February 14, 2014

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THE HILL NEWS e s t a b l i s h e d i n 1 9 1 1 at s t . l aw r e n c e u n i v e r s i t y



SLU NEWS KICK IT FOR ZACHARY At the Zumbathon this Sunday, Feb. 16 in Newell Fieldhouse. Show your support for a Canton middle schooler with a rare form of cancer. All proceeds go to transportation and appointment costs.

This day in history:

In 278 A.D. the Roman priest Valentine is executed for performing marriage ceremonies in secret. Cross your heart and hope to die, right?

Canada Bound

Join the OC and other SLUzers to the Winterlude Festival in Ottawa this Saturday, Feb. 15 for ice skating, poutine, and wintry fun.

Get Wild

With SLU favorite (and Fall Concert veteran) Giant Panda Guerilla Dub Squad at the Java Barn this Saturday @ 10 pm.

The Hill Goes Digital

Read Online: issuu.com/ the-hill-news Tweet At Us: @thehillnews Find Us On The Book: facebook.com/ the-hill-news


Opinions pg. 2 News pg. 4 Features pg. 6 A&E pg. 8 Sports pg. 11


Newest Quad Plans Unveiled


his past Tuesday, Chief Facilities Officer Dan Seaman presented a proposal for possible Quad renovations to the SLU community. The process entails three phases of renovations, including flattening the terrain, incorporating a staircase down to the leveled area from the direction of the chapel, and turning the walkway and parking area alongside the chapel and Richardson Hall into a brick-paved promenade, similar to Millennium Way. Finally, if all goes well, the lawn beside Richardson will be turned into a parking area to compensate for the loss of parking due to the walkway, while ensuring maximum green space. Inside on page 5, THE HILL NEWS brings you the visual experience.

Canton-Potsdam Merger Imminent, Meets Resistance

Spring Break Revised By REBECCA DOSER & EMMA CUMMINGS-KRUEGER STAFF WRITER and CO-NEWS EDITOR An alternative academic calendar, which will make the spring semester parallel the fall semester, will begin in the 20142015 academic year, according to email notifications from the Academic Calendar Committee on Tuesday, February 3. “I think that mirroring the scheduling of the fall semester in terms of break time will boost morale in the spring semester,” said Charlotte Crawford ‘16. “The weather conditions can really be a downer, and having a break to look forward to could turn that around,” she said. In this alternative calendar, classes will begin on a Wednesday instead of a Monday; there will be a fourday mid semester break in

February; Spring Break will be pushed back later in March; and the Friday prior to MovingUp Day will be a “Festival” day. There will not be classes on this day but rather a celebration of undergraduate work, both creative and academic. “I’m so excited,” said Emily Adams ‘16. “My favorite part of fall semester is the long weekend [in October].” Proposal of this alternative academic calendar has been discussed by the Academic Dean’s Staff, Academic Department Chair and the Thelomathesian Society. A survey was also given to the Faculty Listerv with the purpose of getting the SLU faculty’s opinion before making any changes. The results displayed strong support for the new schedule SEE SPRING, PAGE 10

weekend weather


29 16

By MAUREEN PELLERIN STAFF WRITER The discussion to merge the Canton and Potsdam school districts due to budget constraints has been met with some skepticism by local residents. According to Vice President of Libraries and Information Technology Justin Sipher, the idea to merge the two school districts is a “complex and emotional issue for people who have lived here for a long time.” Due to a lack of state funding and a budget imbalance over the past five years which has resulted in over 100 position cuts, the Canton and Potsdam school districts have created a merger feasibility study to look at the practicality of the merger. Fourteen members comprise the study group from each community such as teachers, parents, business owners, and

saturday sunday

22 -1

12 -11

representatives from the institutions of higher education in each town, Sipher said. Sipher said the group has been meeting over the past nine months to see if the two schools can “do together more efficiently what has been done alone in the past.” According to Sipher, the study looks at how the merger will affect efficiency, demographics, and finances. “When we studied demographics of each community,” he said, “we found that they had almost identical enrollment projections. This is optimal if you want it to be a merger and not a takeover.” According to Sipher, New York State will provide the schools with a financial incentive if the two merge. However, Sipher said that the merger idea has been met with SEE MERGER, PAGE 4

In This Issue: Titus overtakes the Blotter, page 4 Sustainability House update, page 6 Dormcest: for better or worse?, page 7 The first month for students in Kenya, page 10 USA vs. Canada - who will take the gold, page 11



THE HILL NEWS St. Lawrence University, Canton, New York 13617 • hillnews@stlawu.edu • (315) 229-5139


ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Natalie Dignam ‘15


MANAGING EDITORS Lexi Beckwith ‘14 Caitlin Matson-McDonald ‘14

FEATURES Connor Martin ‘15 Assistant: Olivia White ‘17

CHIEF COPY EDITOR Hannah Kinsey ‘14

EDITOR-AT-LARGE Conant Neville ‘14

SPORTS Joshua Cameron ‘15

NEWS Emma Cummings-Krueger ‘16 Elle Lucas ‘16

PHOTOGRAPHY Amanda Brooks ‘17

OPINIONS Russell King ‘14

BUSINESS MANAGER Haley Burrowes ‘14

COPY EDITORS Alex Gladwin ‘14 Emily Rebehn ‘14 Michael Brewer ‘14 Andrew MacKinlay ‘15 Charlotte Crawford ‘16 Emily Harrington ‘16 Allison Talbot ‘14



The Hill News is published every Friday of the school year, except during holidays and examination periods, by the students of St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY 13617. Unsolicited manuscripts, articles, and letters to the editor must be typed and signed. Copy and advertisement deadlines are 12:00 p.m. on the Monday prior to publication. All materials submitted for publication are the property of The Hill News and are subject to revision. The Hill News office is located on the third floor of the Student Center; our telephone number is (315) 229-5139. We have the ability to receive e-mails at hillnews@stlawu. edu. The comments and opinions of our readers are welcome.

Letters may be no more than 500 words in length. All letters must be typed, signed by the author, and include the author’s full name and telephone number. The name of the author may be withheld only for compelling reasons, and after discussion with the editorial board. The Hill News reserves the right to edit letters for space, clarity, style, and taste. The printing or omission of letters is entirely at the discretion of the editors and The Hill News. Any letter received after deadline will not be considered for publication in that week’s issue. All copy, advertisements, letters to the editor, etc., must be submitted as hard copy or e-mail by the above listed deadlines unless other arrangements have previously been made. This policy is strictly enforced. The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the newspaper, the staff, or St. Lawrence University.


FEBRUARY 14, 2014

Letter from the Editor

Dear Hill News readership,

I write in response to the letter Alex Gladwin ’14 wrote in last week’s issue. I would like to begin by addressing Mr. Gladwin’s concerns about Ms. Liebelt’s article. There was no straw man, but rather a reductio ad absurdum. Ms. Liebelt’s admission of epistemic modesty should not be confused with hypocrisy. Furthermore, hypocrisy is not grounds for invalidating an argument; the logic remains sound. Lastly, Congress has no intentions of bridging the sociopolitical gap between our enemies and us in declaring war, and thus do not “lose” upon declaring it. However, I would like to thank Mr. Gladwin for writing his letter. The criticism was very valuable and the questions raised were thought provoking. In particular, Mr. Gladwin raises an important question – what role does the opinions page play in the The Hill News? It is not a constant; each opinions editor has a different idea of what they want for their page. I am of the opinion that the opinions page exists as a forum for student voices. In this interpretation, I act as a facilitator. I ask for articles on a specific topic if I feel something is particularly pressing or relevant. Usually, however, it is up to the

students to decide what to say. I simply provide a space for students to speak. I also serve as a moderator. I will not tolerate lies, baseless arguments, or hate on my page. I look at articles, and with the help of my hardworking and tireless copy-editors, I make sure the article is grammatically sound. I make sure the argument is understandable and edit anything that makes the article awkward to read. Other than that, it is student opinion. This is not a peer-reviewed academic journal, so the articles need not be perfect. The point simply must be understandable and relevant to the student body. As such, I encourage everyone to write something. Everyone’s voice matters, and I will work to make sure your voice is heard. Join the conversation, initiate debate, teach a moral lesson while making us giggle. Most everything you can say should be heard, so take the courage to say it in roughly 500 words. (Don’t worry; I’m neither incompetent nor unprofessional!) Thank you for reading The Hill, and, for those who have, thank you for writing. Russell King ’14 Opinions Editor

The Cure for Cabin Fever


Aaahh, February. This seems to be the time of year when cabin/ dorm fever is at it’s worst. Bitter cold, broken pipes, and sandy slush only add to the pains of winter dorm life at old St. Lawrence. The best remedy I know of for the mid winter blues is getting active and accomplishing something fulfilling. Yes, this means getting out from under the covers and bundling up to get some fresh air. But what is there to do outdoors in the snow that doesn’t involve sliding around on boards strapped to your feet? For those who don’t have a need for speed (or even those who do!), I recommend grabbing some friends, good boots, and visiting one of the local family farms in the Canton area. Farmers are already making plans for their spring season. Preparing for the arrival of new baby animals while keeping the older

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ones healthy during the coldest temperatures of the year is a huge challenge. What could be better than satisfying work with friends and adorable farm animals? You might even get a bag of vegetables out of it. Helping your community is an excellent way to help yourself shake the winter blues. Still not convinced? I have noticed that while many SLU students spend time on the farms for Community Based Learning (CBL) credit associated with certain courses and FYPs, most do not return to the farms they spent so much time with once their course is over. Two semesters of CBL work at Bittersweet Farm and Birdsfoot Farm have taught me that working in small scale agriculture is one of the most rewarding ways to spend time as a SLU student. Our campus is within minutes of several wonderful family farms that host CBL students every semester, but compared to the numbers of those students, the ones

who take the time to keep their passion for community involvement alive is small. Of course, that doesn’t mean everyone else has lost touch with the community or isn’t doing good work elsewhere. But family farms could always use extra hands as their very livelihood depends on simply getting the work done. Small windows between fluctuating weather, resources, and worker availability sometimes determine what the farms are able to accomplish. We as SLU students, with a few extra free hours here and there, can eliminate one of these obstacles by just showing up, willing to work. Working on a farm will give you unbelievable experiences and leave you with a new perspective on where your food comes from, and the hard work it takes to produce it. Never been to one of Canton’s local farms? Not sure where to start? Contact the Food Justice Club on Facebook or come to a meeting. Get out there and farm!


