Avion Issue 10 Spring 2017

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| Issue 10 | Volume 147 | Tuesday, April 11, 2017 | theavion.com |

Image Courtesy: European Space Agency

ESA Reintroduces Plan for International “Moon Village”

Between April 3 and April 6, the thirty-third Space Symposium was held in Colorado Springs. This event is the largest gathering of space professionals in the world, and although national space issues are the primary focus, international perspectives are invited as well. On April 4, European Space Agency (ESA) Director General Jan Woerner re-introduced a project that has been in development for several years: the “Moon Village.” Because the Moon Village project is likely the next international collaborative program in outer space, it warrants discussion and open debate among several space agencies.

The Moon Village concept was formally introduced last March by the Director General, and an animated video describing the project can be found on the ESA website. The Moon Village is a proposed permanent base on the Moon, with several space agencies combining their efforts to make the base sustainable and suitable for humans. This is the most concrete proposal for a lunar base yet, and the base has a very elegant design. Participating agencies will contribute what they can to their project to create an international habitat. The project will begin by determining the best location for a permanent base on the Moon using current data or new surveying satellites. The south pole of

the Moon seems to be the best spot because of the presence of ice water and constant sunlight, which will make the base fully suitable for humans. Next, an unmanned lunar lander will land on the Moon and robotically deploy the inflatable habitats for the base. Subsequent landers will deliver other supplies before astronauts arrive. Having the base set up before the astronauts’ land is critical so they can get to work right away without worrying about living essentials. Many lunar rovers will also be sent to the Moon around the same time to start excavating lunar regolith, which includes lunar rocks, soil and dust. The lunar excavators will place many layers of regolith on the exterior of the

habitats, so the vital structures are protected from radiation and micrometeoroid impacts. Completely covering all the lunar modules robotically with regolith will take a long time, but it is the best way to protect the astronauts, as the Moon is a much more dangerous environment than the Earth. Structures may also be 3-D printed by lunar rovers, which would be even a better solution than inflatable structures. It will take years of construction work on the Moon, but the Director General is confident that the project will be successful and serve as a new model of international collaboration in outer space. At the Space Symposium, the project was supported by the rap-

idly expanding Chinese National Space Administration, the Russian space agency Roscosmos and the State Space Agency of Ukraine. NASA recently announced the Deep Space

This is the most concrete proposal for a lunar base yet

Michael Weinhoffer Senior Reporter

Gateway, which is a small space station designed for human trips to Mars. The station will be placed in lunar orbit, and although Mars technology may be tested on the Moon by NASA, the administration has not expressed interest in participating in the Moon Village project. The Italian space agency, quite surprisingly, does

Image Courtesy: European Space Agency

not support the project but has set its eyes on Mars instead. With the future of the ISS being unclear when federal funding expires after 2024, I think that this Moon Village project is the next appropriate international space program. Space agencies should use the Moon as a gateway to Mars, just like the ISS is a gateway to space. The project will completely expand our space efforts beyond earth and leave earth’s orbit to private companies like SpaceX, Blue Origin, Boeing, the Sierra Nevada Corporation, and many more. There is no current schedule for the project, but hopefully, some work on the Moon will be underway by the mid-2020s. Although there are currently no lunar backhoes or dump-trucks designed yet, I am confident that the technology will become available in the near-future. I think that this project is more logical than just jumping to Mars like NASA, and it could greatly alter how we use resources in outer space. Establishing a base on the Moon will be another small step towards going where no man has gone before and will serve as a new model of international cooperation in the peaceful use of outer space for all of humankind.




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Michael Weinhoffer Emily Rickel Andy Bronshteyn Nicholas Hernandez Devin Edwards Payton Muglia Collin Anderson Henry Neiberlien Andy Bronshteyn Zachary Fedewa Keenan Thungtrakul


11 2017


Students Win Big Bonus Bucks Auction

Emily Rickel Staff Reporter

Armed with paddles and dozens of Bonus Bucks, students anxiously waited for the auctioneer to call their desired item at the Bonus Bucks Auction sponsored by the Department of Student Engagement and Student Union on April 5. Bonus Bucks are pretend monetary units that students can collect at campus events by swiping their EAGLEcard with an event representative. These Bonus Bucks can then be used to bid on prizes at the Bonus Bucks Auction. “Bonus Bucks is an incentive program to help increase student engage-

ment and involvement in on-campus activities,” explained Dustin Beech, an Assistant Director for the Department of Student Engagement and Student Union. “The auction is a way to give back to students for their attendance at events.” Beech believes that the Bonus Bucks program is an effective way to encourage students to attend events, which is evident in how over 750 students collected Bonus Bucks this spring. Sylas Anderson, a freshman majoring in Mechanical Engineering, mentioned that the advertisement of Bonus Bucks at campus events can be a deciding factor as to whether or not he

attends. “Sometimes I go to events because they sound fun, sometimes I go just for the Bonus Bucks.” The retail value of items included in the auction ranged from $7.99 to $348.00. Popular prizes up for auction included an ENO hammock, a Fitbit Alta, a Seagate 2TB external hard drive, a Ninja Blender and a 32GB Apple TV. Surprisingly, a 36 pack of toilet paper was another popular prize. Before the auction began, Payton Fritz, a sophomore majoring in Aeronautics, admitted, “I am going to go for the toilet paper because I am out and I need some.” The prize ended up selling for 105 Bonus Bucks.

After the main auction, students with leftover Bonus Bucks could purchase up to 10 raffle tickets for a chance to win some of the most expensive items of the night. These items included a Nick Offerman prize pack, a Star Wars Levitating Bluetooth Speaker, a Vinyl Record Player and a 29-inch Smart TV. Did you miss out on the chance to snag some of these great auction items? Do not worry, the next Bonus Bucks Auction will be held at the end of the upcoming fall semester. Until then, make sure you attend events to build your Bonus Bucks stash so that you have a better chance to win some of the big-ticket items at the next auction.

Correspondents Kim Kissh, Sky White, Andy Kurili, Deanna Lebeda

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Zachary Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper Devin Edwards (Right) won a Nick Offerman Poster and book at the Bonus Bucks Auction, while Jaclyn Wiley (Left) won a set of three shelves. Both were very happy with their winnings at the Bonus Bucks auction the other night.

