Winter 2017 Mayflower Quarterly Magazine

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Vol. 83, No. 4


Winter 2017

Circulation over 28,000 to all 50 states, District of Columbia, Canada and many other countries Published since 1935 by





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The Mayflower Quarterly Magazine (ISSN 01485032) is published quarterly by the General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 4 Winslow St, Plymouth, MA 02360 and is available to all members in good standing. Periodical postage paid at Plymouth, Massachusetts and additional offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the General Society of Mayflower Descendants, PO Box 3297, Plymouth, MA 02361-3297.

General Society of Mayflower Descendants

Executive Committee Officers 2017-2020 Editorial Committee SG Susan E. Roser, Editor FGG Bruce C. MacGunnigle Laurie A. Sutherland

Editorial Staff

Christina M. Scott, Assistant Editor

Contact Us

General Inquiries - 508.746.3188 Membership - Georgi Hess Librarian - Carolyn Travers Publications & Mail Order - Debbie Sirois Insignia - Deb Yingst Office & Library 4 Winslow Street Plymouth, MA 02360 Mailing Address PO Box 3297 Plymouth, MA 02361-3297

Connect with us: @TheMayflowerSociety @GSMD @TheMayflowerSociety

Governor General Geroge P. Garmany Jr., MD Colorado

Elder General Rev. Dr. Thomas F. Pike New York

Assistant Governor General Susan E. Roser Canada

Captain General Jeff Stark Wisconsin

Secretary General Jane E. Hurt Kansas

Surgeon General Naomi S. Mann, MD Louisiana

Treasurer General Elizabeth ‘Liz’ W. Gaudreau Colorado

Member-at-Large Lisa Pennington Texas

Historian General Marjorie ‘Midge’ K. Hurtuk Connecticut

Member-at-Large Donald T. Studley, CPA Connecticut

Counsellor General Richard S. Gilmore, Esq. Massachusetts

Member-at-Large Jane Schleinzer Illinois

The Mayflower Quarterly Magazine contains up-to-date news, pictures, activities and events involving GSMD and our Member Societies throughout the United States, Canada and Europe. To submit to the Quarterly, please visit and under the tab “Our Society” click on “Member Magazine.” Deadlines for submissions are as follows: January 10: spring issue April 10: summer issue July 10: fall issue October 10: winter issue If you have any questions, please contact Christina Scott at

Cover : Procession to the National Pilgrim Memorial Meetinghouse during Mayflower Congress 2017.

Message from the Governor General, George P. Garmany Jr., MD

Message from the Executive Director, Susan Belekewicz

What an exciting Congress we just held! We had 600 people attending, including members from 51 Member Societies representing 48 states, the District of Columbia, Canada and a first appearance for our newest Society from Europe. All of these numbers are new records. In addition to the scheduled business meetings, our delegates went whale watching, visited the mansions in Newport RI, and checked out Pilgrim sites around Cape Cod, just to name a few of the tours arranged by our wonderful Congress Meeting & Events Committee. Thanks so much to all of them, especially to Susan Roser, Congress chair. Our business topics ranged from mundane to historic and electrifying. Probably the most exciting single moment was when it was announced that the Congregation of First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church had voted (just a few hours before our opening ceremonies!) to move forward with the plan to transfer ownership of the Meetinghouse building to GSMD, contingent on our ability to raise at least $3 million to begin the renovation of the building by September, 2020. This represents an incredible opportunity for our Society as well as a huge responsibility to repair the building and to care for it in perpetuity. You will see other important topics covered in this issue of our magazine and in upcoming issues. One of the ongoing topics will be the planning for our 42nd Congress to be held in 2020. That event promises to be bigger than the one we just held, with signature events in three different historical areas in Massachusetts. Much more will follow! It has always been an honor and a privilege to serve as a general officer for our Society. The opportunity to serve as your Governor General, especially at this auspicious time in our history, is a truly wonderful honor for me. I am humbled by the accomplishments of those who have served before me and by the longrange aspirations of our current members. And I am energized by the challenges that we face in bringing those aspirations to pass. I look forward to meeting as many of our members and families as possible during the next three years, and with the help of so many of you, together we will accomplish wonderful things.

A warm hello to Mayflower Descendants near and far!! It has been a whirlwind since I started at the Society. I have been busy getting to know our wonderful staff and Executive Committee, meeting Society Members as they visit the GSMD campus and making new friends with all of our local collaboration partners. And each day, as I learn more and more, I am so grateful to have made the Mayflower Society my new home. First and foremost, I must thank Walt Powell for making my on-boarding such a seamless transition and for leaving behind for me his wonderful team! We have such a talented group of professionals here in Plymouth: it is an honor to be joining them to support the Society. And I want to extend my best wishes to Walt and his wife, Sue, for a very happy retirement. (FYI, we are finding ways to keep Walt involved with us – we aren’t letting him totally escape!) The excitement building toward the 400th anniversary is palpable, here, in Plymouth. In all of our planning, we are envisioning where we need to be in three short years and planning how we are going to get there. We are working hard to find ways to expedite the membership application process, as demand is building as the anniversary approaches; we are exploring ways to expand the support we provide Member Society historians to assist them in their work with prospective members; we have begun a project working with the FamilySearch and American Ancestors to digitize our application records – a daunting task that will profoundly impact the future of Mayflower genealogy research; we are seeking to enhance member benefits and engagement to improve membership retention, as well as focusing on how to attract and engage younger members; and of course, we are leveraging the opportunity the anniversary provides to further our education efforts about the Pilgrims and their extraordinary contribution to our country. This is just a brief snippet of some of the highlights of what is happening “behind the scenes” here at the GSMD in Plymouth. And, there is so much more… With the holidays rapidly approaching, I would like to extend my best wishes to you and yours for a wonderful holiday season! 3


Winter 2017

Support the General Society of Mayflower Descendants!

2017 Mayflower Tour ....Page 4 60th Anniversay of the Mayflower Sailing ....Page 6

Mayflower Congress Meeting Minutes .....Page 14

When you shop through our AmazonSmile link, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate a percentage of the price of eligible products to the General Society of Mayflower Descendants. As the season approaches, get your holiday shopping done while helping us share the story of the Mayflower Pilgrims - a legacy that means so much to us and our future generations. To shop on AmazonSmile and support GSMD, click here:

Winter Shopping ....Page 22

Check out our blog:

Remember to save this link in your bookmarks for future purchases!

New Member Remembers the Mayflower II, 1957 ....Page 7 Development Updates ....Page 8 What is Extreme Genes? .....Page 10 GBOA Meeting Minutes .....Page 11

2017 Mayflower Tour GSMD Historic Sites Chair, Barbara Williams arranged yet another amazing tour of Pilgrim sites in England and Holland. The group of 43, representing 17 states, and Ontario and Nova Scotia, met in London on September 18 for the two week tour. We represented all the Mayflower passengers except Moses Fletcher. It began in London with a cruise on the Thames River to watch the city lights. We toured parts of Buckingham Palace, only permitted when the Queen is not in residence, the six week period in August and September when she is on holidays. We had lunch at the Mayflower Pub, visited St. Mary Rotherhithe Church where Capt. Christopher Jones was buried and some of his children baptized and then visited Southwark Cathedral. Our next stop was Canterbury the home of Robert Cushman and where we toured the beautiful cathedral. On to Dorking where James Chilton’s house still stands. The Hopkins family lived at Upper Clatford where Stephen Hopkins was baptized at All Saints Church in 1581, a pretty little country church. The seaports of Dartmouth and Plymouth followed, where the Speedwell turned back and the Mayflower left alone. St. Peters Church in Droitwich where Edward Winslow was baptized in 1595 was followed by a sightseeing day in Wales. We visited the All Saints Church in Babworth where the Separatist movement began for our ancestors, and Gainsborough Hall. Visiting William Brewster’s Scrooby Manor as well as St. Helena Church in Austerfield where William Bradford was baptized in 1590 was amazing! We then toured the Guildhall in Scrooby Manor 4

Mayflower Pub

Boston where some of our ancestors were jailed. Onward to Fenstanton, to St. Peter and Paul Church where John Howland’s parents lived and are buried and then to St. Mary’s Church in Henlow where Henry Samson was baptized in 1604, as were Edward and John Tilley in 1588 and 1571. The Pilgrim Henry Samson Kindred presented a check for ₤365 to the church. Fuller descendants were thrilled to visit St. Mary’s Church in Redenhall where brothers Edward Fuller and Samuel Fuller were baptized here in 1575 and 1580. Our last stop in England was to Harwich, where Capt. Christopher Jones’ house still stands. We then crossed the North Sea as our Pilgrim Fathers did, but on a small cruise ship. Our first stop was Delfshaven where the Speedwell left for England and where we visited the Pilgrim Fathers Church where the Pilgrims held their last service. In Amsterdam we enjoyed a canal cruise and visited the Ruks Museum. Leiden was wonderful with so much Pilgrim history! We enjoyed a full day here, visiting the Pieterskerk (St. Peters Church) and the site where William Brewster ran his printing press. Sir Jeremy Bangs’ American Pilgrim Museum was a special treat. This small, two room museum is housed in a building built around 1370; it may be small but it packs a punch. What is remarkable is that, unlike your average museum where you can look at items thru glass, etc., everything here is out in the open and can be handled. On a table are various books and bibles from the 16th century. The entire place looks like it would have looked back in our ancestor’s time. The itinerary for this trip included much more than what is described here. The tour guides were wonderful and I’m sure all 43 of us would do it again in a heartbeat. If you have ever considered doing the GSMD Mayflower Tour, it is the trip of a lifetime for Mayflower descendants!

