse ante el gobierno federal y quizá también el gobierno de su estado. 8. Obtenga su identificación fiscal federal y estatal Utilizará su número de identificación de empleador (EIN) en acciones importantes para iniciar y hacer crecer su empresa, como abrir una cuenta bancaria y pagar impuestos. Es como un número del seguro social para su empresa. Algunos estados también piden obtener una identificación fiscal. 9. Solicite licencias y permisos Cumpla siempre con las normas para que su negocio se mantenga funcionando sin tropiezos. Las licencias y permisos que necesite su empresa varían con el sector en que opere, el estado, la ubicación y otros factores. 10. Abra una cuenta bancaria comercial Una cuenta de cheques para pequeñas empresas puede ayudarle a manejar cuestiones legales, fiscales y del día a día. La buena noticia es que es fácil abrir una si tiene listos los registros y documentos correctos. Además, puede también inscribirse en entrenamientos gratuitos o busque ayuda de mentores calificados para evitar cometer errores que retrasen su proceso. Haga una cita en los centros de asistencia locales, para que se oriente acerca de los temas relacionados a la creación de una empresa. Recursos para propietarios únicos Ser propietario único quiere decir que usted es el único dueño de la empresa y tiene todos sus beneficios y obligaciones. Esta es la estructura más simple y común para comenzar un negocio. En la página de la SBA, usted encontrará más recursos para empezar su empresa, pagar sus impuestos y podrá informarse sobre las ventajas y desventajas de este modelo de negocio. También puede consultar los recursos generales y tributarios para pequeñas empresas del Servicio de Impuestos Internos (IRS). Con información de la SBA y USA.gov
La Noticia + The Contributor
La Noticia, one of the leading Spanish-language newspapers Conoce tus derechos: in the nation, ¿Que hacer en caso de una redada? brings Spanish content to The Contributor. 1. Mantenerse callado 2. Sólo dar nombre y apellido 3. No mentir 4. Nunca acepte/lleve documentos falsos 5. No revelar su situación migratoria 6. No llevar documentación de otro país 7. En caso de ser arrestado, mostrarla Tarjeta Miranda (llámenos si necesita una)
Vendor Writing
In this issue, vendors write about vaccines, book reccomendations, moving and the secrets to a long lasting marriage.
Envíenos sus sugerencias por e-mail: news@hispanicpaper.com
Basados en la Quinta Enmienda de la Constitución, los derechos de guardar silencio y contar con un abogado fueron denominados Derechos Miranda luego de la decisión de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de Estados Unidos en el caso Miranda vs. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436, de 1966.
Contributors This Issue
Hannah Herner • Linda Bailey • Amanda Haggard • Ridley Wills II • Sheronica Hayes • Tyrone M. • Jen A. • Anthony G. • Tyrone M. • Christopher W. • Alvine • Joe Nolan • Yuri Cunza • Mr. Mysterio • Norma B. • Vicky B. Contributor Volunteers Joe First • Andy Shapiro • Michael Reilly • John Jennings • Janet Kerwood • Logan Ebel • Christine Doeg • Laura Birdsall • Richard Aberdeen • Marissa Young • Ezra LaFleur • Rachel Stanley
Cathy Jennings Executive Director Tom Wills Director of Vendor Operations
www.juanese.com juaneseUSA@gmail.com
Hannah Herner Staff Writer Carli Tharp Social Services Intake Specialist
Dymin R Cannon Section 8 and E&T Specialist Ree Cheers SOAR Manager Rachel Ternes Housing Navigator Catherine Hardy Housing Navigator Jesse Call Operations Consultant Raven Nye Director of Housing Initiatives Barbara Womack Advertising Manager Amanda Haggard & Linda Bailey Co-Editors Andrew Krinks Editor Emeritus
The Contributor now accepts Venmo! Scan the QR Code above, or find us: @The-Contributor Make sure to include your vendor’s badge name and number in the description. If you bought this version digitally, you can still leave your regular vendor a tip. Email Cathy@thecontributor.org for more information or with questions!
Will Connelly, Tasha F. Lemley, Steven Samra, and Tom Wills Contributor Co-Founders Editorials and features in The Contributor are the perspectives of the authors. Submissions of news, opinion, fiction, art and poetry are welcomed. The Contributor reserves the right to edit any submissions. The Contributor cannot and will not endorse any political candidate. Submissions may be emailed to: editorial@thecontributor.org Requests to volunteer, donate, or purchase subscriptions can be emailed to: info@thecontributor.org Please email advertising requests to: advertising@thecontributor.org
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PAGE 2 | September 15 - 29, 2021 | The Contributor | NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE
Copyright © 2018 The Contributor, Inc. All rights reserved.
September 15 - 29, 2021 | The Contributor | NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE | PAGE 3
Demetrios is a survivor BY HANNAH HERNER Contributor vendor Demetrios says he knows a lot of customers by face, and wishes he knew more by name. His own name is a family one — it’s flipped from first to middle and back for generations. He’ll talk about anything, though he doesn’t know much about fishing or outdoors-y activities. “I'm not a big country boy. I'm from Chicago,” he chuckles. Sports are a safe bet. He loves the Cubs, the Bears and the Blackhawks. He was an athlete himself, “spoiled” by his family, in his own words. His father didn’t want him to work while he was in grade school, so he focused on sports. He says he had a great childhood, and loved his high school years. Demetrios was especially successful with wrestling — he went undefeated —but also participated in football, basketball and baseball. He has fond memories of working at a full-service gas station in the summers
to save money for college. Demetrios excelled at architectural drawings, and went to college for it, though his skills became obsolete when computers were introduced. For 20 years, he was in a union, working in food service. He drove truck, worked in schools and at grocery stores. Demetrios has lost count of how long he’s been in Nashville, but he guesses around 11 years. A job opportunity that went awry and left him broke brought him here. When he first got here, he felt comfortable, because it was easy to find others like him, who lived on the streets. “I had everything. Corvettes, Cadillacs, an in-ground pool, I gave it all away. I'm so much happier. No paying property taxes, the house, cars, insurance, car payment, child support, water, electricity. Money don't buy happiness, at all. All my friends ended up robbing me in the end. I took care of everybody, paid for
everything,” he says. Demetrios has experienced the loss of many family and friends. Many of his family members died in a boating accident, and his own son and namesake died by suicide. “He looked just like me. The spitting image, carbon copy. He talked like me, laughed like me, looked like me. I wanted him to come down here. I wish he would have,” he says. He says he feels like a survivor, having outlived so many of his loved ones. He’s quick to laugh, and says he has to so he doesn’t cry. These losses have confirmed to him that he must be here for a reason, he says. “I've had friends dying every other week out here. My buddy Gator just died a couple weeks ago. All the friends out here. All my friends are limited back home. I've outlived everybody,” he says. “All of my family is in heaven waiting for me.
