| Issue 3 | Volume 145 | Tuesday, February 9, 2016 | theavion.com |
From the Desk of Lt. Jaime Gonzalez Lt. Jaime Gonzalez
Campus Safety & Security
Jack Taylor/The Avion Newspaper An Atlas V in the 401 configuration (4 meter payload fairing, no solid rocket boosters, 1 Centaur upper stage engine) launches from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. The Block IIF GPS satellite payload is approximately 12,400 miles above the planet, in a medium Earth orbit. This marks the last of all Block II launches for the United States Air Force. The next generation, designated Block III, are scheduled for flight in 2017.
Atlas V Launches from Cape Canaveral Final Block II GPS Satellite Carried into Orbit
Jack Taylor Photo Editor Millions of people around the world enjoy the benefits of Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites every day. From the American soldier finding the coordinates of his location in the battlefield, to the college student using Google Maps to find the nearest Starbucks, GPS plays an import role in all of our lives. These quiet heroes orbit the earth twice a day, 12,400 miles above the earth. For comparison, the ISS orbits nearly 16 times a day at a low 250 miles above earth. GPS satellites are categorized into “Blocks”. The original Block I satellites were developed by Rockwell International in 1978. Twelve were built and eleven were successfully launched into orbit. They served mostly as proof on concept and were continually being developed. They had an operational life expectancy of five years, however the last satellite, launched in 1985, lasted far longer and was decommissioned 10 years later in 1995. Rockwell International launched the second generation of GPS in 1989 with the fully operational Block II satellites. Some of the improvements included 3-axis stabilization and the ability to point and track at the earth’s surface with reaction wheels. Larger solar panels and batteries allowed the satellite to operate through the earth’s shadow. The operational lifespan was extended to seven and a half years, and most importantly, two L Band signals and atomic clocks were added. These additions allowed for fully functional GPS service. The last of the nine Block IIs was launched in 1990 and was decommissioned in 2007. Nineteen upgrades, called Block IIA satellites, were launched from 1990 to 1997. The Block IIA satellites could operate 180 days without ground control communication.
Photo Courtesy: United States Air Force An artist’s rendering of the Boeing Block IIF GPS satellite
Lockheed Martin took the reins of GPS satellite production with the Block IIR “replenishment” satellites. The first of twenty-one Block IIRs was destroyed just 12 seconds into launch, when the Atlas II that was carrying it exploded after a solid booster failed. Twelve additional Block IIRs were carried to space safely from 1997 until 2004, and all remain in operation today. From 2005-2009, Lockheed Martin upgraded eight of the existing Block IIR to the Block IIR-M GPS satellites. These units carried an improved civilian signal as well as a specialized military grade signal. Eight were launched and seven remain in service today. Beginning in 2010, Boeing built a series of twelve “Follow Up” satellites called Block IIF. These satellites included vastly improved civilian signals, more accurate atomic clocks, and an extended twelve-year lifespan. Six years later, the conclusion of the Block II satellites has finally been reached. The launch of GPS IIF-12 marks the end of over twenty-five years of GPS development. Lockheed Martin will be back in the saddle with the newest generation of GPS satellites. The Block III GPS satellites will have a fifteen-year life expectancy and improved military and civilian signals. Arguably the most important change is the development of anti-hacking technology that will make the satellites more secure from cyber attacks. GPS satellites will continue to play a larger and larger role in the daily lives of civilians and military personnel around the globe. From the convenience of everyday navigation to life-saving search and rescue missions, the Global Positioning System improves quality of life of all who live on earth. As GPS technology advances, society and mankind will advance with it. Who knows what the next twenty-five years will have in store.
Photo Courtesy: United States Air Force An artist’s rendering of the next generation Lockheed Martin Block III GPS satellite
“See Something, Say Something” is not just a slogan for us. It’s a partnership between Campus Safety & Security and the ERAU community. Do you have our phone number programed into your cell phone? If not, the number is (386) 2266480. By programing our number into your phone, your process of calling us will be expedited if you notice something suspicious. The more eyes we have out there, the safer our community becomes. All we require is that you let us know by using your phones to contact Safety & Security. We will answer that call, evaluate the situation, and deal with whatever the call is about. When you do report something, remember that we need as much information as you can provide to us. Remember, we typically need the basic questions answered: “who, what, when, where, why, and how”. This vital information the dispatchers are gathering will be relayed to the responding officer, so please be patient when we ask you these questions. “See Something, Say Something” are four simple words that, when put into action, may help avoid a theft, prevent a car break-in, stop an unwelcome visitor from entering one of our residence halls, or help a student on crutches get a ride to their next class. Here’s a recent example put into action: A student walked into the Communications Center and advised the dispatcher that he received a text message, which said that there was a man, describing himself as a monk, by the Landing Strip in the Student Center handing out pamphlets and asking for money. This subject was described as a tall, bald, white male with a black and grey satchel and a rain jacket. Following the good description, an officer quickly located the suspect between Mod 23 and the racquetball courts, where he was issued a trespass warning notice and escorted from the campus. These subjects are often associated with thefts or missing property within our buildings. Continued on A6 >>
The Avion
09 2016
Family Weekend and Astronomy Night in Photos
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3 Embry-Riddle’s Family Weekend is an event where students are encouraged to invite their friends and family to visit them at Embry-Riddle’s Daytona Beach campus. 1) Dustin Gibson, of WIKD and Touch-n-Go, provides music for the Family Weekend Block Party which was moved indoors due to the weather.
