November 8, 2013

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THE HILL NEWS e s t a b l i s h e d i n 1 9 1 1 at s t . l aw r e n c e u n i v e r s i t y




Whitewater Park to Boost Canton Tourism

SLU NEWS SPECIAL DOUBLE ISSUE The Hill News has expanded to sixteen pages of student journalistic goodness. Get in there, get reading, and send us your feedback at


Light it up!

At the Diwali Festival of Lights Saturday Nov. 9 at 5pm in Eben Holden. The five-day Hindu celebration is a bright display of food, dancing, and parties.

Shake, Rattle, & Roll

at Java tonight at 10pm with returning funky favorite THUNDERBODY. Dance it out!

This day in history:

German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen is the first to use X-rays in 1895. The original peeping Tom?



irst coined in the 1980s, “divestment” campaigns are gaining steam thoughout the country, this time focusing on the fossil fuel industry. SLU’s recent campaign is working to divest the school from its holding in the fossil fuel industry and reinvest in socially responsible funds. Inside on page 6, THE HILL NEWS hears from EAO about the national campaign.


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By EMILY MULVIHILL STAFF WRITER This past Saturday, SLU students took part in the Mexican celebration of Day of the Dead (Día de los Muertos). This holiday is celebrated throughout Mexico on November 1st and 2nd to remember and celebrate family and friends members who have passed. Certain vigils also occur on the last day of October. The first day is a celebration for infants who have died before reaching adulthood and the second day is set aside to remember adults who have passed. There are many traditions connected with the holiday, such as the creation of ofrendas, or private altars which honor the dead through offerings of their favor-



Mexican Tradition, Culture Celebrated at SLU


We’ve gone digital! Check us out on the-hill-news

Could a white water park be a tourist destination? St. Lawrence County brought in Scott Shipley and the S20 Engineering and Design of Lyons, CO to conduct studies about potentially building a whitewater park. The park is proposed for the Grasse River and locations in Colton as well as Potsdam. Shipley, a three-time slalom canoe world champion and former Olympian,

Opinions pg. 2 News pg. 4 Features pg. 8 A&E pg. 12 Sports pg. 15

ite foods and beverages, along with marigolds and sugar skulls. Families also visit the graves of those who have passed away, leaving gifts as well as possessions of the deceased. While many of these traditions can be found throughout Mexico, each state does have a slightly different way of celebrating the holiday. Adilson Gonzales ‘16, an international student from Mexico, said that “In the central region of Mexico, people are more spiritual and go to the cemetery and they spend the night there. In my state, it’s celebrated more through contests for the best altars to people or the best calaveras,” he continued. Here at SLU there were no competitions but students performed and listened to

weekend weather


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SLU students gathered in the Dean Eaton formal lounge early Saturday morning to prepare a colorful altar similar to those found in Mexico during Day of the Dead celebrations, complete with the traditional marigold flowers, calaveras, and brightly colored flags depicting different stages of celebration.

traditional music and tasted traditional food such as tamales. One of the songs, La llorona (Weeping Woman), centers around the traditional Mexican tale of a woman who falls

saturday sunday

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madly in love with a man with whom she has children. After childbirth, the man stops loving her and leaves. SEE DEAD, PAGE 7

In This Issue: Getting help after sexual assault, page 2 Geothermal wells completed for new dorm, page 5 SLU’s social media strategy, page 8 The puzzling “single senior” phenomenon, page 10 Book review: The Warded Man, page 12



THE HILL NEWS St. Lawrence University, Canton, New York 13617 • • (315) 229-5139

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Amy Yao ‘14 MANAGING EDITORS Lexi Beckwith ‘14 Caitlin Matson-McDonald ‘14 NEWS Ally Friedman ‘15 Elle Lucas ‘16 OPINIONS Russell King ‘14

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Chris Melville ‘14 FEATURES Amy Feiereisel ‘15 Connor Martin ‘15

DISTRIBUTION Brett Ford ‘14 CHIEF COPY EDITOR Emma Cummings-Krueger ‘16

SPORTS Joshua Cameron ‘15 PHOTOGRAPHY Christina Rukki ‘14 BUSINESS MANAGER Haley Burrowes ‘14

COPY EDITORS Hannah Kinsey ‘14 Alex Gladwin ‘14 Emily Rebehn ‘14 Allison Talbot ‘14 Andrew MacKinlay ‘15 Emily Harrington ‘16 Brenda Winn ‘17



The Hill News is published every Friday of the school year, except during holidays and examination periods, by the students of St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY 13617. Unsolicited manuscripts, articles, and letters to the editor must be typed and signed. Copy and advertisement deadlines are 12:00 p.m. on the Monday prior to publication. All materials submitted for publication are the property of The Hill News and are subject to revision. The Hill News office is located on the third floor of the Student Center; our telephone number is (315) 2295139. We have the ability to receive e-mails at hillnews@ The comments and opinions of our readers are welcome.

Letters may be no more than 500 words in length. All letters must be typed, signed by the author, and include the author’s full name and telephone number. The name of the author may be withheld only for compelling reasons, and after discussion with the editorial board. The Hill News reserves the right to edit letters for space, clarity, style, and taste. The printing or omission of letters is entirely at the discretion of the editors and The Hill News. Any letter received after deadline will not be considered for publication in that week’s issue. All copy, advertisements, letters to the editor, etc., must be submitted as hard copy or e-mail by the above listed deadlines unless other arrangements have previously been made. This policy is strictly enforced. The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the newspaper, the staff, or St. Lawrence University.


Hammertime: Habitat for Humanity By EVAN MCKENNA COLUMNIST Every Halloween a fairly frequent costume I see is the generic construction worker. This costume usually entails a reflective vest, Carhartt pants, maybe a hammer and some tools or, if you’re really going for it, a hard hat. While some appear as if they are heading out for a midnight shift at the construction of the new dorm many emulate one of the Village People. All of this aside, how would all of you “wanna be” construction workers do the real thing? Over at 50 Park, The Habi Hut, we try to do the real thing as much as possible. Most recently this semester the Raquette Valley chapter of Habitat for Humanity has found a family to sponsor for the North Country’s newest Habitat for Humanity sponsored build. The site of the house is in Norwood NY, located in our very own St. Lawrence county a mere 15 minute drive from campus. The family is an incredibly grateful single mother with two boys, one of whom is autistic. I have visited this build several times this semester and I cannot believe how quickly this house is being built. In August when we first returned to school the site was simply an empty dirt lot next to the train tracks. Fast-forward half a semester and the house is almost all there. The walls are up, the roof is getting there and the allimportant toolshed, a project I worked very closely on, is finished. As a member of Habi, you can not only channel your inner construction worker and embody last weekend’s most

popular persona but you can also learn some life skills that you won’t learn through your liberal arts education. Before becoming a part of the Habi Hut, I had never used a circular saw, helped shingle a roof or put up dry wall. But now, with a little direction from one of our knowledgeable and incredibly friendly volunteer contractors, I can. A reoccurring theme I notice while venturing off campus to engage in a variety of activities, whether it be helping out on Little Grasse Food Works, Bittersweet Farm, or the Habi build is the unique and amazing individuals of St. Lawrence county. These people are some of the smartest individuals I have ever met, with knowledge and skills that they have developed over many years, even decades. They are men and women with skills and jobs that seemed foreign to me before I burst the bubble around not only St. Lawrence University, but also my suburban middle class upbringing. These were people I saw walking the streets to a construction site or manning a table at the farmers market. People I saw, but never talked to. I have learned a lot from these men and women and hope to learn more as it seems their knowledge is endless and I will unfortunately not be able to soak it all up in 4 short years. So get out there and help us build a house, even if you just have some service hours for late night weekend shenanigans. Habitat meetings are Tuesday nights at 5:30 P.M in the Sykes formal lounge. See you there! Hammertime.

NOVEMBER 8, 2013

Dear Dub: Getting Help After Sexual Assault Dear Dub, What tools are available on campus for those who may have been sexually assaulted? While most people may find haven behind the walls of the SLU bubble, it must be accepted that sexual assault can happen anywhere and to anyone. Campus administrators have come to fully realize this fact and have tried to provide an environment that makes it as safe as possible. They also work to make survivors feel safe when coming forward. The Advocates Program is a student run organization composed of trained volunteers. They are passionate and considerate about helping those who are in need, regardless the size of the issue. An advocate is on 24/7 call hours and can be reached at 315-244-5466. The Health Center also provides sufficient counseling when needed. Certain staff members are specifically trained to counsel those who have been sexually assaulted. Simply call and make an appointment at 315-229-5392. The counseling program is designed to provide a judgment-free zone where victims can feel safe about lifting the immense weight off of their shoulders. Campus Security is another great tool. By calling 315-229-555 you can be provided a security member who will assist you in whatever way possible. They are more than willing to walk with you across campus without asking any questions. The staff scheduling was designed to have a female security officers available at all hours and can be requested if preferred. All officers receive an annual training through the Renewal House. The female officers are available to serve in the capacity of an advocate until an advocate or counselor has

arrived. If you would feel more comfortable with student protection, a group of trained students are available during weekend hours to walk with you. Getting separated from your friends during the night is common, but you shouldn’t feel as though you have to walk alone. Simply call security and request for a student safe walk. Safe phones are available around campus if an emergency occurs (they are the blue stands with a call box, with a glowing blue light at night). The Women’s Resource Center (3 University) is always open. Many of our house members are trained advocates and would be more than willing to help with such an issue. Sometimes you just need someone to talk to, and our ears will be ready. Seeking out help is understandably difficult, regardless of the available resources. It is important to know that you are not alone. You do not have to deal with this by yourself. There are people trained on the topic who are capable of providing beneficial advice. Don’t be thrown off by the stranger aspect. That does not degrade the potential compassion that can be involved in the conversation. Just always remember, you are not alone. PS The numbers previously stated are available on the back of your school IDs. (The Advocates number is listed as the sexual violence helpline. The Advocates Program number is invalid). Send your questions to Sincerely, The DUBers

Run for the Thelmo Executive Board Below are some of the duties and responsibilites of the Thelomathesian Society Senior Executive Board. Applications are available at the Student Center Information Desk and are due back at 12PM on Sunday, November 10th. Serving on the Senior Executive Board is a paid position. For more information, contact

President: Preside over all meetings of the Senate and the Executive Board. Serve as the spokesperson and representative of the entire student body at all times. By the virtue of the office of President, participate on any Council of University Governance. Be a member of all Senate and University committees. Direct the resolutions of the Senate to the appropriate body for execution via the Secretary. Serve as a Student Delegate to the Board of Trustees. Have the power to create and place legislation on the floor of the Senate. Have the primary responsibility of communicating student affairs on behalf of the Senate and student body to the President of the University.

Vice President of Senate Affairs: Act as President and fulfill all duties therein if the President is unable to fulfill the duties of the office. Keep the online agenda accurate and up-todate. Directly supervise all elections in conjunction with the Election Chairperson. Be responsible for constitutional review, as well as keeping updated records of all amendments to this Constitution. S/he is also responsible for ensuring that each member of the Senate is provided with a current Constitution and that copies of the Constitution are available for any student who should request one. Conduct a yearly review of the Constitution to ensure that all information contained within is current and relevant.

Vice President of University Relations: Assist the President in carrying out all duties of the Presidency. Manage all aspects of the Society’s SLUSAF budget and communicate with the SLUSAF Central Treasurer. Serve as the official liaison between the Senate and the University Committee governance system. Serve as the primary liaison between the Society and the Unity Council. Be a member of all Senate and University committees. Coordinate all University Committee appointments with the assistance of the Executive Board.


Maintain and keep the minutes of all Senate and Executive Board meetings. Maintain and keep all attendance records of Senate and Executive Board meetings, and keep an active roster of membership of the Senate and the Executive Board. Keep record of all legislation passed by the Senate. Formulate a report during the last quarter of her/his term to be handed to the incoming Secretary, with the intention of assisting the incoming officer with acclimation to the position and its responsibilities.


