Avion Issue 2 Spring 2017

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| Issue 2 | Volume 147 | Tuesday, January 31, 2017 | theavion.com |

Nicholas Hernandez/The Avion Newspaper

Honors Series Hosts Charlie Miller, the “Good Guy Hacker”

Keenan Thungtrakul Senior Reporter

What’s Inside

The first full week of classes started with quite a buzz. On the windy night of Jan. 20, students and members of the public packed the IC Auditorium to hear renowned computer hacker Charlie Miller speak about how "if you can build it, I can break it." Miller worked for the National Security Agency for five years and is one of the most proficient hackers on Earth. Do not panic. Miller's a "good guy" hacker. He will protect you from those hackers who turned to the dark side. He is the equivalent of a Jedi Master. He exposed vulnerabilities in Apple's iOS devices that got him kicked off the development team. While some big companies like Apple and Microsoft are reluctant to admit it, other tech companies are turning to hackers such as Miller to try and expose weaknesses in their computer systems so that the

engineers can then work to strengthen them, increasing security for the company's network infrastructure. Some companies even pay for hackers to find bugs in their systems. The big boys are a bit hesitant. We know there is a reason for this. A serious data breach would cost millions of dollars in repairs. Plus, the company's clients will start worrying whether their personal information stored on the company servers has been compromised. Identity theft is a real problem, and anyone can become a victim. Hackers like Miller are hired to try and prevent these breaches, competing against the engineers who claim they can create "unbreakable" computer systems. Sooner or later a loophole will be found, and if one comes up, the engineers have more work ahead of them. So, why do cybercriminals try to hack into computer systems? Miller gave two primary reasons: mak-

Study Abroad Spotlight:


ing money or proving a point. Politics is no exception. The suspected hacking of the Democratic National Committee during the convention phase of the recent election may have been intended to prove some political point. Who knows? Either way, there will always be some motivation for a "bad guy" hacker to want to compromise technology. You see in Hollywood films and TV shows of computers going crazy after they have been hacked, but this is not an accurate representation of hacking; it is more subtle. Hackers can gain control of your computer through either of two primary means: malware or exploits. Malware includes an array of villains that include viruses, spyware, adware, backdoors, Trojan horses, the list goes on. Exploits are malicious scripts that hackers use once they get into your system. They allow them to take over your device and make it do

something that you may not want it to do, or execute ransomware that will "kidnap" your files until a sum of money is paid for a key to open the "vault" that has the ransomed files. A big part of Miller's lecture centered around the integration of computer software into cars. Those of us who have 2010 or later car models can attest to this. We all want great features on our cars that will make life easier for us day to day. Car companies often include these features in their advertisements, especially forward emergency braking and parking assist. With self-driving cars getting ready to test the roads, concerns are mounting as to whether hackers can compromise those cars and force an accident. Well, in Miller's view, the concerns are valid, but car companies are doing all they can to make sure any new features are secured as best as possible. In short, any new fea-

Rolex 24 Race Photo Gallery


ture that has a car communicating with the outside world can mean a new loophole for a proficient cybercriminal waiting for an unlucky victim. Miller included in his presentation an anecdote where he describes how he and a friend worked to hack into the computer systems of Chrysler brand vehicles. One vulnerability he found was present in a broad range of cars, even a sporty Dodge Viper. Part of the reason why car companies have massive recalls is because of vulnerabilities in their cars' electronics. Multiple computers talking to each other, and if a hacker can get in there, he or she can order the vehicle to either display some distracting image on the navigation screen or disable certain components. Worse, cars that come with Internet capability are also subject to the vulnerabilities present in the cell company whose towers allow the car to provide Internet service. It goes

“Split” Review


to show that it is partly our fault that we have created this string of new ways for bad hackers to screw up our lives. We integrate computers into our cars to add more features and boost sales, but we open up a new realm of cyber security issues that needs to be addressed. Software in cars is updated less frequently than phones, tablets, or laptops, which means a larger window for possible hacking. How can you protect your car from these risks? Make sure to disable any connectivity features you do not use and regularly update your software. Hacking is like art, you learn through training, trial, and error. It is a double-edged sword. It can mean heightened security for tech companies or a whole new field of crime. It's up to us which side we choose, but in the end, we must consider the consequences of our actions, no matter what the circumstance.




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31 2017


The Outer Space Treaty Turns Fifty Michael Weinhoffer Senior Reporter On Friday, Jan. 27, the Outer Space Treaty celebrated its fiftieth birthday! The event was commemorated by a luncheon in Washington D.C., hosted by the Space Law Interest Group of the American Society of International Law (SLIG-ASIL). Speakers came from the ASIL, U.S. Department of State, and the nearby Georgetown University Law Center. This occasion will also be commemorated by the United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) during the summer. Since it is such an important document for the field of space law and the overall commercial spaceflight industry, there is no better time than now to explain its details, its future, and how we can all learn from the drafting process that took place. The Outer Space Treaty is the first comprehensive foundational document for the field of space law. The official title of the treaty is: “Treaty on the Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies.” The treaty was built off a previous treaty banning nuclear weapons in space, and a UN resolution

regarding the legal aspects of outer space activities. It became open for signatures on Jan. 27, 1967. The United States, the Soviet Union, and the United Kingdom came to Washington D.C. that day to open the treaty for signing, with President Johnson praising the treaty and its power to promote international cooperation. As of January 2017, there are 105 countries that are a part of the treaty, and many other countries also recognize its importance. The treaty contains seventeen articles, but only the most discussed articles will be highlighted. Article I declares that outer space is free for exploration. Article II prevents claims of sovereignty to any territory in outer space. Article IV declares that outer space shall be free of weapons of mass destruction and that it shall be used only for peaceful purposes. Article V states that astronauts are considered “envoys of mankind” and shall be rescued by use of all available resources if necessary, and Article VI declares that States are accountable for private companies’ activities in outer space, and shall provide “continuing supervision” to them. The other articles deal primarily with the legal and technical details of the treaty, but they should be considered of equal importance.

