Avion Issue 1 Spring 2017

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| Issue 1 | Volume 147 | Tuesday, January 24, 2017 | theavion.com |

Jack Taylor/The Avion Newspaper

ULA Successfully Launches Missile-Detecting Satellite

Jaclyn Wiley Editor-in-Chief

What’s Inside

On Friday, January 20, an Atlas V lifted off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station carrying a US defense satellite called SBIRS Geo-3. The SBIRS Geo-3, the Space Based Infrared System Geosynchronous satellite, is a vital US defense satellite that provides early warning for enemy missile launches. The launch was clearly visible from Embry-Riddle campus. The SBIRS Geo-3 launch was originally scheduled to launch on Thursday, January 19, but had to be scrubbed due to an aircraft encroaching on the airspace restricted for the launch. The launch was rescheduled for the next day, when it launched successfully. “Everyone was relieved when it launched at the beginning of the window on Friday. They were afraid it would be scrubbed again, and we would not have

been happy if it were postponed again,” said Zachary Fedewa, who attended both launch attempts. “In the end, it was awe-inspiring to see the Atlas go up.” Fedewa is an Embry-Riddle aerospace engineering student and the Photo Editor of the Avion Newspaper. The launch vehicle was a United Launch Alliance Atlas V, in 401 vehicle configuration. Each number in the three digit ID-number, in this case 401, refers to a specific characteristic of the rocket. The first number, four, refers to the Payload Fairing diameter. The second number, zero, refers to the number of solid rocket boosters. The third number, one, refers to the number of RL-10A engines on the Centaur Second Stage. Since the first launch in 2002, the Atlas V 400/500 launch vehicle family has a near-perfect success rate. The SBIRS Geo-3 launch has been delayed since

Embry-Riddle Featured in Bret Baier’s “Special Report”


October 2016, due to concerns from a supplier over the integrity of an engine that experienced an anomaly on another, unrelated satellite. The identity of the supplier and the satellite that suffered the anomaly were

not disclosed by Lockheed Martin or the Air Force. These concerns prompted a review of the engine, which was found to not be suffering the same anomaly. The SBIRS Geo satellites will replace the Defense Support Program

(DSP) satellites, which are operated by the Air Force Space Command. The DSP satellites were designed to detect missile and spacecraft launches, as well as nuclear blasts. The DSP replaced the Missile Defense Alarm System

in 1966; the first satellite of the DSP constellation launched in 1970. The fourth SBIRS Geo satellite is slated to launch in November 2017. Two additional SBIRS GEO satellites are currently under construction.

Zach Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper Above, a long-exposure of the Atlas V launch which carried SBIRS Geo-3 on Friday, January 20, from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.

SpaceX Return to Flight


“Hidden Figures” Review


24 Campus ERAU Featured in Fox News’ Special Report January





The Avion

Executive Board

Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor News Editor Business Manager Photography Editor Advertising Manager

Jaclyn Wiley Micah Knight Henry Neiberlien Sariah Adviento Zach Fedewa Devin Edwards

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Sports Editor Entertainment Editor Comics Editor Copy Editor

Jaclyn Wiley Andy Bronshteyn Keenan Thungtrakal Collin Anderson Zach Fedewa Trey Henderson Emily Rickel Madeline Eitnier Zach Fedewa Michael Weinhoffer K’Andrew Beckford Vendrys Bryan Payton Muglia Sariah Adviento Payton Muglia Nicole Drevlow

Staff Contributors Reporters


Michael Weinhoffer Trey Henderson Mike Shekari Collin Anderson Devin Edwards Billy Nguyen Jaclyn Wiley Henry Neiberlien Zach Fedewa Jack Taylor Alisse Palmer Trey Henderson Keenan Thungtrakal

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The Avion is produced weekly during the fall and spring term, and bi-weekly during summer terms. The Avion is produced by a volunteer student staff. Student editors make all content, business and editorial decisions. The editorial opinions expressed in The Avion are solely the opinion of the undersigned writer(s), and not those of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, the Student Government Association, The Avion, or the student body. Letters appearing in The Avion are those of the writer, identified at the end of the letter. Opinions expressed in the “Student Government” and “Student Life” sections are those of the identified writer. Letters may be submitted to The Avion for publication, provided they are not lewd, obscene or libelous. Letter writers must confine themselves to less than 800 words. Letters may be edited for brevity and formatted to newspaper guidelines. All letters must be signed. Names may be withheld at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. The Avion is an open forum for student expression. The Avion is a division of the Student Government Association. The Avion is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press. The costs of this publication are paid by the Student Government Association and through advertising fees. The Avion distributes one free copy per person. Additional copies are $0.75. Theft of newspapers is a crime, and is subject to prosecution and Embry-Riddle judicial action. This newspaper and its contents are protected by United States copyright law. No portion of this publication may be reproduced, in print or electronically, without the expressed written consent of The Avion. Correspondence may be addressed to: The Avion Newspaper, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, 600 S. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, Florida 32114. Physical office: John Paul Riddle Student Center, Room 110. Phone: (386) 226-6049. Fax: (386) 226-6727.

Keenan Thungtrakal Senior Reporter

How about a dose of national publicity to start off the spring semester? Speaker Series host Marc Bernier invited Fox News anchor Bret Baier to Embry-Riddle to discuss his new book Three Days in January. In light of the craziness of the recent election, the audience in attendance hoped that this new book might be able to give us a picture of a transition from an experienced leader to a more "wild card" one. While the event itself did not start until 8 p.m., the school was in for a nice surprise: Baier broadcasting his nightly news report from the Embry-Riddle campus. A group of students gathered around the front quad to witness Baier's live broadcast on national TV. Meanwhile, the IC Auditorium began to fill up with students, faculty, and members of the public. Come time for the event to start, Baier was met with loud applause from the audience as he sat down with Bernier to begin the discussion. Three Days in January

is an account of the days between the end of Dwight D. Eisenhower's presidency and the start of John F. Kennedy's presidency. Eisenhower was known for how he dealt with the many egos present at the top of the military during the critical days of World War II. He was energized by the dissenting views of other generals and became the mastermind behind the crucial turning point operation that is now called "D-Day." President Truman appreciated Eisenhower's leadership and wanted him to take a shot at running for office. He declined, however, but Truman's party did not stop going after him and encouraging him to run. As much as Eisenhower wanted to distance himself from politics, it just kept coming at him. It took the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963 to finally unite Truman and Eisenhower. We know a lot about General Eisenhower from our history classes, but what about President Eisenhower? How did he help advance our country? Part of Baier's mission

Zachary Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper Marc Bernier (left), host of the Marc Bernier Show, interviews Bret Baier (right), chief political anchor for Fox News, about his new book; Three Days in January

in writing his book is to inform the public about the president that succeeded the general. Eisenhower was the first "TV president," one who introduced live TV broadcasting of news conferences as a way of informing the public of what is going on in the federal government. He pioneered the civil rights era that would come to full bloom in Lyndon Johnson's administration and created the National Interstate Highway system that gets us from state to state at 70 miles per hour with no stoplights, only exit

ramps. He kept the country out of the wars that followed the Second World War and added the signature "In God We Trust" to the dollar bills and coins. At the end of his presidency, he returned to the military and had a military-style funeral. The audience Q&A that followed Bernier's interview centered primarily around potential repercussions of the upcoming Trump administration and the possible connections to what was seen with Eisenhower's presidency. The main conclusion? We shall see.