Workshop Hosted by Student at Digifest 2017 Kim Kissh Correspondent

The Avion is produced weekly during the fall and spring term, and bi-weekly during summer terms. The Avion is produced by a volunteer student staff. Student editors make all content, business and editorial decisions. The editorial opinions expressed in The Avion are solely the opinion of the undersigned writer(s), and not those of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, the Student Government Association, The Avion, or the student body. Letters appearing in The Avion are those of the writer, identified at the end of the letter. Opinions expressed in the “Student Government” and “Student Life” sections are those of the identified writer. Letters may be submitted to The Avion for publication, provided they are not lewd, obscene or libelous. Letter writers must confine themselves to less than 800 words. Letters may be edited for brevity and formatted to newspaper guidelines. All letters must be signed. Names may be withheld at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. The Avion is an open forum for student expression. The Avion is a division of the Student Government Association. The Avion is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press. The costs of this publication are paid by the Student Government Association and through advertising fees. The Avion distributes one free copy per person. Additional copies are $0.75. Theft of newspapers is a crime, and is subject to prosecution and Embry-Riddle judicial action. This newspaper and its contents are protected by United States copyright law. No portion of this publication may be reproduced, in print or electronically, without the expressed written consent of The Avion. Correspondence may be addressed to: The Avion Newspaper, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, 600 S. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, Florida 32114. Physical office: John Paul Riddle Student Center, Room 110. Phone: (386) 226-6049. Fax: (386) 226-6727.

My name is Kim Kissh, and I am a tutor at the Digital Studio at Embry-Riddle. The Digital Studio’s many experienced tutors teach students both inside and out of the Digital Studio’s tutoring space. One way that tutors educate outside of the Studio space is through workshops. These workshops are developed by the tutors for other students and for the public. The workshops are ten to forty minutes in length and range in topics from infographics to video editing to Photoshop use. During Digifest 2017,

I had the pleasure of representing the Digital Studio by presenting a workshop on how to make an effective infographic. Digifest is an educational event held at Embry-Riddle’s campus for Volusia County High School students to learn and compete in events related to gaming, animation and multimedia design. The audience of my workshop consisted of two groups of 30 high school students who were interested and eager to learn about digital design concepts. At the beginning of each of session, I surveyed the students to find out who has had previous expe-

rience with infographics. In each session, there were only a few hands that were raised. After comparing different infographics and challenging the students to create their own, every participant indicated they would use infographics in the future. It was really fun to teach the workshop, especially since the students were so enthusiastic and receptive. The students responded especially well to the challenge portion of the workshop, in which I challenged them to create an infographic for their favorite superhero. Overall, the event resulted in success by empower-

ing students to communicate more effectively with their new digital skills. The Digital Studio is a tutoring space on campus that specializes in teaching students how to better communicate through digital literacies. Digital literacies are skills like video and audio editing and presentation optimization. The Digital Studio was opened in Fall 2015 and employs undergraduate students as tutors. As of April 2017, the Digital Studio has reached over 170 students through tutor-led workshops and plans to reach even more over the coming semesters.

A3 Campus Sexual Assault: Where Do You Stand? April


11 2016


Andrew Bronshteyn Webmaster In the evening of Monday April 3, the Awareness Intervention and Response Team (AIR Team) kicked off a week full of events with a presentation on “Bystander Intervention and Social Norms.” The presentation was attended by over two hundred students and was sponsored by ERAU Athletics, Housing and Residence Life, and the SGA. The speaker, Dougla-Khan Stancil, has been an activist against sexual assault since 1997 when he co-started the “Men Can Stop Rape” program focusing on male youth in our nation’s capital. This program evolved and became a collegiate club, called “MOST” (Men of Strength), in multiple universities. Mr. Stancil was very positive about Embry-Riddle’s approach to sexual assault, saying it is working towards “proactive, rather than reactive.”

The Avion

The presentation Mr. Stancil gave focused on how to prevent others from committing assault, rather than what many other programs teach, which can be boiled down to “do not be a victim.” He made his presentation a dialogue with the students in the audience, asking them for their ideas on what they would do or say in certain situations. One situation was the case where the Harvard men’s soccer team wrote and distributed vulgar comments about incoming women players. The audience was asked for reasons as to why they might not report or stop a possible sexual assault. The students cited that they might think someone else will stop it, or that they wouldn’t want to be “that person.” The presenter defined this problem as the Bystander Effect, where people are less likely to act in large groups. He cited an experiment done by Solomon Asch, where seven paid

actors and one unknowing participant were asked to match an image with one of three choices (where one of the choices were visibly correct, but the other two were somewhat similar). The seven actors would all choose the same incorrect answer, then the unknowing participant would choose. In virtually every case the participant would side with the actors, even if they thought it was incorrect. By using the experiment as an example, Dougla-Kahn showed that we all must challenge ourselves in situations where we might feel awkward to protect other people. He provided five basic strategies for non-violent confrontation to help protect others. The purpose of these strategies is not to just use one, or use them separately, but to mix them with an action that is appropriate for the scenario. The first strategy was to educate the person of possible consequences for the

actions they might do. If, say, there was a man taking an obviously drunk woman to his place; you would probably want to tell them that people under the influence cannot give consent. Then you might tell him that his actions could get him arrested. The second strategy is to challenge their behavior. It is important to be non-aggressive, as you want them to actually listen to what you have to say. Ask them clarifying questions, such as “where are you taking [them] to, [their] place?” You want the person, who most likely does not have violent motives, to think about their actions more clearly. Offer them an alternative option. In this case, have them both sober up first. The third is to “bring it home.” Humanize the victim, get the aggressor to empathize with them. This strategy is not as useful for this situa-

tion but is more poignant for the case between the Harvard soccer teams. The fourth strategy is one that should be mixed with all other strategies, which is to use “I” statements. Sentences that are made from your own viewpoint are stronger and easier to hear. It works better for cases where the aggressor is a friend of yours. Tell them that you are uncomfortable with their actions. The last strategy, and most likely to be used in an emergency or lastditch effort, is to distract them. This is a non-confrontational tactic, that will most likely get the aggressor away from a potential victim. “Your car is about to get towed!” is a classic that Mr. Stancil provided to the students during his presentation. Remember that there are departments on campus to help victims and to prevent possible attackers. If you feel threatened, know

someone who may be a threat, or have been sexually assaulted; then, by all means, seek help. On campus, there is the Office of Title IX Compliance, run by Dr. Cat Riley which is in the Henderson Welcome Center. Or you can visit the website to report your concerns at http://daytonabeach.erau. edu/title-ix-compliance/. Also on campus is the Counseling Center, who are more than prepared to help students in distress. They recommend that you call them (386-226-6035) or Campus Safety (386-2266480) if there is an emergency. However, after 5 p.m. or on weekends the best option is to call the 24-hour Rape Hotline (800-5037621) due to the Counseling Center being closed at those times. Faculty are also available to all students to express concerns. Take action! Be nonviolent, creative, and challenge social norms.