Bradford Descendants at Austerfield

Hopkins Church in Upper Clatford


60th Anniversary of the Sailing of MAYFLOWER II This year marks the 60th anniversary of the transatlantic voyage of the Mayflower II from England to America. The ship was a gift from England to the US to show their gratitude for assistance during World War II. Waiting to greet the ship upon its arrival on June 13, 1957, were Senator John F. Kennedy and Vice President Richard Nixon. On April 20, 1957, the ship set out across the Atlantic, under the command of Capt. Alan Villiers and a crew of 33. It was decided to take a more southerly route than the original voyage to avoid the risk of ice. At first, seas were calm however off the coast of Bermuda, they met a violent storm. The voyage took 55 days and had covered 5,500 nautical miles, compared to the original Mayflower which took 66 days and 3,500 miles. Of the crew who sailed during that historic voyage, only six were still living in 2016, including then 75 year old Joe Meany. Joe was 17 years old at the time and had been chosen “boy of the year” from the Boys Club of America, which gave him a spot as cabin boy on the voyage. Over the years the ship has been faithfully maintained by Plimoth Plantation. It has been undergoing a multi-year restoration,the last, in 2016 when the topmast rigging and the half-deck had to be replaced as well as restorations to the “tween deck.” At the time, it was realized that much more work would be required, including replacing about 60 percent of the hull. The work is being done at Mystic Seaport at the Henry B. duPont Preservation Shipyard. Progress of the work can be followed online by both Plimoth Plantation and Mystic Seaport.


Courtesy of GSMD archives

New Member Remembers the MAYFLOWER II, 1957 By Donald Weaver

In 1954 and 1955, I was an official guide at Plymouth Rock. To become a guide one had to study a great deal of Pilgrim history and then take an extensive test. We wore Pilgrim costumes with the tall hats and gave lectures on average about twenty times per day. Weekends were the busiest with most people from the Boston area, while tourists from around the globe came on weekdays. Occasionally, when not on duty for an hour or so, a family would hire me to take them on a tour. I would take them to the Harlow House, the Forefathers Monument and other historic houses. A replica of the fort was near the rock at that time (before Plimoth Plantation) so we would tour that as well. There was excitement one day when Edward Rowe Snow showed up with his party at Plymouth Rock having canoed down I believe from Marshfield. I think it was a stunt to prove that the Native Americans and Pilgrims could travel on the inshore ocean by canoe. When the Mayflower II arrived at Plymouth in 1957, my father owned a 23' A. R. True " Rocket " sloop, a wooden sailboat made at Amesbury, Mass. It was a beautiful day with hundreds of yachts and boats of every description flooding the harbor. The Mayflower, with sails furled and crew manning the rigging, and Capt. Alan Villiers at the helm entered the harbor. Mayflower, with no power of her own, was hip towed (lashed alongside) by a small tug to the State Pier, with cannons roaring, flags tooting and flags waving. My future father-in-law, Joe Dickson, was a beloved photographer in town (for many years a photographer at Bachrach in Boston). Joe was hired as the official photographer for the crossing and he would fly out to the mid-Atlantic to shoot the Mayflower underway; and, he was there at the finish.

Indiana Society Awards Scholarships Submitted by Indiana Society Governor Linda McGlothlin

• The Indiana Society held its spring luncheon on April 22, 2017 at the Woodstock Club. • Mary Burns and Tommy Cagnassola were recognized for their outstanding scholastic achievements. Each received a $2,000 scholarship from the Indiana Society. • The Indiana Society is now registered with AmazonSmile for members and non-members can designate that a portion of every purchase made through the Amazon Smile website be donated to the Indiana Society. • Excerpts from the National Geographic made for TV movie “Saints & Strangers – Surviving Plymouth” were shown. A lively discussion about the accuracy of the excerpts followed. Attendees demonstrated their deep knowledge of the Pilgrim story. 7

Development Updates by Former Governor General Lea Sinclair Filson

National Pilgrim Memorial Meetinghouse As you read the minutes from Congress 2017, you will be encouraged by all that is happening at the GSMD national level. Not the least of these projects is our decision to create an endowment for the National Pilgrim Memorial Meetinghouse. For those of you who may not have visited Plymouth, it is the stone church located at the top of Leyden Street, where our Pilgrim ancestors built their meetinghouse in 1621. This is the fifth spiritual structure built on this location and was built to honor and memorialize the Mayflower Pilgrims. If we raise an endowment of $3,000,000 by September 2020, the deed will be transferred to GSMD from First Parish Church and we will forever be able to maintain and program this beautiful building to educate the world about our ancestors. First Parish Church will also continue worshipping there, keeping the designation of one of the oldest spiritual locations in America. The excitement in the air was palpable as I called on each of the 51 Member Societies attending Congress to ask if they would be willing to consider donating $5,000 by 2020 to this cause. After a caucus, all 51 societies committed to raising money for the Meetinghouse. Twenty-four societies pledged $5,000 or more on the spot for a total of $134,000. Former California Governor Pat Friesen presented a personal donation of $1,000, followed by South Dakota DGG and AG Carter and Sharon Wiese for another $1,000. Thanks to the generosity of our Member Societies and members, we can now show a great commitment as we go after grants and corporate donations. Together we are going to make this happen! The other generous twenty-seven societies reported that they would commit after talking to their boards. We have already begun hearing back from many of you and some have already sent donations. If you would like an article for your Member Society newsletter, contact me and I am happy to send one. Member Societies committing to $5,000 or more over three years will be listed on a plaque in the Meetinghouse, receive a certificate and a beautiful pin presented to the Governor, the DGG and AG.


Individuals who give $5,000 or more will be listed on a plaque in the Meetinghouse, receive a certificate and a beautiful pin. All gifts no matter what the amount will be recognized online in our donor section and donors may purchase a Meetinghouse GSMD Insignia bar for display on the Member Society ribbon. Here are instructions to donate to the Meetinghouse project: By Mail: Send your check in care of Kathy Liolios made out to ‘GSMD’ and put in the subject line the word ‘Meetinghouse.’ Your funds will be placed in our account for the Meetinghouse and used only for that. Address: P.O. Box 3297 Plymouth, MA 02361-3297. By Internet: Go to the homepage and click on ‘DONATE’ on the top right side of the page, then click on ‘Donate Online Now.’ Choose ‘Donor Level’, click on ‘Founders Circle,’ then click on ‘Please Apply My Gift’ and choose ‘Meetinghouse.’ Continue filling out the rest of the form. Here is my contact information. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments: Lea Sinclair Filson, Former Governor General, GSMD 504-491-5330,

Governor General’s 1620 Club Thanks to all of you who have already signed on for the Governor General’s 1620 Club for the 2017/18 fiscal year. I am proud to say I will be among the number again this year. When you sign up for the 1620 Club, your $1,620 donation goes to the annual fund to be used for a much needed extra project for that year. This past year, funds were used to add a restroom in the Mayflower Society House that is ADA compliant for those with disabilities. These funds allow GSMD to fund projects that are not budgeted or to increase the budget for projects that are worthy. If you would like to designate a gift to the Meetinghouse Fund, that is also appreciated, but the 1620 Club funds are directed to the annual appeal. The generosity of our members is enormous. Each year we have increased the number of members of the 1620 Club. With this donation, during the fiscal year you give, you are treated to a private tour on the last day of either the GBOA meeting or Congress. A private dinner is given that evening where the Pilgrim Academic Research Award is presented. You also receive a distinctive pin and certificate.

1620 Club members at the 1620 Club Banquet

Whatever gift you give, we can accept your donations in a number of ways, whether cash, stocks or bonds, in installments, through a bequest or planned giving. For more information or for a copy of our ‘GSMD Giving Book,’ please contact GSMD Executive Director Susan Belekewicz at 508-746-3188 or by emailing ExecutiveDirector@ 9