PAGE 4 | September 15 - 29, 2021 | The Contributor | NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE
They’re all looking down on me. I want to make them proud.” He’s proud that he’s been sober for four years. For the last five years he’s worked on getting benefits for his disability, having lost an eye and dealing with blindness in the other, on top of health conditions like diabetes and neuropathy. “I’m 56 years old. I’m not a young kid, not a spring chicken. I’ve been around the block,” he says. The Contributor housing navigation team is working on getting him food stamps, and on housing wait lists. Through it all, Demetrios puts his trust in God. He sees the pandemic and lacking natural resources as the potential culmination of the book of Revelation. “Everything in that book is real. The Bible is real. Every word in it is real,” he says. “So if you don't think so you're going to have a rude awakening. I’m a soldier of God until the day I die.”
BLACKWOOD FIELD BY RIDLEY WILLS II In 1921 the State of Tennessee leased 100 acres of pasture land on Shute’s Lane adjacent to the Hermitage for use by the 105th Squadron of the Tennessee National Guard. The State brought two hangers it owned in Memphis to Nashville and erected them on the field on Shute’s Lane, which was named for H. O. Blackwood, a Nashville businessman
who donated $1,000 of the $4,000 needed to build the airfield. Aircraft flying in and out of Blackwood Field initially included Jennies and DH-4’s, but soon these planes were replaced by 0-11s, 0-25s, and several types of private airplanes. In 1924, the first north-south air mail flight landed and took off from Blackwood Field.
The pilots were Lt. Vincent Meloy and Capt. Herbert Fox, a Nashvillian, who flew a DH-4 from Nashville to Chicago and back. Later, airmail service was expanded from Chicago to New Orleans. During all this airplane activity across the road, the ladies of the Ladies Hermitage Association, custodians of the Hermitage, became increasingly
September 15 - 29, 2021 | The Contributor | NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE | PAGE 5
concerned that one of these “f lying machines” would crash into President Andrew Jackson’s home with dire consequences. Due to the pressure from these inf luential ladies as well as the need for a more centrally located airport, Blackwood Field was closed in 1928 and all activity moved to the city’s new McConnell Field that opened in 1927.
PAGE 6 | September 15 - 29, 2021 | The Contributor | NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE
Come see us at the NASHVILLE PRIDE FESTIVAL 2021
NASHVILLE PRIDE FESTIVAL 2021 Bicentennial Capitol Mall State Park Saturday Sept. 18 and Sunday Sept. 19 Come by and visit The Contributor's booth!
September 15 - 29, 2021 | The Contributor | NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE | PAGE 7
THE POETRY ISSUE Since the very first issue of The Contributor in 2007, we’ve
I Can Be Who I Am ANTHONY G.
featured poetry by people expereincing homelessness. Most of the time, the poets also sold the paper. We went back through the last few years of Contributor issues and chose a few of our favorite poems to illustrate the importance of poetry to our
When I wake in the morning and face the day. I can face the day and live it my way. I can be who I am.
paper. Illustrations by local artist Sheronica Hayes. Sheronica is a Nashville-based visual artist whose work spotlights Black feminine energy, queer expression, and social justice issues.
When society kicks you in the gut, and you fall on your butt. Get up and fight it and say to yourself I can be who I am and I choose to do what I want. Society say there is a set of rules which you must abide. Get married have a family.
Jesting at the Stars
Deal with a bank buy a house. Go to college and educate yourself. Start your own busi-
ness get as rich as you can. Be straight and
Jesting at the stars, I could see images of hidden spirits
live right and be a honest man.
Silhouetted against the big, bright moon.
Complex moods started to pass through
me like beams of dissatisfaction.
Leaving me hallucinating/
unable to control
or cope with my misty
emotions that were forcing me to have rupture thoughts that
left me very
cold/un-belonging With every shortly glance my watery eyes burned with affliction/
Like emptiness of my borrowed
Faith that has died.
Slowly, like (time) falling through death’s
un-escapable passageway. Slowly, turning away from the stars, I start to jest once moreBut it was very clear I was only staring at a dying sun descending over
the green meadows.
Illustration inspired by, I Can Be Who I Am.
PAGE 8 | September 15 - 29, 2021 | The Contributor | NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE
Who Are You? JEN A.
You've forgotten who you are Cast adrift in a sea of Fear and loathing You watch and listen But you do not see or hear Buffeted by wave after wave Of cruelty and despair You taste the bitter brine You struggle for breath You grasp at the Most convenient straw You used to be so cocksure You captained your ship Confidently performing Complicated fiduciary tasks Loop the loops Acts of kindness Detached from your Purpose driven life You've lost your sense of touch You're cowed By a swatch of cloth
Illustration inspired by, Who Are You?
A slight jab in the arm That community relies on To prove your will Your power As you struggle To find firm footing
Hmmm — TYRONE M.
In your bottomless pit of Suffocating quicksand You've lost your faith You've lost all hope
Clouds of Hatred Forming In the sky of Racism / it’s Beginning to push / knock The element of peace ‘round Then came love, Peace, / Truth / they Together eliminated the negative things / “the darkness” So love can could help peace blossom
September 15 - 29, 2021 | The Contributor | NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE | PAGE 9
You've lost one of another Who are you?
In Remembrance JEN A.
He was a proud American He always flew his flag On solemn ceremonial days From a post out on his porch He’d left a leg in a foreign land Sometimes he would meet up With his buddies from the war At Wendy’s or McDonald’s Depending on the time of day But mostly he was a homebody He provided for his family Never missed a day of work He planted a big garden every year And took great pride in its bounty He had a serious “Prairie Home Companion” habit And enjoyed a beer or two He read Louis L’Amour paperbacks
Illustration inspired by, Divine.
Though he didn’t like to be seen In his ugly military issue glasses His favorite singer was Hank Williams And he would spin fantastic yarns
About Hank’s wild honky-tonk past He couldn’t possibly have known firsthand He thought Trump was an asshole And said so everyday He commanded a chair Where no one else would dare to sit Until an unseen, unforgiving Vile, petty, microscopic virus Felled this giant hero of a man In just four days We mourn for all we did not know Let us grieve And remember
Divine 1. Morning came blessedly rushing in And I just laid there debating whether to fight off satan's deceptions or wait until evening. 2. Evening came / I fought against Satan’s deception with prayer and faith. But the snake momentarily distracted me but I gained by faith-ness back and rebuked him. 3. Night came galloping in like a race horse / I refused to let sleep kidnap me again Finally I fought off his evil schemes, vile ways, and rested in protected armor (God)
PAGE 10 | September 15 - 29, 2021 | The Contributor | NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE
Substitute Me CHRISTOPHER W.