This rather short treaty was the seed that blossomed into other treaties that clarified its articles, such as a treaty on the rescue of astronauts and the liability aspects of space activities. In the current commercial spaceflight industry, the most debated and discussed article of the Outer Space Treaty is Article VI, which, as noted above, requires sovereign nations to oversee, regulate, and supervise the activities of the private sector in outer space. This may sound restricting to companies, and it certainly begs the questions: what needs to be regulated? States must always supervise private activities, but not every activity in space needs to be regulated (such as hygienic tasks). It is commonly agreed among space lawyers that Congress ought to specify what actions need regulation, but until then, private companies do not have much regulation at all. It seems that Congress has not found it necessary to regulate private activities, but I am confident that this will change with time. Private companies such as SpaceX, Blue Origin, and Boeing ought to take advantage of this “loophole” while they have the chance. I would guess that the Trump Administration is not going to enact regulations for private companies, as it could potentially hin-

der industry growth, and it would violate Trump’s policy of “for every one new regulation, two old regulations must be removed.” It is very exciting for space law buffs like myself to predict what will happen to the commercial spaceflight industry with a new administration in place, and Article VI will become even more of a hot topic down the road. Miraculously, there have not been any violations of the Outer Space Treaty in over fifty years! It has become so well-respected even by non-signatories that it is considered a “customary” international law, which means that it is the recognized international standard for the regulation of outer space activities. In these dire times, it is reassuring to look back at the treaty on its birthday and realize that international cooperation is possible, and the resultant treaty has allowed us to explore the cosmos and make an abundance of scientific discoveries. Because the Soviet Union and the United States could come together and agree and uphold a momentous document during the Cold War, I have hope that we can come together as the world and venture deeper into the unknown, free of hostile thoughts, but rather cooperate with each other to explore a new realm.

school class valedictorian. Afterward, McNair went on to study at North Carolina A&T State University, graduating in 1971 with his Bachelor’s of Science in Physics. Continuing his post-undergraduate studies, McNair began studying physics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a specialization in quantum electronics and laser technology, completing his Ph.D. in 1977. McNair’s research brought him into close contact with NASA, granting him the opportunity to be selected by NASA to join the astronaut ranks in 1978. McNair became the second Black American in space in 1984 aboard the Challenger spacecraft on the STS-41-B

mission, which is the shuttle he perished in during his second spaceflight mission. The Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program, which was sponsored by Congress after the Challenger Disaster, is dedicated to allowing first-generation college students with financial need and historically underrepresented minorities in the academic community the opportunity to pursue a Master's and various terminal degrees for a career in academics and research. The federally funded program accomplishes this mission by preparing eligible students for graduate school through faculty mentoring, conferences, and even spon-

sored research projects that will eventually lead to publication in scholarly journals. For a student to become part of the McNair Scholars program at Embry-Riddle, they must be at least a Sophomore in standing, interested in pursuing graduate studies and a doctoral degree, possess at least a 2.7 GPA, come from a low-income family as a first generation student or be a member of an underrepresented ethnic group, and be a US citizen or permanent resident. However, once they are accepted students must maintain at least a 3.0 GPA. For more information on the McNair Scholars Program, contact Paula Reed at reedp@erau.edu.

McNair Scholars

Mike Shekari Staff Reporter

The Avion is produced weekly during the fall and spring term, and bi-weekly during summer terms. The Avion is produced by a volunteer student staff. Student editors make all content, business and editorial decisions. The editorial opinions expressed in The Avion are solely the opinion of the undersigned writer(s), and not those of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, the Student Government Association, The Avion, or the student body. Letters appearing in The Avion are those of the writer, identified at the end of the letter. Opinions expressed in the “Student Government” and “Student Life” sections are those of the identified writer. Letters may be submitted to The Avion for publication, provided they are not lewd, obscene or libelous. Letter writers must confine themselves to less than 800 words. Letters may be edited for brevity and formatted to newspaper guidelines. All letters must be signed. Names may be withheld at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. The Avion is an open forum for student expression. The Avion is a division of the Student Government Association. The Avion is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press. The costs of this publication are paid by the Student Government Association and through advertising fees. The Avion distributes one free copy per person. Additional copies are $0.75. Theft of newspapers is a crime, and is subject to prosecution and Embry-Riddle judicial action. This newspaper and its contents are protected by United States copyright law. No portion of this publication may be reproduced, in print or electronically, without the expressed written consent of The Avion. Correspondence may be addressed to: The Avion Newspaper, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, 600 S. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, Florida 32114. Physical office: John Paul Riddle Student Center, Room 110. Phone: (386) 226-6049. Fax: (386) 226-6727.

