Theatr Clwyd
Ffrinj Fringe (01352) 344101
WhatsOnStage British Theatre Guide
The Duke
Shôn Dale-Jones | 11 - 13 Nov/Tach Weaving fantasy and reality, Funny and poignant, The Duke weaves together the tragi-comic fate of a family heirloom - a porcelain figure of The Duke of Wellington, a scriptwriter stretching his integrity, and an unfolding disaster. Storytelling/Straeon
Mae The Duke yn cyfuno ffantasi a realiti mewn ffordd ddoniol ac ingol iawn ac mae’n gwau ffawd drasig a chomig trysor teuluol – ffigur porslen o Ddug Wellington, gyda sgriptiwr yn ymestyn ei integriti a thrychineb ar y gorwel. Arbed Save
“I bet when they get older they’re going to look back on tonight and say, that was a night that was, by that fire, that was a night”
Under Three Moons
Daniel Kanaber | 28 - 30 Oct/Hyd | age/oed 14+ A funny and moving story about the friendship of two men growing up together and society’s shifting view of male identity. Spanning half a lifetime, Under Three Moons takes place on three nights across three decades of two friends’ lives. #UnderThreeMoons Funny & Moving
Doniol ac Ingol
Stori ddoniol ac ingol am gyfeillgarwch dau ddyn yn tyfu i fyny gyda’i gilydd a barn cymdeithas am hunaniaeth wrywaidd wrth i’r farn honno newid. Yn rhychwantu hanner oes, mae Under Three Moons yn digwydd dros dair noson ar draws tri degawd ym mywydau dau ffrind. Arbed
Samuel Bailey | 27 -28 Nov/Tach Instead of GCSEs, Cain, Riyad and Jonjo got sentences. Locked up in a young offenders’ institution, they trade sweets, chat shit, kill time and await fatherhood. Grace’s job is to turn these teenagers into parents, ready to take charge of their futures. But can they grow up quickly enough to escape the system? Prizewinning Drama/Drama Wobrwyol
£10 Yn lle TGAU, dedfryd gafodd Cain, Riyad a Jonjo. Eu cloi mewn sefydliad i droseddwyr ifanc i gyfnewid fferins, malu cachu, lladd amser, ac aros am fod yn dadau. Tasg Grace ydi troi’r bechgyn ifanc yma’n rhieni sy’n barod i ysgwyddo cyfrifoldeb am eu dyfodol. Ond ydi hi’n bosib iddyn nhw dyfu i fyny yn ddigon buan i ddianc rhag y system?
How To Be Brave Sîan Owen | 3-4 Sep/Med
The Scotsman The Times A brand new one woman play about what we’re made of and learning to be brave when “Engaging, fierce” your world’s Wales Arts Review falling apart. Motherhood & Bravery
Stage Talk ReviewsHub
Drama newydd sbon un ddynes am beth sy’n ein gwneud ni yn ni, a dysgu bod yn ddewr pan mae eich bywyd yn disgyn mewn darnau.
Mamolaeth a Dewrder
Really Want To Hurt Me
Ben SantaMaria | 18-19 Sep/Med Post Show Talk/Sgwrs ar ôl y sioe: 18 Sep/Med
A relevant and exciting new play about growing up as a gay teenager in 1980s rural Britain. A dark comedy that features some of the best classic 80s tunes of all time! LGBTQ+
80s Nostalgia/Hiraeth 80au
Drama newydd berthnasol a chyffrous gyda dilyniannau dawns, am lwybr anodd bachgen hoyw o ddod o hyd i hunan-barch. Gyda rhai o gerddoriaeth gorau’r 80au!
In Loyal Company
British Theatre Guide Edinburgh Guide
David William Bryan | 20-21 Sep/Med Based on the experiences of a Prisoner of War, this poignant tale of survival and sacrifice is written and performed by his great-nephew.
Yn seiliedig ar brofiadau Carcharor Rhyfel, mae’r stori ingol yma am oroesiad ac aberth wedi cael ei hysgrifennu ac yn cael ei pherfformio gan ei or-nai. From/0
The Telegraph
The Scotsman
Powerful & Uplifting
Build A Rocket
Christopher York | 7 - 9 Oct/Hyd Yasmin is young, feisty and lives on the edge. Her Scarborough isn’t sandcastles, arcades and donkey rides. She’s been dealt a rough hand and has to decide whether to give in or get smart.
Pwerus a Dyrchafol
Mae Yasmin yn ifanc a beiddgar ac yn byw ar y dibyn. Nid cestyll tywod, arcêds a reid ar gefn mul yw ei Scarborough hi. Mae bywyd yn anodd iddi ac mae’n rhaid iddi benderfynu naill ai ildio neu fynd amdani. Arbed Save
Call Mr. Robeson A Life With Songs
Tayo Aluko | 26 - 27 Sep/Medi
The Guardian A rollercoaster journey through Paul Robeson’s remarkable life.
Siwrnai rolyrcostyr drwy fywyd nodedig Paul Robeson.
“A powerful and moving performance” WhatsOnStage
Drama & Music
Drama a Cherddoniaeth
Just An Ordinary Lawyer
Tayo Aluko | 28 Sept/Medi Britain’s first black judge, Nigerian Tunji Sowande finds himself stranded in the Heart of Empire and muses on worldwide black liberation show” “A fascinating struggles.
The Guardian
Mae barnwr du cyntaf Prydain, Tunji Sowande o Nigeria, ar goll yng Nghalon yr Ymerodraeth ac yn myfyrio ar frwydrau pobl dduon i sicrhau rhyddid ym mhob cwr o’r byd
Trojan Horse
Helen Monks | 27-28 Oct/Hyd
British Theatre Guide WhatsOnStage Fringe First Award-Winner/Enillydd
A true story that hit the national press in 2014. It explores a community torn apart by racial division, ‘British values’ and the culture of Prevent.
Stori wir a gyrhaeddodd y wasg genedlaethol yn 2014. Hanes cymuned wedi ei rhwygo ar wahân gan raniad hiliol.
(Not The Sex Shop In Cardiff)
Carys Eleri | 1 - 2 Nov/Tach 1 Nov/Tach = Cymraeg | 2 Nov/Tach = English
What is it about the first flushes of love that makes us behave so crazy? This award winning show’s central focus is on love and loneliness and the neuroscience involved. Fun, joyous and a definite “girls’ night out” vibe.
Beth sy’n gwneud i ni ymddwyn mor wallgof pan mewn cariad? Ffocws canolog y sioe lwyddiannus yma yw cariad ac unigrwydd a’r niwrowyddoniaeth sy’n gysylltiedig. Hwyliog a llon ac i’r dim fel “noson allan i’r merched”.