Unforgettable JEN A.
Substitute me As John would say
He slowly opened his eyes that morning
Let it be I would say
Up in a tree
Put it on a shelf
What’s so amazing
And substitute me
How you can see
Is beside myself
Try as you can
I went one time
Do what you must
Up on a hill
Look out man
Found Riding Hood’s pill
You’re going to dust
Big bad wolf
Substitute me Let’s me callow Substitute me Is my shadow
And he could still feel himself inside her She wasn't there next to him She often slid out early To tend to her bird feeders in the yard He buried his face in her pillow And took a deep, intoxicating breath To fill his senses with her dulcet balmy scent Feeling all alive, buoyant with their love Lost in his love dream He nearly floated to the shower He moved into the strong stream And let the water beat down on his face He heard the door click open and She gently embraced him from behind He felt her warmth press against his back Her hands softly caressed his breasts Ecstatic chills shot down his spine When she tenderly kissed The back of his neck and He felt her firm, full lips and Her soft cheek brush against his skin When she left to get ready for her day He quickly shaved and dressed Blood still streaming down his wet neck From another nasty knick on his chin He rushed out to try to catch her Before she left for work But she was gone He wandered through the suffocating emptiness Of the rest of the house But stopped transfixed in front of the fireplace He was blind to the shattered shards Of his phone and laptop Lying there on the hearth A voice came from his plutonic core Muffled and distant almost imperceptible "Breathe! Breathe! Breathe!" "Stay alive until I can be with you!" Over the blurry, dim image of a gaping mouth And another voice dripping with sympathy "I'm sorry. Your wife has..." He quickly turned away to break the spell Grabbed his coat and keys For a trip to the garden store To pick up the mulch she needed For her glorious perennial beds She'd be delighted when she got home from work He slowly opened his eyes the next morning
Illustration inspired by, Unforgettable.
And could still feel himself inside her
September 15 - 29, 2021 | The Contributor | NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE | PAGE 11
NEWS BRIEFS New WeGo ticket system to incentivize online accounts Since November 2020, Metro Transit Authority has been testing out a new ticketing system called QuickTicket. With QuickTicket, riders can load money for bus fare onto a mobile app, which they scan to ride. They also introduced a reloadable ticket that costs $3 up front. When you create an online account for the first time and attach it to the ticket, that fee is credited back. Bryan Williams, performance oversight manager at WeGo, says the advantage to creating an online account and using the app or reloadable card method is that your credits are protected. Like a debit card, WeGo can cancel a stolen or lost card and replace it, and the app forgoes the need for a card all together. “I used to work as a supervisor in the ticket office downtown and when you have somebody coming up to you with a magnetic ticket that's been wet and can't read anything on it, not being able to provide any assistance is a hindrance, but QuickTicket is going to open up those doors for us to be able to provide greater service to our riders,” Williams says. Under QuickTicket, there is also a “pay as you go” model that differs from the current model of pay. Instead of paying $4 up front, $2 is deducted on the first ride and gives unlimited rides for a two hour window. Then, $2 more is deducted on the next ride after that two-hour window. After that, there is no further charge because the $4 is equivalent to an all-day pass. In addition, if these dollars add up to the value of a $65 monthly bus pass in the span of a month, a user won’t be charged over that. Access rides will stay the same at $3.70 per ride, and will be compatible with QuickTickets. While this system can protect some, it can come as a disadvantage to people experiencing homelessness. Now, the non-reloadable all-day cards cost more, at $4.25. As people experiencing homelessness often don’t have smart phones and are often victims of theft, it may not be feasible to use the app or to repurchase a reloadable pass for an additional $3 if it is stolen. This non-reloadable card works outside of the benefits of the reloadable card and app. When asked why the non-reloadable cards
are 25 cents more, Williams says this is a result of a Title 6 analysis. “That analysis said it was OK to charge that as a pass through, for that is the cost that we have agency pay. Also, the overall goal is to get as many of the reloadable cards into people's hands,” he says. The goal is to publicly launch the system in the first part of 2022. There have already been 1,000 mobile app downloads, 2100 reloadable cards. Twelve percent of the ridership is using this new system, Williams says. For more information visit quicktickettn.com Low Barrier Housing Collective looks to house 200 experiencing homeless According to a press release from Metro Homeless Impact Division, there are more housing subsidies available for people experiencing homelessness in Nashville than ever before. American Rescue Plan funds are being used for Rapid Rehousing (that is paying partial or full rent for up to 24 months) and additional housing vouchers. Using these subsidies, Metro Homeless Impact Division hopes to make a partnership with enough landlords to accept 200 people experiencing homelessness into their units. They are calling this partnership, in conjunction with United Way, the Low Barrier Housing Collective. Part of this collective is the Landlord Mitigation Fund, which was launched in May 2021 by Mayor Cooper, and offers up to $1,000 in security deposit and $2,000 in rental coverage should leases with people experiencing homelessness fall through or be terminated. At the collective’s launch event on Aug. 25, Alex Smith, a local advocate with lived experience who also serves on Nashville’s Homelessness Planning Council, spoke to landlords. “Housing finally let me feel human again and that life is worth living,” Smith said. “Being able to have a roof over my head shows that the community of Nashville really can help.” Part of the ask for landlords is that they consider people who have a criminal history, previous evictions, and/or low income, the
A. J. Starling, a longtime labor activist, member of Amalgamated Transit Union and Secretary Treasurer of Tn AFL-CIO, speaks at the 2021 Labor Day parade and picnic. PHOTO BY ALVINE
press release reads. But landlords participating in this program are also promised mediation support, and tenants are given case management to help them achieve self-sufficiency. For more information visit lowbarrierhousingcollective.org Homeless Service Providers demand complete access to Narcan On Sept. 1, a group of area nonprofits wrote a letter to the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, asking for full access to Narcan/Naloxone. Naloxone, also known as Narcan, can reverse an overdose if administered in time. Homeless advocacy group Open Table Nashville wrote in a social media post that up until this spring, the organization was able to get an unrestricted amount of Narcan in a timely manner. Orders then began to go unfulfilled or unanswered. “When we finally received communications from the state, we were told that we would no
longer be able to access Narcan in the quantities we were used to. We were given no guidance or evidence-based reasoning for this reduction in, and in some instances cessation, in access to Narcan,” the post reads. In the first half of 2021, Metro Nashville Public Health reported 360 suspected fatal overdose deaths. This is an 11 percent increase in overdose deaths compared to this time last year. “We ask that you use your position of power to protect our state’s most vulnerable residents. We can only ensure the safety and health of our community if we work together and if those who act as first responders — the outreach workers, street medics, service providers, and substance users themselves — are equipped with the tools necessary to do so,” the letter reads. Eight homeless service providers signed the letter — The Contributor, Colby’s Army, Mental Health Cooperative, Neighborhood Health, Open Table Nashville, People Loving Nashville, Shower the People and The Village at Glencliff.
