2015-2016 Washington Center Playbill

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Music Education Theater Art Dance Community Celebrating

30 Years as your Center for the

Arts in the South Sound



There are many ways in which individuals, organizations and businesses can support The Center!

FRIENDS of the Washington Center

Ovation Society

Become a FRIEND of the Washington Center and join a growing membership that loves the arts and receives exclusive privileges! Your donation will help ensure that The Center continues as a home for the arts next week, next year, and for years to come.

Become part of this esteemed group by providing for The Center in a bequest, trust, life insurance policy or annuity. Your gift provides a lasting legacy for the community, bringing the mission and spirit of The Center to future generations.

Corporate Sponsorship Corporate Sponsorship is vital to the success of The Center and the quality of life for our community. For over 30 years we have partnered with dozens of local businesses in support of the arts. Sponsorship offers unique promotional and hospitality opportunities for your business including complimentary and half-price tickets to Washington Center events, the opportunity to host a reception before your sponsored performance, or host a corporate event at The Center.

Repair and Replacement Fund Putting the service charge to work! This fund uses the ticket service charge for the repair and/or replacement of capital items such as stage equipment, computer equipment, theater carpet, and theater seats.

Anacker Scholarship for the Arts This annual scholarship is awarded to a graduating high school senior “to recognize, encourage and support a Thurston County scholar’s study in the field of the arts.” To contribute to the scholarship fund, send your gift Attn: WCPA Anacker Scholarship. Donations are tax deductible.

Artistic Endowment The Artistic Endowment was established to support the mission of The Center not just for one year, but to maintain The Center’s role as an artistic leader in our community in perpetuity. Your gift provides greater funding stability by augmenting annual giving and helping The Center fulfill its mission as the principal performing arts resource for the South Puget Sound region.

Andy Crow Wurlitzer Organ Endowment Fund & Lehne Organ Performance Fund Both funds were established to support the Andy Crow Wurlitzer Organ and ensure that our community enjoys performances featuring the organ. The Silent Movie Series is a great example of how these funds are used. The series provides a contemporary opportunity to experience a style of entertainment from the Golden Age of Hollywood.

For more information about how you can support the Washington Center, contact the development office at (360) 753-8585 x102 or at development@washingtoncenter.org.


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The Washington Center 2015/16 Season | 1

Washington Center Board of Directors Working as volunteers, the community leaders who make up the Board of the Washington Center are the critical component maintaining the link between the Center and the community. Among other things, they are responsible for hiring the Executive Director, approving the annual budget, and setting the longrange direction of the Center. Chair: Sean Padget VP Sales & Marketing, Right! Systems Inc. Vice Chair - Finance: Jim Haley President and CEO, Thurston First Bank Vice Chair - Community Relations: Deborah Vinsel Chief Executive Officer, Thurston Community Television Vice Chair - Development: Alex Bunn CEO, The Weatherly Inns Gayla Duerr, Broker, Coldwell Banker Evergreen Olympic Realty Matt Grant, Principal, Olympia High School Talia Hastie, Marketing, Development Director, Evergreen Christian School Ned Hayes, Product Leadership in Software & Services, Intel Corporation Peg Johnson, HR Manager, Little Creek Casino & Resort Gretchen Maliska, RJ Development Services LLC Erin Mann, Self employed Greg Miller, Owner, G.Miller Olympia Quint Newell, Commercial Broker, Greene Realty Gordon Osberg, Senior VP & CCO, Washington Business Bank Sam Reed, Retired, Former Secretary of State Susan Ritter, Ritter Holding Company, Inc. Courtney Sanford, The Valley Athletic Club James This, Senior Professional in Human Resources, The Paragon Group Julio Valdenegro, Owner Dealer Principal, Northwest Harley-Davidson Spence Weigand, Virgil Adams Real Estate Lynn Wofford, Branch Manager, Heritage Bank Northwest Ex-officio Members Jeannine Roe, Olympia City Council Stephen Manning, Attorney, Bean Gentry Wheeler & Peternell PLLC George LeMasurier, Retired, former Publisher of The Olympian

2 |www.washingtoncenter.org |360.753.8586

Washington Center Staff Administration Jill Barnes, Executive Director Janet Freeman / Office Manager, Box Office Treasurer Nancy Gaston / Business Manager Development Alyssa Bleckwehl / Development and Marketing Coordinator Events Chad Carpenter / Director of Event Services Bob Crowell / Custodian Darrel Fishburn / Custodian Michelle Page / Concessions & Inventory Specialist Stacy Hicks / Front of House Manager, Volunteer Coordinator Lauren O’Neill / Front of House Manager, Lead Bartender Brian Fullerton / Front of House Manager Coral Garey / Front of House Manager Beth Kober / Front of House Manager Vanessa Postil / Front of House Manager Emmalene Ryle / Front of House Manager Amy Shephard / Front of House Manager Gallery Brittania Kerschner / Art Gallery Manager, Box Office Associate Marketing Anne Larsen Matheson / Marketing Director Alyssa Bleckwehl / Development and Marketing Coordinator Sarah Sugarbaker / Graphics Coordinator and Resident Designer Box Office Michael Cordier / Box Office Manager Maddox Pratt / Assistant Box Office Manager & Database Associate Brittania Kerschner / Art Gallery Manager, Box Office Associate Nicole Kochman / Box Office Associate Zoe Mangold-White / Box Office Associate Zachary Page / Box Office Associate Production Roger McIntosh / Production Manager Joe Griffith / Production Crew Lead Thomas Dakan / Production Staff Kenneth Glidden / Production Staff All stage work performed by employees represented by IATSE Local No. 15. BOX OFFICE The Box Office is open from 12:00 pm to 5:30 pm Tuesday through Saturday and two hours prior to any ticketed event. Tickets are always available at www.washingtoncenter.org www.olytix.org

The Washington Center is incredibly thankful for the support of the local communities and the cities of Tumwater, Lacey, and Olympia.

