Theatr Clwyd | Jan/Ion - May/Mai 2019

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Ion – Mai | Jan – May

Theatr Clwyd 01352 701521

Croeso/Welcome In the last 6 months we’ve broken ground with our femaleled Lord of the Flies, seen Home, I’m Darling sell out here and at the National Theatre, and won the UK Theatre Award for Best Musical Production for The Assassination of Katie Hopkins. As we head into the magic of Christmas, we can’t wait to welcome you into our home.

Yn ystod y 6 mis diwethaf rydyn ni wedi torri tir newydd gyda merched yn arwain y cast yn Lord of the Flies, Home, I’m Darling yn gwerthu allan yma ac yn y National Theatre a The Assassination of Katie Hopkins yn ennill Gwobr Theatr y DU am y Cynhyrchiad Gorau o Sioe Gerdd. Wrth i hud y Nadolig nesáu, rydyn ni’n edrych ymlaen yn fawr at eich croesawu chi i’n cartref ni.

(01352) 701521 10:00 – 20:00 | Mon/Llun – Sat/Sad 24/7

In Person/Mewn Person Mold/Yr Wyddgrug, Flintshire/Sir y Fflint, CH7 1YA

10:00 – 20:00 | Mon/Llun – Sat/Sad 2

Photo/Llun: Manuel Harlan | Home, I’m Darling


Photo/Llun: Sam Taylor | The Great Gatsby

Aelodaeth Membership Support our work Cefnogwch ein and get more from gwaith a chael your visit! mwy o’ch ymweliad! Benefits include: • Priority Panto Booking

Y manteision yn cynnwys:

• Early access to booking shows*

• Archebu Blaenoriaeth i’r Panto

• 2 Free Cinema Tickets

• Mynediad cynnar i archebu sioeau*

• 10% discount in shop, bar & café

• 2 Docyn Sinema Am Ddim

• Advance notification of shows*

• Gostyngiad o 10% yn y siop, y bar a’r caffi

• Members events

• Cael gwybod ymlaen llaw am sioeau*

• E-Newsletters*

• Digwyddiadau i aelodau

£24 a year

• E-Gylchlythyrau*

Join online or at the box office *Terms & Conditions apply

£24 y flwyddyn Ymunwch ar-lein neu yn y swyddfa docynnau *Telerau ac Amodau’n berthnasol


More Theatre Less Money See more theatre for less by booking early for the best seats at the best prices.


Kiss Me Quickstep

Kiss Me Quickstep

The Lady Vanishes

Rain Man

Rain Man

The Lady V

The Verdict

Dwy Si

Subject to availability | Not applicable on Open Dress shows or on the lowest price band of ticket (usually ÂŁ10) | Packages must be booked in the same transaction | Discounts apply to shows grouped with the offers only | Applies to full priced tickets only.


Mwy o Theatr Am Lai o Arian Gwelwch fwy o theatr am lai trwy archebu’n gynnar i gael y seddi gorau am y pris gorau.





Noughts & Crosses

Noughts & Crosses

Stones In His Pockets

The Verdict



Yn dibynnu ar argaeledd | Ni ellir ei ddefnyddio mewn ymarferion Gwisg Agored na’r band pris tocyn isaf (£10 fel arfer) | Rhaid archebu pecynnau tanysgrifio yn yr un trafodiad | Gostyngiadau’n berthnasol i sioeau sydd yn y grŵp cynnig yn unig | Perthnasol i docynnau pris llawn yn unig.




14 Dec/Rhag – 6 Jan/Ion | From/O £10


There’s evil afoot in Grimm City.

Mae drwg ar droed yn Grimm City.

Fairytales are going missing, there’s whispers of a witch on the loose...

Mae straeon tylwyth teg yn mynd ar goll, mae sibrydion am wrach hyd y lle...

Dust for prints, crack codes, and chase down suspects in this immersive Christmas adventure from Theatr Clwyd and Paperfinch Theatre (The Snow Queen, The Nutcracker) for under 11s and their families.

Cyfle i gracio codau ac erlid pobl amheus yn yr antur Nadoligaidd yma ar gyfer plant dan 11 a’u teuluoedd.

Theatr Clwyd | Paperfinch

Llew a’r Crydd Emyr John 2 – 6 Jan/Ion | From/O £6 Two brothers travel around the world collecting stories to stop them from getting lost. One night, unable to sleep, they tell a story about a boy, Llew, a mean old cobbler, a magic elf and a princess who just wants to dance…

Mae dau frawd yn teithio o amgylch y byd yn casglu straeon i’w hatal rhag mynd ar goll. Un noson, wrth fethu cysgu, maen nhw’n adrodd stori am fachgen, Llew, hen gobler cas, corrach hud a thywysoges sydd ddim eisiau gwneud dim byd ond dawnsio ...

Welsh language show | Sioe yn y Gymraeg


Theatr Clwyd | Pontio



9 01352 701521

23 Nov/Tach – 19 Jan/Ion Our cult panto returns with disco frocks, sparkling sets, slapstick galore and the panto puppets. Take a trip with Dick down streets paved with Welsh gold as our actor-musicians play your favourite rock and soul songs live! Don’t miss this Christmas cracker with dame Phylip Harries that’s guaranteed to be filled with funky cat-titude.

Mae ein panto enwog yn ei ôl gyda ffrogiau disgo, setiau’n pefrio, digonedd o slapstic a phypedau panto. Dewch am dro gyda Dick i lawr strydoedd sydd wedi’u palmantu gan aur o Gymru wrth i’r actor-gerddorion chwarae eich hoff ganeuon roc a soul yn fyw! Peidiwch â cholli’r cracar Nadolig yma gyda dêm Phylip Harries sy’n siŵr o fod yn llawn hwyl ffynci.

Theatr Clwyd


Photo/Llun: Sam Taylor | The Assassination of Katie Hopkins.

In 2018 we made 15 shows, with 10 World Premières, 1 West End Transfer and won a UK Theatre Award!


Yn 2018 fe wnaethon ni 15 o sioeau, gyda 10 Première Byd, 1 Trosglwyddiad i’r West End ac ennill Gwobr Theatr y DU!

15 – 27 Apr/Ebr | From/0 £10 Lady is trapped in a loveless marriage, surrounded by intolerant people, living a boring small-town life. When a wild-eyed charismatic drifter appears, a new life of love and passion suddenly seems possible. Everything will change as certainty, conformity and tradition are ripped apart. Tennessee Williams’ Deep South American drama is directed by Theatr Clwyd’s Artistic Director Tamara Harvey (Home, I’m Darling).

Mae Lady yn gaeth mewn priodas ddi-serch, wedi'i hamgylchynu gan bobl anoddefgar ac yn byw mewn tref fechan ddiflas. Ond pan mae crwydryn carismataidd, gwyllt yr olwg, yn ymddangos, mae bywyd newydd o serch ac angerdd yn ymddangos yn bosib. Bydd popeth yn newid wrth i sicrwydd, cydymffurfio a thraddodiad gael eu diystyru. Mae drama Tennessee Williams am bobl pellafion y de yn America wedi'i chyfarwyddo gan Gyfarwyddwr Artistig Theatr Clwyd, Tamara Harvey (Home, I’m Darling).

Theatr Clwyd | Menier Chocolate Factory


The Lady Vanishes Sidney Gilliat & Frank Launder adapted by/addasiad gan Antony Lampard

4 – 9 Feb/Chwe | From/0 £10


A new adaptation of Alfred Hitchcock’s much-loved film.

Addasiad newydd o ffilm boblogaidd Alfred Hitchcock.

Iris is travelling home by train when her travelling companion suddenly disappears. As Iris turns detective she is drawn into a complex web of intrigue and mystery…

Mae Iris yn teithio gartref ar y trên pan mae ei chyd-deithiwr yn diflannu’n sydyn. Wrth i Iris droi’n dditectif caiff ei llusgo’n rhan o we gymhleth o gynllwynio a dirgelwch…

An all-star cast including Emmy award-winner Juliet Mills (Wild at Heart), Dynasty star Maxwell Caulfield, Downton Abbey’s Matt Barber and EastEnders’ Lorna Fitzgerald and is directed by Roy Marsden.

