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Stephen F. Austin State University Nacogdoches, TX



by Lori Thies sen

The Beta Zeta chapter of Tau Beta Sigma greets you all with a HiHo from the piney woods of east Texas.

A winning football team at SF ASU kept the Lumberjack Band and TBL: very busy during the fall semester. Our activities included serving water at rehearsals, and Cokes and hot chocolate to band members at games. Tau Beta apartment floors were often covered with spirit banners drying the night before a game, and other members repaired our purple-andwhite HiHo spirit sign. Our more artistic sisters spent many hours painting a scale reproduction of the American flag, and nimble fingers sewed up a costume for rhe Lumberjack Band's Superman extravaganza at Homecoming. Homecoming 1979 was a time of hard work for the band and TBL:, but members joined our brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi and visiting alumni for a dance following the game. Tau Beta Sigma also helped make SFA Parent's Day a little more special this year by hosting and catering a chicken supper especially for Lumberjack Band members and their families.

Service projects for the band apart from games were also quite plentiful. Tau Beta's re-covered all of the band bulletin boards, and worked as photographer's helpers when the marching hand had its first composite picture made in November. One of the most important service functions of Beta Zeta to SF A's band department last semester was the half hour per week each member gave of her time to assist in the band office. This assistance included running errands, stuffing envelopes, and updating mailing lists. The service was so successful that the chapter plans to make it a regular project each semester.

Our chapter's purse also became a little fatter last semester. Our candy drive netted over $750.00, and several smaller projects raised $245.00. Ten percent of all our funds have been set aside to send Beta Zeta delegates and members to the 1981 Tau Beta Sigma/ Kappa Kappa Psi National Convention in Cincinnati, Ohio.

In December, the Lumberjack Band spread a little of its spirit to the USSR Ladies Olympic Basketball Team when the Soviets met the SF A Lady jacks for an exhibition game. The band and flag corps, which included our entire chapter, performed during the game breaks and at halftime.

Before the last grueling week of finals, both TB:': and KK'lr took time out from studying to go Christmas caroling at the home of our band director/ sponsor, Mr. Mel Montgomery. A party followed to warm up our cold, wet bodies and have a bit of fun together before the Christmas holidays.

In between January registration and specially called Symphonic Band rehearsals, we found time to plan activities for the new semester, and start our snowball rolling (or perhaps raindrop fits our locale better!). At any rate, we hosted the Area C tryouts for the Texas All-State Bands the first weekend of the new term. Our duties included monitoring auditions, typing results, and running a concession stand. All Concession profits were used to support the Precinct 4 convention in February.

Later in January, the chapter hosted a progressive dinner for all bandswomen to acquaint them better with the purposes of Tau Beta Sigma and its members at SFASU. We were very pleased to pledge 12 young women during the First Degree ritual on February 3.

Beta Zeta is also excited to announce the addition of Michael A. Pierce to its roster as an honorary member. Mr. Pierce is currently Associate Director of Bands and Instructor of Horn and Low Brass at SFA.

Members of the chapter who perform in the Symphonic Band are anxiously awaiting their annual winter tour February 12-15, which culminates with the performance of the opening concert for the Texas Music Educators Association convention in San Antonio. We are proud of the band, and of the new black concert

folios purchased by Beta Zeta especially for this concert.

As the semester unfolds, we are looking forward to staying busy. Activities with our pledges, our brothers in Kappa Kappa Psi, and our concert organizations here at SF ASU will also fill up our calendars soon.

Beta Zeta encourages all chapters to attend both Precinct and District conventions, and wishes all of you a very prosperous term.

University of Maryland College Park

- TBI Serving All Bands

As we, the brothers and sisters here at the University of Maryland begin the new decade, our main concern lies with the concert groups. Our goals must stress participation within these groups, increase publicity and support of the community and the students, and to build a more social atmosphere between the concert groups.

