5 minute read
Greetings Brothers and Sisters:
District Convention time will soon be here and many of you may be asking yourself the following questions. How important are District Conventions? Should I really go to the Convention?
Will it be worth the time and money to go? Just what will I gain from attending a District Convention?
Many chapter members have only attended local chapter meetings and are not aware of how Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma function on the District levels. Attending a District Convention not only gives you a broader knowledge of the two organizations, but many other ideas can be gained that will benefit each individual chapter.
For example, at District convention you have the opportunity to visit with other chapter members to get new ideas concerning money making, service, and pledge projects. Possibly something you have done in your own chapter may be of benefit to help other chapters or vice versa.
You may also find that problems you thought only existed within your chapter and band may also appear in other schools. With some discussion someone may have some good ideas for ways to solve some of these problems.
In the last few years many District Conventions have established District Reading Bands where you have the opportunity to play some favorite works with other college band members. These reading bands have proved very successful.
Last, but not least, along with socially meeting other Tau Beta Sigma sisters and Kappa Kappa Psi brothers, many lasting friendships are made at District Conventions.
Yes, I would definitely recommend attending the District Convention in your District. It will be well worth your time and money not only in strengthening each of you as an individual chapter member, but if everyone in your chapter attends just think how strong your chapter can become.
Best wishes for a successful District Convention.
Fraternally, Connie Reishus National President
As another academic year draws to a close, each chapter should take the time to evaluate its activities for the year. This evaluation should give the chapter important insight to the effectiveness of its activities.
There are many ways in which the evaluation can take place. Each chapter should decide for itself which method it would prefer to use. I recommend the following method: 1. List all of the activities your chapter performed over the course of the year. 2. Determine the goals you set out to accomplish through the performance of the activities listed in #I. 3. Were all of the goals met ? If so, list what effects came about because of it. If not, list what the reason was for your failure in obtaining your goal. 4. Arrange a meeting with your chapter sponsor. Let the sponsor review your activities with you. Show him your reasons for feeling it was a success, or failure. Get his opinion of the activity. 5. Ask your sponsor if there was any way in which you could improve on your performance for the year? • •WHILE YOU HAVE YOUR
This process should be taken very seriously. This method allows each chapter to alter its operations from year to year based upon the needs of the band department. This method also allows for a more effective working relationship between the chapter and its sponsor. I'm interested in learning the results of your evaluations. Gary A . Cummings National Member-At-Large
Dear Sisters:
The not so horrible Winter of '79-'80 is near its with it comes the beginmug of D1stnct Conventions. NOW is the time to prepare for these meetings. Encourage your membership to attend your District Convention. There will be no better time to meet and share ideas with your Tau Beta Sigma and Kappa Kappa Psi sisters and brothers.
Each District should strive for 100% district participation. Communicate with neighboring chapters. Maybe you can arrange to pick up someone to ease the transportation problems. I'm looking forward to seeing you at the conventions I attend.
Sincerely Carla A. Robinson National Secretary
Kappa Kappa Psi, as a national voice in one facet of American Music - the Band - accepts its broad corporate citizenship by maintammg professional affiliations with our institutional colleagues. One such membership is with the NMC, National Music Council. On January 17th I represented our fraternity at a meeting of this 65 member group, held in the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington. Chaired by former NIB commissioned composer Gunther Schuller, a day of discussions and planning was held centered around the topic of the betterment of all American music ideals within our country and on the international scene.
The College Band movement is uniquely American and supportive of the ideals of the NMC. I was proud to present our contributions to this body of representatives which included the major voices of higher music education, the recording industry, union affiliates and renowned musicians from throughout the United States.
As we enter the District Convention time, consider the scope of our Fraternity as it relates to all national music developments. Consider carefully your local, district, and national influence by carefully selecting officers that can speak for our ideals. As you convene to accomplish dis· trict objectives this year, devote some time to the consideration of nominations for National Office at our Cincinnati Convention in 1981. It would be a giant step forward if the Fall Issue ( 1980) of the PODIUM could include a listing, with biographies, of nominated persons for the National Council and Member at Large. I will be available at your District meetings to address any questions you may have regarding these important national elections. Best wishes for a successful District Convention.
Richard Rodean National President
Certificates available without charge from:
The National Office KAPPA KAPPA PSI- TAU BETA SIGMA Seretean Center Oklahoma State University Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074 Telephone: (405) 372-2333
Band Summer Camp Awards
awarded to
for achievement by a lmnd member during summer camp Pxperitmce of _ _ _ m_
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