| Issue 6 | Volume 145 | Tuesday, March 1, 2016 | theavion.com |
Campus Safety Addresses Parking Compliaints Lt. Jaime Gonzalez Campus Safety and Security
Sariah Adviento/The Avion Newspaper A student competes in the Digital Dash during National Engineering Week last month. The week-long celebration acknowledges accomplishments in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields. Affectionately known as EWeek, the industry focuses on the next generation of engineers, with special emphasis on inspring young women to pursue careers in the STEM field.
National “E” Week in Review Fostering the Next Generation of Engineers
Jaclyn Wiley News Editor
What’s Inside
Last week, Embry Riddle celebrated Engineering Week, an annual event which raises awareness about engineers and their accomplishments. Embry-Riddle celebrated Engineering Week (EWeek) with many on-campus events, conducted by University departments and student organizations. These events included the Digital Dash, two glider competitions, the Mr. and Ms. Engineer Contest, Bubble Soccer, and a Keynote Address by Dr. Mark J. Lewis. This address was a lecture titled “Hypersonic Flight: Progress and Challenges on the Way to High Mach Systems,” and took place on Tuesday, Feb. 23. “We have fun during EWeek at Embry-Riddle with workshops, competitions and hands-on activities for current and future Embry-Riddle students and local
grade-school students,” said Dr. Maj Mirmirani, Dean of the College of Engineering. “The engineering field offers a wide range of rewarding specialties, including several degrees offered here at Embry-Riddle in the areas of aerospace, civil, computer, electrical, mechanical, software and multidisciplinary engineering.” Engineering Week lasted from Sunday, Feb. 21 to Saturday, Feb. 27, and was observed by over 100 organizations, including professional societies, government organizations, and major corporations. One of the major goals of EWeek is to encourage young people, especially girls, to become interested in engineering. To accomplish this goal, Embry-Riddle hosted a class of Volusia County middle school students for a field trip, in which the students toured four labs in the College of Engineering. The Engineering Fundamentals Department,
the Department of Electrical, Computer, Software, and Systems Engineering (ECCSE), the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), the SWE, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, and the Aerospace Engi-
The future of engineering relies solely on the future engineer. Students entering college today have so many more engineering tools to use throughout their college career.
Parking, parking, parking. This can be an aggravating topic among our resident and commuter students, especially when it comes to the cost, decals and color codes. Campus Safety & Security often hears questions like “Why isn’t parking free since we pay so much money in tuition to go to school here?” Parking at colleges and universities usually have price fees attached. Here are a few examples of parking fees at some nearby campuses: UCF is $100.00, University of Tampa is $115.00, University of Alabama is $100.00, University of Florida is $160.00, Stetson University is $75.00, Rollins University is $70.00, and Saint Leo’s and ERAU are $60.00. These rates are for student annual permits. ERAU parking permits are still lower than most of these other universities. We understand there’s a lot of construction happening on campus, including new parking lots. If you have a car on campus or drive one onto campus you must have it registered with a parking decal on your vehicle. Registering your vehicle helps us identify you as being allowed to park in those areas. It will help us reach you in case there is an emergency concerning your vehicle. Consider that the distance from any of our residence halls to any classroom is really not that much of a distance. For commuter students, it’s important to know there are more yellow parking spaces than any other color at ERAU. However, the early arrivals will always get the closest spaces. We really have it pretty good because it’s possible to walk from any parking lot to most buildings on campus in about 10 minutes or so. Students have also asked us about a parking garage. We may see one in the future, but you should know there is a huge difference in cost between a flat parking lot space and a parking garage space, not to mention a parking garage may be convenient only to the buildings it’s located near. Speaking of parking and vehicles, did you know there were nine recent auto thefts in our area of Daytona Beach? Here are some crime stats for our zone for the dates 2/7/2016 to 2/20/2016: there was one homicide, nine burglaries, seventy-one larcenies, one robbery/ strong-armed, fourteen aggravated assaults, and four persons shot. To sum it up there were 89 property crimes, 16 crimes against persons, 4 firearm offenses, and 29 domestic violence cases. None of these crimes occurred on our campus, but the strong-armed robbery suspects attempted to hide near and at the Student Village after committing their crime nearby. After a thorough search by Daytona and ERAU officers, both were apprehended. So remember, when you venture out, keep in mind there is safety in numbers, and always be aware of your surroundings. Never place yourself in a dangerous situation. As our Director Mannix would say, “It’s in your interest!”.
neering Department, among others, participated in the various events throughout the week. The National Engineers Week was established in 1951, by the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE). This week
was specifically formed to include Feb. 22, the birthday of George Washington, the first President of the United States, who is considered to be the nation’s first engineer. This reputation was due to President Washington’s extensive surveying work throughout his life. The College of Engineering contacted Embry-Riddle alumni and staff to get their opinions on EWeek. One alumni, Lenny Phillips, graduated form ERAU in 2010, and now works as a Structural Analysis Engineer at The Boeing Company. In his profile, he said, “The future of engineering relies solely on the future engineer. Students entering college today have so many more engineering tools to use throughout their college career. What interests me most about the future of engineering is that we will be able to design more sustainable and environmentally-friendly products that will ultimately help our environment.”