Table of Contents Information Support the Center


Washington Center Staff and Board


Washington Center Gallery


Friends of the Washington Center


Washington Center Volunteers


Season Sponsors


Washington Center Performances and Events Oct 1

MOMIX: Alchemia


Oct 9

Martin Sexton


Oct 24 Seattle Rock Orchestra: Pink Floyd Tribute


Oct 29 National Geographic Live: Kobie Boykins


Nov 4

Hal Holbrook: Mark Twain Tonight!


Nov 7

Golden Dragon Acrobats


Nov 11 An Evening with David Sedaris


Nov 19 Seattle International Comedy Competition


Nov 22 Stunt Dog Experience


Nov 29 Mamma Mia! The Movie


Dec 3


Home For Christmas: Chris Mann in Concert

Jan 10 Celtic Nights: Spirit of Freedom


Jan 13 Pink Martini


Jan 20 Wonderful Wurlitzer!


Jan 22 Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra


The CASA PATAS Flamenco Foundation of Madrid presents

Jan 29 An Evening with Travis Tritt


Feb 5

Portland Cello Project: Beck, Brubeck, and Bach


Feb 6

The Center Salon


Flamenco Vibrations

Feb 18 Theatreworks USA: The Lightning Thief


Feb 19 National Geographic Live: Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner 39

created by Karen Lugo

November 18 at 7:00 PM The Washington Center • 360-753-8586

Mar 4

Igudesman & Joo: And Now Mozart


Mar 5

The Producers


Mar 11 The Secret Life of Bees


Mar 18 Kahulanui: Hawaii’s Kings of Swing


Mar 31 PostSecret: The Show


Apr 10 Saturday Night Fever


Apr 14 Timber! by Cirque Alfonse


Apr 15 Arlo Guthrie


May 13 John Mueller’s Winter Dance Party


May 18 The Kingston Trio


Levent Erutku

Washington Center Series Events Silent Movie Series: 1/31, 2/28, 3/20


Black Box Jazz: 11/6, 1/15, 3/25, 5/20


Comedy in the Box: 1/14, 2/11, 3/24, 4/21, 5/19, 6/9


Co-Produced Events Warren Miller Entertainment


Olympia Dance Festival


The Washington Center 2015/16 Season | 3

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The Washington Center 2015/16 Season | 5


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The Washington Center 2015/16 Season | 7

Studio West Dance Theatre 2015 - 2016 Season

The Nutcracker

1025 Black Lake Blvd. SW Olympia, WA 98502

Kenneth J. Minnaert Center for the Arts Dec. 17, 18, 19 & 20, 2015

Dance to Make a Difference Kenneth J. Minnaert Center for the Arts Feb. 20, 2016


Washington Center for the Performing Arts April 28-30, 2016

Ticket available at:


360.956.WEST(9378 )

STU D I OWESTDAN CE ACAD EMY.COM 8 |www.washingtoncenter.org |360.753.8586

The Washington Center 2015/16 Season | 9

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The Washington Center 2015/16 Season | 11

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The Washington Center 2015/16 Season | 13

14 |www.washingtoncenter.org |360.753.8586


The Washington Center 2015/16 Season | 15

What would you do if your hearing mysteriously vanished overnight? Discover nature recordist Gordon Hempton’s story on Sound Effect.

Episode 2: Second Chances Credit: Kari Wilton www.soundtrackerthemovie.com



an audio tour of ideas, inspired by the place we live Listen Saturdays at 10 a.m. on KPLU 88.5 FM, on demand at kplu.org

16 |www.washingtoncenter.org |360.753.8586

Proud Sponsor of The Center




The Washington Center 2015/16 Season | 17

Right! Systems, Inc. supports the Washington Center for the Performing Arts! Right! Systems, Inc. is an IT technology management services company providing business driven, multi-vendor IT solutions to the South Puget Sound and Pacific Northwest since 1993. Anchorage • Boise • Portland Lacey • Spokane • Bellevue

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The Washington Center 2015/16 Season | 19

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The Washington Center 2015/16 Season | 21

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22 |www.washingtoncenter.org |360.753.8586


The Washington Center 2015/16 Season | 23

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The Washington Center 2015/16 Season | 25


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The Washington Center 2015/16 Season | 27

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The Washington Center 2015/16 Season | 29

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The Washington Center 2015/16 Season | 31

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The Washington Center 2015/16 Season | 33

The Washington Center for the Performing Arts presents

The Center Salon Saturday, February 6 at 7:30 PM in the Black Box



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Writers This event is for patrons 21+ 34 |www.washingtoncenter.org |360.753.8586

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Enjoy Tonight’s Performance!


The Washington Center for the Performing Arts presents

Portland Cello Project: Beck, Brubeck, and Bach Friday, February 5 at 7:30 PM

pre-show soirée 6:00 PM Tickets: $30

live music, hors d’oeuvre, & hosted bar! (the Soirée is for patrons 21 and older)

“An ace group of rotating cellists who take on everything from Britney’s “Toxic” to the Dandy Warhols and postmodern Estonian composer Arvo Pärt in their one-off performances” - Entertainment Weekly

EVENT SPONSOR: Funding for Portland Cello Project is provided by the Western States Arts Federation and the National Endowment for the Arts.

The Washington Center 2015/16 Season | 35

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36 |www.washingtoncenter.org |360.753.8586

The Washington Center for the Performing Arts presents

The Theatreworks USA production of

The Lightning Thief Thursday, February 18 at 7:00 PM

A page to stage adaptation of the bestselling novel by Rick Riordan, The Lightening Thief is a musical adventure for the whole family.