FEBRUARY 14, 2014

No Spitting: Valentine’s Day By LUKE MATYS ‘15 COLUMNIST Ahh, it’s that time of year again. We are reminded of what our current relationship status is and, thanks to social media, every annoying soul who thinks “Single Awareness Day (S.A.D.)” is clever and funny (to those people: you aren’t fooling anyone; we know it’s a digital cry for help [SO STOP]). By the way, when I say relationship status I don’t mean your status towards the general relationship of other fairly meaningless objects on the huge arena of space-time. YES, it’s Valentine’s Day! For those who don’t know (and I know most of you do know), the holiday originally started as the Catholic Saint Valentine’s feast day. St. Valentine was executed for wedding Christians in the Roman Empire, when it was illegal to do so. True love triumphing over death! Today, we celebrate this amazing happening in the history of love by exchanging CVS chocolate and bland chalky heart-shaped candies that say stuff like “be mine” and “cutie pie” for (hopefully) emotional and sensual pleasure. Gross, kinda a big romantic drop off from St. Valentine, right? Perhaps. SLU isn’t exactly busting through the seams of its buttondown flannel with serious couples that are ready to tie the knot. Instead of girls trying to get their MRS. Degree (I originally heard this term from a non-SLU friend of mine [I met the girls at this friend of mine’s school {they were nice but not my cup-a-tea}]), we have (for the majority) smart, strong, independent young ladies focused on their education and future, which I couldn’t be more supportive of. Oh damn, that was such a kissass/brown-nose sentence (sorry for

being so obvious). The guys are cool too, with similar characteristics. This overall sense of independence and strength has resulted in a nonromantic “hook-up culture”. SLU’s hook-up culture in three sentences: student makes dirty monkey whoopee with a coitus comrade from their drunken exploits. Either the exploits of whoopee continue with the assumption of “non-emotional” commitment or it’s just a saucy one-night-thing. When it ends, both parties play the “I-couldn’tcare-less Game” the day after (my favorite thing to watch is the absurd attempts not to make eye contact at Dana brunch). Maybe it’s just the fact that I like when the girl I’ve been laying in a cornucopia of sensual pleasure with for more than an hour knows my name (no, it’s not “Dude” [really? I told you it three times {No it’s not Logan or Lyle. How many Luigis could you possible know?! I must be asking for too much}]), but the hook-up culture is tough for me. And, honestly, I like the change of pace Valentine’s Day offers a chance at. It’s a day to tell your crush or bf/gf/ it-f (?) how you feel in the cheesiest way you can think of. You don’t have to play it cool. You can write a poem to him/her/it with what your “friends” call a useless degree in English (you’ll show them), cook a delicious spaghetti dinner for the two of you, or even write them a humorous home-made valentine card (if you think you are funny enough (you are the only one who thinks you are funny (am I talking to myself?))). Anyhow, enjoy the change of pace SLU. Please cheeseit-up this Valentine’s Day. No Spitting.

Dear Dub: Embrace your body Dear Dub,

when we’re all bundled up in the winter. We decided to focus on our I was out on the Quad before Titus legs because they can often be the and saw you guys all running around specific target of body resentmentwith no pants on! What was that anyone heard of trying to achieve about? the “thigh gap”? It’s a dangerous and somewhat unachievable trend; so Dear Curious Observer, for the run we wrote on our legs We were doing our annual Titus different things we love about what pants-less run. For those of you who our legs allow us to do- dance, ski, didn’t see it, we women of The Dub run, etc. Our legs allow us to do stripped down to our underwear, great things! Embrace them! Don’t flannels, and try to diminish snow boots Our legs allow us to do great them to skin and did a lap and bones. We things! Embrace them! Don’t can’t control around the Quad during try to diminish them to skin the genes we and bones. pre-Titus fesend up with, tivities. This so we want to is something we’ve done for more remind you to accept your body as than four years. Although it may your own! Embrace your uniquehave seemed to the average observer ness, and if you do feel drawn to as a spectacle of drunkenness on Ti- get healthier or make a change for tus morning, we intended for it to the better, more power to you! But be more than that – we wanted to don’t do it because you are compardraw everyone’s attention, so that ing yourself to others. Your body is we could have a discussion. We a powerful organism, think about all wanted to promote healthy body it allows you to do and accept it for image awareness, highlighting that what it is! we all have different body typeswhich can be more or less forgotten Dub Love


The amazing speeches by our four amazing peers on 100th night. Here’s to our secrets coming out in the open!


Saint: The bus drivers letting us out to pee. Even if it was on the side of a highway. At least we weren’t the kids flashing diner-goers, amirite?!


Being the minority celebrating VDay with someone special. Better yet, winning the candy counting contest for a romantic Pub date.

Purgatory: Half the class Purgatory: Consuming coPurgatory: B My 1 Night leaving before the Alma Mater was sung. Less people to see me cry like a baby.

pius amounts of chicken tenders in the lodge when you should have been jamming to Max Ryder.


Sinner: Taking 100th night

Sinner: Passing out before and

Sinner: But hey, if you are

too seriously. Oops why’d we think sake bombs were a good idea. Free pizza doe.

not making it, getting transported before even getting to Titus, and inciting bodily harm going HAM tubing.

alone, just head on down to the Win Room to pet some animals. They’ll warm your heart just fine.

Political Op-Ed: U.S. Intervention in Ukraine By SYDNEY FALLONE ‘17 COLUMNIST After two and a half months of consistent protesting, hundreds of thousands of Ukraine’s demonstrators have managed to capture the world’s attention as the country teeters towards a civil war. As the world’s democratic stronghold, the United States has felt pressure to intervene. However, due to pressing domestic issues and an unspoken, non-interventionist approach to foreign policy since the War in Iraq and Afghanistan, it is not in the United States’ best interest to intervene in another foreign conflict at this time. Protests initially erupted on November 21st, 2013 after President Viktor Yanukovych and his government suddenly announced the suspension of trade and association with the European Union, instead opting for a revitalization of ties with Moscow. After hopeful prospects of integration with the EU, Ukrainian citizens found this news to be utterly disappointing. In the days following, hundreds of thousands rallied in Kiev’s streets to protest the stray from the EU. Soon after, demonstrations intensified after Yanukovych failed to sign the association agreement at a later EU Summit on November 29th. Protests have been ongoing despite substantial police presence, snow, and freezing temperatures. Mounting violence from government forces has caused the level of protests to rise, with attendance continually fluctuating between 50,000 and 200,000 at planned rallies. For many Ukrainian citizens, the use of force against the crowds has been a major tipping point in the conflict. The protest, which initially started as a pro-Europe rally, has evolved into an all-out protest against Yanukovych and the Ukrainian government. After Yanukovych’s talks with opposing forces failed, the White House spoke out in an effort to prompt order. Not only did Washington condemn the violence, but U.S. lawmakers also warned of possible sanctions if violence continued. As the conflict continues without waver or a sign of concession on either side, one question looms: should the United States intervene in an effort to restore peace? In the midst of a partisan Congress, intervening in Ukrainian affairs would likely lead to greater tensions between Democrats and Republicans. Americans have been waiting for important domestic legislation regarding gun control, expanded unemployment insurance, new minimum wage laws and environmental legislation, among many other issues that have yet to be addressed. Intervening would likely compromise the weak efforts Congress has made thus far to create bipartisan solutions to important American concerns. In the months following the sequester, the United States barely has a sound budget that accounts for American citizens’ needs, let alone funding to intervene in a conflict abroad. With that said, it is safe to say that the United States should be in a better situation domestically before we involve ourselves in any foreign issues. In addition, it is important that the United States follows its recent precedent of taking a backseat in foreign affairs, which has most notably been seen in our lack of involvement in the Syrian Civil War. The protests in Ukraine have only lasted for two months compared to the two and a half year conflict in Syria. If the United States intervenes in Ukraine, it would not be viewed highly in the eyes of the country, and for that matter, the world.

By GAVIN DAVIS ‘17 COLUMNIST Western indecision as to whether or not to get involved in the recent Ukraine revolution has played an extremely large role in further aggravating the political crisis. Everyday that Europe or the United States refuse to intervene, the more courageous President Victor Yanukovych will become in driving Ukrainian protestors to despair. As further demonstrations are prompted in the country, Yanukovych has resorted to violence by riot police. The United States is an international superpower that commonly supports the overthrow of oppressive regimes in order to make room for democratic governments. The anti-protest laws that were passed by Yanukovych and his government essentially legalize dictatorial rule. One such law states that riot police and officials who commit crimes against protestors are exempt from punishment. Yet, the United States has done nothing aside from openly express disapproval of the laws. Ukraine can not find unity and is on the brink of civil war. Any further escalation could have terrible consequences for both Ukraine and the entirety of Europe. What is important now, however, is who is going to get involved first, Vladimir Putin or Barack Obama? Europe is unlikely to intervene in Ukraine unless it is backed by the United States. On the other hand, Putin would not hesitate to send troops to Ukraine in order to help keep its oppressive government functioning. The United States needs to get involved in Ukraine before Putin does. For one, having a pro-U.S. government anywhere in the world means having another ally and it would be a great success geopolitically. Also, amongst the U.S. and Europe negotiations involving transatlantic free trade partnerships, a large market such as Ukraine would be an attractive candidate. Putin has been attempting to recruit many post-Soviet countries into his Customs Union. If Putin acquires a large free economic zone under his umbrella, like Ukraine, the world may have to start playing by different rules both economically and politically. What the United States needs to do is work with the European Union to make sure that violence is halted. They should demand an immediate truce among all conflicting parties. The mission should also include regular reporting on findings to the international community. The West should advocate to all sides involved in Ukraine’s revolution that the only way to end the crisis is through a peaceful, national dialogue. The U.S. and E.U. also need to provide Ukraine with the means of developing the country in the long-term. They should create credible sanctions against anyone who hinders the truce and give Ukraine a likely membership opportunity into the E.U. if they show that they are committed to democracy. If Ukraine reaches a consensus to seek a democratic future for their country, it would go a long way towards ending the current conflict. For this to happen, however, Ukraine needs the United States to act promptly and decisively.



