Theatr Clwyd Oct/Hyd - Dec/Rhag 2020 01352 344101
This season is going to be a little different (as you’d expect).
Mae’r tymor yma’n mynd i fod ychydig yn wahanol (fel y byddech yn disgwyl).
Every twist and turn of the past months changed our original plans for this Autumn. However in their place is something totally unexpected and really special. We’ve converted the Emlyn Williams Theatre into a brilliant, physically distanced, comfortable new space for theatre, comedy and music (that will blow your socks off!). Meanwhile the Anthony Hopkins Theatre has become a cinema until something a little magical happens for Christmas! Come back when you’re ready - our doors are open again and we’ll look after you - our future’s brighter than our past. 01352 344101
Mae pob cam a thro yn ystod y misoedd diwethaf wedi newid ein cynlluniau gwreiddiol ni ar gyfer yr Hydref. Fodd bynnag, yn eu lle mae rhywbeth cwbl annisgwyl ac, arbennig iawn. Rydyn ni wedi trawsnewid Theatr Emlyn Williams yn ofod newydd cyfforddus gwych sy’n galluogi cadw pellter corfforol ar gyfer theatr, comedi a cherddoriaeth (a fydd yn eich cyfareddu!). Yn y cyfamser, mae Theatr Anthony Hopkins wedi dod yn sinema eto nes bod rhywbeth hudolus iawn yn digwydd ar gyfer y Nadolig! Dewch yn ôl pan rydych chi’n barod, mae ein drysau ni ar agor eto ac fe fyddwn ni’n gofalu amdanoch chi – mae ein dyfodol yn fwy disglair na’n gorffennol.
Thank You Mae eich haelioni a’ch rhoddion wedi ein helpu i gefnogi artistiaid llawrydd, y GIG, a phobl ifanc agored i niwed yn ystod yr argyfwng hwn. Photo: Dafydd Owen (ffotonant)
Your generosity and donations have helped us support freelance artists, the NHS, and vulnerable young people during this crisis.
Your Visit Buy your tickets with confidence as we return together to enjoy live performance.
Prynwch eich tocynnau gyda hyder wrth i ni ddychwelyd gyda’n gilydd i fwynhau perfformiadau byw.
Exchange your tickets if you’re unwell or unable to attend*
Cyfnewid eich tocynnau os ydych chi’n sâl neu’n methu dod*
Receive a credit if you’re unwell or unable to attend*
Cael credyd os ydych chi’n sâl neu’n methu dod*
Full refunds for cancelled events
Ad-daliadau llawn ar gyfer digwyddiadau wedi’u canslo
Smaller audiences Physically spaced seating More cleaning Plenty of hand sanitiser Reduced queuing Cashless payments E-tickets Order your drinks with our new app!
* Visit for full T&Cs in line with Government guidance
Cynulleidfaoedd llai Seddi gyda phellter corfforol Mwy o lanhau Digonedd o lanweithydd dwylo Llai o giwio Taliadau di-arian E-docynnau
Archebwch eich diodydd gyda’n ap newydd!
* Ewch i am y telerau a’r amodau llawn yn ofynnol a chanllawiau’r Llywodraeth
See More. Save More. Support More. You can see more shows for less, helping support our work on stage and in the community.
• Book 2 - 3 shows and save 20% • Book 4+ shows and save 25% Offer applies to any of the shows in this brochure with a ticket icon:
Exchange your tickets if you’re unwell or unable to attend* Receive a credit if you’re unwell or unable to attend* Full refunds for cancelled events Terms & Conditions | Offer is subject to availability | Tickets must be purchased in the same transaction | Applies to full price tickets only | *Visit our website for details of our refund policy and process
Gweld Mwy. Arbed Mwy. Cefnogi Mwy. Gallwch weld mwy o sioeau am lai, gan helpu i gefnogi ein gwaith ar y llwyfan ac yn y gymuned.