NOVEMBER 8, 2013

No Spitting: The State of Intoxication By LUKE MATYS, ‘15 COLUMNIST Okay, this article may make me a little or a whole lot less popular on this campus, but quite honestly that’s like saying that wearing shorts in the winter could become less popular. It may be for the best. And no matter what, there will always be a strange and dedicated few that will continue to wear shorts as the temperature drops. Those are my good friends who I hope I never leave…just like the effects of severe frostbite never leave those wearing the impractical clothing in freezing temperatures. If you didn’t get that, I just compared myself to frostbite. I want to discuss a popular Saint’s leisure activity: binge drinking! I’m not here to tell you not to do it and I’m not a spokesperson for the Association of Oversaturated Livers (AOL, for short). It would not be fair for me as a fairly normal SLU student to criticize another’s love of mass consumption of alcoholic beverages. You get enough of that from the Health Center, your parents, and even Frank from your AA meetings. Don’t worry I know Frank, too. Nice dude. However, I feel that it is completely in my right to call the following excuse/ statement completely obnoxious and extremely stupid: “Ah dude, I’m sorry I (insert inexcusably bad action here), but I was drunk”. Another classic variation of that is: “You can’t blame me, I was blackout.” Gosh, typing these phrases just gets my gears grinding. Please tell me why an individual has the right to do whatever that individual wants if that individual consumes a certain gross amount of adult beverages? I’m talking about in a social setting

among your peers...Rance Davis is another story. Just because you are drunk doesn’t give you a free pass to insult people, instigate fights, deposit your bodily waste wherever floats your particular boat destroy common/ public space, disregard the rules that you agreed to sober, and all those other things that I don’t have space to write about. Drunken actions have ALWAYS been around. In his Nicomachean Ethics (written around 400 BC), Aristotle (excuse me, I’m a History and Philosophy major) states that drunkenness is not an excuse for bad moral behavior because, unless someone poured that devil water down your throat, it’s your own fault you are drunk. Excuse my lack of citations; I’m a lethargic History and Philosophy major. Plus, drunkenness does not necessarily lead to public chaos. There are other less-harmful avenues of drunken expression. Some people wave their arms passionately when walking home and listening to a single rap on repeat from their pocketed iPod. Those people may or may not talk to trees and express their issues with a particular tree on the walk home…only to be found by a friend. Or maybe I’m the only one that does that. Not the point. Drunkenness doesn’t give you a free pass to break rules and be a jerk. Even freaking Aristotle agrees with me! If you can’t be a nice guy or gal when you are drunk and be responsible for your actions, perhaps you should cut down on the intake of Mountain Brew and the likes of other fine alcoholic beverages.


Every. Single. Member of the XC team coming to Thelmo for contingency. Go team!

Saint: Snooping on other people’s pub orders for inspiration.

THE HILL NEWS | 3 Saint: Nothing makes a day bet-

ter than that “Class is cancelled” sign when you get to class. Well, an e-mail would’ve sufficed.

Purgatory: Not having Purgatory: What’s your pub Purgatory: The senior photo Friday classes but being given assignments that are due then. C’MON.

name? You’ll never have a better reason to use an alias.

guy ever so gently caressing your face as he brushes your hair out of your eyes.

Sinner: Shoutout to the


Sinner: It’s far too soon to be

devil’s threesome in Bewkes group. Boom.

...and the Johnson makeout couple. Nothing like some good tonsil hockey where bacteria is cultivated.

thinking about putting on caps and gowns. Play nice, photo people.

Should the Supreme Court Be Elected Democratically? By MEGAN ZIEGLER ‘15 COLUMNIST


The Supreme Court should be elected The Supreme Court is not a democratic democratically. The process of Supreme Court institution. Not only are justices appointed for nominations was established for several reasons, life, which prevents any accountability to the none of which are as problematic as they once people or their representatives, but the people were to society. I would argue the nominating themselves have no power to choose the Justices. system is detrimental to the political system as it In the land of democracy, could such an institution continues to politicize the judicial branch. The be acceptable? Yes! It is not only acceptable, but a nomination process of the Supreme Court was good thing. written in the Constitution to serve as a part of First, as to the institution’s acceptability, there are the separation of powers between the executive, many non-democratic posts within democracies, legislative, and judiciary. However, because including ours. Take the majority of the executive of the environment of politics nowadays, the branch as an example. With the exception of the checks and balances represented in this process president and vice president, we elect no one in the are less effective. In addition, the average federal bureaucracy. Yet, we still consider America American is considerably more informed on a democracy. Practically speaking, it would be a politics and the roles of the government than nightmare to elect every member of the executive when the Constitution was drafted. branch. In principle, the executive branch requires A vacancy infrequently occurs, and the experts that spend their time doing their jobs, President makes nominations merely in a not campaigning to maintain their position, strategic manner with the goal of loading the to ensure smooth function of the bureaucracy bench with as many justices that represent his (our representatives spend 30-70% of their time political ideology. As American political parties campaigning). As such, we do not elect them. become more polarized, and even potentially Essentially, it does not undermine the democratic more representative of the extremes than the essence of a nation to have unelected officials, and average American ideology, the justices chosen may even allow for such an essence to exist. may fall victim to this as well. The Senate’s With this precedent established, why shouldn’t approval requirement leads to Senators voting the Supreme Court be directly elected by the people or recommending names to the President out and have term limits to ensure accountability? The of patronage rather than merit an unavoidable lack of a term limit removes the Justices from the (at consequence of the current system. Also, the times) irrational nature of politics. As they do not amount of press and lobbying that Senators have to be reelected, they are no longer politically face once a vacancy opens up contribute to beholden to those who appointed them and thus a politicized process. The jurisdiction of the can make judgments free of political pressure. This Supreme Court is expanding with time. The ensures that the decisions they reach are in the doctrine of judicial review is an example. As best interest of the Constitution and not adopted Oh and don’t spit when you are this occurs, both the executive and legislative to ensure reelection. Reagan, for example, found drunk either… branch have a vested interest in the makeup of that his appointees were politically free in Roe v. the Supreme Court, a branch that is supposed Wade. If Justices had to campaign to maintain to be entirely detached from the other their position, the same problems that befall our branches. In order to prevent this alignment representatives would befall them - campaigning between branches, it would be beneficial if the instead of reviewing. Ultimately, serving for life nomination of Supreme Court justices were keeps the Justices neutral and free to perform their to submit it anonymously with left in the hands of the people, the same people duties. Much like serving for life, not having the justification. We will not reveal whose rights the Court works to preserve. The people should have a say in who represents direct election of Justices removes them from your identity to anyone. For all the other submissions, their constitutional rights. It could also be a way political pressures that would prevent neutrality. add your name! Do not be for the population to become more involved and Furthermore, having the Justices elected as if they afraid to speak – you’ve informed on the judiciary branch. I would not were representatives of the people is nonsensical; mustered the courage and argue that Supreme Court positions be entirely the Justices do not represent the people. Rather, desire to submit an article to chosen by a majority vote; I would argue that the function of the Supreme Court is to represent the Hill (which is more than the people should have more influence in the the Constitution (so to speak). They perform most of campus can do) and process to prevent the representative body from judicial review and judge whether or not a law is you should be rewarded for caving in to the pressures of the persuasion and in accordance with the Constitution. Thus it falls it. Friends, professors, and patronage that occurs too frequently in politics upon the Senate and the President to select the most qualified judges. total strangers will come up today. to you to discuss your article or simply congratulate you. Do not be afraid that your opinion is unpopular (chances are many others share it, too). Dear Campus This is a forum for rational Do you like politics? Do you like to opine? Then the Hill News political column is for you! It does not discussion and reporting and matter if you are conservative, liberal, radical, or reactionary. We are looking for dedicated, informed writers shame on anyone who would to enter into discussion with each other on current and important political issues and then express them in attack you for simply holding a our weekly column. If you are interested, please contact me at different opinion.

Letter from the Editor Dear Hill News readership, As of late, the Hill News has received numerous anonymous submissions. As good as these articles are, we cannot publish them. Our rationale behind our anonymity policy is that the Hill is a forum for student voices and opinions to encourage the development of the student body through conversation. It is counterproductive to have anonymous articles as it undermines this process – the conversation can only happen once a week in the Hill, as no one knows who is speaking. Only in the most extreme cases, such as fear of reprisal or protecting the identity of a victim of assault, will we consider publishing an anonymous article. If your article would fall under such circumstances, do not hesitate

Write for the Hill News Political Column

Sincerely, Russell King

Sincerely, Russell King


Security Blotter October 30, 7:15 p.m. Medical call, not alcohol related. Transported to Canton-Potsdam Hospital. October 31, 12:28 p.m. Report of a burning smell in ODY. Security and Canton FD responded, no fire. October 31, 3:30 p.m. Stolen bike outside of Newell. October 31, 7:56 p.m. Report of stolen wallet from the football locker room. October 31, 8:51 p.m. Liquor law violation in Lee Hall. October 31, 10:36 p.m. Vandalism to Dean Eaton men’s restroom. November 1, 12:59 a.m. Student wandered into Canton resident’s home through an unlocked back door. Went to sleep on the couch in the living room. He was intoxicated. When discovered, resident called Canton Police. November 1, 2:15 a.m. Marijuana found at 13 University. November 1, 8:20 a.m. Vandalism in Dean Eaton. November 1, 11:45 a.m. Theft from football locker room. November 1, 12:10 p.m. Theft from football locker room. November 1, 12:35 p.m. Theft from football locker room. November 1, 6:45 p.m. Stolen bike from Rebert Hall. November 1, 8:15 p.m. Theft from football locker room. November 1, 10:36 p.m. Liquor law violation in Eben Holden. November 1, 10:43 p.m. Vandalism in Dean Eaton. Found a door broken in half. November 2, 12:30 a.m. Medical call, alcohol related. Signed off. November 2, 2:18 a.m. Noise complaint and fight in Dean Eaton. Strictly males involved. November 2, 11:11 p.m. Students on the roof of Rebert Hall caught. Removed. November 3, 12:37 a.m. Medical call, alcohol related. Signed off. November 3, 12:58 a.m. Vandalism in Lee Hall. November 3, 1:39 a.m. Vandalism in Dean Eaton. November 3, 1:39 a.m. Liquor law violation in Dean Eaton. November 3, 1:54 a.m. Guest found sleeping in her car. Said she was visiting a friend on campus and had a fight with her. Walked back to friend’s dorm. November 3, 2:03 a.m. Public urination. November 5, 6:23 p.m. Medical call, not alcohol related. Signed off. November 6, 1:00 p.m. SLU van got into accident in Ogsdenburg. No injuries, van damaged. November 6, 8:18 p.m. Medical call, not alcohol related. Signed off. November 6, 8:30 p.m. Theft in Dana Dining Hall. SEMESTER RUNNING TALLIES: Bike Thefts: 23 DWIs: 1 Open Containers: 40 Transports: 20


NOVEMBER 8, 2013

Model UN Conference Returns to SLU By ANNIE WILCOX STAFF WRITER Thanksgiving is right around the corner, but there is another reason to get pumped up for late-November besides endless pumpkin pie and turkey hangovers. After 10 inactive years, the Model UN Club is hosting a conference for SLU students on the 16th of November. While the club is not officially active yet, the committee members are planning for its official reactivation to begin next semester. The conference will involve nearly fifty SLU students and will represent 37 countries from every continent. The topic for this conference will

be “economic sanctions as a form of aggressive action.” The MUN committee hopes that the conference will increase globalization on the SLU campus and reduce stereotypes about various regions of the world. Yibei Chen, a member of the committee, stated that the “conference is a perfect opportunity for St. Lawrence University to increase the diversity acceptance [on campus].” Chen and the rest of the committee hope that St. Lawrence can be a delegate for the 2014 World MUN Conference in Brussels, Belgium. Government and economics majors are two of the most popular programs here at St. Lawrence. The upcoming conference will be an ideal opportunity to practice

researching, debating and public speaking. Also, it is a great contribution to anyone’s resume. So, if you find

“The conference is a perfect opportunity for SLU to increase the diversity acceptance on campus.” -Yibei Chen ‘16 yourself craving some actionpacked country to country debate, consider applying. The moment to ease the ache for some French bureaucracy or learn the ins and outs of the Brazilian government is now. More information and the application can be found on SLUWire.