Ideas for increasing participation soically include such things as receptions after concerts and rehearsals, and parties opened to the entire band program, rather than just the marching band. Another idea is for KK'lf and to sponsor a ''Parent's Day" for the concert groups involving a dinner for band members and their parents, followed by a concert.

On a musical note, how about a tutoring program, sponsored by KK 'lf and in which the more accomplished players help the weaker ones? Another thought is seminars on proper instrument care. These ideas lead to an increase in the standards and interest of the concert groups.

Perhaps the most important aspect of our role this semester is that of publicizing the concert groups. At a large University, such as ours, this can be a problem. First, our chapters must set the example by attending the concerts and talking them up with their friends. Second, we must contact the on campus community of students as well as the off campus communities. Many radio stations offer free announcements for these events. Spreading the publicity to the high schools is also very important in reaching the community, not only in their support of the concerts, but for future recruitment as well.

In building a more social atmosphere between the concert groups, parties are always a successful event but, in addition, other activities must be held to bring the group together. Here at Maryland, we sponsored a couple in the "Dancers Against Cancer" marathon. All of the music groups united to collect money for this worthy cause. The result was a more cohesive community of band people.

Our final goal is to better inform the concert group members of sorority and fraternity functions. By being well informed and by creating a feeling of unity, we feel that the members will take a greater personal interest in their band. These are just a few of our ideas to help support the concert groups at the University. We'd like to hear from other schools with ideas on improving concert group participation. Have a good semester.

Gamma Xi is having a 25th Anniversary Celebration of its founding on April 19, 1980. The nation is cordially invited to this gala event. If you are interested in attending, please feel free to call us.

Tennessee State University Nashville

We Are Alike in More Ways Than One

by Carmen DeAndrea Nicholson

It is a rare phenomenon when a Sorority and a Fraternity have the same chapter name, but when they are alike in other ways it seems very strange.

These two Chapters are the KK'lf Zeta Pi Chapters at Tennessee State University. Both of these chapters completed colonization in nine months, are the 160th chapter, the only two chapters in

Nashville and both have 16 active members.

Although has just begun, the brothers of KK'lf are helping us to achieve our goal of "Greater Bands."

As of now the new Zeta Pi Chapter has done many service projects such as baskets for the needy during Christmas, Easter egg hunts for neighborhood children, helped in a roadblock to raise money for "The Ronald Cotton Leukemia Fund," and projects for the band, such as sewing buttons on uniforms, helping with "The High School Marching Band Competition" and helping the band directors with various activities in the music department.

We also made our first campus appearance singing Christmas carols for the annual Christmas tree lighting.

So, you see, the Zeta Pi Chapter of is really on the ball and working towards the ultimate goal of serving our community and the band program.

TBS and KKY Going Strong At New Mexico State

by Lesley Scott and Doug Hoover

Greetings from the "PRIDE" of the Land of Enchantment! As the new semester begins, the Brothers and Sisters of Gamma Eta and Beta Beta Chapter must reflect on the past semester. And what a semester it was! ! With two new directors and many new members, we had our work cut out for us.

We "reported for duty" two days before our summer band camp began to assist Jerry Hoover, from Jefferson City, Missouri, and KK'lf member from Drury College, and Larry Henry, from Michigan, in assuming their new positions. We helped with the usual camp duties and also held a picnic for new band members to introduce them to each other and acquaint them with and KK'lr.

As usual, marching season was very busy. We traveled to El Paso, Texas, for a football game with our rivals, the UTEP Miners. The Brothers of Alpha Chi chapter were very gracious hosts and following the game, our two bands met and thoroughly enjoyed each other's company.

Our extremely successful season climaxed with a Thanksgiving weekend trip to Southern California. The "PRIDE" Band marched a parade on Disneylands' Main Street USA and was featured at halftime of the San Diego ChargersKansas City Chiefs football game.