• Archebu 2 i 3 sioe ac arbed 20% • Archebu 4+ sioe ac arbed 25% Mae’r cynnig yn berthnasol i unrhyw rai o’r sioeau yn y llyfryn hwn sydd ag eicon tocyn:
Cyfnewid eich tocynnau os ydych chi’n sâl neu’n methu dod* Cael credyd os ydych chi’n sâl neu’n methu dod* Ad-daliadau llawn ar gyfer digwyddiadau wedi’u canslo Telerau ac Amodau | Y cynnig yn amodol ar argaeledd | Rhaid prynu tocynnau yn yr un trafodiad | Yn berthnasol i docynnau pris llawn yn unig | *Ewch i’n gwefan ni am fanylion am ein polisi a’n proses ad-daliad
Se ret Unknown Shows
Script-in-hand performances directed by Tamara Harvey. Each night will be unique! Expect top quality theatre, rough and ready and delivered by a stellar line-up of actors, including Katherine Parkinson (Home, I’m Darling).
1 3 ?
Shhh... 1
22 - 24 Oct/Hyd from/o £10
A play about hugs starring Somone Ace.
Shhh... 3
19 - 21 Nov/Tach from/o £10
Stori person mewn lle gyda Madonna.
Y Sioeau uu
Anhys Cuo|o| Perfformiadau sgript mewn llaw wedi’u cyfarwyddo gan Tamara Harvey. Bydd pob noson yn unigryw! Gallwch ddisgwyl theatr o’r safon uchaf, bob sut, yn cael ei chyflwyno gan actorion rhagorol, gan gynnwys Katherine Parkinson (Home, I’m Darling).
2 4
Shhh... 2 5 - 7 Nov/Tach from/o £10
Drama am farwolaeth yn serennu Rhai Pobl.
Shhh... 4 3 - 5 Dec/Rhag from/o £10
The poignant story of a person in a place (?)
by/gan Christian Patterson 17 Dec/Rhag - 3 Jan/Ion | from/o £10 The Wicked Witch has won! What’ll we do for festive fun? Pantoland is silent - it’s all locked down... But the good get on up when they’re knocked down... An hour-long, rock ’n’ roll, panto-esque show before panto returns with Beauty and the Beast in 2021. Theatr Clwyd
Mae’r Wrach Gas wedi ennill! Beth wnawn ni am hwyl Nadoligaidd? Mae byd y Panto’n dawel – popeth dan glo... Ond mae’r bobl dda’n ailgodi dim ots faint maen nhw’n cael eu taro i lawr... Awr roc a rôl yn null panto math o beth cyn i’r panto ddychwelyd gyda Beauty and the Beast yn 2021.
5 Dec/Rhag - 3 Jan/Ion | from/o £5
Over snow-covered mountains, past frozen lakes, round a warming fire, stories are made… Step through a magical doorway into festive stories of joy and hope. For ages 4 to 10 years this family immersive experience is a fun, calm, physically distanced installation.
Camwch trwy ddrws hudol i mewn i straeon Nadoligaidd o lawenydd a gobaith. Ar gyfer oedran 4 i 10 a’u teuluoedd Dyma brofiad hwyliog, digynnwrf i ymgolli ynddi wedi’i bellhau’n gorfforol.
The Gods The Gods The Gods
3 - 4 Oct/Hyd | from/o £10 Ancient mythology meets day to day lives in this award-winning show full of soul. Performed outdoors.
Mytholeg hynafol sy’n dod wyneb yn wyneb â bywyd o ddydd i ddydd. Perfformiad tu allan.
The Flanagan Collective & Gobbledigook Theatre
16 Oct/Hyd | from/o £10 The sister show to ‘Orpheus’ is an uplifting story about being a daily superhero and not giving in to our own narratives.
Mae’r chwaer sioe i ‘Orpheus’ yn stori sy’n codi’r galon am fod yn arwr bob dydd a pheidio ag ildio i’n naratif ein hunain.
The Flanagan Collective & Gobbledigook Theatre
An Evening Without Kate Bush 29 Oct/Hyd | from/o £10 Release your inner Bush and celebrate one of British pop’s unique voices. Kate’s not here, but you are...
Cyfle i ryddhau’r Kate Bush sydd tu mewn i chi a dathlu un o leisiau unigryw y byd pop Prydeinig.
Sarah-Louise Young (Fascinating Aïda, Showstopper)
Something About Simon
Reviewer Number 9
27 Nov/Tach | from/o £10 Paul Simon’s story told and played by acclaimed singer songwriter Gary Edward Jones.
Stori Paul Simon yn cael ei hadrodd a’i chanu gan y canwr-gyfansoddwr Gary Edward Jones.