Men March in Heels Against Domestic Violence Keenan Thungtrakul Senior Reporter Men, have you ever thought about how it would feel to walk around in high heels? Well, with Walk A Mile In Her Shoes, you can get an idea of the challenge. Walk A Mile In Her Shoes is an international campaign that involves men literally walking a mile in women’s high-heeled shoes to raise awareness about violence against women. When this campaign was brought to Embry-Riddle as part of AIR Week, many men came out to support the cause. Kenneth Hunt, director of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, led the march across the main part of campus, stopping in front of the Wright Flyer for a photo before going through the Student Center and back out around the West Lawn. The clicking and dragging of the heels were heard and witnessed by many. Walk A Mile In Her Shoes was founded by Frank Baird in 2001. What began as a small group of men daring to totter around a park wearing high heels has evolved into an international movement with tens of thousands of men raising funds for local sexual violence response centers and prevention programs.

While the event has a humorous side to it, the underlying cause carries great significance. It helps get the local community talking about something that is difficult to talk about: sexual violence. Women are not the only victims; men are equally affected by the crime and its consequences. Everyone wants to let go of it as a thing of the past, but when bottled up, the memories come back to haunt them time and time again. The experiences that these people have are often life-changing, they will not be the same people that their friends used to know them as. This psychological disconnection is one of the main reasons why it is important to raise awareness that this kind of violence comes with a hefty price tag. Worse, most victims know their attackers at the time of the incident. There is a saying that one can’t understand another’s experience until you’ve gone a mile in their shoes. This statement can resonate in the mind of someone who is listening to a friend describe his or her story. Coupled with Tuesday’s Take Back The Night, this statement hits home for those that attended. The stories shared that evening filled the audience with emotion and drove home the

point that sexual violence is not an easy experience to overcome. Wednesday’s Walk-A-Mile event brought the issue into the open in a humorous yet profound way. It showed that men were willing to take a stand against those that commit sexual violence. AIR Week is a week of awareness sponsored by the Office of Title IX Compliance and the AIR Team. The week’s events are intended to raise awareness of domestic violence and ways to prevent it.

Keenan Thungtrakul/The Avion Newspaper Several student organization officers and adminstrators of Embry-Riddle took part in Walk A Mile In Her Shoes, including men from the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Campus Safety and Security, and the Chaplain’s Office.

Keenan Thungtrakul/The Avion Newspaper All the men who took part in the march stand in front of the Wright Flyer. The march took them through the center of campus and the Student Center.




The Avion


11 2017


Not Your Typical R/C Club The ERAU Daytona Design-Build-Fly team is going to competition April 20th to the 23rd. Throughout the fall and spring semesters, every night Monday through Wednesday, the AIAA's Design-Build-Fly (DBF) team has been working feverously on designing, building, and flying an airplane. The competition rules change every year so it is not nearly as simple as reusing the same plane every year. Each year poses its unique challenges that teams across not only the nation but also the world, must design a plane around to win. Taylor Fazzini, the DBF manufacturing engineering lead, offered insight as to what this year's competition entails. "It has to carry three hockey pucks for at least three laps, perform a speed mission, an endurance mission, and fold up into the tube. The tube

has to be dropped from 12 inches with the fully loaded plane inside." The tube she is referring to is part of the competition requirements and, as she said, the plane must fit inside. Since this year's competition focuses on carrying hockey pucks, the team has given the aircraft the name "Plane Gretzky."

This year, the competition is in Tucson, Arizona and the ERAU Daytona DBF team has an insatiable craving for first place.

Collin Anderson Staff Reporter

For the past eight months, the team has been hard at work from designing locking pins in CATIA to manufacturing parts on a laser cutter. The team does not stop at five o'clock Friday. When they are not in the lab in the week, they are flight testing their iterations at an R/C field not too far away on the week-

Collin Anderson/The Avion Newspaper Left to right: Curtis Barton, Ken Shishino, Thomas Van Veldhuisen, Eric Frantz, Andy Miller, Taylor Fazzini, Sam Feldman, Max Siege, Faizan Kaba, Robert Moore, and Collin Craven (not all team members are pictured)

ends. These flights can end in crashes, some of which result in the aircraft being a total loss. This does not deter the team, as they dust themselves off, modify the designs, and rebuild. The team's score is not solely predicated on the performance at the competition, but also a report. The

report is sixty pages and is submitted in mid-February. The report can be the difference between first and fourth places, so the report matters. Last year, the team had to build two planes: one plane to carry a bottle of Gatorade, and another plane to carry that plane.

Both aircraft had to fly with their respective payloads. That competition was in Wichita, Kansas and the team took 11th place out of 80. This year, the competition is in Tucson, Arizona and the ERAU Daytona DBF team has an insatiable craving for first place. All the team members are hop-

ing that the early mornings and sleepless nights will finally pay off. With the full support of the Embry-Riddle Daytona campus cheering them on from 1,782 miles away, the DesignBuild-Fly team is going into the competition with their heads held high and their aspirations held higher.

VR, Commercialized and Weaponized Since the mass production of Virtual Reality,

capabilities in the commercial world have created numerous applications of the VR technology in the real world. Recently, Six

Flags has decided to implement VR technology into their roller coasters, giving the ride more of a story. On the topic of entertainment,

Matt Weinberger, a reporter for Business Insider, recently told his traveling story of VR on commercial flights. Weinberger has decided to

Constantine’s Wins Pizza Face-Off !

Photo Courtesy: Kim Kissh On March 23, eight local pizzerias battled for the title of Best Local Pizza, but only one was victorious. The two Air Race Classic Teams and QUAD-A would like to congratulate Constantine’s Pizza House for winning the Pizza Face-Off ! The fundraiser was hosted by the two Women’s Air Race Classic teams and the Army Aviation Association known as QUAD-A. The profits from the fundraiser will support the two Air Race Classic teams as they race against 45 competitive all-female teams in an air race across the country this June 20-24. If you would like to follow the racers on their journey you can like their Facebook Page “Riddle Racers” to stay up to date. Special thanks to Luigi’s Pizza and Italian Kitchen, Pantheon Pizza, Louie’s Pizza House, Pannagio’s Fusion Bistro, Sodexo, Stavro’s, and Pete’s Pizza for participating and everyone who came out to support!

escape reality completely while on commercial flights by using his Samsung Gear VR. Weinberger takes full advantage of his 4-hour cross-country flights by downloading movies and games onto his Samsung and enjoying the flight free from annoyances within the cabin. With this 4-hour montage of VR comes some consequences. With turbulence and constant usage, motion sickness and eye strain arise. The fact that you cannot see the outside world makes it more likely you will misjudge how close the seat in front of you is. While Weinberger chose the Samsung Gear as his choice for VR, he references other types of mediums into the world of VR, such as the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, or a more wallet-friendly version, Google Cardboard. While we use VR for recreational purposes, Russia's military has adapted VR technology into its training for drone pilots. According to Russia Today, the project has been named ‘Svarog,' it consists of a modified lightweight helmet with two high definition screens, one for each eye. The two high-quality images displayed on the monitors allow the pilot to distinguish everything on

the ground from vehicles, to tanks, to soldiers. The pilot also has the capability to control the Unmanned Aircraft by just tilting their head. This is possible with gyroscopes built into the helmet, therefore allowing the pilot to maintain a visual on the target and control the aircraft at the same time. Russian developers say this helmet is the first of its kind and is the first step towards "sixth-generation fighter jets." These jets will be flown with Svarog and will be accompanied by a "swarm" of three to five smaller Unmanned Aircraft Systems, each tasked with objectives, making the pilot's job easier.