The 28th of January marked the 31-year anniversary of the Challenger Space Shuttle Disaster in 1986. The accident is infamously known for killing Sharon McAuliffe, who was selected to be the first school teacher in space, along with six other crew members. However, one crew member’s legacy continues to live on in the academic world, Ronald E. McNair, Ph.D., whom the Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program is named after. McNair attended segregated grammar and high schools during the 1950s & 60s, graduating as his high



31 2017




The Avion

Study Abroad Spotlight: Summer B in Spain Keenan Thungtrakul Senior Reporter Hey pilots and aviation law enthusiasts, an adventure awaits! How would you like to earn credits while traveling abroad in another country? Well, you can! Imagine being able to tour three cities in Spain and having a chance to fly gliders in the beautiful city of Segovia. With Embry-Riddle’s only Aviation Law Study Abroad program, you can see this dream become a reality. You start in the City of Salamanca, residing in rooms prearranged for you by the hosts of the program. They include clean university dorm rooms or a nice hotel. Your schedule incorporates plenty of free time, enabling you to explore the town after your classes. Plus, up to 98%

of your food expenses are covered in the program fee, including the glider excursion in Segovia! Have a birthday or want to celebrate the Fourth of July? We will help you celebrate, do not worry! Near the end of the program, you will have the chance to tour Madrid’s Barajas International Airport as well as Iberia Airlines’ Operations Center. You will get a look at what happens every day behindthe-scenes to make sure that you will get to where you are going on time. Do not know the language well? It is okay. All your classes will be taught in English, and can be held anywhere, not just in a room! There’s also a non-credit, for fun Spanish language and culture course with a focus on aviation included in the

program that will help you learn the language, or you can converse with locals in English to help them hone their skills. Once a week, you get to have class at the Adventia European College of Aviation and see how Europeans conduct their flight training for aspiring pilots. Besides this program, there is a lot of buzz going on about the Greece Aegean Airlines program, also featured in Summer B. That trip is comparable in value to this one but in the Aegean program you are on the move constantly. Students in that program toured Greece extensively before they visited the operations center for Aegean Airlines and sat in one of their aircraft. Unfortunately, that plane did not fly. In Segovia, you get to fly a glider over the Span-

ish countryside. Pilots, bring your logbooks so that you can log the time flown and be able to include it in your flight hours. Another perk, you can participate in this program and still take advantage of Embry-Riddle’s discounted flight program during summer. All the more reason to consider going! Unlike the Aegean Airlines program, you have a home base in Salamanca that allows you to reset and refresh more often. When you are on the move constantly, there is not much time to relax and enjoy what the area has to offer. In this program, you can achieve a familiarity with the area almost to the level where if you were to actually live there, you would fit right in. Salamanca is very pedestrian-friendly, and your residences will

have Wi-Fi included plus access to printers if you have to print out papers and such. In regards to laundry services, the hosts have you covered. A more laid back program comes with additional travel opportunities too. The Spain program has two built in free weekends that are either three or four days in length. These are intended for you to either relax and catch up on homework or explore! You can plan your own trips during this time or tag along with friends and professors. You do not have to worry about getting lost here, the professors and tour hosts will have you get either a prepaid phone or a local SIM card to use that will enable communication between students, professors, and tour leaders so you won’t be left behind.

Embry-Riddle’s study abroad program in Spain is planned in conjunction with the Salamanca-based tour company Mester. You can check out their website at www.mester.org and the planned Segovia gliding excursion at http://www.fuentemilanos.com/english/actividades/volar-en-planeadortuve-un-sueno/ for your planning convenience. Tuition is half price ($4074 for six credits), and the program fee is roughly $4000, which includes all in-program travel, housing, fees, and most food. Your international flight is separate, but that means freedom to either travel before participating or take another study abroad in Summer A. Whichever way you want to plan it, you will be taking part in an adventure of a lifetime.

Right: Students from the Spain Summer B Study Abroad program pose in front of an old plane on public display.

Left: The students from the Spain Summer B program pose in front of a flower garden in the shape of a sitting dog.

Photo Courtesy: Margaret Klemm

Wi-Fi in Cafes: Dealing with Campers Nicholas Hernandez Correspondent Everyone knows how important Wi-Fi is to this generation. It provides access to all the information you’d ever want to know. So why are cafes in New York and Washington DC turning off their Wi-Fi? The reason is very simple, to push café patrons who camp for hours on end on their laptops and smartphones, only to buy a measly cup of coffee the whole time. This is not what cafes were meant for. Cafes were originated for a person to sit down with a nice cup of coffee and strike up a conversation with that cute guy or gal across from you. If you were to walk into any Starbucks, Dunkin’

Donuts or any café type place, you would immediately notice people with their faces buried in their laptops and smartphones. Café owner Mark Furstenberg of Bread Furst has decided to take matters into his own hands and personally request anyone who sets up a workspace in his café to leave. Recently he decided to make a change in his policies, for a price. Anyone who wishes to use his Wi-Fi can pay $150 a month and get access to a special seating area, the Wi-Fi password, and a printer/scanner. While I believe it is smart for Furstenberg to implement this change and cause a movement across the café industry, there are still those that refuse to talk to others

around them like civilized people. This movement of turning off the Wi-Fi is one that I feel should be done across the country. While there are those who believe that Wi-Fi was created so that people could get things done faster while on the move, the only thing I have to say to them on this subject is that if you truly wished to get your work done outside of work: why waste your time traveling to the café and paying for coffee when you could go to your local library or your own home? In conclusion, Wi-Fi is helpful, camping in a café and taking advantage of resources at the owner’s cost is bad, your local library is free, and good luck finishing your work.

Photo Courtesy: Margaret Klemm Left: The Spain Summer B program features tours of Madrid and Salamanca, as well as free days for student travel. This means plenty of history to explore!

Photo Courtesy: Margaret Klemm




The Avion


31 2017


Boeing Unveils New Spacesuit For Future ISS Missions

Jaclyn Wiley Editor-in-Chief

Many people want to go to space, but very few have the qualifications to become a NASA astronaut or money to finance their trip to space. Fortunately for them, Boeing has recently introduced a lower-priced spacesuit.