Engineer Week Review
FBI v. Apple
The Avion
Executive Board Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor News Editor Business Manager Photography Editor Advertising Manager
01 2016
Student Leaders Convene for Council of Presidents
Andy Lichtenstein Micah Knight Jaclyn Wiley Michael Nisip Jack Taylor Billy Nguyen
Page Editors Front Editor Campus Editor Student Life Editor EWeek 2016 Editor I&T Editor Sports Editor Comics Editor Copy Editor
Andy Lichtenstein Billy Nguyen Delilah Campos Andy Bronshteyn Billy Nguyen Micah Knight Zach Fedewa Jack Taylor Sariah Adviento Michael Nisip Delilah Campos Andy Bronshteyn
Staff Contributors Reporters
Jaclyn Wiley Andy Bronshteyn Billy Nguyen Micah Knight Sariah Adviento Trey Henderson Zach Fedewa
Correspondents Colin Ventura, Gabby Bonowski
Staff Advisor Wesley Lewis, Associate Director, IGNITE
Contact Information Main Phone: (386) 226-6049 Ad Manager: (386) 226-7697 Fax Number: (386) 226-6016 Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor News Editor Business Manager Photography Editor Advertising Manager
editor@theavion.com managing@theavion.com news@theavion.com business@theavion.com photo@theavion.com advertising@theavion.com
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The Avion is produced weekly during the fall and spring term, and bi-weekly during summer terms. The Avion is produced by a volunteer student staff. Student editors make all content, business and editorial decisions. The editorial opinions expressed in The Avion are solely the opinion of the undersigned writer(s), and not those of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, the Student Government Association, The Avion, or the student body. Letters appearing in The Avion are those of the writer, identified at the end of the letter. Opinions expressed in the “Student Government” and “Student Life” sections are those of the identified writer. Letters may be submitted to The Avion for publication, provided they are not lewd, obscene or libelous. Letter writers must confine themselves to less than 800 words. Letters may be edited for brevity and formatted to newspaper guidelines. All letters must be signed. Names may be withheld at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. The Avion is an open forum for student expression. The Avion is a division of the Student Government Association. The Avion is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press. The costs of this publication are paid by the Student Government Association and through advertising fees. The Avion distributes one free copy per person. Additional copies are $0.75. Theft of newspapers is a crime, and is subject to prosecution and Embry-Riddle judicial action. This newspaper and its contents are protected by United States copyright law. No portion of this publication may be reproduced, in print or electronically, without the expressed written consent of The Avion. Correspondence may be addressed to: The Avion Newspaper, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, 600 S. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, Florida 32114. Physical office: John Paul Riddle Student Center, Room 110. Phone: (386) 226-6049. Fax: (386) 226-6727.
Sariah Adviento/The Avion Newspaper Student leaders on campus converged on the Henderson Welcome Center last week to discuss the Student Government Association budget, organization goals, and updates from each organization. The hour-long meeting saw attendees from registered student organizations (RSOs).
Jaclyn Wiley News Editor On Wednesday the 24th, there was a gathering of some of the most powerful students on campus in the Henderson Welcome Center. This event was the Council of Presidents, hosted by the SGA, which gathered the presidents of all of the student groups and SGA Divisions on campus. The purpose of this meeting was to help the presidents network with one another and interchange ideas about fundraisers, leadership, and succeeding as a student organization. The meeting began with an introduction by SGA Director of Operations,
Cody Pelletier, who then went on to deliver updates about the SGA Divisions, which are Touch-N-Go, the WIKD 102.5, and the Avion Newspaper. After Pelletier spoke, the Treasurer of the SGA, James Wasef, gave a presentation about the benefits of paying the SGA fee. Wasef spoke about how the investment by the student of $100 is returned by the services provided by the SGA. This return on investment is about 700 percent. If the student takes coffee and candy from the SGA Office, joins two student organizations, attends Touch-N-Go events, reads the Avion, and listens to WIKD on the car ride to and from school,
they will receive $686.88 worth of goods and services over the course of the Fall and Spring terms. Pelletier then spoke about goals and how to properly make them. This theme was continued by a guest speaker. This speaker was Major Christian Kennerly, from Army ROTC, who spoke about goals and the importance of having goal-oriented organizations. During his 16 years of service to the Army, Major Kennerly flew and serviced Apache helicopters, leading an Apache maintenance company in Korea that was responsible for 24 of the extremely expensive helicopters. Kennerly attributes his success, and that of
his company, to his ability to set solid, attainable goals and achieve them. The question and answer session that followed Major Kennerly’s speech was long and lively. The Council of Presidents concluded with the President’s Panel, in which the presidents of each of the student organizations gave updates about their organization and the events that they would be hosting in the near future. The next Council of Presidents will be held on Tuesday, March 22, at 5:30 p.m. in the Henderson Welcome Center. To find out more, got to the SGA website at sites.erau.edu/db-sga, or visit the SGA Office in Student Center, Suite 106.
IGNITE: An Introduction Wesley Lewis Assoc. Dir. of IGNITE Have you ever been driven to find an answer to a question or just wanted to know why? Well, Embry-Riddle wants you to be able to ask the question and conduct your own research to find the answer. The Office of Undergraduate Research’s core function is to assist students with their research. Over the past four years, Undergraduate Research has been able to help countless students conduct their own research under the guidance of a faculty advisor. The Office of Undergraduate Research has a variety of ways for students to get involved in research or presenting their findings. If you have an idea for research the Ignite Research Grant can help you make it happen. The Ignite Research
Grants are rewarded annually to student groups conducting research. The grants average around $5,000, but can request up to $10,000, which can be used for the purchase of equipment, supplies or travel to conferences. In the past, Ignite grants have supported students conducting research such as sea turtle nesting grounds in Costa Rica. The scope of the projects is only limited to the students’ passion and imagination. Presently, proposals for 2016-2017 are being accepted until 5 p.m. on March 7. For an application please visit http://bit. ly/ERAUIgnite16. If you have already conducted the research but need to present your results to the public, Discovery Day is designed for you. Discovery Day is an ERAU’s annual undergraduate research conference, which is being
Photo Credit: IGNITE Center Embry-Riddle’s Mars Research Team is just one of the many teams and projects that are sponsered by ERAU’s IGNITE research center.
held on April 13, 2016, in the Student Center. Discovery Day allows individuals or group of students to present their research in a poster presentation. Additionally, through Ignite, awards will be presented to the best posters. Currently, abstracts are being accept-
ed until March 1. For more information please visit bit.ly/ERAUDiscovery. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact the Office of Undergraduate Research at (386) 226-6424, email dbugrsch@erau.edu, or stop by our office in Mod-22, Room 202.
01 2016
Student Life
The Avion
Traveling an Experience That Pays! Alex Damon Gobal Engagement “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain. Hopefully, most students know and agree that college is not a place where you only obtain a degree or a few flight ratings. It is unlikely that you
will take away from any specific class more than a few quotes or facts memorized for a test the semester after you took the class. Think of how much you will forget about that class 10, 20, 50 years down the road of your life. I guarantee that you will not forget drinking wine in an Italian vineyard, sailing around the Greek islands, or flying gliders in the Bavarian Alps. Probably about 10% of learning in college is truly about what you learn in the classroom. It sounds insane but think
about the first semester you took of freshman year of high school. Do you even remember the names of all of the classes you took or the teachers that taught them to you? Chances are you probably don’t remember everything as clearly as you would hope. Studying abroad for a semester is not merely another semester worth of classes. It is a gap semester, backpacking tour, fully immersive cultural experience all in one. Afraid about graduating
on time? When you go abroad for a semester we make sure that the classes you will take have transferable credits toward your degree. Worried it will cost more? Studying abroad for a semester you will pay your regular Embry-Riddle tuition. We then Exchange you to the other university. All you will pay for is your housing, food, cost of living. It should be noted campus housing abroad is generally extremely cheap compared to the same housing prices on campus. All of your
normal financial aid and scholarships will also apply. Don’t know if they will have your classes in English? The classes taught at our partner universities are taught in English. You may choose to take a class in a foreign language class if you please! Stuck between an internship or study abroad? It is typically extremely difficult to go abroad the later you wait as your pool of classes shrinks. We recommend you study abroad before you apply for an internship as we have little
requirements for acceptance and it is a great growing experience employers are looking for. You typically are likely to receive an offer for an internship the more experienced you are and your resume. Any questions regarding studying abroad can be directed toward Goglobal@erau. edu or you can stop by our offices next to Records and Registrations anytime between 8-5pm. The deadline for most programs is the beginning of April so apply soon!