Cast llawn sêr gan gynnwys enillydd gwobr Emmy Juliet Mills (Wild at Heart), seren Dynasty Maxwell Caulfield, Matt Barber o Downton Abbey a Lorna Fitzgerald o EastEnders. Cyfarwyddwyd gan Roy Marsden.

Bill Kenwright Ltd | The Classic Screen To Stage Theatre Company

10 01352 701521

Noughts & Crosses Malorie Blackman adapted by/addasiad gan Sabrina Mahfouz

19 – 23 Feb/Chwe | From/0 £10


“Why love, if losing hurts so much?”

“Pam caru os ydi colli’n brifo cymaint?”

Sephy is a Cross, Callum is a Nought and they are in love.

Mae Sephy yn ‘Cross’ a ‘Callum’ yn ‘Nought’ ac maen nhw mewn cariad.

Between Noughts and Crosses there are racial and social divides, society teeters on a volatile knife edge, this romance will lead to terrible danger.

Rhwng y ‘Noughts’ a’r ‘Crosses’, mae gwahaniaethau cymdeithasol a hil, mae cymdeithas ar ymyl dibyn anwadal a bydd y cariad yma’n arwain at berygl dychrynllyd.

This gripping Romeo and Juliet story is a captivating drama of love, revolution and what it means to grow up in a divided world.

Mae’r stori Romeo a Juliet afaelgar yma’n ddrama hudolus am gariad, chwyldro a beth mae’n ei olygu i dyfu i fyny mewn byd rhanedig.

Schools workshops:

Gweithdai ysgolion:

Pilot Theatre | Derby Theatre | Belgrade Theatre Coventry Mercury Theatre Colchester | York Theatre Royal


“Poignant and gripping” HHHH Daily Mail

25 Feb/Chwe – 2 Mar/Maw | From/0 £10 Save/Arbed Based on the Oscar-winning film which famously starred Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman.

Yn seiliedig ar y ffilm a enillodd Oscar gyda Tom Cruise a Dustin Hoffman.

When self-centred salesman Charlie discovers that his long-lost brother Raymond, an autistic savant, has inherited the family fortune, he sets out to get ‘his half’.

Pan mae gwerthwr hunanol iawn, Charlie, yn darganfod bod ei frawd coll, Raymond, sy’n awtistig, wedi etifeddu ffortiwn y teulu, mae’n mynd ati i hawlio ‘ei hanner o’.

Starring Paul Nicholls (EastEnders; Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason and Law and Order: UK) and Chris Fountain (Hollyoaks, Coronation Street, Dancing On Ice and Girlfriends).

Gyda Paul Nicholls (EastEnders; Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason a Law and Order: UK) a Chris Fountain (Hollyoaks, Coronation Street, Dancing On Ice a Girlfriends).

Bill Kenwright Ltd | The Classic Screen To Stage Theatre Company

12 01352 701521

Karen Drury (Brookside), Richard Walsh (London’s Burning), Christopher Ettridge (Goodnight Sweetheart), Paul Opacic (Bad Girls).

“The BEST performance we’ve seen in a very long time.” Cardiff Times

The Verdict Barry Reed adapted by/addaswyd gan Margaret May Hobbs

5 – 9 Mar/Maw | From/0 £10


The powerful best-selling courtroom thriller

Stori gyffrous a phwerus am achos llys nodedig

Starring Ian Kelsey (Emmerdale).

Gydag Ian Kelsey (Emmerdale).

Washed up veteran alcoholic lawyer Frank is presented with one last chance to redeem himself when he is given an open-andshut medical malpractice case that no one thinks he can win.

Mae Frank, cyfreithiwr profiadol ond sydd hefyd yn alcoholig, yn cael un cyfle olaf i adfer ei enw da pan mae’n cael achos yn delio â chamymarfer meddygol nad oes neb yn credu y gall ei ennill.

A stunning courtroom thriller made famous by the Oscarnominated film starring Paul Newman and James Mason.

Stori drawiadol a chyffrous am achos llys a wnaed yn enwog gan y ffilm a enwebwyd am Oscar gyda Paul Newman a James Mason.

Middle Ground Theatre


“Anyone with a secret obsession with Strictly should book a ticket without further consideration” The Guardian

Kiss Me Quickstep Amanda Whittington 26 – 30 Mar/Maw | From/0 £10


A sequin-studded warm-hearted ballroom comedy.

Comedi gynnes yn llawn secwins am fyd y ddawns.

Three young couples are striving for glory at Blackpool's National Amateur Championships via the motorway hard shoulder.

Mae tri chwpl ifanc â’u llygaid ar y wobr gyntaf ym Mhencampwriaethau Amatur Cenedlaethol Blackpool.

But there's pain and heartbreak beneath the dazzling glitter ball when you're dancing to other people's tunes and hiding secrets.

Ond mae poen a thorcalon o dan y bêl gliter sy’n pefrio uwch ben pan rydych chi’n dawnsio i alawon pobl eraill ac yn celu cyfrinachau.

See behind the fabulous frocks, fixed smiles and fake tan.

Cyfle i weld tu ôl i’r ffrogiau ffrils, y wên wan a’r lliw haul ffug.

Queen’s Theatre Hornchurch | New Wolsey Theatre Ipswich


Source: 2017/18 Economic Impact Study

Bob blwyddyn mae ein gwaith yn creu £7.7 miliwn yn economi Gogledd Ddwyrain Cymru! Ffynhonnell: Astudiaeth Effaith Economaidd 2017/18

Photo/Llun: The Other Richard | A Streetcar Named Desire

Every year our work generates £7.7million in the economy of North East Wales!


Arts From The Armchair, run with our local health board, supports people with early onset memory loss and their carers by helping to reduce social isolation.


Mae Celf o’r Gadair Freichiau, sy’n cael ei gynnal gyda’n bwrdd iechyd lleol, yn cefnogi pobl sy’n dechrau colli eu cof a’u gofalwyr drwy helpu i leihau ynysu cymdeithasol.

“Triumphant, fast, brilliant and hilarious” Independent “Not to be missed” Sunday Telegraph

Stones In His Pockets Marie Jones 7 – 11 May/Mai | From/O £10 When a major Hollywood film studio descends on a village in rural Ireland, the demand for extras from the local community is huge. This Olivier and Evening Standard Award-winning comedy comes to life with two actors playing fifteen extraordinary characters.


Pan mae ffilm fawr o Hollywood yn dod i bentref yng nghefn gwlad Iwerddon, mae’r galw am actorion ychwanegol o’r gymuned leol yn enfawr. Daw’r gomedi yma sydd wedi ennill gwobr Olivier a gwobr yr Evening Standard yn fyw gyda dau actor yn chwarae pymtheg o gymeriadau rhyfeddol.

Rose Theatre Kingston | Theatre Royal Bath Productions Ltd


HHHH Evening Standard HHHH Time Out

Jon Brittain 3 – 5 Jun/Meh | From/O £10


Alice has finally plucked up the courage to e-mail her parents and tell them she's gay.

Mae Alice wedi magu digon o blwc i anfon neges e-bost at ei rhieni i ddweud wrthyn nhw ei bod yn hoyw.

But before she hits send, her girlfriend Fiona reveals that they have always identified as a man and now wants to start living as one…

Ond cyn iddi daro’r botwm anfon, mae ei chariad Fiona’n dweud ei bod wastad wedi teimlo mai dyn ydi hi a’i bod eisiau dechrau byw fel un nawr…

Hartshorn – Hook Productions


Benedict Allen Ultimate Explorer 20 Mar/Maw | From/O £10 Benedict Allen recalls the highs and lows of his latest aweinspiring adventures, sharing never-beforeseen material from his travels across the globe. Jo Sarsby Management

Bydd Benedict Allen yn sôn am uchafbwyntiau ac isafbwyntiau ei anturiaethau rhyfeddol diweddaraf gan rannu deunydd nad oes neb wedi’i weld o’r blaen am ei deithiau ym mhob cwr o’r byd.