2) The Student Government Association hosted a paper airplane competition where participents could win prizes based on the distance flown by their airplane. 3) & 4) While students tested their strength and luck, on the Strongman Game in the Student Center, students could create sand art or have caricatures drawn of them.
The Avion is produced weekly during the fall and spring term, and bi-weekly during summer terms. The Avion is produced by a volunteer student staff. Student editors make all content, business and editorial decisions. The editorial opinions expressed in The Avion are solely the opinion of the undersigned writer(s), and not those of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, the Student Government Association, The Avion, or the student body. Letters appearing in The Avion are those of the writer, identified at the end of the letter. Opinions expressed in the “Student Government” and “Student Life” sections are those of the identified writer. Letters may be submitted to The Avion for publication, provided they are not lewd, obscene or libelous. Letter writers must confine themselves to less than 800 words. Letters may be edited for brevity and formatted to newspaper guidelines. All letters must be signed. Names may be withheld at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. The Avion is an open forum for student expression. The Avion is a division of the Student Government Association. The Avion is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press. The costs of this publication are paid by the Student Government Association and through advertising fees. The Avion distributes one free copy per person. Additional copies are $0.75. Theft of newspapers is a crime, and is subject to prosecution and Embry-Riddle judicial action. This newspaper and its contents are protected by United States copyright law. No portion of this publication may be reproduced, in print or electronically, without the expressed written consent of The Avion. Correspondence may be addressed to: The Avion Newspaper, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, 600 S. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, Florida 32114. Physical office: John Paul Riddle Student Center, Room 110. Phone: (386) 226-6049. Fax: (386) 226-6727.
5) & 6) The Amateur Astronomy Club’s annual Astronomy Open House also coincided with Family Weekend, allowing for some out-of-this-world presenations. Dr. Bharat Ratra, a professor at the University of Kansas talked about dark matter, dark energy, and the accelerating universe to a very large audience in the Willie Miller Center. 7) & 8) After Dr. Ratra’s presenation, the Amateur Astronomy Club hosted events in the College of Arts and Sciences including scientific lectures, hands-on activites, and tours of Embry-Riddle’s one-meter telescope.
All Photos: Billy Nguyen/The Avion Newspaper
The Avion
09 2016
Brews On Campus: Sale of Beer Begins Trial Run on Feb. 11 Mary Van Buren Univ. Corporate Comms Embry-Riddle students and employees will soon have the chance to raise a toast to a new service – the sale of beer on campus. As a trial run, Sodexo will sell beer at the Landing Strip in the Student Center from 3-6 p.m. on Feb. 11 and Feb. 18 (Thursdays), and on Feb. 26 and March 4 (Fridays). Additional dates for Brews on Campus will be announced soon to round out the eight-week trial. After an evaluation of beer sales, participation, student conduct, and other factors, the sales could be extended. The proposal for beer sales on campus was spearheaded by Lincoln Kelly, president of the Student Government Association, who made the case that beer sales would enhance student life and build community. “Students should be able to unwind and enjoy a beer at the end of a challenging school day,” he said. “It’s also an opportunity for them to relax and chat with faculty and staff, building a sense of camaraderie.”
Kelly pointed out that about 60 percent of the students at the Daytona Beach Campus are at the legal drinking age of 21, or over. He also emphasized the safety aspect that the new service helps achieve. “Given that students will drink whether or not we sell beer on campus, making it available here will give them a safe, on-campus alternative in a controlled environment.” Interim Dean of Students Lisa Scott Kollar supports the proposal. “I know this trial run will be managed successfully through the cooperation of Student Activities, Campus Safety, University Administration, the support of Sodexo, and, of course, the students,” she said. “The implementation plan is well thought out and the phases provide checks and balances so everything goes smoothly.” Torrie Smith, the retail manager for Sodexo at Embry-Riddle, said the company is excited to provide this new service to the Embry-Riddle community. “We’re here to support the students and offer an opportunity to add a new dimension to student life on campus.”