On Wednesday, January 25, Boeing released pictures and information about the new IVA suit design that astronauts will wear aboard the CST-100 Starliner craft. Boeing stated that the new suits will be 40 percent lighter than previous ascent and descent suits. Although the weight

of the spacesuit may seem unimportant in a zero-g environment, these lightweight suits will make it easier for the crew to put them on, take them off, and move more freely while training on the ground and operating in space. Boeing’s suits also offer more features pertaining to ease of use

Photo Courtesy: Boeing Last week, Boeing unveiled their spacesuit that astronauts will use aboard CST-100 Starliner.

and making the astronauts feel more comfortable while minimizing external systems needed to control suit temperature. The suits are overall less bulky, being constructed of lightweight material and slimmer gloves to allow easier functionality with touchscreens, which the Starliner will feature many of. Mesh material used below the shoulders allows for more airflow to keep the astronauts at a comfortable temperature, and the helmet can be unzipped and folded back like a hood for easy storage when not needed. “The helmet zipper is very similar to the G5C that was used on Gemini Seven, which actually posed a lot of issues on attachment variance and on pressurization,” said James. “It was only used once, on that mission.” The difference, James said, between the Starliner mission and Gemini 7 was that the Gemini 7 suit was for both extravehicular (EVA)

and intravehicular (IVA) activities. The Boeing suit is designed for only IVA use. One potential issue with the suit is that the user needs assistance to put on (don) or take off (doff) the suit. “Self donning and self-doffing are very important… self mobility in general,” said Gavin James, chief technician of the Embry-Riddle Spacesuit Utilization of Innovation Technology Lab. “In an emergency or a contingency situation, it’s good to be able to remove your own suit.” Another potential issue is suit sizing - can the new suits can be fabricated to fit multiple body types. “You have trainable classes with varying sizes of people, tall and short… You’ll have to manufacture 10-15 different suits to accommodate those size constraints.” The spacesuit was designed by David Clark, a company that helps to develop military pressure garments. The suit will be worn by users during

ascent and descent operations, in case of accidental depressurization. Though there have been no missions that have required the suits recently, the pressure suit is an important part of keeping astronauts safe. Overall, these features work together to create a system that is easy for the astronauts to use, for them to feel more comfortable than previous designs, and speed up training, launch preparations, and spaceflight operations. Boeing is currently developing the CST-100 Starliner space capsule for NASA’s commercial crew program to take astronauts to the international space station. Flights of the Starliner are expected to start in 2018. Spaceflight participation is severely hampered by the sheer cost associated, so the ability to reduce a cost will enable make commercial space businesses more profitable, which will allow them more people to fly.

on around campus, you are more than welcome to stop by the SGA Office (JPR Student Center 104) at any point in time. We also offer a variety of in-office services: free coffee, candy, and tea! There are a few ways that you can get involved: 1. Member at Large Program: This program is designed to get students involved without having obligation to the SGA. You will

serve on committees of the SGA and have your voice heard and attend weekly meetings. 2. First Year Initiative: Our FYI program is designed for first year students to join the SGA and get a feel for what it is. You will have an SGA official as a liaison and be able to take part in a variety of activities. 3. Student Representation Board Vacancies: The SRB program

includes student representatives from every degree college on campus and student group- COA, COAS, COB, Veterans, Graduate Students, etc. Requirements include 3 office hours a week and attend 2-3 meetings per week. Perks include a 10% tuition voucher. If you are interested in applying, applications are located in the SGA Office. If you have any questions, please let us know!

Words From Your Student Government Association IMPORTANT DATES • Packets come out: No Later Than February 10 • Packets are due: No Later Than February 28 • Candidate Eligibility Meeting: March 1 and 2 • Presidential March 28


• Elections: April 3-7

Interested in running for an elected SGA position such as SGA President, Vice President, Treasurer, etc.? Are you the treasurer, president, or advisor of a student organization on campus? Does your organization need to submit a budget request for your spring activities? FUNDING REQUESTS ARE DUE FEBRUARY 2ND AT 5 PM ON ERAU CONNECTION WITH PRESIDENT AND ADVISOR APPROVALS!!!

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Trey Henderson/The Avion Newspaper

Zachary Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper

Zachary Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper


x 2017

Zachary Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper

Zachary Fedewa /The Avion Newspaper

Zachary Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper

Vipul Telang/The Avion Newspaper

Trey Henderson/The Avion Newspaper

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The Avion

Upcoming Games: Tuesday

No Games

Men’s Tennis vs Keiser Home, 3:30 PM Women’s Tennis vs Keiser Home, 3:30 PM Men’s Basketball vs Rollin Winter Park, Fla. 5:30 PM Women’s Basketball vs Rollin Winter Park, Fla. 7:30 PM

Thursday Men’s Tennis vs East Florida College Home, 3:30 PM Women’s Tennis vs East Florida College Home, 3:30 PM

Friday Softball vs Spring Hill Gulf Shore, Ala. 12:00 PM Softball vs North Alabama Gulf Shore, Ala. 2:30 PM

31 2017


Barnes’ Career-High 35 Leads ERAU Men’s Basketball to Road Win Over Eckerd Ryan Mosher ERAU Athletics