EC200, EC210 or EC211) • HU399 Spanish Art and Literature

craft Systems Disaster Relief

Last Chance: Study Abroad Summer A 2017

Julianna Martorella Office of Global Engagement Deadlines to sign up to study abroad for the summer are approaching fast! If you want to get out of Daytona Beach for the summer and travel to a different country, now is the time to apply! If you are interested in a Summer A study abroad, the deadline to apply and withdraw from the program is Monday, Feb. 6! Did you know that studying abroad is typically cheaper than taking the same classes during the summer on campus? That’s because we offer half-price tuition on our programs. Since each program we offer runs from around 3-4 weeks long, you will still have plenty of time when you come back to enjoy a long summer or stay abroad and travel more! Learn more about our programs running this summer at our Spring Forum. The forum is on

Wednesday, Feb. 1 at 6:00 p.m.; free food, drinks and fun! Following is a list of some of the programs we are offering for Summer A! Please visit our office in Building 273 Suite 200 or look us up online for program costs, professors, courses, and more details concerning each trip!

EEI in Berlin, Germany • EE335/EE336 (New catalog EE327/EE328) • AE/ME Approved 3CR Tech Elective

Summer A DEADLINE: Monday, Feb. 6

Munich, Germany • AE313: Space Mechanics • SS399: Language and Cultural in Germany

ATM (France, Belgium, Germany, Washington D.C) • AT399 Air Traffic Mgmt • AT499 Air Traffic Mgmt

Severe Weather Forecasting (United States) • WX395L – Severe Storm Field Forecasting

European Aviation Appreciation (UK, France, Germany) • AS384 International Aviation Appreciation • Potential: AS387 Crew Resource Management

Siena, Italy • HU199 Reading the City: History of Siena • SS199 The Italian Mind • Potential: HU399

Canary Islands (Spain) • BA399/699 Be the Change: Developing the Leader in You • EC299/399 Essentials of Economics (sub for

SSIA Israel • HS399 Topics in Homeland Security • SS325 International Studies UAS Disaster Relief (USA) • AS395XX Unmanned Air-

WW Scandinavia/Russia • DB students: HU399 • WW students: HUMN 330 • DB students: EC399 International Economics • WW students: ECON411 Antikythera Mechanism in Greece DEADLINE: Jan., 31 • CSO375 Spacesuits & Human Spaceflight Operations • ME306 Mechanism • PS224 Astronomy • PS302/SS302 Evolution of Scientific Thought • HU199 Introduction to the Ancient World: Classical Athens Brazil • AS309 Aerodynamics • Potential: HU399 Exploring Brazilian Culture Perugia in Umbria, Italy • SS 325: International Studies- War & Peace in Italy • HS399 Topics in Homeland Security

A3 Campus National Stalking Awareness Month January


24 2017


Lt. Jamie Gonzalez Campus Safety & Security

Sexual assault is a problem on college campuses. According to RAINN, “Rape Abuse Incest National Network”, 1 in 5 women and 1 in 16 men will be assaulted during their time on campus. These figures are based on the numbers of assaults reported. Knowing that 63% of assaults are not reported, we can assume that many more college students are assaulted than those in the previously mentioned statistics.

The Avion

Learning how to prevent sexual assault is key to your success as a student. Prevention is about protecting yourself and also your friends, peers and loved ones. The following four paragraphs are excerpts from an article written by Patrick Sawer, senior reporter for The Telegraph. “Police have revealed an unprecedented rise in the new crime of webcam blackmail - known as ‘sextortion’ - with more than 900 cases reported so far this year. That is already more than double the total

for the whole of 2015. The National Crime Agency fears the true scale of the problem is far bigger, with many victims too ashamed to report their involvement to police. Organized criminal gangs are blackmailing growing numbers of young men after using social media to entice them into performing sex acts on screen. The crime is deceptively simple, typically involving the intended victim being approached through social media by an ostensibly attractive young woman who entices into engag-

ing in explicit conversation culminating in a sex act. As soon as the act has been caught on camera the victim receives a demand for cash, ranging typically from $50 to $500, with the threat the recorded film will be sent to all their friends and contacts - downloaded while the victim was online - and broadcast across the internet. Police are now launching a campaign to raise awareness of the problem. Some of the victims are as young as 14. While the majority are in the 18 to

24 age bracket. More than 90 per cent of victims are male. As a result to this crime we’ve already had four young men in the UK kill themselves because they saw no way out of the situation they had got themselves into. This is still a relatively new and emerging type of crime. However the trend is clear. Cases of webcam blackmail – or sextortion – are going up dramatically.” On January 31, 2017 Sgt. Kelsey Harris of the Daytona Beach Police Department and Zeva Edmondson from the Volusia Rape

Crisis Center will be at the Henderson Welcome Center from 7:00pm - 9:00pm discussing topics such as: stalking, dating violence, sexual assault, date rape drugs, drinking and driving and safety on and off campus. I’ve asked him to talk about these crimes in Daytona Beach. We’re doing this because we want ERAU students to have a good time while they are here. That means going out and going to parties, but it also means being safe while having a good time. Come learn how you can do both. It’s in your interest!

ERAU Hosts Science Olympiad Regionals Keenan Thungtrakul Senior Reporter On a bright and beautiful Saturday, middle and high school students from all over Volusia County came to Embry-Riddle to compete in the first round of tournaments as part of the national Science Olympiad, an academic competition that aims to get students interested in the fields of STEM. The competition consists of two types of events: building events and testing events. Building event competitions were hosted in the Henderson Welcome Center and tests were con-

ducted in various classrooms in the COAS. As a former Science Olympiad competitor and mentor, I know full well what these future engineers and scientists have to go through as they push their inventions to the limit to compete against other teams. There are two levels of competition in Science Olympiad: middle school (Division B) and high school (Division C). My time as a competitor was spent only in Division C. At my team’s peak performance, it consisted of one Varsity team and two junior varsity (JV) teams. We all compete as a unit, and no

matter the final placement in the individual events, our school would get a team award for our overall performance. Of course, if we only place in a few events, the chances of a team award will decrease. Either way, all of us were encouraged to do our best. That sportsmanship spirit stuck with me through the end of my time in high school until now, when I saw those young students standing where I used to stand years ago. Each team I photographed competing I encouraged on when the round was complete. The smiles I got in return told me they appreciated my

words. Hey, I was in your shoes when I was younger, so I know how it feels when your contraption fails. I was there too.I can also relate when you do so well that

your scores tower above the opposition, and when rule violations disqualify you for Tier I rankings yet you place 1st for Tier II. I’ve been through it all, and it

heartens me to see the next generation take up Science Olympiad in order to prepare them for what they will want to major in upon entering college. Left: A competitor in the Divison B Science Olympiad Regionals launches her rubber powered plane as part of the 2017 “Wright Stuff ” event.