At the Landing Strip, located around the corner from the Chickfil-A restaurant, Embry-Riddle students and employees of all ages will be admitted. However, only those of legal drinking age with the appropriate identification will be permitted to buy and consume beer, which will be available in domestic and import labels. Beer cannot be removed from the
Landing Strip premises. The purchase of food is optional. Sodexo personnel, specifically trained in a ServSafe-certified bartender program, will obey all federal and Florida laws and policies related to the sale and distribution of alcohol, including age verification, purchasing limits, and duration of alcohol sales. The Sodexo team will
also monitor consumption and stop service to anyone who appears to have reached their limit. Students are encouraged to choose a designated driver among their group. Campus Safety officers, who will be stationed at the Landing Strip for the trial run, may also choose to escort students home if needed. Some weeks from now, Lincoln Kelly and
various campus offices will compile data on student reaction, amount of beer sold, safety and risk management, and any changes or improvements needed. He’ll discuss his findings with Lisa Scott Kollar, Interim Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer Dr. Tim Brady and other Embry-Riddle officials to determine the future of beer sales on campus.
SGA: Student Advocacy Program Michael Glogowski Student Court The Student Advocacy Program (SAP) is a newly revived organization that works with the Student Court to help students prepare for cases that could come up against them while attending ERAU. These cases can vary from a simple parking ticket to an honor board case. The typical student is not familiar
with the process and their rights as a student. It is the job of the Student Advocate to aid the student in understanding their situation and to provide them with the resources necessary to prepare for their case. These Student Advocates will need to know the processes, procedures, and possible sanctions for the different case types, such as: Parking and Traffic, Housing, Academic Integrity, and
Honor Boards. The Student Court is currently looking for new Student Advocates for this academic school year. The requirements to join are a cumulative GPA of 2.5, a full semester at Embry-Riddle, and good academic standing with the Deans. If you have any further questions, please feel free to stop by the Court Office in SC 104A, call us at 386-226-6044, or email us at sgachfj@erau.edu.
Himani Parekh
The Avion
09 2016
Interfaith: Conversation, Not Conversion Ching-Wen Huang V.P. of Spark Interfatih Last week, the Spark Interfaith Club [SPARK] of ERAU went to the Better Together Interfaith Leadership fourday conference held by the Interfaith Leadership Institute’s Interfaith Youth Core [IFYC] in Atlanta, GA. “The Better Together campaign is what happens when students from all kinds of religious and non- religious traditions work to make the world better, together. Better Together organizers motivate others to voice their values and religious identities, engage with others across lines of difference, and act together to improve the world.” – IFYC “While each of us may have world views or philosophies that may differ vastly, there are many things in this world that all of us can agree on. Things like helping to fight pover-
ty, seeking clean water for those in developing countries, fighting racial injustice. We may have different reasons behind why we want to help fix these common issues, but in the end it is still common ground that we can all come together on. It is this type of common ground that SPARK tries to work towards.” – Trever Rizzo, President of SPARK. The Better Together Leadership Conference was designed for students nation-wide who are interested in becoming an interfaith leader on their campus. These students are inspired to encourage interfaith dialogues in their community, in order to spark their fellow students’ curious empathy towards each others’ identity. Schools that attended this conference include Georgia Institute of Technology, Northeastern University, Drew University, University of North Texas, University of North Florida,
Trinity College, Concordia College, and many other institutions around the United States. The participants identified themselves with various different faiths groups or nonfaith groups. These included Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hindu, Unitarian Universalist, agnostic, LGBTQIA+, and more. The diversity shown at the conference was amazing. It was remarkable to see everyone working together for a common goal, despite their differences. During this four-day conference, the SPARK members was given the opportunity to learn about various different faiths through their new friends, activities, and the leadership training sessions. According to Shikar Deepnarain, “I would never know what UU (Unitarian Universalist) stands for and what it is all about if I didn’t come here (Better Together
Photo Courtesy: IFYC
Lt. Gonzalez Continued from A1 >>
Bottom Left: Georgia Institute of Technology Representative at the STEM + Interfaith discussion at the IFYC during Better Together conference.