Thank you to all supporters and providers for serving our friends in the community who are experiencing temporary homelessness. Open Table Nashville • People Loving Nashville • ShowerUp • Project Return • Park Center • The Contributor • Mental Health Cooperative • Room in the Inn • West End United Methodist • Councilman Sean Parker • Clencliff Village *Paid for by Friends to ReElect Lynda Jones, Cathy Werthan, treasurer
PAGE 12 | September 15 - 29, 2021 | The Contributor | NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE
“...complex hall of mirrors...” STEVE MCQUEEN’S 'WIDOWS' BRINGS A WOMAN’S TOUCH TO BELCOURT THEATRE’S 'HEIST!' SERIES BY JOE NOLAN, FILM CRITIC The opening of Widows (2018) reminds me of Michael Mann’s heist epic, Heat: we’re introduced to a group of criminal men who all occupy certain levels in the hierarchy of their gang, and their domestic lives with their partners and their children are contrasted alongside an action sequence that finds the men in a shootout leaving a crime scene. The gang reaches a rendezvous point where they switch vans, dragging a severely wounded comrade in tow. They attempt to exit through a large garage door that opens to reveal a phalanx of police cruisers. The coppers let the lead fly and the van explodes and flips over in a fireball. It’s not a spoiler to spill the opening of a film called Widows by describing the deaths of a group of family men cons. What might be surprising is how British film director Steve McQueen marshals a few moments of well scripted characterizations, frenetic firepower, domestic realism and inspired editing to deliver one of the most subversive movie in-
troduction scenes we’ve watched since Adam McKay’s underrated The Other Guys (2010). That movie was about the inept, dull cops you never see in films about heroic police. Widows is about the wives we nearly always find just out of focus in the male-centric gangster genre – the floating embodiments of romantic and religious metaphors. McQueen drops viewers in the middle of one of those movies: all the drama and action sequences focus on the motivations of the men; Liam Neeson is obviously the leader of the gang and Jon Bernthal is seen to be the tough guy among the sidekicks. McQueen gives viewers Scarface Reservoir Connection, and then he blows up its gas tank. In films like Hunger (2008) and Shame (2011), McQueen mined deep one-word titles/themes in stories about Irish Republican Army political prisoners, and a successful corporate executive struggling with sexual addiction, respectively. Widows’ one-word title is more subjective than thematic. If this movie had a
thematic title it would be Retribution: Every character in the film is lashing out at real and perceived wrongs — social, economic, familial and personal. This film is focused on the trio of wives whose lives crumble in various ways in the wake of their husbands’ van inferno: Linda (Michelle Rodriquez) discovers that her husband was drowning in gambling debts and she loses her fashion store. Alice (Elizabeth Debicki) turns to transactional dating with a wealthy man, and Veronica (Viola Davis) is threatened by people her husband Harry (Neeson) and his gang stole $2 million from. Veronica organizes the other ladies to do whatever it takes to provide for themselves and their families. Widows also transcends the typical heist film due to all the characters and details around its edges. These elements combine to make Widows feel almost like a limited series sprawling across a detailed tapestry of gumption, regret, ambition and savagery. Like The Godfather, Widows manages to make the in-
September 15 - 29, 2021 | The Contributor | NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE | PAGE 13
sular world of cops and criminals both grandiose and deadly real. Brian Tyree Henry is believably threatening as Jamal Manning, the gangster with political ambitions who wants Veronica to repay his $2 million dollars. Daniel Kaluuya plays his brooding and sadistic brother, Jatemme. Jamal is running in an election against Jack Mulligan (Colin Farrell), the son of Chicago political patriarch Tom Mulligan (Robert Duvall). The political and familial intrigues that McQueen weaves through his scenes of gangland violence, camaraderie and strategizing elevate this crime drama from a predictable pulp piece to a complex hall of mirrors where nothing is as it seems. Widows screens Sunday, Sept. 19 as part of Belcourt Theatre’s repertory film series Heist! Visit www.belcourt.org for trailers, tickets and more Joe Nolan is a critic, columnist and performing singer/songwriter based in East Nashville. Find out more about his projects at www.joenolan.com.
LA NOTICIA “The Contributor” está trabajando con uno de los principales periódicos en español La Noticia para llevar contenido a más lectores en Middle Tennessee. Nuestros vendedores de periódicos han pedido durante mucho tiempo que nuestra publicación incluya contenido que apele al interés de residentes de habla hispana en nuestra comunidad.
“The Contributor” is working with one of the leading Spanish-language newspapers La Noticia to bring content to more readers in Middle Tennessee. Our newspaper vendors have long requested that our publication include content that appeals to the interest of Spanish-speaking residents in our community.
L a N ticia 2021
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Año 19 - No. 337
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10 pasos para emprender un negocio por primera vez
Los hispanos en los Estados Unidos, somos famosos por nuestro espíritu empresarial, estrategia de sobrevivencia muchas veces ya que enfrentamos la adversidad y limitaciones de empleo que compartimos con otros inmigrantes. Mi mejor consejo es el de PorYuri Cunza informarse antes de Editor in Chief dar el primer paso @LaNoticiaNews que lo llevará a ser dueno de su negocio, para evitar en lo posible decepciones y perdida innecesaria de sus recursos económicos. Para empezar, utilice los recursos de las agencias federales de Gobierno para averiguar sobre oportunidades de capacitación, financiamiento, beneficios tributarios y cómo evitar fraudes, entre otros. El primer paso para comenzar a averiguar sobre estos recursos de ayuda es utilizar los recursos de la Agencia Federal de Pequeños Negocios de Estados Unidos (SBA, sigla en inglés). La SBA lo puede ayudar con la planificación de su negocio, y programas de préstamos para pequeñas empresas: Aprenda cómo hacer un plan de negocio La SBA le brinda diversos recursos para elaborar un plan de negocio que se adapte a sus necesidades. Entre estos, puede encontrar: Herramienta de asesoría. Este recurso cuenta con un cuestionario para determinar su nivel de capacitación, necesidades y estrategia empresarial. Cursos de negocios gratuitos. En conjunto con organizaciones sin fines de lucro, la SBA ofrece cursos gratuitos por internet que cubren temas relevantes para los nuevos empresarios; por ejemplo, planes de negocio y marketing, organización del negocio, contabilidad, impuestos y mucho más. Centros de desarrollo. El Programa de los Centros de Desarrollo Empresarial (SBDC) de SBA ofrece ayuda en todas las etapas de la planificación de un negocio. Hay centros en cada estado del país que se enfocan en los mercados locales y las necesidades de cada cliente.
