Spotlight on technology Kloeckner Metals UK
KLOECKNER’S ePROCUREMENT SOLUTIONS IMPROVE METAL SOURCING Kloeckner Metals UK is one of the leading metal stockholders and processing suppliers in the UK and a pioneer of digital transformation within the steel and metal industry. Over the past three years Kloeckner has gone through a rapid digital transformation with a vision to fully digitalise the supply chain. Its emphasis on digitalisation has resulted in a group wide launch of three innovative eProcurement solutions: the Online Shop, Contract Portal and a popular EDI integration solution. Procurement went through some significant changes in 2020 as the pandemic accelerated the use of digital solutions across various industries to help procurement teams better cope with disrupted supply chains. Kloeckner’s customers were able to immediately switch to one of their digital solutions which allowed procurement departments to better stay in control of their supply chain, improve transparency and streamline their procurement process. Get in touch To be profiled in this section please contact Email mark.risley@the-eic.com
From real time overview, insight into current and expired contracts to fully automated and a faster purchasing process, that can cut transaction costs by 50%, Kloeckner’s Online Shop, Contract Portal and EDI solutions are there to reduce customers daily business processes and eliminate unnecessary manual efforts. So, no matter which eProcurement solution customers decide to implement, there are clear benefits to switching to eProcurement. Benefits of eProcurement include better control over the supply chain, greater transparency and most importantly a more efficient procurement process. Saving customers time and money. Any EIC members who wish to be profiled in this section please contact Mark Risley, Head of Marketing and Communications: mark.risley@the-eic.com