Keenan Thungtrakul/The Avion Newspaper

Campus Statistics: Where We’re Headed Now Mike Shekari Staff Reporter Given all the recent developments around the Embry-Riddle campus, such as the new residence hall, John Mica Research Park, and the new Student Union, it appears that the university is expanding at an exponential rate. This has raised questions about whether or not the university’s growth is sustainable. However, to gain a better perspective of what is happening, it is helpful to look at Embry-Riddle’s historical statistics. Regarding enrollment, the undergraduate population has grown by 18.8 percent between fall 2007 and fall 2016, with enrollments of 4,584 and 5,447 respectively. However, it is important to note that even though the total student population has risen drastically, so has the number of faculty members to accommodate for it. The average class size at the University

is still only 26 students, which is much smaller than most other institutions, particularly compared to public universities. However, the cost of attendance at the university has risen sharply over the last couple of years. In 2011 the annual tuition rate was $29,852; however, the published tuition rate for the 2016-2017 school year is $33,986. However, this can be partially explained by the inflation of the US dollar, which has gone up seven percent since 2011: $29,852 in 2011 would currently be valued as $32,030. Jokingly known as the “riddle ratio” among the student population, the male to female student ratio has not changed much over the last decade. In 2007 the student population consisted of 84 percent males and 16 percent females. Today, the ratio has improved slightly to 80 percent to 20 percent, which shows progress in

the university’s efforts to further diversify the student population. However, the university is far from the national average of a 43.2 percent males to 56.8 percent females in terms of college enrollment. Another interesting statistic about the university is the change in the percentage of students who live on the university campus. In 2007, 40 percent of the student population lived in university housing whereas only 36 percent live in university housing today. It is important to realize that at the same time the university housing department had to go to lengths such as tripling rooms and placing excess numbers of students temporarily into hotel accommodations. This shows either a failure to effectively expand university housing, or an intentional move to over-admit more resident students than the school is capable of handling. However, the uni-

versity is finally catching up with the growing resident student population with the completion of the new dorm hall and plans to replace McKay Hall with a high capacity facility. With the growing number of students living on campus, there will also be a need to expand upon the rec-

reational and study areas available at the University. Unfortunately, the student union building will not be complete until late summer 2018, which would provide the needed space. The near future for the university should be interesting over the coming semesters as it continues

to expand and hopefully, we will begin to see institutional changes that will continue to improve the university community. If you would like more information on university statistics, you can find them on the Embry-Riddle Institutional Fact Book at http:// ir.erau.edu/Factbook/




The Avion


24 2017


The Cabinet of the 45th President, Donald J. Trump Collin Anderson Staff Reporter If you are reading this, then, chances are, you know that Donald J. Trump is the 45th President of the United States. While this has been known since November, his cabinet picks were appointed throughout the past two months. While some of these may seem quite daunting, it will be interesting to see how some of them do in their positions. President Trump chose Rex Tillerson as his Secretary of State. Mr. Tillerson is the former CEO of ExxonMobil. A pattern that Mr. Tillerson and some of the appointees follow is that they are longtime con-

tributors to the Republican party. A source of controversy in this appointment is that Mr. Tillerson has close business ties with Russian President Vladimir Putin. For Secretary of Defense, Trump has appointed Gen. (Ret.) James “Mad Dog” Mattis. Mr. Mattis is favored amongst most active duty military and veterans for this position. However, Trump and Mattis have had disagreements regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict. Mattis believes in a two-state solution where Trump sticks to the traditional American belief of fully supporting Israel. Trump also appointed Andrew Puzder as his new Secretary of Labor. Mr. Puzder is the former

CEO of CKE Restaurants which is the parent company of Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s. He is against raising the minimum wage and has been questioned about his treatment of employees at Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s. Like Mr. Tillerson, Mr. Puzder has been a contributor to the Republican party since 2011. While those three appointments seem like small to non-issues, there are three other positions that should be cause for alarm. The first is the new Attorney General, Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL). Jeff Sessions has come under fire in both the past and present for racist remarks towards African-Americans. He was denied a

spot on the bench of the Alabama Supreme Court due to those controversies and apparent bias. The second one is the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Dr. Ben Carson. Immediately after the election, Trump asked Dr. Carson to serve as the Secretary of Health and Human Services. Dr. Carson, and former Republican presidential candidate, declined since he “has no government experience.” On Dec. 5, 2016, Dr. Carson accepted President Trump’s nomination as HUD; almost a month after he said he lacked government experience. The third, and probably the most terrifying, appointment is Trump’s Secretary

of Education pick, Betsy DeVos. Ms. DeVos was a Republican National Committeewoman from Michigan and has been an advocate for charter schools in the Detroit area. She is such a fan of charter schools that she wants public money to help fund them. In her confirmation hearing, Ms. DeVos showed no knowledge of how the public school system operates. Neither she nor her children have attended a public school or had to take loans for education. Ms. DeVos also has strong ties to the Reformed Christian church community. This may be walking a fine line between separation of church and state in public schools if she oversees the

nationwide curriculum. Not all of President Trump’s appointments were bad. That being said, some of them are highly concerning. The next 100 days will set the tone for how the next four years will go. Everyone should remember Nov. 6, 2018. This date is when the midterm elections take place. Up for re-election are 33 Senate seats and all 435 seats in Congress. Come time, it is important to voice your opinion as to whether you want the “Trump Train” to keep rolling or want to hit the brakes. We the people control the destiny of this country, and it is important we remember that and exercise that right when possible.

In the Heart of DC: The First Two Days Under President Trump Alisse Palmer Correspondent Inauguration Day dawned with clouds in the sky and a feeling of excitement in the air. The area surrounding the national mall was turned into something of a militarized zone, with military police on the streets, roadblocks, and Humvees littering the area. The security check-

points around the National Mall opened at 6:30 AM, bringing in both supporters and protestors from around the nation. Ticketed sections were largely unified in support of Trump while non-ticketed sections were much more tense and divisive, with frequent arguments breaking out. Despite these differences, neither ticketed or non-ticketed sections

were filled completely. Then, at noon exactly, Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States. His half hour speech touched on many of the themes of his election in a speech which attacked the past actions of the US government for not protecting the people. with the President promising to "Never let you down. America will start win-

Alisse Palmer/The Avion Newspaper The U.S. Capitol Building can be seen adorned with previous U.S. flags on the day of the presidential inauguration.

ning again. Winning like never before". Almost immediately after the inauguration, the city turned into a something more of a conflict zone. While the new President went through with the Inaugural Parade, protests began through the city, with some turning violent. Activists causes ranged greatly from some declaring the importance of feminism, to

groups of anarcho-capitalists lighting fires and smashing windows. By the mid-afternoon, riot police had been called in and tear gas had been deployed, with one student even being hit in the chest by a flash bang. The protests of the 20th, however, paled compared to the scale of those on the 21st. Over the course of the Women's March on the 21st, protestors in pink

knitted hats flooded the streets of D.C., and many other cities both in and out of the United States. The marches passed largely peacefully, but security remained strong and tight across the city. The first two days of the new administration, then, have been a tale of strong beliefs and opposing views. The first hundred days may well be shaping up to continue in the same manner.

Alisse Palmer/The Avion Newspaper People packed the National Mall to watch 45th President Donald Trump recite the Oath of Office.

Zachary Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper




The Avion

Airshow Center TiCO Warbird Air Show Titusville, Florida March 10-12 2017

• There will be static displays and flights of modern and vintage warbirds and aerobatic flyers on Friday night, as well as a fireworks show. All performers will return on Saturday and Sunday for more performances. There will also be a carshow, a carnival for the children, and displays of operating military equipment and tanks. _________

Melbourne Air and Space Show Melbourne, Florida April 1-2 2017

• There will be performances

by the US Air Force Thunderbirds, the Patrouille de France, Kent Pietsch and more at this event. There will also be a static display with a large variety of civil and military aircraft. _________

Sun’n’Fun International Fly-in & Expo Lakeland, Florida April 4-9 2017

• There are many performers at this airshow, including the Patrouille de France Alpha Jets and the Blue Angels. _________

Gulf Coast Salute Tyndall AFB, Florida April 21-23 2017

• There will be performances-

by the Thunderbirds, the F-22 demonstration team and many more at this airshow, which is free to the public. _________

Gateway to Florida Air Show Lake City, Florida April 29-30 2017

• The Thunderbirds, USSO-

COM Parachute Tea, and many others will perform at this airshow.

This Week in Aviation History January 24 1962

The McDonnell Aircraft Corporation delivered the first F-110A Spectre to the McDonnell plant at St. Louis, Missouri.