María Mercedes Suárez: Empresarios hispanos industriosos en Nashville están marcando la diferencia (fuente: The Tennessean)
Consejos para emprender un negocio por primera vez Lo primero que debe hacer cuando está trabajando en un proyecto para formar una empresa, es elaborar un plan de negocios. Algunas herramientas que ofrece el Gobierno, le pueden ser de gran utilidad. Estos diez pasos pueden servirle de guía para empezar a prepararse: 1. Haga una investigación de mercado Mediante la investigación de mercado podrá saber si hay oportunidad de convertir su idea en un negocio exitoso. Es una forma de reunir información sobre posibles clientes y empresas que ya funcionan en su zona. Utilice esa información para encontrarle una ventaja competitiva de su empresa. 2. Redacte su plan de negocios Su plan de negocios es la fundación de su empresa. Es un mapa de ruta de cómo estructurar, operar y hacer crecer su nueva empresa. Le servirá para convencer a la gente de que trabajar con usted (o invertir en su compañía) es una opción inteligente. 3. Financie su empresa Su plan de negocios le ayudará a calcular cuánto dinero necesitará para iniciar su empresa. Si no cuenta ahora con esa can-
tidad, tendrá que recaudar fondos o pedir prestado el capital. Afortunadamente, hoy hay más formas que nunca de encontrar el capital que necesita. 4. Escoja la ubicación de su empresa Una de las decisiones más importantes que tomará es la ubicación de su empresa. Sea que vaya a establecer una empresa con presencia física o a lanzar una tienda en línea, las decisiones que tome podrían influir en sus impuestos, sus obligaciones legales y sus ganancias. 5. Escoja una estructura empresarial La estructura legal que escoja para su negocio influirá en los requisitos de registro de su empresa, la cantidad de impuestos que pague y su responsabilidad personal (empresa unipersonal, sociedades, etc). 6. Elija el nombre de su empresa No es fácil escoger el nombre perfecto. Desearía uno que refleje su marca y que capte su espíritu. También querrá verificar que el nombre por el que se decidió no lo esté usando ya alguien. 7. Registre su empresa Una vez que haya escogido el nombre ideal para la empresa, será momento de legalizarlo y proteger su marca. Si está haciendo negocios con un nombre diferente de su nombre personal,
Conoce tus derechos: ¿Que hacer en caso de una redada? 1. Mantenerse callado 2. Sólo dar nombre y apellido 3. No mentir 4. Nunca acepte/lleve documentos falsos 5. No revelar su situación migratoria 6. No llevar documentación de otro país 7. En caso de ser arrestado, mostrarla Tarjeta Miranda (llámenos si necesita una)
Basados en la Quinta Enmienda de la Constitución, los derechos de guardar silencio y contar con un abogado fueron denominados Derechos Miranda luego de la decisión de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de Estados Unidos en el caso Miranda vs. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436, de 1966.
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deberá registrarse ante el gobierno federal y quizá también el gobierno de su estado. 8. Obtenga su identificación fiscal federal y estatal Utilizará su número de identificación de empleador (EIN) en acciones importantes para iniciar y hacer crecer su empresa, como abrir una cuenta bancaria y pagar impuestos. Es como un número del seguro social para su empresa. Algunos estados también piden obtener una identificación fiscal. 9. Solicite licencias y permisos Cumpla siempre con las normas para que su negocio se mantenga funcionando sin tropiezos. Las licencias y permisos que necesite su empresa varían con el sector en que opere, el estado, la ubicación y otros factores. 10. Abra una cuenta bancaria comercial Una cuenta de cheques para pequeñas empresas puede ayudarle a manejar cuestiones legales, fiscales y del día a día. La buena noticia es que es fácil abrir una si tiene listos los registros y documentos correctos. Además, puede también inscribirse en entrenamientos gratuitos o busque ayuda de mentores calificados para evitar cometer errores que retrasen su proceso. Haga una cita en los centros de asistencia locales, para que se oriente acerca de los temas relacionados a la creación de una empresa. Recursos para propietarios únicos Ser propietario único quiere decir que usted es el único dueño de la empresa y tiene todos sus beneficios y obligaciones. Esta es la estructura más simple y común para comenzar un negocio. En la página de la SBA, usted encontrará más recursos para empezar su empresa, pagar sus impuestos y podrá informarse sobre las ventajas y desventajas de este modelo de negocio. También puede consultar los recursos generales y tributarios para pequeñas empresas del Servicio de Impuestos Internos (IRS). Con información de la SBA y USA.gov
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The New Christian Year Selected by Charles Williams
Charles Walter Stansby Williams (1886–1945), the editor of the following selections, is today probably the third most famous of the famous Inklings literary group of Oxford, England, which existed in the middle of the 20th century, and which included among its ranks the better-known and longer-lived Oxford Dons J.R.R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis—but he was arguably the most precocious and well-read of this eminent and intellectually fertile group. He was also known to have influenced Dorothy Sayers, T. S. Eliot and W. H. Auden. Lacking a proper degree unlike his fellow Inklings, this genius Cockney-speaking author, editor, critic, and playwright was eminently well-versed in both philosophical and theological writings of the remote past as of the present day (the mid-20th century) and used this familiarity to good effect in his poetry, supernatural fiction and his lesser-known devotional selections designed for the spiritual benefit of the faithful in the Church of England. This series of profound quotations, encompassing all walks of life, follows the sequence of the themes and Bible readings anciently appointed for contemplation throughout the church's year, beginning with Advent (i.e., December) and ending in November, and reaches far beyond the pale of the philosophical and theological discussions of his day. It was under his hand, for instance, that some of the first translations of Kierkegaard were made available to the wider public. It is hoped that the readings reproduced here will prove beneficial for any who read them, whatever their place in life's journey. — Matthew Carver
16th Wednesday after Trinity NOW, I say, the very proper character, and essential tincture of God himself, is nothing else but goodness. And it is another mistake which sometimes we have of God, by shaping him out according to the model of our selves, when we make him nothing but a blind, dark, impetuous self will, running through the world; such as we ourselves are . . . that have not the ballast of absolute goodness to poise and settle us. Ralph Cudworth: Sermon before the House of Commons, 1647. GOD’S power displayed in the world, is nothing but his goodness strongly reaching all things, from height to depth . . . and irresistibly imparting itself to every thing according to those several degrees in which it is capable of it. Ralph Cudworth: Sermon before the House of Commons, 1647.