Local Elections Tallied for the Win By ELLE LUCAS CO-NEWS EDITOR A mix of incumbents and challengers have taken seat as Canton’s official election results were released on the evening of Tuesday, Nov. 5. In the Village of Canton—designated by the more urban nature of the area—the mayoral position was won by Mary Ashley, who unseated incumbent opponent David Curry by 339 votes. Ashley, a Republican, ran on the Democratic ballot “after unsuccessfully seeking her party’s nomination for the mayor in the village GOP caucus,” according to the Watertown Daily Times.

She has pledged to return her mayor’s salary to the village The four-way race for Village Trustees was taken by Democrat candidate Carol Pynchon with 519 votes and Republican Michael Dalton with 469. Pynchon is the current communications director at TAUNY—the Traditional Arts in Upstate New York—located on Canton Main St. Despite a glitch in the recent redistricting of Canton, the election for County Legislators was not affected. The redistricting, which took effect in 2012, occurred due to population shifts in St. Lawrence County represented in the census.

As a result, 95 Canton voters cast incorrect ballots that did not have the County Legislators position listed. In spite of the disenfranchisement, the majority of Canton voters did receive correct ballots. Democrat Stephen Putnam and Republican William Fobare were the two competitors for the position; Putnam pulled ahead with 623 votes. In the Watertown Daily Times, Putnam declared that the democratic process is more important than the results. “I’m strongly feeling everyone’s vote in a democracy counts, whether it’s on the losing side or the winning side.”

This Week in the News What is Thelmo up to? Wednesday, Nov. 6 Office Hours: President Taylor Castator, Tuesday & Thursday 3 to 4 p.m. Vice President of Senator Affairs, Kelly Appenzeller, Tuesday 3 to 4 p.m. & Sunday 7 to 8 p.m. Contingency Requests: -UpBeats received second approval. -Cross Country team contingency request for team travel to National Championships in Hanover, IN. -Singing Saints contingency request for studio recording time in Syracuse for their quadrennial album. -SLU Buddies contingency request for new fingerprinting charges at Brashier Falls school. -All above passed, pending second approval. -Dance Team contingency request for competition in Syracuse, NY. Failed. New Business: -Nov. 14 ODK & ACE will present SLU Funk concert in Eben Holden at 8 pm to support the Red Rose School in Kibera, Nairobi, founded by SLU alum Ken Okoth. - Don’t forget to apply for the Model United Nations to be held Nov. 16. Applications due today, Nov. 8! -Latin American night in Eben Holden this evening, 6 pm!

By LEXI BECKWITH MANAGING EDITOR North America: Poor rate increases upon census calculation revisions: With US Census Bureau formula changes, taking into account living expenses and government aid effects, 3 million more Americans are now considered poor, up from 46.5 million in their September report. Many wonder if this new measure will replace the official poverty formula, used to allocate federal money. Europe: The Netherlands requests release of Greenpeace activists: The Dutch have asked an international crime court to demand the Russian government to release 30 protesters against drilling who were detained after climbing onto Russia’s first offshore oil rig in Septem-

Latin America: Columbian government and FARC reach agreement: Peace talks in Havana, Cuba have resulted in a fundamental agreement between the two entities on the rebel movement’s future role, providing the possibility for peace after five decades of conflict and over 200,000 deaths.

Middle East: Pakistani Taliban chooses controversial new leader: Mullah Fazlullah, the commander whose men shot teenager Malala Yousafzai last year, has been chosen as the insurgent group’s new leader after the death of his predecessor was killed in a U.S. drone strike this past week. This decision weighs heavily on the possibility for compromise between the Taliban and Pakistan’s government, as he has previously been against peace talks.

Africa: Congo rebels surrender in Uganda: An 18-month conflict has come to an end as the fighters of the DR Congo rebel group M23. Around 1,500 men entered Uganda and surrendered, following a defeat to UNsupported Congolese forces. They are now being held in the Kisoro border district.

Asia: Hong Kong threatens Philippines with sanctions: The city is demanding compensation and a formal apology for the 2010 hostage incident in Manila carried out by a disgruntled former policeman, which led to the deaths of 8 citizens and left 7 others wounded when negotiations broke down.

ber. Russia says the protesters posed a security threat, though they reduced the original piracy charge to hooliganism.


NOVEMBER 8, 2013

The Arts Annex ----- Presents -----

Singer/Songwriter Competition Thursday, December 5th, 7:30pm at Pub 56 Prizes include: Cash, musical instruments, glory Top three musicians win a recording session with KSLU! Contact: Luke Matys at


SLU Alumni Launch “Zaitoon” By SOPHIE JANEWAY STAFF WRITER Anyone who has ever travelled to a foreign country can understand to wanting to find the best way to bring your experiences home. Zoë Garry ’13 and Thahitoon Mariam ’12 are doing just that, with the launching of their project Zaitoon. Right now, Zaitoon is a Facebook page and a YouTube channel featuring MiddleEast centered news and cultured videos and articles uploaded by Zoë and Thahitoon have been uploading news and cultural videos and articles to regarding the Middle East. When they met, Zoë and Thahitoon shared a common interest in Middle Eastern culture. It was when they tried to meet up in the Middle East, that the idea for Zaitoon sparked. Zoë tried to cross the Israeli border from Jordan into Hebron to

see Tahitoon, but at the border she was detained, isolated and interrogated for eight hours. She was denied entry and barred from returning. The injustice and discrimination between nation states angered Zoë and Thahitoon, but the driving factor behind Zaitoon was the reactions from home. Their families and peers advised Zoë not to speak out about the incident, because she could be permanently barred from Israel. Zoë and Thaitoon shared a common goal of wanting to share what they knew from their travels. They wanted to bridge a frustrating divide between their experiences and their families’ understanding. It was when Thahitoon came to Jordan a few months later, that the two formed Zaitoon. Through Zaitoon, Zoë and Thahitoon hope to raise awareness about social, cultural and political reali-

ties in the Middle East. The goal of Zaitoon is to start conversations and break down stereotypes associated with the Middle East and Muslim world. Now, Zaitoon is still in its beginning stages, but in the future Zoë and Thaitoon are hoping to expand and make Zaitoon more tangible. This could come in the form of their own website, but also in forming a center in New York City. The center would be a place to unify young Arabs and Muslims and those interested in the Middle East. It could also become the base for creating investigative documentaries about current Middle Eastern issues. If you’re interested in the Middle East, even if you have no understanding of the politics or culture, I recommend checking out their Facebook page. It’s full of fun and informative articles, and there’s something for everyone.

Geothermal Wells Completed for New Residence Hall By STEPHEN BUSHNELL STAFF WRITER Northland Associates and O’Rourke Drillers completed digging the wells for the geothermal system, which will be used to heat and cool the new residence hall as early as the fall of 2014. The wells cost approximately $500,000 and the university should see returns on the investment after 30 years, said Chief Facilities Officer Daniel Seaman. The 30-year time horizon is tentative because there are many variables that could affect it, such as the price of natural gas and the cost to maintain a geothermal system. However, Louis Gava, the assistant director of the sustainability semester says that, “If there was not a financial benefit, then we would not be doing this.” Kathryn Mullaney, the vice president and treasurer of finance at SLU agreed, saying, that the geothermal system is as beneficial for the university financially as it is environmentally. There are many other benefits to using geothermal energy for heating and cooling, said Gava, the cost is just one. For example, the university will have air conditioning in the residence hall, which would allow the school to host conferences in the summer and have visitors spend the night. “This is a test run for the university,” said Gava, “it will help us justify using geothermal energy in the future.” If the project is a success, and the costs justify the benefits, then the university is considering


retrofitting other buildings on campus with geothermal heating and cooling systems. The geothermal wells cost less than originally estimated because O’Rourke Drillers finalized the number of wells needed, determining 24 wells would suffice rather than the previously suggested 48, said Mullaney. Hopefully O’Rourke was correct in their analysis and 24 wells will produce enough energy to heat and cool the new building. “The biggest problem is engineering,” said professor Jeffrey Chiarenzelli,

the Geology Department chairperson. “They can either be over-engineered or underengineered.” Over-engineering would drive up the costs to a level that is inefficient and under-engineering would produce a system that does not have the capacity to adequately perform its job. When the system is operational, it will be apparent whether or not it was engineered correctly. Once the wells are dug and the energy is tapped into, “it is free in the sense that it cannot be depleted,” said Jeff

Young a SLU professor of natural resource economics. However, if the price of natural gas continues to fall, then the financial benefits from switching to geothermal will take longer to recognize. Daniel Seaman said the new residence hall is designed to last 100 years, which means the university has a 100year window at most to see financial benefits from the geothermal system. This does not, however, account for the environmental benefits, which will be noticed immediately and help SLU reach its goal

of having zero net greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2040, said Louise Gava. Sustainability is a very important issue for many members of the St. Lawrence community and by harnessing geothermal energy the university is furthering the green initiative and promoting sustainable practices on campus. Roselyn Laboso, a geology major said, “I think it is a great way of using the Earth’s resources and I was very excited when I found out about SLU using geothermal energy.”



NOVEMBER 8, 2013

Divestment Campaign Spreads to Colleges the government and the revenue generated allows fossil fuel companies to maintain a dominant voice in our current political system. Limiting the power of fossil fuel companies will hopefully limit the power they have over legislative decisions and allow for a more sustainable and green future to be built. EAO realizes that SLU divesting from fossil fuels will not do a thing to fossil fuel earnings, however it is the message we are sending that is important. It is a message that will resonate with our peers and other leading institutions of higher education that we believe it is immoral to profit from the exploitation and destruction of human lives and our planet. With enough institutions divesting from fossil fuels, the campaign will thrust into the public's view, much as it did during apartheid. Discussion and public opinion is what's needed to make the changes for

a more sustainable society. Divestment is the push our society needs to transition away from fuel sources causing climate change to utilizing renewable energy. Colleges, universities, cities, religious institutions and organizations all over the world are already involved in divestment campaigns. Several universities have already fully divested, including San Francisco State University, Green Mountain College, Unity College, Hampshire College and College of the Atlantic. Seattle, San Francisco, Portland, Boulder, Santa Fe, Providence and Ithaca are just some of the cities that have committed to divestment as well. SLU markets itself as a sustainable university to prospective students. The university was recently evaluated in the Sustainability, Tracking, and Assessment & Rating System (STARS),


Natural resources turned into tourism PARK FROM PAGE 1

spoke on the topic last Monday night at SUNY Canton. This project is a part of the Waterfront Revitalization Plan and would span over 15 miles of water and require the combined efforts of three towns to create this weekend destination There were three key points to the presentation: the actual park’s flashy attraction, it’s aid to the habitat, and lastly the designs help with flooding. Shipley wanted it to convey that project would not be a “skateboard park on a river.” It

is a focal point for in-stream recreation, and is built in such a way people do not realize it has been created. This project will be built from native rock and provide a habitat, as well as fish passages. This will not just be a place for kayaking. It will be a place to gather and have fun, with spaces to sit, swim, hike and spectate. One of the goals of this project is to make these parks significant attraction’s in of the remote location. Shipley explained that Colton is the brand name for this project. Expert kayakers

already swarm there for the six annual dam releases. It will attract all level kayakers an outdoor enthusiast to the area, thoroughly creating a variety of conditions and using the natural landscape. Potsdam is projected to be a freestyle area, and Canton’s branding as is still to be determined. Each town would operate its own park, but they would not be competing, they would work together. S20 surveyed a variety of spots on the Grasse River which all have a great level of potential for the Grant for Waterfront Revitalization Project.