Photo Courtesy; Ching-Wen Huang/SPARK Interfaith
conference).” Additionally, Kandice Dixon said “During one of the session we were told to write down our own biases about other faiths and religions. I was shocked at how some of my biases were wrong, and also by recognizing others’ biases towards my faith.” The attempts to learn about each other and the process of accepting or rebutting the biases brought life-changing lessons for the SPARK members. The intentions and impacts were owned. You may be thinking what a STEM school like Embry-Riddle would have to do with faith or nonfaith. In fact, one of the questions that were discussed during the “Unconference” session was: “Where do you see interfaith in STEM schools?” SPARK members from ERAU were able to come together with Georgia Tech to come up with various propos-
als for initiating change. Both parties agreed on the norm that the system of STEM schools makes it harder for interfaith to take a stand. We are indeed perfectly and totally opposite of Concordia College, where an interfaith major is even offered. However, Reverend Keck pointed out that the aviation industry needs room for interfaith dialogue. For example the 2015 case of Charee Stanley v. ExpressJet, where a Muslim flight attendant claimed she was dismissed from the airline due to her refusal to serve alcohol. Consequently, the choice between work and religion surged. The question is, in the professional industry of all areas should this choice exist or not? This concerns the future of STEM students, and it is on the hands of the young interfaith leaders to
voice, act, and engage in making a change starting from their campus. Thus, meaningful and purposeful conversations took place, and bonds were established. Each of the universities’ representatives received a lot of inspiration through resolving common issues together. Now that SPARK has returned from Atlanta, the club is engaging in setting up the framework for the interfaith Better Together movement on the campus. Interfaith dialogue activities are held every two weeks on Wednesday night, 8PM, in COAS 305. Next meeting is scheduled to be February 3rd. Other than initiating discussions, SPARK is also working on planning trips and community service events. We hope that we can see more participants from the ERAU community to join us. We are better together.
Officer Scott Mozer poses for a photo in front of a Riddle 172. Mozer is a NRA-certified firearms instructor, and serves as the Flight Security Officer for the University. Mozer is a dedicated officer with 27 years of law enforcement experience.
Photo Courtesy: Campus Safety & Security
One of our main functions is to respond to suspicious conditions or crimes in progress, but we can’t be everywhere at once. So remember, if you see something, say something! Speaking of safety officers, I’d like to introduce Flight Security Officer Scott Mozer. Scott is a former Virginia Beach police officer, with twenty-seven years of law enforcement experience. He’s been with Campus Safety & Security for five years, four of those as our Flight Security Officer at the Flight Operations Department.
Officer Mozer is our security liaison with the Daytona Beach Airport and he keeps us in compliance with TSA regulations and the flight ramp badge system for all flight students, flight summer camps, and all staff and faculty who are associated with the flight operations department. Scott is also one of our NRA-certified firearms instructor. In this capacity, he assists the department in keeping all our armed officers trained, qualified, and up to date in tactics and procedures. And may I just add one more slogan from our Director of Campus Safety & Security? Remember, “It’s in your interest!!!”
Left: (From left to right) Reverend Keck, Shikar Deepnarain, ChingWen Huang (Kelly), Kandice Dixon, and Trever Rizzo. Rev. Keck is the faculty advisor for the SPARK Interfaith Club. The student members of the SPARK Interfaith Club went to the IFYC conference to represent ERAU.
A7 Study Abroad Deadline to Apply for a Semester Abroad through GE³ Due March 1st! February
09 2016
Sue Macchiarella Global Engagement
sities to enjoy a fulfilling study abroad experience. Through participation in the program, Global E3 graduates gain the necessary foreign language ability, cross-cultural skills, and professional experience to excel in the multinational/ multicultural business environment of the 21st century. The importance of this unique program has been recognized by the National Science Foundation, the AT&T Foundation, and the U.S. Department of Education, all of which provided the start-up funds for the program. The program is sustained with membership fees from participating universities and supporting corporations. How does GE³ work? Top engineering students from Participat-
ing Institutions apply to study abroad for a semester up to 1 year. Tuition Swap Global E3 students pay tuition at their home institution, and enjoy the benefits of attending an overseas one! Flexible Timing Students can study abroad for the fall semester, spring semester, or for the entire school year. Overseas Internships Global E3 students are able to take on a supplemental internships after their study abroad experience. Not all member universities offer this option, but those that do help provide students with industrial placements near the university, co-ops/ internships within the university, and more. Deadlines Students should apply
Left: Alex Dammer, a student who has participated in GE3 programs, takes a selfie during his study abroad trip. Photo Courtesy: Alex Dammer/ Global Engagement
What is GE³? Recognizing a growing demand for internationally-experienced engineering graduates, a group of leading universities from all around the world established the Global E3 program in 1995. Global E³, the Global Engineering Education Exchange Program, is an exchange program for engineering students, in which a student can study abroad while continuing to pay tuition at home. With member universities in 24 countries, students at over 70 universities have the opportunity to study abroad. Global E³ exchanges about 200250 students a year, and allows engineering students at member univer-
The Avion
to Global E3 in the academic term before their study abroad program begins. The deadline for Fall study abroad is Tuesday the 1st of
March; the deadline for Spring 2017/Academic Year study abroad is in early October. Please contact the Office of Global Engagement on the second floor
of the student Annex above the library. We are located next to records and registrations. Please visit our website for more information on GE³ applications.