What is Extreme Genes? Extreme Genes, America's Family History Show is a one hour, weekly nationally syndicated radio program hosted by Mayflower member Scott Fisher. Scott has 30+ years of radio experience and has had a passion for genealogy since he was a teen. On Extreme Genes, Scott sets out to educate the audience on resources and techniques for completing any gaps found in your family tree. Each week Scott interviews national experts in the field of genealogy as well as news related to all of our genealogy. The show features stories of discovery, surprise and reunion with informative expert guests. Be sure to visit for all the latest on the show. And, Scott’s newsletter, Weekly Genie has a signup area at the top of the website as well as on the Facebook page. It's free and is sent out on Monday mornings. The show is presently heard on Saturdays and/or Sundays at varying times on 55 stations, with major markets that include Atlanta, Dallas, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Salt Lake City, Reno, Rochester NY and many others. See the full list under "Find Us" at After the show airs it becomes a podcast immediately available to the "Patrons Club," a member group (for a small monthly fee) that receives the show early. They can also get two commercial free bonus shows a month and a live YouTube "Ask Me Anything" session once a month. The podcast then is released free to the public the following Monday. The podcast is then available to the general public through iTunes, iHeartRadio, TuneIn Radio and the following week. An estimate of their total audience between radio and podcast is about a half million a month. Recent topics have included: • World War II Letters Find Their Way Back To Vet’s Daughter • One Last Person Is Still Collecting A Civil War Pension • Woman Finds Mom’s Missing Wedding Pix & Dress In Antique Store • When 19th Century Ancestors Leave You A Courthouse And Clock Tower Scott was born and raised in Connecticut and now lives in the Salt Lake City area. His first radio gig was in Connecticut in 1970 when he was 15, with a broadcast club in high school. In late 2011, after nearly 30 years of genealogical research, he had a major breakthrough in a pair of 3rd great- grandparents. That led to a pair of Revolutionary soldiers, with one line taking him back to John Howland and Elizabeth Tilley. He was shocked and thrilled, but very cautious about sharing the news with the family until he was absolutely certain that each link was solid. He spent a lot of time at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City that week, went through the Silver Books and double checked everything. It was all good. He checked the final box on the line on Christmas Eve, so it was an extra special holiday season that year. Scott had the Society in mind from that day forward, largely because he wanted independent, neutral eyes to review and validate his work for the benefit of his descendants. His application was approved in 2013, the same year he started Extreme Genes. Scott’s grandchildren now recognize John Howland as their ancestor since he is depicted in "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving" as the character who fell overboard from the Mayflower! 10








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General Board of Assistants Meeting September 10th, 2017 . MINUTES

The Annual Meeting of the General Board of Assistants of the General Society of Mayflower Descendants convened at 6:00 p.m., on Sunday, September 10, 2017 at the Hotel 1620 Plymouth Harbor, Plymouth, Massachusetts with Governor General Lea Sinclair Filson presiding. Elder General Kenneth R. Whittemore Jr. gave the invocation. Governor General Filson welcomed those present and acknowledged, with the years of their service, Former Governors General Mildred Ramos (1990-1993), Robert Allen Greene (19931996) and Bruce Campbell MacGunnigle (2011-2014). Governor General Filson appointed Mary Scout, Professional Registered Parliamentarian, as the Parliamentarian for the meeting and Ms. Scout gave a short overview of parliamentary procedure and the role of the parliamentarian. Secretary General Susan E. Roser called the roll of current and acting members of the General Board of Assistants to be seated for this meeting and for the General Congress; the following were present: General Officers: Governor General Lea S. Filson Assistant Governor General George P. Garmany Jr., MD Secretary General Susan E. Roser Treasurer General Donald T Studley, CPA Historian General Marjorie “Midge� K. Hurtuk Counsellor General Richard S. Gilmore, Esq. Captain General Reynolds P. Cushing Surgeon General Naomi S. Mann, MD Elder General Kenneth R. Whittemore Jr. Executive Committee Members-at-Large: Virginia A. Mucciaccio Steven B. Arnold C. Richard Denham Former Governors General Mildred Ramos Robert Allen Greene Bruce Campbell MacGunnigle Deputy Governors General and Assistants General: Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Canada Colorado Connecticut Delaware

DGG Alan M. Davis AG Ann R. Ferguson Acting AG Sidnie Kruse Acting DGG Andrew Turner Acting DGG Linda K. White Acting AG James D. Weber Acting DGG Patricia Friesen Acting AG Marcia Maloney Acting DGG William Curry Acting AG Maureen McGee DGG Beverly Spooner AG Michelle L. Brown DGG Gregory E. Thompson AG Mary F. Brown DGG Noel H Kuhrt, Jr. AG Robert J Hanson, Jr.

District of Columbia Acting DGG Glennon Harrison Acting AG Priscilla Baker Europe Acting DGG Suzanne Ress Acting AG Steven B. Arnold Florida DGG Muriel Cushing Acting AG Kenneth Carter Georgia Acting DGG Julia Farrigan AG Arthur E. Chapman Hawaii DGG Elbridge W. Smith Idaho DGG Deborah Hardy-Lasher AG Cherie Lasher Illinois DGG Jane Schleinzer Acting AG John Schellinger Indiana DGG Laura E. Stocker AG Linda D. McGlothlin Iowa DGG Kenneth R. Callison Acting AG Daniel R. Weichmann Jr. Kansas DGG Jane Hurt Acting AG Della Regenold Kentucky Acting DGG Ben Talbot AG Martina Ockerman Louisiana DGG Naomi Mann Acting AG Mara S. Coiron Maine Acting DGG Patricia Claus AG Carla Rigby* Maryland DGG Benjamin G. Proctor Jr. AG James Battles Massachusetts Acting DGG William Tinney Acting AG Barbara-Lee Kelly Michigan DGG June R. Gorman AG Grace B. Smith Minnesota DGG Dolores M. Shellum AG Lorraine A. Link Mississippi DGG Charles M. Johnson AG Braxtel L. Neely Jr. Montana AG JoAnne Piazzola Nebraska DGG Gretchen Harvey AG Kathryn Morrissey Nevada DGG M. Tabor Griswold Acting AG Richard Webster New Hampshire Acting DGG Deborah Moore AG Anne L. Vadakin New Jersey DGG Nancy Popielarski AG Stephen H. Gibbon New Mexico Acting AG Margery Lewis New York DGG Adelaide P. Farah AG Susan Abanor North Carolina DGG Michael C. Keleher Acting AG Jill Chapman North Dakota DGG Margaret Bobertz Acting AG Connie Norheim Ohio DGG Sandra St Martin AG Donald N. Nichols Oklahoma Acting DGG Pamela A. Hill Acting AG Cherie S. Lawson 11

Oregon Acting DGG Beth Lambright Acting AG Patrice Peterson Pennsylvania DGG Joan C. Miller Acting AG Reed Kneale Rhode Island Acting DGG William W. Taylor Jr. Acting AG William Ulmschneider South Carolina DGG Patricia W. Sayko AG Marylen Jackson South Dakota DGG Carter O. Wiese AG Sharon C. Wiese Tennessee DGG Dennis C. Klotter AG Margaret “Peggie” Sides Texas DGG Michael S. Nichols Acting AG Bart S. Henson Utah Acting DGG Thomas P. Portlock Vermont DGG Kathleen Barrett AG Randy Roberts Virginia Acting DGG Lee Woody Acting AG Cynthia Casrlson Washington Acting DGG Judy Arnold Acting AG Joceyln Paulson Wisconsin DGG Christine A Schlosser AG Jeff Stark Wyoming DGG Elwood M. Porter II AG Mary E. Stoll The delegates for both this meeting and Congress were seated by unanimous voice vote. The agenda and standing rules were accepted by unanimous voice vote. The minutes of the General Board of Assistants meeting held in Indianapolis, Indiana on September 6, 2016, as printed in the December 2016 issue of The Mayflower Quarterly Magazine were accepted by unanimous voice vote. Report of the Actions of the Executive Committee The Actions of the Executive Committee dated December 3, 2016 to June 3, 2017 were distributed in advance to all General Board of Assistants members, therefore only the actions from the meeting of September 9, 2017 were read. December 3, 2016 1. To adopt the agenda. 2. To approve the minutes of the Executive Committee meeting dated September 8, 2016. 3. To establish an electronic document system where Executive Committee members may indicate that they have looked at and approved the 990s. 4. To approve the 2015 990 as distributed by TG Studley. 5. To appoint an Adhoc committee consisting of AGG Garmany, HG Hurtuk, MAL Mucciaccio and Technology Chair Mike Nichols, to prepare for the March Executive Committee meeting, a proposal regarding digitization of our records by the LDS for Family Search. 6. To formally accept the charter for the Europe Society in Europe now that they have met all the requirements. 7. To approve a new policy for the Appeals Committee. 8. To use the larger downstairs room in the Mayflower Society House apartment as a members’ lounge and welcome area, and return the bedroom in the house to the house tour. 9. To continue with plans for the ADA approved downstairs bathroom in the Mayflower Society House apartment, with 12 no shower and one doorway.

10. To accept changes to the Scholarship application as submitted by the Committee Chair. 11. To approve the amendment to policy #55, Trustees of Endowment Funds as distributed by CG Gilmore. 12. To approve the amendment to policy #53 Fiduciary Responsibilities as distributed by SG Roser. 13. To send ₤10,000 to Plymouth UK, and $5,000 to Plimoth Plantation for the restoration of the Mayflower II. 14. To allow NEHGS to digitize the fifth generation only of the Silver Books and put the information on americanancestors. org. 15. To allow NEHGS to digitize the first 50 years of The Mayflower Quarterly and put the issues on 16. That GG Filson and AGG Garmany continue to work with Dusty Rhodes in Boston, putting together a proposal for 2-3 days of events to be held a few days before Congress 2020, and to report back on the next EC conference call. 17. To authorize an insignia for Past Colony Governors with a second bar for the Member Society and a curved bar for the colony name. March 11, 2017 1. To adopt the agenda. 2. To approve the minutes of the Executive Committee meeting dated December 3, 2016. 3. To hire Julie Brewster, an outside events contractor and sign the contract after review by CG Gilmore. 4. To create a quarterly lecture series at the Mayflower House focused on mission driven topics. 5. To approve a new member anniversary pin using a pink Mayflower instead of a pink star, without the word ‘member’ in the center, for 10 and 25 years. 6. To approve the license plate design as submitted by the Insignia Chair. 7. To propose to Congress, that our 2020 monument will be an artistic representation of William Bradford writing the quote in his journal, with his candle as an eternal flame and with a panel behind him with an original transcript of his quote. 8. To approve a Past Colony Governor double bar medal in gold, with the name of the colony and abbreviated Member Society name. 9. To accept the Public Speaking Policy as distributed. [NEW POLICY] 10. To accept the HG Appeals Policy as distributed. [NEW POLICY] 11. To recommend for approval at Congress, the proposal of Family Search, to digitize our membership files. 12. To approve a release statement to be signed by consultants, independent contractors and volunteer researchers who do work for GSMD. 13. To accept the amendments to our Mission Statement which were distributed. 14. To modify the Congress schedule in 2020 to allow for extended days to include events in Provincetown and Boston. 15. To raise the fee for outside commercial vendors selling their goods at Congress from $50.00 to $100.00. [POLICY AMENDMENT] 16. That all approved primary and supplemental applications for membership must be acknowledged with a GSMD member certificate from the Member Society. [NEW POLICY] June 3, 2017 1. To adopt the agenda.