S20 has designed many environmentally friendly whitewater parks around the world, including the course for the 2012 London Olympics. Economically, projects like this, have been extremely successful, with a $1.7-2 million impact on the surrounding area yearly. The community members in attendance at the meeting seemed excited and positive about the potential project. “It could add a lot to our school’s outdoor experience, and economically it sounds like there is great potential for Canton,” said Ben Crocker ‘16.

earning a silver rating. The largest dark spot on our report was the section on investments, where we earned a score of .25/16.75. St Lawrence scored 0/2 on ‘Committee on Investor Responsibility,’ 0/5 on ‘Shareholder Advocacy,’ 0/9 on ‘Positive Sustainability Investments,’ 0/.25 on ‘Student Managed Sustainable Investment Fund,’ and 0/.25 on ‘Sustainable Investment Policy’. SLU did earn full credit on ‘Investment Disclosure,’ as the administration makes endowment data readily available, and makes every effort to be transparent and receptive to at least the consideration of alternative endowment ideas. Divesting away from fossil fuels may seem like a risky ordeal, but investing in fossil fuels is also risky investment. In fact, other colleges and SEE DIVEST, PAGE 14

Email for rates and information.

For the last couple of weeks, students on campus may have seen EAO tabling in the Student Center and talking specifically about something called “divestment." EAO’s new fossil fuel divestment campaign has been in the works since late last semester, and the end goal is to have St. Lawrence fully divest its endowment holdings from the fossil fuel industry within five years. As an institution of moral, EAO feels that the university should not be invested in companies that exploit people and destroy the environment. This is the basis for the idea of divestment. Fossil fuel divestment is not a new idea. During apartheid in South Africa, colleges, universities, cities and churches divested in stocks and bonds invested in the South African Regime. The

movement grew to create a national and international discussion and through capital flight was, South Africa was pressured to end apartheid in 1990. SLU was involved in this campaign as well as a similar tobacco divestment campaign. SLU is still divested from tobacco. Fossil fuel companies including oil, coal, natural gas and tar sands corporations are something an institution of moral should not be invested in. The burning of fossil fuels accelerates global climate change, and this leads to sea level rise, more frequent and more intense storms, floods, droughts, and other myriad problems that will result in catastrophic and possibly irreversible damage on humanity as a whole and the planet. Living in a society based on oil and gas, fossil fuel companies are some of the wealthiest companies in the world. Their practices are still subsidized by

In a club? On a sports team? Selling something? Conducting a survey? See your classified ad here.



NOVEMBER 8, 2013


Sit with a Stranger:Building Bridges


By KAREN BLAKELOCK STAFF WRITER This past Tuesday, in conjunction with International Education Week, the CIIS office hosted an event entitled

“Sit with a Stranger.” Spearheaded by SLU’s Assistant Director of Off-campus Programs Drew Pynchon and Coordinator of International Student Studies Sara Trimm, Sit with a Stranger was intended to in-

Mexican Tradition Alive At SLU DEAD FROM PAGE 1

Her children constantly remind her of her pain and the man she loved, so she drowns them in the river. Once she realizes what she has done, she commits suicide and, as the myth says, she now wanders crying in search of her children that have passed on. Students Matt Dudley ‘13, Adilson Gonzales Morales ‘16, Victoria Ruddle ‘13, and Louisa Stancioff ‘16 performed in a traditional setting to the accompaniment of guitar and violin. Students also listened to readings of las calaveras which are poems written to mock death or often famous people who have died. The final documentary presented by professor Angel Estrada, Professor of the Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juárez, discussed emigration from Oaxaca to Juárez, where citizens teach their children music in order to preserve the culture. Through the combina-

tion of videos, music, and food, SLU students had the opportunity to glimpse some of the ways that people throughout Mexico celebrate this holiday. Adilson Gonzales ‘16 explained that the holiday is especially significant for cultural identity. “We all know the tradition and get excited about it. Even if not everyone believes that the spirits come back, it’s nice to have a day to think about it and to remember.” He also explained the holiday as a “Colorful celebration that brings a lot of happiness to nation.” It is truly a celebration of those who have passed. “When I was a kid the Day of the Dead was usually the day when I’d hear stories about my dead granddad. It’s just a topic that you wouldn’t talk about on other days, because it’s too difficult to think about. It’s nice that in Mexico it’s not taboo and that we can see with a good sense of humor something as inevitable as death.”

spire SLU students to reach out and spend a few minutes talking to someone new. In the spirit of international education, and seizing the chance to sit with strangers, I took to the tables

of Dana to question, converse and (potentially) harass my peers— none of whom were sitting with strangers. For 45 minutes, I spoke with 20 different students about the concept of sitting with a stranger. We discussed whether SLU students were open to the idea of having lunch with someone they don’t know. When asked their thoughts, the answers were unanimous, everyone felt that the SLU community could handle it. But then, why was no one actually doing it? “I was surprised about the amount of enthusiasm there was for the event,” said Pynchon. “Leading up to it, everyone said they were definitely going to sit with someone new. Then, when it came time, I think a lot of people chickened out. I also think there were some people who would have been really interested but just didn’t know about it.” A lack of information seems likely—out of the 20 people I spoke with, only four knew that Sit with a Stranger day was taking place. Pynchon expressed the motivation behind the event, “Even though we often think of St. Lawrence as a small community, there are lots of missed-connections,” said Pynchon. “I was talking to an alum the other day who remembered sitting at graduation and looking around

and realizing how few of his classmates he actually knew. We thought this was a great opportunity [for] students to step out of their normal circles and meet someone new,” he said. Feedback from students at Dana supported this notion. They suggested that many students would be willing to participate if the event were organized in another way, perhaps if one of the long tables in Dana could be designated to those who want to sit and have a conversation with someone they don’t know. When asked what he could gain from sitting with a stranger, Drew Twitchell ‘14 said, “I’m sure we could have an interesting conversation. It would be awkward at first, but you just have to think outside the box.” I made my personal decision to come to SLU based on the sense of community I felt when I visited campus, as I’m sure many of you did as well. So how about we start making this already amazing network of Saints into a more inclusive, more outgoing, more…chatty place to live, work and play? St. Lawrence, how about giving this another try? I dare you to sit with a stranger. It can’t be any more awkward than having a professor call you out for that Tick Tock stamp still on your hand Monday morning—and God knows we’ve all survived that.

SUNY Potsdam and SUNY Canton Search for New Presidents By CHLOE WINGERTER STAFF WRITER SUNY Canton and SUNY Potsdam have recently begun their respective searches for new university presidents. Jacob Tierney, the higher education reporter for the Watertown Daily Times, described the events leading up to the restructuring of the presidency at our neighbor universities. At SUNY Potsdam, former president John Schwaller retired in May after seven years of guiding the campus. Currently, interim president, Dennis Hefner, is fulfilling the role. Hefner had previously held the position of president at SUNY Fredonia, but he has no interest in taking on SUNY Potsdam presidency full-time. On the other side of town, SUNY Canton has had an unstable shifting of the

presidency position over the past year. SUNY Canton longtime president, Joseph Kennedy, retired in September 2012, and was temporarily replaced by Carli S. Schiffner who since then has taken another job in Washington State after only 6 months at SUNY Canton. Following Schiffner, Jeremy Brown, provost at SUNY Canton, was chosen for the job; he similarly took another job in Oregon. Eventually, SUNY Canton selected President Joseph Hoffman to temporarily take on the role. Hoffman, previously provost at SUNY Maritime College in Long Island, is qualified to take on the position full-time. Although no word of this has yet been expressed, it may not be unlikely that Hoffman will fill the position permanently in the future.

Both colleges have a selection committee in place where they will begin to evaluate all proposed candidates. When the final few selected candidates are chosen, the candidates will come to campus for interviews and evaluations. Both universities are hopeful that they will have a new president by the start of fall 2014 or spring 2015. Additionally, SUNY Potsdam and SUNY Canton are invariably happy with the selection committee process because there was pressure from the SUNY administration to consider a shared presidency. However, that suggestion was dismissed, as both colleges wanted to maintain their own individual positions of presidency and identities as a university in upstate New York.



NOVEMBER 8, 2013

Coping With Cancer

A disease’s lesser known symptoms By CONNOR MARTIN CO-FEATURES EDITOR


SLU’s Social Media Strategy By CONANT NEVILLE MULTIMEDIA EDITOR When Lyndsay LaBarge ’10 applied early decision to St. Lawrence in 2005 the school had no visible social media presence. She is now a Senior Assistant Director of Admissions and says social media is here to stay. “Social media is smart. If you can do it right, if you can be authentic and sell your story through social media, you are going to be successful.” LaBarge considers the university’s social media platforms instrumental in the admissions process and in marketing the school to prospective students and parents. Although she says the Admissions staff rarely considers the social media involvement of applicants in the reviewing process, she says interactive platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Blog sites are crucial resources in the university’s marketing efforts. “When you market anything to anyone, it is important to get in front of them – where they’re spending time and where they’re receptive to your message,” according to marketing and social media expert Krista Neher. According to Neher, who has published and presented extensively on the topic, colleges and universities trying to succeed in marketing must break through all the noise and misleading advertising “garbage” pushed towards prospective students and change what she calls “overly produced one-way marketing.” The most successful university marketing

“When you market anything to anyone, it is important to get in front of them.” campaigns are from schools that make an effort to provide an authentic outlet for prospective students to view campus life, says Neher. Platforms like Instagram provide an excellent marketing medium, according to Neher. She is a strong believer social media is a powerful marketing tool. Following the trend among higher education institutions, St. Lawrence has entire teams within its communications department tasked with maintaining and developing the school’s social media presence. Meg Bernier runs the university’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts. She says when she was hired in 2012 she hoped to move the university’s social

media away from a news and informationbased model and towards a communityoriented platform to engage students, alumni, and prospective students. After research and discussions with students and colleagues, Bernier chose Instagram as her primary focus and launched the university account last November. In the first month of its launch, the Instagram account experienced unprecedented growth of 1080%, according to Bernier. “[Instagram] was the first platform where students finally felt comfortable engaging with St. Lawrence in a social setting.” She also credits the success of last April’s ‘Saintsagram’ photo-of-the-day contest to an engaged community of student Instagrammers posting regularly. “In the first two weeks of the competition our followers surpassed Clarkson’s entire account!” Last month the St. Lawrence Instagram received online praise from popular online magazine Her Campus, which ranked SLU in its list of “21 Accounts to follow.” Both LaBarge and Bernier agree that the key to successful social media campaigns on campus is their function as studentrun accounts and the nature of organic and authentic content delivery. Together with a five-student team, Bernier recently launched a student-run Instagram account with the handle #HereWeGoSaints. The account is a big success, according to Bernier, LaBarge, and alumni. LaBarge largely credits its success to its autonomy, “The less we filter content and stories, the more authentic they are. The more authentic they are, the more buy in you get. People are excited about it.” The reception among members of the Alumni Council is also encouraging. “They were saying the Instagram is ‘the best thing ever’, because they felt like they were still students and they really were connected to the campus,” says Kelly Appenzeller who met with council members last week. “Even the [older members] told me ‘I downloaded Instagram on my phone strictly to follow @StLawrenceU and @ HereWeGoSaints.” The easy user-interface of Instagram allows users from all generations to enjoy the photos posted by fellow Laurentians and projects a school pride that appeals to prospective students, current students, and alumni. Marketing via social media is now a multibillion dollar industry that has spread to companies and campuses worldwide. With the rise of applications like Snapchat and Instagram, the future of social media and its potential in marketing is uncertain. For now, at least, it is encouraging to know that St. Lawrence is keeping up with the trends and continues to engage students and alumni through a variety of social media channels.