Jets will be flown with Svarog and will be accompanied by a “swarm” of three to five smaller UAS...

Nicholas Hernandez Staff Reporter

Virtual Reality has come a long way since its unveiling, ranging from entertainment all the way to military combat. But the capabilities we have to utilize VR are limitless.

Student Life


11 2017




The Avion

Well Dressed: Tips for Women’s Professional Clothing

Sky White Correspondent

When looking for something to wear for a professional setting, it is important to stay towards the conservative side. This usually means muted colors: pastels and neutral colors like

white, cream, brown, tan, and black. Make sure when purchasing the item that it is fitted but not too tight. You want to feel comfortable and empowered when wearing your outfit of choice. The outfit also does not have to break the bank; Goodwill has some great finds which could include that perfect blazer you are looking for. It does not matter where the item was purchased as long as it fits, is in good condition, is clean, and you wear it with the correct pieces. There are typically two options, a dress, or my personal favorite, a pantsuit.

Dresses/Skirts: • Make sure it Pantsuit, always appropriate and clas- is a conservative sic business attire. length, right above Photo Courtesy: Macy’s

the knee but no higher. • Not too tight, well fitting, but not overly flowy. • If the dress is casual, wear with a blazer. This will turn it into a more businesslike and professional one. • Wear pantyhose with your dress. Yes, it may be a hassle but it only adds to the professionalism and smooths everything out, especially if it is day 3 since the last time you shaved your legs. • These same rules apply to wearing a skirt. Make sure it is a suitable length, muted colors, and wear pantyhose. • The shirt you wear with it should fit nicely and be tucked into the skirt. If the skirt has belt loops, make sure you wear a belt Pantsuits: • Again, make sure the garments are fitted.

• The pant length should depend upon the shoe that is being worn with it. The end of the pant leg should not be so long that you are stepping on it. It should fall right below your talus, or the dome shaped bone that sticks slightly from your ankle. • The blouse worn underneath can be a point of color. This means pastels, or if you want to make a statement, try a brighter color. However, stay away from neon colors or ones that edge upon it. • If wearing a suit, the blazer and pants should typically match in color and fabric. Misc. • Shoes can be either flats or heels. Wear what is comfortable for you in situations where you may be standing for a long time. They should be

closed toed or peep toe heels. Avoid too many straps and a high heel, it should be a shorter heel. • The belt you wear, if wearing one, should typically match your shoes but may match with another aspect of your outfit. • Watches should have a leather or metal band. • Keep jewelry to a minimum. A simple necklace with small studded earrings is suggested. Avoid bracelets, especially if there are several of them; they can become distracting. • If you get distracted with your hair or play with it, make sure to pull it back. Just

that you should be comfortable and confident in whatever you decide to wear. Match the outfit to the event, do not be stagnant and make sure to build your professional wardrobe. With these tips, you are bound to be successful.

Photo Courtesy: DHGate

Dress, the appropriate length is for

remember them to end just above the knees.

Take Back the Night: Stories of Resilience and Hope Keenan Thungtrakul Senior Reporter For many, speaking up about something that has troubled their past is not an easy task. These people want to keep it to themselves, bottling it up inside, trying to forget what happened. They do their best to hide what is underneath to preserve the integrity of what is on the outside. That is one of the

hard truths about sexual assault. It leaves the victim traumatized and carries profound consequences. At Embry-Riddle's second annual Take Back The Night (TBTN), the goal was to create an open space where people dealing with the aftermath of sexual assault can share their stories. The hope is that their stories will inspire others to take a stand against sexual assault and

be able to intervene and prevent future crimes. Take Back The Night started in the 1970s, after the brutal murder of a woman as she was walking home. The crime sparked several protests and inspired the movement that bears this name. In 2001, a group of women who took part in the first Take Back The Night marches came together to form the Take Back

The Night Foundation, a non-profit organization that seeks to bring an end to domestic violence, especially sexual and relational violence. The statistics that are linked to this kind of violence are considerable. About 1 in 5 women and about 1 in 16 men have been the victim of some form of sexual assault, and it is thought that only about 50% of victims report their experiences. Even worse, in 93% of the crimes reported, the victim knows his or her attacker at the time of the incident. Due to the nature of the stories, mustering the courage to open up and talk about experiences of sexual violence is not an easy task. TBTN is intended to allow these stories to come into the light and be released from the darkness. In this open space, a sense of trust and appreciation enables those who are willing to come up to the mic and share, knowing that the audience will listen to and respect the privacy of the experience. The stories that were told at this event are sensitive and carry a

deeper meaning. For some, the stories did not have a clear beginning. Recounting a traumatic experience is not easy since the memories are blurred from attempts to forget them. For others, their stories had a clear start. All the stories had multiple recurring themes and takeaways for the audience. Themes that shone out the most were hope, courage, depression and loss. As one goes through the motions in the aftermath of an assault, he or she goes into a metaphorical valley that may take months to pass through. With support and encouragement from friends, one can come out of the valley saying "that event does not define me, I have hope for a new future." The most important takeaway is that sexual assault has a profound, if not permanent, change to a person's life. It leaves a mental scar that may never heal. This scar can take the form of a broken relationship, instilled fear, or a changed atti-

tude towards friends. The sad part of these stories is that the events leading up to the assault are very commonplace. They can be as simple as going out to a party, a hangout with friends, or a small request. Before the victim realizes what the real intention is, it is already too late. Out of anger, the evidence is destroyed and all connections dropped. Part of the goal of AIR Team is to encourage reporting of these incidents and saving the evidence. AIR stands for Awareness, Intervention, and Response. It comes from a saying reiterated multiple times by Campus Safety: "If you see something, say something." Members of the AIR team have a duty to spread awareness of the importance of bystander intervention and exercising methods to help prevent sexual violence and punish those that commit it. If the perpetrators are to be held responsible for their actions, there needs to be sufficient evidence to prove that the incident happened.

