C o m b i n i n g n a r r a t i v e s

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C o n s t r u c t i n g a n a r r a t i v e | T h e R e t i r e d S u p o r v i s o r [B i g M o t h e r]

The lady; a retired warden. She knows the place. Have seen the shootings the newborns, knows her way around. It was her job. She held the key. It put her in control. No trace was dismissed, no person unknown. In her eyes it all they all had their qualities. She never demanded more. Satisfied with the simplicity of survival trough the bare essentials.

“We are not in the world, we become the world by contemplating it” Deleuze & Guattari

This is how she sees the world. What she does. Usually subconsciously. Through an establishment of cairns, she defines her area - her reign. The cairns, locked and hereby integrated with the context - are ways of remaining in control. With retirement removing her from the key, she consequently finds new ways of claiming her belonging.

Through changes occurs - more than she ever imagined - she remains. Holds her grounds. Broaden local demographic, changed selection in the grocery stores, cafes, a altered soundtrack of the exterior. This is her home. She is not to become “a dead fish - condemned to homelessness”. Through the openings of her home - the eyes - she remains in control. Supervises the traces of the present - the appearance of the appearing.

Responsively she uses the equivalent energy in a gathering of certain traces. Traces she uses to construct the cairns - thus becoming a timeline in the changing state of the site she defines. Growth of the urban Brooklyn is to her equivalent of a collapse of the old and familiar. By locking her shopping carts to the typology of the site, she establishes her belonging to the area. She never leaves. She sees the people leaving in the morning, - only to return again at night. Her house is to her a watchtower.

A tower bulit to create an elevated ovbservation point. www.Dictionary.com

In her mind, she appreciates the past, acknowledges the future while adapting to the present.

C o n s t r u c t i n g a n a r r a t i v e | T h e e x - d r u g a d d i c t [S q u a t t e r]

My character is a woman, who for the past years have been squatting in Domino´s old sugarfactory. The life outside of a standard livingsituation, is one hand to month. She does not have a job, nor a family or what is considered as “normal stabilityâ€?. Her beeing is deducated to providing the bare essentials, and those essentials are provided by the surrounding urban envirement and the condition of city-totality. She feeds of food that others have trown out, scrap materials like cardboard and plywood gives shelter, plasticwarping and bags keeps her body dry.

In this way she is always on the mission of keeping alive, altering her surroundings with whatever at hand, seeing new potentials in the materials and situations that are accessible, to creat inhabitale conditions. Just like this, she uses drugs to alter her situatuion too. Crack-cocain addiction is what first led her to the life on the streets, but now is to her an improver to the situation. For short periodes of time, from consumation to the drug wear of, the feeling of euphoria, beeing on top, and the enormous releas of enegy is her reality, before beeing taken over by the on of the life in an dark and cold abandond industrial building. To her thees to extremes of conditions exists as as equal realities. The world is only in posession of total beauty and foul painfullness. Both states are pressent at the same time, but only on is tagible and felt at a time.

She seeks to reveal this world of euphoria, and feels she sometimes can find it. Like in the explosiv enegy released in flames when heat and sugar meet om cold winter nights, or in the mesmerasing space created when snow thikly fills the air.

Combining the narratives| Quotes and concepts #1 Brainstorm and merging of narratives in order to define the suitable hybrid-program

A building point of references for the activites set to negate it

Dialectic framework pragmatic context versus urban typology, urban typology versus spatial experiences, spatial experiences versus procedure

FORMAL VIOLENCE: Conflicts between objects - destroys what it replaces - violates the territory it occupies.

The process has gone full circle: it started by deconstructing the city, today it explores new codes of assemblage. PATCHWORK and COLLAGE

Architecture and words contantly transgress each others rules, whether explicitly or implicitly.

Architecture dominating events - vice versa?

Grid cities Accumulations of fragmentary perspective Layers in building - layers in history

Rules of transformation: Compression. insertion, transformation, variations, multiplications, fusions, representations, invensions, substitutions, metamophores, anamorphosis, dissolutions

Combining the narratives| Quotes and concepts #1 Brainstorm and merging of narratives in order to define the suitable hybrid-program

Combining the narratives| Uniting the characters Brainstorm and merging of narratives in order to define the suitable hybrid-program

Hand to mouth - bare essentials provided by surroundings

- the backside of architecture

Big Mother - the concious - supplier of material to the subconcious reciever

Big Mother - the concious - supplier of material to the subconcious reciever


The cairns

“Watch-tower causing safety�

Interlocking to site - defining control of, and belongance to site.