The Embry-Riddle men’s basketball team registered its biggest road win of the season on Wednesday night at Eckerd’s McArthur Center, thanks in large part to senior Dalton Barnes and his career-high 35 points as the Eagles blitzed the host Tritons in the second half to secure a 93-80 victory. The Eagles’ (11-7) 93 points against Eckerd (145) were the second-most the Tritons have given up all season as ERAU shot 53 percent from the field and 45 percent from long range, turning a six-point halftime lead into, at one point, an 18-point cushion mid-way through the second half en route to the 13-point win. Barnes, who reached the 30-point mark for the third time in his Eagle career (all in the last two seasons and all on the road), scored 17 in the first half before dropping 18 in the second. Skyler Hogan scored 17 points, including a dagger three-pointer with just 1:20 left to play,

while freshman Shaquan McArthur contributed 14 points, seven rebounds and four assists. ERAU jumped out to a quick 5-0 lead on a Barnes jumper and McArthur triple, and after Eckerd came back to tie it at 10-10, the Eagles went on a 15-3 run, capped by back-toback threes from Dillon Graham and Brian Johnson, taking a 25-13 lead at the 11:40 mark. Embry-Riddle stayed in front by double-digits for the next several minutes as Barnes and teammates put on an offensive show, going up by as many as 13 before the home team started to chip away, ending the half on a 7-2 run and just missing a three at the buzzer, as ERAU took a 45-39 advantage into the break. Out of the half, the Tritons got to within four on three separate occasions in the opening four minutes, including at the 16:22 mark when Drushaun McLaurn completed an and-one to make it 54-50. However, the Eagles responded with a massive 16-2 run over the

vs ERAU: 93

Eckerd: 80

next five minutes, paced by Barnes’ seven points during that span, to take a 70-52 lead with just under 12 to play. Eckerd was able to stop the bleeding and would go on a run of its own around the 10-minute mark, cutting the deficit to eight on a pair of free throws from Trevon Young. Again the visitors were able to create some separation, going back up by 14 on back-toback baskets from McArthur, and two Barnes free throws at the 4:33 mark made it 82-66 in favor of ERAU. The Tritons had one final run in them and got the Eagle lead down to nine at 83-74 with three minutes left, but the biggest bucket of the night was a Hogan three after a McArthur steal, pushing the lead back to a dozen at 86-74 before McAr-

thur and Barnes finished the game a combined 7-for-8 at the charity stripe in the final minute to seal the win. Barnes’ 35 points ties for the fifth-highest individual point total ever scored by an Eagle and is the second-most ever scored by an Eagle in a true road game (37 - Ray Graham at Johnson & Wales, 1/25/12). Joining Barnes, Hogan and McArthur in double-figures was Johnson, who came off the bench for 10 points and five rebounds, while Luka Majstorovic added eight points and a teamhigh 11 boards. The Eagles continue their three-game road swing with a Saturday tilt against Lynn in Boca Raton. Tip is slated for 4 p.m. at the de Hoernle Sports & Cultural Center on the Lynn campus.

Saturday Softball vs Keiser Home, 3:30 PM Women’s Basketball vs Tampa Home, 5 PM Softball vs Huntsville, Alabama Gulf Shores, Ala., 6:30 PM Men’s Basketball vs Tampa Home, 7 PM

Sunday Baseball vs Valdosta State Home, 10 AM Softball vs Mississippi College Gulf Shores, Ala., 10 AM Women’s Golf at Flagler Invitational St. Augustine, Fla.

Monday Women’s Golf at Flagler Invite. St. Augustine, Fla. Men’s Golf at Titan Invitational Cocoa Beach, Fla. Zach Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper ERAU’s #04, Dalton Barnes, in control of the ball in the game against Eckerd



31 2017


Allison Smalling ERAU Athletics


The Avion

ERAU Men’s Basketball Rolls Past Lynn

For the fourth time this season, the Embry-Riddle men’s basketball team hit the century mark as the Eagles came away from Lynn’s de Hoernle Center with a 104-80 win over the Fighting Knights on Saturday. The victory improved the Eagles’ overall record to 12-7 on the year, while the Fighting Knights fell to 10-9 with the loss.

Allison Smalling ERAU Athletics


vs Embry-Riddle: 104

Lynn: 80

Underclassmen led the way for the Blue and Gold as a sophomore and five freshmen combined for 81 of the Eagles’ 104 points. Sophomore Skyler Hogan

led all scorers with 31 points for his second-highest tally of the season. Freshman Cole Hunter turned in a career-high performance with 15

points on 5-of-6 shooting from the perimeter, while another freshman, Shaquan McArthur added 18 points, including a perfect 7-for7 from the charity stripe. The Eagles sprinted out to a decisive lead in the first 20 minutes, with perhaps their most dominant half of basketball this season. The Blue and Gold shot 63.6 percent from the field and 69.0 percent from

beyond the arc, while a stifling defense limited the Fighting Knights to just 10 made baskets in the half. Hogan put together one of the most impressive first-half performances in ERAU history. He was 9-of-11 from the field, including a 5-for-5 clip from long range, and his 25-point first-half scoring total was just one point less than Lynn’s total score in the first frame.

Lynn got off to a quick start in the second half, scoring six unanswered points in the first 48 seconds. ERAU Head Coach Steve Ridder called a timeout to help his squad regroup and they did just that, widening the gap to as many as 41 points on the way to the win. The Eagles are back on the road on Wednesday for a 7:30 p.m. tilt against Rollins in Winter Park.