Political Opinion



The Avion


11 2017


The Great Trump Debate The 2016 election was one of the most groundbreaking political events in recent memory. When Donald J. Trump won on Nov. 8, his victory meant a new era in American populism. In his administration, the American people come first in all considerations, foreign and domestic. Some of these decisions are controversial, and I will do my best to dispel lies and myths about the President. It seems the go to criticism of the Trump administration is an assortment of baseless name calling, including but not limited to racist, sexist, illiterate, homophobic, transphobic, etc. Each one of these inflammatory statements is a product of liberal smear campaigns that trade journalistic integrity for clicks. In their world, a man who was honored by The Rainbow Push Coalition in 1998 and 1999 and awarded the Ellis Island Medal of Honor in 1986 can be a racist and bigot. So far the Trump Administration has been posting impressive statistics. Since January, America has been blessed with 227,000 new full-time jobs, unemployment has fallen to 4.7%, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DOW) is at 21,000 (18,000 around Novem-

ber), and small business confidence is higher than ever, per donaldjtrump. com. Illegal immigration is down 40%, the Trans-Pacific Partnership is ineffective, and the administration has introduced an executive order to reduce the power and eliminate waste in the Executive Branch. Trump has also cracked down on human trafficking, over 1500 people have been arrested for sex crimes since his inauguration. Only 400 were arrested in 2014, per a Criminal Justice Information Service Division report on Human Trafficking.

It seems the go to criticism of the Trump administration is an assortment of baseless name calling...

Andy Kurili Correspondent


The two most controversial decisions by Trump was the Executive Order on immigration and reduced funding for the Environmental Protection Agency. At first glance, these actions seem short sighted and damaging, but they are very beneficial to the American People. The immigration order was supposed to be a temporary hold on travel between war-torn countries that are hotbeds of Islamic extremism. This

is supposed to combat the lack of adequate vetting processes of the people coming from these areas. It must be made clear that this order was to be a temporary measure that was initially proposed by the Obama administration. The issue with the order was the lack of clarity in the language of the order. Another contentious issue was the defunding of the EPA. While many claim that this policy will jeopardize the planet, this is simply not true. The solution to climate change will not come from regulations that the EPA puts in place. Innovation will drive the fight against climate change, punishing American companies for emissions will simply make other countries services a cheaper alternative to those offered in the United States. Also, this reduction of the EPA will allow the states to enact regulations that are more effective for their specific location. Trump is not a perfect President. I would not even say he is a great President (In my opinion we have not had a great president since Lincoln). However, he is in a unique position as a moderate political outsider to enact policy that career politicians will not touch. Over the next four years, Trump will make America great again.

Photo Courtesy: Michael Vadon Donald Trump has been no stranger to criticism from politicians, the media, and the general populous in the first 100 days of his historic and controversial Presidency.

Sky White Correspondent The 2016 election is safe to say, the most pivotal election in our nation's recent history, a race between an entrepreneur and reality star icon, Donald Trump, and the first woman given the presidential nomination, Hillary Clinton. The character of Donald Trump is brought into question, concerning his history of letting his emotions govern his action; as shown in his anger filled and inappropriately timed tweets, to his over exaggerated and borderline lying statements. I personally think he is under qualified, having no political experience before taking office. He also stated in his campaign that he would “drain the swamp.” However, his cabinet seems to encourage the swamp he promised to drain, appointing friends, family, and people who helped finance his campaign. “11 of his 19 Cabinet and Cabinet-level appointments announced so far have sat on the boards of corporations or organizations that have lobbied the federal government,” stated an article in Time Magazine, proving they are far from inexperienced lobbyists. “President Trump’s weekend vacations to his private club in Florida have cost taxpayers almost as much in a month ($11.3 million) as President Obama’s entire travel spending for a year ($12.1 million),” stated an article on politicususa.com, which cited its numbers from "The Independent." Not only has Trump spent more on vacations, but his visits have caused road closures and loss of business for both large and small businesses. Businesses, like airports, hurt by this, ask Washington for reimbursement, coming ultimately from taxpayers like us. Let us touch on the wall. First off, he says he will coerce Mexico into paying for this wall. However, President Enrique Peña Nieto has repeatedly said that Mexico will not be footing the bill and I for

one, find it hard to believe he will ever say yes. This will lead to taxpayers paying the difference. Not to mention, the people who are attempting to cross the wall will still try to do so, the new one will not change their desperateness to find a new life. The wall, although speculated to be constructed of steel-reinforced concrete, will realistically be fencing since there is already 650 miles of existing fencing bordering the US from Mexico, according to BBC News. Also, to build the type of wall he boasted about in his campaign would take years to complete. Raul Meza, a structural engineer and El Paso’s state director for the Structural Engineer’s Association of Texas stated that “If money were no object, the best-case scenario from the initial design phase to the wall’s completion would be five to ten years," in an interview with Politifact Texas. This estimate, besides the construction, includes the time it would take to survey, plan and design, then bidding for who would build the wall, not to mention possible environmental and hydrological studies. The wall would create a barrier between wildlife species that rely on being able to migrate from North America to Mexico and vice versa, like the endangered North American Jaguar and black bears.

The character of Donald Trump is brought into question, concerning his history of letting his emotions govern his action...


The wall is projected to have a negative impact on "111 endangered species, 108 species of migratory birds, four wildlife refuges and fish hatcheries, and an unknown number of protected wetlands,” stated Jamie Condliffe in the MIT Technology Review. Not to mention an estimated 7.8 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions given from the

steel and concrete. If you are not concerned about the environment, then let us consider that people in the US do live quite close to the existing border, and one of Trump’s size will require much more land. This will cause families who live nearby, especially near the Rio Grande which is filled with people, to leave, either by choice or legal force using eminent domain from the government, as reported by NPR. Some may be glad to take the money if the government ever pays up, but for many people do not care about the money being offered, they care about the land their family may have lived on for hundreds of years, the land that gives them their identity and that is a part of their history. Trump’s negative impact on the environment has just begun. His censorship of the Environmental Protection Agency, the approval for the Dakota Access Pipeline, his promise to cancel climate change spending, and current plan to dismantle the EPA’s Clean Power Plan just to name a few. Trump seems to be sticking true to his campaign, however detrimental it may be. The exception being repealing and replacing Affordable Care Act to date which he attempted to do with his recent healthcare bill which was pulled by the GOP due to inadequacies and flaws of the plan. Similarly, I will agree that the feelings of those who voted for Trump are valid and they deserve to have been heard. The political climate should not be one of competition or anger, it should be a time of compromise and change. I know that out of his administration, more people have fought to have their voices heard, as shown by the Women's March and awareness campaigns for Planned Parenthood as well as the environment, and this is something extremely important. Because a smaller part of the nation won the presidency, more people are willing to voice their beliefs.