FEBRUARY 14, 2014

Security Blotter February 4, 10:37 a.m. Grab and Go Lunch at Johnson Hall of Science vandalized, the pull-down counter was snapped off of the wall. February 5, 2:27 a.m. Bathroom in Dean Eaton vandalized, curtains had been torn down and lights were not not working. February 5 at 2:17p.m. Fire safety code violation in Reiff Hall, smoke detector was covered with beanie-hat and the hallway was obstructed. February 5, 2:55 p.m. Two students driving down Romoda Dr., pulling one another behind the truck on a pair of skis. February 5, 6:24 p.m. A1 Chinese delivery driver struck recycling shed outside of Rebert Hall. No injuries. Febrary 7, 11:19 p.m. Student refused to leave the bar at The Club, removed by Canton Police. February 8, 12:54 a.m. Medical call, non-alcohol related, student transported to Canton-Potsdam Hospital. February 8, 4:10 p.m. Owner of Scotty’s Diner in Brushton, NY reported four Titus busses stopped in the parking lot, students urinated outside bar in view of customers eating dinner. Sewer system at the diner was plugged and the bathrooms were trashed. SLU is prepared to pay for financial damages. February 8, 5:38 p.m. Medical call, alcohol related, student transported to Canton-Potsdam Hospital. February 9, 12:31 a.m. Front door lock was jammed at 78 Park St. February 9, 12:45 a.m. Sergi’s delivery vehicle driving at high speeds on inner campus. Employee banned from making future campus deliveries. February 9, 2:05 a.m. Physical altercation in Reiff Hall between three male teammates. February 9, 3:15 a.m. Noise complaint in Dean Eaton, resulted in drug violation. Two marijuana smoking devices confiscated. February 9, 12:48 p.m. Student reported lost phone at Titus Mtn., Find My iPhone app located the device near Hulett and Jencks Halls. February 9, 9:22 p.m. Drug abuse violation in Gaines Hall. Students had smoked all of their marijuana upon Security’s arrival, nothing confiscated. February 10, 9:49 a.m. Purses stolen from Brewer Bookstore foyer, the investigation is ongoing. February 11, 12:47 p.m. Contractor vehicles hit a Richardson Hall gate. Damage reported, no injuries. SEMESTER RUNNING TALLIES: Bike Thefts: 0 DWIs: 1 Open Containers: 2 | Transports: 1

What is Thelmo up to?

Wednesday, February 12 Office Hours: President Kelly Appenzeller, Monday through Wednesday 8 to 10 p.m. Vice President of Senate Affairs, Annie Dietderich, Friday 2 to 3 p.m. Contingency Requests: -OC contingency request for buses to Ottawa’s Winterlude received second approval. -EMS request for new equipment received second approval. -HUB contingency request for new gaming systems received second approval. -CCE department contingency for IMPACT Conference received second approval. -Singing Saints contingency request for recording time in Syracuse passed pending second approval. New Business: -Winterlude in Ottawa ends this week, be sure to go! -Exotic animals in the Winston Room hosted by ACE tonight 6-9 pm!

Canton Senior High School

Potsdam Central School

MERGER, FROM PAGE 1 skepticism from town residents who believe that money will not be saved by merging and disrupting the two districts. Sipher said, “Therefore it is our responsibility to discuss if together we could be more efficient before making changes.” If the merger does move forward, Sipher said, both schools will continue to be used. Elementary students would attend the school in their home community. Then, the middle school would be located in one community and the high school in the other, according to Sipher.



From the standpoint of higher education Sipher said, “We care about the outcome of this decision.” He explained that in order to recruit and retain the best faculty possible at St. Lawrence, there has to be a “thriving public education program” to serve their families. Additionally, children in the area may aspire to higher education in the area, Sipher said, and they shouldn’t be set back due to budget cuts that will affect AP classes or extracurricular activities. According to Sipher, SLU students should also take interest in the issue of the Canton-Potsdam merger because we want the uni-

versity to have a positive reputation. He said, “Long after you’ve left here, you want SLU to be successful. You want to see the region grow and continue to have a positive reputation.” While there is not much for St. Lawrence students to do in regard to this issue, Sipher said that he hopes that New York State will make changes so that the CantonPotsdam area can continue to have a strong education system. According to Sipher, “Hopefully the state will review funding efforts to offer quality public education while we do what we can here to offer the best education possible.”

This Week in the News


crime, inflation and product shortage.

North America Since launch 3.3 million enrolled in Obamacare Obamacare reached its monthly goal in January for the first time since its launch in October. According to government officials, the number of young people, from ages 18-24, to sign up is greater than any other age group.

Europe UK Challenges the Independence for Scotland George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer in England, stated that if the people Scotland voted “Yes” and became an independent sovereign, they would face not being allowed to use the pound as their main currency.

Latin America Three dead after protests in Venezuela Authorities are seeking Leopoldo Lopez, leader of the protests, to charge him with the murder and terrorism after the demonstrations broke out. Lopez has been organizing protests that criticize current President Nicolas Madura for increase in violent

Middle East Suspected Talban Prisoners freed in Afghanistan Despite U.S. objections 65 suspects were released from an Afghan prison on Thursday. Believing that these men would return to the Taliban. U.S. officials attempted to persuade President Hamid Karzai to no avail.

Asia Twelve Police Officers dead In Pakistan A bomb exploded early Thursday morning in the southern city of Karachi, leaving 12 dead and over 50 wounded. Only a few hours after the attack, Taliban claimed responsibility. The bomb, targeted for police officers, was planted on a bus as it was leaving a training center. Africa Dozens killed in Nigeria On Tuesday night, an attack by Islamist militant group, Boko Haram, killed at least 39 people, including three children, thus far. The attack, on Konduga, lasted several hours. The region is known for frequent insurgents, despite President Goodluck Jonathan’s attempts for civil rest.

FEBRUARY 14, 2014


Quad Renovation Plans Revealed S C H E D U L E D F O R completion in Fall 2014, construction of the new Quad will commence in the spring in order for the project to be ready for students’ arrival. The project entails leveling the green space, the addition of stairs by the Chapel, and a redesigned walkway and parking area. All images courtesy of Saratoga Associates.




FEBRUARY 14, 2014

Oysters, Anyone?

Aphrodisiacs to Put You in the Mood the appeal of knocking back oysters. Watermelon: The phytonutrient citrulline found in this fruit causes a spike in nitric oxide in your body. After consumption, your blood vessels relax and your circulation increases. Only have time for a quickie? Watermelon gets you hornier faster. Garlic: This aphrodisiac is high in allicin, another one of those circulation-boosting compounds. Its ingestion results in greater sexual stamina. Go harder longer, and as long as the rank breath is mutual, who really cares if you both smell like a sweaty Italian man? This Valentine’s Day, don’t waste time trying to get a table at one of the many dining establishments located in the bustling metropolis that is downtown Canton. Go halfsies on a watermelon and get to it.

The Sustainability House: Dinner Table Tales


You know that time your mom told you to add sugar to the cookies and you generously dumped in a granular white layer that made them taste like the ocean? Or the scar on your hand from when your dad told you to hold the knife away from yourself and you didn’t? When we build or create something for ourselves, there becomes a deeper connection to the object ,as we then associate it with experiences. In the last few weeks we have been cooking food for one another and have also had the opportunity to create things out of wood with the help of Everett Smith. Most of what we make at our house is great, although not everything we cook or make is five-star, jaw dropping quality. The stories that go along with our creations, however, have more meaning and connection. The other day, Kaitlyn and I were psyched to try out a pancake recipe for breakfast that I had seen online. After dinner we prepped the breakfast: leftover quinoa, maple syrup, baking powder, coconut milk, and flour. Quickly deciding it didn’t need flour and rice would suffice, the concoction was blended in our food processor. That night I went to bed feeling content knowing half the work was done and we would only have to put the pot of pancake in the oven the next morning.

We woke up. Twenty minutes went by, then thirty; we looked in the oven and to my dismay the giant “pancake” was bubbling like a pot of soup. Rather than serving the “pancake” with a spatula, a spoon would do the trick. We learned the magic behind the properties of flour holding things together and also had a laugh when eating the pancake-like porridge. A few days after the pancake soup, our group went to Everett’s where we made everything

The stories that go along with our creations, however, have more meaning and connection. from wooden bowls to cutting boards and even some delicately laid out wall art. We entered Everett’s shop; he gave us a quick tour, pointed out most of his tools (as well as banjos) and the “scrap” woodpile, which has more character than most of the wood you see in ODY’s reading room. After the tour we were asked, “so what do you want to make?”. No tutorials, just free range and the opportunity for interpretation. Some of us grabbed tree burls to create art while others grabbed “scrap” material with grains that flowed across the wood like the sea. Gathering some wood, I decided to make a cutting board;

I grabbed two darker pieces of cherry that would gradually taper to a lighter piece of maple in the center. We worked away, sawing, sanding, and, finally, gluing. I started seeing it come together as I surrounded the wood with clamps like little orange-capped security guards squeezing the glue out. We returned in the morning after letting the glue dry over night; with a little sanding, our pieces were ready for tongue oil to protect the outer layer. Using fat-foam paintbrushes, the oil was slathered on allowing the wood’s grains to emerge and colors to pop. Curiously, my plan backfired; the first stroke of tongue oil: primo, the dark cherry acquired a deep mahogany tone. The second stroke on the maple didn’t get lighter; it darkened, camouflaging itself in with the surrounding cherry. Rather than having that nice transition from dark cherry to light maple, the colors mooched together. The grains still looked wild with a sense of three dimensionality and the pancake still tasted good although it didn’t congeal. What created more dimension was the process that each of these activities required. Every time I use my cutting board I’ll remember Everett’s illuminated shop stuffed with tools and banjos. The next time I make pancakes I’ll remember the flour so I can feed a group of nine pancakes, and not soup.