A Very Special Evening with

Russell Watson 3 Apr/Ebr | £35 Russell Watson returns following his sold-out show last year, accompanied by his pianist and a special guest choir.

Mae Russell Watson yn dychwelyd ar ôl ei sioe lwyddiannus y llynedd, gyda’i bianydd a chôr yn westai arbennig.

“He sings like Pavarotti, and entertains the audience like Sinatra” The New York Times Handshake Ltd

Gruffydd Wyn 23 Mar/Maw | £22.50 | VIP £40Season Ticket A finalist on Britain’s Got Talent 2018, where he received Amanda Holden’s Golden Buzzer, join Anglesey’s incredibly talented new star for an evening of popular classical music, delivered with vocal panache! Mitcas Promotions Ltd


Cyrhaeddodd Gruffydd rownd derfynol Britain’s Got Talent 2018 a chael Botwm Aur gan Amanda Holden. Ymunwch â’r seren newydd hynod dalentog o Ynys Môn am noson o gerddoriaeth glasurol boblogaidd yn llawn panache lleisiol!

18 – 19 Mar/Maw | From/O £10 A message from/Neges gan Ian McKellen: “I’m celebrating my 80th birthday by touring a new solo show to theatres I know well and a few that I don’t. The show starts with Gandalf and will probably end with an invitation to act with me on stage. In-between there will be anecdotes and acting. I open at my local arts centre in January and end up by August in Orkney.

Ian McKellen

on Stage: with Tolkien, Shakespeare, Others and YOU

Live theatre has always been thrilling to me, as an actor and in the audience. Growing up in Lancashire, I was grateful to those companies who toured beyond London and I’ve always enjoyed repaying that debt by touring up and down the country myself, with the RSC, the National Theatre, Prospect Theatre, the Actors’ Company, as well as with commercial productions. See you there I hope!” Hoffem ddiolch i Ian McKellen am roi’r elw i gefnogi Theatr Clwyd We would like to thank Ian McKellen for donating the proceeds to support Theatr Clwyd Ambassador Theatre Group

Merched Caerdydd / Nos Sadwrn o Hyd

14 - 16 Maw/Mar | From/O £10


Two exciting Welsh playwrights.

Dau ddramodydd cyffrous o Gymru.

Merched Caerdydd by Catrin Dafydd follows three extraordinary women making sense of their messy lives.

Mae Merched Caerdydd gan Catrin Dafydd yn dilyn tair merch ddisglair sy’n ceisio gwneud synnwyr o’u bywydau blêr.

Nos Sadwrn o Hyd by Roger Williams follows Lee, looking for a boyfriend and true love, but discovering nothing lasts forever.

Mae Nos Sadwrn o Hyd gan Roger Williams yn dilyn Lee, sy’n chwilio am wir gariad, ond yn darganfod nad oes dim byd yn para am byth.

Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru | Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru | Mas ar y Maes | OOMFF


Cerddoriaeth Glasurol Classical Music

Tasmin Little & John Lenehan (Violin/Piano)

Raphael WallďŹ sch & John York (Cello/Piano)

Prog/Rhag: Greig Brahms | Clara Schumann

Prog/Rhag: Beethoven Debussy | Schubert

20 Jan/Ion | 7:30pm

24 Feb/Chwe | 7:30pm

George Todica (Piano) Prog/Rhag: Mozart Rachmaninov | Chopin

7 Apr/Ebr | 7:30pm

Sheku KennehMason (Cello)

Endellion String Quartet & Guy Noble (Cello)

Prog/Rhag: Haydn

Prog/Rhag: Schubert | Haydn Beethoven



2 Jun/Meh | 7:30pm


Tosca 24 Mar/Maw | From/O £10 Power and passion collide in Puccini’s breathtaking masterpiece. Trapped in a life and death struggle against the corrupt police chief Scarpia, the diva Tosca and her artist lover face the ultimate sacrifice. Sung in English. Mid-Wales Opera | Opera Canolbarth Cymru

Daw pŵer ac angerdd wyneb yn wyneb yng nghampwaith trawiadol Puccini. Wedi’u dal mewn brwydr byw neu farw yn erbyn pennaeth llwgr yr heddlu, Scarpia, mae’r difa, Tosca, a’i chariad sy’n artist yn wynebu’r aberth eithaf. Y canu yn Saesneg.


Awakening 15 – 16 Mar/Maw | From/O £10 Three dances by National Dance Company Wales to amuse and amaze: Afterimage uses mirrors and creative choreography; Revellers’ Mass is a chaotic dinner party and They Seek to Find the Happiness they Seem is a heart-breaking duet.


Tair dawns gan Gwmni Dawns Cenedlaethol Cymru i ddifyrru a gwefreiddio: mae Afterimage yn cyfuno drychau a choreograffi creadigol; mae Revellers’ Mass yn barti annhebygol tra bod They Seek to Find the Happiness they Seem yn ddeuawd torcalonnus.

Discover Dance/Darganfod Dawns 16 Mar/Maw | 2:30pm Perfect for the family! Perffaith ar gyfer y teulu! Learn some moves, get Dysgwch symudiadau on stage and watch a newydd ar y llwyfan a magical performance! gwyliwch berfformiad hudol!


Photo/Llun: Haydn Davies

In August, the young people of our Company25 group performed on our local mountain Moel Famau supported by Natural Resources Wales.


Fis Awst bu pobl ifanc grĹľp Cwmni25 yn perfformio ar fynydd lleol Moel Famau gyda chefnogaeth Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru.

Jazz Harry Bolt Quartet feat/gyda Benet McLean (violin)

29 Jan/Ion | £12 | Under/Dan 18 Season £5 Ticket Pianist Harry Bolt, former member of the Clark Tracey Quintet, with albums awarded 5 stars by Jazzwise, leads this thrilling band, a recent sell-out at Soho’s Ronnie Scott’s.

Y pianydd Harry Bolt, cyn aelod o Bumawd Clark Tracey gydag albymau llwyddiannus, sy’n arwain y band gwefreiddiol yma a werthodd bob tocyn yn ddiweddar yn Ronnie Scott’s yn Soho.

Featuring Adam King (double bass) and Euan Palmer (drums).

Gydag Adam King (bas dwbwl) ac Euan Palmer (drymiau).

North Wales Jazz | Jazz Gogledd Cymru

Tina May Quartet: Celebrating Ella and Oscar

19 Mar/Maw | £12 | Under/Dan 18 £5 Tina May and pianist Nikki Iles, revisit the meeting between Ella Fitzgerald, and Oscar Peterson, performing favourites like Cheek to Cheek and Mack the Knife with Dave Green (double bass) and Steve Brown (drums).

Bydd Tina May a’r pianydd Nikki Iles yn edrych eto ar y cyfarfyddiad rhwng Ella Fitzgerald, ac Oscar Peterson, gan berfformio ffefrynnau fel Cheek to Cheek a Mack the Knife gyda Dave Green (bas dwbwl) a Steve Brown (drymiau).

North Wales Jazz | Jazz Gogledd Cymru

The Ronnie Scott’s All Stars The Ronnie Scott’s Story: 60th Anniversary Concert

22 Mar/Maw | From/O £10 Celebrating the music and history of Ronnie Scott’s, this is a must for any music fan.

Season Ticket

Yn dathlu cerddoriaeth a hanes Ronnie Scott’s, dyma berfformiad hanfodol i unrhyw un sy’n hoffi cerddoriaeth.

“Outstanding players. For poise, balance and swing they’re a joy to listen to” The Observer “Full-on brilliance” The Guardian JBA Concerts



Over 5,000 people came to our 3 day Family Arts Weekend, providing a highquality, low-cost experience of the arts for children and their families!


Daeth mwy na 5,000 o bobl i’n Penwythnos Celfyddydau i’r Teulu ni, oedd yn cynnig profiad o ansawdd uchel am bris isel o’r celfyddydau i blant a’u teuluoedd!

Illustrations © Kerr-Kneale Productions Ltd 1968

The Tiger Who Came to Tea ★★★★ The Times ★★★★ Mail on Sunday ★★★★ Daily Express ★★★★ Daily Telegraph ★★★★★ Age

16 – 17 May/Mai | From/O £10

3O+ ed

Direct from the West End!