The spring semester will also be a busy one for us. Immediately after classes began, several groups traveled to Santa Fe to present a program for the New Mexico Legislators in our States' Capitol. Tours for several of the ensembles are planned throughout the semester. Opportunities for service include hosting a twoday high school jazz festival and sponsoring a cartoon film festival.

We at New Mexico State are very optimistic about the future. Long-range plans for the NMSU music department include a brand new Fine Arts complex on our campus and a nation-wide competition to commission a new Alma Mater for our school. And right in the middle of all these activities will be the members of Gamma Eta and Beta Beta, continu!ng to contribute their talents and service.

Until next fall, Gamma Eta and Beta Beta wish you an exciting and successful spring semester.

Midwestern State University On the Move

by Sheryl Cyrus

Lots of planning, hard work and enthusiasm characterized the ending of another year for the Alpha Epsilon chapter of Tau Beta Sigma at Midwestern State University in \Xlichita Falls, Texas.

During the summer the MSU Band Department sponsored the annual Summer Band Camp with Kenneth G. Bloomquist as camp clicinian for the honors band. Mr. Bloomquist is the chiarman of the Department of Music at Michigan State University. Other organizations for young musicians included: two high school bands, three junior high bands and one band for beginners. The final concert featured all bands, with a special guest conductor, Band Director Emeritus, Dr. .JoeL. Haddon. As a money raiser we sold T-shirts and other items to help make the camp a success.

For our November Symphonic Band concert, we were honored to have Dr. H. Owen Reed as our guest composer/ conductor. Dr. Reed, Professor Emeritus from Michigan State University lectured to all theory classes and listened to pieces composed by our composition majors. We not only enjoyed working with Dr. Reed, but to perform his music was an educational experience that will be remembered by all here at Midwestern. To thank him, Dr. Reed was presented a plaque for his outstanding contributions to mustc.

Thanks to soloist John Park for his outstanding performance during the clinic-concert sessions sponsored by the MSU Jazz Ensemble in November. Mr. Park performed solos on alto saxophone and tenor saxophone. During his two day stay, Mr. Park worked with area high school jazz bands, answering questions and helping with improvisation techniques. The two-day clinic was highlighted by a concert featuring Mr. Park and the MSU Jazz Ensemble.

This spring, we anticipate a very busy and exciting semester. The highlight of the spring semester will be the Third Annual M.S.U. Band Clinic on March 16th through March 18th. Our guest clinician will be Dr. Alfred Reed, nationally known composer of band music. Dr. Reed will clinic area high school bands and guest conduct the MSU Symphonic Band during an evening concert an March 18th. The reception following the concert will be sponsored by Tau Beta Sigma and Kappa Kappa Psi.

On February 9th, the First Annual M.S.U. Band Alumni Reception at the T.M.E.A. Convention, was sponsored by Tau Beta Sigma and two area music stores. Plans are underway for a six day tour to the Houston area in the Spring semester for the Symphonic Band and a four day tour through East Texas for the Jazz Ensemble.

We feel like our chapter is benefiting the band more than ever before because of the outstanding pledges and freshmen in the band. The future looks good for the Alpha Epsilon Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma.

Lock Haven State College Lock Haven, PA

Marching to the Championships

by Allison Sell

Here's a great big "hello" from Epsilon Upsilon at Lock Haven State. This past marching season at L.H.S.C. was full of high stepping excitement. Who would ever guess that we would go to the state championship?

The sisters of Epsilon Upsilon gave a tea for the new freshmen which proved to be very successful. We had an attendance of approximately thirty people. The sisters believe in promoting Tau Beta Sigma and taking their part in making the new band members feel comfortable in a strange environment.

We had a very active pledge class last semester which was an asset to our sorority. These girls made cookies to help the band beat bus lag on our long trip to the Edinboro State game. The pledges also helped the brothers and sisters give receptions for Clarion State and Bloomsburg State at football games and we had a great time talking to the brothers and sisters of those chapters.