11 2017


Student Life



The Avion

Road Eagles Half Marathon Training Program Takes On Tomoka Half Marathon Deanna Lebeda Correspondent Before the sun rose on Saturday, March 25, twenty-six members of ERAU’s inaugural half marathon training program, Road Eagles, began their 13.1 miles run to conquer the Tomoka Half Marathon. More than half of the running group had never run a half marathon before joining the Road Eagles Program; in fact, one-third of the members never ran a race at any distance before the Tomoka Half Marathon. Despite these statistics, three runners - Andrew

Shaffer, Heidi Mundhenke, and Cathy Chandler finished first in their age group and two runners - Josh Ranum and Kira Ball - finished third in their age group. Road Eagles followed a 12-week long program open to the entire ERAU community that welcomed runners of all levels. The program focused on making running fun, encouraging camaraderie, and providing constant motivation throughout the training process. Over the 12-week period, this group of individuals transformed into a running family whose

bond strengthened with each mile. “Even as a new runner, I felt welcomed and supported by everyone in the group. I made friends and I learned that running can be so much fun!” ERAU graduate student, Jessica Updegrove said, “I am proud to say that I consider myself a runner now and I never thought that could be possible…” Though runners ran on their own during the week, the group met every Saturday morning for long distance runs where everyone ran at their own pace. Once runners completed their designated

mileage for the day, the Road Eagles would flock to the lobby of the Eagle Fitness Center refueling with post-run snacks. Between bites of homemade banana bread and gulps of chocolate milk, runners would not only exchange running tips or advice but also stories from the past week or plans for the upcoming week. As everyone got to know each other a sense of accountability and a sense of belonging throughout the group was established. As the running mileage increased so did everyone’s self-confidence not only in their

running ability but within themselves. The feeling you get when finishing a half marathon after weeks of training is unexplainable. When you cross that finish line and you receive your very own finisher’s medal you know that all your hard work has paid off. “I would not have attempted a half marathon without the Road Eagles, and I definitely could not have finished one without the support of the program.” ERAU graduate student, Rachel Rice said, “Now that I have finished a half, other challenges do not seem quite as intimidat-

ing as they once did.” Although the race has come and gone, and the official training program has ended, Road Eagles continues to run. The future looks bright for ERAU’s first ever half marathon training program. In upcoming semesters, Road Eagles hopes to develop training programs for shorter distances and hopes to potentially become a running club on campus. If you would like to receive updates or information regarding Road Eagles Training Programs please contact Deanna Lebeda – dempsed4@erau.edu

Photo Credit: Zachary Fedewa

Sun N’ F

Zachary Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper

Henry Neiberlien/The Avion Newspaper

Henry Neiberlien/The Avion Newspaper

Zachary Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper

Zachary Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper

Fun 2017

Zachary Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper

Zachary Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper

Henry Neiberlien/The Avion Newspaper

Henry Neiberlien/The Avion Newspaper

Zachary Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper




The Avion


11 2017


Reality Check: Asteroid Skyscraper Henry Neiberlien News Editor With the New York city skyline continuing to be ruined by tall, bland buildings and ridiculous upside down U-shaped concepts it is no wonder an NYC based design firm decided to take it a step further and propose a skyscraper that hangs from an orbiting asteroid. This new building would be the tallest ever constructed and would gracefully float through our atmosphere visiting hundreds of cities a day during its orbit. Although I do not know how serious the designers were or if this was just a creative thought experiment let us look at how realistic this proposal is. First, the question lingers of how an asteroid with enough mass can be moved safely into an orbit around Earth. Not many governments will support the idea of moving an asteroid the size of Texas to low Earth orbit, not to mention one mistake and we have Armageddon on our hands. This aster-

oid in LEO could also have negative effects on GPS systems as it would have to orbit in below geostationary altitude. It will also disrupt space debris possibly knocking out spacecraft from their orbits, and its size could potentially cause micro-eclipses disrupting solar generation and wind patterns. Attaching a mas-

sive skyscraper to the bottom of the asteroid would only make these issues worse. That is, of course, if there was such a material that could withstand the forces coming from the sheer mass of the world's tallest building dangling from a space rock miles above Earth’s surface. Now let us say by some

miracle this skyscraper has been constructed and it freely glides through our atmosphere visiting dozens of countries during its travels. The main problem with this proposal is, in fact, the part where the building itself is supposed to be partly in our atmosphere and partly in space. The sheer amount of atmo-

Photo Courtesy: Cloud Architecture Office

spheric drag produced by the skyscraper could potentially act as an anchor and swing the asteroid into the atmosphere, slamming it into Earth’s crust. In fact, this building would immediately start de-orbiting due to atmospheric drag as soon as its construction broke the Karman line, the boundary between the atmosphere and space. The inherent danger, impossibility of stability and construction, and lack of realistic materials to build it, not to mention the immense cost of a project like this, instantaneously destroy any hope of this proposal leaving the Power-point slide. The only way to make this a real possibility is developing sci-fi technologies like anti-gravity. The cost of materials, disruption to LEO spacecraft, orbital debris, the possibility of collapse, are just some of the reasons from the long list of reasons why this is impossible. Realistically speaking this was most likely a creative design thought exercise by the design firm,

and it is a creative and cool looking design, just not a practical one. Hopefully, this design firm takes their creativity and contribute to the NYC skyline in a positive manner, unlike some recent projects. Colonizing space is defiantly something we should not just dream about, but something we should strive for in the coming century. However we should take into consideration all the factors preventing us from doing right this second. New technologies and innovations will be needed and immense investments by companies and nations. Concepts like the asteroid skyscraper, although flawed, are extremely creative and get people thinking about space and the future of our race .While asteroids may be far and difficult to retrieve the Moon is patently waiting another visit from its neighbor. Humans will become a multi-planetary species, all we have to do is keep thinking, inventing, designing funding, and achieving.

Opinion: Will Jim Bridenstine be the Next NASA Adminstrator?

Jaclyn Wiley Editor-in-Chief Since Donald Trump was inaugurated as President in January, the question of who will be the NASA administrator has gone unanswered. The previous administrator, Charles Bolden, was appointed by President Obama and resigned on Jan. 20, 2017, the day Obama left office. According to the Wall Street Journal, Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-OK) is one of the leading candidates for the position of NASA administrator under the Trump administration. Bridenstine has served on the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology and was the author of the recent American Space Renaissance Act. The American Space Renaissance Act (ASRA) is comprehensive legislation with the goal of reforming military, civil and commercial space efforts. Bridenstine introduced the ASRA at the 32nd Space Symposium in April 2016. The ASRA proposes changes to NASA and its missions, as well as the way

that NASA gets money from the government, with the goal of increasing the stability of the organization. Bridenstine also helped to secure funding for the FAA Office of Commercial Space Transportation (FAA-AST). The FAA-AST is the office of the FAA responsible for licensing Commercial Space launches and reentries and for "encouraging, facilitating, and promoting," the commercial space industry. When naming their five game-changers in the world of space, SpaceNews chose Bridenstine as one of the five. They named his efforts concerning the ASRA and FAA-AST as reasons why he was making a difference. Bridenstine also wrote a post on his Congressional Blog called, "Why the Moon Matters." This entry details why the US needs to return to the Moon and how that return will benefit the United States and its economy. Bridenstine's argument centers on the enormous amounts of water ice that are currently resting in craters at the lunar poles. The craters in which the ice resides are always dark, which prevents the ice from melting

the wildly fluctuating temperatures of the lunar surface. The ice could potentially serve as fuel for spacecraft since it contains the hydrogen and oxygen that make up some rocket fuels. Bridenstine completed a triple major at Rice University and an MBA at Cornell. He also served in the US Navy and in the Naval Reserve as a Naval Aviator. He flew E-2C Hawkeyes and F-18 hornets while on active duty. He is currently a member of the Naval Reserve and has flown missions in support of the War on Drugs. The acting NASA Administrator is Robert Lightfoot, Jr., who took power after the departure of Charles Bolden. The former administrator of NASA, Charles Bolden, was a former astronaut who flew on the Space Shuttle four times. Before being selected for the astronaut corps, Bolden served in the US Navy as a Naval Aviator. He returned to this profession after completing his shuttle missions. At the time of his retirement from the Navy, Bolden held the r ank of Major General.

