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Frog Fever Hits TCU

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Keeping Pace

Frog Fever Hits T C U

by Beck'' Simmons & Martin Hohe


"What· s the name of this town? Frog town! Frog town!'' Those words were heard quite often during football season last fall. TCU' s Gamma Sigma and Beta Delta chapters joined forces as a new spirit called "Frog Fever" swept over campus. Kappa Kappa Psi stayed busy selling T-shirts with the new Frog Fever logo on them. The sales were successful - only a handful of students were seen without one. The guys also held an all night vigil before the TCU-SMU game. The two rival schools are infamous for pre-game pranks, so Kappa Psi watched over things. Tau Beta Sigma kept spirits up by making spirit tags to be worn the day before each game. They provided homemade cookies to sustain hungry band members on long bus trips.

TCU hosted "Band Day" during one game. Area high school bands performed during half-time along with TCU. Our chapters served as hosts and hostesses, giving directions and handling plenty of cookies and cokes to several hundred high school bandsmen.

Both chapters helped the new freshmen feel welcome. Kappa Psi hosted a pizza party early in the semester to all the guys in band. Tau Beta had secret sisses throughout marching season. Each girl received a special goody from her secret sis each week before the game. Each secret sis was revealed at a pizza party at the end of the semester.

Professor James A. Jacobsen celebrated his 25th anniversary as director of TCU bands last fall. Both chapters presented him an engraved silver pocket watch during a surprise half-time presentation. "Prof" has devoted many long hours to the TCU band and serves as a vital force in Tau Beta Sigma and Kappa Kappa Psi.

The spring semester is already full of plans. Both chapters are making preparations for their part in the Third Annual TCU Jazz Festival.

Kappa Kappa Psi is in the process of putting together a slide show with music to be used as a recruiting device in high schools.

Tau Beta's projects include purchasing black vinyl concert folders for the symphonic band.

Gamma Sigma and Beta Delta anticipate large pledge classes. The extra aid provided by pledges will help make our projects run much smoother. Gamma Sigma and Beta Delta will each graduate only five seniors this spring. Strong chapters should ·be expected, so both chapters are looking forward to exciting futures.

KK..Y • • KK..Y • • KK..Y • • KK..Y • • KK..Y • • KK..Y • •

Tid Bits

• Thanks to alert and efficient chapter officers, the change to new operational chapter forms has worked. The continued success of these new forms will require out-going officers to pass along needed materials to new officers.

Thanks To You It's Working.''

• Many interested and Important fraternal activities are taking place this

Spring at the District Conventions and we hope to have your story for the

Fall issue of PODIUM. Don't forget copy deadline for the Fall issue is

OCTOBER FIRST. The obvious filler being utilized in this space would be better suited to an exciting and interesting chapter article.


Don't let your new members be initiated using a dated ritual which does not contain all revisions up to and including the 1979 National Convention. Newly revised rituals are in stock at the National Office and may be ordered by using the current supply requisition.

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