The Washington Center 2015/16 Season | 37

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Ballet, jazz, tap, modern, swing, Irish, and more! This year’s festival features guest artist hip-hop dancer Emilio Dosal, a top ten finalist from season 11 of “So You Think You Can Dance”. co-produced by the Washington Center and Ballet Northwest This event is supported in part by Capezio

What would you do if your hearing mysteriously vanished overnight? Discover nature recordist Gordon Hempton’s story on Sound Effect.


Episode 2: Second Chances Credit: Kari Wilton www.soundtrackerthemovie.com

Capital Heating and Cooling has been owned and operated by the Schmidtke family for three generations and is proud to be a part of the South Sound community.

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38 |www.washingtoncenter.org |360.753.8586



an audio tour of ideas, inspired by the place we live Listen Saturdays at 10 a.m. on KPLU 88.5 FM, on demand at kplu.org

The Washington Center for the Performing Arts presents

K2: Danger and Desire on the Savage Mountain Mountaineer Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner

Friday, February 19 at 7:30 PM

Mountaineer Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner didn’t set out to become the first woman to summit all 14 8,000-meter peaks without supplemental oxygen or porters, but in 2011 that’s where she found herself.


Images: Gerlinde Kalternbrunner and Ralf Dujmovits

The Washington Center 2015/16 Season | 39

myPSE is helping to develop a brighter future. PSE customers the Heises

At Puget Sound Energy, we share your commitment to strong communities. That’s why we’re proud to support the neighborhoods we serve, and invest in organizations that are dedicated and committed to improving our region like The Washington Center for the Performing Arts.

40 |www.washingtoncenter.org |360.753.8586

The Washington Center for the Performing Arts presents

Igudesman & Joo: And Now Mozart

Friday, March 4 at 7:30 PM Join us before the show for an Art Gallery Reception at 6:00 PM. No tickets required.

Carla Louise Paine: Contemporary Classicism

In their mission to make classical music accessible to a wider and younger audience, Igudesman and Joo combine comedy with classical music and popular culture.

Showing March 11 - May 2 The Washington Center 2015/16 Season | 41




www.BusinessExaminer.com 42 |www.washingtoncenter.org |360.753.8586

The Washington Center for the Performing Arts presents

The National Broadway Tour of

The Producers

Saturday, March 5 at 7:30 PM


A scheming producer and his mousy accountant aim to produce the biggest flop on Broadway in Mel Brooks’ laugh-out-loud musical theater spectacle.

The Washington Center 2015/16 Season | 43

The Washington Center Gallery is open M-F, 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM, subject to the event schedule of the Center. We encourage you to call 360-753-8585 in order to set up an appointment. If you are interested in showing your work in the Washington Center Gallery, please contact gallery@washingtoncenter.org.

Invitation to Color: A Group Exhibition Showing: SEP 10 - NOV 15 Reception: SEP 19 / Saturday, 6:00 PM

Studying under artist Simon Kogan, this group presents a collection of work born from a shared understanding of the painting process. Each artist expresses their own vision of the world through color and form. Featuring: Jennifer Lauer, Rose Nicholas, Sophie Stimson, Heather Grob, Betsey Nelson, Cathy Wiggins, Roger Cummings, Linda West.

Sew Many Stars: Quilt Exhibition

Showing: NOV 19 - JAN 4 Reception: DEC 3 / Thursday, 6:00 PM Local quilting guild Sew Many Stars has shown their creations at The Center since November of 1997. These quilts are sure to warm your heart just as they have warmed ours!

Washington’s State Art Collection Showing: JAN 8 - FEB 29 Reception: JAN 22 / Friday, 6:00 PM

Washington state is home to one of our nation’s oldest and largest public art collections. The Center Gallery is collaborating with ArtsWA’s Art in Public Places program to bring selected works from the State Art Collection to the Washington Center!

Gallery Raffle Take home a piece of art from one of the 2015-16 Gallery shows! During select gallery shows, raffle tickets can be purchased during ticketed events, and regular box office hours for $5 each. When the exhibition ends, we will draw a ticket and a piece of art could be yours! Visit each show to see what the raffle item will be.

Gallery Receptions Every Art Gallery Exhibition will open with a reception the night of a Washington Center Performance! These receptions are open to the public, with or without an event ticket. Come to the Center to see the art and meet the artist!

Carla Louise Paine: Contemporary Classicism Showing: MAR 11 - MAY 2 Reception: MAR 4 / Friday, 6:00 PM

A classical painter trained in Florence, Italy, Carla Louise Paine studied the techniques and traditions of fine oil painting. Utilizing the skills mastered by painters from the early renaissance through the nineteenth century, Carla interprets the natural world, and through her work, presents her own idea of beauty.

Panorama Arts Guild: Mixed Media Exhibit Showing: MAY 6 - July 9 Reception: MAY 18 / Wednesday, 6:00 PM

This varied exhibit including photography, fiber arts, ceramics, woodworking, basketry and visual arts, showcases the artistic talents of Panorama retirement community residents, artists who have come together from different backgrounds to share their diverse works of art with other local artists and patrons.

44 |www.washingtoncenter.org |360.753.8586


The Washington Center for the Performing Arts presents

Friday, March 11 at 7:30 PM A one woman adaptation of the New York Times bestseller. Set during the Civil Rights movement, a young girl’s search for the truth about her mother leads her to three beekeeping sisters and the discovery of the real meaning of family.

Our audience will be invited to participate in a pre and post show interactive discussion exploring themes of American civil rights and perseverance.

Young Audiences New York’s Literature to Life® stage presentation of

The Secret Life of Bees

By Sue Monk Kidd Performed by Lily Balsen Adapted and Directed by Wynn Handman


Funding for The Secret Life of Bees is provided by the Western States Arts Federation and the National Endowment for the Arts.