ERAU Women’s Basketball Falters Against Lynn

The Embry-Riddle women’s basketball team was unable to get its offense going on Saturday, resulting in a 64-47 loss to Lynn at the Fight Knights’ de Hoernle Center. The Eagles scored well below their season average of 60.6 points per game and shot just 26.5 percent (18-of-68) from the field to fall to 13-6 overall. Lynn improved to 9-10 with the win. “We didn’t have a good enough effort on defense today and we definitely

vs Lynn: 64

Embry-Riddle: 47

took some bad shots and missed wide open ones,” ERAU Head Coach Lisa Nuxol-Wilson observed. “When you don’t defend well and don’t put the ball in the basket., the result is usually going to be an loss. I believe in our young ladies and I know they will do

what they need to do to turn things around and get back to what we do well. Defend and play as a team.” The Eagles had an early three-point lead in the first quarter, but they struggled on the defensive end of the court, resulting in a 21-14 advantage for the

Fighting Knights heading into the second. Tara Fields scored the first bucket of the second quarter for ERAU and after the Eagles held the Fighting Knights scoreless through the first 2:30 of the period, they pulled within two points on a Sabrina Whiting three pointer. At the 3:58 mark, Laniere Coleman drew the Eagles level at 26-26, but Lynn answered immediately at the free throw line to pull ahead once again and took a 31-29 edge into the locker room at the half.

The Eagles found themselves at a disadvantage early in the third as Coleman, who paced the Eagles with 10 points in the first half, picked up two quick fouls and was forced to sit out the last seven minutes of the period. Without Coleman’s post presence and with the Eagles shooting just 4-of-20 from the field, the Fighting Knights grew the lead to as many 10 points before taking a 48-41 lead into the final frame. Embry-Riddle’s offensive woes continued in the fourth quarter. Ashley McWilliams scored on a free throw to make it a six-point (48-42) game, but that was as close as the Eagles would get as Lynn closed out the game on a 16-5

run to secure the win. Three players finished in double-digit scoring for the Blue and Gold, led by Whiting, who recorded the second double-double of her career with 13 points and 11 rebounds. Coleman finished with 10 points, while McWilliams scored a season-best 11 points in her second start of the year. Paola Vazquez Concepcion led all scorers with a 17-point performance to pace the Fighting Knights. The Eagles will look to bounce back from back-toback losses on Wednesday when they wrap up their three-game road swing with a trip to Winter Park to face Rollins. Game time is slated for 5:30 p.m.

Zachary Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper

Left : Embry-Riddle student Mercedes Jorge, #25 is blocking her shot from the opposing team , Lynn University, to attempt to get a score for EmbryRiddle.

Zachary Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper Luka Majstorovic, Embry-Riddle player, makes a shot contributing to the win, while the opposing team from Lynn university attempts to block it.




The Avion


31 2017


“Sing”: Suprisingly Entertaining

Jaclyn Wiley Editor-in-Chief

Though a relative newcomer to the world of silver screen animation, Illumination Studios has released multiple hits in recent years, including the “Despicable Me” trilogy, “The Secret Life of Pets,” and “The Lorax.” Illumination’s latest offering, “Sing,” has been a box office success, and is a solidly entertaining movie. “Sing” tells the story of a group of talking - and singing - animals who are all trying to find success. The plot of “Sing” was, surprisingly, not paint-by-numbers predictable. It was fresh, or, at least, it seemed fresh, and entertaining. “Sing” started strong, with a visually and musically compelling first scene that featured Jennifer Hudson singing The Beatles’ song, “Golden Slumbers.”

This scene sets the stage for the strong vocal performances that followed. Unfortunately, the rest of the first portion of the movie seemed like a bunch of trailers hastily knitted together, which, in essence, was what happened. Illumination Studios released many trailers for “Sing” before the film debuted on Christmas Day, as part of its marketing campaign. Illumination Studios is known for large, sometimes bordering on excessive marketing campaigns. Fun fact: The worst offender for this was for the “Minions Movie,” on which Illumination spent $593 million in advertisements. This is more than eight times the actual cost of the movie, which was $74 million in total. “Sing” had a varied musical line-up with songs

for everyone in the family. Most of the performances were excellent, though some of the voice actors were unable to truly replicate the original songs’ notes or vocal qualities. This is probably because the voice actors are primarily actors, not musical artists, with the exception of Tori Kelly. Kelly plays Meena, a talented young elephant with severe stage fright. The cast of “Sing” was full of famous names, including Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon, and Scarlett Johansson. Taron Egerton, known in the US for his roles in “Kingsmen: Secret Service” and “Eddie the Eagle,” starred as Johnny the Gorilla, who is the musically talented son of a gang leader. Seth MacFarlane, creator of “Family Guy” and “American Dad,” flaunted his impressive sing-

ing voice, which is similar to Sinatra and other old jazz standards. Though there were some questionable stylistic choices made by the creative department concerning character costume design (looking at you, weird black sparkly fox/peacock leotard), the animation was solid. Illumination seems to be talented at creating solidly entertaining movies. Their movies are good; they aren’t amazing or groundbreaking, or even particularly original. They entertain you for the 90 plus minutes you’re the theater, and still entertain you when you watch them again with young relatives. At the very least, listen to the “Sing” soundtrack on Youtube or Spotify. The vocal performances are definitely worth it.

eral of them in one scene. These personalities range from Patricia, somewhat of a caring and calm woman, Dennis, a neat freak who seems to be in control of the other personalities, Hedwig, a nine-year old boy, and a multitude of others. These personalities all live in the body of Kevin. The film does not hesitate to jump right into the fast-paced plot starting with Claire, Marcia, and Casey being knocked out and kidnapped by Dennis. They then wake up in a room with two beds, a bathroom, no windows, and a locked door.

