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since ark s tenure here started and he has had to adapt and use all of his years e perience to ensure the dealership continues to ourish ‘We have 30 years of history here with a very loyal customer base and that has really helped us recently ark e plains Online car sales have now become a big part of the market t s ery easy to sit on your laptop at home and browse cars, picking the one you want and getting it deli ered on the back of a lorry; ne er ha ing seen it So are the days of places like T C Harrison numbered? e can definitely compete price wise with the online sales says ark ut more importantly we can o er what online sales can t the personal e perience of being able to talk to someone face to face and gi e the consumer the level of customer service you
C HARRISON on Wharf Road has had a presence in Stamford selling Ford cars for over 30 years and is now the only main franchised car dealership left in the town. It is part of a family run business celebrating its 90th year, started by Thomas ‘Cuth’ Harrison in She eld in who uickly established a link with ord which still e ists today ow there are seven car and commercial branches; along with a long standing a liation with ark enson oined the company in as an accounts assistant in Peterborough. He soon oined the sales team as he has a friendly personality which suited the sales en ironment e worked his way up to a usiness anager and eight years ago took over as Sales Manager at Stamford. He has been revelling in the ongoing success ever since. ut times ha e changed dramatically
The new and used car market has changed dramatically recently. Mary chats to Mark Henson, Sales Manager at T C Harrison Ford, Stamford about it all
would e pect from a successful family run business. Sometimes it has been proven that paying a few hundred pounds more initially can save you thousands in the long run. We have long established relationships with most of our customers so we will help them if things go wrong; which they can do. We only sell cars where we know its history ost of the ones we sell here we initially sold new and ha e taken back as part e change f you buy from a main Ford dealer, which we obviously are, you get competitive prices and the Ford dealership back up e know most of our customers well and it s a tight knit friendly environment. We pride ourselves on our customer service and because of this people keep coming back ou only ha e to look at our trust pilot reviews.’ ew car sales are a huge part or were of
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