olic junior at Embry-Riddle: Rust - who resigned in Dec. 2013 - created an atmosphere of general spirituality; finding elements that everyone had in common while discouraging specific religion. Although Keck understood the reasons behind her desires, he said he felt that this was the wrong approach to religious life on campus. Keck, who previously served as the chaplain of Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, felt that engaging in interfaith dialog rather than promoting a general spirituality would better benefit the student body as a whole. “I think it’s better to be honest about who we are, rather than trying to be something generic that we’re not,” Keck
commented. “Inevitably there is going to be conflict, and we have to prepare for that.” Keck, although his desire was to create a diverse atmosphere within the Center for Faith and Spirituality, did not want to change the systems set in place by Office Coordinator, Heather Murphy, during the semester when there was no chaplain. “Heather handled and prepared the Center for Faith and Spirituality for the climate that could lead to interfaith dialog,” Keck commented. “My first thought wasn’t to change anything, but to support the existing clubs and organizations.” Brendan Parnagian, a graduating senior who is not involved in religious life on campus
noted the growing understanding of religious diversity on campus. “Every once in a while, I will get an email explaining religious holidays, which is nice,” Parnagian noted. Parnagian also said he felt that it was good to be able to have this information so that at least people could be knowledgeable about why certain people are doing certain practices. Pietrowski said that he felt Keck’s approach to interreligious life was “interfaith in the true sense.” Pietrowski, having experienced both chaplains, also noted how extremely pleased he was with Keck’s performance. Other students, such as Anna Aznam, a Muslim graduate student, also held a favorable opinion.
“Working with David is a wonderful experience,” Aznam said. “I enjoyed our weekly discussion especially exchanging opinions from different religious perspectives. He helped me to respect and appreciate the value of religious diversity a lot more. “He is very concerned and sensitive to other people’s need regardless their faith and religion.” Keck is always busy, counseling students or visiting students around campus. However, he is always available to talk to whenever needed. Keck has set up many different interfaith dialogs in which students were able to learn about different faiths and enjoy fellowship with students of different cultures.
“Not every undergraduate has the ability to provide a reasonable explanation of his or her beliefs to someone who is outside the religion and doesn’t understand its history or tradition,” Keck noted. This is part of the reason why Keck wanted to provide a diverse atmosphere; to deepen our understanding of our own faiths and others. “The University has a responsibility to educate citizens of the world because we receive students from all over and prepare them to serve all over the world,” Keck explained. “When we talk with other people and learn about other faiths, we deepen our own faiths. We both benefit.”
Grow Within Your Faith With Dr. Keck
Colin Ventrella Correspondent DAYTONA BEACH – Dressed in clerical garb, the minister traversed the campus illuminated by the soft glow of the sunrise, unlocked the door to his office, and prepared for another day of helping students grow within their own faiths. Reverend David Keck, a Presbyterian minister, began serving as the Chaplain of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in the fall of 2014. From the beginning, Keck began to transform student opinion on religious diversity by changing the atmosphere created by the former chaplain, Reverend Melynn Rust. According to Jameson Pietrowski, a Roman Cath-
ERAU NROTC Ship Selection 2016 Zachary Mertens MIDN 3/C NROTC Naval ROTC produces Commissioned Officers that are prepared to lead in the United States Navy. During their graduating year, Midshipman (MIDN) are selected to serve within a specific community. One of these communities is the Surface Warfare Community. Over the past week, the MIDN selected to be Surface Warfare Officers selected the ship of their choice. The order of the ship selection for all NROTC students nationwide is determined by grade point average, aptitude scores, and physical fitness assessments.
MIDN Orsborn was ranked number one of all college NROTC students nationwide and was the first to select his ship. MIDN Orsborn selected the USS Zumwalt (DDG 1000) Tuesday FEB 26 2016. Since MIDN Orsborn was number one of all college NROTC students nationwide, his ship selection took place via Google Hangouts with the Commander of Naval Service Training Command, representatives from Navy Personnel Command 41, Commanding Officer of the Zumwalt (CAPT Kirk), and the other top five NROTC midshipman that were selecting ships. The USS Zumwalt was constructed in and chris-
tened from Bath, ME, but will be stationed out of San Diego, CA. She has yet to commissio and is currently conducting sea trials. MIDN Orsborn selected the USS Zumwalt because, “She is the newest class of ship in the United States Navy and the first of her class. It will be an [incredible] opportunity to work with the new technology the USS Zumwalt has. It is going to be a once in a lifetime opportunity to be a part of the history of the ship." MIDN Rymarchyk selected the USS Vella Gulf (CG 72) stationed out of Norfolk, VA. This ship was her first choice, and she selected it because she went to Norfolk
on her first class cruise and loved it. She stated that her first class cruise experience influenced her decision to select a cruiser, and she's very excited. In regards to becoming a future commissioned Surface Warfare Officer (SWO), she stated, “I am looking forward to finally serving my country, and I am eager to learn as much as possible in the next few years.” MIDN Wilkerson also selected the USS Vella Gulf. He selected it because “The ship has a great schedule, and the crew on board will get to see many countries within the first year.” When asked what he is most looking for-
ward to as a soon-to-be commissioned SWO, MIDN Wilkerson expressed “I'm looking forward to learning new things, meeting new people, and finally getting to go outside CONUS and experience different cultures.” MIDN Linton selected the LCS Crew 102 stationed out of San Diego, CA. She was drawn to select LCS because of the small crew of size on board. As a soon-to-be commissioned SWO, MIDN Linton is most looking forward to “learning as much as possible!” MIDN Jimenez selected the USS Gonzalez (DDG-66) stationed out of Norfolk, VA. Her
choice stemmed from her mindset that a destroyer is “the way-to-go” for a first Division Officer Tour. She says she is most looking forward to “finally being in the Navy serving along other commissioned officers and Sailors.” MIDN Guy selected the USS Benfold (DDG 65) stationed out of Yokosuka, Japan. He chose the USS Benford for residency abroad for his intelligence resume and to gain regional expertise. He is most looking forward to “the adventure as well as direct leadership opportunities.” Contributed by: MIDN 3/C Loewen and MIDN 4/C Bonowski.