Bridenstine is a strong candidate for NASA administrator since he has experience crafting commercial space legislation and

an understanding of the industry that will be beneficial for entities that partner with NASA in the future, as well as for NASA itself.

Bridenstine could represent a bright future for all

aspects of the American space industries, and for the future of space exploration.

Photo Courtesy: The US House of Representatives

Zachary Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper



The Avion

Upcoming Games: Tuesday Men’s Tennis vs Florida Southern Daytona Beach, Fla. @ 3:30 p.m. Baseball at Webber International Babson Park, Fla. @ 6:00 p.m.

Wednesday No Games




11 2017


Softball Doubleheader Split Paves Way to Series Win Against Lynn Emily Ferguson ERAU Athletics The Embry-Riddle softball team split a doubleheader with Lynn on Saturday. Game one ended in a 1-0 shutout for the Eagles and game two ended after 10 innings with the Fighting Knights getting the walk-off run for a 2-1 victory. The Blue and Gold’s record is now 22-20 while LU becomes 23-16. GAME ONE – ERAU 1, LU 0 The game got off to slow start with neither team putting a runner on base until the fifth inning. Kassidy Simons led off the fifth inning with a single through the left side. Han-

nah Thomas then reached first on an infield error that also allowed Simons to go to third. Gabriella Obia singled in Simons to score the only run of the game. The Fighting Knights put runners on after they were hit by pitches in the same inning but couldn’t push any runs across. They had an opportunity to knot the game in the bottom of the seventh with runners on the corners, but Eagle pitcher Ilona Andringa was quick to strike out the batter for the third out and end the game with the Eagles coming out on top 1-0. Andringa (13-10) earned the win after pitching a complete game shutout and allowed only two

hits that both came in the seventh inning, striking out eight. Simons finished 1-for-3 with one run while Obia finished 1-for2 with an RBI tallying the team’s only hits. GAME TWO – LU 2, ERAU 1 Game two got off to a quicker start with Lynn taking the lead with one run in the second inning. The Eagles fought through the next three innings and knotted the game in the sixth when Scott walked to lead off the inning, stole second, advanced to third on a sacrifice bunt and came home on Anna Battison’s sacrifice fly. Stuck in a stalemate at

one, the game was forced into extra innings. The Eagles put runners on but could not bring in a run. Lynn put a runner on third in the bottom of the 10th inning and an Eagle error allowed her to come home for a 2-1 walk-off win for the Fighting Knights. Simons (9-10) took the complete game loss giving up two runs on five hits with seven strikeouts. Thomas and Scott had the only hits for the Blue and Gold with one apiece while Battison had the team’s only RBI. The Eagles return home to face Barry in a three-game series starting with game one on April 13 at 6 p.m.

Women’s Tennis vs Flagler Daytona Beach, Fla. @ 3:30 p.m. Baseball at Florida Tech Melbourne, Fla. @ 6:00 p.m. Softball vs Barry Daytona Beach, Fla. @ 6:00 p.m.

Friday Baseball at Florida Tech Melbourne, Fla. @ 12:00 p.m. Softball vs Barry Daytona Beach, Fla. @ 1:00 p.m. Softball vs Barry Daytona Beach, Fla. @ 3:00 p.m. Baseball at Florida Tech Melbourne, Fla. @ 3:00 pm

Saturday Women’s Tennis vs Nova Southeastern Daytona Beach, Fla. @ 1:00 p.m.

Sunday No Games

Zachary Fedewa/ The Avion Newspaper Kassidy Simons catches the ball, inches away from getting the player out.

Women’s Track Enjoys Successful UNF Invitational Michael Pierce ERAU Athletics The Embry-Riddle women’s track and field team had a solid showing on Saturday at the UNF Invitational. Competing against primarily NCAA I competition, the Eagles held their own, with Kristen Metcalfe claiming a victory in the 800m as a number of ERAU athletes

set personal bests. Metcalfe won the 800m by more than two seconds, posting a time of 2:09.25. She also finished the 1500m in 4:51.45, which is a new personal best. Martina Tafoya also earned a top-five finish, placing fourth in the 400m hurdles with a time of 1:03.03. Alex Orr took took

eighth place in the 5000m, breaking the school record with a time of 17:43.73, while Sarah Edenswas 15th with a personal-best time of 18:10.53. Eliza Gazda also posted a personal best in the event, lowering her PR to 18:49.14 Kortney Gray jumped 4.92m in the long jump and clocked a 12.20 in the 100m, while Alex-

is Glenn tied a personal best with a 1.55m mark in the high jump. Stephanie Mueller took seventh in the pole vault with a height of 3.40m, while Tarra Keating tied for eighth and broke her personal record with a mark of 3.25m. The Eagles wrap up the season in two weeks at the USF Invitational in Tampa on April 22.

Monday No Games

Zachary Fedewa/ The Avion Newspaper Stephanie Mueller performs a beautiful pole vault with a height of 3.4 meters.



11 2017




The Avion

ERAU Puts Up a Good Fight Against Daytona Tortugas

Zachary Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper Eagle first base was on the defense against the Daytona Tortugas.

Ryan Mosher ERAU Athletics For the 12th consecutive year, the Embry-Riddle baseball team traveled to Historic Jackie Robinson Ballpark for an exhibition contest against the Cincinnati Reds’ class-A affiliate Daytona Tortugas on Wednesday night. The Eagles’ pitching staff took a perfect game into the third and freshman Luis Olivier delivered a mammoth solo home

Zachary Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper


Embry-Riddle player #23, Justin Franklin, leaps towards a foul ball and successfully catching it.

Tortugas: 13


run in the fourth, but the Tortugas’ offense proved to be too much as the hosts won, 13-1. Kenny Burkhead and Aidan Brady each pitched perfect innings in the first

and second, respectively, while A.J. Mazzurco, Cole Habig and Logan Malphurs collected base hits in the first three frames, but ERAU couldn’t take a lead before Daytona used

a leadoff walk in the bottom of the third, turning it into the first run of the game on a sacrifice fly. A second run for the Tortugas came around to score in the third, but Olivier quickly answered with a leadoff, no-doubter to left in the fourth, trimming the deficit to 2-1.