January 25 2004

Mars Exploration Rover–B, named Opportunity, landed in a crater at Meridiani Planum on the surface of Mars at 5:05 a.m., UTC SCET (Spacecraft Event Time)

January 27 1967

During a “plugs out” test of Apollo 1 capsule, a fire broke out and killed three astronauts.


24 2017


Hunt for Missing MH370 Called Off After Three Hard Years Keenan Thungtrukal Senior Reporter Probably the greatest mystery in the history of aviation will remain unsolved for the foreseeable future. Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, a Boeing 777 on a scheduled flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, was carrying 239 people on board when it vanished from the radar over the Gulf of Thailand. The plane gave no sign of its disappearance, not even a distress signal. It simply vanished. The last transmission that came from the flight was “good night Malaysian three-seven-zero.” Then the plane stopped sending information to the ground. Flying blind through the early morning hours of March 8, 2014, military radar blips indicated that the plane possibly diverted from its intended course, turning south before vanishing completely over the open Indian Ocean. Satellites continued to track the aircraft through the night, but the data recorded did not include any location data. Possible theories as to the fate of the airplane included running out of fuel and gliding down, a catastrophic decompression in the front of the plane, or a loss of control that resulted in the plane spiraling down toward its demise. Despite the coordinated efforts of Malaysia, China, and Australia, search crews have come back empty-handed. The search area is located far off the coast, which means air crews will not have much time to scour the open water before having to return to refuel. Underwater ROVs and sonar locating devices were dragged across the entire search zone but came up empty. The last ship to complete the underwater search sailed back to port on Tuesday the 17th. So far, the only pieces of the missing plane recovered included a flaperon covered with barnacles and pieces of fuselage. The pieces had serial numbers which authorities used to help identify them, and the conclusions drawn indicated that the missing flight was indeed lost at sea. Last month, officials taking a new look at the satellite information decided the original search zone was off target. Until more credible evidence shows up, crews will suspend the search for the time being. The failed effort cost the three countries approximately US $151 million, and there won’t be more money coming in to help with efforts unless the leads provided actually lead to something. At this point the only feasible path to go is to continue honoring those who lost their lives and acknowledging the grief felt by their loved ones while waiting for new evidence to surface regarding the possible final resting place of the doomed flight.

Photo Courtesy: SpaceX F929 blocks out the sun leaving stunning shadows in the dusk kicked up by the single Merlin 1D engine firing upon descent onto the west coast autonomous spaceport drone ship (ASDS) “Just Read the Instructions.” The landing of F929 marks the seventh successful landing of a Falcon 9 and the first successful landing on SpaceX’s west coast ASDS.

Falcon Returns with Flawless Launch and Landing Trey Henderson Senior Photographer Following the spectacular explosion of their 29th planned mission for Falcon 9 last September, SpaceX returned to the launch market with a flawless launch and landing from Vandenberg Air Force Base in Vandenberg, California on Jan. 14. Ten Iridium NEXT satellites were deployed in precise orbits at a 90-degree inclination as part of the telecommunication giant’s plans to continue upgrading and replenishing their massive network of orbital, civilian communications satellites. On Sept. 1, 2016, SpaceX suffered a major setback of launch operations when a Falcon 9 unexpectedly exploded on the launch pad at SLC-40 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Cape Canaveral, Florida. The explosion took place during routine fueling operations prior to a ground-based static fire intended to verify that all systems were in operating condition before launch. These static test fires are conducted before all SpaceX launches as a final system readiness check. The sudden detonation appeared to occur in the Falcon 9 second stage liquid oxygen tank, which was currently being loaded with densified (i.e., super cold) liquid oxygen. Data traces showed anomalous data a mere 93 milliseconds before total vehicle loss, leaving little information for SpaceX engineers to analyze. After an extensive investigation, the anomaly team, comprised of SpaceX, FAA, USAF, NTSB and NASA engineers, ultimately determined the cause of the explosion to be due to a complex thermodynamic/structural interaction with the superchilled liquid oxygen and the helium composite overwrapped pressure vessels (COPVs) which reside inside the liquid oxygen tank of Falcon 9. To maximize helium storage efficiency in the Falcon 9 second stage, helium is densified as well, often being loaded into the vehicle at temperatures below the freezing point of liquid oxygen. Due to the design of the COPVs, it is possible for liquid oxygen to penetrate the outer, porous, carbon fiber overwrap and become trapped between the overwrap and the aluminum liner underneath. A

combination of this design characteristic and the extremely cold temperatures within the COPV, allowed solid oxygen formation to occur between the liner and overwrap. The solidification lowered the oxygen ignition threshold below safe levels and ultimately resulted in the blast seen on the launch pad. Despite the incredibly complex failure mode, correcting this issue is a simple one, having to do with a simple revision of oxygen and helium loading procedures. This simple fix was key in allowing SpaceX to return to flight in an unprecedented amount of time. Typical companies require years to identify, correct and re-certify their vehicle for flight. An example of this is the Oct. 2016 return to flight of Orbital ATK’s Antares launch vehicle which suffered an anomaly two years prior in Oct. 2014. In a display of SpaceX’s ambition and resilience, the Jan. 14 launch of Iridium-1 not only launched successfully and deployed all ten payloads into precise orbits, but returned to Earth for a pinpoint landing on their autonomous spaceport drone ship “Just Read the Instructions” several hundred miles downrange from the California launch site. The landing of this mission marks the first successful landing on “Just Read the Instructions” and the 7th overall. The success of Iridium-1 marks the start of an ambitious year for SpaceX as they plan to bring the historic Kennedy Space Center Launch Complex 39a online, launch a record number of vehicles, including the world’s first reused, orbital-class rocket and perform the inaugural flight of Falcon Heavy. This all follows Elon Musk’s Sept. 2016 announcement of a detailed Mars transportation architecture, including hardware demonstrators of both structural and propulsion technologies planned to be implemented in the future rocket. For more information on the Flight 29 anomaly, the Iridium-1 return to flight, or the Mars transportation architecture, visit SpaceX.com. For information on upcoming launches from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station and Kennedy Space Center, visit SpaceflightNow.com/launch-schedule/.



24 2017




The Avion

ISS Power System Upgrades Successful Michael Weinhoffer Senior Reporter Over winter break, the crew of the U.S. segment of the International Space Station (ISS) was preparing for and conducting complex operations to begin upgrades to the station’s power system. The multi-year goal is to replace all forty-eight of the nickel-hydrogen batteries providing power to the station with lithium-ion batteries. Three operations regarding this goal took place took recently, and will be the focus of the following discussion. The ISS is most commonly thought to be powered solely by eight large solar arrays, and these arrays do provide much of the power for all the station’s systems. However, since the station is orbiting the Earth every 90 minutes at a blistering 17,500 miles per hour, the station cannot use the solar arrays for power while traveling through the darkness of night. While it is orbiting through the night sky, all the onboard systems are fueled by forty-eight nickel-hydrogen batteries, with a pair weighing over 700 pounds! These batteries get the job done, but for years NASA has been planning a complete replacement of the batteries with more efficient and lighter lithium-ion batteries. After years of patience, the first sets were delivered to the ISS by the Japanese cargo spacecraft, HTV-6, in mid-December. The craft delivered six new batteries and adapter plates, along with additional cargo. Each lithium-ion battery can replace two

Image Courtesy: NASA

Right: These are the three astronauts involved in upgrading the ISS over the past month. Thomas Pesquet (left) installed adapter plates and data-link cables before taking pictures of the “rat’s nest”. Peggy Whitson (middle) installed the new lithium-ion batteries before assisting Kimbrough in the “rat’s nest”. Shane Kimbrough (right) investigated the AMS, and then proceded to take pictures of the “rat’s nest”.