In mid-November, the band went with the football team to the Chenney State campus for the state championship. Needless to say, L.H.S.C. won the championship by a wide margin. We enjoy supporting our football team and look forward to a successful marching season next year.

Excellence: A Tradition, A Practice, A Promise

by Joey W. Roberts and Jim Bob Byrd

On January 1, nearly four and one-half months after the first organizational meetings, Beta Alpha unloaded for the last time the equipment of the Golden Wave Band. Commitment would certainly have to be a key word for a member of the Golden Wave, which travelled several thousand miles putting on ten performances for over four hundred thousand spectators. But, how does one define commitment to a group of young men who spent two thousand extra man-hours moving eighty thousand pieces of equipment over this period of time? KAPPA KAPPA PSI.

The definite highlight of the fall semester at Beta Alphaville was the trip to the Peach Bowl in Atlanta, Georgia, and subsequent performance before millions of home television viewers. Five memorable days were spent in Atlanta with the highlight being, of course, Baylor's 24-18 victory over Clemson. Kappa Kappa Psi laid the basic groundwork for the trip in the execution of the logistics necessitated by such an endeavor. In a manner of speaking, KK'o/ kept the band on its feet!

In an effort to expand its goals, Beta Alpha accepted several new projects which affected not only the Baylor campus, but also the community at large. A small ensemble was created to perform at various civic functions and members of Beta Alpha accepted a work project to clean and clear an old office building in the downtown section of Waco. Two formerly discussed projects took shape as plans for the formation of an alumni organization got off the ground. Furthermore, designs were drawn for a six-byfifteen foot trophy cabinet to be dedicated in memory of our brother, William Carey Ring.

The brothers of Beta Alpha also hosted several social functions for the Golden Wave in conjunction with our Iota sisters of Tau Beta Sigma. A Howdy Party was held to introduce the new bandsmen to Baylor and new faces. Three weeks later, KK'o/ and TBL sponsored the Annual Band Follies- an exhibition of the amateur talent within the ranks of the band, accompanied by a barbecue dinner. Beta Alpha and Iota further staged a Peach

Bowl Picture Party for the Golden Wave in order for all bandsmen to share tangible memories of the result of that commitment to excellence.

The new spring semester brings new challenges to Beta Alpha as we strive to maintain excellence as tradition. Alfred Reed will appear this spring in conjunction with the Baylor Merit program. The Wind Ensemble will premiere a composition by Robert Linn on April 28. The top two wind groups, the Wind Ensemble and the Symphonic Band, will tour the state this spring. Two relative newcomers to the spring music scene, the Concert Band and the Counside Players, have become firmly established. The Concert Band, a volunteer, non-audition group, is in its second year with a roll of over eighty. The Courtside Players perform at the home games of the Bruin cage team.

KK'lr will host its third annual Baylor Jazz Festival this April. Eighteen high school bands from across the State of Texas are slated to attend. Jazz Trombonist Bill Watrous wil be the featured performer for the festival. Approximately four hundred and fifty high school students are expected to invade the campus.

Through operation of concessions for the campus performance building and selling of cakes, KK 'lr and raise funds for their various projects. On the drawing boards presently are plans for the construction of a new podium and also the commissioning of a composition for the Wind Ensemble. Details for a joint Spring Festival are also under consideration.

Although the brothers of Beta Alpha continue to move forward as higher goals of excellence are achieved, we must pause to express our gratitude to a very special friend and brother, past National Grand President of Kappa Kappa Psi, Mr. Donald I. Moore. Mr. Moore retired from his teaching duties last spring. As brothers in KK'lr, we will continue to strive higher to meet the standards set by Mr. Moore in building the fraternity. From Beta Alphaville, hopes for a unity of brotherhood as District Conventions approach!

Lamar University Beaumont, TX

Catch Cardinal Craze

by Malcolm Pace

It seems to be the traditional feeling that the Fall marching season is busier and more productive than the spring. This is not the case at Lamar University! The Lamar University Symphonic and Jazz Bands will be kept busy this Spring as they will be preparing for an April tour ending in Miami Beach, Florida, for the Music Educators National Conference Convention. In addition, the Jazz Band is occupied by playing for home basketball games.