2. To approve the minutes of the Executive Committee meeting held March 2017. 3. To recommend for approval at Congress a proposal from partners Family Search and NEHGS to digitize and index GSMD member applications and accompanying documents. 4. To approve the FY2018 budget with the caveat that any additional money needed for the hire of a new Executor Director will come out of the operating reserve at the discretion of the Personnel Committee. 5. To approve a new Mayflower Society House pin as submitted by the Insignia Chair. 6. To proceed with the proposal by Hatchette Books, upon approval of contract, to have Tom Craughwell author a 2020 Mayflower book with the stipulation that we hire Jim Baker to proof the book for historical accuracy. September 9, 2017 1. To adopt the agenda. 2. To approve the minutes of the June 3, 2017 Excecutive Committee meeting. 3. To ratify the electronic vote taken August 17, 2017, to approval the amended Hatchette book proposal. 4. To recommend the contract proposed by a partnership of Family Search and New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) to digitize and index GSMD member applications for use only on the GSMD website, AmericanAncestor. com and, be approved by the 41st General Congress 5. That the General Society Mayflower Descendants (GSMD) follow the directives suggested in the DBVW Feasibility Study, conditional upon raising funds, to build an Annex and upgrades between the Library and Admin Buildings and that the least invasive directives for changes to the Mayflower Society House be the only option considered. 6. All Personnel files should be held by the Business Manager in a locked file cabinet and accessed only by the Governor General, Executive Director, and Business Manager. It will be the responsibility of the Business Manager to see that any accessed file is returned in a reasonable amount of time and secured. Ex-employee files no longer with GSMD should be transferred by the Business Manager to a locked file cabinet in the archives room. Access to Personnel files are available only to the Governor General, Business Manager, Executive Director, and Archivist. [NEW POLICY] 7. To accept the two 990’s as prepared by Treasurer General Studley. 8. To transfer $38,500 into the operating reserve from last year as recommended by the Treasurer General.

Buildings and that the least invasive directives for changes to the Mayflower Society House be the only option considered. Motion carried. • Family Search/NEHGS Motion: The Executive Committee moves that the contract proposed by a partnership of Family Search and New England Historic Genealogical Society to digitize and index GSMD member applications for use only on the GSMD website, and, be approved by the 41st General Congress. Motion carried. • Fundraising Initiative Discussion: Governor General Filson announced that the vote by First Parish Church had been taken at 10:00 am on this day to create a charitable trust with GSMD that stipulates that if GSMD raises $3 million by September 1, 2020, then First Parish would turn the deed over to GSMD giving the organization full ownership of the National Pilgrim Memorial Meetinghouse. It was then announced that at Congress, Member Societies would be asked to pledge affirmative intent to donate to the Meetinghouse and that shortly after Congress a fundraising initiative would commence to raise the $3 million. Announcements The 2018 General Board of Assistants meeting will be hosted by the Illinois Society. The 2019 General Board of Assistants meeting will be hosted by the Colorado Society. The benediction was given by Elder General Whittemore. The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. by Governor General Filson. Submitted by Susan E. Roser, Secretary General

Approved by Lea Sinclair Filson Governor General

By unanimous consent, all reports were deferred until the General Congress. New Business Treasurer General Donald T Studley deferred the presentation of the 2016-2017 financial report and 2017-2018 budget until the General Congress. • DBVW Feasibility Study Motion: The Executive Committee moves that the General Society Mayflower Descendants follow the directives suggested in the DBVW Feasibility Study, conditional upon raising funds, to build an Annex and upgrades between the Library and Admin

Europe Society DGG Suzanne Ress and GG Lea Sinclair Filson









P LY M O U T H 1 8

Opening Ceremony . September 10, 2017 First Parish Church Meetinghouse . Plymouth, Massachusetts




41st Mayflower General Congress

The opening ceremony of the 41st Mayflower General Congress were held on Sunday, September 10, 2017, at the First Parish Church in Plymouth. The afternoon began with the Pilgrim Progress, with members and guests, many in Pilgrim attire, making their way from the Mayflower Society House to Cole’s Hill, where Governor General Lea Sinclair Filson laid a wreath on the Sarcophagus. MD AG James Battles read names of the passengers who died the first winter without living descendants. DGG Benjamin Proctor read names of the passengers with proven descendants and those members representing their ancestors raised their hands as names were called. The group continued to the First Parish Church Meetinghouse on Town Square where Governor General Filson called the assembly to order. Elder General Kenneth R. Whittemore Jr. offered the invocation, followed by the Posting of the Colors by the Plimoth Guard, led by Captain General Reynolds P. Cushing. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was led by Captain General Cushing. The congregation then sang three verses of Mayflower Nations. The Reverend Ed Hardy extended greetings from the First Parish Church. The Call for Congress to convene was brought by Assistant Governor General George P. Garmany Jr. Elder General Whittemore read the Necrology of Member Society Officers which was reported throughout the year as follows. Necrology of Officers General Society REV. WESLEY H. ALLEN (1929-2017), past Elder General (2002-2005), DGG (1998), past Elder (1995-1997), and Governor (1999-2013) of the Massachusetts Society ROBERT “ROBBIE” EUGENE BURT (1926-2016), past AG, past Governor (2009-2011) for the Florida Society IDA LUCILLE (TRUSSELL) HARDY (1932-2017), past DGG, past Treasurer (2007-2009), Governor (2009-2015) of the Idaho Society RALPH LAWRENCE MOORE (1941-2017), past DGG, past Corresponding Secretary (2004-2007), 36th Governor (2007-2010) of the Illinois Society and Member of the GSMD 2020 Committee JOSEPH CARL WEBER (1942-2016), past AG and DGG, past Treasurer and Governor for the Colorado Society Member Societies CLAUDIA ERWIN WATKINS BELK, past Counselor of the North Carolina Society JOHN WILSON BILLINGTON (1947-2016), two term past Governor of the Oregon Society (2010-2015) BETTY ANN CAMPBELL (1946-2017), Board of Assistants of the Vermont Society (2001-2017) GILBERT “GIL” REGINAL CAMPBELL JR., (1931-2017), past Counselor of the Tennessee Society REV. ROBERT GARY COLE, past Elder of the Maine Society MARY-ANN “MIMI” (BRAMHALL) LUCAS (1927-2017),


past Board of Assistants (1993-1995) of the Massachusetts Society, ae 89 JO ANN PIELSTICKER ( -2016), past member of Board of Assistants for the Oklahoma Society (2010-2016) JACOB “JAY” E. ROSENCRANTZ, past Governor of the Nebraska Society, ae. 94 JEANNIE C. BLESSMAN THOBURN (1929-2017), past Board Member of the Illinois Society and Treasurer of Great Prairie Colony (2005-2012) DONALD WINGERSON (1932-2017), five term past Governor of the Washington Society. Over 100 Years (ABIGAIL) FLOWER SHELDON BUHMASTER (19162016), member of the Massachusetts Society, ae. 100 HAROLD F. COGGINS (1916–2016), member of the Canadian Society, ae. 100 GERALDINE “GERRIE” DEGRENIA, member of the Maine Society, over 100 SARA ELEANOR MORISON WARD, member of the North Carolina Society, over 100 ELEANOR (BRADFORD) LEMON (1915-2016), member of the Mississippi Society, ae. 101 MARY ROVETTA (1914-2016), member of the Florida Society, ae. 102 IRENE “PEGGY” HARRY (1913-2016), member of the Ohio Society, ae. 103 DOROTHY HELEN CARLSON (1912-2016), member of the Nebraska Society, ae. 104 The Mayflower Compact was read by NY DGG Adelaide P. Farah. The roll call of Mayflower ancestors was read by FGG Bruce C. MacGunnigle, with those present standing when their ancestors’ names were read. Announcements: Governor General Filson announced that in a meeting that morning, the First Parish Church congregation had voted to enter into a Charitable Trust with GSMD that, under specified conditions, would eventually allow First Parish to sign over the deed for the Meetinghouse to GSMD. Members of the First Parish Committee and the GSMD Committee that negotiated the agreement came forward and the agreement to create a Charitable Trust was signed by First Parish President Anne-Marie Harnett and Governor General Lea Sinclair Filson. Members of the negotiating committees included: from GSMD, GG Lea S. Filson, TG Donald T. Studley, AGG George P. Garmany and CG Richard S. Gilmore, Esq, and from the First Parish Church, Anne-Marie Harnett, Ronald Clarke, Anne Marie Schulz and Deborah Rudolph, Atty, with non-voting member Rev. Ed Hardy. Governor General Filson announced the appointment of Certified Parliamentarian, Mary Scout as the Parliamentarian for