16th Thursday after Trinity PROSPERITY is the blessing of the Old Testament; adversity is the blessing of the New, which carrieth the greater benediction, and the clearer revelation of God's favour. Bacon: Essays; Of Adversity. IF thou has a woe tell it not to the weakling, Tell it to thy saddle-bow and ride singing forth. Proverbs of King Alfred. "THOU thyself," he says, "must go through Christ's whole journey, and enter wholly into his process." Boehme: True Repentance.
offer repentance to him in fulfillment of thine own desire, but as if thou hadst not sinned against him, but he had sinned against thee." The Paradise of the Fathers. FOR the sake of each of us he laid down his life . . . He demands of us in return our lives for the sake of each other. St Clement.
17th Monday after Trinity NOW forasmuch as God hath so furnished the world, that there is no good thing needful but the same is also possible to be had; justice is the virtue whereby that good which wanteth in ourselves we receive inoffensively at the hands of others. Hooker: Sermons. WE must be always on our guard lest under pretext of keeping one commandment we be found breaking another. St Basil: The Longer Rules.
The Feast of St Matthew The Apostle [OF the Lord's Prayer] Many folk, as servants and herdsmen, have more will to pray for special reward that they covet here, than as true sons for the love and the pleasing of our father, God of heaven: and so they set more their likings and business in a private prayer, made of man . . . than they do in this general prayer made of God Himself; the which without a doubt is most pleasing to Him and most speedful to us. And therefore they be deceived in many manners. The Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ. tr. by Nicholas Love.
17th Tuesday after Trinity
GOD glorifies in Himself God glorified in the Son of man. St Hilary, quoted in Aquinas: Catena Aurea.
16th Friday after Trinity BEES cannot stay in place where there are echoes or reboundings of voices; nor can the Holy Ghost remain in a house where there are a clamour, strife, contradictions and altercations. St Francis de Sales: The Devout Life. THE Truths of God are connatural to the soul of man, and the soul of man makes no more resistance to them than the air does to light. Benjamin Whichcote: Aphorisms.
16th Saturday after Trinity CHRIST went before by nature, and we come after by grace. His nature is more worthy than grace, and grace is more worthy than our nature. And in this he letteth us know fully that we may on no wise follow him to the mount of perfection, as it ought to be in the use of this work, unless we be stirred and led by grace; and that is full truth. The Epistle of Privy Counsel. ALL truth is shadow except the last truth. But all truth is substance in its own place, though it be but a shadow in another place. And the shadow is a true shadow, as the substance is a true substance. Isaac Pennington.
Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity A BROTHER asked Abba Poemen, saying, "Tell me, why is it that when I offer repentance to a brother who is wroth with me I do not see him pleased with me?" The old man said unto him, "Tell me truly: when thou offerest to him repentance, dost thou not think that thou art not doing it because thou hast sinned against him, but because of the commandment?" And the brother said unto him, "It is even thus." The old man said unto him, "Because of this God doth not permit him to be pleased with thee, and because thou dost not
THE man who wishes to prove himself always in the right, in everything that he does, sees, hears, and discusses, and who will not give way and be silenced, will never be at peace in himself, and will have a barren, sullen, and wandering mind; he will prey upon himself, even though he be left in peace by all, and is tried by no outward pressure. Tauler: Sermons. OH, the dignity, the DIGNITY of mediocre souls! I have known it for a long time, this sinister mockery of my Saviour crucified! Léon Bloy: Letters to his Fiancée.
17th Wednesday after Trinity
GOD gave us faculties for our use; each of them will receive its proper reward. Then do not let us try to charm them to sleep, but permit them to do their work until divinely called to something higher. St Teresa: The Interior Castle.
17th Friday after Trinity HAPPY then that soul, who in the lucid intervals of a wounded conscience can praise God for the same. Music is sweetest near, or over rivers, where the echo thereof is best resounded by the water. Praise for pensiveness, thanks for tears, and blessing God over the floods of affliction, makes the most melodious music in the ear of heaven. Thomas Fuller: A Wounded Conscience. TRANQUILITY according to His essence, activity according to His nature: perfect stillness, perfect fecundity. Ruysbroeck: De Vera Contemplatione.
17th Saturday after Trinity
IN the beginning truly of my conversion and singular purpose, I thought I would be like the little bird that for love of her lover longs, but in her longing she is gladdened when he comes that she loves. And joying she sings, and singing she longs, but in sweetness and heat. It is said the nightingale to song and melody all night is given, that she may please him to whom she is joined. How muckle more with greatest sweetness to Christ my Jesu should I sing, that is spouse of my soul by all this present life, that is night in regard of clearness to come. Richard Rolle: Fire of Love.
Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity THOU canst not stand still, because thou livest in the perpetual workings of temporal and eternal nature; if thou workest not with the good, the evil that is in nature carries thee along with it: thou hast the height and depth of eternity in thee, and therefore be doing what thou wilt, either in the closet, the field, the shop or the church, thou art sowing that which grows, and must be reaped in eternity. Nothing of thine can vanish away, but every thought, motion, and desire of thy heart has its effect either in the height of Heaven or the depth of hell: and as time is upon the wing, to put an end to the strife of good and evil, and bring about the last great separation of all things into their eternal state, with such speed art thou making haste either to be wholly an angel, or wholly a devil. William Law: An Appeal.
18th Monday after Trinity
IF thou hast broken a vow, tie a knot on it to make it hold together again. It is a spiritual thrift, and no misbecoming baseness, to piece and join thy neglected promises with fresh ones. So shall thy vow in effect be not broken when new mended: and remain the same, though not by one entire continuation, yet by a constant successive renovation. Thomas Fuller: A Wounded Conscience.
DO not build towers without a foundation, for our Lord does not care so much for the importance of our works as for the love with which they are done. When we do all we can, His Majesty will enable us to do more every day. St Teresa: The Interior Castle.