The Washington Center 2015/16 Season | 45

SEASON 2016 Real. Live. Theater.


The Stardust Christmas Dazzle A Holiday Musical Comedy by Harlowe Reed


Vanya & Sonia & Masha & Spike A Comedy by Christopher Durang


Hedda Gabler

A Drama by Henrik Ibsen


The Language Archive A Comic Drama by Julia Cho

OPENS MAY 5, 2016

Little Shop Of Horrors

by Howard Ashman • Music by Alan Menken

OPENS JUNE 23, 2016

The Last Five Years

A Dramatic Musical by Jason Robert Brown


The Two Gentlemen of Verona A Romantic Comedy by William Shakespeare


Tickets & Info at (360)786-0151

or HarlequinProductions.org

Join us for our 25th Anniversary Season! LaVon Hardison in Sixties Chicks Too, Summer 2015 46 |www.washingtoncenter.org |360.753.8586


The Washington Center for the Performing Arts presents


Hawaii’s Kings of Swing

Friday, March 18 at 7:30 PM Kahulanui borrows from the jumpin’ jivin’ swing bands that populated Hawai’i in the 1920s and 30s and performs classic Hawaiian songs in a syncopated style, keeping Hawaiian Swing vibrant and alive today.

pre-show soirée 6:00 PM Tickets: $30

live music, hors d’oeuvre, & hosted bar! (the Soirée is for patrons 21 and older)

The Washington Center 2015/16 Season | 47


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48 |www.washingtoncenter.org |360.753.8586

The Washington Center for the Performing Arts presents

Thursday, March 31 at 7:30 PM It all began with an idea Frank Warren had for a community art project. The instructions were simple, but the results were extraordinary. “You are invited to anonymously contribute a secret to a group art project. Your secret can be a regret, fear, betrayal, desire, confession, or childhood humiliation. Reveal anything — as long as it is true and you have never shared it with anyone before. Be brief. Be legible. Be creative.” The response was overwhelming. The secrets were both provocative and profound, and the cards themselves were works of art — carefully and creatively constructed by hand. Addictively compelling, the cards reveal our deepest fears, desires, regrets, and obsessions. Warren calls them “graphic haiku,” beautiful, elegant, and small in structure but powerfully emotional. PostSecret took on a life of its own, becoming much more than a simple art project. It has grown into a global phenomenon, exposing our individual aspirations, fantasies, and frailties — our common humanity.

The Washington Center 2015/16 Season | 49


Calendar of Events

Nov. 1, Season Concert, 4 p.m. Dec. 21, Messiah Sing-Along, 7 p.m. Messiah Sing-Along is free and open to the public

Mar. 6, Season Concert, 4 p.m. Apr. 23, Instrument Petting Zoo Petting Zoo is free and open to the public

May 15, Season Concert, 4 p.m. TICKETS: $6-$15* | 6 and under free | *plus $3 Center surcharge Join SOGO! Now accepting auditions. Find out how at www.studentorchestras.org. www.studentorchestras.org

50 |www.washingtoncenter.org |360.753.8586



The Washington Center for the Performing Arts presents

With music and lyrics by the Bee Gees, this musical extravaganza comes to life with all the dance and drama of the disco era!

The National Broadway Tour of

Saturday Night Fever


Sunday, April 10 at 5:00 PM The Washington Center 2015/16 Season | 51

I’m a Friend of

The Washington Center acknowledges our FRIENDS - a special group of individuals who are committed to the Center’s artistic and financial health.


($5,000 and above) DSN Software, Inc. Harold & Dorrie Carr


($3,000 - $,4999) Debra & Arden Scroggs Thomas M & Margaret C Weaver


($1,500 - $2,999) Susan Bryant & Jim Kruidenier Alex & Tammy Bunn Matt Grant & Eileen Yoshina Lee Higginson Sean Padget Michele Penberthy Lex & Deborah Vinsel Mark & Kathy Wagner


($1,000 - $1,499) Carol & Dennis Adams Ken & Nancy Anderson Anonymous Peter & Cynthia Cook Quint and Kim Newell Tony & Patty Philippsen Carl & Lorna Simmons Spence Weigand


($500 - $999) Frank & Joanne Adams Gregory and Ramona Allen Sally & Don Anacker Dave & Kris Bartruff Joe & Karen Benefield Jack & Luellen Charneski Kim Dinsmore Beth Dubey Julie Feller & Dennis Davies Peter & Kathy Fluetsch Ruben Manzanares & Ann Freeman-Manzanares John & Trish Gallagher William & Jacqueline Gavin Robert B. Haase LMP Tom & Alberta Hagan Stan & Debi Harris Joseph & Arlene Hartman Talia & Ron Hastie Doug & Ann Hutcheson Leyton & Karol Jump Kiley Jurgens Wealth Management Dan Konopatzke Roger and Sandra Kreis Dr. & Mrs. George Lamb Gretchen Maliska Tim & Kim Martin Ed & Yoshi Mayeda Todd E. Monohon & Olympic Rental & Landlord Services Dick & Carolee Nichols Gordon and Chari Osberg Bean, Gentry, Wheeler & Peternell, PLLC Lucy Reuter

Susan & Scott Ritter Ross & Linda Robb Ron & Anne Schafer Dr. Timothy & Mrs. Judith Scholes Dwayne Slate Pat Starzyk Joyce Targus & Glenn Green James This, PhD & Susan Girsch Jennifer Valdenegro Craig & Jane Wehrli Mary & Dan Weiss Lois Wofford & Burton Guttman


Billie Rosen Mike Blum & Susan Rosen James Ryherd Mike & Donna Shattuck Susan & Michael Slade Peter Smith Oscar & Barbara Soule John and Terry Stevenson Vicki Turnbow Michael & Robin Vaupel Dutch Voll & Joanne Fromm Pam & Dean Walker Nancy & Michael Walsh Trevor & Rosemary Walsh Steve & Wendy Weeks Michelle Wickett Dick & Nancy Wiss Sandra & Gary Worthington