EWeek 2016
The Avion
01 2016
Digital Dash Competition
One of the most popular Engineering Week events is the Digital Dash, a competition in which teams of two worked together to solve puzzles and clues that led them on a scavenger hunt throughout the Daytona Beach campus. This year’s Digital Dash winning team was made up of Diego Lodato and Aaron Kirsch, who won the Dash by a very thin margin. The second place finishers were reportedly very close behind the winners. This team was made up of Julian Herrera and Carlos Ramirez. If you see these people around campus, make sure to congratulate them on their win.
The Digital Dash spanned the whole week, with the registration and kick-off on Monday and the final clue and the finish line being crossed at 1 p.m. on Friday afternoon. Lisa K. Davids, an Associate Professor of Engineering, helped to plan the event and explained the process through which the students got their clues.
When they would solve the clues, it would take them to different locations around campus...
Jaclyn Wiley News Editor
"The students were given their clues in chunks. So they were given five clues for the first day, five clues
for the second day, four clues for the third day and then one clue for the fourth day.” These clues were not made available until midnight, so the first set of clues was not technically available until very early Tuesday morning. The teams, made up of two students each, raced against the clock and one another to figure out the provided clues and puzzles. “When they would solve the clues, it would take them to different locations around campus, but there was an overarching clue at the end of the day to get the next set. The [overarching clues] incorporated information they had gleaned from the first day clues,” explained Davids. The event was described
to be similar to a scavenger hunt. Lisa K. Davids made the riddles, and Matthew Kindy, Instructor of Engineering, did the coding for the various puzzles and digital challenges. One particularly hard challenge was that in which,“[the participants] received a CD-ROM, and it was a MatLab program. They had to run through the program, which was actually quite a nasty riddle. That was Professor Verleger’s brain child.” That puzzle was a nonogram, or picross puzzle, in which a grid, similar looking to graph paper, is given to solvers, who have to figure out the clues on how to color in the squares. The nonogram, in this case, revealed a QR code, which the
students scanned to find another clue, also in the form of a QR code. This QR code led the students to a locker in the John Paul Riddle Student Center, which contained a QR code and a piece of paper with UV sensitive ink. The paper looked blank, but the students had a solution, thanks to the competition developers. “Throughout the course of the other four days of the week, they collected a battery, a wire, and a UV LED, which we provided to them. They didn’t know why they were getting these things… so they had to figure out to put that together and complete the circuit to see the UV ink.” This ink revealed a password, which was used to unlock a page given to them by the QR code.
Another puzzle was, that in which “[the participants] had to take a viewfinder that we had printed in our Makerspace, ahead of time; the riddle took them behind the ICI Center, where they had to line it up with the flags that are on Sliwa Stadium, to uncover which letters out of ‘Sliwa Stadium’ were important for the next day’s clues.” At the end of the dash was the previously undisclosed finish line, which was in the Willie Miller Instructional Center Atrium. An ice cream sundae bar greeted the winners, as well as prizes for the first and second place teams. The Digital Dash is an annual Engineering Week event, and people interested in participating next year should start planning their teams now.
Volusia County Students Tour Embry-Riddle Campus for EWeek Jaclyn Wiley News Editor On Tuesday, Feb. 23, students from Campbell Middle School toured four of EmbryRiddle’s labs as part of a STEM field trip hosted by the College of Engineering. This field trip was part of the programming for Engineering Week. Aaron Robinson, who helped to organize the event, is a teacher at Campbell. “Previously, we had research and design. We were building bridges, doing construction technology, and we were building - with the research and design - CO2
cars (the dragsters). We were working with aerodynamics and friction,” he said, in reference to what he has done with his students. He continues: “For the bridges, we were working with trussed bridges, building triangles, forces, compression, tension, things like that.” When asked about what corresponded between the curriculum he was teaching and the activities that the students did on the tours that day, Robinson responded, “everything.” He went on to say that, “We have five areas of technology: construction, transportation, manufacturing, com-
munications, and biologyrelated. From each of these, we select parts for activities throughout the year. We looked at a canoe that was made of concrete. The planes, with the airfoils, the vertical stabilizers, the fuselages, the props, all of the things we have in our classroom. [The students] were enthralled. It was amazing.” The students toured four labs and had a great time doing so. “I liked it all,” said Emily Long. “It was awesome.” She went on to recommend the program to other students, and to endorse her message in the manner of a political candidate might in a
campaign advertisement. She continued, “Thanks to Mr. Robinson, I knew a couple of things about airplanes, like how they use thrust, lift, drag, and weight.” Izyah Simms, who wants to someday be the CEO of his own company, added, “My favorite part was how they got the cement to float in the water, with the cement boats.” Linda Huger, the Parent-Educator Liaison for Campbell Middle School, had some suggestions for future events held with or at Embry-Riddle. “One thing I’d like to see is a family involvement activity over here, pretty much
the same as today. I’d also really like to see a little more outreach when it comes to recruiting students when it comes to students from Volusia county schools. I know it’s costly here, and I know some of our students may not be able to afford it, but it would be nice if we could find a way to get them in here, to increase the attendance. Robinson also had some recommendations for future programs. “If it could be a whole day, in terms of what we did today, that is what we want to do. We need to have that throughout the year for our students, to keep them stimulated.
Embry-Riddle can give us more ideas, in terms of our students. Maybe sometimes we’re lacking on what we can express to the kids.” Engineering Week lasted from Sunday, Feb. 21, to Saturday, Feb. 27. It was celebrated by thousands of people around the country, who recognized the achievements of engineers and the importance of STEM education to ensure a future supply of these valuable members of the scientific community and the workforce. To learn more about Engineering Week, visit www. discovere.org/our-programs engineers-week.
The SpaceX Falcon 9 waits on the pad Sunday afternoon for a third launch attempt. It was initially scrubbed on Wednesday due to weather violations, and problems loading the liquid oxygen into the fuel tanks caused a second scrub the following day.