Tapping it in the Treehouses By CONNOR MARTIN FEATURES EDITOR We know, two list articles on one page, but it’s V-Day, and what better way to celebrate than by getting as trashy as we can? Chalking Valentine’s Day up to nothing more than sex could be called crass. One might suppose it’s shallow. They could ask what ever happened to good oldfashioned courtship. But what a boner-killer that would be! So, in the spirit of good fun, bad morals and even worse decisions, The Hill has done its best to provide you with a comprehensive bucket list of places to do the dirty before you graduate! 1. Top of Richardson – Aside from the stunning view of the Adirondacks to distract you from your Ticker buddy’s subpar pillow-talk, it also requires a key to get up there. Who doesn’t love a challenge? 2. Peak Weekend – Sure, climaxing on a peak could prove difficult, but once you get the right footing, all that’s left to worry about is that piece of pinesap dangling precariously above your naked body! 3. ODY Tree houses – Not only can the fun-sized cubicles

prove for interesting space saving techniques, you might also be able to spot a couple neighbors thrusting on the other end of the tree-room. 4. Golf Course – Seriously, on a starry night, this is hard to beat. Maybe not in the winter, unless you have a warm onesie left over from Titus you can cut a hole (or two) in. 5. Hepburn Millstones – No idea how to pull it off, but something very creative could be done on those. 6. Hill News Couch – Generally reserved for editorial staff, but schmooze the right editor and they’ll tell you you’re the sexiest thing since InDesign unfreezing. 7. Sullivan Student Center – Probably best if done after dark, but those with a voyeuristic fetish will find pleasure in hearing your dignity disintegrate and echo throughout the pub. 8. Roof of Lee – You may get written up, but if you pick the right partner you’d be done before getting caught. Then again, that could be a bad thing. 9. Newell Sauna – Burn twice the calories and twice the sweat! 10. Your Bed – Adulthood is creeping up pretty fast. It might not be a bad idea to grow up.

Email hillnews@stlawu.edu for more information.

According to the FDA, there are no foods scientifically proven to amp up one’s sex drive and turn him or her into a bona fide sex fiend. However, there are certain foods, labeled by scientists unconsulted by the FDA, and Cosmopolitan, as aphrodisiacs, reputed to increase certain bodily chemicals and hormones that contribute to a boost in the libido. Perhaps a few of them are slightly strange, but sex is largely about experimentation. What better way to experiment than sensually sucking down a couple of pre-intercourse oysters and then experiencing their supposed benefits with your friend with benefits (or serious boyfriend/girlfriend, if you’re into that)? Oysters: These sexy shellfish

are chock full o’ zinc, which induces testosterone production and as a result, boosts sex drive. Besides, nothing says “let’s bang” like a tempting plate of slippery mollusks. Hot Chiles: The capsaicin contained in chiles gets your heart pumping, which stimulates nerve endings and makes you feel more turned on. Your libido climbs with the Scoville rating. Asparagus: This stalky vegetable increases testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone in the bloodstream. These sex hormones stimulate your body’s natural sexual responses. If, however, the infamous “asparagus pee smell” is a deterrent for you and your partner, opt for avocados instead. Salmon: Omega 3 fatty acids in this fish help to maintain a high level of sex-hormone production. It’s a good choice if you’re in the mood for seafood but can’t see

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FEBRUARY 14, 2014



Beyoncé: “Queen B” of Guerilla Marketing By CHARLOTTE CRAWFORD STAFF WRITER Renowned popular artist Beyoncé Knowles, known to many fans as simply The Queen, is still finding new ways to drop jaws after more than two decades in the music business. At midnight on December 13th of this past year, the singer released a surprise “visual” album via iTunes with literally zero preliminary marketing. The self-titled album, Beyoncé, was announced in a mere secondslong video that the star posted on her Instagram account, lighting a fire that spread wildly across all forms of social media channels around the globe. Conceptually, the superstar sought to reach a new level of connection with her fan base. By cutting out the middleman, the marketers, she produced the self-made compilation of audio and visual music as a means of “speak[ing] directly to [her] fans,” according to Rolling Stone. The album is meant to be experienced as an entirely comprehensive audio/visual piece, as each video leads into the next on a non-linear journey through the “thoughts and visions of Beyoncé”. The album features collaborations with other industry frontrunners,

such as Jay-Z, Drake, and Frank Ocean, as well as a vocal appearance from the singer’s two-year-old daughter Blue Ivy. The videos were shot on site in locations ranging from New York to Paris to Rio de Janeiro. The surprise album sold 828,773 virtual copies within three days – at $16.99 each, you

“Conceptually, the superstar sought to reach a new level of connection with her fan base.” do the math in terms of capital earnings – becoming the fastestselling album ever on iTunes. The success of the release, despite a lack of marketing and anticipation of the album, bears serious implications for both the music and marketing industries. Beyoncé saved copious amounts of money by refusing to collaborate with advertisers. Theoretically, if this method were to be replicated by other popular artists, musicians’ reliance on the marketing industry would lessen – the future for marketers working within the music industry looks

grave, while the prospects for a more direct artist-consumer relationship are interesting. Within days of the album’s release, many of the marketing industry’s biggest names were referring to Beyoncé as “the end of marketing as we know it”. While the success of such an album rose eyebrows universally – though with someone like The Queen, is anyone really surprised? – those mourning the death of contemporary marketing need to quiet down. Beyoncé’s music caters to male and female, young and old audiences alike. There are no other artists today, or ever, who appeal to such a range of demographics – The Beatles themselves wouldn’t have seen such success in their heyday. Other artists will still be relying heavily on the expertise of marketers to spread the word in anticipation of their releases. Attempts by other musicians to shock audiences with a “surprise” album would be met with contempt, simply on the grounds that they would be blatantly copying a revolutionary. Her contemporaries, and Beyoncé herself, now have the challenge of one-upping her, not simply copying her. Fans should already be looking ahead in anticipation of what comes next.

Sochi Panel Discussion Curious as to what is going on behind the scenes in Russia during the Sochi Olympics?

Thursday, February 20th, at 7PM in the Hepburn Auditorium, Room 218 The Alexander Hamilton Society will be hosting a panel discussion on the social, economic, and security challenges facing Russia. Joining us will be our very own Prof. Howard Eissenstat, Prof. Jakub Grygiel (Johns Hopkins), and Prof. Gasper Sekelj (Clarkson). Government, history, economic, global studies, and psychology majors are encouraged to come but the event is open to all community members, as well as students from neighboring schools! Food will be provided.

See your classified ad here. Email hillnews@stlawu.edu for rates and information.


The Dormcest Phenomenon By ELENA PELSE STAFF WRITER The walk of shame is much less shameful when you only have to walk down one flight of stairs. This is just one of many ways the First Year Program provides a unique experience for freshmen here at SLU. Not many schools have programs designed to get freshmen better acquainted with their peers. Basically, what the FYP does, from a social perspective, is force you to spend about four and a half hours a week in a classroom setting with the 30 kids that share your FYP and living quarters. Then, when the weekend rolls around, you spend even more time with them, losing your inhibitions and impairing your judgment. Some dormcestual stuff is bound to go down. But the FYP does more than just force a bunch of horny teenagers taking advantage of

their newfound freedom to live together. The bond you form with these people that you spend most of your time with makes the transition into college life a lot easier. It’s nice to know that you are not alone in this new environment. You are literally surrounded with people that are all going through the same thing. That’s something that is hard to find at other schools. If you go to a larger university you might spend your entire year with out getting to know your neighbors let alone know them in the carnal sense… if you know what I mean. Some SLU freshmen will say “it’s probably a bad idea to shit where you eat.” But sometimes, shit happens. And when you wake up in someone else’s bed the next morning, you might be glad your walk of shame doesn’t involve a trek through the unforgiving North Country weather.

Swipe Right for Gold By EMILY HARRINGTON STAFF WRITER Remember how we covered Tinder in last year’s sex issue? Students basically came to the conclusion that it was creepy and weird, but also fun and “not that different from Facebook stalking, right?” It’s been a summer and a semester, and the app has come and gone out of popular use at St. Lawrence: however, it has seen a revival at the Olympic Village in the past week. 23-year-old American snowboarder Jamie Anderson, who rates the guys in the village as “next level”, according to the Huffington Post, has turned heads with her recent activity on the app. “It’s all athletes!... It’s hilarious,” she told Us Weekly. Australian snowboarder Rebecca Possum Torr, who used the app to match up with the Jamaican bobsled team and thank them for their vicarious

inspiration via Cool Runnings, proposed that Olympic Villagers continue to #swiperightforgold. To all of you now considering turning your Tinder back on and heading to Russia, though, Anderson turned off her account before winning a gold medal for the US in women’s Slopestyle on February 9th. “I deleted my account to focus on the Olympics,” Anderson told the press. Regardless of app use, the Olympics have historically been a frenzy of inter-athlete “match ups,” according to an ESPN report on the post-competition happenings of the 2012 London Olympics. Bearing that, and the app-aided rendezvous of their athletes in mind, the Olympic committee handed out 100,000 condoms in the Sochi Olympic village on Tuesday. Now, the question is whether or not they’re defective, considering the holes in just about every other part of Olympic planning there.


Arts & Entertainment

On Campus This Week:

Studio Matejka

By NATALIE DIGNAM ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR This week, the Arts Collaborative brought three members of Studio Matejka to St. Lawrence to lead workshops for dance and acting classes in the practice of physical theatre laboratory. Daniel Han, Alexandra Kazazou, and Magdalena Koza have been working with the cast of Romeo and Juliet, as well as visiting classes. Their photographer, Karol Jarek, has also accompanied them and will be showing his work at their Interdisciplinary Discussion on Monday. On Wednesday, Kazazou performed a solo performance titled Charmolypi. Despite a demanding practice schedule, I was able to sit down with Studio Matejke and to talk about their work. HN (Hill News): Can you

describe physical theatre laboratory? DH (Daniel Han): I first found out about it in Europe because they don’t use this term here, generally. I found out about it in Poland and in the U.K. It seems to be, for me, more strongly based in theatre- more coming from the body and ensemble practices. It’s a lot of group work and a lot of intensive training in dance, martial arts, and movement practices in general. This is the key: its theatre that’s coming from a base in the body. We don’t consider ourselves dancers, necessarily. We’re more performers. HN: Can you talk about what your different backgrounds bring to Studio Matejka? AK (Alexandra Kazazou): We are eight performers from all over the world from very different backgrounds-- classical theatre, martial arts, acrobats. We are very