It goes without saying that cancer is a cruel disease. According to global cancer statistics from 2007 it is responsible for 13 percent of deaths worldwide. It is also, in the filthiest sense of the word, completely nondiscriminatory. Cancer doesn’t see age, race, color or creed and, in a rather barbarous way, it ties all of us together. The latter has recently come to affect me in a very roundabout way. I have been very fortunate to not yet lose any immediate family member and knock-on-wood I won’t have to for quite some time. A couple years ago, however, my friend’s mother was diagnosed as having an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in her body, in other words, she had cancer. My friend and I had only known each other for 11 months, so my introduction to her family was a pretty drastic one. A sarcastic family even before being forced to cope with a potentially terminal illness, her mother and father spared no time in making delightfully inappropriate and darkly-humored cancer jokes, and then telling me laughing was not only allowed but encouraged. It was their miraculous and courageous way of coping with the unforgiving hand they were dealt. When I entered the fold, the mother’s condition was stable. She was able to walk around, garden, and be a fully functioning member of society. More recently, however, her health has worsened. At this point, I began to observe certain universal truths about a disease as cruel as cancer is. For one, it spreads its pain and distributes grief far beyond those suffering from the disease in the first place. It’s slow and painful way of eating away at a person’s body forces everyone who loves and cares for the diagnosed to watch as they lose their strength, their features, their youth, their memory and everything else, until they fade away for good. Not only can this be a painful transition to observe, but it also influences the capabilities for human interaction that an individual has, consequently limiting the connection loved ones can make with those suffering from the disease. As if the slow nature of the illness wasn’t enough, the additional impossibility of calculating when an individual will pass away, tears and strains at those who wish to be close to him or her when she dies. In my friend’s case, attending college in the North Country and

making a permanent home in southern New Hampshire creates 6-hour gap between her and her ailing mother whom, despite the aforementioned sluggish nature of cancer, could pass away very quickly as the cancer spreads. She is forced into a variableinterval schedule of sickening apprehension waiting for a call or text warning her that things could be going south. The only seeming solution (making a permanent trip home) is nothing more than a very inadequate Band-Aid to the agonizing waiting game caused by the disease in the first place. My point with this diatribe against cancer is not to whine about the issues that are indirectly affecting my life, nor am I conceited enough to make any claims about being nearly as affected by my friend’s mother’s disease as many other of her close friends and family are. Instead, I am hoping that by reading this, we can all take a brief moment to reflect on how we approach family, how we treat those we love and what matters most when those you love or you yourself are up against the ropes. My friend has made a series of choices between what parts of her life to drop

At this point, I began to observe certain universal truths about a disease as cruel as cancer is. and what to pay more attention to in order to take greater care of herself and her mother. She and the other members of her family have stared cancer straight in the eyes and kept their cool, maneuvering their way through a minefield of new emotions and pains while constructing a strong mechanism that prepares any individual as much as is possible from something so phenomenally cruel and unforgiving. Finding a comfort zone like this isn’t remotely close to closure, but taking a few moments to re-assess and contemplate what we each value the most in life may ease whatever it is we are each going through, be it cancer, someone else’s cancer, or something completely different. If that doesn’t do it for you, then think of it as some sort of cathartic thorn we as emotionally complex humans can thrust in the side of a harsh, cruel monster of a disease, and give yourself a pat on the back.

features Is “For-Benefit” the New American Capitalism?

NOVEMBER 8, 2013






I see my fogged watch on my slick wrist. It’s 3:00 PM, a righteous time to snooze and prepare for our kickass Halloween party in Eben Holden. I’m on my second attempt to crack my door combo into the Bears Den when Brady, ‘15, walks by, full-face helmet and kayak paddle in hand. “Where you goin’?” I ask him a little bewildered. “Kayaking, wanna come?” he responds as he starts walking out the door. “Just grab your shit ‘cause we gotta go now though.” I hesitated for a split second then dart to the basement to grab my apparatus. Do I have everything? Will I be warm enough? 60 mile per hour winds in November right? Long johns, swim trunks, spray skirt, booties, dry top, paddle, PFD, helmet. Word, good to go. Grab the kayak out back and strap ‘er. I had no time to waste, we’d lose sunlight, and no boating would be had if I dawdled. The rivers this fall have been consistently low with little rain, making it impossible to go boating, but recently the Great Spirit has been givin’ ‘er. Lampson to Downerville, a favorite SLU boating section of the Grasse, was running, and we needed to cash in on on the ubiquitous opportunity. I could have used the ol’ excuse, “its too cold, and getting dark, and the winds are supposed to be raw. This really isn’t smart” It was definitely what I wanted to do on that shitty day to prepare for a banger, but I haven’t had enough ambitious escapades this fall, so I hopped on that boating train. I would have felt like a butthead if my friends crushed it out there when I had no real excuse, not to go. Totally worth the trip. Sure, it

was cold and windy, but I got my adrenaline fix, something I had been neglecting for while. The late afternoon was bursting with boofs, eddy hops, brown claws, and churches, so stout, so pitted. I guess by this point in the column my plug is spontaneity is goodness for the soul. I feel like a little kid when I say “Hell yeah” to things on the spot. It always ends up being a rad time, way-much-morebetter than slumbering and dreaming about Howe, ‘15, Ferg, ‘15, and Evan McKenna, ‘15 waking me up. Let me please just acknowledge this oddity. I had a dream last week that they burst into my room to wake me up, and proceeded to search the entirety of my room. Howe snatched a screwdriver from my desk and tried to take apart my roommates computer as if he was looking for something within it. Meanwhile, Ferg lifted up my bed and found Abbey Giles, ‘15, hiding in the fetal position. “You found me,” she trembled with googley eyes. Why she was hiding in my room the whole semester and not in India still befuddles me. As I pondered this, Howe escaped my room with both my roommate’s and my computer. I chased after him as he sprinted down Park Street at dusk, cackling the whole way to the Student Health Center. I never caught him, but hopefully he went to clear his head with the doctor, and safely return the computers. I then woke up to my alarm in a cold sweat, and the house was quiet. My computer was still on my desk, and Abbey is definitely in India. Unfortunately I had this nightmare earlier this week, but because I went boating on Friday, I didn’t have another one of these nightmares. It saved me. Spontaneity be da message. Peace be da journey.

Imagine you are back in the eighth grade, sitting in front of the computer, promising your mom for the 100th time that, yes, you will friend her (fingers crossed tightly behind your back) if only you can sign up for Facebook, when finally she gives in. Consider that, at that moment, you had two Facebooks to choose from. The first is the current Facebook, which profits from members’ activity on the site and subsequently funds Mark Zuckerberg’s billionairelifestyle. The second is a for-benefit Facebook where profits after a certain, predetermined, point are immediately reinvested in the ‘Facebook cause’ (the social cause towards which this new Facebook would be geared). If you could be assured that for-benefit Facebook would perform just as well as forprofit Facebook, would you sign up for the Facebook that betters society, or the one that betters Zuckerberg at an everincreasing rate? According to Dr. David Colander and his “Activist Laissez-Faire” principles, you and all of your friends would choose the imaginary Facebook -- and society would be better for it. Visiting lecturer David Colander of Middlebury College’s Economics Department suggested in his talk “Complexity and the Art of Public Policy” on Monday that, if the ecostructure existed, our

entire economy could exist as this marriage of social interest and entrepreneurial prowess. The corporations working within this model today are called for-benefit companies, corporations whose goal is the affecting of social change. He based his arguments on free-market mascot Adam Smith’s philosophies. Colander focused on the idea that the free market originally evolved as an agent of social change. At its birth, the free market system gave those barred from entry into entrepreneurship by guilds and the social strata of aristocratic Europe the ability to make their own way. Social interests could therefore be fulfilled through the pursuit of personal interest -- not in the accruing of material wealth but in the productivity and progress of one’s firm. As the market aged, however, social interest and personal benefit grew apart. At this point, maximization of profit and social benefit develop inversely in the operation of most companies. For-benefit corporations work to change this dynamic. Neither non-profit, nor forprofit, these organizations build social change into their charters, says Colander. Their mission is not to affect social change by channeling donations towards important social causes, but rather to make their profits into a mechanism of social change through the operation of the company itself. Right now in the United

States there are just under 40 official for-benefit corporations, lead primarily by the consulting organization FourthSector, which aims to make for-benefit corporations a keystone feature of the American economy. Effective for-benefit corporations do, of course, require compromise. Forbenefit organizations require stakeholders to expect compensation, “In proportion to their contributions…subject to reasonable limitations that protect the ability of the organization to achieve its mission,” according to forbenefit pioneer FourthSector. The limitless quest for profit cannot be expected by forbenefit workers. The quest for fulfillment, however, is more than achieved, according to Colander. To illustrate this, Colander asked a young man how he liked his room here at St. Lawrence. “It’s fine. It’s a single so it’s, um, a prison cell”, he responded jokingly, with President and Mrs. Fox sitting two rows back. “But it’s a great prison cell! It works for you!” Colander replied through the laughing agreement of most of the audience (including P. Fox, I’m pretty sure, but don’t hold me to that). While everyone grinned, Colander got to the root of the matter. For-benefit corporations eliminate the need to make the choice SEE BENEFIT PAGE 14

Interested in living at 78 Park St. in Commons College Theme House? Pick up an application at the Student Center Info Desk, or online on SLUWire. Return applications to the box on Commons porch by this Sunday, November 10. Questions? Contact Elle at ART BY EMILY HARRINGTON



NOVEMBER 8, 2013

The Puzzling “Single Senior” Phenomenon By LAURA STASI GUEST WRITER Single seniors: members of the senior class who live alone somewhere in Sykes for reasons uncertain. We all know one or two, unless you’re a freshman, in which case you probably don’t (but don’t worry, you will before you graduate). These individuals are fairly easy to identify and once you spot one, you will be surprised by how many others you know. Typically, these seniors are the upper classmen you meet who are ridiculously nice, outgoing and talkative. It is only after you get to know them better that you realize they live alone, and then it strikes you as strange.

A single senior definitely doesn’t have trouble socializing or making friends, which makes their housing choice all the more intriguing. They are also almost always attractive. Really attractive. Why does an outgoing, fun-seeking, individual (with good looks) choose not to seek out roommates? Even more interesting is the fact that few of them are dating anyone. That’s right, they are singles living in singles. These are the people who are involved in multiple clubs and organizations, usually have a prime campus job, and are blessed with good looks. What’s going on? You will also notice that at campus eateries they can be

seen with a different group of friends at every meal. They just stroll into Dana and sit with whomever they recognize. They can make friends on the spot and are not afraid to ask if a seat is open and join you. I guess when you don’t have a roommate to eat your meals with, this is something you get used to doing. Now don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with a single dorm room—you have control over the light switch and can walk around naked—but as a senior don’t you want to be over in the townhouses? Or perhaps living in a theme house so you can get drunk with other people on the weekends? Therefore I am led to conclude that there is

an underlying factor we are not taking into account here. If all of these seniors who are social and outgoing chose to live on their own, they must be privy to a secret unbeknownst to the rest of us. Perhaps they live in singles so they can create a haven into which they can retreat when campus…well, becomes campus. College is a surreal bubble in which we spend every minute of the day with our closest friends. During these years housing is provided, food becomes available with the swipe of a card and we can make money by sitting behind a desk doing homework in Newell or the climbing wall. Too easily do we forget that the real world is just

beyond Park Street and that before we know it, we will have to join everyone already in it. By living in their singles maybe these members of the senior class are preparing themselves for reality. In their singles they can more easily escape the stupidity and redundancy of campus life. Once they have established a friend group, a single provides the necessary balance between the fictional life experienced at college and the very real one seniors are about to be cast into. Keep your eyes open for single seniors and see what you think. Do they hold the key to surviving the last year of college, making the transition into the next stage of life easier for themselves?