nickel-hydrogen batteries, so twelve old batteries will be replaced in the first phase of the operation. Fortunately, the astronauts did not have to do the brunt of the replacement work. All the batteries were removed from an external pallet stored on HTV-6 and installed on the Integrated Electronics Assembly (IEA) of the S4 truss structure, near the solar arrays, entirely robotically! The first replacements took place after New Year’s Eve, and the second replacements were conducted the next week. These operations were done remotely by controllers at NASA’s Johnson Space Center, using the station’s main robotic arm, Canadarm 2, and the Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator robot, commonly called “Dextre.” This amazing system has allowed for all the lithium batteries to be installed successfully on the 3A and 1A power channels of the IEA. The astronauts still had long spacewalks to conduct, but the robotic operations kept the astronauts safely inside while the rough work was getting done. Sadly, Dextre cannot do all (yet), so a pair of two astronauts had to venture out into the void of space on two separate spacewalks to complete the installation. The first spacewalk was conducted on Jan. 6, with Commander Shane Kimbrough and flight engineer Peggy Whitson. This was Shane’s third spacewalk and Peggy’s seventh spacewalk. Peggy tied legendary astronaut Suni Williams for the most spacewalks by a woman. The spacewalk began at 6:23 a.m. EST when the astronauts

left the Quest airlock. The main task was to finish the installation of three of the six new batteries, by installing electrical plates and attaching data-link cables. They also removed a final nickel-hydrogen battery and installed it on a temporary pallet for later removal from the station. Despite the cumbersome design of the plates and batteries, the hook-up was successful, and battery power was confirmed quickly on during the planned 6.5hour spacewalk. Therefore, like usual, the astronauts performed secondary tasks to “get ahead” in extravehicular activities with any spare allotted time remaining. Kimbrough was directed to investigate the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS), which is a groundbreaking experiment that was launched by the Space Shuttle Endeavor in May of 2011 to study antimatter in cosmic radiation and search for dark matter. Despite giving large amounts of data to scientists over the few past years, several instruments on the experiment have been experiencing higher than desired temperatures recently. This is thought to be due to the decay of the experiment’s thermal insulation, but scientists are not entirely sure. Mission controllers sent Kimbrough to take pictures of various parts of the system to examine the situation further. The pictures were taken successfully, and after analysis, a spacewalk will be planned to repair this fascinating experiment. Meanwhile, Whitson removed a faulty crew camera on a movable workstation platform. This work-

station can move along the structure of the station and holds multiple tools and pieces of equipment. A new camera will be installed on a future spacewalk. After the astronauts had completed their individual tasks, they were instructed to move to the “rat’s nest” for their final assignment of the spacewalk. The “rat’s nest” is the common name for a large jumble of cables located at a tricky corner along the structure. This jumble has been organized recently but is still a hassle to work with. With Whitson and Kimbrough at the opposite sides of the jumble, Whitson threaded an Ethernet cable to Kimbrough. This was completed to prepare for future docking opportunities at that intersection. With all the available tasks completed and with a cheerful attitude, the astronauts ended their spacewalk and re-entered the airlock after 6 hours and 32 minutes in space. After another set of robotic operations, the second spacewalk was completed on Jan. 13 by commander Shane Kimbrough and flight engineer Thomas Pesquet. This was Kimbrough’s fourth spacewalk and Pesquet’s first. It was also Pequest’s first trip to space, and he became the first French astronaut to travel to the ISS since 2000. The spacewalk began at 6:22 a.m. EST from the Quest airlock and was scheduled to last approximately 6.5-hours. The main task was to install three adapter plates and datalink cables on the 1A power channel of the IEA. The task was completed very quickly and successfully,

so the pair transitioned to “get ahead tasks” to prepare for future spacewalks. The astronauts moved back to the airlock and retrieved a fabric shield. They then moved to the Tranquility module and installed the shield on a docking mechanism. This fabric will protect the mechanism from space debris. Pesquet then took several pictures of the “rat’s nest,” to begin planning for an upcoming spacewalk. These pictures were taken to ensure that the risk of astronauts getting tangled in the jumble of cables and fluid lines while working is minimized. Meanwhile, Kimbrough moved to the Destiny module and removed two handrails from the exterior. These handrails will be replaced by two communication antennas during a future spacewalk. With the tasks completed, the astronauts returned to the airlock and successfully completed the spacewalk after 5 hours and 58 minutes outside. Over the next few days, ground controllers will once again use the Canadarm2 and Dextre to move the pallet containing the old hydrogen-nickel batteries on to the HTV-6 cargo craft, which will depart the ISS on Jan. 27 and burn up upon re-entry. Six power channels still need to be upgraded with the new batteries, so the full operation will take a few years, but the station will see great power benefits. These initial successful upgrades will allow the station to operate for at least ten more years and continue to provide a haven for research of the cosmos.

Launch Control Center EchoStar 23 - Falcon 9

NET Jan. 30 @ 12:04-2:34 a.m. Kennedy Space Center, FL LC-39A

SpaceX CRS 10 Falcon 9

Feb. 8 @ 1:55 p.m. Kennedy Space Center, FL LC-39A

SES 10 - Falcon 9

Feb. (TBA) Kennedy Space Center, FL LC-39A

Koreasat 5A - Falcon 9 Feb./Mar. (TBD) Kennedy Space Center, FL LC-39A

WGS 9 - Delta 4

Mar. 8 @ 6:35-8:36 p.m. Cape Canaveral, FL SLC-37B

OA-7 - Atlas 5

Mar. 16 @ 12:29-12:59 a.m. Cape Canaveral, FL SLC-41

ISS Sightings Jan. 24

7:48 p.m. - The ISS will be visible for one minute, with a max height of 21°. It will appear 11° above SW, and disappear 21° above SW.

Jan. 25

6:56 p.m. - The ISS will be visible for three minutes, with a max height of 28°. It will appear 11° above S, and disappear 27° above ESE.

Jan. 26

7:41 p.m. - The ISS will be visible for one minute, with a max height of 32°. It will appear 23° above W, and disappear 32° above WNW.

This Week in Space History January 24, 1986 Voyager 2, NASA space probe, passes within 81,500 km (50,600 mi) of Uranus. January 26, 1962 NASA launches the Ranger 3 moon probe aboard an Atlas-Agena rocket. After a series of malfunctions, the spacecraft would miss the moon by 22,000 miles. January 27, 1985 Landed: Space Shuttle Discovery. First classified Department of Defense mission; Magnum satellite deployment.

Zachary Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper



The Avion

Upcoming Games: Tuesday No games

24 Sports ERAU Men’s Basketball Tripped Up By Saint Leo January



Michael Pierce ERAU Athletics

Wednesday Women’s Basketball vs Eckerd St. Petersburg, 5:30 PM Men’s Basketball vs Eckerd St. Petersburg, 7:30 PM

Thursday No games

Friday No games

Despite 24 points from Skyler Hogan and a double-double from Dalton Barnes, the Embry-Riddle men's basketball team suffered a 77-71 setback at the hands of visiting Saint Leo on Saturday night. The loss moves ERAU's season record to 10-7 while SLU improves to 9-10. Hogan led the way with 24 points on 10-of23 shooting while Barnes tallied a double-double with 16 points and 10 assists to go along with six rebounds. Luka Majstorovic chipped in with 13 points and Shaquan McArthur added eight points and seven boards. The first half was a back-and-forth affair with both sides trading slim leads. Hogan knocked down a jumper with 5:25 to play in the half to put ERAU ahead by a single point (30-29), but the Lions followed that with

a 12-2 run to pull ahead, 41-32. The Blue and Gold rallied back with seven consecutive points to cut the deficit to just two (4139) before heading to the locker room down just four points (43-39). Embry-Riddle came out of the halftime break and scored seven of the first nine points of the second half to retake the lead, 46-44. The lead changed hands four more times in the next 76 seconds, with a Majstorovic jumper putting ERAU ahead, 50-49. The Eagles extended the lead to as much as eight (57-49) before Saint Leo stopped the momentum. The Lions clawed away at the deficit, eventually regaining the lead with 7:51 on the clock on a Justin Satchell layup to go up 62-60. The Lion lead grew as large as six points, but ERAU battled back and eventually tied it at 69 on a Hogan fast break layup with 3:47 to play. Satchell hit a pair of free throws on the next possession, but Barnes answered back

vs Saint Leo: 77

ERAU: 71

with two free throws at the 2:30 mark to tie the game once again, this time at 71. Unfortunately for the Eagles, those would be the final points scored by the Blue and Gold as Saint Leo closed out the game on a 6-0 run

over the final two-anda-half minutes to claim the road victory, 77-71. The Eagles are on the road for their next three contests, beginning with a 7:30 p.m. game at Eckerd on Wednesday, Jan. 25.