Pigeons At Java By EMILY PENNA COLUMNIST While some may argue the most memorable event of last weekend was Titus, I have to respectfully disagree. I argue that Titus was the event of least memories, not because fun wasn’t had but because too much fun was had. Contrary to Titus, I was a TIPS monitor at the Java show last weekend, so while there was fun being had, my memory from that night is still intact. Pigeons Playing Ping Pong made their Java debut Thursday night, making a big impression. When I heard a description of the band from other housemates I thought they sounded like the quintessential Java band: a fusion of jam, rock, electronic, and funk. They literally had it all. This Baltimore, MD based quartet is composed of Greg Ormont (Vocals, Guitar), Jeremy Schon (Vocals, Guitar), Ben Carrey (Bass, Vocals), and Dan Schwartz (Drums, Vocals). Joining them was a light technician that added another amazing component to the show, giving the music a visual interpretation. They refer to their following as “The Flock” and have a pigeon stuffed animal that joins them on stage. They’re goofy. They remind me of my friend and former housemate from Baltimore, Andrew Hosmer. They’re serious about what they do but still know how to have a good time while doing it (not to mention their fabulous outfit choices.) While they sounded vaguely familiar from the get go, Pidgeons Playing Ping Pong also had a

very distinct sound of their own. There’s something Aqueous-esque about them, but less heavy. There’s something Fikus-esque about them. There was even something Pink Floyd-esque about them that I couldn’t put my finger on, until I realized they were playing “Another Brick in the Wall.” Before that, I kept thinking their songs sounded like Pink Floyd, so when they started playing a cover it took me way longer than it should have to recognize it. Sadly, there was an impromptu set break when the fire alarm went off during the show, thankfully not because of any actual fires. Many people headed home, but for those who stuck around, the extra space for dancing was awesome. And, if you were perceptive, you may have noticed the people painting over by the piano. Live painting has become a new addition to the Java Barn shows this semester, thanks to our sound tech Joshin Atone. While there will be no painting this weekend due to the magnitude of fans Giant Panda has, you should definitely keep a look out for it at future shows. It may be one of your friends! If you didn’t make it to the show, I would recommend checking out one of their live shows or their Funk EP (available to download FO’ FREE right on their website, pidgeonsplayingpingpong.com/ music). I have a feeling they’ll be making their way back to the Java Barn sometime soon, and wouldn’t it be cool to be able to sing along to their original tunes? See you at the show!

unique, not only in our nationalities, but in our backgrounds. It’s beautiful because in the space you create a very interesting platform to work. You are always hungry taking the truth of the others and to collaborate together. HN: Is physical theatre laboratory related to improvisation body contact? MK (Magdalena Koza)- We had a teacher work with us doing contact improv, but it was only technique. It was training for us. Most of the time we are not focusing on contact. It’s not easy to say “we are like that, or we are like that,” so we are not putting ourselves in some specific corner. AK: Most of the time we use it as a training. Techniques are only a tool for us, a base for something different. Never is an exercise only an exercise for us. It’s how you take the contact improv, for example, to go further, to engage text, to engage a relationship. This is the principle of Studio Matekje; besides our own training, how the different disciplines can really open and strengthen the performer. DH: Many people came to work with us for two weeks, three weeks. We’re not going to master anything like contact improvisation in two weeks. They were only coming to share with us these tools for us to take it somewhere as performers. Not to use them in and of themselves. HN: Can you tell us about your performance (Charmolypi)? AK: It’s a solo. Magdalena choreographed it and she helped me very much with this piece because she is a dancer, and I am not a dancer. Daniel wrote the music, Karol

did the lights. It was premiered at the Grotowski Institute, but we’ve performed it in Athens, Moscow, Belgium, Saloniki [Greece], and again in Poland and now here. MK: It’s changing a lot from the premier to now. It’s the process, and it’s probably not finished. AK- It’s always a process. It’s probably never finished when you have a solo performace like that. As long as you have the question, and you want to perform it. You need to discover, otherwise you will be boring. Otherwise it will be something without anything to challenge you. When the question stops being, the performers stop being. HN: What other places has Studio Matejka performed? DH: Magda and I just came from Delhi and Kerala in India. Two other solos have been touring in Spain, America. As for residencies and workshops, we’re teaching a lot throughout Europe, the States, Venezuela, and India. MK: We’ve been playing in Germany, Slovakia, Poland, and the Czech Republic. HN: What is your favorite part about being in Studio Matekja? MK: It’s not easy to tell. We’ve done so much work with so many teachers. It would be better to ask what you don’t like! But the things that you don’t like mean that you need to do them. One time, our director had me do this improv, and I didn’t know it, but he had a camera and he shot it. Afterwards, he gave

FEBRUARY 14, 2014

me the tape and I had to learn it, which was crazy. It was around one week that I was alone with this video, about four minutes of improv. It was the biggest challenge for me. AK: Personally, for an actor who didn’t have anything to do with physicality, the dancing techniques are more structured. Afterwards, the structure and the struggle have a freedom inside of them. The Grotowski Institute has the energy and support to accept us. DH: We sacrifice a lot. We have been together three years, but a lot of people didn’t make it. We are a different eight than we started with. But the three of us are from the beginning. We gave up a lot, not just being foreigners, but financially, emotionally, and professionally with a lot of other opportunities. For me, the best thing we gained out of it was the chance to meet all these people. The chance to work with freedom, try things, make mistakes, and experiment without having to make a performace in the beginning. We met masters of Indian martial arts, aikido, famous singers from Iran and Turkey, and choreographers. I don’t think any other kind of group would have this chance. Studio Matejka will be holding a Master Class that is open to the public from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. this Sunday in the Noble Center, room 107. They will also be hosting an Interdisciplinary Discussion and Presentation on Monday, February 17th at 4:00pm in the Noble Center, Room 109.

Book Review: The Shadow Line By TESSA YANG COLUMNIST The shadow line: the shady boundary between early youth and adulthood, the site of so many rash moments, born out of fatigue or boredom or restlessness. As college students, we’re familiar with this boundary. Maybe this is why Conrad’s novella struck me as an especially insightful little read—a 92-page commentary on the challenges of overcoming immaturity and entering “the real world” that we’ve all heard so much about. We follow the unnamed narrator (which some have suggested represents Conrad himself) as he spontaneously quits his position as a sailor aboard a ship on the Orient. Mere days after this renunciation, however, he finds himself offered a captaincy, the chance to command his very own vessel. It’s a remarkable opportunity for one still characterized as youthful, one as of yet unproven in the world of fully-fledged adults. The narrator takes it. His trials as a young captain seem to echo the challenges of the shadow line. A nearly windless journey, for example, leaves the malariaridden ship immobile and exacerbates a sense of restlessness already powerful in so many young adults. Meanwhile, the deceased former captain has left behind a haunting reputation that at times reaches supernatural

heights, acknowledging the influence of old legacies that new players must shatter or uphold. These ordeals seem to add up to a rather depressing story. Conrad, however, counterbalances grim details with commentary on those aspects of life that inspire beauty and wonder. Laying eyes on his ship for the first time, the narrator reflects how “she was one of those creatures whose mere existence is enough to awaken an unselfish delight. One feels that it is good to be in the world in which she has her being” (35). This sentiment of the goodness of life permeates the novella. The narrator’s darkest moment, in which he envies a man apparently close to death, is ultimately overshadowed by the realization that you can join the energies of youth with the wisdom of experience; that it is refreshing to be young and alive; that the shadow line is not an impassable hurdle. Characters also help undercut an entirely pessimistic reading of The Shadow Line. Even as the narrator struggles with the loneliness of leadership, he observes and at times enjoys the intrinsic brotherhood of seamanship. His sailors are diligent and polite in the face of extreme hardship. There is a basic decency among all of them—which the narrator attributes to seamanship in general—that not even the ravishing fevers of malaria can taint. In fact, as the disease

takes hold among the crew, the narrator’s personal development becomes enmeshed in the fates of his sailors. He feels the burden of responsibility, and the weight of guilt when he seems to fail. Conrad conveys all this in a reflective first-person voice so that the story reads almost like a memoir. (The full title is in fact The Shadow Line: A Confession.) The narrative takes advantage of the temporal distance; it jumps in and out of the present moment, and gives the impression of someone trying to generalize a personal experience into something meaningful for all. This parable-like tone, coupled with the aforementioned emphasis on fraternity, has led some critics to interpret The Shadow Line as an analogy of WWI. I’m not certain if I buy that reading completely, but I will agree that the whole of the novella seems to equal something greater than its parts. Maybe all good literature does this, and it’s just easier to spot in a short work that you can absorb in a sitting or two. I enjoyed The Shadow Line, but its unapologetic philosophizing can get heavy if you’re not in the right mood. Pick it up on a day when you’re elbow-deep in job applications, wallowing in existential despair at the prospect of your hopeless-looking future. It might just leave you feeling more optimistic. At the very least, it’ll be a welcome break from those apps.

FEBRUARY 14, 2014

Arts & Entertainment

Moving in Stereo: A Sweet Valentine’s Day Mixtape By WILL STANDISH COLUMNIST Ah, Valentine’s Day. It’s many things to many people. Romance. Heartbreak. Free pizza (let’s make this a thing, society). But for all walks of Valentine’s life, there is a song to cater to every need and emotion. As your humble music columnist it is my duty to make you, dear reader, a rad mixtape of surefire Valentine super-hits guaranteed to hit you in the appropriate feels with the help of the one true love of every critic with a deadline to meet: the list format. For the helpless romantics: “By Your Side” by Beachwood Sparks Swirling and serene, this cover of

the Sade classic in indie-country is what falling in love should sound like. Warm harmonica and slide guitar mingle with earnest vocal delivery, the alchemy producing a track ideal for snuggling up with that special someone. Simply put, this song makes you want to be in love. For the longing: “I’m On Fire” by Bruce Springsteen. For everyone who’s ever ached over someone, who’s ever pined away for someone so much it hurt but couldn’t find the guts to tell them (it’s cool, I’ve been there too), the Boss has the perfect song for you. Quiet, twanging, and moody, “I’m on Fire” smolders rather than burns; it captures the painful edge of