Throughout the film, the girls try to figure out how to get help and see which of Kevin’s personalities will help them escape. Besides the film following Kevin, it also tells Casey’s background story. Paralleling the girls being kidnapped, the story also follows Dr. Karen Fletcher. Dr. Fletcher specializes in patients with multi-personality disorder. One of her patients is Kevin. However, most of the time, she talks to Barry. Barry is one of Kevin’s personalities that is obsessed with sketching and fashion. Dr. Fletcher

believes that people with multi-personality disorder are extraordinary people and shouldn’t be treated as crazy. From beginning to end, this film will have you on the edge of your seat. The film does include graphic scenes and topics that are not for the faint of heart. That being said, these elements are relied on to tell an important aspect of the story and are used perfectly and not excessively in the least bit. And of course, in typical M. Night Shyamalan fashion, the ending is quite a twist.


“Split”: Shyamalan’s Resurrection

Collin Anderson Staff Reporter Since 2010, M. Night Shyamalan has been trying to recover from the atrocity that was “The Last Airbender.” Nearly seven years since its release, Shyamalan has climbed out of that pit and has directed a film that is a complete masterpiece. “Split” explores the depths of the human psyche by showing the life of someone with multi-personality disorder. James McAvoy gives 23 performances of a lifetime by acting out all the different personalities; flawlessly going between sev-


Speculation about “The Last Jedi” Payton Muglia Staff Reporter Many people are waiting in suspense for the newest Star Wars movie. Star Wars’ fans have many questions and many concerns regarding the newest movie, The Last Jedi. Of course, there is the expected hype for the newest release of one of the greatest movie franchises of history, but there is more to the anticipation than just that. What does the title mean? What do people think will happen? And above all else how is Carrie Fisher’s death going to affect the movie? First subject up for dis-

cussion is the title. Many people are bringing up theories based on the plural of Jedi which is still just Jedi. With this truth, would this mean there is more than one Jedi hiding on the island with Luke Skywalker? For me, I believe that Luke truly is the last of the Jedi. It seems apparent after we saw the flash back to when Kylo Ren went on a slaughter fest killing all of Luke’s Padawans. Now if this fan theory of multiple Jedi shows to be true, maybe Luke was able to escape with one or two of his padawans to this island and train them. However, I believe there will be a recurrence of a sit-

uation similar to that in episode IV with Obi Wan and Luke. I believe Luke is the last of the Jedi and is going to train Rey to become the next Jedi to replace him when his time comes to an end. With this in mind, we are all wondering how the death of Carrie Fisher will play a role in this. It is a sad moment when one of the most beloved Star Wars characters dies. Carrie Fisher sadly passing away might bring some new and interesting concepts to the table. It has been said by the directors that they will not use CGI for Carrie Fisher in episode IX like they did with Rogue One, which were beautifully done and

even after a few glances I was still nearly unsure that it was truly CGI. With that, we are all wondering what will come of this event. Will she disappear? Will she die? Or play a role behind the scenes and not be scene in person? I personally believe that

the directors are going to come up with a creative way of killing her off. I first thought maybe they would have her killed by Kylo Ren, but they said no CGI will be used so this is very unlikely. With that in mind, I think that her final scene will be her getting onto a ship and

having it destroyed. Overall, I am excited to see the new movie and how Disney will portray everything going on. I have high expectations for this movie after the last one and hope that this movie will fulfill the high expectations of a hungry audience.



31 2017




The Avion

“A Series of Unfortunate Events” Review Nicholas Hernandez Correspondent The Netflix original series “A Series of Unfortunate Events,” based off the renowned book series, A Series of Unfortunate Events, written by Lemony Snicket is a series worth taking time out of your day to watch. Given that you have a Netflix account. If not, watch it with a friend who has an account, you will not regret it. The Netflix series is a dark and brooding tale of the Baudelaire children

and their journey through a series of unfortunate events. Given that it is in the title, the show itself definitely does not use that title lightly. At the beginning of each episode, you are greeted by Lemony Snicket who warns you that the events that are about to unfold in the series are “dreadful, melancholy, and calamitous,” a perfect explanation. You are also reminded every episode during the theme song to “Look away” because Snicket believes that there

is no reason for you to stay and watch the series of unfortunate events because you have no obligation to feel his sorrow for the Baudelaire children. If you are willing to get past the dreariness of the plot, there are more than plenty of reasons to watch this series. To name a few, the cast, dialogue, plot twists, special effects, and fourth wall breaks are all things that draw your attention throughout the series. Neil Patrick Harris portrays Count Olaf perfect-

ly throughout the show, never dropping the ball when it comes to his many character changes, outrageous antics, and events he is put through. While he is the antagonist of the series, you can never cease to wonder when will he pop up next? Each episode which ranges from 40 minutes to an hour, is based on each book in the series, making sure the story in each is portrayed properly with as few missed details as possible. The only downside to this is that the series is

only half complete within season one. So we can only hope that Netflix will continue the series and make a second season. Compared to the books, the series is lacking in some details, but not enough that it causes a large plot hole. The movie version of “A Series of Unfortunate Events” was a disappointment to those who read the books, and an even larger disgrace for the fact that it only featured half of the story. When hearing that the books were being

made into a TV adaptation, we could only cross our fingers to find out if it would mean another flop for the series or a booming success. The television adaptation is well done, with many things that were forgotten in the movie from the books, added into the show. Overall, it is a very good show worth putting your time into or binge watching, with a good plot, good actors, there is no better way to enjoy a series of unfortunate events.