Zach Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper ERAU driving to the basket against number 33 from Saint Leo. The team now has a 10-7 record.

Lubelski Sets School Record in Season Opening Meet Saturday Women’s Basketball vs Lynn Boca Raton, 2:00 PM Men’s Basketball vs Lynn Boca Raton, 4:00 P

Sunday Men’s Track and Field at KMS Invitational Birmingham, All Day Women’s Track and Field at KMS Invitational Birmingham, All Day

Monday No games

Michael Pierce ERAU Athletics The Embry-Riddle men's track and field team began the 2017 indoor season on Saturday by hosting the annual ERAU Indoor/Outdoor Challenge. It was a successful day for a number of Eagles, highlighted by Brodie Lubelski's school record in the shot put. Lubelski ran away with the shot put, posting a school-record mark of 16.79m to win the event by nearly 11 feet. Ronald Tom also posted a personal best in the same event with a mark of 9.86m, one of three PR's Tom set on the day. He also posted a PR in the discus (30.10m) and the weight throw (12.51m). Two other Eagles set PR's in the weight throw: Zach Farner (15.08m) and Terrence Bobet (12.13m), who was competing unattached. Elsewhere in the field events, Louis Kocina posted a personal-best height of 4.10m in the pole vault to finish sixth.

On the track, John-Paul Dean set a personal best in the 60m dash with a time of 7.22, while Will Rice took second place with a personal-record time of 2:00.91 in the 800m. Lonnie Marts fin-

ished second in the 400m in 49.31 and fourth in the 200m with a time of 22.22, while Marcus Pryor won the 60 m hurdles in a time of 8.50. Running unattached, Calahan Warren won the

Mile in 4:29.65 and placed second in the 1000m with a time of 2:40.93. The Eagles are back in action on Sunday, Jan. 29 when they travel to Birmingham, Alabama for the KMS Invitational.

Zach Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper Ronald Tom throwing the discus. Brodie Lubelski broke the school record with a shot put throw of 16.79 m, crushing the competition.



24 2017


Women’s Track and Field Kicks off 2017 Season at ERAU Indoor/Outdoor Challenge

Michael Pierce ERAU Athetics

The Embry-Riddle women’s track and field team opened up the 2017 indoor season on Saturday as ERAU hosted its annual Indoor/Outdoor Challenge. The Eagles had a successful day with seven athletes achieving new personal records along with a number of event wins. In the 60m dash, Kortney Gray established a new PR with a first-place time of 7.61, while Daisha Brown (8.01) and Tamara Chambers (8.14) each set new personal bests running unattached. Kortney Gray also set an indoor personal best and picked up another event win with a mark of 5.64m in the long jump.

Kristen Metcalfe took home first place in the 600m with a time of 1:36.66 and also won the 800m run in a time of 2:18.42. The Eagles swept the top four spots in that 800m race, with Martina Tafoya taking third (2:23.12), Alexandria Meneses placing fourth (2:27.29) and Marina LeVine finishing second as an unattached runner (2:20.12). LeVine also won the 1000m by over two seconds with time of 3:08.16. Also running unattached, Alex Orr won the 3000m in 10:38.99 and the 5000m in 18:34.25. In the field events, Paige Bussard won the discus with a mark of 36.09m and took first in the weight throw with a personal-best mark of 14.64m. In the pole vault, Steph-



The Avion

Trap and Skeet Joe Giordano and fellow fraternity brother of Fiji went to Volusia County Trap and Skeep range as a fun weekend event. The range is a short drive away from campus and is very popular among firearm enthusiast’s. The event was a relaxing time away from the stress of the start of the Spring semester. Pictured here is Spencer Lutz lining up his shot at a clay target at the trap field.

Jack Taylor/The Avion Newspaper Paige Bussard representing Embry-Riddle in the Women’s Discus Throw

anie Mueller won the event with a height of 3.50m while Tarra Keating took third with a personal-record mark of 3.05m. In the high jump, Alexis Glenn

set a PR with a jump of 1.52m to finish third. The Eagles are back in action on Sunday, Jan. 29 at the KMS Invitational in Birmingham, Alabama.

Photo Credit: Joe Giordano

ERAU Basketball Dominates Saint Leo, 66-38 vs ERAU : 66 Michael Pierce ERAU Athetics The Embry-Riddle women’s basketball team put on a dominant performance on Saturday night, running out to a 30-10 halftime lead en route to a 66-38 victory over Saint Leo. With the win, the Eagles improve to 13-4 and 10-1 against Sunshine State Conference

Saint Leo: 38 opponents, while the Lions fall to 5-12 this season. “Our team and individual defense tonight was very good,” Head Coach Lisa Nuxol-Wilson said. We achieved all of our game goals that we set for ourselves and it was a total team effort across the board.” Sabrina Whiting led the way with 20 points on

7-of-12 shooting, including 6-of-10 from behind the arc, while also grabbing six rebounds. Tara Fields added 11 points off the bench while Ashley McWilliams, Lauren Ellenberger and Laniere Coleman each contributed eight points. The Blue and Gold played suffocating defense in the first half, limiting the Lions to just six points in the first period and four points in the second. Saint Leo was held off the scoreboard completely for the first 7:22 of the contest, while ERAU jumped out to a 14-0 lead. Embry-Riddle held a comfortable 16-6 lead at the end of the

first quarter and didn’t let up in the second period, outscoring the Lions 14-4 to head into the locker room with a commanding 30-10 advantage. A Coleman jumper with 7:09 to play in the third pushed the Eagle lead to 28 points (40-12) and the outcome was never in doubt for the rest of the game. ERAU led 53-28 at the end of three periods and pushed its lead to as many as 36 points (66-30) in the final quarter, with the final tally finishing at 66-38 in favor of the Eagles. “Our mental toughness and maturity is definitely improving as the program grows,” Nuxol-Wilson said.

Zach Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper ERAU’s #4, Lauren Ellenberger facing off against Saint Leo’s #15

“These girls play so hard and compete for one another and I’m really proud of their progress.” The Eagles kick off a three-game road trip on

Wednesday, Jan. 25 when they travel to Eckerd for another doubleheader with the men’s team. The women are slated to tip off at 5:30 p.m.