Summer Abroad Programs get Sign-Up Deadline Extended!
Photo Courtesy: Flickr The Roman Colosseum in Rome, Italy. Italy is a wonderful place to study abroad and is one of the locations offered by The Office of Global Engagement this summer. Students can visit and take classes in foreign countries for credit through The Office Of Globwal Engagement’s programs.
Sue Macchiarella Global Engagement Are you planning to be adventurous this summer? Are you also planning to take classes over the summer? Why not do both and only pay half of Embry-Riddle’s standard tuition? There are plenty of summer study abroad programs for both the summer A and summer B terms. The value and experience for each of the trips is world class! Don’t regret missing a great opportunity to
visit another country. It is an adventure all to itself, whether in Greece, Italy, Germany, Turkey, Spain, England, or any of the other countries available. You can find what countries are available by visiting our website or office. Maybe you think it is too late for you to sign up for a Summer A program? Think again! The deadline has been extended to February 19th to allow for more students to sign up, which is extraordinarily easy. The application process includes paying an
application fee, putting down a deposit, and filling out a form. Once you have completed that process, you simply go abroad and earn your academic credit. Please contact the Office of Global Engagement on the second floor of the student Annex above the library. We are located next to records and registrations. Please visit our website for more information on GE³ opportunities, programs and applications to all our study abroad programs.
The Atlas V 401 configuration slowly creeps off launch pad 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. This launch marks the end of the GPS Block IIF satellite era. Block II satellites, operated by the United States Air Force, have been deployed to space for over 25 years. They will continue to operate as the next generation Block III GPS satellites are readied for operation.
Photo Credit: Jack Taylor
09 2016
Boeing Signs New Air Force One Contract
The Avion
Launch Control Center SES- 9 - Falcon 9 Feb 9 @ TBD Cape Canaveral AFS SLC-40
OA-6 - Atlas 5 401
Mar 10 @ 3:08-3:38 a.m. EST Cape Canaveral AFS SLC-41
CRS 8 - Falcon 9
Mar 20 @ 12:33 a.m. EDT Cape Canaveral AFS SLC-40
Eutelsat 117 - Falcon 9 March Cape Canaveral AFS SLC-40
Zack Fedewa Staff Reporter Boeing has just received one of many contracts from the United States Air Force to start the preliminary work on a new set of Air Force One aircraft. The new aircraft is based on the new 747-8 jumbo jet. This new aircraft would be used to replace two current planes used by the Air Force to transport the president. After traveling over a million miles, The current aircraft, a Boeing 747-200B, is getting old and needs to be retired. The plane was initiated by former President Ronald Reagan in 1990. Reagan wanted a luxurious and reliable form of transportation for the President of The United States. He also wanted to project a sense of power to other nations by having such a massive plane to taxi around our leader and his assistants. Since the two aircraft designated “Air Force One” are over 25 years old, it’s getting harder to find spare parts and the time for maintenance is taking longer. Most of the parts were stopped being made decades ago so the Air Force has to custom fabricate the spare parts. Around a year ago the United States Air Force announced that they would contract Boeing to construct their new fleet of Air Force One aircraft for the Presidential Aircraft Recapitilizartion program. The Air Force chose Boeing because because the company already has a good idea on the modifications needed to make the aircraft fit for the President. Part of the new contract is dedicated to finding opportunities to reduce the cost and improve the efficiency of the new program. The Air Force has requested over $3 Billion dollars and is expecting to complete the project in 2024. At $180,000 an hour to fly, the Air Force One is no joke. Part of the contract is to equip the aircraft with the latest communication technology, a full office and meeting area for the
President, and a state of the art kitchen designed to serve over 100 people at one time. Among the upgraded amenities on the plane, it is equipped with electronic countermeasures and flares to fend off
“That airplane represents every American, and it’s a symbol for our republic.” - Jeff Underwood, Historian at the Museum of the US Air Force.
Photo Courtesy: flightblogger.com
heat-seeking missles. The fusalage is being upgraded to resist nuclear blasts. When needed in urgent situations, the upgraded
engines on the 747-8 can send the aircraft up to Mach .92 which is over 550 mph. The new range will be nearly 7,800 miles without being refulled, although it has the capability to be refuled in midair. The new plane will be 786 square feet larger, will be able to fly 1,200 miles further, carry 20,000 pounds more, and carry 12,000 more gallons of fuel. A major reason to build a new fleet of planes is to not only ferry the President around the world, but to have the capacity to conduct a war from 30,000 feet if nessesarry. President Obama is sometimes asked what the biggest perk of being president is. He tells visitors that the Air Force One is the biggest of them all. Over the past few months, the team that is leading the project has grown from 20 people to over 80 and is expected to swell to over 100. Some conservitive news sites see this as being contrevertial since the United States national debt is getting larger and larger every day. Some don’t see this three billion dollar upgrade as being essential at this point in time.