Trey Henderson/The Avion Newspaper
The Avion
Aviation & Technology 01 Hypersonic Flight Challenges Engineering Ingenuity March
Airshow Center TICO Warbird Airshow Titusville, FL March 11-13
• The TICO Warbird Airshow
offers three hours of aerial preformances daily, a wide variety of static military aircraft on display, and a pyrotechnics show. _________
Tampa Bay AirFest MacDill AFB, FL March 19
• Featuring over a dozen ae-
rial performances by military pilots and aircraft, Tampa Bay AirFest runs from March 19th through March 20th. Expected performers include the Thunderbirds, the Geico Skytypers and the United States Special Operations Command Para-Commandos. _________
Melbourne Air & Space Show Melbourne, FL April 1
• With over 30 aircraft on
display, the Melbourne Air & Space Show is one of the biggest airshows in Florida. Expected performers include the Berling Jet Team, Team AeroShell, SubSonex Microjet, and much more. _________
Sun ‘n Fun International Fly-in and Expo Lakeland, Fl April 4-10
•Sun ‘n Fun’s 2016 Airshow features the Breitling Jet Team, a Navy F-18 Super Hornet, an Air Force F-22 Raptor, The U.S. Army Golden Nights, Patty Wagstaff, Matt Chapman, David Martin, and many other acts.
This Week in Aviation History March 1, 1912
Captain Albert Berry makes the first parachute jump from an airplane over Missouri from 1,500 feet using a static line parachute.
March 2, 1969
First flight of the Concorde.
March 3, 1916
The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), the predecessor to NASA, is born.
March 4, 1936
First flight of the Hindenburg airship, making a record crossing of the Atlantic.
Andy Bronshteyn Staff Reporter On Tuesday, Feb. 23, ERAU celebrated Engineer’s week by inviting Dr. Mark J. Lewis on campus. He gave an informative lecture titled “Hypersonic Flight: Progress and Challenges on the Way to High Mach Systems.” The lecture itself was opened by the Dean of Engineering, Dr. Maj Mirmirani, who welcomed Dr. Lewis - with the aid of the well-sized audience - with a resounding applause. Dr. Lewis is the Director of the IDA’s (Institute of Defense Analysis) Science and Technology Policy Institute, and he used to be the Chief Scientist for the United States Air Force. He received his Bachelor’s Master’s and Doctorate from MIT for Aeronautics and Astronautics. For his work, he was awarded the Exceptional Civilian Service Award. He started off the lecture by defining what hypersonic flight was. In his own words; “... flying very very fast, and very very high.” He then moved on to hypersonic accomplishments in histo-
ry, hypersonic missions & concepts, different types of hypersonic propulsion, the pros and cons of airbreathing aircraft, and then he talked extensively about the more recent experimental hypersonic aircraft. Dr. Lewis’s favorite hypersonic aircraft is the X-51, the Scramjet-Powered Waverider - a 14-foot-long aircraft which is deployed at altitude from a B-52 bomber - has had a maximum powered
flight of 209 seconds, and flies at Mach 5.10. After the lecture ended, he pointed out that the X-51 does not land; it “... splashes into the Pacific where it breaks into a trillion pieces.” After speaking about examples of hypersonic aircraft, he moved onto hypersonic programs that were canceled before they could do any experiments with the aircraft. This was then followed by successes
in hypersonic experiments, the X-51 featuring prominently on this list. Dr. Lewis then transitioned into how the hypersonic field has improved and what they have learned so far. Finally, he ended his lecture with a look to the future. He posed the questions: “How much will it cost?” “Are there other approaches?” and “What can we do?” In answer to the second; he says that “we should always
Sariah Adviento/The Avion Newspaper ERAU Aerospace Engineering faculty members pose for a photo with Dr. Mark Lewis (center) after Dr. Lewis’ EWeek Keynote on Hypersonic Flight.
be agnostic,” in reference toward keeping our minds open to new ideas - and even to new objectives. Examples he gave were whether Boost-Glide systems were more efficient than Hypersonic Flight, and testing Liquid-Air systems instead of the Scramjet. In answer to the last question, and to a student after the lecture had ended, the people who help research, design and test these aircraft tend to be military scientists, but that industries are also a major contribution, including “fresh-out” Bachelors-program graduates. The lecture, which was an hour total, was succeeded with a boisterous applause and a question-and-answer session which went on for another half hour. The lecture was very informative to students and Dr. Mark J. Lewis did a tremendous job of presenting and making the informative session interesting and humorous. The next in the ERAU Speaker Series is titled “Cosmology, Science, and Faith With Brother Consolmagno and Rev. David Keck” and takes place on Wednesday, March 2nd.
Opinion: Privacy vs. Security Billy Nguyen Advertising Manager For those of you who know me, you know that I don’t often agree with Apple on various things. However, their recent stance on data encryption made me rethink my view of the company. Apple has recently received a lot of praise and reception for publically denying the Federal Borough of Investigation’s (FBI) request to unlock an iPhone that belonged to one of the San Bernardino shooters. The FBI believed that the phone contained clues that could help aid their investigation into the lives of the shooters, as well as find any information on who they had contact with prior to the shooting. In addition of unlocking the phone, they also wanted Apple to create a “backdoor” in its mobile operating system (iOS) to help with future investigations. The backdoor would enable law enforcement agencies to gain access
to information stored on the phone that would be otherwise off-limits. Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, called the backdoor “cancerous,” and he has a very good reason to. A “hole” in a program is a nightmare for any programmer, but one that is deliberately placed is much worse. If Apple were to create a backdoor in its operating system, no matter how hard they try to protect it, iOS would no longer be secure. Hackers would be able to exploit this security flaw within weeks of the operating system’s release, rendering any device susceptible to being hacked. While a majority of Apple’s stance comes from the major security concerns that would arise from having a backdoor in its operating system, another part of it has to do with our privacy. Over the past few years, our smartphones have become more than just a phone: They have become a physical extension of who we are. And, because we use
our phones every day, a lot of personal data is stored on these devices. We guard our phones with our lives because we don’t want anyone browsing through our texts or looking at our photos, so it’s understandable why people are up-in-arms about the National Security Agency (NSA) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) conducting operations to essentially spy on us. But here’s the catch, whether you know it or not, you’re actually already giving away your privacy. Targeted advertising is something that’s been around for a few years now, and it essentially involves advertisers “targeting” you with specific ads. Have you ever wondered why Facebook ads have sometimes appealed to you a little too much? The other day I was browsing Facebook and I see an ad for Toyota. I didn’t think much about it until I saw that the text was in Vietnamese. Now, despite being Vietnamese-American, I
can’t read Vietnamese; I know, shameful right? So why did this happen? Well, Facebook knows that I am Vietnamese and that I may have mentioned Toyota in a few of my Facebook statuses so by gathering just a few pieces of information about me, they were able to specifically target me for that Toyota ad. Amazon does this too, surprisingly. I would be browsing for computer components on Amazon, switch back to Facebook and see an Amazon ad for Samsung SSDs. The more you use Facebook, the more the company knows about you. Facebook then uses this information to sell ad space to potential advertisers, which in turn, keeps Facebook free. So should we be scared? Well, it depends. The fact that there’s a digital profile of me lurking within the servers of Facebook is unnerving, but the weight of my student debt outweighs that concern and many others. Our data is a highly valuable com-
modity. So, if the general public is worried about the government going after it, they should also be concerned about Facebook and the other companies that are looking to harvesting their data. Going back to Apple, I stand by them on their decision to reject the FBI’s request to create a government-friendly operating system. I personally feel that the risks outweigh the potential benefits of having such a system in place. However, I am grateful that people like John MacAfee, creator of MacAfee anti-virus, have offered to help the FBI decrypt the iPhone in question so that Apple didn’t have to do it. By doing so, Apple does not run the risk of potentially compromising the security of iOS while at the same time, law enforcement agencies like the FBI would have access to personal data. And while a case like this is unprecedented, I can bet that this won’t be the last time it happens.
