2 minute read



University of Connecticut Storrs


by Debbie Rogol

With salutations from the not so snowy East, the chapter of firsts has done it again. The Gamma Kappa chapter of Tau Beta Sigma, the first sorority to open its doors to men and go co-ed, has broken new ground in a previously all male dominated area.

Before 1976, the sousaphone section of the UCONN Husky Marching Band remained all male. But in the fall of 1976, frehsman Debbie Rogol from Seymour, Connecticut, broke into their ranks. It was rough, but in her four years of playing with the band she gained their respect and admiration as well as being bestowed with the illustrious title of Harunetta (previous article) . Debbie, a 1977 TBL pledge, was not the last female to explode upon the scene. In the fall of 1977, an entire rank of four female sousaphones played and marched with the Best Band in the East. All four, Candy Brow, Mary Ariosto, Jan Augustine, and Debbie Rogel, were sisters in Gamma Kappa.

Today, when the Huskies finished their 1979-80 season, they marched with 7 female sousaphones and the lineage looks solid for the future.

The solid Gamma Kappa chapter has always striven for friendship, loyalty and equality while providing assistance to all the University bands. As Gamma Kappa begins their 1980 season, they have quite a few logs burning on the home fire.

They start the spring season off with a bang as they begin initiation procedures of their new pledge class. A record 25 girls and guys came to the get acquainted meeting. That number of pledges would greatly strengthen the membership for the years to come.

Fund raising ideas have not been hibernating all winter. Beginning in February, Gamma Kappa will be selling personalized Valentine's Day cookies baked and decorated by the sisters. They also plan to supply hot cider at the Marching Band's spring ice skating party.

On St. Patrick's Day, Gamma Kappa plans to sell green carnations to all the little (and big) people at UCONN. A car wash and a Spring Fling dance are also in the works.

As the new year begins with the hope of a better life this decade, Gamma Kappa (with the grace of Allah) looks forward to a very involved, profitable and enjoyable year!

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