As another semester got under way at Lamar University of Beaumont, Texas, the ten members and nine pledges of Kappa Kappa Psi started preparing for several events bringing attention to the music programs on campus.

Back in the fall the Cardinal Marching Band took a trip to Waco, Texas, for the Baylor Bears versus Lamar Cardinals football game. This was one of the most exciting games of the season. When we arrived, we were treated as the Lamar Cardinal Band, but when we proceeded to load the buses and return home, we were treated with the honor due the "Grandest Band in the Land" and as the "Bad-Bad Birds of L.U.!"

During the months of October and November, Kappa Kappa Psi, Tau Beta Sigma, the band directors and sponsors were preparing for the third annual marching contest at Lamar University. Bands in the state of Texas, including those in the area surrounding Beaumont, and a few bands from the state of Louisiana, were invited to march in this contest. The three best bands were chosen to perform at the Lamar vs. Northwest Louisiana football game. Contending bands marched before, at half-time and after the game. In the latter part of October a Tau Beta Sigma pledge, Carol Klock, decided to create a Senior Band Night for all graduating high school seniors in the Beaumont area. She asked the help of KK'lr and TBL and was supported very well in her endeavor. This will also be an annual event for the Lamar Cardinal Band. The purpose of Senior Band Night is to get the seniors acquainted with the University and the band members, with the hope of recruiting some prospective band members.

KK..Y and TBL are two of the finest groups of people at Lamar. We work together as brothers and sisters. To all the Brothers and Sisters nationwide, Gamma Zeta wishes you a pleasant and fruitful summer.

University of South Carolina Columbia

Communication Within District VIII

by Ken Corbett

chapters here are very excited about hosting the District VIII Convention on our campus March 27-29, 1980.

The Sisters of Epsilon Alpha finished the fall semester with their annual honoring of the over 600 Carolina Band parents. The parents were the guests of the band and went through an exciting day of slides, films, and rehearsals. The day was topped off with a trip to the Carolina football game. Seventeen pledges were activated into Tau Beta Sigma this fall. Each felt it was a rewarding experience. In February the sisters had great success selling singing valentines around campus. Future plans for Epsilon Alpha include sponsoring the Spring Band Parent's Day and refreshments at the Annual Outdoor Carolina Band Concert.

With the District VIII Convention just down the road, our chapters are working very hard to see that it is one that everyone will remember. MiniClinics on chapter organization and chapter communication are to be held. One of the problems in this district is communi· cation. We hope to encourage better communication by stimulating enthusiasm at the convention. We hope that all of our District VIII chapters will mark their calendars to attend. Again we are pleased to publish the District VIII Newsletter The Eighth Note.

Here's wishing you an exciting and rewarding new decade as members of Kappa Kappa Psi/Tau Beta Sigma.

Georgia Tech Atlanta

Back to Normal

Greetings from Iota and Epsilon Theta chapters at Georgia Tech. A large part of any national convention is the cleaning up period after the convention has come and gone. Needless to say we spent a good part of the Fall of '79 in such a clean-up effort. The underlying theme for our chapters this year has been to clear up all convention matters as quickly as possible, return to our normal activities, and begin looking toward the future.

During the months following the convention the Georgia Tech convention committee was very busy tying up the myriad of loose ends associated with the convention. Such matters as balancing and closing out the convention accounts, filing financial reports with the National Office, and the documentation of every facet of the committee's activities are quite time consuming but very important to the overall presentation of a convention. We are very proud of our efforts (Continued Next Page)

Groundhog # 1:

Groundhog # 2:






You know, being located here in Norr.hwest Arkansas, it's fitting that our assoCiation adopt a hog as its mascot. Yes, even though we're ground-hogs, we give them something to identify with, and a good excuse for a party every February 2. Right! And speaking of parties, that Christmas get-together with Psi chapter sure was fun. I enjoyed meeting their members. Yes, and think about all the exciting things coming up! We better help get things organized for the big garage sale April 12. You're right! It was so nice of Nancy Sloan to volunteer her garage for the sale. Do you think our old books, clothes, and rock collection would sell ?