01 2016
The Avion
Put the Brakes on Photonic Propulsion Micah Knight Managing Editor A new form of spacecraft propulsion burst onto the scene last week: Photonic Propulsion. Last Monday, various news sources touted headlines such as “Novel Laser Technology to Propel Humans to Mars in Three Days!” (Economic Times), “NASA Photonic Propulsion: Could We Travel to Mars in 3 Days?” (The Inquisitr), and “Mars in Three Days? NASA Touts New Propulsion System” (Fox News). But those headlines were misleading at best. Humans are not getting to Mars in three days by photonic propulsion in this century.
Here’s why: What is photonic propulsion anyway? It’s like a solar sail, but powered by some man-provided ‘wind.’ In the newly-proposed case, the power source is a giant laser array shooting the solar sail. Solar sails use “solar wind”, particles emitted by the sun, to push a spacecraft. In 1984, Robert Forward proposed an interstellar spacecraft propelled by laserpushed lightsails, which is precisely the same concept as photonic propulsion. Why is this idea going viral on the news now, thirty years after it was published? On February 11, NASA 360 posted a video on Youtube titled “Going Inter-
stellar,” in which professor Philip Lubin explains the idea of photonic propulsion, and its potential, in two minutes. In the video, an excerpt from a talk he gave at the NIAC (National Institute of Aerospace) conference in Seattle in Oct. 2015, he talks about how to get spacecraft to the relativistic speeds (a speed a significant fraction of the speed of light) that particle accelerators can get atomic particles to with electromagnetic acceleration. He states in the video, “the SLS, when it will take off, will have a power off the launch pad between 50 to 100 Gigawatts. It turns out, to get to relativistic speeds with the spacecraft we’re
talking about [a onegram spacecraft] you need basically the same power level, and for about the same amount of time. It takes about ten minutes to get to orbit with the shuttle, it takes us ten minutes to get to 30% the speed of light… just using different technology. We could propel a 100-kilogram robotic craft to Mars in a few days. If you want to push something like shuttle class, it takes you roughly a month to get there.” A 50 Gigawatt (GW) or more powerful laser is an impossible order with current technology. The most powerful lasers currently are on the order of kilowatts – one thousand times less powerful than is necessary for photonic propulsion applications – and aren’t active for more than several seconds. 50 GW is approximately enough power to supply 8.3 to 17 million households, according to WolframAlpha, or is approximately 1/9 of the electric power consumption of the US in 2008. A laser of that magnitude with the ability to put out that much power is decades in the future. Furthermore, if such a laser was stationed on Earth, atmospheric lensing or disturbances would wreak havoc with the beam, and the rotation of Earth would make such a laser need to track the object it was propelling, and it would be unusable for a significant portion of most days because of the Earth’s orientation. Putting the laser in orbit would mitigate the atmospheric effects, but brings up issues of its own, the least of which being hoisting that much mass and that large of a power source to Earth orbit. Furthermore, laser beams spread out over distance. Once the craft began accelerating and getting further and further from the Earth, the force on the spacecraft would drop dramatically, making the photonic propulsion less and less efficient. In his presentation at the NIAC conference (viewable at https:// livestream.com/viewnow/niac2015seattle), Lupin went into more detail concerning the system – the statement that they could get a
craft to 30% the speed of light is for a “wafer-scale spacecraft (~1 gram)”. For the 100-kg robotic craft to Mars in three days, it would “be going greater than the galactic escape velocity, about 1200 km/s” relative to the sun when it reached The Red Planet. However, when the craft got to Mars, it would need to slow down to orbit the planet. To orbit Mars, a spacecraft needs to have a velocity of approximately 6 km/s relative to Mars, or 25 km/s relative to the sun. To change the velocity from 1200 km/s to 25 km/s is, again, impossible. The fastest manmade object was the Helios 2 probe, with a velocity of approximately 70 km/s relative to the sun, a speed achieved only by multiple fly-bys of planets to slingshot it to a higher speed. The fastest any spacecraft has been propelled by rockets was the New Horizons spacecraft, which escaped Earth at a velocity of approximately 16 km/s. To slow a spacecraft that much is far beyond any current human capabilities. Therefore, the only way to slow the spacecraft going to Mars in three days would be to have another such laser array at Mars to decelerate the spacecraft to an orbital insertion velocity. That would require another 50+ GW laser to be at Mars – either in orbit or on the planet, which could only be transported there after humans were well established on Mars. Man’s current big goal is to go to Mars, and NASA is hoping to send a manned mission there within the next few decades. Currently, the travel time is several months, which NASA is hoping and trying to reduce as much as possible. While photonic propulsion is a cool concept, the possibility of implementation is far in the future. An article on NASA’s website (“Is Warp Drive Real?”) states that “NASA is not pursuing interstellar flight”, but is continuing to advance ion propulsion for future deep space missions. Spaceflight near the speed of light is still a dream, and will be for many, many years.