Second Breakfast: The Lego Movie

By CHRIS MELVILLE COLUMNIST The few, the proud, the “those with nothing better to do” among you probably know by now that I always begin my articles with a completely pointless introductory paragraph before I approach my obligatory plot summary. Not this time, folks. I’m reviewing The Lego Movie this week and I cannot postpone my excitement. I’m getting it out in the open right now: The Lego Movie is perfect. If you disagree with me, then you are wasting your time in reading this review. Go read a book. If you agree and desperately need your opinions validated by an unpaid internet movie critic, read on, dear friend. If you haven’t yet seen The Lego Movie and need a reason to do so, you’re in luck. The Lego Movie (2013) The Plot: Emmet (Chris Pratt!) is a regular, ordinary, unassuming Lego minifig living a regular, ordinary, unassuming life in a Lego City, in which every aspect of the minifig’s life runs according to strict instruction manuals under the tyranny of

the cruel, but seemingly friendly Evil Lord Business (Will Ferrell!), who’s secretly planning to glue the universe together. Opposing him is a small group of creative geniuses, the Master Builders, including, but not limited to, Vitruvius (Morgan Freeman!), Wyldstyle (Elizabeth Banks!), Captain Metalbeard (Nick Offerman!), 1980s Space Guy (Charlie Day!), Unikitty (Alison Brie!), and Batman (Will Arnett!), who believe that Emmet is the Special, the truest, most creative, most interesting Master Builder of all time, and that only he can stop Lord Business, all the while trying to avoid Business’ goons, led by the nefarious Bad Cop (Liam Neeson!). Some background: I love Lego. In my house when I grew up we didn’t have a box of Lego. We didn’t have a few sets here or there. We had a Lego room. More accurately, we have a Lego room. Lego shaped my childhood, in many ways. It determined my creativity. Basically, what I’m building up to here is that I had staggeringly high expectations for The Lego Movie, especially

romance perfectly. “It’s like someone took a knife baby/ edgy and dull and cut a six-inch valley/ through the middle of my soul,” Springsteen croons in the middle of the song over simple rockabilly strumming and unobtrusive synth. It’s haunting and more than a little sad, but hey, so is romance sometimes. For the Old-Schooler: “I Want You to Want Me” by Cheap Trick Between the years 1978 and 1989, federal laws I made up for the sake of this column dictated that all mixtapes must have at least on Cheap Trick song on it. This is the classic. Few songs say “I Like You” quite the way this certified crushanthem from the U.S.’ premier power-pop band does. Peppychugging riffs? Check. Cheeky, flirty lyrics? Obviously. Purists should go with the tried in true at Budokan live recording that lives in pop-culture infamy, but those looking to shake things up a bit should check out the slower, piano-driven studio version on In Color. Either way, you can’t go

wrong. For devastating Valentine’s Day breakups: “Crown of Love” by Arcade Fire. Look, maybe things aren’t going so well and you were kind of hoping to break things before Valentine’s Day, but somehow you just… couldn’t, you know? In that case, why not do it in the most crushing and devastating way possible with this song from Arcade Fire’s debut. A mournful waltz 3/4ths of its playtime until its explosion into acoustic disco (this is the best term for it) at the end, “Crown of Love” is a beautiful, sorrowful dwelling on the end of a relationship. Let the chorus (“If you still want me please forgive me/ the crown of love has fallen from me”) tell your soon-to-be-ex what’s up in a straightforward, emotionally obliterating manner. You know, if you’re in to that kind of thing. For those looking to get it on: Enjoy the first three minutes of “Paradise by the Dashboard Light” by Meat Loaf.

with a cast that expanded to include Channing Tatum as Superman, Cobie Smulders as Wonder Woman, Jonah Hill as Green Lantern, Will Forte as Abraham Lincoln, Shaquille O’Neal as himself, and other guest stars including, but, again, not limited to William Shakespeare, Milhouse, Michelangelo the Ninja Turtle, Michelangelo the Artist, Dracula, Robin Hood, The Creature from the Black Lagoon, Cleopatra, Medusa, Dumbledore, Gandalf, Han Solo, C-3PO (voiced by Anthony Daniels), Lando Calrissian (voiced by Billy Dee Williams), Chewbacca the Wookie, and even my personal favorite, the Lego original character Johnny Thunder. So, take that Anchorman 2, you were out cameo-ed. The comedy doesn’t hinge on the cameos, though. There’s a fair amount of rib-nudging, “He’s in this movie, too!?” but it’s not the definitive joke. Christopher Miller and Phil Lord, also responsible for the funnierthan-they-should-have-been 21 Jump Street and Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, generate a sense of humor that can only be described as creative, inventive, clever, unexpected, and brilliant. In other words, the comedy is perfectly catered to the medium: Lego is all about creativity and invention; it’s about how many different ways you can combine seemingly disparate elements to produce something amazing. Miller and Lord apply this principle to their writing and it’s beautiful. Man, the other really impressive bit of this movie is the animation. It’s not stop-motion; it’s computer-generated, but they used the most advanced software out there to make sure that every Lego brick looked like it was real. They did not easily animate landscapes or building, either. Every single set and location in the film, even the dust, smoke

and water, were designed in the official, free to download, Lego Digital Designer. The whole movie was constructed using pieces that exist because Miller and Lord wanted the world to be something that anyone could theoretically construct on their own. They wanted the actual movie to feel the same way, so they animated the minifigs and vehicles as if they were stopmotion. They even added slight lags between frames. It’s such a wonderful gesture, saying that the only thing that separates this movie from a movie that you make in your bedroom is the incredibly Hollywood budget, but otherwise, you could do this. I appreciated this as someone currently in the arduous process of making a stop-motion film. Of course, the greatest challenge facing Mr. Lord and Mr. Miller was to avoid producing a 100-minute commercial for Lego. Unsurprisingly, they excel. The Lego Movie is much more than endless product placement. This is partly derived from the excellent storytelling, comedy, and, yes, character development, but also through the message of the film. Though specifically about Lego, the message is that toys are meant to be played with, not glued into place for a display, and that can be applied widely. A child’s creativity is a glorious, fleeting thing, and it must be cherished for as long as possible. If a kid doesn’t want to follow the instructions, if he or she just wants to build something from their imagination, they should totally do that. All right. It’s time. SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER, SERIOUSLY UNEXCPECTED STUFF IS GOING TO GET SPOILED IN THIS PARAGRAPH. At one point, Emmet falls off the face of the earth into a dark, swirling abyss. He falls for what feels like an eternity and lands on pavement,

THE HILL NEWS | 9 Oh man, things are getting hot. I mean, furniture is getting leveled here. You and your partner(s?) are looking for a good, crazy time and need a song with energy to match. The first three glorious minutes of “Paradise” have got that and then some. Rollicking, swinging, and raunchy in only the way 50s rock interpreted by a 300 lb. theater geek can, this is the soundtrack to getting serious. I stress, though, only the first three minutes. After that, it begins to lose some momentum (and sex appeal) in the void that I can only accurately call “the fucking Rizzuto part.” If you’ve heard this song, you know what I mean. You might want to make sure you have a free hand to hit replay right at the end of three minutes. For everyone else: “The Monster Mash” Look, I just don’t see why we should limit this song to Halloween, okay? Have a cool Valentine’s Day, everyone! in a strange, non-plastic world, wherein he cannot move. Yes, this is the real world. I was very nervous when they took this direction, but boy, did they ever pull it off. Emmet lies motionless for a while, observing all around him vast cityscapes crafted to perfection, an old medieval castle, a Wild West area, a Pirate area, and so on, all on separate tables, all beautifully made according to the instructions, and all complete. Suddenly a child emerges and retrieves Emmet, and Emmet sees a collection of things that weren’t built by the instructions, and he sees his friends, battling the evil doers. Then, an adult man descends the stairs: Will Ferrell, who scolds the boy, asserting that Lego is not a toy, it’s not meant to be played with, and that these are daddy’s models. What ensues is a touching scene cutting back and forth between the minifigures’ struggle against the horrible glue machine, and the boy’s attempts to convince his father of the potential for creativity that Lego holds. It’s awesome, and yes, it really spoke to me deep down inside. My dad was never like that, and in fact he often encouraged us to dismantle sets and build new things, and that’s the reason why I love Lego today and why I have any sort of creative mind at all. However, I definitely knew kids who weren’t allowed to take apart sets once they were made. Lego is a construction toy. Its success as a corporation hinges on people buying the sets that they design, on convincing people that this is the way the bricks are meant to come together. The Lego Movie demonstrates that they understand what makes their product great and unique, though: not the bricks themselves, not the designers who craft the sets, but hands that play with them and the minds that imagine.


10 | THE HILL NEWS SPRING, FROM PAGE 1 with 73 percent of the 142 responders in favor of changing the course spring schedule to the new schedule. “I think it’s great,” said Morgan O’Hare ‘16. “It’s a long stretch from Winter Break to Spring Break.” 76 percent of faculty believe that the new break will result in better pacing of the Spring semester, while 68 percent are in favor of the “Festival”

day concept. In addition, 63 percent of professors are excited to use the extra break to get a jump on grading assignments. “As with all changes of this magnitude, we will monitor and seek feedback on its implementation,” said Vice President Community & Employee Relations Lisa Cania. In order to view the entire revised calendar in greater detail, visit the St. Lawrence University website.

100th Night


The members of the Class of 2014 gathered in Gulick and Pub 56 for an evening of reminiscing over their past four years on February 10th. Nominated speakers included John Montgomery, Ben Landry, Merrill Clerkin, Emily von Loesecke, and John Balderston. The event, which kicks off the first of the seniors’ last 100 nights on campus, also featured performances by the Laurentian Singers and was followed by free pizza and dollar beers at Pub 56.