Oh surely! ! You can bet they can use the money for that scholarship fund. Or maybe our rock collection will provide an F. Lee Bowling Musical Excellence Award for one of those top notch Junior High band students who live down the road.

By the way, were you ar the meeting at Becky Hartman's in Springdale when they started talking about all those people from way back when? #2: Yeah, that was fun and there were even more people there than at the by-laws meeting in Rogers. If our membership keeps on increasing at this rate, we'll need an auditorium for our meetings. # 1: Speaking of the by-laws meeting, I'm sure glad they included associate members in their by-laws. That gives other band supporters a chance to get in on the fun. # 2: We sure have come a long way since that founding meeting on September 20, 1979 in Fayetteville. # 1: Nina Woods should get a medal for hosting that important meeting. #2: Thank goodness the president, Kathy Barnes, is still with us because at the last meeting we had to elect a new secretary I treasurer. Can you believe that Susan Lancaster eloped over Christmas? Let's hope our new secretary/ treasurer, Carolyn Costley, doesn't do the same thing! #1: You know, the NWAAATBS is unique because the members have different alma maters. # 2: Yeah, some from U of A, from Arkansas Tech, and even from Kansas. Hope we get some more out of staters soon. # 1: Speaking of members, EVERYONE is great! I stayed with Margaret Fahrner last week and the food was super! But, I ate too much so it's time for plenty of Diet D.P. at Susan Shelton's. # 2: Well for me, my week with Carol Lancaster is up and I hope Mary Miller is as good a cook as she looks. #1: Ican'twaittogotoTina Teague's (Gray), but I hope I don't have to sleep with any of her bugs! #2: Boy, I hope you don't, either. I'll take Jan Shuffield or Debbie Hagar any day. # 1: I guess it's about time for me to pack and move. See you at the next meeting. Bye for now.

LIFE MEMBERS- HAVE YOU MOVED? Without letting the National Office know of your new address? ? ? ?

As a life member of KK'l'/ TBL, I would like future PODIUMS sent to my new address listed below.

NAME: _________ ___ _ ___ _ Former Chapter:--------------

NEW ADDRESS: _________ ---::;-----------L...--------Street

City State Zip

He taught at public schools in Nebraska and Wyoming, and at Huron College in South Dakota before arriving at TLC in 1957. Besides directing bands, M. A. Nyquist has published several compositions and articles. He considered the invitation to join unusual, bur an honor. Says Nyquist: "It's a little on the humorous side since I'm seventy and retired to be initiated into a sorority."

President Charles Osrreich was Inducted into on December 4. He is originally from Fremont, Ohio. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Ohio. Before arriving at TLC, Dr. Ostreich taught Chemistry at the Virginia Military Institute and Capiro! University. Dr. Osrreich was the academic dean and vice-president of academic affairs at TIC before becoming president of the college in 1978. Dr. Osrreich felt surprised and pleased ro be asked ro join He was a member of the band in high school and always favored band-supporting organizations. Since he considers and KK'l' to be important supporting organizations, his induction inro TB:S came as a special honor and held a lor of meaning. He "appreciates and KK\ff's strong support for the band and wishes them well."

Nicholls State University Thibodaux, LA


by Carol David

A big "hi" from the Zeta Theta Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma from Harvard on the Bayou (in other words NSU) .

During the fall of 1979, we have been kept very busy by such projects as bake sales and toga parties. To add to our list of services to the Cavalry, published a band phone directory for each member, published the "Sour Note" in order ro entertain members on out of town trips and sponsored the "Bayou Land Classic," a marching band festival.