Launch Control Center OA-6- Atlas 5
March 22/23 @ 11:02 PM Cape Canaveral AF Station SLC-41
Eutelsat 117 West B & ABS 2A - Falcon 9 April TBD @ TBD Cape Canaveral AF Station SLC-40
CRS 8 - Falcon 9
April TBD @ TBD Cape Canaveral AF Station SLC-40
MUOS 5- Atlas 5
May TBD @ TBD Cape Canaveral AF Station SLC-41
NROL-37 - Delta 4-Heavy
May 5 @ TBD Cape Canaveral AF Station SLC-41
ISS Sightings Tuesday, March 1
5:58 PM - Appears 10° above SE, with a max height of 10°, visible for less than 1 minute, disapears 10° above SE
Thursday, March 3
5:48 PM - Appears 11° above SSW, with max height of 31°, visible for 3 minutes, disapears 30° above ESE
Friday, March 4
4:57 AM - Appears 12° above SSE, with max height of 14°, visible for 2 minutes, disapears 13° above ESE
Saturday, March 5
5:41 AM - Appears 24° above SW, with max height of 71°, visible for 5 minutes, disapears 10° above NE
This Week in Space History March 1, 1966 Soviet probe Venera 3 crashes on Venus, becoming the first spacecraft to land on another planet’s surface. March 2, 1998 The Galileo spacecraft sends data indicating that Jupiter’s moon Europa has a liquid ocean under it’s thick ice crust. March 3, 1969 Apollo 9 launches to spend 10 days in Low Earth Orbit to test the lunar module.
Ognjen Miljkovic, Junior, fights against Barry University to score a point. Miljkovic scored 20 points and a game high 13 rebounds.
Zach Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper
The Avion
Upcoming Games: Tuesday Women’s Golf at Peggy Kirk Bell Invitational Winter Park, Fla. Men’s Golf at Legacy Intercollegiate Longwood, Fla.
Wednesday Softball vs Ferris State Daytona Beach, Fla. at 4 p.m. Softball vs Ferris State Daytona Beach, Fla. at 6 p.m. Baseball vs Ave Maria Daytona Beach, Fla. at 6 p.m.
Thursday Baseball vs Minnesota State Daytona Beach, Fla. at 3 p.m. Baseball vs Minnesota State Daytona Beach, Fla. at 6 p.m. Women’s Basketball vs University of Puerto Rico-Rio Pierdras 7 p.m.
01 2016
Men’s Basketball Caps 2015-16 Campaign with 83-74 Victory Over Lynn Alison Smalling ERAU Athletics The Embry-Riddle men’s basketball team wrapped up its first season of provisional membership in the Sunshine State Conference with an 83-74 road win over Lynn (12-14) on Saturday. Dalton Barnes led all players with 28 points to move into a tie for 16th on the Eagles’ career scoring charts with 1,404 points, and hauled in 10 rebounds for his only double-double of the year. Ognjen Miljkovic also finished with a double-double (his fifth of the season), tallying 20 points and a game-high 13 rebounds, while Dillon Gra-
ham turned in the Eagles’ only other double-digit scoring performance with 11 points. Reed Ridder achieved a career milestone with his eight points on Saturday. Ridder who scored 67 points in one season at Lynn and 936 in three seasons at ERAU, capped his collegiate career as a member of the 1,000-point club, finishing with 1,003 points. ERAU opened the contest with a Barnes jumper to tie the Knights at 2-2, but then the Eagle offense went cold, managing just two free throws over the next four minutes. Lynn was able to take advantage of the Eagles’ slow start and the Fighting Knights’ 10-0
run resulted in a 14-4 lead and prompted ERAU Head Coach Steve Ridder to call a timeout. Ridder’s timeout had the desired effect as his squad exited the huddle and went on a 10-0 run of its own to tie the score at 14-14 at the 13:48 mark. The remainder of the period was evenly contested with each team going 15-for-40 from the field and neither side pulling ahead by more than three points. Neither team shot the ball well from long range, combining for just three made three-pointers in the first half, and at the end of thefirst 20 minutes of play, Lynn held
a slim 42-41 edge. Things turned around for the Eagles in the second half, particularly in their long-range shooting as they connected on seven threes compared to just two in the first frame. After Fred Landers hit a pair of free throws to put Lynn up 49-47, Miljkovic knocked down his first trey of the evening to put ERAU back in front by one (5049) and that basket keyed a 14-4 run that gave the Eagles an 11-point advantage and their largest lead of the game. However, the Fighting Knights managed to whittle away at the lead and with 6:11 left to play, the Eagle margin was only two points (66-64).
Friday Men’s Tennis at Florida Tech Melbourne, Fla. at 12 p.m. Women’s Tennis at Florida Tech Melbourne, Fla. at 12 p.m. Baseball vs. Minnesota State Daytona Beach, Fla. at 7 p.m. Softball vs Florida Southern Daytona Beach, Fla. at 7 p.m.
Saturday Women’s Basketball vs Puerto Rico-Bayamon at 12 p.m. Softball vs Florida Southern Daytona Beach, Fla. at 1 p.m. Softball vs Florida Southern Daytona Beach, Fla. at 3 p.m. Zach Fedewa/The Avion Newspaper
Sunday No Games
The Eagles have an enthusiastic pre-game team huddle to hype everyone up for the game against Lynn University.
Women’s Track Falls to West Virginia Wesleyan Alison Smalling ERAU Athletics
Monday Baseball vs Cumberland Daytona Beach, Fla. at 6 p.m. Men’s Golf at Florida Tech Panther Invitational Viera, Fla.
The Embry-Riddle women’s track & field team hosted West Virginia Wesleyan in a dual meet on Saturday at the ERAU Track Complex. The Lady Bobcats bested the Eagles, 258-164. Caitlyn Joslyn won the hammer throw with a distance of 26.88m. She also took second place in the
shot put with a mark of 11.33m and the discus with a toss of 35.04m. Samantha Morton won the pole vault with a height of 3.20m, while Stephanie Mueller, competing unattached, tied for first in the high jump with a mark of 1.65m. On the track, Marina LeVine won the 400m in 1:00.90, placed second in the 800m (2:18.10), and took
fifth in the 100m (13.32). Daisha Brown (12.85) and Shonte Miller (13.02) finished just ahead of LeVine in the 100m, placing third and fourth, respectively. Sarah Edens earned a pair of third-place finishes, running the 1500m in 5:16.24 and the 800m in 2:32.00. In the 200m, Breona Butts took second place in 25.62 with Kortney Gray not far behind in third (25.74).