Something About Productions
Black is the Colour of My Voice 28 Nov/Tach | from/o £10
A reflection on how Nina Simone became the jazz vocalist at the forefront of the Civil Rights Movement.
Adlewyrchiad ar sut daeth Nina Simone yn leisydd jazz oedd yn flaengar yn y Mudiad Hawliau Sifil.
Judy & Liza
29 Nov/Tach | from/o £10 Judy Garland and Liza Minnelli are back together once again thanks to this special musical experience.
On Song Productions
Mae Judy Garland a Liza Minnelli yn ôl gyda’i gilydd unwaith eto diolch i’r profiad cerddorol arbennig yma.
Membership | Aelodaeth Get more from your visit! From early bird booking to discounts at the bar Members get it all.
Cael mwy o’ch ymweliad! O archebu ‘deryn cynnar’ i ostyngiadau wrth y bar – mae’r Aelodau’n cael popeth.
am flwyddyn for 1 year
Ben Norris
A Short Tour of the Heart 14 Nov/Tach | from/o £10 The Archers star and national poetry slam champ shares stories of lockdown, heartbreak and going home.
Seren The Archers a phencampwr y slam barddoniaeth genedlaethol sy’n rhannu ei straeon.
An Audience With
Shane Williams
12 Dec/Rhag | from/o £10 Welsh rugby legend Shane Williams live with Phyl Harries and Ieuan Rhys.
Y seren rygbi o Gymru Shane Williams yn fyw gyda Phyl Harries ac Ieuan Rhys.
Jan Blake
The Zebu 13 Dec/Rhag | from/o £10 The Hay Festival headliner tells a tale of mothers, daughters and fate.
Un o sêr Gŵyl y Gelli sy’n adrodd stori am famau, merched a ffawd.
Ar-lein Online
Dot. Dot. Dot. Daniel Kitson
8 Nov/Tach | £10 | Online/Ar-lein Daniel Kitson presents his account of six ridiculous and devastating months, experienced largely from a safe distance, almost immediately misremembered and retold here so inaccurately as to be very nearly fictional. Made specifically to be performed in and streamed from empty theatres.
Daniel Kitson sy’n cyflwyno ei gofnod o chwe mis gwallgof a dinistriol, wedi’i brofi i raddau helaeth o bellter diogel, wedi’i gamgofio ar unwaith bron, ac yn cael ei ailadrodd yma’n anghywir er mwyn bod yn ffuglennol fwy neu lai. Crëwyd ac ysgrifennwyd y gwaith yma’n benodol i gael ei berfformio a’i ffrydio o theatrau gwag.
Access | Mynediad Culture is for everyone.
Mae diwylliant ar gyfer pawb.
If you have an impairment or specific access requirement then we can help - from free carer tickets and signed shows to advice about your visit.
Os oes gennych chi nam neu ofynion mynediad penodol fe allwn ni helpu – o docyn am ddim i ofalwr a sioeau gydag iaith arwyddion i gyngor am eich ymweliad.
Visit our website or call our friendly box office team.
Ewch i’n gwefan ni neu ffoniwch dîm cyfeillgar ein swyddfa docynnau.
Mewn Sgwrs In Conversation Free-to-watch online Q&As. Dates will be announced on our facebook, twitter and website!
ibson Sian Gre a Car Sh
s Lucie JoneBl onde RENT, Legally
rvey Tamara Harling Home, I’m Da
Am ddim Free Hawl i Holi - am ddim i wylio arlein. Dyddiadau i’w cyhoeddi ar facebook, trydar a’n gwefan!
Laura Wade
Home, I’m Darling
The W rd Schif f est W ing
Layton Williams
RENT, Bad Education
Christian Patterson
Actor & Panto Writer
Katherine P
Humans, Hom arkinson e, I’m Darling
Phylip Harr ies
Panto Legend
Comedy Club 4 Kids 30 Oct/Hyd | £6 | 1:30pm, 4:30pm It’s a comedy club, right? But for kids. Also any adults who enjoy a swear-free hour with the international circuit’s best stand-ups and improvisers.