Hidden supervision To see without beeing seen.

traces of physical interactions - rather than physical left-behinds

Combining the narratives| Uniting the characters Brainstorm and merging of narratives in order to define the suitable hybrid-program

Combining the narratives| Uniting the characters - Collage Brainstorm and merging of narratives in order to define the suitable hybrid-program

traces of physical interactions - rather than physical left-behinds

Combining the narratives | [Col lage] watchtower Brainstorm and merging of narratives in order to define the suitable hybrid-program

The paradox of [Big mother] watching you. A concious viewer of the events of the subconcious. A secret observatory - camoflaged by the presens of other functions - watchtower becoming a hiddespace. Changed perspective. The iconic and authority-related watchtower becoming an element creating a safe atmosphere. Functions placed internally . hidden from external visibility. the backside - the making of ones of reality in a time where deletion of boardes causes confusion of identities. Constant stream of impressions - confusing knowledge of self?

[Big mother] is watching you watch路tow路er noun /wchtour/ n. An observation tower on which a guard or lookout is stationed to keep watch, as for enemies, for forest fires, or over prisoners. (Military) a tower on which a sentry keeps watch

A concious viewer of the events of the subconcious

Architecture staging the appreance of scenarios. events. observing - without being seen. The sense of knowing something is there, though without the

Internal mechanisms = controlled space

Aknowledgment of the presens of something known triggers a feeling of safety - or - controll and need to hide actions. Contolled space - storage options - small - overskuelige romligheter - mechanisms allwoing alteration -

Staged apprance of events

Combining the narratives | [Collage] drugdealing Brainstorm and merging of narratives in order to define the suitable hybrid-program

snow noun /snō/  Atmospheric water vapor frozen into ice crystals and falling in light white flakes or lying on the ground as a white layer Something that resembles snow in color or texture, in particular A mass of flickering white spots on a television or radar screen, caused by interference or a poor signal A dessert or other dish resembling snow - vanilla snow A frozen gas resembling snow - carbon dioxide snow co·caine noun /kōˈkān/  /ˈkōˌkān/  An addictive drug derived from coca or prepared synthetically, used as an illegal stimulant and sometimes medicinally as a local anesthetic Synonyms: coke - snow sug·ar noun /ˈSHo͝ogər/  sugars, plural A sweet crystalline substance obtained from various plants, esp. sugar cane and sugar beet, consisting essentially of sucrose, and used as a sweetener in food and drink Used as a euphemism for “shit.” A psychoactive drug in the form of white powder, esp. heroin or cocaine Any of the class of soluble, crystalline, typically sweet-tasting carbohydrates found in living tissues and exemplified by glucose and sucrose

Safe atmospheres

Combining the narratives| [Collage] cairns & gentrification Brainstorm and merging of narratives in order to define the suitable hybrid-program

The ciarns - in the shape of shoppingcartsare built up by traces foundon site. Locked to different element surrounding the site - they define a belongance to an area in a time of change. The cairns hereby becomes reflective of the diversity in occupants of the area, and through a continuity of building - they become a timeline depicting the change.

The cairns Interlocking to site - defining control of, and belongance to site.

cairn noun /k창rn/ A mound of stones erected as a memorial or marker.

Paradox The cairn defining a control of traces, (public events), becomes a place for hiding drugs.

Combining the narratives | [Collage] squatting Brainstorm and merging of narratives in order to define the suitable hybrid-program

The characters lives of a hand to mouth principle. A reality of squatting has changed the prefered way of living. Now feeding of the bare essentials found in the sorruoundings - she looks for ways of experiencing the same ephoria she remebers from her yers as a drug addict. An effect created by suddenchanges of spaces, temeratures, light darknes.

Hand to mouth - bare essentials provided by surroundings

- the backside of architecture

Combining the narratives | [Collage] cycles Brainstorm and merging of narratives in order to define the suitable hybrid-program

The characters cycle of clife intertwine though never physically. Big Mother, the concoius, approaches the site in times when most do not. In times when there is the least chance of being noticed. The inbet The ex-drug addict, segregated from the society she ones was a part of, comes out when the sun goes down. When she can not be seen, nor judged. The night becomes her freezone.

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