The New Hampshire Gazette, Volume 256, No. 23, August 10, 2012

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Vol. CCLVI, No. 23 August 10, 2012

The New Hampshire Gazette


Free! or Die

The Nation’s Oldest Newspaper™ • Editor: Steven Fowle • Founded 1756 by Daniel Fowle

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umenting their construction of the most expensive single-family house in America. Modeled after the original Versailles and built at a cost of about $100 million, the place has 17 kitchens and is 33 times the size of the average American home. His enormous, tacky McPalace in Orlando, Florida — where else? — is not the only assault Siegel has committed against the American people. In the film he tersely claims to be personally responsible for making George W. Bush President. Siegel elaborated in an interview with Susan Berfield for Bloomberg’s BusinessWeek. “Whenever I saw a negative article about [Al] Gore,” Siegel told Berfield, “I put it in with the paychecks of my 8,000 employees. I had my managers do a survey on every employee. If they liked Bush, we made them register to vote. But not if they liked Gore. The week before [the election] we made 80,000 phone calls through my call center — they were robo-calls. On Election Day, we made sure everyone who was voting for Bush got to the polls. I didn’t know he would win by 527 votes. Afterward, we did a survey among the employees to find out who voted who wouldn’t have otherwise. One thousand of them said so.” Nobody Here But Us Moguls Polls show that by a margin of two to one, Americans favor taxing the rich more heavily to balance the Federal budget. And why not? It’s an obvious solution. Whenever that possibility is raised, though, Right Wingers and their media sycophants assert that there are not enough rich people to make a difference. Usu-

ally that’s all it takes to change the subject — proving that Roger “Verbal” Kint was right when he said, in The Usual Suspects, “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.” Google the phrase “tax the rich to fix the deficit” and the first half-dozen links will be to websites offering the same video. It shows Duquesne University Professor Antony Davies throwing figures around in support of the “not enough rich people” trope. Figures don’t lie, the old saying goes, but liars can figure. To which we would add, hereditarily wealthy liars hire others to do their lying for them. The Davies video was produced by These days it’s safe to assume that any organization with the word “Liberty” in its name is determined to further enslave us all, and this case is no exception. says it is “[a] Project of the Institute for Humane Studies” at George Mason University in Arlington, VA, which is funded, according to, by “a number of large libertarian and right-wing foundations, including the Sarah Scaife Foundation, the Koch Family Foundations, Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, the Walton Family Foundation and the Carthage Foundation” — aka all the usual well-heeled Right Wing suspects. Oh, That $21 Trillion Davies’s flim-flam failed to fool the Tax Justice Network, though. A global organization that has been investigating tax evasion, tax avoidance, tax competition and tax havens since 2003, TJN released a report last month titled The Price

of Offshore Revisited. “[T]he most detailed and rigorous study ever made of financial assets held in offshore financial centres and secrecy structures,” TJN found that “at least $21 trillion of unreported private financial wealth was owned by wealthy individuals via tax havens at the end of 2010.” This equals the GDP of North and South America combined. And the actual total could be as

high as $35 trillion. A lot of that money surely belongs to U.S. citizens who are dodging billions in U.S. taxes. The only fair way to describe this situation is class warfare. A relative handful of multi-millionaires has been waging economic warfare against millions of us mere peons for decades now. So here’s the question for us: Continue to submit? Or do something?

quirement of pre-funding its retirement system for the next 75 years — in just ten years? Because that surely looks like intentional sabotage of a Constitutionallymandated Federal government function. And another question: since it’s been forty years since Congress sent any taxpayer funding to the Postal Service, what is Congress doing even naming Post Offices? The Szabo Saga, Part Three Frank Szabo continues to send us press releases regarding his candidacy for the office of Sheriff of Hillsborough County, despite the tone of our earlier coverage which suggested that he might be a couple of law books short of a full shelf. Szabo vows that if he is elected he will be a “Constitutional Sher-

iff,” which seems to imply that James A. Hardy, the incumbent Sheriff, is somehow lacking in constitutionality. If by some miracle Szabo is elected, Hillsborough County is bound to generate some interesting headlines. In an earlier communiqué, Szabo claimed that “no federal or state agency has authority in the county unless the Sheriff permits it.” Lest there be any doubt what he means by that, on his website Szabo declares that “[i]f a County Sheriff tells the ATF to ‘take a hike,’ they have no choice. They either leave, or end up in a county jail.” According to this latest dispatch, Szabo is reeling in endorsements from the Tea Party, Free State, and Libertarian wings

of the Republican asylum. His newest backers are: “Jack Kimball, former New Hampshire GOP State Chair and Chairman of Granite State Patriots Liberty PAC …. Tom Flaherty, organizer of the Greater Nashua Tea Party …. [and] Jane Aitken, founder of New Hampshire Tea Party Coalition and board member of Coalition of New Hampshire Tax Payers…. “Frank continues to speak at numerous GOP Committees and activist groups as well as groups concerned about the erosion of their Rights; especially gun Rights. Every event adds more excited supporters now informed of the true nature and authority of the Office of County Sheriff.” Foreclosing on the Banks? Count us among the excited

observers — and not just in anticipation of potential shootouts between the Sheriff and, say, the state’s Booze Police. Szabo has an approach to foreclosures that is actually refreshing. During a July 23rd interview with Bedford Community Television’s Kathy Benuc, available online at, Szabo said he would scrutinize the paperwork for all foreclosures with great care and refuse to carry out any with which he found the slightest fault. Not the Only One? If Szabo is elected he won’t be the first County Sheriff in the State who’s dubious about foreclosure paperwork.

The Fortnightly Rant

Let's Call It What It Is We have good news and we have bad news. The good news is that in their never-ending quest to suck up every nickel on the planet, our de facto global aristocracy is destroying only two things. The bad news is that those things are the economy and the environment, and we lowly peons need them both to live. The Aristocrats Some people would deny that a global aristocracy exists, and aristocrats are the first among them. Being scrutinized by riffraff takes the fun out of life, you see. But traces do turn up from time to time. Herewith: a couple of examples. On July 20th the London Evening Standard ran a story about Salvatore Calabrese’s dashed effort to win the Guinness Record for concocting the world’s oldest and most expensive drink. Calabrese is the “drinks maestro” at London’s Playboy Club. He had planned to use some of his own 1788 Clos de Griffier Vieux cognac in the record attempt; but prior to his attempt, a regular client stopped by with a close friend. They each enjoyed a $7,800 shot of the ancient booze. Then, standing up, the client accidentally smashed the $78,000 bottle to the floor. Breaking a bottle of Pabst Blue Ribbon could get an ordinary person thrown out of the Daniel Street Tavern, but the anonymous Playboy Club clutz was instantly forgiven. An appalling but inconsequential sign of today’s superfluity of wealth, you say? Perhaps. But consider David Siegel. The time-share mogul and his wife Jackie are the subjects of the new movie The Queen of Versailles, doc-

News Briefs

Gone Postal

You may be working during these dog days of August — if you’re lucky — but Members of Congress are on vacation. After all, they don’t want to pass any bills anyway, so what would be the point of hanging around D.C.? Though it’s not really fair to say they haven’t passed any bills. As ABC News noted on August 1st, they may not have solved the Postal Service’s pension problem, but they have passed 60 bills naming Post Offices. Then again, if fairness actually matters, there are a couple of other things about the Congressional/Postal relationship which are kind of puzzling. First there’s this mystery: what the hell did Congress think it was doing in 2006 when it saddled the Postal Service with the unique re-

News Briefs to page two

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