6+ oe d
Clwb comedi, ie? Ond i blant. Hefyd unrhyw oedolion sy’n mwynhau awr heb regi gyda rhai o gomedïwyr standyp a byrfyfyr gorau’r gylched ryngwladol.
The Great Big Story Mix Up 31 Oct/Hyd | £6 | 11:30am, 2:30pm A highly interactive, completely original, improvised play for families. Brand new fairy tales created from your wild and wonderful ideas!
Drama fyrfyfyr hynod ryngweithiol a chwbl wreiddiol i deuluoedd. Straeon tylwyth teg newydd sbon wedi’u creu o’ch syniadau gwyllt a rhyfeddol chi!
Roustabout Theatre
3+ oe d
Strange Creatures
1 Nov/Tach | £6 | 11am, 1:30pm, 3:30pm
Inspired by the book Beegu by Alexis Deacon. This magical, musical adventure explores childhood and belonging.
MishMash Productions
4 -7 oed
Wedi’i ysbrydoli gan y llyfr Beegu gan Alexis Deacon. Mae’r antur hudolus, gerddorol yma’n edrych ar blentyndod a pherthyn.
Teulu Family
Gwrach yr Iâ The Ice Witch by/gan Emyr John
22 Dec/Rhag - 3 Jan/Ion | from/o £6 | 11:30am, 2:30pm Vasilisa is kidnapped by the Ice Witch. To escape she’ll need all her courage, a talking mirror, and a teddy bear. A family story with shows in Welsh and English. Theatr Clwyd | Pontio
Mae Vasilisa’n cael ei herwgipio gan Wrach yr Iâ. I ddianc bydd arni angen ei holl ddewrder, drych sy’n siarad a thedi bêr. Stori deuluol gyda sioeau yn y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg
Cymryd Rhan t r a P e Tak
We’ve worked with our community during lockdown to run a rainbow box appeal with social services, get blood donations for the NHS, deliver workshops online, support vulnerable children with creative hubs and more. Take part this autumn, get active and join our creative family! More /Mwy?
Rydyn ni wedi gweithio gyda’n cymuned yn ystod y cyfnod gloi i gynnal apêl blwch enfys gyda’r gwasanaethau cymdeithasol, cael rhoddion gwaed i’r GIG, cynnal gweithdai arlein, cefnogi plant sy’n agored i niwed gyda’n hybiau creadigol a mwy. Cymerwch ran yr hydref hwn, cadwch yn egnïol ac ymunwch â’n teulu creadigol!
5-1e0d5 o
Companies | Cwmnïau In our weekly company workshops you learn skills, gain confidence and make friends. Perform, dance or learn about backstage theatre, we have groups for ages 5–55+. No experience needed.
Yn ystod ein gweithdai cwmni wythnosol byddech yn dysgu sgiliau, magu hyder a gwneud ffrindiau newydd. Mae gennym grwpiau ar gyfer oedrannau 5–55+, ac ar gyfer dawns a chefn llwyfan theatr! Nid oes angen profiad.
Arts & Health | Celfyddydau ac Iechyd Our Dance for Parkinsons and Memory Arts Cafe (online) workshops are free and available to all!
Mae ein gweithdai Dawns at Parkinsons a’r Caffi Atgof (ar-lein) am ddim ac ar gael i bawb!
Photos: Dafydd Owen (ffotonant)
Music | Cerddoriaeth £
9Bach (bach)
12 Nov/Tach | from/o £10 Lisa Jên’s unmistakable voice combined with guitarist Martin Hoyland brings a stripped back beauty to 9Bach.
Me & Deboe
15 Nov/Tach | from/o £10 Acclaimed acoustic duo with driving riffs and sumptuous harmonies. Expect new releases from Abbey Road and visual projects this Autumn.
Mae llais unigryw Lisa Jên wedi’i gyfuno â’r gitarydd Martin Hoyland yn dod â harddwch cignoeth i 9Bach.
Deuawd acwstig clodwiw gyda riffiau gwych a harmonïau moethus. Cewch ddatganiadau newydd o Abbey Road a phrosiectau gweledol yr Hydref hwn.