the 41st General Congress. She then announced the appointment of the tellers for Congress, AL DGG Alan Davis, LA Member Rick Moore and SD AG Sharon Weise, as well as the timekeepers, WI AG Jeff Stark and NJ AG Stephen Gibbon. The reception at the Mayflower Society House would be at 3:00 p.m. that afternoon. The General Board of Assistants would meet that evening at 6:00 p.m. and the first business session of the General Congress would convene Monday morning at 9:00 a.m. 41st MAYFLOWER GENERAL CONGRESS MINUTES September 11-12, 2017 Plymouth, Mass. The 41st Mayflower General Congress of the General Society of Mayflower Descendants convened at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, September 11, 2017 with a Call to Assemble by Assistant Governor General George P. Garmany Jr., MD, followed by the Call to Order by Governor General Lea Sinclair Filson. The Invocation was offered by Elder General Kenneth R. Whittemore Jr. Governor General Filson welcomed those present and acknowledged, with the years of their service, Former Governors General Mildred Ramos (1990-1993), Robert Allen Greene (1993-1996) and Bruce Campbell MacGunnigle (2011-2014). A special welcome was given to Pat Fortine, widow of Former Governor General Eugene A. Fortine. Governor General Filson introduced Kenneth Tavares who, as President of the Plymouth Town of Selectmen, brought greetings to GSMD. President Tavares presented Governor General Lea Sinclair Filson with an official Town of Plymouth pin for being an Ambassador to the city from GSMD. A plaque was awarded to President Tavares from GSMD for his service and efforts on behalf of GSMD with the City of Plymouth. Mary Scout, Professional Registered Parliamentarian, was appointed as the Parliamentarian for the meeting and Ms. Scout gave a short overview of parliamentary procedure and the role of the parliamentarian. Governor General Filson introduced the appointed time keepers for the meeting, WI AG Jeff Stark and NJ AG Steve Gibbon. The tellers appointed were then introduced: AL DGG Alan Davis, LA Delegate Rick Moore and SD AG Sharon Weise. As there were no objections, the Agenda and the Standing Rules for the meeting were adopted as presented. The Minutes of the 2014 Mayflower General Congress as printed in The Mayflower Quarterly Magazine were accepted with no objections. Governor General Filson presented a gift and words of appreciation to Executive Director Dr. Walter Powell upon his retirement.

1. Article V, Section 5. SG Roser moved on behalf of the General Board of Assistants to amend by striking “a majority” between “by” and “electoral” and inserting the sentence “The General Officers shall be elected by majority vote and the three Executive Committee Members-at-Large shall be elected by plurality vote.” Motion to amend carried, 45-1. The section as amended reads: “After the opportunity for nominations made from the floor, the General Officers (including the three Executive Committee Members-at-Large) shall be elected at a regular meeting of the General Congress by electoral vote of the State Societies present and voting. The General Officers shall be elected by majority vote and the three Executive Committee Members-at-Large shall be elected by a plurality vote. Elections shall be by ballot, except if there is only one nominee for an office, in which case the vote for the office may be by voice vote.” 2. SG Roser moved on behalf of the General Board of Assistants, to amend by striking “State” and inserting “Member” throughout the Constitution and Bylaws and where it refers to “State Society” to change to “State or Country Society.” A. Primary amendment: DC Acting DGG Glennon Harrison moved to amend the amendment by adding “Within the United States of America the states’ officers shall remain the governing authority of the state of the Member Society including the District of Columbia. Motion seconded by DE DGG Noel Kuhrt. Secondary amendment: DC Acting DGG Glennon Harrison moved to amend the primary amendment by inserting the words “and territories” after the word “Columbia.” Motion seconded by TN DGG Dennis Klotter. Motion carried, 32-16. A vote was taken on the primary amendment as amended. Motion failed. B. Primary amendment: CT Delegate Beverly Russo moved to amend the amendment by inserting the words “District, Territory and Country” after the word “State” throughout the Constitution and Bylaws and where it refers to “State Society” to change to “State, District, Territory and country.” Motion seconded by IN DGG Laura Stocker. Motion failed. MA Delegate Steve Brown moved the previous question. Motion seconded by IA DGG Ken Callison. Motion carried.


A vote was taken on the original amendment moved by SG Roser. Motion carried, 36-11.

Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws Proposed amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws were published in the winter 2016 issue of The Mayflower Quarterly Magazine as part of the minutes of the General Board of Assistants (GBOA) meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana. They were also emailed to all GBOA members before April 1, 2017, appeared on the GSMD website as well as included in the registration packets of members in attendance at Congress. The approval of bylaw amendments requires a two-thirds vote (35) of the Member Societies present (51) at the meeting. The following amendments were passed.

3. Article X, Section 1. SG Roser moved on behalf of the General Board of Assistants to amend Article X, Section 1 by striking “April” and inserting “February,” striking “June” and inserting “March,” striking “June” and inserting “May”; by inserting “Magazine” after “Mayflower Quarterly” and adding two sentences at the end of the section as follows: “The ballot of the voting committee member shall be signed and dated by the voting member and held confidentially by the Nominating Committee Chair until after the election of officers at the General Congress after which they shall be destroyed. If any member of the committee challenges the outcome of the vote, such ballot


shall be reviewed by the Counsellor General or a neutral member determined by the Governor General who shall verify the accuracy of the outcome of the committee vote.”

SG Roser moved to amend the amendment by striking “March” before “issue” and inserting “spring.” Motion seconded by CT DGG Greg Thompson. Amendment to the amendment was approved 48-0.

The amendment to Article X, Section 1 as amended was approved 48-0. The section as amended reads: This committee is to be appointed at the annual meeting of the General Board of Assistants held during the calendar year prior to each General Congress of the Society and its list of nominees shall be submitted to the Secretary General and to the Editor of The Mayflower Quarterly Magazine by February first of the year during which the General Congress is to be held. They shall be published in the spring issue of The Mayflower Quarterly Magazine for that year. In the event that a timely distribution of the Nominating Committee Report is not possible through The Mayflower Quarterly Magazine; the Secretary General shall provide copies of said Report by postal or electronic mail to all members of the General Board of Assistants as well as the Governors and Secretaries of each State Society prior to May 1st of the General Congress year. In case a meeting is called by the chairman or by a majority of the members of the committee, a quorum shall consist of those members present after all members of the committee have been duly notified of the meeting. Meetings may be held in person or electronically. The committee may act by mail or telephone ballot, or electronic (e.g. email) vote as long as each member of the Committee is provided a reasonable and fair opportunity to vote on matters coming before said Committee. Telephone or e-mail voting shall be by roll call. The ballot of the voting committee member shall be signed and dated by the voting member and held confidentially by the Nominating Committee Chair until after the election of officers at the General Congress after which they shall be destroyed. If any member of the committee challenges the outcome of the vote, such ballot shall be reviewed by the Counsellor General or a neutral member determined by the Governor General who shall verify the accuracy of the outcome of the committee vote. By unanimous consent, the Secretary General was authorized to correct Article and Section designations, punctuation and cross references and to make such other conforming changes as may be necessary to reflect the intent of the Society in connection with the amendments.

Expanding Membership Outreach by improving communication between staff and members, improving member retention, and through better leadership presence, services to members. Expanding Member Society Outreach through website, programs and information for chartered Societies and expanding Member Society Outreach with better communication Creating an adequate Administration and operations in Plymouth with programs that support GSMD and its Mission of lineage research and education

In 2015 in Connecticut, the GBOA dropped the Admin and Operations goal as it had been accomplished and added a new imperative: • Creating 2020 Congress programs around the 400th Anniversary of the Mayflower voyage •

In 2016 in Indianapolis, the GBOA added a fifth goal: Begin negotiations on an agreement to raise $3 million endowment so that GSMD can accept donation of The National Pilgrim Memorial Meetinghouse from the First Parish Church congregation.

In 2017 at Congress, the GBOA combined the Membership and Member Outreach goals and added one goal. • Continue the GSMD ‘gold standard’ of lineage research through updated technology including DNA research. • • • •

The goals adopted by the GBOA for the 2017/2020 term: Broaden and Diversify Fund Development Improve Membership and Member Society Outreach through Communication, Education, and Programs Create 2020 Initiatives for 400th Anniversary of the Mayflower voyage Begin negotiations on an agreement to raise $3 million endowment so that GSMD can accept donation of The National Pilgrim Memorial Meetinghouse from the First Parish Church congregation. Continue the GSMD ‘gold standard’ of lineage research through updated technology including DNA research.

Family Search/NEHGS Partnership Family Search and the New England Historic and Genealogical Society are proposing to GSMD that they digitize and index our members’ applications, and representatives were present to discuss the plans and to answer questions.