Yn syth o’r West End!

Join the tea-guzzling tiger in this delightful family show; packed with oodles of magic, sing-a-long songs and clumsy chaos! A stunning stage adaptation of the classic tale of teatime mayhem.

Ymunwch â’r teigr sy’n hoffi yfed te yn y sioe deuluol hyfryd yma sy’n llawn hud, caneuon i gydganu â nhw a llond gwlad o lanast! Addasiad trawiadol i’r llwyfan o’r stori glasurol yma am draed moch amser te.

Nick Brooke Ltd

Hippity Hop


29 Jan/Ion – 2 Feb/Chwe | £10 | £8 Kids/Plant Experience the poetry, puppetry, music and movement of the first ever interactive Hip-Hop show for young children. With beats specially created by rap artist BREIS.


Cyfle i fwynhau barddoniaeth, gwaith pypedau, cerddoriaeth a symudiad y sioe hip hop ryngweithiol gyntaf erioed i blant. Gyda churiadau wedi’u creu’n arbennig gan yr artist rap BREIS.

“Gives the very young a real taste of the wonder of theatre.” The Guardian Oily Cart


22–23 Feb/Chwe | £10 £8 Kids/Plant | £6 schools/ysgolion



Based on the book Augustus and His Smile, written and illustrated by Catherine Rayner and published by Little Tiger Press

Smile Augustus the tiger was sad. He had lost his smile.

Roedd Augustus y teigr yn drist. Roedd wedi colli’i wên.

Told through magical, theatrical chamber music, and performed by 3 exceptional musicians Smile tells the story of Augustus the tiger and his search for his smile.

Mae stori Smile yn cael ei hadrodd gan gerddoriaeth siambr hudolus a theatrig a’i pherfformio gan 3 cherddor nodedig. Cawn hanes Augustus y teigr yn chwilio am ei wên.

MishMash Productions

Pen-blwydd Poenus Pete 2 Maw/Mar | £10 | £8 Kids/Plant


6O+ ed

A sparkling Welsh language comedy for the family by award winning playwright Gary Owen.

Comedi fywiog yn y Gymraeg i’r teulu gan y dramodydd llwyddiannus Gary Owen.

The whole family (including the cat) are plunged into hilarious chaos when Dad’s birthday comes along…

Mae’n draed moch hynod ddoniol i’r teulu cyfan (gan gynnwys y gath) pan mae’n benblwydd ar Dad…

Theatr Iolo

Grandad’s Island Season 21–23 Mar/Maw | £10 | £8 Kids/Plant Ticket


5O+ ed


Syd’s favourite person in the whole wide world is Grandad. And Grandad’s favourite person is Syd.

Hoff berson Syd yn y byd i gyd yn grwn ydi Grandad. A hoff berson Grandad ydi Syd.

Benji Davies’ awardwinning book is brought to life in a heartwarming adventure filled with songs, laughter and jungles, which will change their lives forever.

Daw llyfr wobrwyol Benji Davies yn fyw yn yr antur dwymgalon hon yn llawn caneuon, chwerthin, a’r jyngl a fydd yn newid eu bywydau am byth.

Engine House Theatre

World Première Byd 23 Apr/Ebr – 4 May/Mai | From/o £10 Schools/Ysgolion £5


5O+ ed

Adapted by/Addasiad gan Emma Reeves September, 1939. As the Second World War begins, ten-year-old Shirley is sent away on a train for ‘a little holiday’.

Medi, 1939. Wrth i’r Ail Ryfel Byd ddechrau, caiff Shirley, sy’n ddeg oed, ei hanfon ar drên ‘am wyliau bach’.

Shirley is billeted in the country to live in the strange, deserted Red House with the mysterious and reclusive Mrs Waverley. Here, alongside two boys from Liverpool, Kevin and Archie, Shirley’s life will change forever.

Caiff Shirley ei hanfon i gefn gwlad i fyw mewn Tŷ Coch dieithr gyda Mrs Waverley, gwraig ryfedd a meudwyaidd. Yma, ochr yn ochr â dau fachgen o Lundain, Kevin ac Archie, bydd bywyd Shirley yn newid am byth.

A new adaptation of bestselling author Addasiad newydd o stori Jacqueline Wilson’s moving story, Jacqueline Wilson, wedi ei directed by Christian Patterson. chyfarwyddo gan Christian Theatr Clwyd Patterson.


Shows for Sioeau i Adventurers Anturiaethwyr Variety is the spice of life - explore these challenging and inspiring shows! Look out for this multibuy logo if you buy 3 or more of these shows you’ll save 20%!*


*T&Cs apply

Amrywiaeth sy’n gwneud bywyd yn ddifyr a dyma pam rydyn ni wedi creu rhaglen o sioeau i herio ac ysbrydoli! Cadwch lygad am y logo drwy brynu 3 neu fwy o’r sioeau yma byddwch yn arbed 20%!*

* T ac A yn berthnasol

Flight Paths 14 – 16 Feb/Chwe | From/O £10 Blind artists from Japan, Nigeria, the USA and Australia navigate migration and storytelling as they forge careers as aerialists, viola player and Soprano. Mixing spellbinding movement, music and epic tales.

Mae dwy ddynes ddall yn adrodd straeon ingol am fudwyr, gan gydblethu hanes artistiaid dall o bob cwr o’r byd. Cymysgedd o symudiad cyfareddol yn yr awyr, cerddoriaeth a straeon epig.

Extant | Yellow Earth

Frogman 18 – 19 Feb/Chwe | From/O £10 A coming-of-age thriller exploring the fragility of the childhood imagination. This ground-breaking theatre experience fuses virtual reality, live theatre and binaural sound. From the award-winning curious directive.

Sioe gyffrous am ddod i oed yn astudio breguster dychymyg plant. Mae’r profiad theatr arloesol yma’n cyfuno realiti rhithiol, theatr fyw a sain deuseiniol. Gan gwmni llwyddiannus curious directive.

curious directive

Hollie McNish: Plum Book Tour 9 Feb/ChweFrom | From/O £10 Hollie is an awardwinning poet who’ll be giving a special reading from her latest collection, Plum.

Mae Hollie yn fardd llwyddiannus a bydd yn cyflwyno darlleniad arbennig o’i chasgliad diweddaraf, Plum.

Expect strong language as she talks fruit and flesh, sex, politics and friendship.

Gallwch ddisgwyl iaith gref wrth iddi siarad am ffrwythau a chnawd, rhyw, gwleidyddiaeth a chyfeillgarwch.


Gypsy Queen 21 – 23 Feb/Chwe | From/O £10 A critically acclaimed love story about two men who find each other in the most unlikely place; the world of professional boxing.

Stori serch sydd wedi’i chanmol yn fawr gan y beirniaid am ddau ddyn sy’n dod o hyd i’w gilydd mewn byd cwbl annisgwyl; byd bocsio proffesiynol. “Laugh-out-loud lines...a touching romance” ★★★★ The Independent

“A multi-faceted love story that plays out with a ray of hope”★★★★ The Stage Emmerson & Ward

The Shy Manifesto 25 – 26 Feb/Chwe | From/O £10 A bittersweet comedy drama about a boy who is fed up of being told to come out of his shell.

Comedi chwerw felys am fachgen sydd wedi cael llond bol ar bobl yn dweud wrtho am ddod allan o’i gragen.

Starring Theo Ancient (Harry Potter and the Cursed Child).

Gyda Theo Ancient (Harry Potter and the Cursed Child).

Joe C Brown | A Hollis Productions

A Brave Face 28 Feb/Chwe – 1 Mar/Maw From/O £10 Set in Afghanistan in 2009, exploring Post Traumatic Stress, an unseen injury of war, and the impact it can have on even the closest of families. By the award-winning mask company, Vamos Theatre. Suitable for d/Deaf audiences


Wedi’i lleoli yn Afghanistan yn 2009 ac yn edrych ar Straen Wedi Trawma, anaf rhyfel nad oes neb yn ei weld, a’r effaith y mae’n gallu ei chael ar y teuluoedd agosaf un hyd yn oed. Gan y cwmni masg llwyddiannus, Vamos Theatre. Addas ar gyfer cynulleidfaoedd Byddar

Woke 18 Mar/Maw | From/O £10 Hip-Hop and feminism are on a collision course. And Testament reckons he’s the guy to sort it out. Then his daughter is born and suddenly he’s not so sure.