JCSAT 14 - Falcon 9 Early 2016 Cape Canaveral AFS SLC-40
ISS Sightings February 18
7:44pm - Two minute duration. Max height 25 degrees. Appears 10 degrees above NNW, disappears 25 degrees about N.
February 19
6:53pm - Four minute duration. Max height 19 degrees. Appears 10 degrees above N. Disappears 14 degrees about ENE.
Left to Right: ERAU Speaker Series
This Week in Space History February 8 1974 Skylab 4 mission, last crew to occupy Skylab, ends. February 9 1971 Apollo 14 returns from the moon; last post-moon quarantine. February 10 1992 The first Atlas II rocket is launched Michael Nisip/The Avion Newspaper Ellen Ratner, Fox News Analyst, and John LeBoutillier, Host of Political Insiders - Fox News, engage in fervent debate regarding politcal candidates for the 2016 Presidential Election. Ellen Ratner is representing the left, and former congressman LeBoutillier is representing the right on the night of the Iowa caucus.
February 11 1984 STS-41B, Space Shuttle Challenger, makes the first shuttle landing at Kennedy Space Cente.
Raquelli Bianco, Senior, was 4-6 with two doubles, a homerun, six RBIs and five shutout innings pitched. She led Embry-Riddle to a 3-0 win against Keiser.
Zach Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper
The Avion
Upcoming Games: Tuesday No Games
09 Sports Baseball Finishes Off Sweep of Lions with Pair of Saturday Wins
February TH
Ryan Mosher ERAU Athletics
Wednesday Women’s Basketball vs Eckerd St. Petersburg, Fla. at 5:30 p.m. Men’s Baskeball vs. Eckerd St. Petersburg, Fla. at 7:30 p.m.
Thursday Baseball vs. Auburn Montgomery Daytona Beach, Fla. at 6 p.m.
Softball vs South Carolina Beaufort Daytona Beach, Fla at 4 & 6 p.m. Men’s Track and Field at Samford Invitational Birmingham, Ala. Women’s Track and Field at Samford Invitational Birmingham, Ala.
Saturday Men’s Tennis vs Rollins Daytona Beach, Fla. at 10 a.m. Softball vs St. Thomas Daytona Beach, Fla. 1 & 3 p.m. Women’s & Men’s Basketball vs Saint Leo Daytona Beach, Fla at 5 & 7 p.m. Men’s Track and Field at Samford Birmingham, Ala
Sunday No Games
Monday No Games
the inning. A passed ball and fielding error pushed across two more runs as the lead shrunk to a single run at 4-3. Demarest was called upon to put the game away with the tying run at first, getting two straight weak ground balls back to the pitcher’s mound to seal the victory. Burkhead surrendered
backing up the play at first, firing across the diamond to Dearing who was covering third for the tag play. Dearing worked around a walk to the next batter, getting a ground out and fly out to send the game to the bottom of the second. ERAU doubled its lead in the third when Enderson Sophomore, Cody Bogart chases down Senior, Ryan Manore. Bogart outran Manore in a pickle between home and third and got him out.
Zach Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper
A soggy Saturday resulted in two Embry-Riddle baseball wins at Sliwa Stadium as the Eagles completed the series sweep of Florida Memorial with victories of 4-3 and 4-0 after Friday night’s 5-3 result. The Eagles (5-1) improved to 69-9 all-time against the Lions, getting strong starts on the mound from Kenny Burkhead and Nick Dearing en route to the twin bill sweep. Game 1 - ERAU 4, FMU 3 (7 inn.) A nearly two-hour rain delay made the day’s opener over four hours long, and the Eagles needed to survive a last-inning rally from FMU, but the hosts were able to hold off the visitors in the end to claim the series win. Burkhead (2-0) went five shutout innings before Troy Naab and Dylan Demarest finished things off on the mound as Demarest earned his second save in as many opportunities in 2016. Burkhead got out of a jam in the top of the first, in part thanks to poor baserunning from FMU. After a single and double put the first two batters at second and third without any outs, Burkhead struck out Alfredo Barrosu before a safety squeeze attempt went awry. The runner at third never stopped coming towards home, and when the batter pulled back his bunt attempt, ERAU catcher Cody Bogart ran at the runner, tagging him out in-between home and third for the second out of the inning. Burkhead finished the frame by inducing a fly ball to left, keeping the game scoreless. The Eagles loaded the bases in the bottom half of the first inning on just one hit and a wild pitch from FMU starter Devin Hadley chased in Liam Goodall from third for an early, 1-0 lead. Burkhead faced the minimum in both the second and third, and before the start of the fourth, an hour and 45 minute rain delay put a damper on things. Burkhead didn’t seemed fazed from the long layoff, retaking the mound after the delay and sending the game to the bottom of the