Farming Simulator 17

A Series of Unfortunate Events

Farming Simulator 17 Review (PS4) Henry Neiberlien News Editor In the current console generation gamers continue to ask for a set of performance standards on par with modern pc gaming. Unfortunately, most publishers and developers focus on graphics over gameplay and optimizing performance. Even though it is from an unlikely place a game has arrived on PS4 that runs at a glorious 1080p resolution at a blazing 60 frames per second. Farming Simulator is truly a next generation gaming experience. Alright all kidding aside Farming Simulator is a wonderful game. I have been with the franchise since its inception in with Farming Simulator 2009. You may think it sounds dumb or boring but I find it strangely addicting and

relaxing. I know it is a niche product, but with this most recent instalment in the franchise Farming Simulator has matured into a game that has potential to break into the main stream. Many gamers online seem to play it for the comedic factor, and while the game’s premise and interesting physics create really funny moments, especially in multiplayer, there is something very satisfying about working hard to forge a living. The vehicles are much more detailed and realistic than previous instalments and the dirt and grime that builds up on them as you work adds to the immersion. You may think you would get tired of plowing and cultivating fields over and over, but the developer Giants Software has you covered. You can hire help-

ers and workers to work the fields for you, and while the A.I. has trouble finding its way sometimes and will not do certain jobs like fertilizing, it makes life on the farm way easier. You also don’t have to worry about waiting months for the crops to grow as the game gives you the option to speed up or slow down the timescale and control how fast the plants grow. The games graphics may not be the best ever but they definitely get the job done and you will get use to the cartoonish charm the game has. While farming, itself is a big part of the game, it turns into more of a tycoon game as your agricultural business grows. There is a in game market for goods and you have to vigilant about where and when you sell your harvest to make the most money.

When it comes to shipping large amounts of goods the game offers the ability for you to drive trains for the first time, and trains are my second love (besides airplanes of course). Although they choose a European consist (even on the American map), and their controls are very simple they it is still fun to race around the map shipping your harvest to different granaries and mills. Previously farming in Farming Simulator had to be done in completer silence, now there is a in game radio, and while the tracks are hilariously generic they help to make the time go by more easily as you continue your farming routine. The game also offers the ability to raise cattle, pigs, sheep and chickens which require food water and produce manure for your fields. You

can also grow a wide range of crops for your staples like wheat barley and corn to more unique crops like soybeans, sugar beets, and even sunflowers. Even if working the fields is not your thing you can try forestry out instead. Cutting down trees to build a solar farm has never been more satisfying. Picking up the mess of logs afterwards is much more frustrating as the logs tend to get away from and act like large they are filled with helium at times. The games controls are also confusing and obviously, this game is better played on a keyboard. Most of flaws I tend to forgive knowing that this game comes from a small studio that actually cares a lot about the product they put out and love the subject matter. After a long day of classes, stress, and tests

Farming Simulator 17 has become my guilty pleasure for winding down after a long day. I would recommend this game to anyone interested in simulator games or is in the market for something different. It is absolutely not a game for everyone but for special few who are weird like me it can become an obsession. This is also the first time the console version has released at the same time as the PC version and the first time I have played it console. Even though this is the console version, the game still has mods and an active modding community adding new vehicles, implements, and other great additions to the world of Farming Simulator. I am glad to report that wherever you may play Farming Sim 17 it actually is a quality title and is fun for all ages.

Comics and Games Universal Crossword Edited by Timothy Parker January 31, 2017 ACROSS 1 NYC attraction for the cultured 5 Circuit breakers eliminate them 10 Wraparound garment in India 14 Dash of panache 15 Favre who threw bombs 16 Run without urgency 17 Things to appease diner patrons whose tables are not ready? 20 ___ boom (jet sound) 21 Mountain chains 22 Aphrodite’s child 25 Score symbol 26 Wharton degree 29 Historic periods 31 Hard puzzle to figure out 35 Outrigger paddle 36 Set of beliefs 38 Used a firehouse pole 39 What the foggy weatherman had when daydreaming? 43 Crop grown by George Washington 44 Nobleman 45 Org. for doctors 46 Gets with the times 1/31

49 Deeply attentive 50 Intermingle 51 “Into ___ life ...” 53 Pike’s discovery 55 Branches, to birds 58 Small arm of the sea 62 What the heavy-footed motorist had exiting the highway? 65 Beige relative 66 Slow-moving creature 67 “Heat of the Moment” band 68 Standardized thing 69 Gets a decisive chess win 70 Big name in computers DOWN 1 Kitty sounds 2 Stew of various ingredients 3 “The Magic Mountain” author Thomas 4 Dickinson or Harmon 5 Mob investigators 6 Cafeteria server for liquids 7 Tennis match makeup 8 Principles of good conduct 9 “Remington ___” (old TV show) 10 Five-armed sea creature

11 Operatic highlight 12 Deteriorates and then some 13 Not his or hers? 18 Long, monotonous speech 19 Brownish songbird 23 Leftover food scraps 24 Englishman in colonial India 26 Cafe order, sometimes 27 Packaged hay? 28 Strong smell 30 Modern navigation tool 32 Good thing to have in your eye 33 Little Havana’s locale 34 Spiral-horned antelope 37 Purse part

40 Knockout punch, sometimes 41 Be optimistic 42 Consist of, as a plan 47 Dashing revolution monitor? 48 Deep divide 52 Reddish-brown dye 54 Massage muscles 55 Purple hue 56 Makes a wrong turn or guess 57 Number on a baseball card 59 Use a surgical beam on 60 Like Satan and his minions 61 Duck in a tale? 62 Diminutive ending 63 Go with great haste 64 Trains that



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“My life goal is to launch a bargee into the air and have it land on one of Elon Musk’s rockets.”

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