Studying Abroad At SLU Offers Alternate Perspective By JUDY ZHOU STAFF WRITER

I could never have imagined that my college life in the U.S would be like this when, two years ago in my Chinese high school’s exchange student program panel, I made the decision to be a high school exchange student in Maine. A year later, I said goodbye to Maine and started my exploration of St. Lawrence University, a place I had only heard about in my Geography class when we talked about the St. Lawrence River. The reactions of my friends back home in China when I tell them I go to St. Lawrence University, a liberal arts college, go like this: “Liberal Arts? What is that? Is it safe in the U.S? ” These are some common questions I am asked when I go home, and it is hard to explain, since some terminology only exists in this culture. The

moment when you cannot express yourself in a different language and a different culture is a strange one; when you feel it, congratulations! You are international. This is the third semester, almost one and a half years, 440 days, since the first time I arrived at SLU. During those times I was physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, morally, academically, culturally and socially challenged by this place. I remember breaking down in my Political Economy class because the issues and causes I never thought about when I was in China suddenly came up. I literally started crying in my 8:30am class all the way through until my FYP and then lunch at Dana. That was the first time I was wholeheartedly sad for things I used to believe in and feelings of homesickness, loneliness and what have you began to bubble up. I can think

of too many of these instances to even count. However, I still have my friends there to cheer me up. I definitely learned so much about culture through all the friends that I made, in Dana or in the Student Center, where we can have conversations and exchange ideas. When it comes to having different opinions, we

“Liberal Arts? What is that? Is it safe?” will argue and I will often end up asking, “What does it mean?” That was what I asked myself most of last year either in or outside of class. I learned new perspectives and opinions just by listening. I think the greatest part of SLU is that when you need a hand, there are always people willing to help. My first

year at SLU is a cycle that moves from challenges to healing and growing and back again, but it can also be a spiral. The more cultural experiences I have, the more feelings and emotions I experience, and my perception of the world broadens a little. This year I had the opportunity to be an international orientation leader. I am so glad I was able to meet all the new incoming beautiful international students and watch them be challenged and grow. Everyone experiences life through their own lens, and because of that we can all contribute different perspectives to conversation. When I talked to some of my friends, here were some of the responses: “I miss my high school friends. We have such close friendships, but American students seem so independent.” “Being international in a majority of American students

puts a lot of attention on me for being different, and that makes me question about whether I have the right or wrong values. ” “American students are nice to me, but I don’t completely feel like I belong since I have only been here half a semester. However, I hope I will belong here sometime soon. “ Hey, you know what, this place may be small but it also has an international community waiting to be discovered. I’ve noticed that when you study abroad and explore the intercultural challenges it can be pretty awesome. This past summer, a senior from SLU went to my hometown, Hunan, for a Buddhist international camp and we hung out. We met each other at a birthday party in the Light House a few weeks before he graduated. Now that is what it means to be a SLU International Student.

NOVEMBER 8, 2013



Food @ SLU: Want to become a Locavore? By EMILY LIEBELT GUEST WRITER Before reading, please answer the following questions. (1) Do you eat food? (2) Do you enjoy food that tastes delicious? (3) Do you like the idea of eating fresh local food, but aren’t sure how to find it? If you answered yes to any of these, listen up! SLU just happens to be located in the middle of a farming heartland, the North Country. So there are more local places to get healthy, wholesome food than you probably thought. Below are the names of local farms, markets and stores that

I encourage everyone to check out for themselves; maybe even lend a hand and learn about our region’s foodways! Little Grasse Foodworks: 309 Miner St. Rd. Canton Just a bike ride from campus, Little Grasse is a CSA and offers a wide variety of seasonal food. Bittersweet Farm: 1249 SH 184 Heuvelton A historic family farm and CSA that offers meat, eggs and produce year-round. Birdsfoot Farm: 1263 CR 25, Canton A community farm and CSA, come for the veggies and stay for

the friends. Noble Farm: 1789 SH 68 Canton This CSA has vegetables, maple products, beef, chicken, pork and raspberries. Fuller’s Farm: 242 Pink School Rd. Canton A small family farm and CSA supplying fresh vegetables, grown using sustainable and earth friendly methods. Farmer Bill and Annie’s: 1005 CR 25 Canton NYS seasonal fruit (pears, apples, peaches, plums and grapes) as well as great veggies. Tupper’s Hilltop Maple Treats: 760 SH 68 Canton, NY

Everything you can imagine, made from real maple syrup. Potsdam Food Co-op: 24 Elm St, Potsdam Shopping and tasting. Potsdam Food Co-op supports local farmers and artisans while promoting organic and wholefood alternatives to processed or industrial foods. Nature’s Storehouse: 21 Main St, Canton Down the street from the farmers market, this store offers year-round grocery and supplement shopping, with the Earth and your health in mind. It is also a great alternative to the fast food offered across the

road! If you’re too busy to visit the farms, the Canton Farmers Market brings the food to you! Shop through tents and farm stands of all types of fresh local food, right in the middle of town on the Village Green. All the previously mentioned farms sell their bounty at the market in addition to other vendors. For the ambitious foodie, becoming a member of a CSA (community sustained agriculture) would allow you to purchase a portion of food from the farm of your choice and pick it up at the market or the farm itself.

Popular Costumes of Halloween 2013 By WILLIAM MESINGER STAFF WRITER Thankfully, nobody at SLU decided to use blackface in their costume this year. I didn’t see any costumes that were offensive, but there were a few that stood out because of their quality, popularity, and/or stupidity. Here are a few of the most noteworthy costumes of SLU Halloween 2013: 1) Bananas. Apparently, SLU is obsessed with potassium and bio-degradability. You all made the world a better place last weekend.


2) Wilfred(s). Maybe the costume was so popular because it concealed the bellypouch of pub food you’ve been consuming since August (not that there’s anything wrong with that).

The costume also doubled as a sauna, and maybe you even lost a pound or twelve. 3) The blackout drunk covered in orange, claiming he was “a smashed pumpkin.” It’s not easy to base your entire costume on a pun, but you pulled it off. 4) The kid who actually shaved his head and grew a goatee to look like Walter White. Unfortunately, he is going to look like Walter White for the next two weeks. Enjoy your temporary, self-inflicted abstinence. 5) Bane. Seriously, do your impression again. Do it. It’s so much better than everyone else’s.


Arts & Entertainment

NOVEMBER 8, 2013

This Week at ACE: Kick-Ass 2 Following the events of of the first movie, more stuff happens with the same characters, except the interesting ones because (spoiler alert) they all died. So yeah, extreme violence, boobs, dumb humor, probably some casual misogyny. Like the first movie, this one is catered largely to stupid teenage bros. If you liked the first movie, then you’ll probably like this one. And also you should question some of your tastes. Nicolas Cage isn’t even in this movie, guys.

Local Film Premiere: Nontraditional

Book Review: The Warded Man So there you are: you’ve finished George R.R. Martin’s latest A Song of Ice and Fire installment, and yet for having consumed several thousand pages of political intrigue and battle scenes and scrumptious meal descriptions, you feel empty i n s i d e . Hollow. Martin has indicated he might push back The Winds of Winter to By TESSA YANG 2017. What COLUMNIST will you do? How will you survive without a regular dosage of Tyrion snarkiness? Even the TV series is between seasons. THIS IS MADNESS! If you’re like me, you try and find a replacement, a new fantasy series to simultaneously fill the gaping void in your heart and alleviate your withdrawal symptoms. And so I came upon Peter V. Brett’s The Demon Cycle. The first book in the trilogy, The Warded Man, initially captivated me with its interplay of fantastic and horror elements. For centuries, demons have been rising from the earth with the setting of the sun to hunt humans, whose only defenses are the ancient magical symbols carved into doorways and walls. Yet these wards have grown fragile, their power fading over the years as their origins are lost; a single speck of dust, a scratch in the wood, and the defenses fail.

These are the hopeless conditions into which our three child protagonists are born. Rojer, Leesha, and Arlen have all survived vicious demon attacks. Their separate narratives carry us to different corners of Brett’s well-crafted world, from the sand dunes of Krasia to the boardwalks of Fort Angiers, as they each develop into young adults with the skills to change the course of a long and deadly war. But here’s where The Warded Man begins to sour: the characters. What’s their problem? Predictability, for one. Arlen’s rebellious nature has hardened into a fullyfledged Batman Complex by the end of the novel. One could quite easily sum up his entire character arc in a raspy voice whispering out of the darkness, “A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.” Leesha, an aspiring healer, spends the story bouncing back and forth between the village motherfigure and the unspoiled virgin struggling to preserve her sexual purity for 27 years…at least until she (SPOILER ALERT) meets a rugged tattooed stranger and throws herself at him after knowing him for roughly a week. As for Rojer…Well, to be honest, I don’t remember a whole lot about him. Probably because he only gets four out of twenty-five chapters to himself. The story is overwhelmingly Arlen’s, with a little bit of Leesha sprinkled in there to provide over-the-top emotional responses.

A second issue was more with Brett’s method of characterization. He accelerates through seven years in a couple of paragraphs, skipping over the characters’ formative apprenticeships in favor of the time when they are basically experts. On the one hand, this kept the plot moving forward. On the other, it left me feeling cheated, doubtful of the author’s intentions and skeptical of the later plot. How am I to believe in Arlen’s supposed kickassness, if I never even saw him learning to fight? Maybe I’m being too harsh. I’m certainly being biased; recall that I came to this book off my A Song of Ice and Fire high. And Brett’s novel does have something to offer: a well-crafted world, an exciting plot, and secondary characters more original than the protagonists. Mostly, I just thought this was the sort of book that demonstrates a great idea with substandard execution (Wicked, anyone?) and that I wanted someone else to write better. I recommend The Warded Man to anyone interested in an action-packed story that may, if you’re lucky, inspire a dream where you’re fighting demons in your local shopping mall (I’m not kidding, it was an awesome dream). The story is formulaic and undemanding, but honestly, sometimes formula is all we require out of books at the end of a long day. And there’s no shame in that.

This past summer, an indie movie, produced by Clarkson University Professor Christina Xydias and written and directed by Clarkson Professor Brian Hauser, was filmed in Potsdam. The film follows a female veteran from the Iraq War attempting to reassimilate into society when she enrolls in

college at age twenty-six. As part of the Fall 2013 Cinema 10 showing, the film will premier at the Potsdam Roxy Theater on Monday, November 11th (Veteran’s Day) at 7:15. The director, producer, and several cast and crew members will be in attendance.


Halloween at Java: Mama’s Love By RAINA PUELS GUEST WRITER

On Halloween, Mama’s Love graced costumed college students with funky chords, unique melodies, and incredible energy. Mama’s Love is from Athens, Georgia, so they have a strong American and classic rock roots, while still having a progressive sound that incorporates funk and soul music. The Java Barn was the first stop on the band’s Fall 2013 tour. After the five members piled out of their red minibus, I couldn’t decide if they were in costume, or if it was a customary style in Georgia to wear a flannel shirt, in addition to wearing a flannel around the waist. Soon I realized they were doing an entire 90s

cover set, and dressed up in grunge attire for the occasion. The first set was entirely original songs, while the second included a rockin’ rendition of “Heart-Shaped Box” by Nirvana and Weezer’s “Sweater Song.” Both songs inspired great sing-alongs from audience members. Mama’s Love was the third band this semester to cover “Sweater Song”, and Rivers Cuomo wishes he could collect royalties. The entire show was extremely high energy, with a short set-break because the band was eager to get back on stage to play for Greek Gods, sexy animals, 90s cartoon characters, and cross-dressers of both genders. St. Lawrence couldn’t have asked for a better way to spend the best, spookiest night of the year.

NOVEMBER 8, 2013

Arts & Entertainment


Second Breakfast:

You Should Watch Zoolander

Moving in Stereo Reflekts On the New Arcade Fire Album In the wake of their 2011 Grammy win for Album of the Year, fans of Arcade Fire were left wondering what this newfound success and recognition would mean for the seminal Tex-Canadian indie band. Cynics declared the win as the beginning of the end for the group, a sign of the band starting to bend towards a more populous, consumer-ready sound; m o r e hopeful fans were ready to see this newfound By WILL STANDISH e x p o s u r e COLUMNIST as license to create larger, bolder albums unconstrained by budget. With the release of Reflektor, Arcade Fire’s fourth full length LP, both camps have seen some part of their vision of the band’s future come true. Reflektor, a 75 minute double album—produced by James Murphy in his first high-profile project since the end of LCD Soundsystem—is massive, layered, powerful, and daunting. On the shallow surface, Reflektor could be seen as a compromise of what made the band so magnetic and unique and the sound that served as a blueprint for many of today’s indie bands. Whereas the band’s 2004 debut album Funeral was a quiet, insular album noted for its use of instrumentation not generally associated with indie rock, Reflektor is a sprawling, gigantic album informed by disco and dance-pop. The knee-jerk reaction from some fans might be a sense of confusion or outright betrayal, seeing Reflektor as a departure from the sound the band has cultivated over the past decade. But though the band has for the most part traded accordion and violin for synths and more traditional pop instrumentation, the heart and soul of the band remain intact. Though the production is huge, this is still very much the band that released Funeral nearly a decade ago. Rather than launching off in ten different directions at

once, the sound of the album is organized rather distinctly between the two discs. The first disc highlights a sound influenced by Disco, Rock, and music from Haiti and Brazil, and is the more immediate of the two discs. Disc two is more abstract, bearing influences in new wave and synth-pop. These influences are not foreign to the band, emerging in one form or another on previous releases, but James Murphy—a producer, musician, and DJ noted for his diverse and expansive music styles—helps the band to realize their vision with confidence and style. Reflektor opens with the titular song, building from a moody electronic sample opening into a funky bongo beat and into a 7 ½ minute dancerock epic. So, yeah, perhaps a little different from “Wake Up,” but an incredibly strong track nonetheless. At the 4:50 mark, as saxophone swells, David Bowie provides some brief vocals. I think I’ll repeat that. David Bowie on guest vocals. Science has proven that the presence of David Bowie makes everything at least 45% more magnificent (but usually more), and his addition right at the crux of the song is flooring. I’m looking forward to some excellent dance remixes of “Reflektor.” It’s to the band’s credit that one of the most traditionally radiofriendly tracks on the album, “Here Comes the Night Time,” is also one of the strongest. Bouncy and breezy, it is an excellent slice of indie-pop. It is aided by an infectious and playful piano, the brilliance of which lies in its simplicity. “Do you like rock and roll music? /’cause I don’t know if I do” Win Butler commiserates in the opening of “Normal Person,” ironically the most straightforward rock song on the album. If “Here Comes the Night Time” is Arcade Fire as pop act, “Normal Person” is the band as more traditional rock band. It’s rare that the band does a song driven primarily by electric guitar like this, but when they do, they make it work.