Mae gwrthdaro mawr ar droed rhwng Hip-Hop a ffeministiaeth. Ac mae Testament yn credu mai fo yw’r dyn i roi trefn ar bethau. Ond wedyn, mae ei ferch yn cael ei geni ac yn sydyn, dydi o ddim mor siŵr. “Suffused with honesty and wit.” ★★★★ The Stage Leeds Playhouse | Royal Exchange Theatre Roundhouse | Camden People’s Theatre Testament in association with LittleMighty

peeling Kaite O’Reilly

19 - 20 Mar/Maw | From/O £10 As an epic tale unfolds elsewhere, 3 actors in the shadows unearth their stories. A darkly comic play about what we reveal… and what we choose to hide.

Wrth i stori epig ddod i’r amlwg yn rhywle arall, mae 3 actor yn y cysgodion yn datgelu eu straeon. Drama gomig, dywyll am beth rydym yn ei ddatgelu ... a beth rydym yn dewis ei gelu.

With BSL, captions and audio description | Gyda BSL, capsiynau a sain-ddisgrifiad. Taking Flight | The Riverfront | Chapter

SparkPlug David Judge

26 – 27 Mar/Maw | From/O £10 “He’s got two Dads, my lad. One’s black. That makes him black. I suppose.” Dave loves Rod Stewart, Joanne and his Ford Capri.

Mae Dave yn caru Rod Stewart, Joanne a’i Ford Capri.

Joanne’s about to have a baby. Is Dave ready to become a Dad even though he’s not the father?

Mae Joanne ar fin cael babi. Ydi Dave yn barod i fod yn dad er nad fo ydi’r tad?

Box of Tricks


Crimes on the Nile 28 - 30 Mar/Maw | From/O £10

Season Ticket

“A whodunnit romp” The Stage Belgian detective, Artemis Arinae, is enjoying a cruise along the Nile when tragedy strikes again. Everyone’s a suspect and the murder count is growing… New Old Friends

Mae’r ditectif o wlad Belg, Artemis Arinae, yn mwynhau mordaith ar hyd y Nile pan mae trasiedi arall yn digwydd. Mae pawb dan amheuaeth ac mae nifer y meirw’n cynyddu…

Glory Nick Ahad

28 - 29 Mar/Maw | From/O £10 Jim was a British wrestling colossus whose empire crumbled. Now resurrection is within his grasp, but is everyone fighting for him? A painfully funny story about ambition and glory.

Roedd Jim yn gawr yn y byd reslo ym Mhrydain ond chwalu fu hanes ei ymerodraeth. Ond nawr mae cyfle i’w hailgodi, ond ydi pawb yn ymladd drosto fo? Stori boenus o ddoniol am uchelgais ac anrhydedd.

The Dukes & Red Ladder in association with Tamasha

Twrw Twmpath 1 Mar/Maw | From/O £10 A musical celebration of St. David's Day which brings together two of Wales’ most exciting live bands, Candelas and HMS Morris, with a traditional Welsh ceilidh from Aderyn Prin.


Dathliad cerddorol ar Ddydd Gŵyl Dewi gyda dau o fandiau byw mwyaf cyffrous Cymru, Candelas ac HMS Morris, gyda thwmpath Cymreig traddodiadol gan Aderyn Prin.

Macbeth 8 – 13 Apr/Ebr | From/O £10 Playing wildly different venues over a week. No props, no costumes, nothing pre-planned – apart from the text, everything is spontaneous, and different every time. And you can play The Witches. Join us and join in. The Factory

Perfformiadau mewn lleoliadau hynod wahanol drwy’r wythnos. Dim props, dim gwisgoedd, dim byd wedi’i gynllunio ymlaen llaw – ar wahân i’r testun. Mae popeth yn fyrfyfyr ac yn wahanol bob tro. Ac rydych chi’n cael chwarae rhan y Gwrachod. Ymunwch â ni ac ymunwch yn y perfformiad.

What Happens?

A tribute to Langston Hughes 9 Apr/Ebr | From/O £10 Actor singer Tayo Aluko and jazz band perform the poetry and prose of Langston Hughes - AfricanAmerican poet, journalist, playwright, and significant figure in the Harlem Renaissance, with songs from the era. Tayo Aluko

Bydd yr actor ganwr Tayo Aluko a band jazz yn perfformio barddoniaeth a rhyddiaith Langston Hughes – bardd, newyddiadurwr a dramodydd AffricanaiddAmericanaidd a ffigur arwyddocaol yn Nadeni Harlem, gyda chaneuon o’r cyfnod.


Living With The Lights On Mark Lockyer 10 – 12 Apr/Ebr | From/O £10 30 years ago, Mark was a talented promising young actor. Then, he had a breakdown.

30 mlynedd yn ôl, roedd Mark yn actor ifanc addawol. Ac wedyn cafodd chwalfa nerfol.

“Gripping…” HHHH The Guardian “…one hell of a story…” HHHH The Times Actors Touring Company

Saethu Cwningod/ Shooting Rabbits 7 May/Mai | From/O £10 “If I can shoot rabbits, I can shoot fascists.” Live music and striking imagery blend with multilingual text, as a young Welsh radical is drawn into the idealism and destruction of the Spanish Civil War.

Mae cerddoriaeth fyw a delweddaeth drawiadol yn cyfuno gyda thestun amlieithog wrth i radical ifanc o Gymru gael ei hudo gan ddelfrydiaeth a dinistr Rhyfel Cartref Sbaen.

PowderHouse Theatre

DadMan: The Bathtime Warrior 15 Feb/Chwe | £10


A show about not babysitting your kids.

Sioe am beidio gwarchod eich plant.

DadMan stands strong at the gates of an ideal birth-plan, and courageously navigates the School Run. This show, is partly quiz, partly story with live music.

Mae DadMan yn sefyll yn dalog wrth giatiau cynllun geni delfrydol ac yn ddewr a hyderus wrth ddanfon ei blant at giatiau’r ysgol. Dyma sioe sy’n hanner cwis, hanner stori gyda cherddoriaeth fyw.

Notnow Collective

Electrolyte 10 - 11 May/Mai | From/O £10 Multi award-winning gig-theatre powerfully exploring mental health. Spoken word poetry underscored by original music ranging from “blasts of sound to lyrical sweetness.”

Theatr gig sydd wedi ennill sawl gwobr ac astudiaeth bwerus o iechyd meddwl. Barddoniaeth lafar gyda cherddoriaeth wreiddiol yn y cefndir, yn amrywio o “blasts of sound to lyrical sweetness.”

★★★★★ The Scotsman Wildcard

★★★★ TimeOut

The Listening Room 14 – 15 May/Mai | From/O £10 A stirring exploration of life, death and justice, featuring the true stories of five people whose lives were transformed by a moment of violence.

Astudiaeth rymus o fywyd, marwolaeth a chyfiawnder drwy straeon gwir pump o bobl y mae eu bywydau wedi’u trawsnewid gan eiliadau o drais.

Crowded Room

“Delivers all the perfections great theatre aims for... Quite unforgettable.” The Spectator

Oh No It Isn’t! 20 May/Mai | From/O £10 ★★★★★“I haven’t laughed so much in a single show for quite some time... An excellent production.” London Theatre 1 A hilarious and beautifully moving play exploring the highs and lows of life in the theatre. Written by and starring Great British Pantomime Award nominee Luke Adamson.

Drama ddoniol a hyfryd o ingol yn edrych ar uchafbwyntiau ac isafbwyntiau bywyd ym myd y theatr. Mae’r awdur, Luke Adamson, sydd hefyd yn actio yn y ddrama, wedi’i enwebu am Wobr Great British Pantomime.