($250 - $499) Fred & Mary Jane Adair John & Linda Adolphson Anonymous Anonymous Pat and James Ballsmith Larry Blume Robert & Ruth Brigden Steve & Myrna Brown Lynn & Robert Brunton Evelyn S. Bullock Melissa Essex Calahan & Eric Calahan W. Ian Christopher Nicole & Sean Colgan Barry & Vonnie Diseth Phyllis Edwards & Dan Berschauer Candace Espeseth Michael & Caroline Estcourt Dr. Pamela Farr & Dr. Daniel Johnson Mrs. Joyce A. Gillie Jim & Shawni Greene Harry Griffith & Shelly Johnson Troy & Suzie Hagen Bill & Cathy Hainer Tom Hanson Trent Hart Mark & Doreen Hodgkins Elvia San Martin & Tim Hoefer Richard & Dianne Hurst Meredith & Jim Hutchins Darrel & Rosemary Jensen Marc Alan & Bonnie Jo Jones Greg Kero Craig Kiefer The Kooi Family Robert & Mardel Lovely Phyllis Mandel Pamela & Thomas Marter Micah Matthews Tom & Angela McBride Deena McClain BJ McKenzie David Sharpes & Joan Mohler Ron & Linda Moon Frank & Sherry O’Connor Paul & Megan Oczkewicz Dan & Karen Pate Owen and Adele Reese Thomas Riedlinger & Beverly Jenden Riedlinger

52 |www.washingtoncenter.org |360.753.8586

Contributor ($100 - $249)

Tammy Adams Christine and Gerry Alexander Joyce K. Allen Joseph Anderson Anonymous Patti Austin & Roger Skavlem Patricia and Arthur Bailey Laura & Robert Barnoski Patty & Joe Belmonte Judith Berg Barbara & George Blum Bob Boes Samuel Bovard Bill Brandt Leslie Brundige Mary Burgess William & Sarah Bush Pat & Warren Carlson Adoracion Mercedes Castro Jenno Catastini Doty Catlin Maude Conrad Debra & Bob Crawford Rachel Crum Greg & Ann Cuoio Ruth Cusack Robert Doran Bob Duffy & Katherine Randall-Duffy Karen Edwards Mark & Nancy Elliott Dr. & Mrs. John C Erickson Donald & Patricia Ernst Dianna Evans Joe and Carol Faubion Fred and Bonnie Finn Mary & John Fleckenstein Charles Frank Denita & Bob Franzen Paul Seabert & Kathy Baros Friedt Kate & WIll Friesen Mark Furman Leeann Gekas Jewel & Kristine Goddard Patti Grant Karen & Dennis Gray Linda Greenly Barbara Gross & Blaine Snow Earl and Camille Hale Steve Hall Judi Hambrick

Lorraine & Jeff Hamilton Kathryn Hamilton Wang & Steve Wang Debbi & John Hardy Adam Hatfield Jack & Susan Havens Stephen & Judy Henderson Jim & Jackie Henry Robert Hodges Harold Horn Roger Horn George & Lou Anne Houck Meg Hunt Newton & Helen Jackson Bill & Pat Jacobs Andrea Jansen Mrs Tanya Jernigan Chris Johns Tore Johnson Jack Jones & Liz Hamel Muriel Jorgensen Karen Kilpatrick Chris Knudsvig Beverly Kooi Jim & Susan Ladd Jacqueline Lafrance Bill & Mickey Lahmann Mary Beth Lang Gordon & Tresa Leftenant Becky Liebman Donn and Marnie Livingstone Richard & Elizabeth Lutz Doug & Cathy Mah Janie Maki C. Rod & Norma Martin Anne Matthews Merley & Diane McCall Kari McClain & Rick Edwards Kris McClain Dr. Maxine McElroy Denny & Karin McKee Marilynn L Miehle Allen T. Miller & Maureen Callaghan Bonnie Rinehart & Don Muck Ralph & Nancy Munro Betty & Bob Nickerson Janet Norris Bill Oliphant Philip Paroian Joy Paulus Robert Peck Bill & Camille Pedersen Scott & Nancy Peebles Sally & Ron Penley Kaia Petersen Jim & Kathy Peterson Michael & Sandra Petty Gretchen & Bill Rahn Maureen Rathbone Carol & Robert Redfield Patti Reed Sam & Margie Reed Rex & Jan Richardson Renee Ries Aaron Rodriguez Charles & Marilyn Roe Dick Rokes Anne Rowe Chuck Ruth & Shari Oliver Anna Sayre Kevin & Tammi Schreiner Courtney Schrieve Robert & Joan Schuster Dennis & Michele Scott Sue Scott

Cheryl Selby Suzanne Sherman Shawn & Carolyn Simmonds Melanie A. Smith Carolyn & Mark Soetenga Ellen Soper Mark & Sandra Spee Mary Ann Steele Sue and Larry Sugarbaker Sheila Swalling Fred Szpila Avelin Tacon III Catherine Tarabulski & Denis McFadyen Teri Thunberg Susan L. Tusa Noel Wall Kelly & Rocky Weaver James & Heidi Weber Ruth Weigelt Lindsay Welsh Dale Wetsig Dr. Gordon Wheat & Megan Hubbard Bruce & Virginia Whitehouse Al & Sharon Williams Jeanette Willis Byron & Joan Yoshina Peggy & Allen Zimmerman