“Joan of Arc,” an ode to the historical figure, is one of my favorite songs on the album. The song, after faking out the listener with a punk-rock false start, is a disco-rock anthem that slightly recalls “Call Me” by Blondie. Playing against type, the song swaggers and exudes a sass that Arcade Fire rarely indulges. The song feels like the theme to a delightfully anachronistic biopic about the French heroine that sadly doesn’t exist (get on it, Sofia Coppola). Disc two expands into its true self with “Awful Sound (Oh Eurydice),” one of the prettiest and most visceral songs the band has ever written. Synth strains strike and float, rather than fade. The song builds up to a harmonic chorus somewhat reminiscent of the Beatles (a comparison further compacted via an “A Day in The Life” style string crescendo). This is Arcade Fire at their spaciest, but they pull it off well. “It’s Never Over (Oh Orpheus),” an icy new wave song, is the companion to “Awful Sound,” and a counterpoint to the free-floating airiness of the previous track. Again, what could have been a misstep for the band becomes one of the highlights of the album, as the distant and moody production is tempered with the same earnest openness which permeates all of Arcade Fire’s music. The lines “seems so important now/ but you will get over” are strangely uplifting over the quiet, chilly synths of the backing track—a figurative deep breath in a pulsing dance track. On “Afterlife,” the band flaunts their U2 influences which have appeared sporadically throughout their career. Win Butler’s voice is clear and unprocessed on this track, lending his voice a Bono-like quality that he only occasionally reaches for. The glittering keyboards and clear, long guitar notes lend the track a quality that is decidedly commercial, while at the same time remaining personal and heart-felt.

Well, Octoberween has come to an end. As we ride boldly ride into the dreary month of November and ready ourselves for Thanksgiving and Christmas(!), we shall not forget the creepy times that we had. Still, time goes on and though it may sound harsh, we cannot tarry to mourn. We bury By CHRIS MELVILLE our dead, eugooA&E EDITOR golize, and cheer ourselves up as best we can. And that brings me to… Zoolander (2001) The Plot: Derek Zoolander (Ben Stiller) is the foremost male model in the world. He’s on the cover of all the magazines, models the hottest styles, and has won Male Model of the Year three years running. All this falls apart, however, when he loses the award to newcomer Hansel (Owen Wilson), and suddenly he has to face his demons: he’s lost connection with his family, he can’t turn left, and maybe, just maybe, there’s more to life than being really, really, really ridiculously good-looking. His soul-searching faces new challenges when the evil fashion designer Mugatu (Will Ferrell), brainwashes Derek to assassinate the Prime Minister of Malaysia. What is there to say about Zoolander other than it is one of the few perfect feel good movies? There’s nothing to hate here. The characters are all phenomenally stupid, but in the best, most endearing and organic ways possible. There’s little cheap comedy, despite the wanton stupidity. It’s weird, and kind of hard to explain. The idiocy is oddly clever. Does that make sense? There are very few obvious gags. Ben Stiller (who also wrote and directed) got pretty creative with the humor. His film actually somehow pushes the limit of dumb comedy into new territory, and that probably shouldn’t be possible. Part of it, I think, is that Zoolander is as unabashedly stupid as its protagonist. There’s no pretense, there are no mean-spirited jokes, and the characters remain likable people. Yep, the characters are solid. Zoolander is a charactercentered piece. Yep. Geez, I’m going about this all wrong. I’m actually reviewing Zoolander. Zoolander. This is wrong. What is there, really, to say? This is a movie in which three people die in a freak gasoline fight accident, a movie with a main character incapable of turning left, with cameos from Natalie Portman, Donald Trump, Cuba Gooding Jr., Gwen Stefani, Heidi Klum, Christian Slater, Lenny Kravitz, Lukas Haas, Winona Ryder, the Incomparable Billy Zane, and, of course, David Bowie. I mean, Zane is as good as always. One of my few criticisms of the film

is perhaps that it lacked Zane. He was only in one short scene. I’m not saying that he should have been the main character, but, come on, Billy Zane. He’s a cool dude. Oh, and yes, David Bowie. Funny story: they wrote him into the script before the new whether or not he’d accept the role. It’s an excellent cameo, coming at a pivotal part of the narrative. Zoolander has just challenged Hansel to a walk-off, which is one of the darker sides of the world of male modelling. This is when two models take turns walking down a runway, using only stance and poise to model whatever they happened to be wearing that day. Whoever looks the best wins. In a great moment, Zoolander addresses the crowd, asking for a volunteer to judge, and yes, David Bowie answers the call. It’s beautiful. A friend of mine wondered why they didn’t use Bowie’s song “Fashion” in this scene (or any other in the movie), but then she came to the insightful realization that it’s because the song includes the lyric “Turn to the left.” Despite that, Zoolander does boast a pretty amazing soundtrack, including “Relax” by Frankie Goes to Hollywood, “Working for the Weekend” by Loverboy, “Beat It” by Michael Jackson, “Let’s Dance” by Bowie, and, perhaps most importantly, “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go” by Wham!. You know Wham!. You remember. George Michael’s band from the ‘80s? Click on the link from the song and behold what, in my present state, I am comfortable declaring as simultaneously the whitest and gayest thing you’ve ever witnessed. And of course, the scene in which it’s used is pretty perfect. Man, can we also talk about the fact that this came out the same year as The Royal Tenenbaums? Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson were having a dynamite year. Owen Wilson got an Oscar nomination for writing that year. On fire, you guys, on fire. Okay, but I guess you’re wondering, at this point in the article, what my purpose is. Everyone has already seen Zoolander, right? I’m just rambling about a great, familiar movie. I’m not saying anything new, am I? I may as well be writing a review of an accepted classic from the ‘40s about which tons of people have written. Right? Yeah. This is one of my filler articles, for sure, but there’s a bit more to it than that, and to all my similar pieces. Guys, it’s November. Octoberween is dead and gone and Thanksgiving is still a little ways off. Between now and Christmas there’s little other than exams, bunches of work, stressful shopping, and frantically excavating cars from beneath glacial ice sheets. Amid all of that, everyone deserves to take time and watch a feel good movie. Whatever it may be, you’ve earned it. Need a suggestion? Watch Zoolander. It’s so dumb.



NOVEMBER 8, 2013

EAO Talks Divestment DIVEST FROM PAGE 6

cities that have previously divested from fossil fuels have seen little to no change in their endowment. According to, divestment increases portfolio risk by only 0.0034%. On the other hand, 80% of investment managers note that climate change is a risk to their investment. EAO feels that this is a great opportunity to invest in socially responsible, stocks, bonds and funds. In essence, a change from fossil fuel investments to socially responsible ones is an investment long lasting into our future. Movements such as this one need hundreds or thousands of small parts working together (schools, cities and other institutions all divesting) in order to achieve their goals. If we are inactive bystanders, we are contributing to the stagnation of the movement by failing to contribute

to its growth, and ignoring the moral obligation to withdraw investments from fossil fuels. Action will eventually become expected, the same way divestment from the tobacco industry and South Africa during apartheid became expected, and it would be better to be among the first than the last to divest. EAO is looking to bring this issue to the attention of Thelmo and the Board of Trustees in hope of a commitment to divestment. Sign the SLU divestment petition by searching for St. Lawrence at, and voice your support to the administration, Thelmo and the Board of Trustees. Paper petitions will also be available to sign next week. If you are interested in working with the divestment committee of EAO please stop by the divestment table around noon next week on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, in the Student Center.


ODK and ACE Host “Jam For A Cause” By AMY YAO EDITOR-IN-CHIEF The St. Lawrence circle of Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK), the National Leadership Honor Society, is

collaborating with the Association for Campus Entertainment (ACE) to put on a SLU Funk concert in Eben Holden next Thursday evening. The event, scheduled to begin at 8PM, hopes to raise money for the Red Rose School in Nairobi, Kenya. It was originally designed to support the Laurentian Singers’ 2014 Kenya tour to promote music and the importance of education, although the tour has since been canceled. However, the money raised from the concert will still go directly to the Red Rose School to support music education and the purchase of school supplies. Red Rose School, was founded by SLU alumnus Kenneth Okoth ‘01, who developed the Children of Kibera Foundation, which sponsors student education. The school itself is located in Kibera, one of the largest slums in Africa. “As the leaders of ODK this year, one of our goals is to have a larger presence on campus, since not everyone knows who we are or what we do,” said Ally Baier ‘14 and Zach French ‘14, President and Vice President of ODK, respectively. “Community services is one of the five pillars that ODK members vow to uphold, and this event is an excellent way for students to enjoy their Thursday night while raising awareness and money for a worthy SLU-associated cause.” SLU Funk, the student performance group directed by Larry Boyette, recently opened for Grace Potter and the Nocturnals in February of this year. Cash donations will be accepted at the door, and there will be cookies and water provided for all attendees. The concert is open to the public, free of charge, and will run from 8-11PM on Thursday, November 14.

Seeking the Benefit of All BENEFIT FROM PAGE 9

between of doing well: continuing to cater to the tastes you have developed throughout your life, and doing good: giving back to the society you exist so comfortably within. A single in Lee, for example, would not be considered luxurious by most of our standards, the single-resident’s life is not made worse by his tiny room (he’d probably consider himself at an advantage around 1 am most Friday nights). Thus, he would never logically trade his ability to be a part of the SLU community for a bigger room at a different university. This willingness to sacrifice certain material luxuries for the sake of personal happiness and the betterment of those around us is the heart of Colander’s message. If we can all graduate from St. Lawrence with our liberal arts education clutched firmly in one hand and this will-do mindset in the other, for-benefit companies may have a chance to change the structure of the American economy for the benefit of all, not just those in board rooms.