Comedi/Comedy Max Boyce 24 Jan/Ion | From/O £25 Don’t miss out on the unique experience of seeing Max Boyce live in concert, and being able to say, “I Was There!”

Peidiwch â cholli’r cyfle unigryw yma i weld Max Boyce yn fyw mewn cyngerdd a gallu dweud, “I Was There!”

Sam Avery: The Learner Parent 23 Jan/Ion | £15 Stand-up comedian, blogger and bestselling author Sam Avery started his blog when his twins were born. A million nappies & Peppa Pig episodes later, he shares all the hilarious lows and highs.

Dechreuodd y comedïwr standyp, y blogiwr a’r awdur llwyddiannus, Sam Avery, greu ei flog pan gafodd ei efeilliaid eu geni. Filiwn o glytiau - a phenodau o Peppa Pig - yn ddiweddarach, mae’n rhannu’r holl uchafbwyntiau ac isafbwyntiau hynod ddoniol.

Hal Cruttenden:


26 Jan/Ion | £18 ★★★★ Daily Mirror ★★★★ The Times As seen on Have I Got News For You, Mock The Week, Bake Off: Extra Slice and Live at the Apollo. His daughter’s chose the title of his new show. He’s now on a diet.


Fel y gwelwyd ar Have I Got News For You, Mock The Week, Bake Off: Extra Slice and Live at the Apollo. Ei ferched sydd wedi dewis teitl y sioe. Mae o rŵan ar ddeiet.

Gary Delaney: Gagster’s Paradise 17 Mar/Maw | £17

★★★★ The Guardian ★★★★ The Times

One of Britain's leading one-liner comics, Mock The Week regular and star of Live At The Apollo, Gary returns with another onslaught of lean, expertly crafted gaggery. Please note Coolio will not be appearing.

Mae un o gomedïwyr mwyaf blaenllaw Prydain sydd i’w weld yn rheolaidd ar Mock The Week a Live At The Apollo yn dychwelyd gyda deunydd newydd ffres ac arbenigol. Sylwer na fydd Coolio yn ymddangos.

Clwb Gomedi / Comedy Club Three top comedians Two hours. One hilarious night!


Tri chomedïwr safonol. Dwy awr. Un noson ddoniol!

8 Jan/Ion

5 Feb/Chwe

Tom Stade (Live at the Apollo), Ruth Cockburn & Silky (MC)

Mick Ferry (Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow), George Rigden & James Cook (MC)

5 Mar/Maw

2 Apr/Ebr

Rob Rouse (8 Out Of 10 Cats), Jenny

Danny McLoughlin (Dave’s One Night Stand) & The Delightful Sausage

Collier & Sally Anne Hayward (MC)

*Lineups may be subject to change/*Gall y rhai sy’n ymddangos newid

Now on a Tuesday at 8pm! Nawr ar nos Fawrth am 8pm!

7 May/Mai Silky (The Stand Up Show; BBC), Sarah Breese & Dan Thomas (MC)


Amatur a Chymuned Amateur & Community Gwasanaeth Cerddoriaeth Sir y Fflint / Flintshire Music Service 4 – 6 Apr/Ebr | £8 | £6 concs/gost Join us for our annual celebration of music with a mix of jazz, rock and classical music. Performed by the finest young musicians in the country.

Ymunwch â ni am ein dathliad blynyddol o gerddoriaeth gyda chymysgedd o jazz, roc a cherddoriaeth glasurol. Bydd cerddorion ifanc gorau’r wlad yn perfformio.

Murdered to Death 24 – 26 Jan/Ion | £12 | £10 concs/gost A hilarious spoof of the best Agatha Christie traditions. In a country house the assembled characters try to unmask a murderer! Sure to delight!

Parodi hynod ddoniol ar draddodiad gorau Agatha Christie. Mewn tŷ gwledig mae’r cymeriadau sydd wedi dod at ei gilydd yn ceisio diosg masg y llofrudd. Pleser pur!

Phoenix Theatre

Everyman Recycled 26 Jan/Ion | £8 | £7 concs/gost Mr & Mrs Everyman have been living rather recklessly. The oceans are awash with plastics, the bees have vanished and fracking is on the ‘up’. Mother Earth has had enough and demands a final reckoning.


Mae Mr a Mrs Everyman wedi bod yn byw bywyd braidd yn ddi-hid. Mae’r moroedd yn llawn plastig, mae’r gwenyn wedi diflannu ac mae ffracio ar gynnydd. Mae’r Fam Ddaear wedi cael digon ac mae’r dydd o brysur bwyso ar ddod.

Chester Little Theatre Youth Theatre

Girls’ Night Out 6 - 9 Feb/Chwe | From/O £12 What happens when you come face to face with your son on stage at a male strip club? As the heat’s turned up at ‘Feast of Flesh’ you’ll be shouting for more!

Beth sy’n digwydd pan ddewch chi wyneb yn wyneb â’ch mab ar lwyfan clwb stripars gwrywaidd? Wrth i bethau boethi yn y ‘Feast of Flesh’ byddwch yn gweiddi am fwy!

Tip Top

Double Bill/Dwy Sioe:

The Duck Variations 23 - 25 May/Mai | £9.95 | £8 conc/gost Ducks, two old men and possibly the meaning of life. David Mamet's The Duck Variations gives an intriguing view of the world, thinly veiled over the habits of ducks…

Hwyaid, dau hen ddyn ac ystyr bywyd o bosib. Mae The Duck Variations gan David Mamet yn edrych ar y byd drwy lygaid ddiddorol iawn, ac yn rhoi sylw i arferion hwyaid...

Suitcase Theatre

CCTA Festival of One Act Plays /Gŵyl Dramâu Un Act 2019 4 - 6 Apr/Ebr | £10 | £8 concs/gost Come and support the best of local community theatre and see if you can spot the winning entry as chosen by Nick Wilks, GODA.

Dewch i gefnogi theatr gymunedol leol ar ei gorau a gweld fedrwch chi ddyfalu pa un yw’r ymgais fuddugol, a fydd yn cael ei dewis gan Nick Wilks, GODA.



Sarah Carvell

Gallery/Yr Oriel Jack Crabtree

Jack Crabtree

19 Jan - 2 Mar His social realist work in the 1970s presented the changing face of the coalfields of South Wales.

19 Ion - 2 Maw Cyflwynodd ei waith realydd cymdeithasol yn y 1970au y newid oedd yn digwydd ym mhyllau glo De Cymru. .

Helfa Gelf 9 Mar - 20 Apr Includes painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography, jewellery and ceramics.

Sarah Carvell

Helfa Gelf 9 Maw - 20 Ebr Yn cynnwys paentio, cerflunio, gwaith print, ffotograffiaeth, gemwaith a cerameg.

Sarah Carvell 27 Apr - 8 Jun A combination of paintings produced 27 Ebr - 8 Meh over the past decade. Casgliad o baentiadau a gynhyrchwyd yn ystod y degawd diwethaf.

Community Gallery / Oriel Gymunedol Wrexham Art Group 7 - 26 Jan/Ion

Clwydian Art Society 1 - 27 Apr/Ebr

Alwyn Dempster Jones 28 Jan/Ion - 16 Feb/Chwe

Sy Gibney 29 Apr/Ebr - 18 May/Mai

Spectrum 18 Feb/Chwe - 9 Mar/Maw

Ceridwen Hughes: Beauty of Rare 20 May/Mai - 15 Jun/Meh

Collaborators and Rogues 11- 30 Mar/Maw

Ffair Grefftau/ Craft Fair 24 Mar/Maw | 10am – 4pm | Free Entry/Am Ddim 50+ stalls from locally produced cakes to jewellery and glassware.

50+ o stondinau - o gacennau wedi’u cynhyrchu’n lleol i emwaith a gwaith gwydr.

Ffair Briodas/ Wedding Fair 17 Mar/Maw | 11am – 3pm | Free Entry/Am ddim Get inspiration for your magical day.


Ysbrydoliaeth ar gyfer eich diwrnod mawr.