TO be free is precisely the same thing as to be pious, wise, just and temperate, careful of one's own, abstinent from what is another's, and thence, in fine, magnanimous and brave. Milton: Second Defense.
WE must confess our sins in order to obtain pardon; but we must see our sins in order to confess. How few of those who think that they have confessed and been pardoned have ever seen their sins! Patmore: The Rod, the Root, and the Flower.
17th Thursday after Trinity
18th Tuesday after Trinity
THERE is no other righteousness save that of the man who sets himself under judgement, of the man who is terrified and hopes. He shall live. He has the expectation of true life, for, recognizing that this life is naught, he is never without the reflection of the true life in this life, never without the prospect of incorruption in that which is passing to corruption. The great impossibility has announced to him the end and goal of every trivial impossibility. He shall live of the faithfulness of God. Barth: The Epistle to the Romans.
WE are fools to depend upon the society of our fellowmen. Wretched as we are, powerless as we are, they will not aid us; we shall die alone. We should therefore act as if we were alone, and in that case should we build fine houses, etc.? We should seek the truth without hesitation; and, if we refuse it, we show that we value the esteem of men more than the search for truth. Pascal: Pensées. THY works praise thee, that we may love thee, and we love thee, that thy works may praise thee. St Augustine: Confessions.
September 15 - 29, 2021 | The Contributor | NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE | PAGE 15
The fish filter hums. Is the water getting low? A change is coming.
A dry leaf shatters beneath your synthetic sole. Technology wins!
Turn left, then turn right. You’ve reached your destination. (From my GPS)
Cicadas just sing Because they got too lonely Waiting underground
No stars out tonight. The Moon is just a sliver. You’ll find your way home.
My landlord cuts down the vine that crawls the window. It always grows back.
Does a pearl need sand? Do lotus flowers need mud? What challenges you?
Wildflower picking: “Hemlock looks like baby’s breath.” Research beats regret.
Were there tears leaking from the corners of your eyes or just allergies?
It’s ok to cry even without an onion or a funeral
A pile of dark soil the rat kicked from the compost making space for you.
The silence behind My neighbor Mike’s leaf blower Is quiet enough.
Mr. Mysterio is not a licensed astrologer, a trained botanist, or a poet. Mr. Mysterio is, however, a budding intermediate podcaster! Check out The Mr. Mysterio Podcast. Season 2 is now playing at mrmysterio.com. Got a question, just give Mr. M a call at 707-VHS-TAN1
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Back in the day When crackpots and blowhards (Who didn't know anything about Well...anything) Ruled the world A British woman Travelling with her young son in India During a rampant smallpox outbreak Was shown by Indian women How to protect her son and herself From the smallpox scourge By slightly scratching the skin And applying disease fluid To the scratched area A process known as variolation When she returned to England Smallpox free And told the blowhards of her cure They scoffed So she and her friends set about Variolating all the children they could To prove the effectiveness of the cure The crackpots and blowhards Eventually came around Because of the women of India, A ballsy British mother, Her female friends, And their children I didn't get smallpox And neither did you
THEME: T V COUPLES ACROSS 1. Sweeney Todd's weapon 6. It's in the hole? 9. Plural of #6 Across 13. Soft palate dangler 14. Each one for himself? 15. Red Cross supply 16. Short skirts 17. Flightless bird 18. Wavelike patterned silk 19. *Philip Banks' wife 21. *Dre Johnson's wife on "Black-ish" and occasional site around rain storm 23. 31st of the month, e.g. 24. E-mailed 25. Digital audio work-
station 28. Essence of idea 30. Mouth infection 35. Fusses 37. Burden or load 39. Official language of Lesotho 40. Choose politically 41. Sashay 43. Thailand, formerly 44. All worked up 46. One assigned menial work 47. Rancher's unit 48. Blue jeans 50. Famous Scottish lake 52. A cause of inflation 53. Number one 55. Israel Kamakawiwo'ole's guitar
September 15 - 29, 2021 | The Contributor | NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE | PAGE 17
57. *Stars Hollow Luke's love interest 61. *Louise Jefferson's husband 64. Like a solitaire player 65. Government Printing Office 67. Home to BYU 69. Request to Geico 70. Calendar mo. 71. Gladdened 72. 36 inches 73. *Jake and ____ of "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" 74. Rub off DOWN 1. Cuba Libre ingredient 2. Tel ____, Israel 3. Pueblo tribesman 4. Good will branch 5. Leveling to the ground 6. Congregation's echo 7. *Mitch's husband in "Modern Family" 8. Accustom 9. Long, long time 10. Baby container 11. German currency 12. Old World duck 15. The ____, an English rock band from the '80s 20. Goodbye to amiga 22. Marching insect 24. Classroom attendee 25. *Patrick's fiance on "Schitt's Creek" 26. Dig, so to speak
27. King of the gods in Wagner's "Das Rheingold" 29. Barber shop sound 31. Civil Rights icon 32. Ancient city in Africa 33. *Javen's companion on "Temptation Island" or Lamb Chops' puppeteer 34. *Marge Simpson's husband 36. Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence 38. Kind of gin 42. Follow as a consequence 45. Bald Eagle to Americans, e.g. 49. Old Man's turf, according to Hemingway 51. Capital of the Republic of Macedonia 54. Fraternity letter 56. Trial's partner 57. Like a doily 58. Paella pot 59. Big cat sound 60. Blyton or Bagnold 61. Like a bloody horror movie 62. Romantic painter Francisco ____ 63. December 24 and 31, e.g. 66. *Jim's co-worker and wife on "The Office" 68. Type of poem
Photo Courtesy of Larry and Dee.
