The New Hampshire Gazette, Volume 256, No. 26, September 21, 2012

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Vol. CCLVI, No. 26 September 21, 2012

The New Hampshire Gazette


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The Nation’s Oldest Newspaper™ • Editor: Steven Fowle • Founded 1756 by Daniel Fowle

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The Fortnightly Rant

Rampagin' Romney

Mitt Romney always planned to base his Presidential campaign on his alleged financial acumen. Now we can see why. The Republican nominee got his “3 a.m. phone call” on the afternoon of September 11, 2012. News reports from Egypt and Libya conveyed a confused and chaotic situation. Acting swiftly and decisively — but above all politically — just two hours after the first report of the death of an American at the consulate in Bengazi, Romney issued a statement condemning the President for something he did not do. “I’m outraged by the attacks on American diplomatic missions in Libya and Egypt and by the death of an American consulate worker in Benghazi,” it read. “It’s disgraceful that the Obama Administration’s first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks.” Cue the Truthiness The “response” to which Romney referred was issued not by the White House in response to any attack but by the U.S. Embassy in Cairo — several hours before any attacks took place. To the Romney campaign, though, petty details such as the actual sequence of events are just distractions from a larger “truth.” What the U.S. Embassy in Cairo actually said — assuming that makes any difference anymore — was that “Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy.” There is nothing earthshaking in that statement. It merely restates a component of U.S. foreign policy that has stood for centuries — though, in light of recent events, it may be time to

reconsider. Thank God for Religion The instigator of this new jihad is a Coptic Christian named Nakoula Basseley Nakoula. The Coptic Church apparently emerged as a distinct entity within Christianity in 451 AD at the Council of Chalcedon, due to its insistence that Christ is “of ” two natures, rather than “in” two natures, whatever that means. In addition to the practice of this branch of theology, Nakoula’s other interests include bank fraud, ratting out former partners in crime to the Feds, and the illicit manufacture of methamphetamine. Nakoula is credited — if that’s the correct term — with producing a film called The Innocence of Muslims, which has sent the Middle East into convulsions. If anyone has watched the whole film he’s not talking, probably out of embarrassment. The 14-minute trailer, posted on YouTube in June, is painful enough. It has all the production values — and taste — of a notorious series of TV ads for a Lafayette Road furniture store featuring a bulky middleaged man bellowing inanely while wearing a red two-piece bikini, cowboy hat, and boots. The film’s director was Alan Roberts, whose previous credits include Young Lady Chatterly, Young Lady Chatterly II, and The Happy Hooker Goes Hollywood. The acting talent includes gay porn actor Tim Dax and fetish model Amina Noir. The video depicts Muhammad — whom the abstemious Muslims deem it blasphemous even to portray — as a moronic child molester with a drinking problem. Helping Nakoula to promote this celluloid Molotov cocktail were two individuals named Terry Jones and Steve Klein.

Not, though, the Terry Jones who played Mr. Creosote in Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life and who, in a crowded restaurant, ate mountains of food which he then projectile-vomited in the general direction of a bucket on the floor. No, The Innocence of Muslims fails to meet that Mr. Jones’ standards of good taste. This is the other Terry Jones: the one with the professional-wrestler style moustache born in the same town and year as Rush Limbaugh, the one who was made a pastor by the evangelical Maranatha Campus Ministries whose founder later dissolved it in shame, apologizing for its excessive authoritarianism, the one whose church in Germany kicked him out in 2008, the one who periodically calls attention to himself by threatening to burn a Koran. The Innocence of Muslims trailer had been festering quietly for months on the internet — until Pastor Jones helped make the Muslim world aware of it.