Changing Lives Newid Bywydau “Our team brings people together to make real change using the arts as a tool for change. From school workshops exploring issues of consent to weekly children’s activities, drama sessions with refugees and dementia-friendly cinema screening, we’re here to support you and our community.” Gwennan Mair Creative Engagement Team

“Mae ein tîm ni’n dod â phobl at ei gilydd i greu newid mawr gan ddefnyddio’r celfyddydau fel sbardyn. O weithdai i ysgolion yn edrych ar faterion fel caniatâd i weithgareddau wythnosol i blant, sesiynau drama gyda ffoaduriaid a sinema sy’n gyfeillgar i ddementia, rydyn ni yma i’ch cefnogi chi a’n cymuned.” Gwennan Mair Tîm Ymgysylltu Creadigol

Our Companies

Ein Cwmnïau

We’ve groups for all ages 4 – 108 years who meet regularly and use drama to explore creativity, boost confidence and learn more about making theatre. Experience is not necessary!

Mae gennym ni grwpiau rheolaidd i bob oedran 4 – 108 oed sy’n cyfarfod yn gyson ac yn defnyddio drama i astudio creadigrwydd, rhoi hwb i hyder a dysgu mwy am greu theatr. Does dim angen unrhyw brofiad!

In Education

Mewn Addysg

Schools, Colleges, lend me your ears! We want to work with you! From workshops and tours, to bespoke projects and curriculum-hitting shows.

Ysgolion, Colegau, gwrandewch! Rydyn ni eisiau gweithio gyda chi! O weithdai a theithiau i brosiectau pwrpasol a sioeau sy’n rhoi sylw i’r cwricwlwm.

Artist Development

Datblygu Artistiaid

Theatre maker? We’ve creative opportunities to support your artistic development.

Creu theatr? Mae gennym ni gyfleoedd creadigol i gefnogi eich datblygiad artistig.

More info/Mwy o wybodaeth?


Access HYNT card Cardholders are entitled to a free ticket for a personal assistant or carer: Audio Description & Touch Tours Description of the action on stage relayed live via headsets, after a touch tour to help you visualise the show. Captioned Subtitles for theatre displayed to the side of the stage. Relaxed

Mynediad Cerdyn HYNT Mae gan bawb sydd â’r cerdyn yma hawl i docyn am ddim i gynorthwy-ydd personol neu ofalwr: Sain Ddisgrifiad a Theithiau Cyffwrdd Disgrifiad o’r hyn sy’n digwydd ar y llwyfan yn fyw drwy glustffonau ac wedyn bydd taith gyffwrdd i’ch helpu chi i weld y sioe yn y meddwl. Gyda Chapsiynau Is-deitlau ar gyfer y theatr yn cael eu harddangos ar ochr y llwyfan. Hamddenol

For anyone who would benefit from a more relaxed environment (e.g. families with babies, Autistic Spectrum Condition, sensory and communication disorders, learning disabilities) – the lighting and sound is softer, more staff are around and it’s okay if you need to enter and exit mid-show.

Ar gyfer unrhyw un fyddai’n elwa o awyrgylch mwy hamddenol (e.e. teuluoedd gyda babanod, pobl o unrhyw oedran gyda Chyflwr ar y Sbectrwm Awtistig, anhwylderau synhwyraidd a chyfathrebu neu anableddau dysgu) – mae’r golau a’r sain yn ysgafnach, mae mwy o staff ar gael ac mae’n iawn os ydych chi eisiau dod i mewn a mynd allan yng nghanol y sioe.

More details

Mwy o fanylion

See pages 44 -47 for performance dates, alternatively visit our website or ring our box office who will be happy to help and can tailor your booking to your needs.

Edrychwch ar dudalennau 44 i 47 am ddyddiadau’r perfformiadau neu ewch i’n gwefan ni neu ffonio ein swyddfa docynnau. Bydd y staff yno’n barod i helpu a gallant drefnu eich archeb fel rydych angen.



Interested in volunteering? We have a wide range of volunteering roles, from greeters to gardeners!

Diddordeb mewn gwirfoddoli? Mae gennym ni sawl rôl wirfoddol, o gyfarch ymwelwyr i arddio!

Laura Gray: (01352) 701861

Laura Gray: (01352) 701861


Exchanges & Latecomers

Cyfnewid a Phobl Hwyr yn Cyrraedd

Tickets can be exchanged for another performance of the same show 24 hours before it begins (fee applies).

Gellir cyfnewid tocynnau am berfformiad arall o’r un cynhyrchiad 24 awr cyn iddo ddechrau (ffi’n berthnasol).

Latecomers are not admitted until a suitable break in the performance.

Ni fydd pobl sy’n cyrraedd yn hwyr yn cael mynd i mewn nes bod egwyl addas yn y perfformiad.



We have extensive car parking managed by Flintshire County Council. Free from 5pm and on Sundays.

Mae gennym faes parcio helaeth sy’n cael ei reoli gan Gyngor Sir y Fflint. Am ddim o 5pm ymlaen ac ar ddyddiau Sul.

Groups & Schools

Grwpiau a Ysgolion

Discounts are available for most shows for groups and schools.

Mae gostyngiadau ar y rhan fwyaf o sioeau ar gael i grwpiau ac ysgolion.

More? or ring the box office

Privacy We take your privacy very seriously. To read our privacy policy visit our website.

Mwy? neu ffoniwch y swyddfa docynnau

Preifatrwydd Mae preifatrwydd yn bwysig iawn i ni. I ddarllen ein polisi preifatrwydd, ewch i’n gwefan ni.

Conferences & Events

Cynadleddau a Digwyddiadau

Whether you’re looking for a meeting space for 10, or a conference for 200, our blackout and presentation facilities, inhouse catering and world-class technical support ensuring your event runs without a worry.

Os ydych chi eisiau trefnu cyfarfod i 10 o bobl neu gynhadledd i 200, mae ein cyfleusterau cyflwyno a llenni duon, ein gwasanaeth arlwyo mewnol a’r gefnogaeth dechnegol o safon byd yn sicrhau bod eich digwyddiad yn mynd rhagddo’n hwylus.

Nathan Stewart: (01352) 701554 E&OE – While every care has been put into publishing this brochure, information may, on occasion, change from the time of printing.

Nathan Stewart: (01352) 701554 Eithrio Camgymeriadau a Hepgoriadau – Er ein bod wedi cymryd pob gofal wrth gyhoeddi’r llyfryn yma, gall y wybodaeth, ar rai adegau, 43 newid ar ôl y cyfnod argraffu.


Mow Tue Mer Wed

1 2

Theatr Anthony Hopkins

Other Spaces/Lleoliadau Eraill

Dick Whittington 7pm

Hansel & Gretel 6pm Llew a’r Crydd 2pm

Iou Thu


Dick Whittington 2pm | 7pm

Hansel & Gretel 1pm | 5pm (S) Llew a’r Crydd 12pm | 4pm

Gwe Fri


Dick Whittington 7pm

Hansel & Gretel 6pm (R) (tt) Llew a’r Crydd 10am | 12pm

Sad Sat


Dick Whittington 2pm (S) | 7pm

Hansel & Gretel 1pm | 5pm Llew a’r Crydd 10am | 12pm | 4pm

Sul Sun


Dick Whittington 2pm

Hansel & Gretel 1pm | 5pm Llew a’r Crydd 12pm | 3pm

Llu Mon

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Dick Whittington 7pm

Comedy Club 8pm

Mow Tue Mer Wed Iou Thu Gwe Fri Sad Sat Sul Sun Llu Mon Mow Tue Mer Wed Iou Thu Gwe Fri Sad Sat Sul Sun Llu Mon Mow Tue Mer Wed Iou Thu Gwe Fri Sad Sat Sul Sun Llu Mon Mow Tue

Mer Wed Iou Thu


27 28 29 30 31

Dick Whittington 2pm Dick Whittington 10am | 2pm Dick Whittington 7pm Dick Whittington 2pm | 7pm Dick Whittington 1pm (R) | 5pm

Dick Whittington 7pm Dick Whittington 7pm Dick Whittington 7pm Dick Whittington 2pm | 7pm Tasmin Little 7:30pm

