in three sparkling pools edged with bougainvilleas, stroll along immaculate lawns and taste the best Vietnameseandinternationalcuisineatourfourrestaurants.
Situated adjacent to the main lobby by the turquoise freshwater pool, The Indochine serves up an extensive international buffet breakfast spread that includespopularWesternandAsianfare,tropicalfruitselections,freshlybaked bread and pastries with live action stations daily Choose to dine al fresco on terraces bathed with the welcoming morning sunlight or in cooling comfort indoors in the multi-level dining spaces adorned with rich wood accents and luxuriousembellishments.
Itisawell-knownsayingthat“Breakfastisthemostimportantmealoftheday” Whether you are on a family vacation or a romantic getaway, start your morningoffrightwithafreshcupofcoffeeandadeliciousbreakfastfromyour room.AtTheAnamCamRanh,orderingin-roombreakfastiseasierthanyou think!Youcancalltoourreceptionandyourbreakfastinbedwillbereadyfor youthefollowing morning.
Promotions at The Indochine
Promotions at The Indochine Promotions at The Indochine
As the sun rises over your private swimming pool, treat yourself to a different style of breakfast experience. Our signature TheAnam breakfast arrives on a floatingtraysoyoucanenjoymorningtreatsandsomebubbleswhiletakinga dipinthepoolandcapturethoseperfectphotographicmemories!
Savorthecharmingtraditionofafternoontea,steepedinhistorysince1840andbrought to life by the Duchess of Bedford. Originally a solution to curb midday hunger pangs, afternoonteahastransformedintoacherishedretreatfromthedailygrind.AtTheAnam's enchanting Colonial restaurant, immerse yourself in this timeless indulgence amidst a temptingarrayofdelectablepastries.Don'tmissoutonthisdelightfulescapeduringyour stay—anexperiencethatpromisestoelevaterelaxationtonewheights.
Overlooking one of The Anam’s three stunning pools, Saigon Bar features an outdoor terrace and a stylish interior, hung with striking black and white photogra phybyrenownedVietnamesephotographerMaiLoc.
Set within a breezy, open-air restaurant overlooking The Anam’s golden beachfront, Lang Viet is the beating heart of the property’s culinary offering. Serving up a refined take on traditional cuisine from theNorthtotheSouthofVietnam,fromfragrantPho to the crispiest Bánh xèo, Lang Viet is the ultimate venue to sample Vietnam’s incredible culinary offerings.
beach club
Relaxed eatery by day and vibrant candlelit dining by night, Beach Club is the ideal oceanfront hangout Explore an extensive repertoire of prestigious wine labels, from international brands to family-owned wineries, for the perfect epicurean experience. Shaded by palm trees and fanned by the refreshing sea breezes, enjoy international casual dining and beveragesseatedindoorsoralfrescofromlunch until dinner. A two-piece live band performs evergreen and contemporary renditions thrice weekly
Enjoy a unique, hands – on cooking experiencefromstarttofinish,preparing some fabulous, traditional Vietnamese dishes.Aspartofyourculinaryadventure youwillalsobegivenarecipebooklet,so when you get home, you will be able to impress your family and friends with somegreatVietnamesefood.
Cooking classes begin at 11:00 - 12:00 daily and 24-hour booking in advance is essential.Minimum2personsand maximum10persons.
romantic dinner
Dinner by moonlight right next to the ocean with your own personal waiter, a glass of Sparkling wine and a bottle of Chardonnay or Shiraz. Enjoy a gourmet seafood platter for 2 or indulge in one of ourgourmetsetdinners.
IfyoupreferacasualpoolsideBBQatyour villa,wewillarrangeanexpertchefwitha charcoal BBQ and a personal waiter for you.ForthisprivateBBQ,youcanchoose from a seafood lover's package, featuring delicacies such as Nha Trang lobster, jumbo tiger prawns, fresh grouper, seasonalsaladsanddessert.Alternatively, you can opt for the landlubber package, with tender Australian black Angus beef, Victorianlamb,juicypork,seasonalsalads anddesserts.Oryoucanmixandmatchthe best of both packages. Please book this serviceatleastonedayinadvance.
Indulge in Tranquility at The Anam Spa, where ancient Asian healing traditions merge with contemporary wellness journeys,
offering an oasis of serenity. Our spa transcends conventional treatments by blending non-clinical therapies with time-honored Eastern practices and modern Western techniques, all aimed at restoringbalanceandrevitalizingyourspirit.