($50 - $99) Barbara Agee Pamela & Steve Ames Anonymous Carolyn & Charlie Bishop Kristin Blalack & Gerald Suzawith Joan A. Boileau Stephanie Brodin Anne J. Brown Carma Budsberg Cindy & Ken Burton Susan Callender Gil & Phyllis Carbone Dominique Coco Anine Colaire Tim Coley Sharron Coontz Richard & Carol Cushing Diane & Dick Cvitanich Celeste Dodd Lane & Barbara Dorcy Denise Doyle-Hull Donna Ewing & Sue Minahan Jennifer Ferguson Megan Finn Steve Finney Vivian & Gene Forrester Karen Fraser Patricia Graves Marie Green Helen Haglund Lee Hastig Joyce & Robert Hauk Kevin Hayward Dwaine & Annie Hoffer Michele Jorgenson & Kelley Hunter Patti Kacz - In Memory of Bab Kacz and Delores Leonard Catherine & Bernie Keller Kelley Kellerman Morgan Lavin Continued on page 54

The Washington Center for the Performing Arts presents


by Cirque Alfonse Thursday, April 14 at 7:30 PM

Talented acrobats and musicians create a colorful, energetic scene where we can witness epic feats of agility and strength, inspired by the exploits of North-American lumberjacks, loggers and farmers. The Washington Center 2015/16 Season | 53

I’m a Friend of Continued from page 52

Harold & Vicki Lewis Fay Lindseth Marge Lippert Anna Mae Livingston Kathleen & Stephen Manning Patricia Mathews Laurie and Brian O’Brien Carol O’Rourke Gary & Geri Proctor Willard Rance Gail Richardson Janet Ries Jeannine Roe Jeanette Ross Dr. Benjamin & Bug Ruder Jeff & Beth Russell April Sage

Washington State Combined Fund Drive Donors As of July 30, 2015

The combined Fund Drive is Washington State’s workplace giving program for active and retired public employees. For more info visit www.cfd.wa.gov Charity Code 0315160

Margen Carlson Louis Gevirtzman Todd Sprague Gregory Tudor Dennis Wicks

In Memoriam In Memoriam gifts are a meaningful way to honor the memory of a loved one or colleague and their love of the arts and support of the Washington Center. Robert Boydston

Washington Center Anacker Scholarship for the Arts Donors: Carol Tamblyn Carlson Kirby R. Cleveland Robert Doran Mary & Fred Gentry Bruce Hanchett & Eric Lee Meredith & Jim Hutchins Carolyn Keck The Meadowcroft Family Allen Miller & Maureen Callaghan

Barb and Dan Scavezze Lee Sherman R. Peggy Smith Karl F. Johnson & Helen H. Spalding Delores Starr Cherie Stedman Cynthia Stewart Todd & Kate Thedell Nancy H. Vineyard Janet & Scott Waeschle Ryan Waterman Fely & Dave Wiedebush Lynn & Christopher Wofford Jo Ann Yost Frankie Zehrung Dr. E J Zita & Nancy Armstrong

Ovation Society The Ovation Society honors and recognizes the generous friends who remember The Center in their estate plans. To become a part of this esteemed group, you can provide for The Center in your will, name us as a beneficiary of a trust, life insurance policy, or annuity. Your gift will ensure that The Center continues to provide the exceptional quality of art and performance you have enjoyed well into the future.

Frederic Balz Estate David Baughan Estate Donald M. Ford Estate Lawrence Haase Estate Judy Henderson Eric Lee Leslie J. Lehne Estate Marjorie G. Socolofsky Estate Anonymous (2)

Andy Crow Wurlitzer Organ Endowment & Les Lehne Organ Performance Donors: Geoff Apgar Fred Balz Chuck & Karla Fowler Jewel & Kristine Goddard Martin D. Meyer Rotary Club of Olympia

We sincerely apologize to any individuals or organizations who are not listed in our FRIENDS of The Washington Center but should have been. We urge you to inform us of corrections by contacting the Development Office at 360-753-8585, ext 102, or development@washingtoncenter.org. This list includes FRIENDS who joined March 1, 2015 – September 1, 2015 and is current to the best of our knowledge. FRIENDS who have joined after this date will appear in playbill inserts throughout the season. The Washington Center for the Performing Arts gratefully acknowledges the many donations received from anonymous contributors, as those gifts play a vital role in our continued success.

54 |www.washingtoncenter.org |360.753.8586

The Washington Center for the Performing Arts presents

Arlo Guthrie

Alice’s Restaurant: 50th Anniversary Tour Friday, April 15 at 7:30 PM


pre-show soirée 6:00 PM Tickets: $30

live music, hors d’oeuvre, & hosted bar! (the Soirée is for patrons 21 and older)

The Washington Center 2015/16 Season | 55


Olympia Little Theatre

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fragrances to choose from

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56 |www.washingtoncenter.org |360.753.8586

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For more information please visit: olympialittletheater.org

The Washington Center for the Performing Arts

s ’ r e l l e u John M


y t r a P e anc

D r e t n i W o t e t u b i a tr

John Mueller’s Winter Dance Party show, the official tribute to Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and the Big Bopper. This live concert performance includes over two hours of unbridled, high-voltage entertainment featuring all the hit songs of the 50s era. Take a trip down memory lane as we “Rave On” to “La Bamba,” “Peggy Sue,” and many more!


Friday, May 13 at 7:30 PM BIG Post-show dance party BOPPER Tickets: $30 dancing, hors d’oeuvre, & hosted bar!


(the Soirée is for patrons 21 and older)

The Washington Center 2015/16 Season | 57

“I had no idea Panorama was all of this! ” Aquatic Center Fitness and Wellness Classes Full Service Restaurant Learning in Retirement Courses TV Studio State-of-the-art Auditorium Art Studios 24 hr. Uniformed Security Patrol 1300+ Plant Residential Arboretum Urgent Response Team Medical Clinic Woodworking Shop Pharmacy

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Re gister online or call will begin the week of June 21st!