Sam Avery 8pm Max Boyce 7:30pm

Murdered To Death 7:45pm Murdered To Death 7:45pm

Hal Cruttenden 7:30pm

Murdered To Death 7:45pm Everyman Recycled 8pm

Hippity Hop 10:30am | 1pm (R) Harry Bolt Quartet 8pm Hippity Hop 10:30am | 4:30pm Hippity Hop 10:30am | 1pm

Theatr Emlyn Williams | Clwyd Room | Studio 2

Feb/Chwe Theatr Anthony Hopkins Gwe Fri Sad Sat Sul Sun Llu Mon Mow Tue Mer Wed Iou Thu Gwe Fri Sad Sat

Sul Sun Llu Mon Mow Tue Mer Wed Iou Thu Gwe Fri Sad Sat

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Gwe Fri

Sad Sat Sul Sun

Llu Mon Mow Tue Mer Wed Iou Thu

Llu Mon Mow Tue Mer Wed Iou Thu

Hippity Hop 1pm | 4:30pm Hippity Hop 10:30am | 1pm

Lady Vanishes 7:30pm Lady Vanishes 7:30pm

Comedy Club 8pm

Lady Vanishes 7:30pm

Girls’ Night Out 7:45pm

Lady Vanishes 2:30pm | 7:30pm

Girls’ Night Out 7:45pm

Lady Vanishes 7:30pm

Girls’ Night Out 7:45pm

Lady Vanishes 2:30pm | 7:30pm

Girls’ Night Out 2:45pm | 7:45pm Hollie McNish 8pm

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Sul Sun

Other Spaces/Lleoliadau Eraill

Flight Paths 7:45pm Flight Paths 7:45pm DadMan 1:30pm | 7:15pm Flight Paths 7:45pm

Frogman 7:45pm Noughts & C… 7:30pm

Frogman 6:45pm | 8:45pm

Noughts & C… 7:30pm Noughts & C… 1pm | 7:30pm

Gypsy Queen 7:45pm

Noughts & C… 7:30pm

Gypsy Queen 7:45pm Smile 11am | 4:30pm


Noughts & C… 2:30pm | 7:30pm

Gypsy Queen 7:45pm Smile 10:30am | 1:30pm

24 25 26 27 28

Raphael Wallfisch 7:30pm Rain Man 7:30pm

The Shy Manifesto 7:45pm

Rain Man 7:30pm

The Shy Manifesto 7:45pm

Rain Man 7:30pm Rain Man 2:30pm | 7:30pm

A Brave Face 7:45pm

(R) Relaxed/Hamddenol

(S) Signed/Iaith Arwyddion

(CAP) Captioned/Capsiwn

(T) Talkback/Ôl-drafodaeth

(tt) Touch Tour/Taith Gyffwrdd

(D) Described/Disgrifiad


Mar/Maw Theatr Anthony Hopkins

Other Spaces/Lleoliadau Eraill


Rain Man 7:30pm

A Brave Face 7:45pm Twrw Twmpath 8pm

02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15

Rain Man 2:30pm | 7:30pm

Pen-blwydd Pete… 1pm | 3:30pm

The Verdict 7:30pm

Comedy Club 8pm

Watch Dance Class 12.45pm Awakening 7:30pm (T)

Merched… 7:45pm

Sad Sat


Discover Dance 2.30pm Awakening 7:30pm

Friends of Enemies 8pm

Sul Sun

17 18 19

Gary Delaney 7:30pm

Wedding Fair 10am

Ian McKellen 7:30pm

Woke 7:45pm

Ian McKellen 7:30pm

Peeling 7:45pm (T) Tina May 8pm

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Benedict Allen 7:30pm

Peeling 7:45pm

Gwe Fri Sad Sat Sul Sun Llu Mon Mow Tue Mer Wed Iou Thu Gwe Fri Sad Sat Sul Sun Llu Mon Mow Tue Mer Wed Iou Thu Gwe Fri

Llu Mon Mow Tue Mer Wed Iou Thu Gwe Fri Sad Sat Sul Sun Llu Mon Mow Tue Mer Wed Iou Thu

The Verdict 7:30pm The Verdict 2:30pm | 7:30pm The Verdict 7:30pm The Verdict 2:30pm | 7:30pm Sinfonia Cymru 7:30pm

Merched… 7:45pm Merched… 7:45pm

Grandad’s Island 1:30pm | 4:30pm Ronnie Scott’s 7:30pm

Grandad’s Island 10:30pm | 4:30pm

Gruffydd Wyn 7:30pm

Grandad’s Island 10:30am | 1:30pm

Tosca 7:30pm

Craft Fair 10am

Kiss Me… 7:30pm

SparkPlug 7:45pm

Kiss Me… 7:30pm

SparkPlug 7:45pm

Kiss Me… 7:30pm

Glory 7.15pm Crimes On The… 7:45pm

Gwe Fri


Kiss Me… 7:30pm

Glory 7.15pm Crimes On The… 7:45pm

Sad Sat


Kiss Me… 2:30pm | 7:30pm

Crimes On The… 2:45pm | 7:45pm

Theatr Emlyn Williams | Clwyd Room | Studio 2


Apr/Ebr Theatr Anthony Hopkins Llu Mon Mow Tue Mer Wed Iau Thu Gwe Fri Sad Sat Sul Sun Llu Mon Mow Tue

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09

Other Spaces/Lleoliadau Eraill

Comedy Club 8pm Russell Watson 7:30pm Music Service 7pm

CCTA One Act 7pm

Music Service 11am | 2pm | 7pm

CCTA One Act 7pm

Music Service 7pm

CCTA One Act 7pm

George Todica 7:30pm Macbeth 7:45pm Macbeth 7:45pm What Happens 8pm

Mer Wed


Living With… 7:45pm (T) Macbeth 7:45pm

Iou Thu


Living With… 7:45pm Macbeth 7:45pm

Gwe Fri


Living With… 7:45pm Macbeth 7:45pm

Sad Sat

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Macbeth 7:45pm

Orpheus Des 7:30pm

Gwe Fri

Sul Sun Llu Mon Mow Tue Mer Wed Iou Thu Gwe Fri Sad Sat Sul Sun Llu Mon Mow Tue

Orpheus Des 7:30pm (OD) Orpheus Des 7:30pm Orpheus Des 7:30pm Orpheus Des 7:30pm

Orpheus Des 2:30pm (D) (tt) | 7:30pm

Orpheus Des 7:30pm

Wave Me Goodbye 6pm (OD)

Orpheus Des 7:30pm

Wave Me Goodbye 1pm

Orpheus Des 2:30pm |7:30pm (D) (tt) (T)

Wave Me Goodbye 10am | 1pm


Orpheus Des 7:30pm

Wave Me Goodbye 10am | 1pm WNO Lunchtime 1pm

Sad Sat


Orpheus Des 2:30pm (R) | 7:30pm

Wave Me Goodbye 12pm | 3pm (CAP) (D) (tt)

Sul Sun

28 29 30

Mer Wed Iou Thu

Llu Mon Mow Tue

Wave Me Goodbye 10am | 1pm Wave Me Goodbye 10am | 1pm

(R) Relaxed/Hamddenol

(S) Signed/Iaith Arwyddion

(CAP) Captioned/Capsiwn

(T) Talkback/Ôl-drafodaeth

(tt) Touch Tour/Taith Gyffwrdd

(D) Described/Disgrifiad


Cinema/Sinema A great night out from £6*!

Noson wych o ddim ond £6*!

Our comfortable 113 seat cinema shows the best films as well as live screenings by NT Live, RSC Live and Met Opera. Find out what’s on at or pick up our monthly film guide!

Mae ein sinema 113 sedd gyfforddus yn dangos y ffilmiau gorau ac yn darlledu gwaith NT Live, RSC Live a Met Opera yn fyw. Ewch i am y manylion neu mae gennym ganllaw ffilm misol ar gael!

*some live and special screenings may cost more.

*Bydd ambell sgrinio byw ac arbennig yn costio mwy o bosib.


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