Al Lewis
Te yn y Grug 10 Dec/Rhag | from/o £10 Al Lewis performs solo versions of his new Kate Roberts inspired ‘Te yn y Grug’ album, with songs from his 2019 Eisteddfod show.
Bydd Al yn perfformio ei albwm newydd ‘Te yn y Grug’, wedi ysbrydoli gan storïau Kate Roberts, gyda chaneuon o’r sioe Eisteddfod 2019.
Cerddoriaeth Glasurol Classical Music Our sell-out classical season returns in Spring 2021, but here’s an Autumn taster to tickle your ivories.
Bydd ein Tymor o Gerddoriaeth Glasurol yn dychwelyd yng Ngwanwyn 2021, ond dyma flas ar gyfer yr Hydref i godi blys arnoch chi.
Yevgeny Sudbin (piano) 1 Nov/Tach | from/o £10 Yevgeny Sudbin has appeared with leading international orchestras and in the world’s most prestigious concert halls.
‘one of the greatest pianists of the 21st century’
The Daily Telegraph
Mae Yevgeny Sudbin wedi ymddangos gyda cherddorfeydd rhyngwladol blaenllaw ac yn neuaddau cyngerdd enwocaf y byd.
Theatr Anthony Hopkins Programme/Rhaglen: Haydn – Sonata in B minor Beethoven – Bagatelles Op.126 Tchaikovsky – 3 Pieces Op. 72 & Dumka
Richard Durrant
At Christmas 11 Dec/Rhag | from/o £10 Richard Durrant’s intimate, candlelit, musical celebration of Christmas. A joyously acoustic look at midwinter.
Dathliad cerddorol, clyd o’r Nadolig gyda Richard Durrant yng ngolau cannwyll. Golwg acwstig hyfryd ar ganol gaeaf.
Clwb Comedi Comedy Club £
15 Oct/Hyd | £10 Lou Conran (“Hilarious” Chortle) Sully O’Sullivan (The Comedy Channel) Hannah Platt (“hilarious” Josie Long) Nina Gilligan (MC)
3 Nov/Tach | £10 Nick Page (Britain’s Got Talent) Chris Washington (The Times) Chris Copestake | Annabelle Devey Danny McLoughlin (MC)
1 Dec/Rhag | £10 Sam Avery (The Learner Parent) Silky (The Stand-Up Show, BBC) Stephen Cookson
(World One Liner Champion 2019)
Roger Monkhouse (MC)
Lineups may be subject to change / Gall y rhai sy’n ymddangos newid
Kiri Pritchard-McLean
Work-In-Progress | Gwaith ar y Gweill 17 Oct/Hyd | from/o £10 Kiri Pritchard-McLean (Live at the Apollo, 8 Out of 10 Cats) presents a night of new material in these tricky times.
Kiri Pritchard-McLean (Live at the Apollo, 8 Out of 10 Cats) sy’n cyflwyno noson o ddeunydd newydd yn ystod y cyfnod anodd yma.
Daliso Chaponda
Blah Blah Apocalypse
13 Nov/Tach | from/o £10 The star of Britain’s Got Talent, The News Quiz and The Now Show shares his hilarious show about celebrity, cancel culture and lockdown.
Seren Britain’s Got Talent, The News Quiz and The Now Show sy’n rhannu ei sioe hynod ddoniol am sêr y byd showbiz, canslo diwylliant a’r cyfnod clo.
Brennan Reece & Harriet Kemsley
Work-In-Progress | Gwaith ar y Gweill 26 Nov/Tach | from/o £10 Brennan Reece (Live At The Apollo) joins Harriet Kemsley (8 Out of 10 Cats) to preview their new shows.
Mae Brennan Reece (Live At The Apollo) yn ymuno â Harriet Kemsley (8 Out of 10 Cats) ar gyfer rhagolwg o’u sioeau newydd.
23 01352 344101
Cinema/Sinema Films from £5!*
Ffilmiau o £5!*
Cult classics, feel-good hits, the latest releases and live screenings. Find out what’s on at
Clasuron cwlt, ffilmiau i godi calon, y ffilmiau diweddaraf i gael eu rhyddhau a sgrinio byw. Mwy o wybodaeth am beth sydd ar gael yn
*Excludes satellite screenings
*Ac eithrio sgrinio lloeren