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24 Entertainment “Hidden Figures” Rockets High January



The Avion

Devin Edwards Alessia Ames The movie Hidden Figures is a movie based on a true historical story that was never told, that happened at NASA in 1962. Even though the movie is telling the story about how three women working at NASA back when segregation was still part of society, the movie is inspirational for all genders and races. Understanding the history of this time in America is important, but the story within the story is summed up by this Walt Disney quote, “If you can dream it, you can do it.” The main character Katherine started at the colored women’s back room doing all the math no one else wanted or could do. This is all changes when a ‘computer’ is needed to calculate the correct numbers to safely get John Glenn into space and back in hopes to win the space race. Since Katherine can crunch numbers in her mind, she is brought up to the main center. Being the only

colored person in the room, it was very clear to see that some of the men holding engineering positions had a problem with it. This is brought up in the coffee pot scene and the bathroom break discussion. Katherine had her own coffee mug and used the only coffee maker in the room. Everyone stopped and looked at here, did not say a word but you could see the judgment in the actors’ looks. The next morning there was a small, old coffee maker with the label “colored” on it for her to use. Then later in the movie the boss man Al Harrison, asked where she was going for 40 minutes at a time a couple of times a day. This was when Kathrine explained that she had to run half a mile to the other building because it was the ‘colored’ women’s bathroom. After this scene the next day Al went to the back building and took down the sign stating it was a colored bathroom then gave a speak about how at NASA there is no color, just engineers and mathematicians. The other characters that

have their own side stories also moved up in position at NASA, gaining the respect of others. In the end, everyone is working together, accomplishing the same goal, showing that if you put your mind to it, you can do it. This movie tells a true story, that shows nothing is truly impossible. If you are willing to work for what you want, it may take a while, maybe even being told “no” more than you would like to hear but keep going. The movie itself gave a great representation of the unknown events that took place to get us to space. The acting was realistic and very well done. This movie had a lot of good actors such as Taraji P. Henson, Kevin Costner, Jim Parsons, and much more. The cast that they brought to play this movie made the experience even better. With their acting skills, it brought to life the events that took place in NASA during the 1960s. The scenes and the setup of each room and area were superb as well. It brings you back to the 1960s and allows you to see first-hand what it

would have looked like to be there. Overall this movie’s acting quality and scenery made the story even more realistic. Coming from Embry-Riddle, this movie was very interesting to watch. Since we are a large aeronautical school, it is interesting to learn the history of the field we are so intensely part of. To me, before I watched this movie I had no idea about these events that had happened. It was an excellent representation of what happened and how the events unfolded. The movie was heart touching, having to see what the women like Katherine Johnson had to go through during this time. This movie makes you realize exactly what happened in the 1960s and how far we have come as a society. I think this movie is amazing and that anyone on our campus should watch it. Since we are an aeronautical school, it is amazing to see exactly what work went into the rocket and how nerve-wracking and exhausting the space race really was.

Hidden Figures

Golden Globe Winner for Best Drama TV Series, “The Crown,” Lives Up to the Hype Jaclyn Wiley Editor-in-Chief In the years since “House of Cards” first debuted, Netflix has become a powerful player in the game of television series, especially when awards season comes around. Its latest award-winner is “The Crown,” a period drama about the early years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, which brought home the Golden Globe for Best Television Series - Drama. As is to be expected of a Golden Globe winner for Best Drama, the acting performances in “The Crown” were uniformly excellent. Claire Foy, who portrayed Queen Elizabeth II, had a particularly strong performance, which won her the Golden Globe for Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series - Drama. Other notable actors that appeared in “The Crown” include John Lithgow as Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Matt Smith as Philip Mountbatten, the Duke of Edinburgh and husband of Queen Elizabeth II. The music in “The Crown” was beautiful and impressive. The main theme for “The Crown” was

written by Hans Zimmer, the composer famous for “The Dark Knight,” “Inception,” “The Lion King,” and more. The rest of the original music in “The Crown” was composed by Rupert Gregson-Williams. It spoke to the power of the acting and writing that, though the sets were lavish and the locations beautiful, the show had a refined and understated nature. It paid respect to the real people who were being portrayed, as well as the institutions that they represent. The attention to detail that was paid in this show was truly amazing, and probably accounted for a large portion of the massive budget. Rumors circulated after the release of the first episode that the show’s budget surpassed $150 million for the first two seasons. These rumors were dispelled by show creator Peter Morgan, however. In an interview with the Hollywood Reporter, he confirmed the show’s budget was $100 million for the first two seasons. House of Cards had a similar budget for its first two seasons. “The Crown” explores the theme of duty, and how it affected the lives of the British Royal Family and those associated with

them. Some characters embodied duty, like King George VI, Queen Elizabeth II’s father, while others struggled with it. Queen Elizabeth II, who for the sake of brevity will heretofore be referred to as Elizabeth, struggled with balancing her duty to her country with that she had to her husband, family, and self. Early on in the show, Elizabeth is shown to be a dutiful wife with a strong desire to be a normal woman. Unfortunately, her time as a normal woman was cut short when her father, King George VI died from lung cancer. Though he passed away early in the series, King George VI makes a strong impression on viewers. For the sake of brevity, King George VI will be referred to by his given name, Albert. Albert was the King portrayed by Colin Firth in “The King’s Speech,” which won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 2010. As the second son of King George V, Albert never expected to ascend to the throne, since his brother was strong and healthy. This expectation did not meet with reality, however, when his brother, King Edward VIII, abdicated the throne to

marry American divorcee Wallis Simpson. Albert never wanted power but went above and beyond in his duties. He took the throne shortly before the start of the Second World War and led the country through that dark era of history. Albert, through his dedication to his family and his country, restored faith in the monarchy, the faith that was nearly obliterated when Edward VIII abdicated. Elizabeth, like her father before her, put her duty before her own desires. Claire Foy’s performance did well to communicate the internal turmoil that Elizabeth felt when she had to put her family on the back burner when matters of state came up, which was very often. One of the most powerful scenes in the show was Elizabeth’s coronation as Queen. Not only did the scene acknowledge that the immense political magnitude that the moment held for the UK and its global land holdings, but also the religious significance. When she ascended to the throne, Queen Elizabeth II became the Supreme Governor of the Church of England. To become the leader of the Church and her people, she had to be

anointed with Holy Oil. This ceremony was probably the best part of the entire show and was utterly captivating to watch. Though this review may seem to imply otherwise, there were some flaws in “The Crown.” The show did take some creative liberties with history, and though the pacing was generally solid, some scenes did seem to last too long for their own good. Others seemed forced; one scene, in particular, felt very contrived. This contrived scene

encompassed the last few moments of the season, where the writers tried to portray that Elizabeth II had completed her transition from wife and mother to Queen and Sovereign. This is not to say that the scene in “The Crown” was not effective, but rather that other shows have done it better, in a less contrived manner. Despite some flaws, “The Crown” was excellent. Fans of history should definitely add this to their watch lists, as well as fans of good television in general.

The Crown


24 2017





The Avion

Review For Screamo “Patriots Day” Review Band The Northern Keenan Thungtrakul Senior Reporter

Devin Edwards Advertising Manager

The band The Northern is a newer screamo band. Their style is a mix of djent and metalcore, which results in a great sound for those who enjoy this style of music. The founders Leo Valeri and Nick Papageorgiou ended up meeting on tour together while they were playing with other bands. For them when they first started the band it was just a fun outlet, and then it became something more serious. They started to become popular by starting off with smaller singles, then finally signed a record to deal to create a new album. The new album is called Solstice, and it is going to be released Jan. 27, 2017, for the public to purchase. I was able to listen to this album before it releases. Since The Northern is a new band, you would expect their first album to be a mix because most new bands are still trying to find their style. Well, this is not the case for this album. It seems that the band has found their style

and committed, which is nice. The album is a solid list of songs that are not all over the place in style, which makes listening to the album enjoyable. Now the style of music is a mix of singing and screamo which is something that I enjoy in music. When it comes to the transitions between the two styles, it is smooth does not ruin the flow of the music. I can compare this band to some of the other bands that are in the same genre like Crown the Empire and Bring Me The Horizon, both bands that I also enjoy. As I listened to this band for the first time

through it immediately made me think of these two other bands and their style. To compare The Northern to these bands is pretty fair. This band has found its style, and its first album compares well to other bands that are popular like Crown The Empire. Overall this band has exceeded my expectations for being fairly new and has shown great promise from this album coming out. If you enjoy this style of music, I suggest picking up a copy of their album. Hopefully, you enjoy this album as much as I did and they will make more music in the future.