Embark on a voyage of self-discovery as you explore our range of specialized body treatments, luxurious facials, and transformative spa rituals. Each experience is meticulously crafted using handpicked indigenous ingredients sourced from nature's abundant offerings,accompaniedbyenchantingaromasandtheexperttouch ofourskilledtherapists.
Step into our serene haven, boasting ten lavish treatment rooms, a rejuvenating sensory garden, a tranquil relaxation lounge, and invigorating steam rooms, saunas, and outdoor jacuzzis. For the ultimate indulgence, immerse yourself in one of our two exclusive spa villas, complete with private treatment rooms, plunge pools, steam rooms, saunas, bathtubs, and jacuzzis, offering unparalleled luxuryandseclusion.
Discover a path to holistic well-being through our three-day detox wellness program, where you'll engage in rejuvenating spa treatments,mindfulmovementsessions,andreceivevaluabletipson embracingawholefoodvegetarianlifestyle.Advancedreservations arehighlyrecommendedtoensureyourtranquilescapeawaits.
StartyourdaywithfreshyogabreathattheAnam,asmorningistheperfecttimefor the practice of yoga. This is a complimentary morning yoga class, daily except Wednesday,theclassisdesignedforalllevelsfrombeginnertoadvanced,whichis thecombinationofAsana,PranayamaandMeditation.
AtTheAnam,ourbrightandcheerfulKids'Cluboffersadelightfulhavenforchildrenagedfour to 12, providing them with a dedicated space to mingle and engage in playful adventures. Bursting with vibrant colors, inviting ambiance, and an array of toys and games, this secure environment allows parents to entrust their little ones in a safe and nurturing setting. For our youngerguestsundertheageoffour,parentalsupervisionisrequired.
Throughouttheday,adiverserangeofsupervisedindoorandoutdooractivitiesismeticulously planned to keep the young ones entertained and stimulated. And for parents seeking a truly relaxinggetaway,ournannyserviceisreadilyavailablewithjustaday'snotice.Simplyreach outtoTheAnamreceptionforimmediateassistanceandensureyourpeaceofmindwhileyou unwindandindulgeinyourvacationbliss.
Complimentary Kids Activities | Daily from 9:00 - 17:00
Weekendsareatimeforfamilytorelaxandunwind.WithTheAnam,yourkids can also participate in pizza making class, Kids Chef Academy on every Saturday.The class is complimentary for "littleVIPs" staying atTheAnam. PleasecontactTheAnamfrontdeskformoreinformation.
Moviesonthebeachalwaysattractalotofattention from young people, especially those who like romantic atmosphere. No need to go far, you can enjoyacooleveningonthegreengrassatTheAnam luxurious resort and enjoy your favorite movies withfriendsandfamilyeveryweekend,from18:15 -19:45onSaturdays.
With fine white sand and turquoise blue sea, families can enjoy complimentary beach volleyball, bodyboard, swimming, and kayaking whilestayingatTheAnam
ANAM FARM experience
In order to diversify the resort's services and facilities, The Anam has investedinbuildingandoperatinga4,000m2organicfarm.Thefarmisa place to provide plants for the resort's landscape; grow fruit trees and vegetablecropsandraisefamiliaranimalssuchaschickens,ducks,geese, turkeys, rabbits, goats, peacocks, etc.All vegetables, fruits and eggs are harvestedatthefarmwillbeservedattheresort'srestaurants.
TheAnamoffersprofessionallightedtennis courts and a complimentary small golf area forguestsstayingattheresort.Pleasecontact the front desk for assistance as soon as possible.
Note: Additional fee of 250,000 VND per hourafter18:00
“Vast and Verdant”
Resort Unveils Remarkable Wellness
An 18-hole mini golf course, driving range, clubhouse, soccer field, tennis court, running track and organic sustainable farm are among TheAnam Cam Ranh's new collection of lush beachfront facilities promoting
Manned by staff ready to assist with golf equipment, tennis rackets, tennis and soccer balls, towels, the open-air clubhouse marks the start and finish of the new circular running track. Flanked by greenery, the track stretches for 1.5kmaroundtheresort'srecentlyopenedorganicsustainablefarmandvariousrecreationfacilitiessuchasthesoccer field.