THE HILL NEWS e s t a b l i s h e d i n 1 9 1 1 at s t . l aw r e n c e u n i v e r s i t y
Op-Ed:Divestment Through Natural Causes By TRAVIS HAMRE STAFF WRITER
The student activism for divestment continues to grow at St. Lawrence. Some students are advocating that the University take action to get rid of any investments in our endowment containing fossil fuel companies. Considering how fossil fuels are becoming a less attractive investment due to government policies regarding climate change, eventual divestment is inevitable regardless of any action by the Board of Trustees. The Divestment movement is about holding public institutions morally accountable. According
Students participated in the Carry That Weight March on Wednesday, Oct. 21.
to, a nationwide environmental awareness organization, public institutions should divest because “if it is wrong to wreck the climate, then it is wrong to profit from that wreckage.” Therefore, a demographic of St. Lawrence students are creating an awareness campaign to force the University to be ethical in their investment decisions because they feel that St. Lawrence is hypocritical to call itself a green campus while profiting from the use of fossil fuels. Although part of the University’s mission is to promote a greener campus, there is not an immediate ethical need to sell off CONTINUED ON PAGE 10
St. Lawrence University Advocates Host Annual Purple Week By SYDNEY FALLONE OPINIONS EDITOR
Within the United States, intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and stalking are pervasive public health problems that impact millions of people annually. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, approximately twenty people are physically abused by an intimate partner every minute in the United States. Over the course of a year, that equates to more than ten million women and men that are affected by domestic violence. More specifically, according to the NCADV, one in three women and one in four men have been victims of some form of physical violence by an intimate partner within their lifetime. Regarding sexual violence, one in five women and one in seventy-one men in the United States has been raped in their lifetime (NCADV). The St. Lawrence University Advocates are hosting Purple Week from Oct. 19 through Oct. 26 in an effort to spread awareness within the St. Lawrence community about the incidence and effects of domestic violence and sexual assault. The Advocates planned eight days worth of activities that aim
Contents: Opinions pg. 2 News pg. 4 Features pg. 6 A&E pg. 8 Sports pg. 11
to empower, heal, and educate the St. Lawrence University student body and community about these systemic issues. Club Yoga partnered with the Advocates to offer empowering and healing daily yoga sessions that will run Monday through Friday. Additionally, throughout the week, the Advocates are launching an “I believe survivors because…” photo campaign that encourages the student body to stand in solidarity with survivors and vocalize their support for individuals that are unfairly affected by sexual assault and abuse. The following is an outline of the larger events, many of which took place this past week and one that is up-and -coming this Sunday. Please refer to the full schedule for the complete list of events, times, and locations. Monday, October 20th: Take Back the Night. Take Back the Night is an event that seeks to create a safe space for survivors to share their experiences and shatter the silence surrounding sexual assault. Advocates Co-President Catherine Rosen ’16 says, “This year we had six students share their stories. And for the first time at St. Lawrence, we decided to march from Eben Holden to the Quad that way survivors could take back the campus
with their peers marching behind them, in solidarity. We invited not just our speakers that night, but all survivors, to lead the march. It was absolutely beautiful; I was touched by the turnout. It was the perfect beginning to Purple Week.” The event was extremely moving and impacted many of those who attended. Sarah DiBacco ’16 attended the event and shared her sentiments: “I always knew this was a problem, but going to TBTN showed me exactly how pervasive it is on our campus. It felt amazing to be in the room with so many supportive people, even though I wasn’t a speaker.” Advocates Student Advisor Paige Friedlander ’16 adds, “Having been to every TBTN that has happened while I have been on campus has truly transformed my experience. I have seen the audience grow over the years in size and in terms of bigger presences from Greek life, sports teams and males. Hearing our fellow peers speak out helps start conversations and helps inspire others to help end the assaults we know about. This event has empowered me to listen to my heart and has also helped me heal, there is something to be said in the power that a student gives others when they share one of their CONTINUED ON PAGE 5
Swing by the St. Lawrence International Film Festival this weekend.
Adam Paul- former actor, hotel man, and founder of the St. Lawrence International Film Festival, greeted this year’s volunteers in a friendly and excited manner. Volunteers rang from sophomores in high school to associate professors at surrounding universities, to locals simply wanting to be a part
I S S U E S N EA K P EA K Page 1: St. Lawrence Takes Back the Night and Purple Week.
Page 6: Two of our Hill editors
Page 9: Go to Canada to get a
Page 4: Inside the decision making process in abroad apps.
Page 7: What do the stickers on
Page 12: St. Lawrence Women’s
report on their Pub Crawl.
your computer say about you?
better Netflix experience.
Hockey wins against UVM.
of something great in the St. Lawrence community. Many gathered to be part of the first annual St. Lawrence International Film Festival: a renowned film festival producer Michael Coty coming in from Iowa, programmers giving up the heat in Texas for the slightly premature snow of the North Country, a web designer coming down from Canada, and even some NoCo natives from Canton and Potsdam in charge of CONTINUED ON PAGE 5
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