The Secret To A Loving Lasting Marriage BY NORMA B. At a time when marriage is not as revered and respected as it once was, and “till death do us part” is merely a catch-phrase with no real and lasting meaning, I know two people who take those words seriously, and are living up to them each and every day. In fact, on Aug. 14, 2021, Larry and Dee celebrated a momentous event, their 50th wedding anniversary! (I interviewed them separately to get a more complete picture of what a lasting loving marriage is like from both a male and female perspective.) Their relationship began when they were both students at Washington High School in Washington, Iowa, where they became high-school sweethearts. Their first date was pretty typical, a trip to the movies at Washington State Theatre (the oldest of its kind operating since May 14, 1897-according to the Guinness Book of World Records). When asked how he knew Dee was the one Larry said, “It was just a really great relationship, and I couldn’t see anyone else as my lifelong mate.” He went on to say, “she was pretty, and came from a humble background. She was solid, and I just knew she would always be there for me.” And to her credit, she has been. Dee simply said, “We were young and stupid and thought we knew every-
thing, but I have to say, I knew almost immediately, within the first couple of months we would be together.” When asked to describe their partners’ best qualities Larry says it’s Dee’s love and devotion to God and to him that she’s shown over the years that he finds most endearing. As for Dee she says, “It’s a combination of Larry’s patience, mercy and kindness that draws me close to him.” In case you’re wondering, I asked each of them about their mate's most irritating qualities after giving it a considerable amount of thought Larry said, “I honestly can’t think of any.” (Larry ALWAYS looks for the good in people.) When I asked Dee if Larry had any irritating qualities she said, “of course, but I don’t want to say anything negative," proving she is a classy lady! Perhaps we could ALL take a lesson from that and not say anything negative about our mate to those outside the relationship even when invited to do so. Just a thought.... I inquired about the most difficult things they’d been through as a couple (just in case some of you thought they’ve always had it easy). Larry noted a few things. Physically his first heart attack in 1999, followed by his heart and kidney transplant in January 2021, from which I’m happy to say he is recovering
nicely, though I do miss his regular visits to my corner. Mentally he was quick to mention that it was separation from Dee — his helper, and partner— relatively early in their marriage for three weeks due to work. Thankfully she was able to join him for the last three weeks of the job in Stockholm, Sweden. How cool is that? Up until that time, they’d only been apart for up to a week at a time. Dee mentioned the loss of their parents, her losing a sibling, and of course, Larry’s relatively recent transplants. So how did their marriage survive the various struggles that came along through the years? They dealt with things as they occurred, moment by moment, always relying heavily on their faith in Jesus Christ, keeping God first in the home. As for the secret to their long-lasting relationship, Larry says, “Commitment is vital.” He also stressed the importance of extending grace to your partner. “Otherwise,” he says, “your marriage is doomed.” Again, each one highlighted the importance of keeping God front and center in the home and in their lives. Any pitfalls to avoid? Larry says, “Never let the little things get blown out of proportion. Be ready/willing to reconcile with your mate. Do not let
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the sun set on you in anger.” (A Biblical principle found in Ephesians 4:26.) “Anger," he says, “can lead to harboring resentment; rather than unifying, it divides.” They were both quick to note that there is no room for selfishness in a marriage as well as the importance of forgiveness. When asked if they had any additional advice for those considering marriage Dee said, “look to the parents of your significant other because that’s who they will eventually become.” And for those who are already married? Larry said, “Don’t make judgements based on what you think you know, instead walk a mile in you mate’s shoes. Be open and honest with your spouse.” Yet again they both highlighted the importance of Christ having to be the center and foundation of a loving home and further stressed the importance of forgiveness. Dee continued stating that we should “expect no more from our mate than we do from ourselves.” I know to some this may come across as rambling, of little or no value, but there’s no denying it has DEFINITELY worked for them over the years. Who knows, if you give it a chance maybe it could work for you too!
The Next Step
BY VICKY B. It feels right to take the next step after being approved for disability and the plus of having health insurance. It really feels like nothing can go wrong. But we all know it will. It’s Murphy’s Law. Lately I’ve been thinking about Hermitage and the people and friends I’ve missed since living in Nashville. I’m scared and afraid of getting in over my head, but my need to be back home in Hermitage is so much greater. With a monthly income, I would qualify for a different type of affordable housing in private run apartments than I do in MDHA housing. It would be on a sliding scale, but you have to show the ability to pay your utilities each month. I can finally do that. I can finally go home to Hermitage. I like Nashville and it’s housing and I love my apartment, but they are not my people. Their behaviors are different. I was embarrassed when I got back from shopping with a friend and she had to witness the hate and vile words being shouted at me in the lobby on a weekly basis. Yes, it’s time. If not for my health, for my dog Faith and my self’s mental well-being. I absolutely love my apartment. It's perfect for me and Faith. It’s a safe place that we’ve made into our own home. But I hate where
Jen A. Recommends
I live. The sirens running up and down 28th Ave N all night long waking me from my sleep, stirring up faith as well. Nightly “pops” ring out consecutively then car tires start to race off. It’s not shocking anymore where one would run to the window to see what’s going on, it’s no surprise anymore and that breaks my heart. It’s time to go. I will keep searching and hoping that landlords check out the new incentives for landlords where they can finally feel safe and secure renting to a person through a government voucher. If you haven’t done so, please check out www.lowbarrierhousingcollective.org to find out how landlords can rent secure and confidently to homeless and poor people. If you know a landlord, please pass this on. No, we’re not looking for landlords to solve the homeless situation, we’re looking for a step up with confidence. I remember a landlord once that said he’d never take Section 8 vouchers because, “[he'd] had enough of the government telling him what to do.” OK, I get that. When you get tired of seeing that person asking for change at the corner, know that you can help that. You can be the stepping stone that person needs and you have what that person needs, housing.
Dying of Whiteness by Jonathan M. Metzl
I discovered this gem in an excerpt from Isabel Wilkerson's, Caste. Dr. Metzl (of Vanderbilt University) details the stark statistics behind what's killing white people in America. He explains how the abolishment of gun laws in Missouri, the failure to implement the Affordable Care Act in Tennessee, and drastic tax cuts in Kansas have led to great peril for their citizenry. (Here in Tennessee, the governor and legislature continue to dial up the misery for Tennesseans by refusing to implement the ACA and by loosening gun regulations this past year to make it easier to die an unnecessary, violent death in the state.) In Dying of Whiteness, Metzl explains how we are constantly manipulated and hoodwinked by our "leaders" with "them versus us" rhetoric to make bad choices. Though the text is a little heavy on charts and graphs, as well as focus-group speak, it's an interesting examination into why so many white folks make decisions out of prejudice and irrational fear that betrays their own self interest. Five star scale: 3 1/2
My Home This fixed space expands infinitely into the vastness of my dreams. Here I can be me, just me on my throne, among the riches that I hold. I find peace. Here I remove the mask I can cry to tame my fears, or rejoice in my blessings, I can scream or laugh or lie down quietly no matter how angrily the storm rages outside, or within.
Here I dust off and regroup, I reset my compass to my promise. Out there I may be lost, but when I come here I have space and peace to listen for directions back to myself. When I am here, in this place, I know, that I am home. ~ Author - Athol Williams, Social Philosopher
Visit SalvationArmyNashville.org to see how we can help you find your home.
September 15 - 29, 2021 | The Contributor | NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE | PAGE 19