58 |www.washingtoncenter.org |360.753.8586

The Washington Center for the Performing Arts presents

The Kingston Trio Wednesday, May 18 at 7:30 PM

Two Pre-Show events! Join us before the show to meet and recognize the artists of the Panorama Arts Guild. With acoustic guitars, banjos, and simple yet memorable melodies, the Kingston Trio has extolled America’s rich folk music heritage since 1957. EVENT SPONSOR:

The gallery reception begins at 6:00 PM. No tickets required.

pre-show soirée 6:00 PM Tickets: $30

live music, hors d’oeuvre, & hosted bar! (the Soirée is for patrons 21 and older)

The Washington Center 2015/16 Season | 59

Washington Center Volunteers Volunteers are a vital part of the Washington Center. Our thanks goes out to the many helping hands who donate their time to make our work possible. Barbara Agee Louise Alverson John Amos David Arceo Jane Archer Shana Barehand Lee Barnes Rosemary Barnhart Kris Bartruff Bill Bassett Karline Bird Rick Bird Carolyn Bishop Charlie Bishop Cheryl Bivens Daniel Bivens Jean Black Linda Boyer Cheri Brennan Adrienne Buntain Carolyn Burtner Aaron Cadoo Kim Cadoo Cynthia Cameli Rodney Carrier Sharon Carrier Threedet Chaiha Bonnie Chandler-Warren Nancy Charbonneau Girlie (Aleli) Chua Charles Clapp Susan Cole Larry Cowan Arvil Crase Violet Crase Miki Crooks Richard Curtis

James Dallas Ben de Moura Aaron Dean-Ganek Tom Demme Toni Demme Darlene Dickinson Lori Doron Doyla Doty George Dougherty Maxine Dunkelman Tina Echeverria Emma Elliott-Seel Lisa Elshoff Martin Eussen Margo Eytinge Connie Fischer James Fischer BJ Fjalstad Michael Foster Cathy Fowler Kay Frallic Debora Fullerton Regina Gallwas Joyce Gillie J. Michelle Gober Leslie Goldstein Arlene Golladay Nicole Gordon Gail Gosney-Wrede Rhonda Grantham Susan Gresia Samantha Gretz Pam Grigsby Jones Suzanne Grubb Catherine Grunenfelder Michael Gurling Tom Hanson

Michael Hart Daniel Hartt Loralee Hartt Kathleen Heidenreich Susan Herring Richard Hoffman Vicki Hohner Sophie Jenkinson Diane Johnson Peggy Johnson Carole Jones Rick Jones Hillary Joseph Rich Kalman Sandra Kehoe Curt Knudsen Elizabeth Koura Carol Kromer Mo Lally Jan Lauterbach Nanette Leatherwood Pat Lisoskie Tom Lockhart Joy Lorton Vicki Lovegren Bonnie Mackaness Knudsen Karen Malo Alexus Malone Vicki Martin Ellen Matheny Billie Mazzei Lynda McCauley Lynn McCauley Debby McDonald Anna McLaughlin Peg Melhaff

JoAnn Melius Ted Mezen Marilyn Miller Jennifer Motley Sharon Neigel Mary Nelson Saba Noorassa Burke O’Leary Lin O’Leary Joanne Osband Tracy Osterhout Candace Palmo Valerie Partridge Rocklin Perrott Adam Peters Christen Peters Kathy Peterson Ray Philen Karreen Pinnell Kimberly Platt Mary Jane Rants Bobbi Rawlings Dorothy Ren Amy Ridgeway S. Ridgeway Ann Rockway Karen Romanelli Ron Rosenbloom Al Rynties Vicki Salzberg Joyce Saraos Carol Schmitt Christy Schutte Becky Scott Jean Sekerak Tricia Shaw Susan Shoblom

Louise Sidelinger Amanda Sipher Cheryl Smith Steph Smith Elaine Smitha Sandy Spencer Bette Sprouse Sharon Stanford Patricia Starzyk Morgan Stewart Joe Strain Paula Strain Linda Stretz Jo Sullivan Maureen Sullivan Eileen Swarthout Sally Taylor Terry Taylor Mary Tennyson Jenifer Thacher Laurie Thomas Rene Toolson Variya Tosti Cathy Turk Jonathon Turlove George Van Vladricken Christina Wagner Christopher Wagner Greg Wahl Cynthia Walsh Larry Warren Mary Lynn West Mary Wildenhaus Leslie Wiltse

Interested in volunteering? All you have to do is attend one of the training sessions listed here. Questions? Call the office at (360)753-8585 and/or send us an email at volunteers@washingtoncenter.org.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015 Tuesday, October 13, 2015 Tuesday, November 10, 2015 Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Tuesday, February 9, 2016 Wednesday, March 9, 2016 Tuesday, April 12, 2016 Wednesday, May 11, 2016

All volunteer trainings begin promptly at 6:30 PM. This list is current to the best of our knowledge as of September 1, 2015. Volunteers who have signed up after this date will not appear on this list.

60 |www.washingtoncenter.org |360.753.8586

nt M ovie s! S ile Ten Yea rs o f

With live accompaniment by Dennis James, House Organist, and vaudeville entertainment by Connie Corrick and Hugh Hastings.

This season we explore American films made exactly one hundred years ago. From familiar Charlie Chaplin and Douglas Fairbanks to a newly rediscovered Sherlock Holmes, step back in time to enjoy the movies as they were seen by audiences in 1916. Each feature opens with a song, an episode of Beatrice Fairfax hand-picked by Mr. James, and the theme from the feature film.