With Nakoula in hiding, Steve Klein has been acting as his unrepentant spokesperson. According to the AP, Klein is an insurance salesman and the founder of Courageous Christians United, “which conducts protests outside abortion clinics, Mormon temples and mosques.” Klein, who claims to have served as a Marine in Vietnam, has reportedly “helped train paramilitary militias at the church of Kaweah near Three Rivers, about an hour southeast of Fresno, to prepare for what they believe is a coming holy war with Muslim sleeper cells.” History Regurgitates Itself Pam Martens, who writes at, points out this very curious fact: for the second time in a row a virulently anti-Islam video has dramatically surfaced exactly seven weeks before a Presidential election. In the Fall of 2008, 100 newspapers inserted into their Sunday editions 28 million free DVDs of Obses-

sion: Radical Islam’s War Against the West. Martens followed the money, and a Libertarian nonprofit called Donors Capital Fund, which appears to have multiple lines of connection to — you guessed it — the Koch Brothers. It’s Obama’s Fault “The attacks on our embassies & diplomats are a result of perceived American weakness,” tweeted one expert on security issues. “Mitt Romney is right to point that out.” In his tweet, Donald Rumsfeld neglected to mention the eight terrorist attacks on U.S. diplomatic facilities during his tenure as Secretary of Defense, but he was running out of characters. Can’t We All Just Get Along? There is a solution to this seemingly intractable problem, and it’s so simple that we’re astonished no one has proposed it before: let all the offended parties agree to pin the blame on those godless atheists.

government has a responsibility to care for them … believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it.” By his own logic, then, to win the general election Romney will need 96 percent of the votes of the remaining 53 percent of the electorate: a feat that will require every ounce of Paul Ryan’s magical mathematical expertise. Romney bought his home in Belmont, MA with a loan from his father that, adjusted for inflation, would be equal to $100,000 today. But he didn’t let that handicap stop him from boasting, “I have inherited nothing. Everything I earned I earned the old-fashioned way.” He also dismissed the prospects for a two-state solution to the

problem of Israel and Palestine, suggesting that he would overturn a basic tenet of U.S. foreign policy, and accused Palestinians of having “no interest whatsoever in establishing peace.” All in all, the release of the tape was a terrific boost to the campaign — of President Obama. No Fribbles For You On the one hand, it’s not surprising that Romney would conduct his May performance at the Boca Raton mansion of Marc Leder, a co-CEO of Sun Capital. Both men are corporate raiders who have made similar-sized fortunes by using other people’s money to take over companies, privatize the profits, and socialize the costs. Take Friendly’s, for example —

because Leder did. Sun Capital bought the iconic New England restaurant chain in 2007. Last year Friendly’s declared bankruptcy. In October, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC), an independent agency of the U.S. Government, accused Sun Capital of “fraudulently moving assets so that its affiliates could retain control of [Friendly’s] and avoid paying retirement benefits to nearly 6,000 workers and retirees,” according to the Boston Globe. Having conveniently ditched its obligations to those freeloading pensioners, Friendly’s now hopes to become profitable again. Making life profitable for moochers like Leder isn’t the only challenge PBGC faces. Freemarket ideology has also taken a

big whack out of its assets. PBGC derives its funding from premiums paid by sponsors of pensions, acquiring the assets of the pensions it assumes, through bankruptcies and investment income from its assets, which amount to about $80 billion. It used to be more. According to a deadpan entry in Wikipedia, PBGC, in 2004, “chose to invest heavily in bonds,” but “[u]nder new leadership [Charles E.F. Millard, who had worked at the now-defunct Lehman Brothers] the agency in 2008 shifted a substantial portion of its assets into stocks. Because of the market decline, PBGC’s equity

News Briefs

Mr. Excitement

Who could ever have predicted that a strait-laced, middle-aged, suit-wearing Republican businessman could run such a thrilling election campaign? No sooner had Mitt Romney finished throwing gasoline on the Middle East conflict, than a 49-minute videotape surfaced showing the candidate performing a hilarious impression of Thurston Howell III, the clueless millionaire from Gilligan’s Island. The high — or low — point of the performance was when Romney accused 47 percent of the electorate of being with the President, “no matter what.” They will vote for President Obama, he said, because they “are dependent upon government … believe that they are victims … believe that

News Briefs to page two

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