FEBRUARY 14, 2014

Potential Civil War in The Ukraine International Students Comment By CAROLINE SEELEN STAFF WRITER Currently in Ukraine, there is a protest based on the fact that President Viktor Yanukovych promised to sign a Treaty of Association with the European Union but never signed it. Ukrainians are angry and have taken to the streets to express their frustrations. This treaty would make it possible for the Ukrainian government to conduct trade with members of the European Union. Russia, which holds a lot of influence over Ukraine, does not want Ukraine to trade with the European Union, because that would mean less trade with Russia. The protests began peacefully but have become violent, and there have been many human rights violations by the Ukrainian government against its citizens. For eastern European international students at SLU, this issue is an important one. Ann Tsybko is a sophomore from Ukraine, and Lisa Dyatko is a freshman from Belarus. Yelyzaveta Bartholomew ‘15 is of Russian decent, who was born in Ukraine and moved to Florida when she was ten years old. Tsybko, Dyatko, and Bartholomew agree that the police brutality in Ukraine is unacceptable and there are serious human rights violations. However, they recognize that both sides have become excessively violent. What began as a nonviolent movement has turned to the extreme opposite. All three would like the violence to stop on both sides. Bartholomew believes that it is possible that the protests

could escalate into a civil war. However, she says that she is “not really too upset about [the possibility of] a civil war. Honestly, [she thinks] it might be good for the country, because sometimes countries have to fall apart so that they can restructure themselves.” Since Russia continued its influence over Ukraine after the Soviet Union fell, there has been “instability” in the country, said Bartholomew, The Ukraine never had a chance to “develop naturally as a state.” Dyatko explains that the Belarusian president is against the protest in Ukraine. She, however, does not agree with her president and thinks that the protest should be happening. Because Russia also asserts dominance over Belarus, as in The Ukraine, this protest is key for her as well. This movement is all connected to economics, Dyatko believes, because either The Ukraine trades with Russia or with the European Union. She says “all the privileges Russia was given by The Ukraine will be given to the European Union.” Russia depends on The Ukraine and Belarus for “cheap” trading. She says that the most important thing for Russia is to be able to obtain oil from Ukraine and Belarus. Bartholomew says that Ukrainian land is very fertile, so Russia depends upon it. She continues that Ukrainian leaders are almost “puppets” of Russia. Tsybko adds that the Ukrainian president is very corrupt and that by having a close relationship with Russia, he gets personal benefits for him and his family. She

says that Ukrainian leaders become millionaires upon their election. Bartholomew thinks that other governments should step in and stop the human rights violations taking place in the Ukraine. She does “not think that the international community should be so calm about the level of human rights violations.” She thinks that other governments, especially those of the United States and the European Union, should put more economic sanctions on the Ukrainian government until it stops damaging its own people. All three girls think that Ukraine should sign the Treaty of Association with the European Union. However, their main concern right now is the human rights violations against the protestors. Bartholomew helped organize a protest in Washington D.C. that took place on February 1st, 2014. Unfortunately, the timing did not work out for SLU students to attend. Approximately 70 people came to the protest. There was supposed to be a march from the White House to the Ukrainian embassy in addition to the protest, but they did not obtain a permit in time. The march will take place the weekend of February 15. Though they now have the permit, Tskbyo, Dyatko, and Bartholomew have not decided if they will be attending due to the distance and the expense. The main aim of the protest is to urge the U.S. government to put more economic sanctions on the Ukrainian government and urge it to stop the violence.

From Canton to Kenya: Month One By SEAN KELLY and SAMANTHA CALKINS GUEST WRITERS Hujambo, St. Lawrence! After over forty-eight hours of travelling, eighteen college students from all across the U.S. were finally able to embrace the long-awaited glow of the scorching Nairobi sun. Quick to spot three giraffes in the distance, we realized that we were all about to begin something much more than ‘just another abroad experience.’ We are all humbled and extremely excited to be a part of St. Lawrence’s Kenya Semester Program during its 40th anniversary, making it one of the oldest abroad programs in all of Africa.

The 2014 program is currently underway and to say that it has been a blast is an understatement. The program includes sixteen SLU students, one from Bowdoin and another from Washington University in St. Louis. January has quickly turned into February as we are enjoying our stay at the compound owned by St. Lawrence in Karen, a suburb of Nairobi. From drinking chai on breaks during Swahili class, wandering the busy streets of the capital, playing intense volleyball matches on the compound, hiking mountains and interacting with Kenyans, we have all been very active during our stay in Kenya. One highlight of our trip so far has been our individual weeklong

home-stays in Nyeri, which have provided us with immense cultural experiences and bonds that will last a lifetime. Although we have only been here for one month, our adventures have been priceless and hard to put into words. One can only appreciate such an experience to the fullest extent by living it. To those interested, we strongly encourage you to study abroad anywhere you can. For more information on St. Lawrence study abroad opportunities, be sure to check out the CIIS office on the second floor of Carnegie. Until next time, we hope SLU is treating everyone well and we can’t wait to return in the fall of 2014! Kwaheri! SLU KSP 2014


Sean Kelly ‘15 and Samantha Calkins ‘15, pictured with SLU Swahili Teaching Fellow, Ndalegwa Amisi.

Saints Sports

Olympic Medal Count As Of 2/12/2014


Men’s Olympic Hockey: Back to Back Gold for Team Canada? By BRANDON DI PERNO STAFF WRITER

Let’s be honest. The Canadian Men’s Olympic hockey team is remarkable, and it would be foolish to rule them out as a potential champion, if not the gold medal favorites of the 2014 Sochi Olympic Games. Presently, Canada’s squadron of superstars contains 25 NHL’ers and is ranked 5th in the world (weird, right?), just above the USA, and coached by current Red Wings’ head coach, Mike Babcock. To give one an idea of how

talented team Canada’s roster is, let’s measure the team based on NHL salary combined. Canada’s roster is worth approximately $150 million dollars, which is about $85 million dollars over the NHL’s salary cap. This is a lot more than any other nation gracing the tournament. Canada’s team doesn’t have many weaknesses, I’m not saying that because of my bias either, it’s just hard to find gaping holes in the team when you’re trying to construct a starting lineup with the likes of Sidney Crosby, Jonathan Toews, and Patrice Bergeron. I mean, this is the team who just replaced injured Steve Stamkos with Marty St Louis and left Claude Giroux at home. The talent is there, and if this team fires on all cylinders every game, they will be a terrifying opponent.

If we were to look really closely, it could be said that Canada’s largest weakness lies in the goaltending, and that’s not saying much. Montreal Canadiens’ goalie Carey Price looks to start, once the games begin Thursday. While the Habs have been significantly average over the course of the last two months, Price has been exceptional. Coming into the tournament he sports a save percentage of .923 while backup goalie Roberto Luongo (starter of 2010 Olympic games) has an excellent save percentage of .919 this season. Of course the game of hockey in the Olympics is different. The bigger ice makes for a tougher transition where better skaters excel. Of course, this is where Canada will thrive come Thursday,

due to the ratio of size and speed on the roster. With the likes of Rick Nash, Corey Perry, Shea Webber, Duncan Keith and Drew Doughty there is no doubt this is a quick and powerful team. The real question lies in who can beat this beast, and if you were to ask me, I’d tell you no one. I see no team giving Canada real trouble (have you seen our goal scorers?) except one. The USA. I know this isn’t what you wanted to see. But hear me out. While they will be an absolute pain to play, they are beatable. While they too have an extremely stellar roster, their defensemen are just okay. Let’s face it, Carlson, Faulk, Orpik, Fowler and Paul are good defensemen, but they aren’t in any way, shape or form superstars. While Ryan Miller may arguably be the best goalie

in the entire tournament, he’s still not used to taking shots from the best hockey players in the world, especially not consecutively. In any case, the game of hockey is unpredictable. A game could get blown out, or it could all come down to another golden goal. Anything can happen. However, nine times out of ten I pick Canada to make those things happen. Their roster is phenomenal, their coaching outstanding, and bringing back many from 2010 and most of the Chicago Blackhawks make their chemistry uncanny. This will be an interesting couple of weeks to say the least, but by the end of it the only thing us Canadians will be “sorry” about is by how badly we decimated the competition.

Canada, Eh? Why Team USA Will Take Home the Gold

By JOSEPH CORSO STAFF WRITER By the time you read this article, the opening puck will already have been dropped for Men’s Ice Hockey at the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi. As usual, Team Canada, the 2010 Olympic Champions, will be heavily favored, as they bring to the tournament a battle-tested, star-studded roster headlined by many of the game’s greats, including forwards Sidney Crosby and Jonathan Toews. Other favorites include host Russia, a squad built to win maximizing its impressive

offensive firepower and Sweden, winners of the 2006 games and a sexy dark horse pick by many of the sport’s pundits. With those teams receiving the majority of the spotlight, Team USA enters the tournament slightly under the radar. Although the Americans were only an overtime goal away from achieving Olympic immortality four years ago in Vancouver, many believe that, despite fielding a roster consisting of 13 holdovers from 2010’s silver medal squad, the USA does not have enough overall talent to beat out those aforementioned clubs. Additionally, much has been made of the omissions by Team USA’s brass, now led by Pittsburgh Penguins General Manager Ray Shero, a St. Lawrence alum. In addition to leaving off team Ottawa’s Bobby Ryan, widely regarded as

one of the NHLs most skilled players, also omitted were Islander’s winger Kyle Okposo, the third leading scoring American in the NHL and Colorado defenseman Erik Johnson, a stalwart from the 2010 squad. That said, Team USA should still be considered a major threat to come away with Olympic gold. Starting in goal for the Americans will either be Buffalo’s Ryan Miller, the MVP of the 2010 games or Los Angeles’ Jonathan Quick, a Stanley Cup Champion and Conn Smyth Winner, an award given to the most valuable player of the playoffs. While both have struggled with bouts of inconsistency of late, look for one to seize the starting role in top form, as this is the type of stage both are accustomed to rising to. Another major question loom-

ing over this American team is the overall youth and inexperience of the back line. Of the eight defenders on the squad, only two, Ryan Suter, the NHL leader in playing time, and Brooks Orpik, have Olympic experience. Others anchoring the back include John Carlson, Justin Faulk and Cam Fowler, all of whom were born in the 1990’s and have limited big game experience. If these guys play within themselves and execute their duties, which include making heady plays in their own end and creating odd man rushes, look for this perceived weakness to turn into one of the club’s major strengths. Regarding the forwards, there is little doubt that teams such as Canada and Russia possess more overall firepower. However, this is a unit that should not be scoffed at. Six Americans- Joe Pavelski, Patrick

Kane, Phil Kessel, Blake Wheeler, Max Pacioretty and James van Riemsdyk all have at least 20 goals up to this point in the season. Finally, as mentioned before, this is a unit that has tons of Olympic experience and veteran leadership, both of which are almost essential for any team to have in order to make a deep run. Along with Miller, the team is led by players such as Dustin Brown and Zach Parise, guys who are not only gifted hockey players, but also ones who are known to play with tremendous grit and heart. While gold is certainly a long shot for the Americans, stranger things have happened before. As long as the team plays with the cohesiveness and togetherness everyone knows they are capable of, Team USA will be a force to be reckoned to with.

Our Olympics, Our Gold: Russia Will Be Victorious

By WILLIAM MESINGER STAFF WRITER Olympic hockey is typically a sport devoid of any successful underdogs. For the past few Olympics, it’s usually been a toss-up between Canada, U.S.A., Russia, Sweden, Finland and the Czech Republic. Canada is the heavy favorite this year, which is upsetting to most Americans still trying to get Crosby deported after 2010’s debacle. But fear not, fellow Americans. The Canadians will not take the gold this year. Unfortunately, neither will we. The Russians will.