Dennis James has dedicated his professional career to the continuation of the theatrical traditions of organ performance and furthering public interest in the theatre pipe organ. From the time he began concertizing while still in his teens, James has been at the top of the theatre organ profession. He has played virtually everywhere pipe theatre organs are to be found, from the preserved movie palaces throughout the United States and Canada to concert halls and theaters in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. James has played a pivotal role in the international revival of silent films with live music. He began professional film accompaniment at Indiana University while he was a music student in the late 1960’s, and is renowned for providing the most comprehensive selection of silent films with historically authentic live musical scoring presentations available. Connie Corrick has most recently enjoyed performing on stages throughout the Seattle area, playing leading roles at the Village Theatre Showtunes! and Seattle Children’s Theatre, as well as The 5th Avenue Theatre, where she also serves as Community Programs Coordinator. She received her Master’s degree in vocal performance from the University of Washington. She is frequently seen treading the boards at Seattle’s lighthearted music emporium, Kenyon Hall, where she is known as The Belle of the Hall, and where you can often hear her dueting with her husband, Hugh Hastings. Hugh Hastings has been a professional

actor and singer for twenty-five years. He has been a Seattle resident since 1980, when he came to attend the Professional Actor Training Program at the University of Washington. He has performed with most of the Seattle area’s professional theatres, including The 5th Avenue Theatre, ACT, Seattle Children’s Theatre, Village Theatre, and Seattle Shakespeare Company. He has been involved with Kenyon Hall in West Seattle as a performer as well as a board member for the past sixteen years. EVENT SPONSOR:


Charlie Chaplin Comedies JAN 31 / Sunday 2:00 PM

Charlie Chaplin’s best comedic work is on display in Behind the Screen, The Rink, and The Pawnshop. A master of both nuance and slapstick, Chaplin displays his unparalleled ability to combine brilliant, spontaneous improvisation with precise timing. Celebrate 10 years of Silent Movies with Dennis James – ticket includes pre-show celebration!

Sherlock Holmes FEB 28 / Sunday 2:00 PM

William Gillette gained renown for his portrayal of the Baker Street sleuth, and it was he who first donned the deerstalker hat that has become iconic of the character. The first American feature film based on Arthur Conan Doyle’s books, all copies of Sherlock Homes were thought to have been lost until last year, when a nitrate dupe negative was found in a vault in France.

Western Double Feature:

Hell’s Hinges and The Americano MAR 20 / Sunday 2:00 PM

Hell’s Hinges: The story of a weak-willed minister who comes to a wild and debauched frontier town with his sister and meets up with a hard-bitten gunman. The Americano: Based on the novel “Blaze Derringer”, the son of a wealthy mining engineer is sent to South America to oversee a mine and falls in love with the daughter of a deposed below-the-border president. The Washington Center 2015/16 Season | 61

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intercitytransit.com • 360.786.1881 62 |www.washingtoncenter.org |360.753.8586



Facilities Information Hours and Contact information The Center’s Administrative Office is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and can be reached by calling 360-753-8585. The Box Office is open from 12:00 pm to 5:30 pm Tuesday through Saturday and two hours prior to any ticketed event. For ticket and event information, call 360753-8586. Buy Tickets Online: www.washingtoncenter.org www.olytix.org Our emergency phone number during events is 360-402-8586. This number, along with your seat number, can be left with family members and baby sitters.

General Information If you will not be using previously purchased tickets, you may donate them back to The Center prior to showtime. We will issue you a receipt for a tax-deductible donation. Smoking, which is defined as the use of tobacco products through pipes, cigars and cigarettes; and “vaping” with e-cigarettes or the use of e-cigarettes in any form is only allowed outside, 25 feet from doorways. Discounted Tickets to most Washington Center presented events are available to seniors, students, military families and groups of 15 or more. Gift Certificates for events at The Washington Center, in any denomination, are available through the Box Office at 360-753-8586. If you or your organization would like information regarding the rental of theaters and/or lobby spaces at The Center, please call our Administrative Office at 360-753-8585.

Performance Information Audio/Video recording equipment is strictly forbidden in the theater. All alarms and ringers should be turned off to avoid possible disruption of the performance. Concessions: A variety of refreshments are available for purchase in the main lobby during intermission(s). Please, no food or drink other than water is allowed in the theater. Restrooms are located on the Orchestra, Mezzanine and Balcony levels. Facilities for those in wheelchairs are on the Orchestra level. We reserve the right to remove any patron responsible for creating a disturbance that disrupts the performance or distracts the audience. Latecomers will be seated at the first appropriate break in the performance and at the discretion of the House Management. Children age two and older must have a ticket; all children 12 and younger must be accompanied by an adult.

Patron Accessibility ADA Access is available on the Orchestra level of the theater. ADA and companion seating is available by contacting the Box Office in advance. ADA accessible restrooms are located on the Orchestra level. Infrared Listening Enhancement Earpieces are available at the south end of the concessions counter. Elevator Access is available on all levels except the Loge.

Tours of the Center, for groups large or small, can be arranged by calling the Administrative Office at 360-753-8585.

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This season features talented jazz guitarists from around the Sound. All four artists are incredible guitarists and each one has a uniquely different style to bring to the table.

The Washington Center 2015/16 Season | 63


The Washington Center acknowledges these organizations for recognizing the significance of the arts to enhance the quality of life in our community. They are generously sponsoring our 2015-16 Season.




Credit Unions of South Sound


Hospitality Sponsor

Ambassador Party Sponsor

Silver Tray Sponsor

2015/16 Gallery Sponsor

Ticket Sponsor

2015/16 Gallery Sponsor

Web Re-design Sponsor

Floral Sponsor

Capitol Florist

64 |www.washingtoncenter.org |360.753.8586

Liberty Lounge Sponsor


H E A R T S O N F I R E S T O R E S , A U T H O R I Z E D R E TA I L E R S , H E A R T S O N F I R E . C O M

111 Market Street NE | Olympia, WA 360.357.4943 | panowicz.com The Washington Center 2015/16 Season | 65

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