Running unattached, Kristen Metcalfe won the 800m in 2:13.70 and Devonne Friday won the 300m hurdles (45.94). Also in the 300m hurdles, Martina Tafoya finished second (47.41) and Tamara Chambers took third (49.52). The Eagles will be back in action March 11-12 at the USF Invitational in Tampa.
01 2016
The Avion
No. 24 ERAU Men’s Tennis Upsets No. 1 Barry 6-3
Juan Ortiz Clouder, Freshman, wins match and leads upset for ERAU Eagles.
Photo Courtesy: ERAU Athletics
vs ERAU: 6 Alison Smalling ERAU Athletics Just three days after moving into the No. 24 spot in the ITA/NCAA II national rankings, the Embry-Riddle men's tennis team earned one of the biggest wins in program history, downing top-ranked, defending NCAA Division II national champion Barry 6-3, Saturday at the Crotty Tennis Complex. The win was only the Eagles' second over the Buccaneers in 13 meetings and improved ERAU's overall record to 4-1, while Barry suffered their first loss in the 32 matches to move
Barry: 3 to 5-1 with the loss. "I was really proud of the guys today," ERAU Head Coach Dave Paschal said. "What a great team effort. I think it was on the top five matches I've ever seen our team play. There was a great energy and positivity between the courts and that just helped us play better. Hopefully we'll learn from that and grow. It's a big win when you beat the No. 1 team in the country and we're pretty excited right now. The guys did a great job." The Buccaneers earned their first point of the day when the third flight doubles team of Fabian Pronett
and Daniel Ventura topped Mickael Faucher and Rodolfo Arreygue 8-1. On court two, Fabian Zierleyn and Carlos Becke led for most of the match until Nico Dreer and Lucas Kogachi registered a hold and a break to go up 7-6. Becke held on the Eagle's next service game and then the ERAU duo recorded a break of its own to go up 8-7. With Zierleyn serving, the Eagles dropped just one point in the game to take the match 9-7 and tie the team score at 1-1. Deni Zmak and Juan Ortiz Couder got an early break against Franco Echenique and Ahmed Triki but the Barry pair quickly broke back and led until the Eagles broke again to go up 5-4. From that point, Ortiz Couder and Zmak never relinquished the lead and won 8-6 to give the Blue and Gold a 2-1 edge heading into singles.
Fabian Pronnet pulled the Buccaneers level with a 6-0, 6-3 win at No. 4 singles, but Luke de Caires defeated Tahirovic 7-5, 6-0 at the sixth spot and Becke followed with a 6-2, 6-2 defeat of Ventura on court three to put the Eagles back in front 4-2. Playing at the fifth spot in the lineup, Ortiz Couder fell behind 4-1 in the first frame, but the freshman won five games in a row to take the set. Up 3-2 in the second, he earned a break to go up 4-2 but Echenique broke back to make it 4-3. On Echenique's next service game, Ortiz Couder recorded another break and held serve to win the match 6-4 and clinch the upset for the Eagles. The final match off the court was between Zierleyn and Dreer at the second position. Zierleyn also came back from a 4-1 deficit to take
his first set 7-6 (7-5). THe ERAU senior stumbled in the second set 6-2, but easily downed Dreer 6-1 in the third to close out the match. The Eagles will be back in action on March 4 when they travel to Melbourne to take on Florida Tech at noon. Tennis Match Results: Barry vs Embry-Riddle Feb 27, 2016 at Daytona Beach, Fla. (Crotty Tennis Complex) #24 Embry-Riddle 6, #1 Barry 3 Singles competition 1. Ahmed Triki (BARRY-M) def. Deni Zmak (ERAUMT15) 3-6, 6-2, 6-2 2. Fabian Zierleyn (ERAUMT15) def. Nico Dreer (BARRY-M) 7-6 (7-5), 2-6, 6-1 3. Carlos Becke (ERAUMT15) def. Daniel Ventura (BARRY-M) 6-2, 6-2 4. Fabian Pronnet (BARRY-M) def. Rodolfo
Arreygue (ERAUMT15) 6-0, 6-3 5. Juan Ortiz Couder (ERAUMT15) def. Franco Echenique (BARRY-M) 6-4, 6-3 6. Luke de Caires (ERAUMT15) def. Ajdin Tahirovic (BARRY-M) 7-5, 6-0 Doubles competition 1. Deni Zmak/Juan Ortiz Couder (ERAUMT15) def. Ahmed Triki/Franco Echenique (BARRY-M) 8-6 2. Fabian Zierleyn/Carlos Becke (ERAUMT15) def. Nico Dreer/Lucas Kogachi (BARRY-M) 9-7 3. Fabian Pronnet/Daniel Ventura (BARRY-M) def. Rodolfo Arreygue/Mickael Faucher (ERAUMT15) 8-1 Match Notes: Barry 5-1; National ranking #1 Embry-Riddle 4-1; National ranking #24 Order of finish: Doubles (3,2,1); Singles (4,6,3,5,1,2) Ortiz Couder clinched at No. 5 singles.
Women’s Track Falls to West Virginia Wesleyan in Dual Meet Michael Pierce ERAU Athletics
in the 100m (13.32). Daisha Brown (12.85) and Shonte Miller (13.02) finished just ahead of LeVine in the 100m, placing third and fourth, respectively. Sarah Edens earned a pair of third-place finishes, running the 1500m in 5:16.24 and the 800m in 2:32.00. In the 200m, Breona Butts took second place in 25.62 with Kortney Gray not far behind
in third (25.74). Running unattached, Kristen Metcalfe won the 800m in 2:13.70 and Devonne Friday won the 300m hurdles (45.94). Also in the 300m hurdles, Martina Tafoya finished second (47.41) and Tamara Chambers took third (49.52). The Eagles will be back in action March 11-12 at the USF Invitational in Tampa.
Caitlyn Joslyn, Freshman, wins hammer throw.
Austin Coffey/ERAU Athletics
The Embry-Riddle women's track & field team hosted West Virginia Wesleyan in a dual meet on Saturday at the ERAU Track Complex. The Lady Bobcats bested the Eagles, 258-164. Caitlyn Joslyn won the hammer throw with a distance of 26.88m. She also took second place in the shot put
with a mark of 11.33m and the discus with a toss of 35.04m. Samantha Morton won the pole vault with a height of 3.20m, while Stephanie Mueller, competing unattached, tied for first in the high jump with a mark of 1.65m. On the track, Marina LeVine won the 400m in 1:00.90, placed second in the 800m (2:18.10), and took fifth
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