The Zeta Thera Chapter initiated only five members jn the fall, however, these people worked very diligently to prove themselves worthy of membership in TBI. They had bake sales and a toga parry to raise money ro give the band a tape case.

At the end of the semester both TBI and KK'l' sponsored the annual Colonel Cavalry Band Banquet. This event was very successful and awards were given to outstanding bandsmen.

We are starting with a busy new semester in preparing for Precinct Convention at Louisiana State University and also preparing for a new pledge class of about fourteen people. One of the big events for us ro look forward to is holding the LMEA State Music Fesival here at Nicholls State University. is looking forward ro having a very good and fulfilling year in 1980. Hope rhe rest of you have one roo.

East Texas State University Commerce

'3eta 'Kaftfta

by Steve Morgan

Last fall, Zeta Kappa Chapter and our sisters of Epsilon Beta Chapter continued their yearly projects, such as issuing band uniforms, running the State Fair of Texas' Parade of Champions Marching Contest, hosting the All-Senior Honor Band, covering the stadium seats for the bands, hosting the Band Parents' Banquet, and sponsoring the anual Music Department's Halloween Costume Parry. This spring, the chapters will again run the U.I.L. Solo and Ensemble Contest for Region IV. Since Junior High Schools are no longer included in the U.I.L. contest, the KK'l'-TBI Solo and Ensemble Contest has been expanded to include these schools as well as High Schools. The chapters are planning to work a weekend at Six Flags Over Texas to help raise money for their scholarship fund, as well as for the Symphonic Band Tour later this spring. Just before this rour, the band will be in a two day clinic ending in a concert under the direction of William D. Revelli.

Zeta Kappa Chapter will be going on a retreat with its new actives. This will allow the chapter to welcome the new members away from the hustle of school. Later, Zeta Kappa and Epsilon Beta will have the second annual Weekend Retreat at the lake for a weekend of volleyball, swimming, and picnics.

Just before finals week, KK'l' and will be hosting the annual End of School Band Picnic and Softball Game. This gives the members of the band one last chance for fun and togetherness before the summer vacation begins.

Arizona State Tempe


Joint Meeting

by Cindy Sidak

the second time in its history, the American Bandmasters Association will convene in a joint meeting with the Japanese Bandmasters Association. The entire convention will be held on the ASU campus March 24-29. Although the meetings will be closed to the public, there will be many events that will be open to musicians and nonmusicians alike. Chief among these is a series of five concerts in Grady Gammage Audirorium. This will be a fine opportunity for us to hear our own bands, those of surrounding states, and (most interesting for all) four bands from Japan.

The Arizona State University Symphonic Band, under the direction of Dr. Richard E. Strange, has been selected for the honor of presenting the final concert of the convention, along with the Komazawa University Band, Tokyo, Japan, under the direction of Takashi Ueno. Among the many guest conductors, we will be especially honored ro have Morton Gould, the composer of the music for the television documentary Holocaust. Mr. Gould has selected six excerpts from his works which are now being set for the symphonic band medium. This work is truly monumental and is sure to be the "hit" of the entire convention. Arizona State University is proud to be able to play a small part in bringing this project ro fruition.

The Beta Omicron chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi will be working very closely with Dr. Strange, director of bands at ASU and Dr. Robert C. Fleming, assistant director of bands, with the regisrration and information booths, and the various receptions throughout the week, in order to make this a very successful and rewarding event.

Texas Tech University Lubbock

A New Decade Brings New Opportunities

by Flaire Lane

The beginning of a new decade and the spring semester brought more opportunities for the sisters of Beta chapter to serve and promote bands at Tech and throughout our area.

The fall semester was a big success for Beta, with the jointly-sponsored Kl\.'l'TBI marching festival as the highlight. We feel the contest was worthwhile, both for the high school bands who participated and for the chapters. Our contest becomes bigger and better each year and ( Continued on Page 16)

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