The Northern

If you are looking to witness the unknown extent of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, then this movie will give show you. Patriot’s Day is a story of courage in the midst of hate. An event that is originally intended to be a unifying experience for the Boston community is turned into a war zone in only a matter of seconds. I will warn you now if you cannot handle graphic content, do not watch this film. Some scenes will make you want to cover your eyes. This is what terrorism leaves in its wake, and it is a hard truth to accept. That is why we fight this global war against terrorism; we do not want tragedies like this to happen again. Yet in the years following the bombings the world has seen more terror acts. This film serves to show that we need to keep the effort strong and work to stem terrorism. The police manhunt that followed the bombings shows that acts of terror do not go unnoticed. You will be found, and you will be brought to justice. If you are looking for someone to

blame, then you will find out who that person is in this film. The head protagonist, a police officer, joins with his fellow officers and fulfills the call of duty: a call that will bring a murderer to his knees. At the same time, he experiences the emotions that most of us would feel if one of our loved ones were involved in the disaster. You wish for a quick recovery and vow to do whatever you can to help track down the perpetrator and make him pay for his crimes.`

In summary, this film is a tale of a true story, one that will remain with us for a long time. While justice has been served, there is still a lot to be done before the war on terror is over. The film recreates the event as accurate as the producers can, but that means some graphic content that some will find disturbing. Make sure to think twice before deciding to see this film. The plot may serve to retell the tragic story, but it does so in a manner that makes it very real.

Patriots Day

Steep Video Game Review

Henry Neiberlien News Editor

Over the past winter break, I went skiing for the first time, and I became immediately addicted to it and fell in love with winter sports. Upon returning to ERAU I quickly came to realize the harsh reality that snow is not too common in Florida. Fortunately, Ubisoft has come forward with the next best thing. Steep may come off as a game that seems similar to SSX. However, Steep is far more grounded in reality but takes enough liberties in the laws of physics to keep the game fun and not bog you down. With the quick press of a button, you can reset your run and keep trying to get that gold medal in the freestyle event or jump off a cliff to continue your wingsuit adventure after accidently slamming into a rock and watching the hilarious ragdoll effects as your avatar is flung down a mountain side. The open world map is massive and includes several famous peaks in the French Alps such as Mt.

Blanc and the Matterhorn. The seamless drop in drop out multiplayer allows for my friends and me to group up and snowboard, and then we can split up to compete in individual events. Steep’s core is its four main sports, and you can change in between them at anytime, anywhere in the world. The sports include skiing, snowboarding, wingsuit skydiving, and paragliding. It is a rush to dive down a Cliffside in a wingsuit getting as close as possible to the ground without crashing then landing and quickly switching to my snowboard. Shredding down the mountain jumping off ramps and trying so desperately to land that triple backflip; and if I crashed, I could just press triangle to reset myself to my starting location without any loading screens, no matter how far away I was at the end of my run. Doing tricks is also easy to do but hard to master, I find myself still trying to figure out how to do more extreme snowboard stunts. Although Steep is great fun, its downfall lies in the in the content out of the

box and the micro transactions. The open world is massive, and there are countless challenges and events to take part in, but for some reason, the world still seems relatively empty. It is definitely a game to play with friends, as I find myself getting kind of bored after several hours of play by myself. The game also has in-depth character customization with some fun costumes to unlock, like a giraffe costume and a Batman wingsuit. I never seem to get bored of watching a giraffe ski down the Alps pulling off extreme stunts. To buy these costumes and other custom snowboards and skis, you use in-game currency. While the flow of currency seems to be pretty quick in normal play, it gives the option to buy more with real money. Although they are only cosmetic items, it puts a bad taste in my mouth to see a full priced game asking for more money so easily, especially when the game has countless partnerships with real life brands and companies. GoPro is literally everywhere in this game, but they do provide

a cool feature to watch your performance in first person with realistic GoPro recording sound effects. If they wanted to add all these in-game micro transactions, they should have just made the game free or at least discounted from $60. In conclusion, Steep is great fun, and I am happy to see Ubisoft trying something new. Even though it may seem like there is not that much content at

face value, I found myself spending countless hours exploring the impressively large map and replaying events for a better score. I would also like to see the return of sports games, and I hope Steep is the beginning of a new trend and not a one-off experiment. Steep reminds me of the old Tony Hawk games with its fun, lighthearted demeanor while still providing a challenge when needed. The


game is surprisingly relaxing and can also keep your heart pounding during tense stunt trials and races. Ubisoft seems to open to new ideas, and it honestly feels like they had fun making the game rather than grinding out another sequel for the money. I hope to see great things from one of my favorite video game publishers, just do not go crazy with the micro transactions.

Comics and Games Universal Crossword Edited by Timothy Parker January 22, 2017 ACROSS  1 Change with the scenery  6 Field furrower 10 Ford model of old 13 Egypt’s capital 14 Froshs’ superiors 16 Arab federation rich in oil 17 Astro companion 19 Set cry 20 Steadfastly devout 21 Input data anew 23 Uncle of a yank 26 Sparks or Beatty 27 Butcher shop hacker 28 Lithe 1960s supermodel 30 Mountain climber’s guide 31 Running contest 32 Become a splinter group 34 Pencil lump 37 Inquired 39 Greyhound, e.g. 40 Brief copy? 42 Common title word 43 Enlarges a family, in a way 46 Big name in little blocks 47 Chinese government offices 49 Wristband, e.g.

51 Throws for a loop 53 “Come again?” 54 “Give it the old college ___” 55 Brought to mind 56 Extinct birds 58 It’s after sigma 59 She might blast a Homer 64 They play during bathroom breaks? 65 Slyly nasty 66 Switzerland’s capital (var.) 67 Crossword crossreferencing word 68 Alum 69 Dunce DOWN  1 Not your typical pilot  2 Indian dish with stewed legumes  3 Balloon filler  4 Staged thing?  5 Playing (with), as a cat with a mouse  6 Pretentious poseur  7 Considerable amount  8 Word with “black” or “photo”  9 Like all fingerprints 10 Worst. Football holder. Ever.

11 Brownish-gray color 12 Discourage from proceeding 15 Snidely Whiplash, infamously 18 Lawrence and Bishop 22 Faucet 23 Certain Fender electric guitar, informally 24 Up to one’s ears 25 His pal is “real” Goofy 27 Torso 29 Word from Wally or Beaver 30 Atlantic pan-sized porgies 33 Poetic blacks 35 Encouraging sort 36 Ill-gotten treasure

38 Ones in distress, in old movies 41 Creepy street of horror 44 Officially transferring property 45 ___ Arabia 48 Frigid-climate seabird 50 Diamondlike shapes 51 Software test versions 52 Shun, as responsibility 53 Flimflammed, as a fireman? 56 Arp’s art movement 57 Hotfooted it 60 Polite word to call a gentleman 61 ___ Lanka 62 “Bed-In for Peace” participant 63 Center of Ashe Stadium?



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“Effect strength => [unstoppable] | Effect Range => [2 miles] | Effect duration => [1 year]”

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