Elizabeth and Ned Stuckey-French Finish off the Semester’s Writer’s Series By REBECCA DOSER STAFF WRITER Elizabeth and Ned StuckeyFrench not only graced the SLU community with their impeccable writing skills, but Bill Bradley’s Intro to Creative Non-Fiction Writing class got the opportunity to engage in conversation with Ned Stuckey French himself through three classmates’ workshops and an indepth discussion of E.B. White’s “Once More to the Lake”. As the author of The American Essay in the American Century, chosen in 2012 as a Choice Outstanding Academic Book, Ned Stuckey-French clearly displayed his phenomenal analysis of E.B. White’s work and allowed students of Bradley’s class to pick apart paragraphs sentence-by-sentence in order to

discover White’s goals and style as a successful non-fiction writer. Along with this, the opportunity to engage in conversation with Ned in the workshop process was beneficial for all. Classmate and author of her workshop story “Time Jumps”, Olivia Tompkins remarked, “The workshop process is always a fantastic experience because there’s nothing more beneficial than having people help you strengthen your writing. It was especially fantastic when Ned sat in on our class because hearing feedback from someone who’s been published, and whose essays I’ve read before and loved, is not an opportunity many people get to have as a measly sophomore writing major.” Following Tuesday’s class, many anticipated the night’s readings to be nothing other

than spectacular. Starting off the evening, SLU English Professor, friend and former colleague of the Stuckey-French’s, Natalia Singer, read a personal essay that she wrote for this special night. With great poise and energy, Ned chose to read his essay “Good Fences” in which he relayed the first instance when he began to understand politics at the age of twelve in none other than his own backyard while building a tree house with his father. A vividly descriptive piece with impeccable characterization engaged the audience as if they too were there building a tree house on this specific Saturday in August of 1962. Following Ned’s reading was the humorous, unique short story titled “Interview with a Moron” read by his wife, Elizabeth Stuckey-French. As the author

of two novels, The Revenge of the Radioactive Lady and Mermaids on the Moon along with other publications of short stories, Elizabeth introduced her reading by stating that this short story was a unique play off of a research project that she absolutely loved exploring. With the subject, Richard Marshall Lee, a feebleminded man of 25 years of age and the interviewer, J.D. Lee, an honors student at Purdue University of 21 years of age, this story’s structure engaged the entire audience from start to finish. Both Ned and Elizabeth’s readings made for a great way to end this semester’s last Writer’s Series until they start up again in the Spring of 2014 with Viebranz Visiting Professor of Creative Writing, Kirsten Kaschock on February 24th.

Saints Sports


11/06 Jazz @ Celtics, L 87-97 11/05 Sharks v. Sabres, L 4-5 11/03 Jets v. Saints , W 26-20 11/03 Patriots v. Steelers, W 55-31


Week 9 Fantasy Football Results

Who Shall be Crowned King?


Leaders: Tom Brady: After a tough two weeks, Tom Brady bounced back strongly, partly because Gronk is back. Brady threw for 432 yards and 4 touchdowns. He has a bye week this week, so look to start him in two weeks. Nick Foles: Starting in place of the injured Michael Vick, Foles was spectacular, throwing for 406 yards and 7 touchdowns. While he hasn’t been confirmed as the starter for this coming weekend, he’s a safe bet and worth a look.

Photo courtesy of Brooklyn Fans

By BRANDON DI PERNO STAFF WRITER Madison Square Garden and the Brooklyn’s Barclays Center are distanced from one another by a mere 5.3 miles, yet within this radius, a battle for New York has begun and a rivalry ignited. MSG is home to the New York Knicks and BBC is home to the Brooklyn Nets. With both clubs having stellar squadrons, it’s difficult to predict who will grasp and retain the title of New York’s finest NBA team. The Knicks were clearly the better team last season, but the Nets’ roster moves during the off-season have transformed the team into a legitimate title contender. The signings of former Celtics players Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett, and Jason Terry, offer playoff experience as well as years of wisdom. While many would argue that the Net’s roster is too old, it’s important to note that the Celtics had been contenders

when Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett graced their roster. With new coach Jason Kidd in the helm, this team could be destined for great things. As of right now, the Nets are just 1-2 (hardly the start initially envisioned by team owner Mikhail Prokhorov) However, the one win they do have was an impressive battle over the reigning champions, the Miami Heat. Net’s forward Andray Blatche has admitted that he thinks this will be a tough season, as they resonate star power and teams will bring their ‘all’ every night. Regardless, the Nets have the strength to go deep into the playoffs and wear the crown in New York. That’s not to take away from the Knicks, however, as they too have an impressive roster. Yet, what makes me doubt immediate success is the lack of impressive roster moves made by the general manager during the off-season and the panic by their team owner.

He’s been so angry about their start that he’s even taken it out on the dancers, limiting their routines. The X-factor for success, however, still exists in both Carmelo Anthony and Iman Shumpert. With Carmelo becoming a free-agent in the summertime, a losing season might result in his departure and a possible building year a round Iman Shumpert. As of right now the Knicks panic is not a healthy environment for the superstar. That being said, it’s not time for Knicks fans to panic, as the core roster remains from last season. Yet, their start has still been quite poor (The Knicks have had 53 turnovers and are shooting just 30 percent from behind the 3-point line. ) and they have admitted to second guessing themselves in close games. The season has just begun, but with uncertainty that ever elusive crown for New York is definitely up for grabs.

Here we go Saints!

TY Hilton: Hilton was Luck’s favorite target Sunday with 121 receiving yards as well as 3 touchdowns. Look for him to continue this stellar play this coming weekend.

Busts: Matt Ryan: It’s been a tough year for the Falcons, including Matt Ryan. Ryan was horrendous as he threw for 219 yards, 1 touchdown and 3 interceptions. This is hardly a good sign for team owners, but his play should improve this weekend. Ray Rice: The Ravens’ running-back was disappointing Sunday as he rushed for a measly 17 yards and had 21 receiving yards. This is unusual for Rice, expect him to be in full form in the coming weekend. Demarco Murray: While Murray’s weekend numbers were hardly impressive (31 Rushing yards, 19 receiving yards) it’s important to note he just returned from injury and it will take some time for him to return to full form. Steve Smith: While still Cam Newton’s favorite target, Smith was not impressive Sunday as he only had 52 receiving yards and no touchdowns. Nevertheless, the veteran should improve this weekend. Donnie Avery: Avery was hardly targeted this weekend in a close one versus the Bills. Expect him to bounce back next weekend.

Rashard Jennings: Jennings was fantastic as he took the place of an injured McFadden. Jennings is a very solid player, and with McFadden likely to miss more time, Jennings could be your guy.

Who will be the featured Coach of the Week? To nominate your coach, please send in his or her name, the sport, and a short paragraph as to why they should be the coach of the week. We will decide which nomination is the most convincing and the winning coach will be featured here. Nominations may be sent to Joshua Cameron (

Riley Cooper: Cooper has been steadily improving and it showed Sunday as he had 139 receiving yards and 3 touchdowns.

Under the Radar:

Calling All Athletes! Here at SLU, we have a highly distinguished athletic program. Sport could not exist without the athlete, but what is a team without its leader? The Hill News has decided to start the “Coach of the Week” feature. Coaches can be nominated by an athlete, or athletes, of any sports team here on campus. This is open to both varsity and club sports.

Andre Johnson: With Keenum at the helm, Johnson was targeted much more than usual, gaining a total of 229 receiving yards and 4 touchdowns.


Josh McCown: With Cutler out, McCown remains a solid quarterback. Regardless, his fantasy value may plummet when Cutler makes his triumphant return. In the short term however, he’s worth a look. Andre Brown: Brown has stated that he’s back to 100% and looks to handle a full workload against the Raiders on Sunday. Those without a solid running-back should consider picking him up. Riley Cooper: *See leaders* Mike Brown: With Justin Blackmon suspended indefinitely, Brown becomes a prime option for the Jaguars who go into a bye week this coming weekend. However, if you’re in need of a quality wide-out, he’s a good choice.

Saints Sports


11/06 Men’s Soccer v. Vassar, W 1-0 11/02 Volleyball v. Nazareth, L 0-3 11/02 Men’s Hockey @ Brown, T 3-3 11/01 Women’s Hockey v. Yale, W 4-1


Football 6-2 after win versus WPI Q&A with Ariel Beccia By Emily Harrington STAFF WRITER Sport: Women’s Cross Country Age: 21 Hometown: Rutland, MA Major: Neuroscience Position: Captain 1. How long have you been running cross country? I joined my school’s team in 7th grade.

By WILLIAM MESINGER STAFF WRITER St. Lawrence football moved on to 6-2 (4-1) after defeating WPI 32-15 at Leckonby Stadium last Saturday afternoon. Filling in for injured Saints quarterback Mike Lefflbine, Zane Fish threw for 196 yards and 4 touchdown (13-23-0). The defense came in huge late in the game, intercepting 2 passes and forcing 2 punts in the fourth quarter. The win gives the team their first sixwin season since 1991. The Saints looked shaky at first, giving up an early safety when WPI recovered a high snap over quarterback Zane Fish’s head. WPI proceeded to drive down the field in

eleven plays, with Zach Grasis scoring on a three yard run. The first quarter ended with the Engineers leading 8-0, but the Saints rallied in the second quarter. Fish helped get St. Lawrence on the board with a seven-yard touchdown pass to Max Johnson. On the ensuing WPI possession, James Holley-Grisham picked Engineers quarterback Johny Antonopoulos to regain possession. Fish capitalized on the opportunity, completing a nine-yard touchdown pass to Mike Tateosian. With fortytwo seconds left in the quarter, Evan Shifley caught a twentyfour yard pass from Fish to end the half 19-8 Saints. St. Lawrence carried the momentum into the second

Photo by Amanda Huebner-Lane

half, opening the third quarter with a 61-yard kick return from Colby Johnson. Maurice Irby finished the drive with an explosive rush up the middle, and Carvalho added the extra point to make the score 26-8. The Engineers tried to keep themselves in the game, scoring on a 25 yard touchdown rush by Antonopoulos. However, the Saints countered just 2:52 into fourth quarter as Fish floated a pass to Tateosian for his second touchdown of the game. The defense held strong for the rest of the quarter to give the Saints a decisive victory. The Saints will continue their hunt for a playoff bid as they face nationally ranked Hobart College (#6) next Saturday in Geneva, NY.

Senior Day Shut Out By MACKENZIE CONDON STAFF WRITER Senior Day is one of the favorite days of any team on campus, as it recognizes the talent and passion of the seniors in their sport. The women’s soccer team honored their seniors on this past Saturday in the best way possible by beating Clarkson University in their final season game. The Saints held their own against Clarkson University in the first half, controlling the game. Erika Gobielle, one of five seniors, scored the Saints’ only goal during the 14th minute of the game. The second half of the game Clarkson came

2. What got you started? My dad ran cross country in high school and college. He always told me stories of how much he loved it, Photo from University Communications which inspired me to join the team. 3. What is your favorite memory of running at SLU? Driving halfway across the country with the team my freshman year to support our runners who qualified for the national championships. 4. Do you play any other sports? I ran track in high school and here at SLU. 5. Who has been the most influential person for you at SLU? Coach Howard and Coach Curran have been extremely supportive of me, both in running and in my personal endeavors. 6. Who is your biggest fan and why? My boyfriend Brendan supports me no matter what. He always encourages me to be more confident in my abilities. 7. Who are you the biggest fan of, athletic or otherwise? Kara Goucher, she is a role model for women runners. 8. What is the longest race you’ve ever run? I ran a 11.6 mile road-race in high school the summer before my senior year. 9. Do you have any big plans for this year - bucket list fulfillments, etc? To enjoy my senior year and my last few seasons as a competitive runner. 10. Do you have any superstitious pre-race rituals? I listen to the same songs on my iPod and wear the same hair scrunchie during every race. 11. What is your favorite thing to order from the pub? A hummus sandwich. 12. What songs would you recommend for this weekend’s playlist? Anything by Miley Cyrus.

Photo taken from University Commuications

out with more energy and made the game more even. But senior goalie Andrea Strauss blocked all shots from Clarkson in the second half, maintaining the 1-0 shutout win. The Saints outshot Clarkson

with 12 versus 8 attempts. It was a great day for the women’s soccer team, and they look to have amazing season next year as well.

SCHEDULE Friday, 11/08 M&W Swimming & Diving v. Clarkson Augsbury Pool, 4:00 p.m.

Saturday, 11/09 Men’s Soccer vs. Skidmore (L.L. Finals) Sandy-MacAllaster Field, 1:30 p.m.

Friday, 11/08 Women’s Ice Hockey v. Harvard Appleton Arena, 7:00 p.m.

Saturday, 11/09 Women’s Ice Hockey vs. Dartmouth Appleton Arena, 4:00 p.m.

13. Do you have any advice for other student athletes? Enjoy every season you have! 15. Anything else you’d like to say? I’d like to thank my teammates for an amazing four years!

Inspirational Quote of the Week: “As you walk and eat and travel, be where you are. Otherwise you will miss most of your life.” — Siddhartha Gautama

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