Presentation of 2017-2018 Approved Budget and Annual Audit Motion: Treasurer General Don Studley presented and moved to accept the audit report as presented. MAL Virginia Mucciaccio seconded. Motion carried.

Motion: The Executive Committee moves that the contract proposed by a partnership of Family Search and New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) to digitize and index GSMD member applications for use only on the GSMD website,, and, be approved by the 41st General Congress. Motion carried.

Strategic Plan Revisions A Strategic Plan allows an organization to identify its greatest areas of needs and address them. At the 2014 General Congress our Strategic Plan imperatives for the 2014-2017 term were as follows. • Broadening and diversifying our fund development with new ways of giving

Family Tree DNA Partnership Some of you may have attended the DNA Lecture with James Brewster of Family Tree DNA on Sunday evening. It was a packed house. GSMD has partnered with FTDNA to use DNA tests in their database to find direct descendants and identify a line of direct descent from each of the Mayflower Pilgrims. This is but one reason you should test and join our FTDNA


Mayflower Project. Please stop by and talk with Jim at the FTDNA table in the Exhibition Hall. FTDNA will also offer DNA tests at the table for purchase. Can I answer any further questions about the GSMD side of the partnership? Incidentally, we have done two Press Releases this year which have received national attention. Both were sent to you via our Pilgrim Press email newsletter and posted on our social media channels. One was about our partnership with NEHGS to digitize and index Generation Five of our Silver Books. Among publicity across the nation, we even made the New York Times with that announcement. The other press release was about the FTDNA partnership. Within the first day of its distribution, our project administrator, Mike Terry, received over 70 join requests from our members to join our FTDNA Mayflower Project. He has received hundreds since and is working his way through them. So that you do not miss seeing what GSMD is doing to publicize the General Society, please go to the home page of our website and register for email updates at the top of the home page. DBVW Campus Feasibility Study Motion: The Executive Committee moves that the General Society Mayflower Descendants (GSMD) follow the directives suggested in the DBVW Feasibility Study, conditional upon raising funds, to build an Annex and upgrades between the Library and Admin Buildings and that the least invasive directives for changes to the Mayflower Society House be the only option considered. Motion carried. National Pilgrim Memorial Meetinghouse We are making progress on our negotiations with First Parish Church for the donation of the National Pilgrim Memorial Meetinghouse. At 10:00 am on the morning of our Opening Ceremonies this past Sunday, the congregation voted to move forward from our ‘Memorandum of Understanding’ to a Joint Venture agreement. That agreement stipulates that the Deed to the Meetinghouse will go into a Charitable Trust with members from both the Church and GSMD as Trustees. GSMD Trustees will be myself, Don Studley, George Garmany, Dick Gilmore and one more appointee. The trust will be created and we will begin actively fundraising for a three-million dollar endowment that must be raised by 2020. If we reach that goal, during our 2020 Congress we will participate in a Meetinghouse Deed Ceremony to accept the deed from First Parish, making GSMD the sole owner of the Meetinghouse. First Parish Church will continue its ministry there even after we restore it into our Education Center, continuing the legacy of the longest continuous ministry on a site in America. If for some reason we are not able to raise the three million dollars for the endowment and we determine our Society cannot afford to operate the Meetinghouse, all monies collected for it will still be used to restore the Meetinghouse so that we can ensure that the National Pilgrim Memorial Meetinghouse will not deteriorate any further. DBVW Architects took a look at the structure for us and report that some of the deterioration is becoming serious and should be addressed immediately. I will get into the fundraising aspects next but regarding our negotiations with First Parish Church, may I answer any questions or entertain any comments? Fundraising Initiatives Imagine in future years, visiting Plymouth with your family

and walking through the Meetinghouse where GSMD has programming to teach the world about the Mayflower Pilgrims. We are the descendants of the Pilgrims and if we really want to take ownership of the Meetinghouse at the top of Leyden Street where Plymouth Colony began and the Pilgrims built their first Meetinghouse, this is where the rubber meets the road. We anticipate being able to raise funds through grants and corporations for maintenance and programming through the years, but to really get that going, we have to show our own commitment. And we have only until 2020 to raise three million dollars. Today, I am asking that each Member Society consider making a pledge to donate a minimum of $5,000.00 and more if you are able toward the Meetinghouse endowment between now and 2020. If your Society does not have the funds, you could raise the money through events, projects, or even from local churches. When the Meetinghouse was first funded in 1896, the entire construction cost came from donations from churches throughout America. I challenge you to help your Society do that again. Stretched over three years, raising $5,000.00 is possible Let’s caucus at this time so that you can discuss whether you can make a pledge today to offer your best efforts to raise a minimum of $5,000.00 from your Member Society. Of course, if you don’t meet the goal, we will happily accept whatever you can raise and place the name of your Member Society with other donors on a plaque to be placed in the Meetinghouse. All 51 Societies attending Congress went into caucus and returned to pledge money. Twentyfour of those Societies pledged $5,000.00 or more on the spot. Those Societies pledging $5,000.00 or more included California $10,000.00, Canada $7,000.00 Colorado, Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Wisconsin and Wyoming totaling at least $127,000. The other Societies will let GSMD know their pledge amounts after conferring with their boards. Former California Governor Pat Friesen came forward and personally donated $1,000.00, followed by Carter and Sharon Wiese who did the same. 2020 Book with Hatchette Publishers The Executive Committee has signed a contract with Hatchette Book Group under its ‘Black Dog and Levanthal’ division to publish a book written by author Tom Craughwell. (You may know him from his best-selling book, Stealing Lincoln’s Body.) The book will be geared to capture the attention of the general public, and while it will not be a scholarly publication, GSMD has hired Pilgrim scholar Jim Baker to work with Tom and to check the accuracy of the content. This is a great opportunity for GSMD to get international publicity. Hatchette Book Group is a global publishing company, but it has American offices in Boston, MA; Lebanon, IN; Nashville, TN; Boulder, CO; Philadelphia, PA; and Berkeley, CA. In one year, Hatchette Book Group publishes approximately 900 plus adult books, including 50 to 100 digital-only titles, 250 plus books for young readers and 400 audio book titles. In 2015, the company had 183 works on the New York Times bestseller list, 34 of which reached #1. Only a few of its bestselling authors include David Baldacci, Stephen Colbert, J.K Rowling, J.D. Salinger, Tom Wolfe, and James Patterson. Our book will be short bios on Mayflower Pilgrims and their notorious and not-so-notorious descendants. It should be out in 2019 and we will keep you posted on the publishing date.


2020 Commemorative Statue At the 2016 GBOA meeting, the Executive Committee was tasked with bringing a recommendation to Congress. The Committee chose to have a bronze statue of William Bradford, seated with quill in hand and a candle with an eternal flame sitting on his table. 2020 Chair and AGG George Garmany showed pictures of the rough clay model and the discussion was positive. The cost of $100,000.00 had been set aside for this purpose during the previous administration. Motion: The Executive Committee moves to approve the 2020 commemorative statue of William Bradford as presented by AGG Garmany. Motion carried. ____________________________ Election of Officers In addition to the current Deputy Governors General (DGG) and Assistants General (AG) who were seated during Congress and who will be re-elected, the following nominees for DGG and AG were elected on a motion by SG Roser; seconded by CT DGG Gregory Thompson. Motion carried. ALASKA AG Sidnie Kruse ARKANSAS DGG Linda White AG Gale Markley ARIZONA DGG Andrew Turner AG Gordon Smith CALIFORNIA DGG Pat Friesen AG Marcia Maloney DIST.OF COLUMBIA DGG Glennon Harrison AG Annie John EUROPE DGG Suzanne Ress AG Steven Arnold FLORIDA DGG Reynolds Cushing AG Ken Carter ILLINOIS DGG John Schellinger, AG Jane Schleinzer INDIANA DGG Chuck Provost AG Laura Smith IOWA DGG Daniel Weichman AG Ken Callison KANSAS AG Della Reginold KENTUCKY DGG Fay Charpentier-Ford AG Ben Talbott MAINE DGG Patricia Claus MICHIGAN DGG Grace Smith AG June Gorman MISSISSIPPI AG Nancy Harrison MONTANA AG JoAnn Piazzola NEVADA AG Richard Webster NEW JERSEY DGG Nancy Popielarski OKLAHAMA DGG Pamela Hill AG Cherie Lawson OREGON DGG Teri Scheiber AG Patrice Peterson RHODE ISLAND DGG William Taylor AG William Ulmschneider UTAH DGG Thomas Portlock WASHINGTON DGG Judy Arnold


AG Jocelyn Paulson WISCONSIN DGG Jeff Stark AG Charlene Janeczko Election of Executive Committee Officers The GSMD Nominating Committee is pleased to nominate the following:

Governor General – George P. Garmany Jr., CO Assistant Governor General – Susan E. Roser, CN Secretary General – Jane E. Hurt, KS Treasurer General – Elizabeth W. Gaudreau, CO Historian General -- Marjorie “Midge” K. Hurtuk, CT Counsellor General – Richard S. Gilmore Esq., MA Captain General – Jeff J. Stark, WI Elder General – Rev. Dr. Thomas F. Pike Jr., NY Surgeon General – George J. Hill, MD, NJ