fourth without FMU even reaching the scoreboard. The hosts tacked on a run in the fourth when Kyle Zirbes scored on an error by the Lion second baseman with the bases loaded, but that’s all the Eagles could get, taking a 2-0 lead into the fifth. Burkhead faced another
tough situation in the visitor fifth with runners at first and second with one away. Bogart got the second out of the inning by gunning down the lead runner trying to advance on a dirt ball, and after an Eagle error put runners at second and third, Burkhead got a lazy foul pop up that Bogart caught to end the threat. Naab took over for Burkhead to start the sixth and went three-up, three-down and the Eagles responded by posting two insurance runs in the last of the frame, runs that would prove to be invaluable later. Joey Swinarksi doubled to start the inning, moving to third on a wild pitch a few batters later. A Tobias Moreno single chased in Swinarski for a 3-0 ERAU lead and the Eagle center fielder stole second and then third on consecutive pitches before Goodall brought him in with an RBI ground out. Leading 4-0, Naab walked the FMU leadoff batter in the seventh before an infield single put runners at first and second. A second base hit from the Lions scored one run before Naab got an infield fly for the first out of
just two hits and three walks with six strikeouts on 71 pitches for his second win of the year, while Moreno and Goodall each finished the game with a pair of hits and an RBI apiece. Game 2 - ERAU 4, FMU 0 (7 inn.) Freshman right-hander Nick Dearing was masterful in the finale, scattering six hits over six innings to earn his first collegiate win. The Eagle offense managed just six hits in the last game of the weekend, but scored four runs, more than enough for Dearing to work with. Once again, the Eagles struck first with a run in the opening frame, taking a 1-0 lead when Jonathan Camp registered a sacrifice fly to right, scoring Goodall from third after the senior singled and moved to third on backto-back errors by FMU. A single from Lance Mansfield started the Lion second, and after an Eagle error allowed Cesar Temes to reach first on a sac bunt attempt, it appeared the visitors would be in good shape to score, but Mansfield tried to go first-to-third on the bunt, and was thrown out by Joshua Garcia, who was
Velasquez scored on Zach Howard’s foul out to the first baseman. The Eagles had the bases loaded with one out and Howard lifted a pitch high towards the right side of the field. As the first baseman made the catch, he pushed open the gate next to the first base dugout, leaving the field of play and allowing each baserunner to advance a base, resulting in Velasquez scoring for a 2-0 Eagle advantage. Dearing set the Lions down in order in the fourth and fifth, and Embry-Riddle pushed across its final runs in the home-half of the fifth on a Logan Malphurs twoRBI single with the bases loaded, scoring Matt Jacobs and Jonathan Campfor a 4-0 ERAU lead. Dominic Jeancola relieved Dearing to start the second and the sophomore from DeBary went 1-2-3 to complete the sweep. Malphurs finished 2-for3 with two RBIs while Velasquez and Moreno each recorded extra-base hits in the win. ERAU plays host to NAIA Auburn Montgomery on Feb. 11 for a 6 p.m. game against the Warhawks.
09 2016
The Avion
ERAU Men’s Tennis Edged by Wildcats 5-4 in Marathon Match
Left, : ERAU Athlete rallies the ball back to the opposing side.
Alison Smalling ERAU Athletics
vs ERAU: 5
Bethune Cookman: 4
Hall held on his next service game and then the BCU tandem registered a break to give the Wildcats their first point with a 9-7 win. Zmak was the first to finish his singles match as he quickly dispatched Chepik 6-2, 6-0. The next match off the court was at the No. 3 spot where Becke topped Hall 6-3, 6-2, but BCU was able to get a point back when Barrera bested Roberto Cuellar 6-4, 6-2. The last three matches all went to three sets. On court two, Zierleyn won his first set 6-2, but Gtari came back to win the next two 6-2, 6-4. At No. 4 singles, Arreygue also gained an early advantage with a 6-3 win in the first, but he was unable to
hold off Plazas who took the next two sets 6-4, 6-3. With the team score tied at 4-4, all eyes turned to the contest at No. 5 doubles between de Caires and Almeida. The first set saw de Caires edge Almeida 7-6 (8-6), but Almeida was able to rebound and take the second 6-4. In the deciding frame, de Caires got out to an early 3-0 lead, but Almeida rebounded to win four straight games on the way to a match-clinching 6-4, third-set win. The Eagles (1-1) will have 10 days to prepare for their next match, which will be at home against NCAA II No. 11 Rollins at 10 a.m. on February 13.