Olivier’s homer proved to be the only run the Eagles would be able to score, and the Tortugas used a pair of big innings (a six-run fourth and fiverun sixth) to push the lead to 13-1, despite a fantastic diving grab in right by Mazzurco in the bottom of the sixth that saved two runs. The 13-1 lead held

up for the Tortugas in the seventh, even though ERAU put two men on in the inning. ERAU returns to its regular season schedule with a weekend series at Eckerd, beginning with a single game on Friday at 6 p.m. and a doubleheader on Saturday at 1 p.m. in St. Petersburg.

ERAU Athletics Hosts 2017 Blue & Gold Gala



The Avion



11 2017


Boss Baby: As Much Fun as a Dirty Diaper Devin Edwards Advertising Manager Boss Baby is a movie about a over imaginative child named Tim who believes that his entire life is perfect. This all comes to a shattering halt when his parents want a child and they get one. This is no ordinary baby this is Boss Baby, Played by Alec Baldwin. This baby’s only job is to discover the newest puppy being released so that the cuteness balanced can be restored in favor of the babies. With the arrival of the new baby the tension begins to rise between Tim and him. Eventually in the end everything works out. Sounds like a cute

story, right? Well honestly it wasn’t. The movie is rated PG and honestly I am shocked that it was rated this. There are many racy scenes that could be considered above the PG rating scale. The scene where Boss Baby is in the crib and Tim discovers he can talk, well there may have been a more vulgar sounding word that they left out in the trailer. All and all If you go to see this movie go expecting a more PG-13 approach to this child’s movie. When it comes to the story, well sorry to disappoint but honestly it’s the same mushy gushy kids story we have all seen before. It’s the same old story just a different setting. This is a movie

that is not worth going out to see, and even then, it is not even worth seeing when it comes out on television. The movie honestly was predictable and boring. I would suggest saving your money and not going to see this. Overall the voice acting was good; as usual Alec Baldwin always does a good job. The animation was well done and appealing to the eye. Then again there was the overall story and its undertones that sometimes seemed a bit inappropriate for a kid’s movie. Like I said earlier go into the movie expecting a more adult humored film. The Avion gives Boss Baby its lowest rating ever, of 0.5/5 jets.

Boss Baby

Hammer Head Body Boards Hit The Surf Payton Muglia Copy Editor After meeting with Nader Parsia, the inventor of the Hammer Head Body Board, it is clear this will be the last body board I will ever buy. Nader joined another student along with myself for a trip to the beach to test his body board and the results were astonishing. The board is easy to use, durable, and overall brilliant. Even with the small waves at Dayto-

na Beach, the board will carry you very far and very fast. I’ve always been in the water and tried many different board types and this is by far the most fun. The brilliant shape gives the board a clever design for an easy ride for beginners as well as an ease to perform tricks and spins. Also, once the waves became nearly too small, the board stayed very stable and fun to simply float on out in the water. It is no wonder why this

board was chosen to be in affiliation with the Fast and Furious 7 movie. Nader spoke a lot about the quality and shape of the board during our visit and it definitely brought up points worth writing about. One specific trial the board performed in required it to be put in front of a hummer and driven over to which it came out unharmed. This is definitely not a board that will break in half after a strong wave or one trip

Devin Edwards/The Avion Newspaper Devin Edwards, Advertising Manager, Right, and Payton Muglia, Copy Editor, Left, tried the Hammer Head Body Boards at Daytona’s beach over the weekend.

to the beach. Nader continued on to inform us of his education at Embry Riddle and how his knowledge learned at our school helped him to create the board. The board took approximately three years of research to create. “When you look around, everything is an airfoil.” Nader enlightened us on the beach regarding the curvature of the design. He followed this talking about how the shape of

birds, airplanes, leaves, footballs, fish, and many others compared to the shape of the board making it glide faster and smoother through the water. Also, the front of the board was based on his research of hammerhead sharks and how slight rise and fall motions of their head make quick, easy movements. The time put into this board has payed off well and is beyond

impressive. Overall, my experience with the Hammer Head Body Board has opened my eyes to how much I missed out on before I used it. As if the board itself was not impressive enough, meeting with Nader Parsia further sold the whole board. From now on out, I can’t imagine any other board being as fun or easy to use and I am sure it will bring me out to the water more.

Comics and Games Universal Crossword Edited by Timothy Parker April 9, 2017 ACROSS   1 Place to stay   6 Migrating baitfish 10 Caveman’s weapon 14 Place to be when chilling? 15 Something for Dracula to wear 16 Highly rated 17 Conceited Jill’s ruthless determination? 20 Canada’s capital 21 College overseer 22 Hurry along 23 British goodbyes 25 Place to store linens 27 Place to visit in a luxury hotel 30 Informal affirmative 31 Chinese dynasty of old 32 You may have one of invincibility 34 Cookie with three layers 36 Computer malady 40 Conceited Jill’s useful experience? 43 Cut deeply, as prices 44 Multi-national defense org. 45 Bad breakout among some teens 46 Maaing mas 48 “___ la la” 4/9

50 Came down with 51 Wickerwork cane 54 Brought to a conclusion 56 You can come before it, but I can’t 57 Wearing clothing 59 End of a warning 63 Phrase in Conceited Jill’s nightly prayer? 66 Swimming in the ocean 67 Remain 68 Flip chart holder 69 Attractive and seductive 70 Become exhausted 71 Lots and lots and lots DOWN   1 Verve or moxie   2 “You can count ___!”   3 Pinball infraction   4 Enthusiastic approval   5 Margin for error   6 “Fi” lead-in   7 Card dealings   8 Domed or vaulted recess   9 Break off and remove 10 Sardine container 11 Scottish bodies of water 12 Release from bondage

13 Attack from all sides 18 Words before “return” or “inflation” 19 Totally smitten 24 Blacksmiths’ cover-ups 26 Mystical board 27 Droops 28 Knitting term 29 Solo delivered to opera-goers 31 Common undershirt material 33 It’s not a bad thing to have 35 Lengthy time period, historically 37 With money galore 38 Bone hinged to the humerus 39 Snow glider 41 Sharp impact sound 42 Something

thought to bring bad luck 47 Secure the help of 49 High-end fashion brand 51 Some Indian royals 52 Leave the sack 53 Email ancestor 54 ___ Rice Burroughs 55 Paper transfer 58 Start for “pasto,” “matter” or “freeze” 60 Be unable to find 61 Smallest merganser duck 62 Slithery swimmers 64 Install, as a tile floor 65 Egg’s color-changer



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