As there were no nominations from the floor for the position of Governor General, George P. Garmany Jr. was elected by unanimous voice vote. As there were no nominations from the floor for the position of Assistant Governor General, Susan E. Roser was elected by unanimous voice vote As there were no nominations from the floor for the position of Secretary General, Jane E. Hurt was elected by unanimous voice vote. As there were no nominations from the floor for the position of Treasurer General, Elizabeth W. Gaudreau was elected by unanimous voice vote. As there were no nominations from the floor for the position of Historian General, Marjorie “Midge” K. Hurtuk was elected by unanimous voice vote. As there were no nominations from the floor for the position of Counsellor General, Richard S. Gilmore Esq. was elected by unanimous voice vote. As there were no nominations from the floor for the position of Captain General, Jeff Stark was elected by unanimous voice vote. As there were no nominations from the floor for the position of Elder General, Rev. Dr. Thomas F. Pike Jr. was elected by unanimous voice vote. CT DGG Gregory Thompson nominated from the floor current Surgeon General Naomi S. Mann for the office of Surgeon General. Naomi S. Mann received 88 votes, George Hill received 44 votes. Naomi S. Mann was elected to the office of Surgeon General. Election of Members-at-Large Nominations for Members-at-Large west of the Mississippi were as follows: Steven Arnold of WA was nominated by IA DGG Deborah Hardy-Lashey. Kenneth Whittemore of CA was nominated by CA Acting DGG Pat Friesen. Lisa Pennington of TX was nominated by TX DGG Mike Nichols. Election was by ballot, Lisa Pennington received 102 votes, Steven Arnold received 25 votes and Kenneth Whittemore received 9

votes. GG Filson declared Lisa Pennington elected as Member-atLarge west of the Mississippi. Nominations for Members-at-Large east of the Mississippi were as follows: Jane Schleinzer of IL was nominated by IL Acting AG John Schellinger. Donald Studley of CT was nominated by CT AG Mary Brown. Virginia Mucciaccio of MA was nominated by MA Acting DGG William Tinney. Election was by ballot, Don Studley received 63 votes, Jane Schleinzer received 44 votes and Virginia Mucciaccio received 32 votes. GG Filson declared Donald Studley elected as Member-atLarge east of the Mississippi. Nominations for the third Member-at-Large office were as follows: Jane Schleinzer, Virginia Mucciaccio, Steven Arnold and Kenneth Whittemore Election was by ballot, Jane Schleinzer received 56 votes, Virginia Mucciaccio received 48 votes, Steve Arnold received 29 votes and Ken Whittemore received 2 votes. GG Filson declared Jane Schleinzer elected as Member-at-Large. Remarks of Retiring and Incoming Governors General Retiring Governor General Lea Sinclair Filson I offer no long-winded remarks to you at this time. I leave you with this phrase from William Bradford: All great and honorable actions are accompanied with great difficulties, and both must be enterprised and overcome with answerable courage. Our ancestors demonstrated this and founded a country. We demonstrate it and make sure those founders are remembered, both through lineage research and education. One other note – Ron and I will be spending summers in this beautiful Cape Cod house at 27 Leyden Street here in Plymouth. It is located on the spot of our ancestors’ first Common House so if you are in Plymouth, knock on the front door and if I’m here, we’ll have a glass of lemonade and I’ll take you to the backyard which overlooks Town Brook and the bay. Thanks for allowing me the honor of being your Governor General. Now let’s welcome our newly elected Governor General Dr. George P. Garmany, Jr. Incoming Governor General George P. Garmany Jr., MD I want to begin by thanking the many people in this room who have given me help and guidance over the years while I have worked for the Colorado Society and the General Society. You may not even remember all of the things that you have done, but I remember you. And – in all humility – I’ll probably be calling on you again during the next three years for your advice and help. We have a lot to do! You must all know that I didn’t originally set out to be Governor General. Nobody from my entire time zone has ever been elected to this office and early in my membership all of the elected officers seemed to be very distant from where I was. I am humbled by the opportunity to serve in this role. There are three

people whom I especially want to remember tonight. I grew up in Florida and my original Junior membership was there. My adored grandmother, whom we all called Mimi, did not have a Mayflower line, but she loved family history. During the last year of her life, while I was in medical school in Virginia, she prepared my papers so that I could join GSMD in the Florida Society. It seemed like a wonderful honor, but I was not destined to live in Florida again. As a medical student, I had neither the time nor the money to participate, so my membership lapsed after a year or so when I stopped paying dues. Nonetheless, I always remembered that Mimi believed in me, as she did in both of my brothers. Fast forward 25 years, by then I had lived in Colorado for 20 years. I could envision actually participating there, so I did my penance for the Florida Society and transferred my membership to Colorado. I recently found the welcome letter written to me by Gladys Gallagher, then the Colorado Historian. Within my first year of membership, Gladys also called to ask me to serve a term as Colorado Captain. My wife, Beverly and I found the nomination to be amusing, since she thought that I might expect her to recite “Captain, Oh My Captain” whenever she had a request. Gladys also reached out to several other members who had also joined as part of the “Class of 1994” demonstrating that she believed in each of us enough to ask us to serve various roles. And this is the teaching point for all of our Member Societies: make sure to involve your newest members in the activities of your organization. Maybe you won’t have an office to fill, but there are committees, activities and publications, all of which need their enthusiasm. My little job as Colorado Captain led directly to weightier responsibilities later and I’ll always appreciate the trust that Gladys put in me by asking me to serve. Helping me all the way through my Mayflower career has been my wonderful wife, Beverly. She has repeatedly shown me how much she believes in me and in our organization. She has often been the one who picks up the telephone, so she has met many of our members that way. She puts up with me when I need to complain…. Beverly, I’d like for you to stand up, and I’d also like to call my brother, Alan, and his wife, Kathy, forward. These folks are my immediate support team who will help me steer our ship. Everyone in this room is part of my extended team and I really look forward to serving together with all of you. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Announcements and Thanks from the Governor General A bit more housekeeping and then we will recess until later. But first, may I present this certificate of commendation to Secretary General Susan Roser, who has done an amazing job working with the Meetings and Events Committee on Congress. GSMD was honored to have BBC Radio Nottingham at Congress speaking with members and sharing stories from across the pond. As a thank you, the BBC gifted a handmade quilt made by the Nottinghamshire branch of the Quilters’ Guild to the Society at the General Congress. Congratulations to the new Family Society for the Billington Family! Mary Scout was presented with a gift for her invaluable help during Congress. Thank you to Pat Friesen and husband, and Carter and Sharon Weise who have each donated $1,000.00 to the meetinghouse fund. Sir Jeremy Bangs was the recipient of the 2017 Pilgrim Academic Research award of $1,000.


The winner of the silent auction for the Mayflower quilt by Beverly Spooner of the Colorado Society was announced. The highest bid was made by Beverly Garmany who bought it for her husband, AGG Dr. George Garmany. We also have a certificate for Hotel 1620 for their wonderful hospitality and for the years we have worked together. We will present it to them after Congress. Concerning GBOA meetings this term – this is a reminder that the General Board of Assistants meetings for the next two years have been scheduled. The GBOA 2018 meeting will be in Illinois, and the 2019 GBOA meeting will be in Colorado. Let’s applaud Illinois and Colorado for their hospitality. The reception for the closing banquet tonight will begin at 6:00 pm at Indian Pond Country Club. The dinner will begin at 7:00 pm. Buses will pick up only from Hotel 1620 at 5:45 pm. The benediction was given by Elder General Whittemore and the retiring of the colors led by Captain General Cushing with the help of Florida members Jim Preston FL Governor elect, Ken Carter FL Governor, and Steven Carter FL Member. The 41st General Congress will now go into recess until we resume our Officer Installation at tonight’s closing banquet. Before you leave, please allow the officers from this term and newly elected officers to proceed ahead of you to the hallway so that they can form the receiving line.

Crazy Mayflower Members at the General Congress Banquet

Meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. Minutes submitted by SG Susan E. Roser

Minutes approved by GG Lea Sinclair Filson

New Secretary General Jane Hurt in her Mayflower pink

Outgoing Executive Director Walter Powell with incoming Executive Director Susan Belekewicz at the 1620 Club dinner

The Governor General’s Disgtinguished Service Award for 2016-2017 was presented to Muriel Reynolds Cushing by Awards Committee Chair Virginia Muccaccio and FGG Lea S. Filson


Newly elected Executive Committee 2017-2020

BBC Nottingham gifted a handmade quilt to the Mayflower Society depicting 400 years of Pilgrim history. It was created by the Nottinghamshire branch of the Quilters’ Guild.

Proud New Member Submitted by New York Society Member Blair Mack

I recently joined the New York Society on 19 September 2017. My family have all been members for years and years, they include my grandfather, John Samuel Armstrong III; my mother Roxanna Maude Armstrong; my aunt Leila Louise Moberly Armstrong; my uncle John Samuel Armstrong IV and my brother Louis William Mack IV – all are members. I believe my cousin William Polk Carey was also the president of the New York Society in the past. I would like my story to be printed because I am a proud new member and I would also love for my grandfather to see it. He joined the Mayflower Society in 1960 through Dr. Samuel Fuller. I graduated from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX with a Communications degree and I currently live in Dallas.