Shemar Alexander/The Avion Newspaper
It took five hours to decide the outcome of Wednesday's men's tennis match between Embry-Riddle and NCAA I Bethune Cookman (2-1). In the end, it was the Wildcats who were able to rally from a 4-1 deficit to edge the Eagles 5-4 at the Crotty Tennis Complex. It took just 30 minutes for the Eagles to register their first point of the afternoon as the Eagles' No. 2 tandem of Fabian Zierleyn and Carlos Becke easily dispatched Greg Almeida and Jose Plazas 8-1. Another 30 minutes later, Deni Zmakand Luke de Caires, downed Alexander Chepik and Walid Gtari on court one to extend the Eagle lead to 2-0. At third doubles, Rodolfo Arreygue and Mickael Faucher fell behind Justin Hall and Alvaro Barrera 7-4, but won the next three points to tie the match at 7-7.
ERAU Mens Basketball Guts Out 59-58 Win Over Tampa Ryan Mosher ERAU Athletics The Embry-Riddle men’s basketball team survived a desperation three attempt from visiting Tampa at the buzzer to hold on for a 59-58 win over the Spartans at the ICI Center. The win snapped a threegame skid for the Eagles and improved the Blue and Gold’s record to 12-8 in 2015-16. The Spartans got all 58 points from just four players, falling to 6-14 on the year. Ognjen Miljkovic had 28 points on 13-for-19 shooting for the Eagles, grabbing eight of the team’s 51 rebounds in 35 minutes of action. Miljkovic was joined in double-figures by Dalton Barnes who had 11 points to go along with eight boards, three assists and five steals. The Eagles, who shot under 36 percent for the
vs ERAU: 59
Univ. of Tampa: 58
game, trailed 57-54 with 90 seconds to go, but got a huge triple from senior Daniel Kiesling to tie the game before getting a defensive stop. Barnes missed an elbow jumper with 40 seconds left, but Miljkovic grabbed the rebound and put in a layup to give the hosts a two-point lead. “We played our guts out on defense tonight,” Head Coach Steve Ridder said. “It came down to a loose ball on our offensive end of the floor and OG got to it, powered through traffic and stuck it in to give us
the win. And Kiesling’s shot was absolutely monumental to tie it up for us.” Tampa, who faired not much better than ERAU from the field, held to just 38 percent, burned nearly all the time off the shot clock on the ensuing possession, but Austin Rettig drove in and was fouled with six seconds left, making 1-of-2 from the free throw line to trim the ERAU lead to 59-58. The Spartans fouled Barnes, but the junior missed the front-end of the one-and-one, setting up a final possession for
UT to try to win the game. ERAU, who had just two fouls at that point, fouled on consecutive in-bounds passes, and with under two seconds left, Tampa got the ball to Pat Bacon, but his fade-away corner trey at the buzzer was off the mark as Kiesling grabbed the rebound to seal the win. ERAU’s 59 points were its lowest of the year, and the home team had to battle back from a 10-point deficit early on in the game after a Rettig three at the 16:31 mark gave UT a 14-4 advantage. Barnes made a three after a Skyler Hogan steal, sparking a 14-4 run for the home team, culminating in a Joseph Gonzalez jumper that tied things up at 18-18 with under nine minute left in the half. ERAU got a three from Hogan at the 6:53 mark to give ERAU a 23-18 lead,
and Embry-Riddle held that advantage as it entered the lockeroom up, 30-25. Miljkovic had 13 points in the first half to lead the Eagles while Bacon was the lone Spartan in double-figures at 10 points. The home team’s half time cushion went away quickly as Tampa tied the game at 33-33 on a Rettig jumper in the paint with 17:03 left and the two teams battled backand-forth for the rest of the contest, with the largest lead being ERAU at 48-42 on a Miljkovic layup with 10:48 to go. UT went just 5-for-32 from long range while Bacon finished with 20 points and seven rebounds. Duke Shelton had a double-double of 15 points and 12 rebounds for the visitors. “We had some guys step up and fill some holes for us,” Ridder said. “Brad Mapes came off the bench
and gave us some big minutes, grabbing rebounds, playing good defense. Skyler, in his first career start tonight, had 10 rebounds and played his guts out.” The Eagles had a huge night on the boards, grabbing 51 as a team, including 10 from Hogan, and eight each from Barnes and Miljkovic. All but one Eagle that played had at least five rebounds on the night. “Tampa is as athletic as any team in the conference,” Ridder said. “Boxing out has to be a priority when you want to outrebound them, and we did that. They only got five offensive rebounds all night, it was impressive how we rebounded the basketball.” ERAU has a week off before travelling to Eckerd on Wednesday, Feb. 10 for a 7:30 p.m. tip against the top-25 ranked Tritons.
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It’s the TMBG Dial-a-song line, to save you some time.