Personally, I’m rooting for America because, well, America. I like it here. I’m also biased towards the Swedes because their team is basically made up of the Detroit Red Wings organization (Gustavsson, Ericsson, Franzen, Kronwall, Zetterberg, Alfredsson). Still, goalie Henrik Lundqvist is coming off the worst season of his career, and the Red Wings aren’t doing all that great themselves. Canada, of course, will do well. I’d look for Tavares and Crosby to be huge when it comes to offensive production. It’s also hard to go wrong with big names like Weber, Keith, Doughty and Subban (longtime friend of Tavares) on defense. Luongo will likely start in net, provided his ankle injury isn’t too serious. If Price is forced to start, I’d imagine his lack of international experience outside of Juniors (and his drunkenness) could prove to be

an issue for this team. But the Russians have three offensive weapons that are hard to ignore; Ovechkin, Malkin and Datsyuk. There isn’t a defender in the Olympics Datsyuk won’t be able to undress, and the Olympic ice should favor his style of play. I doubt Kovalchuk has lost a step since leaving the U.S. in favor of the KHL, and it’s likely that he’s already gotten comfortable playing in his home country. How much more firepower do you want? In terms of goaltending, both Bobrovski and Varmlamov have been playing well, especially Bobrovski as of late. Obviously, the Russians also have home ice advantage. This will be huge, especially in the first round when the U.S. team will still be adjusting to the time difference. Plus, Putin can always intervene during the game in some Putin-esque manner (tigers on the away team’s

bench, laxatives in the water, etc…). I’m not really happy about it. Mainly because I had to waste ten minutes triple-checking the spelling of all the Russian’s names just to write this article. But I can’t deny

the Russians’ firepower and grit. They haven’t won gold since they were a part of the Soviet Union in 1988, and I can imagine that they’re hungry. This is their year.


Saints Sports


02/08 Men’s Hockey @ Quinnipiac, W 3-2 02/08 Women’s Hockey v. Qunnipiac, W 3-0 02/09 Men’s Squash @ Trinity, L 3-6 02/11 Women’s Basketball v. Skidmore, W 63-58



Thoughts from a Laurentian in Sochi By KATHERINE MAZDZER GUEST WRITER When I left for Russia I fully expected to critically dissect every minute, detail, and denounce the Sochi 2014 Olympics as a grand failure. I would attribute this to my positionality that predisposed me to see Russia in a negative light as a result of a myriad of reasons (education, second-hand experiences and media coverage included). Security issues weighed heavily on my mind and I fully expected living conditions similar to my experiences in Africa minus the searing heat. Much to my delight I was proven wrong. Security was so strong that I felt they were barely there and my accommodations exceeded my highest expectations. But I’m not writing this article to talk about how good the Wi-Fi in my hotel was or the large buffet style breakfast included. I am writing this to dispel rumors of the “disaster” occurring at the Russian Olympics. As both presidents of the Sochi Olympic Development Council and the Olympic Committee declared in their opening ceremony speeches, the Olympic Games is Russia’s chance to show the world a new Russia, separate from its tumultuous past. While I could blatantly hear the propaganda in each sentence I couldn’t help but agree. Western media may spin this to state that the Games is Putin’s way to parade the best of Russia but I interpreted the Sochi Games as more of Putin’s method to prove to his own countrymen the power, beauty and strength of the Russian Federation. And I was happy that this was not

just empty words and that during my short stay my opinion and perception of Russia changed. Upon arrival to the Sochi-Adler airport I instantly noticed (as it was very conspicuous) the rows of guards, Khazaks armed with AK47s and handguns, positioned every fifty yards or so along the entire length of the fence surrounding the runway. After that, military and police presence was continuous. Before entering any Olympic venue or transportation station we would go through at least two security checkpoints with metal detectors and full body pat-downs. Security guards decked in purple patrolled the venues and you could see in the surrounding woods patrolmen hiding in camouflage huts. While I was initially startled by the extreme show of force, the impressive amount of security meant that I felt safe walking around anywhere, even in the dark back-alleys en route to my hotel. At no point did I feel threatened or that my privacy had been taken away. The inconvenience of the check-points and high security was all for the better and is a fact that I was comfortable and happy with. During my stay almost every Russian I met, and every volunteer I talked to were welcoming and friendly. I did encounter the occasional bad egg but I experienced the same thing at the Vancouver 2010 Olympics and that was in Canada (our nice northern neighbors)! I could feel that these people were deftly proud of their country and wanted us to love it too. I remember the relief in one man’s face when I replied that I was really enjoying my stay in Russia.

The language barrier was often too hard to hurdle and frustration was common on both sides but in the end we always were able to come to an understanding, no matter how limited. Often Russians would approach us asking to practice their English or to take photos with us. At one point my sister and I were bombarded by a boisterous (and most likely intoxicated) family that insisted on taking a hundred photos (I think at one point the mother was trying to marry me off to her son). The number of random and often captivating conversations with these Russians will remain as some of my favorite memories. And as to the conditions of the city and the venues, they are certainly not in as deplorable a state as the western media portrays, but neither is it a sparkling modern utopia. Upon observations about 90% of everything is completed. Almost everything was clean and a smoking ban was placed to cut down on the air pollution. There are certainly horror stories of deplorable housing and faulty public transportation but for the most part accommodations were more than adequate (as fellow spectators have explained to me) and transportation was quick, easy, and free. Overall my experience in Sochi has been amazing! Once I was able to step away from my western expectations and to fully enjoy all that the Russian culture could provide I saw the great beauty Sochi had to give. Sure, western media is sensationalizing the hiccups and fumbles of the Olympic Games, but show me any Olympic Game that has not experienced major mistakes. I am in no way denouncing the political and social ills the Russian Federation has committed leading up to the games, but again I feel that the Olympics is the wrong place and time to discuss this. Every nation undertaking the great responsibility of hosting the Olympic Games experiences great scrutiny under the global spotlight. Why don’t we shift the focus towards the amazing work and discipline these Athletes have dedicated to participate at the pinnacle of the global competitive stage? If you want to see photos of my stay in Sochi, visit my Instagram feed @kmazdzer.

“JamBob” Qualifies for Sochi 2014 By JANE EIFERT STAFF WRITER “Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme, get on up, it’s bobsled time!” Many of you may be familiar with Jamaican bobsledding because of the fun-loving team in the 1993 Disney comedy. “Cool Runnings” was a movie based on the Jamaican bobsled team, after they qualified in real life for the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Now, 26 years later, the Jamaican bobsled team qualified for the Sochi Olympics in the two-man sled. They describe themselves as “Cool Runnings” the Second Generation, and

this year is the first time in 12 years that Jamaica is represented in the Winter Games. Jamaica tried to qualify for the ‘06 and ‘10 Olympics, but missed out. This season, they didn’t race in the World Cup circuit, but qualified with enough points through lower-tier North American races. But for team members Winston Watts and Marvin Dixon, the road to Sochi was a slippery one. They weren’t sure if they would even be able to travel because of a lack of funds. With the help of donations from friends and fans, though, they were able to raise $178,000; enough for travel expenses and upgraded equipment. After raising the money, the travel

from Jamaica to Sochi was yet another difficult process. First, they missed their connecting flight from Moscow to Sochi, and then, when they finally arrived at the Sochi airport, their gear was not with them. But despite all of this, they are just happy to be back at the Olympic Games. Though “JamBob” is not a medal threat, they are known as the “hottest team on the ice.” Their ‘88 Olympic debut with a sled built from borrowed parts and the movie that came from it has made them possibly the most influential bobsled team. Several other warm-weather countries have since been inspired to enter the Winter Olympics.

Olympic Q & A with Andrew Bliss By KRISSY DI PERNO STAFF WRITER

Name: Andrew Bliss Age: 23 Hometown: Lake Placid, NY Major: Environmental Studies & Sociology How long have you been ski jumping? I started when I was six, I don’t really do it anymore, but about fifteen years. What got you started? Being from Lake Placid they have the PHOTO COURTESY OF ANDREW BLISS jumps there, so the sport was pretty much sitting in my backyard. It was like any other sport you initially try out. I gave it a shot one Wednesday night and stuck with it. How do you train for such an extreme sport? I mean you can call it extreme. It’s shocking, but relatively tame if you’re in control with it. A typical week of training would be jumping in the morning and gym in the afternoon. We lift 3 days a week and jump about five days a week. Have you had any serious injured thus far in your career? I’ve broken my wrist, ruptured my spleen, broken my back, ribs and I’ve been completely knocked unconscious five times, so a couple of trips to the emergency room. Who has been the most influential person for you in this sport? I’d say my brother. He was good so I tried to get to his level. He gave me a lot of pointers and he is arguably the top development coach for the US team. He always looked out for me and motivated me. Who are you the biggest fan of, athletic or otherwise? Probably all of my friends who are doing it, a lot of them are at the games right now, which is cool. Last Saturday afternoon they called me to catch up. I got the chance to ask them if it is actually as terrible over there as the media makes it out to be and apparently its absolutely fine. Where have you travelled to compete? Canada, Norway, Finland, Germany, Austria, Italy, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland. What have you considered to be your greatest accomplishments in the sport? I made two Junior World Championship teams. I’ve podiumed at a bunch of US nationals. I’ve been the North American champion. Just winning is always fun. Possibly a 2018 ski jumper or coach in the next winter Olympic games in Korea? I’ll see where I end up after graduation. I mean it’s a small community so I would consider coaching. As for jumping it’s probably unlikely. I get asked this all the time, if I would go back to it once I’ve finished school. My answer depends on who’s still around. Apart from ski jumping what is your favorite sport to watch? I like watching hockey, alpine skiing and the freestyle skiing. I watched the biathlon, I don’t like to but I know people on various teams so I try to keep track. Do you have any superstitious pre-competition rituals? I would always have to tie my boots up the same way and wear the same Under Armour, I had a specific set. Even when I jump now I use all of the same stuff. I was always a real stickler about wearing the same gloves and same socks all the time. What is your favorite thing to order from the pub? My go-to is normally an omelet, a real egg omelet because I hate the fake. Or a Dr. Feelgood but with grilled chicken. What songs would you recommend for this weekend’s playlist? We’ve been listening to a lot of Miley Cyrus lately, it hypes us up. Do you have any advice for student athletes? Anything else you’d like to say? Definitely time management, learning how to balance your school work and sport is crucial. Shout outs are customary, but anything is fine! I have to give a shout to my house, 14 Park Place!

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