Mayflower Tree Submitted by Colorado Society Member Patrick Hanafee

Patrick Hanafee (10th from Alden) found a new use for a Mayflower Descendant lapel pin. He makes miniature Christmas trees displayed in a 21” x 13” x13” custom mahogany and glass case with eight sides. The tree with 80 LED lights is surrounded by a variety of miniature presents including favorite family photographs, hobbyrelated items, and in this case, the lapel pin in a tiny gift box. This tree is for his brother who also is a Mayflower Descendant member.

Happy Holidays from GSMD! As we approach the holiday season, the Executive Committee and Staff would like to wish a very Happy Thanksgiving to each of you and your families. As we sit around the table, we are mindful of this opportunity to honor and remember our ancestors and to bring the Pilgrim story alive for our youngest family members. Warmest Pilgrim wishes to all of you for a day filled with family and friends. (….okay, and turkey and football). Following right on the heels of Thanksgiving, the Christmas season is fast approaching. Best wishes to all for a safe and very Merry Christmas.


New Gift Items at GSMD!

All GSMD items may be ordered from the Shop on the GSMD website: For international orders or if you have questions regarding items in the Gifts, Member Items, Books, 2020 Items, Kids Cabin or Art and Prints categories please contact Debbie Sirois at: 508.746.5058, Email: PLEASE NOTE: Books, gifts, member items, 2020 items, children’s items and prints are shipped from the Society Sales office in Plymouth. Insignia and Jewelry items are shipped directly from the jeweler. If your order is mixed, you will receive multiple shipments.

GSMD Grave Markers

Mayflower Society House Tea Towel with GSMD logo printed on natural cotton flour sack material. Towel measures 30”x30” $15.00 plus S&H.

One GSMD Member Grave Marker is authorized per GSMD member. One GSMD Non Member Grave Marker is also authorized for a relative documented in the GSMD member’s approved application that is/was not a member of GSMD. The relative must be in direct descent from the Mayflower passenger ancestor to the member. Records are kept by the Society for all grave marker purchases. Please do not sell or give grave markers to other members or use them for relatives other than for whom they were purchased. This may jeopardize future purchases of additional medals. I understand that circumstances may arise and I will work with you to resolve any issues. Please contact me directly with any questions you may have regarding the purchase of GSMD Grave Markers. Thank you! Deb Yingst, GSMD Insignia Chair

Insignia Etiquette and Ordering Information

GSMD Monogrammed Jewelry Portfolio – Organize and store all your GSMD insignia, jewelry and more in one place. Great for travel! Front pocket and carrying handle. Soft sided case measures 11”x14” closed with 14 multi sized inside zippered pockets. $47.00 each plus S&H.

The GSMD Insignia & Etiquette Guidelines document is available for viewing or downloading on the main Shop page of the Society web site. For international orders for GSMD Insignia and Jewelry or if you have any questions regarding GSMD Insignia, Jewelry, Grave Markers or Podium Drapes please contact Deb Yingst, GSMD Insignia Chair at: 717.512.3655 or Email: PLEASE NOTE: Insignia and jewelry orders may take four to six weeks to receive. Rings are custom made per order. You will receive an email from the Insignia Chair when your order is shipped from the jeweler. Thank you to all who have purchased Books, Gifts, Insignia and Jewelry throughout the year!

GSMD 2020 License Plate Frame - Made of sturdy plastic and manufactured in the U.S. $5.00 each plus S&H.


~ To all the “shoppers” at the 41st Triennial Congress ~ The Sales team loved meeting you!

~ New GSMD 2020 Logo Fleeces for men and women are now available! ~ Order online or call 508.746.5058!

Silver Books Project Publications Published by General Society of Mayflower Descendants

Mayflower Families Silver Books & In Progress Books This series traces descendants of the Pilgrims down through the fifth generation to the birth of the sixth generation children, unless stated otherwise. They are carefully researched and contain the best documented genealogical data that is available.

Mayflower Families Silver Books

All books listed below are hard cover

Vol. 4, Edward Fuller (3 ed., 2006), $35 Vol. 5, Ed ward Winslow & John Billington (2nd ed., 1997), out of print Vol. 6, Stephen Hopkins (3rd ed., 2001), $60 Vol. 7, Peter Brown (2nd ed., 2002), $35 Vol. 8, Degory Priest (2nd ed., 2008), $35 Vol. 9, Francis Eaton (1996), out of print Vol. 10, Samuel Fuller (1996), $30 Vol. 11, Part 1, Edward Doty (2nd ed., 2009), $35 Vol. 11, Part 2, Edward Doty (1996), $35 Vol. 11, Part 3, Edward Doty (2000), $35 Vol. 12, Francis Cooke (1996), $65 Vol. 13, William White (3rd ed., 2006), $40 Vol. 14, Myles Standish (2007), $35 Vol. 15, James Chilton & Richard More (1997), $35 Vol. 16, Part 1, John Alden (1999), $50 Vol. 16, Part 2, John Alden (2002), $40 Vol. 16, Part 3, John Alden (2004), $40 Vol. 16, Part 4, John Alden (2015), $55 *NEW* Vol. 16, Part 5, John Alden (2016), $45 Vol. 17, Isaac Allerton (1998), $40 Vol. 18, Part 1, Richard Warren (3rd ed., 2004), $40 Vol. 18, Part 2, Richard Warren (2nd ed., 2011), $45 Vol. 18, Part 3, Richard Warren (2001), $40 Vol. 19, Thomas Rogers (2nd ed., 2013), $50 Vol. 20, Part 1, Henry Samson (2000), $35 Vol. 20, Part 2, Henry Samson (2005), $45 Vol. 20, Part 3, Henry Samson (2006), $45 rd

Vol. 21, John Billington (2001, revised 2014), $45 *NEW* Volume 21, Par t 2 John Billington (2017), $50 Vol. 22, William Bradford (2004), $50 Vol. 23, Part 1, John Howland (2006), $40 Vol. 23, Part 2, John Howland (2010), $45 Vol. 23, Part 3, John Howland (2012), $45 Vol. 24, Par t 1, William Brewster (2014), $60 John Howland by Picton Press 2 Volume 1 through Desire , out of print 2 Volume 2 through John , out of print 2 Volume 3 through Hope , out of print 2 Volume 4 through Elizabeth , out of print

Mayflower Families In Progress Books

All books listed below are soft-cover

William Brewster, Love2 (2003), $12 William Brewster, Jonathan2 (2006), $12 William Brewster, Patience2 (2001), $12 George Soule, (7th ed., 2015), $20 George Soule, Part 1 (2000), $12 George Soule, Part 2 (2002), $12 George Soule, Part 3 (2003), $12 George Soule, Part 4 (2005), $12 George Soule, Part 5 (2008), $12

Allied Families Books

All books listed below are soft-cover

Strangers and Pilgrims, Travellers and Sojourners (hard cover, 2009), $65 Indian Deeds. Land Transactions in Plymouth Colony, 1620-1691 (2002), $30 Mayflower Passengers 1620 (2009), $6 Mayflower Quarterly Diamond Jubilee Edition, 1935 - 2010 (hard cover, 2012), $15

Our Garden Walkway Project Commemorative bricks are available for placement along the walkway of The Mayflower Society House garden with a donation of $150 per brick for individuals and $250 for officers who would like placement in the Octogon. Brick orders are accepted year round and the inscribed bricks are placed in the garden twice each year. Your donation is tax deductible. To read more about the Garden Walkway Project, or to check out the index of bricks already placed, please visit the GSMD Supporters page under our Members-Only section on To purchase a brick, please contact Kathy Liolios at Executiveasst@, or call 508.746.3188 ext 25.

Philip Delano of the Fortune 1621, (2002), $15 Philip Delano of the Fortune 1621, Part 1 (2004), $15 Philip Delano of the Fortune 1621, Part 2 (2011), $15 Philip Delano of the Fortune 1621, Part 3 (2012), $15 Philip Delano of the Fortune 1621, Part 4 (2012), $15 Philip Delano of the Fortune 1621, Part 5 (2014), $20 Robert Bartlett of the Anne, (2nd ed., 2000), $10 Richard Church (1998), $8

Other Publications

All books are soft-cover unless otherwise stated.

The Cry Of A Stone (hard cover, 2016), $30 GSMD Members, $25 Robert Cushman of Kent (2005), $15


The Mayflower Quarterly Magazine PO Box 3297 Plymouth, MA 02361-3297 USA


Vol. 83, No. 3


Fall 2017

TO ORDER All of our products are available online in our webshop at Insignia & Jewelry Deb Yingst GSMD Insignia & Sales Chair 717.512.3655

$10 off gold plated jewelry items! Post earrings - $35.00, Drop earrings - $35.00, ¾” Lapel Pins - $20.00 & ¾” Charms - $20.00 Plus S&H. Sale ends January 12, 2018

Gifts, 2020 Items, Kid’s Cabin, Member items & Books Debbie Sirois Sales and Publications Director 508.746.5058 Our web shop cannot process orders outside the U.S. Please call or email to order.

The Mayflower Quarterly Magazine is mailed to every member of GSMD. An electronic copy is also available in the Members-Only section of the website and a link to this PDF is emailed to all members who have subscribed to our email list. You can subscribe to our email list at If you would like to stop receiving printed copies of The Mayflower Quarterly Magazine and receive only an electronic copy emailed to you, please contact Membership Services Manager Georgi Hess at

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